MSc course in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (scholarship deadline: 1 January)
MSc course in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modelling and Management (GEM)
The programme is taught in four countries: the UK, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands. Each institutions has a worldwide reputation in geo-information science for environmental modelling and management.
Applications for Erasmus Mundus scholarships,, must be received before 1 January 2008. Applications from full-fee paying students must be received before 1 July 2008.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MSc course in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation

European grants for masters students in Advanced Robotics 2008/2009
The European Union supports the masters course EMARO (European master on Advanced Robotics) by offering 18 attractive scholarships (2 years with 21000 €/year) for Non- European students and one grant for Western Balkan students. It offers also some grants (1,2 or 3 months) for Non- European scholars (academics).
The deadline of application is 31 January 2008. The Master has been accepted in the framework of the prestigious European programme on education “Erasmus Mundus”. The consortium conducting the Master is composed of three institutions: Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France), University of Genova (Italy) and Warsaw University of Technology (Poland).
Duration of studies is two years. The student spends each of those years in a different institution, thus he or she obtains two master’s diplomas of those two institutions. Langue of instruction is English.
Details of the grants and the Masters course can be found at:
Co-ordinator of EMARO
Prof. Wisama KHALIL
Ecole Centrale de Nantes
IRCCyN (Institut de Recherche en Communication et Cybernétique de Nantes)
B.P 92 101, 44321 Nantes cedex 03
E-mail : Wisama.Khalil[at]
Web :

America; MBA Full Scholarship
Full Tuition Scholarship for Indonesian National Thunderbird has dedicated a full tuition scholarship for a successful Indonesian applicant for the Fall 2008 intake.
Application deadline: April 28, 2008
- Covers tuition fees for 60 credit hour program (approx. value USD 75,000)
- Does not include living expenses, course materials, health insurance or Winterim/Summerim expenses (Candidate would have to prove financial ability to pay those “uncovered” costs before we could request the I-20 form needed to obtain the student visa)
- Degree from accredited four year institution or the US equivalent, validated by official transcripts which state the awarding of the final degree and the date of award
- GMAT score minimum of 550
- TOEFL score of at least 250 if candidate did not graduate from an English-speaking university, in a native English-speaking country
- Resume detailing all time since the completion of the degree required for admission
- 2 Letters of Reference from the professional environment
- 3 Personal Essays responding to application questions
- Min. 2 years of post-baccalaureate work experience
- Degree from accredited four year institution or the US equivalent, validated by official transcripts which state the awarding of the final degree and the date of award
- University record indicating completion of degree with a 3. GPA or the US equivalent
- GMAT score minimum of 640
- TOEFL score of at least 250 if candidate did not graduate from an English-speaking university, in a native English-speaking country
- A resume history showing the assignment and successful completion of increasing degrees of responsibility
- Letters of reference providing personal observations of leadership qualities
Representative Office – Singapore/ +65 8163 3174
About Thunderbird
In 1946, Thunderbird School of Global Management was founded as the first graduate management school focused exclusively on global business. It is regarded as the world’s leading institution in the education of global managers and has operations in the United States, Europe, Latin America, Russia and Asia.
Ranked No. 1 in international business by U.S. News and World Report and the Wall Street Journal survey of corporate recruiters, and the Financial Time, Thunderbird is dedicated to educating global leaders who create sustainable prosperity worldwide. The school’s programs facilitate the development of the global mindset which is critical to managing effectively in different social, economic and political environments.
More than 38,000 students have graduated from Thunderbird, and its alumni live and work in more than 140 countries. For more about Thunderbird, please visit: Read More......

European Master on Mechatronics and Micro-Mechatronic Systems
The European Union supports the masters course EU4M (European Master on Mechatronics and Micro-Mechatronic Systems ) by offering 18 attractive scholarships (2 years with 21000 €/year) for Non- European students and one grant for Western Balkan students. It offers also some grants (1,2 or 3 months) for Non- European scholars (academics).
The deadline of application is 31 January 2008. The Master has been accepted in the framework of the prestigious European programme on education “Erasmus Mundus”.
During the programme, the student will work one year on universities in two different european countries: Karlsruhe (Germany), Besancon (France) and Gijon (Spain). Lectures are given in the local languages French, German and/or Spanish.
Duration of studies is two years. During the programme, the student will work one year on universities in two different european countries: Hochschule Karlsruhe Technik und Wirtschaft, Karlsruhe (Germany), Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et des Microtechniques de Besancon(France) and Escuela Politécnica Superior de Gijon (Spain), obtaining two master’s diplomas of those two institutions. Lectures are given in the local languages French, German and/or Spanish.
Details of the grants and the Masters course and an online application form can be found at
Prof. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Fritz J. Neff
Co-ordinator of ERASMUS Mundus EU4M-Consortium
Director of LMHS (Lab for Micro-Mechatronic Systems)
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechatronics
Hochschule Karlsruhe - Technik und Wirtschaft
Moltkestrasse 30
76133 Karlsruhe
Tel.: ++(0)721 925-1706
FAX: ++(0)721 925-1707
e-mail: fritz.neff[at]
e-mail co-ordinator: eu4m-consortium[at]

BNI Multifinance Vacancy
BNI Multifinance is a subsidiary of BNI ’46, Tbk. We provide financial services to our clients, both individual and corporate. Our products include factoring, leasing, and consumer finances.
We are inviting young talents to fulfill our vacant position as follows:
Secretary to Board of Directors
1. Graduates from a reputable Academy/University, majoring in Secretary or Administration, GPA min. 2,80;
2. Experienced, min. 1 year;
3. Age max. 26 years;
4. Skilled in using MS Outlook, MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint;
5. Capable to manage in/outgoing letters, files, filing documents;
6. Pleasant personality;
7. Charming appearance;
8. Fluent in English (capable to compose letters & communicate in English);
Job Description:
1. Correspondence;
2. Preparing presentation/reports;
3. Filing & distributing memos/documents to managers;
4. Compiling news clippings;
5. Arranging schedules & meetings;
6. Receiving incoming calls & guests (for BOD).
Please send your complete resume to:
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Lowongan CPNS - BPK 2007
Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (BPK-RI), lembaga negara yang mempunyai tugas pokok memeriksa pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan negara, membuka kesempatan kepada warga negara Republik Indonesia:
- pria dan wanita
- lulusan sarjana
Dengan ketentuan-ketentuan pada link berikut Read More......
Saturday, December 15, 2007
PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology PhD Scholarship Software Engineering Research Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences.
A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.
The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.
Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.
Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply. Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.
Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:
Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: serl[at]
Closing date: 26 January 2008.

PhD Scholarships in Innovation Management, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
The Department of Marketing and Statistics at Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus (ASB) Denmark, invites applications for a PhD scholarship within the area of Innovation Management starting 1 March 2008.
Innovation Management is a focus area for the department’s research. In the field of Innovation Management, the Department has close research cooperations with the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These networks can be leveraged by the applicant.
The applicant is expected to do his/her PhD work in the following topic areas:
* Lead user innovation and entrepreneurship
* Emerging organizational forms for innovation and new business development
The PhD scholarship is partly financed by the EBST-project “Development of a model for lead-user based entrepreneurship” and will be carried out in close collaboration with the research activities going on in this project.
EBST is a department of the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs ( The project is a cooperation project between LEGO and Aarhus School of Business. Academic partners are Copenhagen Business School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For further information on the project, please visit this link.
Applicants are expected to have completed a Master’s degree in the social sciences with very good or excellent results. Good knowledge of statistics is essential.
Please contact Professor Christopher Lettl (lettl[ at ] for project descriptions and further information.
A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. As part of the PhD scholarship the applicant will be enrolled in the PhD programme comprising a number of courses within the relevant research area.
The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another - often foreign - research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences.
Conditions of employment
The PhD fellowship has a duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the fellowship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.
The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:
If you have any questions about the scholarship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, email: hsc[ at ]
The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded from:
or requested from Kirsten Hedegaard Fynsk, tel. +45 8948 6567, e-mail: kihf[at]
For the full details of the job announcement and applications requirements please refer to
Further information about Aarhus School of Business can be found at:, University of Aarhus:
Deadline for application: 7 January 2008 at 12:00 noon.

Post-doctoral Fellowships at National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France
We would like to inform you that INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research - France) is organizing a campaign to recruit 11 post-doctoral fellows. These young researchers are selected, irrespective of nationality, on the basis of a coherent scientific and professional project to work as part of INRA’s research teams.
The recipients are recruited on a two-year contract with a gross monthly salary of 2150€.
These post-doctoral positions are proposed in the following fields of research:
* Environment and rural space
* Food and human nutrition
* Agricultural products and process engineering
* Generic research
* Innovative and sustainable agricultural systems
Other necessary information is available on INRA’s web site.
For any question concerning post-doctoral positions, you can send an email to the following address:
Deadline for submitting applications: February 4, 2008

PhD Studentship in Bioinformatics and Modelling, Ghent University, Belgium
The Research Group Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics of the Department of Plant Systems Biology at VIB/Ghent University is currently looking for a:
PhD student in Bioinformatics
To work on an Interuniversity Attraction Pole (IAP) Research Project entitled BioMaGNet (Bioinformatics and Modelling: from Genomes to Networks)
Job description
* scientific research towards a PhD degree (4 year period, starting asap) in the framework of an IAP research project
* assist/perform scientific research on simulation and modeling of birth-death dynamics of small- and large-scale gene duplications in plants and other organisms
* perform theoretical and simulation studies of saturation effects in KS (age) distributions of duplicated genes
* regular interaction with an established network of top-level researchers
* requirement of attending and presenting your work at international scientific meetings
* publish in peer-reviewed international journals
Your profile
* you have a master in Sciences (Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics), Engineering or Bioengineering
* you have a strong interest in mathematical modeling and biology
* you have good knowledge of Java and/or C
* good communication and writing skills
* proficient in English
To apply for the job send your CV by email to Prof. Dr. Yves Van de Peer (yves.vandepeer[at] Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Official site.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The European Master’s Program in Computational Logic
We are glad to offers you the possibility to join our European Master Program of Computational Logic. This program is offered jointly at the Free-University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy, the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany, the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Spain and the Technische Universität Wien in Austria. Within this program you have the choice to study at two of the five European universities. You will graduate with a MSc in Computer Science from each of the two universities you have selected. Information on the universities and the program including the application form are provided here:
Language of instruction is English. Tuition fees are 3.000 EUR per year.
We would like to draw your attention to the ERASMUS-MUNDUS scholarship program. The ERASMUS-MUNDUS consortium offers 2-year scholarships of 42.000 EUR for non-EU students in our European Master Program in Computational Logic. EU-students may apply for a three- month scholarship of 3100 EUR for doing their project at NICTA in Australia.
Application deadline is February 10, 2008. Online-applications (pdf- files, ONLY) are possible and must contain:
# Application form
# Curriculum Vitae
# Reports on university examinations (transcripts) and diploma (first degree or bachelor degree). If the bachelor degree will only be available after the deadline, students are required to send us a PRELIMINARY certificate.
# English language certificate (TOEFL and IELTS)
More information on the application procedure are available from:
Do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions.
Kind regards — Steffen Hölldobler
Prof. Dr. Steffen Hoelldobler
International Center for Computational Logic Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden, Germany
phone: [+49](351)46 33 83 40
fax: [+49](351)46 33 83 42

8 fully funded Prize PhD Studentship in Physicss
The alliance brings together internationally leading physics research across Scotland to form the largest physics grouping in the UK. Major research themes being pursued are astronomy, condensed matter and materials physics, nuclear and plasma physics, elementary particles, photonics and physics and life sciences.
Job Description
The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) is offering up to 8 fully funded PhD studentships for outstanding students from anywhere in the world.
These prestigious and competitive awards are intended to attract outstanding students to study for a PhD in Scotland. Applicants will be registered for a PhD in physics at one of the participating Universities namely Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Paisley, St Andrews and Strathclyde. An excellent training environment will be provided by the SUPA Graduate School, giving candidates access to a wide range of courses across Scotland.
The online SUPA Prize Studentship is looking to recruit the best early stage researchers for Scotland from a world-wide market to come to Scotland and help drive the research agenda in physics. The competition has run three times very successfully. In the first year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition had 127 applications from 34 countries. 10 studentships were awarded. The second year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition saw an increase in applications and countries represented with 186 applications from 50 countries. 9 students were awarded the prize studentships. In our third year we had 230 applications again from around 50 countries and we awarded 15 studentships.
The SUPA Graduate School has 7 state of the art video-enable teaching rooms in each of the 6 SUPA partner physics departments and in the University of Dundee. All SUPA students have access to a comprehensive selection of advanced courses being delivered pan-Scotland by SUPA partners pooling expertise in the main theme areas of SUPA viz nuclear and plasma physics, photonics, condensed matter and material physics, astro and space, particle physics and physics and life sciences. In 2006-07, the first year of operation, we offered a total of 611 lecture hours across a choice of 48 graduate courses and 4 distance learning courses.
Three Learning Technologists support video-enabled teaching and develop e-learning materials for the Graduate School. Students and staff within SUPA have access to My.SUPA - a customised learning portal to enhance and support teaching, learning, communication and collaboration within the alliance.
Applications should be made at by 31 January 2008. Only on-line applications will be accepted. Please don’t e-mail us any documents before completing the on-line form.
Organisation/Institute Contact Data
Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
Mayfield Road
E-Mail: prize.admin[at]

European Master Scholarships in Informatics
The University of Trento (Italy), the RWTH Aachen University (Germany), and the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) offer a two year Joint Master’s Programme, named European Master in Informatics (EuMI,
The objective of the Master’s Programme is to educate professionals who will understand advanced techniques, tools, and methodologies in the field of Computer Science, and who will be able to put this knowledge to practice in the key application domains of Net-Centric/Media Informatics, Life Science Informatics, and Embedded Systems Informatics.
For each area of specialization, a joint curriculum is defined which involves two universities of the Consortium. The student admitted to a selected curriculum will study in two universities, taking courses with a focus on the selected area of specialization. The student will spend half of his/her Master’s course in one university and the other half in the other university.
20 scholarships will be offered for students who are residents of countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area/European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and the candidate countries for accession to the European Union (Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and Turkey). The amount of the scholarship is € 21.000 per year.
In addition, 5 scholarships will be assigned to students resident in European Union countries. The amount of the scholarship is € 3.000 per year.
The application requires two steps: An on-line application (due by January 14th, 2008) and the hard-copy submission of documents (due by January 21th, 2008).
Please go on the website ( to start an application.
Deadline: January 14th, 2008

Saturday, December 1, 2007
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: MSc in Network and e-Business Centred Computing (NeBCC)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: MSc in Network and e-Business Centred Computing (NeBCC)
Diselenggarakan di:
- The University of Reading, United Kingdom
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- University of Carlos III, Spain
Durasi: ~18 bulan, ketiga negara *pasti* dikunjungi minimal 1 term ~ 3 bulan
Sisa waktu: libur 3 bulan, dissertation/project/research ~ 6 bulan di salah satu dari tiga univ di atas
Prosedur pendaftaran lihat:
Beberapa (bukan semua!) info:
- IELTS (score of 6.5) or TOEFL (score of 570; computer-based version 230; internet-based 88) must be taken
- bundle all scanned documents, including application form, in a single PDF file and send it to
Deadline: 30 Januari 2008
Untuk tanya jawab spesifik (tolong baca dulu dengan detil informasi di situs di atas), bisa ke:
- (perlu subscribe dulu ke )
- japri ke saya
Saya jarang mengikuti milis ini jadinya mohon maaf kalau tidak cepat scmenjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan via milis. Oya, ada satu orang Indonesia yang sudah lulus program ini (angkatan 2005): Pak M Arief yang bekerja di BPPT. Saya sih baru mulai bulan oktober lalu :)
Erasmus Mundus NeBCC

PhD Position at ETH Zurich in Computational Science, Switzerland
PhD position at ETH Zurich, Institute of Computational Science, in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Large Research Facilities Division.
A PhD positioned is offered in the context of a 3-year Swiss NSF research grant. The goal of the project is the development of a large-scale finite element code for the simulation of resonant lossy electromagnetic structures (antennas, waveguides). This is the continuation of a project in which a code was developed for the design of particle accelerator cavities.
Applicants should have a university degree in Computational Science, Mathematics, Physics, or Electrical Engineering with strong programming skills (C++). Previous exposure to computational electrodynamics and the finite element method would be beneficial.
Please send applications by e-mail to Prof Peter Arbenz (arbenz[at] Applications must include a CV (with list of publications and contact information of two referees), grades of all university classes, and a one-page statement of your background and research interests.
For questions contact the above or Dr Benedikt Oswald (benedikt.oswald[at]

2008-2009 VLIR-UOS Scholarship Programme for Master and PhD, Belgium
The international study opportunities include the VLIR funded International Courses (ICPs) and the International Training Programmes (ITPs).
Every year, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC), VLIR awards scholarships to students from developing countries to study one of the 15 ICPs or one of the 6 ITPs.
Each year there are a maximum of 180 scholarships available for first-year ICP students and a maximum of 70 scholarships for ITP participants.
Although these programmes primarily address students and professionals from developing countries, they are also open to other people.
For more information, please refer to the more comprehensive VLIR publication ‘International Study Opportunities in Flanders, Belgium’, available at the Belgian Embassies, at selected universities in Africa, Asia and Latin America and downloadable from the VLIR website ( It contains details on course contents and application requirements, and explains the VLIR scholarship programme and the application procedure.
The application form can be found in the publication ‘International Study Opportunities in Flanders, Belgium’. It can also be obtained directly from the respective university or downloaded from the VLIR website.
The application form should be returned to VLIR no later than 1 February 2008.
We sincerely hope that the exchange during your study in Flanders results in partnerships and improved understanding across frontiers, and that the knowledge you acquire will be invested and disseminated in the framework of long-term initiatives in your country of origin.
International Courses 2008-2009
* Master of Science in Biostatistics
* Master of Science in Aquaculture
* Master of Science in Environmental Sanitation
* Master of Science in Nutrition and Rural Development, Main Subject: Human Nutrition
* Master of Nematology
* Master in Physical Land Resources
* Master of Food Technology
* Master of Human Ecology
* Master of Molecular Biology
* Master of Ecological Marine Management
* Master of Water Resources Engineering
* Master of Human Settlements
* Master in Development Evaluation and Management
* Master in Globalisation and Development
* Master in Governance and Development in Sub-Sahara Africa
International Training Programmes 2008
* Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation
* AudioVisual Learning Materials – Production and Management
* Governing for Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Development Actors under the New Aid Paradigm
* Dairy Technology: From Rural to Industrial Level
* Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries
* Optimisation in Diagnostic Radiology
For more information about the VLIR-UOS Scholarship Programme please contact Mr Mario De Meyer Assistant Scholarship Programme: mario.demeyer[at]
Deadline: 1 February 2008.
* Scholarship Flyer 2008-2009
* Brochure: International Study Opportunities
Via: VLIR-UOS website

PhD Studentship in Wireless Networks, University College London, UK
(subject to agreement, starting date: January 2008)
We wish to recruit a PhD student to work with Dr Yang Yang on a joint Toshiba Research Europe and UCL project focussing on the development of future intelligent self-configuring wireless networks. This research project will apply cognitive radio, machine learning, and biological inspired techniques to enable wireless networks have the capability of learning, reasoning, analysing and adjusting system parameters across different network layers, in order to achieve network self-organisation and optimal performance. Our research methodologies will involve algorithm development, performance evaluation, computer simulation and, if possible, testbed experiments.
Applicants are required to have an MSc degree in Electronic/Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or a related field, good knowledge of communication networks, sound analytical skills and programming skills (e.g. NS2, Matlab, C/C++, or Java), and effective written and verbal communication skills. It is desirable that the applications have some R&D experience in cognitive radio, machine learning, radio resource management, MAC protocols, traffic analysis or wireless QoS. A good track record of publications is a plus, but not a necessary requirement.
This PhD studentship is tax-free and is for three years (Jan 2008 - Jan 2011). It will cover the UCL tuition fees (up to 16K pounds per annum for an overseas student) and a stipend of around 1200 pounds per month to cover the student’s living expenses in London.
The following is a broad outline of the main duties and responsibilities:
* Design and analyse novel intelligent algorithms for self-organised wireless networks.
* Develop a simulation platform for performance evaluation.
* Prepare progress reports on research ideas and results for Toshiba.
* Contribute to the drafting and submitting of papers to appropriate peer reviewed journals.
* Contribute to the overall activities of the research team and department as required.
Interested applicants are encouraged to make informal enquiries to Dr Yang Yang, Email: y.yang[at] , Tel: +44 (0)20 7679 3973.
To apply, please summit your PhD application form online through
Please put Dr. Yang Yang’s name as your potential supervisor and mention your interest in “Toshiba PhD Studentship”.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 5th December 2007.

PhD from Medical Theoretical Center in Dresden, TU Dresden, Germany
One PhD position and a stipend for one Research Assistant are available in the Medical Theoretical Center in Dresden in the fields of “Pluripotency and Germ Stem Cells” and “Meiotic chromosome behaviour in mammals”
Both the PhD and the full time Research Assistant position are available from the 1st of January 2008 in the laboratory of Dr. Attila Tóth. Applications are currently accepted and positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.
Successful candidates will participate in one of two projects:
One project aims to develop strategies for in vitro generation of pluripotent stem cells from testis derived germ stem cells. The work will include: a genetic screen to identify and characterize factors that can induce pluripotency in germ stem cells, cell culture experiments, bioinformatics, mouse genetics and biochemistry.
The other project focuses on the genetic and biochemical analysis of novel meiotic genes, identified by our laboratory, that play important roles in meiotic recombination and in meiotic chromosome behaviour in mice.
The qualified applicant should have some theoretical background in molecular biology, and some laboratory experience (In the case of Research Assistant this can be bachelor’s degree and practical work or Master’s degree, MTA is not sufficient on its own).
Interested candidates should send a short description of their scientific interest, their CV and the contact details of two or three references to Dr. Attila Tóth, e-mail: Attila.toth[at]
website link click here.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
PhD Positions at The Earth System Sciences Research School (ESSRES), Germany
The Earth System Sciences Research School (ESSRES), funded by the German Helmholtz Association, offers 12 PhD-positions for outstanding young scientists in the topical field of earth system science.
The Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, the Institute of Environmental Physics at the University of Bremen, and the Jacobs University Bremen, provide a unique research environment in Germany, bridging the gap between traditional disciplines. The ESSRES combines observations, modelling, and data analysis in order to understand and decipher the complex earth’s climate system and their interaction with the biosphere.
Areas of study include:
* Biogeoscience (e.g., carbon cycle, ecosystem analysis)
* Climate dynamics (e.g., earth system modelling)
* Geoinformatics (e.g., data management, GIS application)
* Geology (e.g., sediment cores)
* Geophysics (e.g., structure of marine sediments, palaeo bathymetry)
* Glaciology (e.g., ice core analysis)
* Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere (e.g., trace gases, aerosols, clouds)
Accompanying courses in earth system science contain a great deal of necessary technical and specialised areas: specialists from the institutes as well as national and international collaboration partners will give lectures about fundamental concepts of the related research fields, and provide knowledge through expert courses on special themes. Students of the ESSRES will be given the opportunity to attend conferences and summer schools, excursions, as well as visits at international partner institutes. Furthermore, the PhD programme includes compulsory courses on presentation techniques, communication and scientific management.
The Helmholtz Research School on Earth System Science (ESSRES) invites suitable candidates to apply for a PhD position in our International PhD Programme which is going to start on 1st June, 2008.
Applicants with a Masters degree or a Diploma (or equivalent) in Biology, Biogeochemistry, Physics, Geosciences, Geology, Informatics, Mathematics, or related fields will be considered.
Applicants are currently enrolled in a degree leading to a Master’s or equivalent must have been awarded their degree prior to the start of the courses in October 2008.
The online application will accept submissions for the first round from 15 November, 2007, with deadline 31st January, 2008. Successful candidates are notified in spring 2008. The duration of the PhD stipend is 3 years. Students have the opportunity to obtain their PhD degree at the University of Bremen or Jacobs University.
Application Details and Admission Requirements can be found at:
Dr. Klaus Grosfeld - ESSRES Coordinator -
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
Bussestrasse 24
D - 27570 Bremerhaven
phone: +49 (0)471 4831 1765
email: info[at]
Deadline: 31st January, 2008

PhD Studentship in Climate Downscaling, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
A Canadian research network on climate downscaling has provided funding for a Ph.D./M.Sc. student in the Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, at the Univ. of British Columbia. Research would involve using machine learning/statistical methods (e.g. neural networks, kernel methods) to downscale the coarse-resolution global climate/weather model outputs to finer, local scales. Applications include precipitation and extreme weather forecasts, and climate change scenarios.
Please apply online at this site, or contact
Prof. William Hsieh, E-mail: whsieh[ at ], website:

Vacant PhD Position at the University of Bonn
Research field:
Numerical modeling of atmospheric chemical processes
A PhD position is available at the Meteorological Institute of the University of Bonn. Together with another Postdoc student, the applicant will work within a common research project of the Meteorological Institutes of the Universities of Bonn and Mainz and the Max-Planck-Institute for Chemistry in Mainz.
The research is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). It is limited to a three year period with a salary TVL 13/2.
Proposed research of the project:
Numerical modeling of chemical processes in the atmosphere is essential to increase our understanding of atmospheric composition and its changes induced by human activity. In recent years, global-scale atmospheric models have been developed that calculate the concentration and processing of atmospheric trace constituents. However, for key problems, e.g. local air quality and long-range transport from local sources, the development of high-resolution models is essential. In this project such a model will be developed.
The model will be driven by consistent meteorological and chemical fields. This will be achieved through an online coupling of the global ECHAM5/MESSy system with the COSMO-model of the German Meteorological Service. First applications of the newly developed model COSMO-MESSy will serve to investigate its capabilities for a detailed analysis of field measurements, the direct simulation of mesoscale chemical perturbations like dust and biomass burning plumes, as well as an assessment and forecast of local air quality.
Diploma/Master in meteorology, physics, informatics, mathematics or related fields.
Experience with numerical modeling of atmospheric processes.
Skills in Linux, FORTRAN, IDL or others.
Until end of December 2007 at the address:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bott
Meteorological Institute
University of Bonn
Auf dem Huegel 20
D-53121 Bonn
Email: abott[at]
Prof. Dr. Andreas Bott
Geschaeftsfuehrender Direktor
Meteorologisches Institut
Universitaet Bonn
Auf dem Huegel 20
D-53121 Bonn
Tel: +49-(0)228-735189
Fax: +49-(0)228-735188

Sunday, November 25, 2007
SCHLUMBERGER Foundation Scholarship
Faculty for the Future
Forty-three academics were awarded Faculty for the Future grants in 2006-2007 bringing our current total to 67 women from 25 countries.
Women in science and technology
Faculty for the Future is a strategic partnership with the education sector in emerging economies to encourage women in their pursuit of academic careers in science and technology. Building on our worldwide network of university relationships, this program provides funding for advanced graduate study. The long-term goal is to support role models and improve gender balance at the faculty level so that more young women are attracted into scientific disciplines.
Grant recipients in the Faculty for the Future program are expected to return to their home countries to continue their academic careers.
Women must meet the following criteria:
- are preparing for PhD or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences and related technologies
- have a proven track record demonstrating commitment to teaching
- demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach to encourage young women in to the sciences
- have a strong academic record, with teaching and research experience.
Schlumberger Foundation Grants range from USD 25,000 to 50,000 per year and may be renewed up to two times subject to performance, self-evaluation, and recommendations from supervisors. The amount of the grant depends on the costs of study and living in the chosen location.
Application process
Schlumberger in Nigeria is running in-country preselection processes. If you are from Nigeria, submit your application form by December 15 2007 to
All other candidates should apply directly to the Schlumberger Foundation. Applications must be submitted by November 30 2007.
2007-2008 Application Form (228 KB ZIP)
Conditional awards may be made prior to acceptance at graduate school; funding is often a requirement for admission. However, all awards are subject to admission to an appropriate graduate program. Please do not apply if you will not be starting your study program before spring 2009.

PhD Studentship in Opthalmology - University College, London
Pressure damage to the optic nerve head in glaucoma is the most common cause of irreversible blindness and is currently incurable. Recent experimental work has demonstrated that an adult stem cell, the olfactory ensheathing cell, can structurally and functionally repair spinal cord tract and root injuries, and that these cells also stimulate the regeneration of optic nerve fibres. This PhD project will investigate transferring the application of these cells to optic nerve damage. The student will be supervised by Professor P T Khaw (UCL Institute of Ophthalmology) and Professor G Raisman (UCL Institute of Neurology).
Applicants should have a first class honours degree or equivalent in a related subject. The studentship can only be awarded to students from India, China, and the developing world countries, as defined by the OECD (see for details of eligible countries).
This studentship is available immediately and offers a stipend of £14,600 plus fees at the overseas student rate. This Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award is partly funded by the Medical Research Council and the charity Fight for Sight.
Interest applicants may get further information from an application form is available at
*UCL is an equal opportunities employer.*
Closing Date: 7th December.

Job Vacancy For Geologist
A Malaysian based Multinaltional Oil Company, is looking for qualified professional to fill these following positions;
Sr. Geologist (Sr.GG)
1. Degree in Geology
2. Minimum 10 years experience in the oil and gas sector with at lest 5 years in the operating environment.
3. Knowledgeable in planning and executing seismic survey and processing
4. On-the-job experience of integrated prospect evaluation and resource assessment with modern technology, maturing prospects and make decision for optimally drilling them cost effectively
5. Have full expertise in life of field cycle starting from initial exploration appraisal right up to field development and subsequent exploitation
6. The incumbent should be fully conversant in English communication skill, both oral & writing.
Geologist (GG)
1. Degree in Geology
2. Minimum 3 years experience in the oil and gas sector covering Exploration & Development Geology.
3. Experience in integrated prospect evaluation and resource assessment with modern technology, maturing prospects for optimal drilling
4. The incumbent should be fully conversant in English communication skill, both oral & writing.
Send your resume to with position title as the email subject before 30 November 2007. Only shortlisted candidate will be notified
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Lowongan CPNS - DPD
Nomor :KP.310/ 72 /DPD/XI/2007
Dengan ini diumumkan bahwa Sekretariat Jenderal Dewan Perwakilan Daerah Republik Indonesia akan menyelenggarakan Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) formasi tahun anggaran 2007 dengan kualifikasi pendidikan, persyaratan dan tata cara pelamaran sebagai berikut :
Kualifikasi pendidikan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) yang akan diterima pada Tahun Anggaran 2007, sesuai dengan formasi CPNS yang telah ditetapkan adalah sebagai berikut :
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap, silakan klik di sini
Lowongan CPNS - Depdiknas 2007
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional RI Direktorat Jenderal Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan membuka penerimaan CPNS tahun 2007.
informasi selengkapnya di sini
Lowongan CPNS - Depkes 2007
Departemen Kesehatan RI membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita lulusan D-III dan Sarjana untuk diangkat sebagai CPNS Pusat yang akan ditempatkan di seluruh Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis milik Departemen Kesehatan di da
Untuk informasi selengkapnya, klik di sini
Untuk informasi alokasi Jawa Timur, klik di sini
We are the fastest growing Sharia Bank in Indonesia is currently seeking for people who will feel blessed to work with the Bank. We invite professionals and highly motivated people to apply for job vacancies as follows
Secretary to President Director (SPD)
The requirements :
* Minimum 3 years experience at similar position.
* Minimum Education S-1 with IPK 3,25 or above from reputable university.
* Able to communicate in English (speaking & writing).
* Computer Literate.
* Energetic, able to work in speed and under pressure.
* Good in performance and pleasant personality.
* Highly committed to the Bank.
* Preferably Female.
The supporting documents needed as follows:
* Letter of application
* Curriculum Vitae
* Recent photograph (2 sheet of 3X4 Size)
* Stating the position code at the top left side of the envelope: (SPD) for Secretary to President Director
* Any supporting documents (graduation sertificate, transcript, training/courses sertificate, etc)
If you think you fit the above requirement, please send your resume and any supporting documents to:
Recruitment & Selection
Divisi Sumberdaya Insani
Gd. Menara BDN Lt 5
Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83
Jakarta Pusat
e-mail: recruitment[at]
Vacancy at PT Astra International, Tbk (Head Office)
PT Astra International Tbk is a large and solid Company with wide business interest in automotive, financial services, heavy equipment, agribusiness, information technology, and infrastructure sectors.
We are currently seeking for professional candidates with strong analytical ability, high sense of achievement, ability to work under pressure, and fluency in English (both oral and written) to join Astra winning team.
The available positions is as follow:
1. Senior Architect - Internet Systems & IT Security
2. Senior Architect - Microsoft Windows Servers Systems
3. Senior Architect - Information Security
1. Senior Architect - Internet Systems & IT Security
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Having min 6 years of hands-on experience in the design & implementation of Internet & Security system infrastructure
* Having min 3 years of hands-on experience in the assessment & hardening of the security of the systems, network & security infrastructure
* Education min S1 in Computer Science or Engineering
* Having relevant certification is a plus (CEH, RHCE)
* Permanent base
2. Senior Architect - Microsoft Windows Servers Systems
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Having min 6 years of hands-on experience in the design & implementation of business solutions on Microsoft Windows Server system platform
* Education min S1 in Computer Science or Engineering
* Having MCSE certification is a plus
* Permanent base
3. Senior Architect - Information Security
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Having min 6 years of hands-on experience in the design & implementation of of some areas in Information Security Management Systems (ISMS)
* Having hands-on experience in the development & implementation of Business Continuity Plan & Disaster recovery Plan
* Education min S1 in computer science or engineering
* Having relevant certification is a plus (CISSP, CISA, CISM, CBCP)
* Permanent base
Please send your Application Letter and CV to:
PT Astra International Tbk
Jl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 Sunter II
Jakarta Utara 14330
Kode: ARC - CIST
Email to: ati.kurniasari[at]
Deadline: 20-12-07
Sunday, November 18, 2007
MS/PhD Fellowships at Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE
The Petroleum Institute (PI) is seeking applications from highly qualified candidates who are interested in pursuing graduate studies leading to Masters and Ph.D. degrees. Current major areas of interest include chemical, electrical, mechanical, petroleum and geosciences engineering.
The Institute will launch its Masters program from Fall 2007 and its strategic five-year plan calls for the launch of the Ph.D. program in Fall 2010. In the interim period, qualified students who meet the admission requirements of both the PI and the selected partner institution can do their course work and carry out their doctoral research through a joint program between the PI and the partner institution, with the understanding that the degree will be conferred by the partner institution.
Qualifications/required skills:
Candidates with excellent academic credentials are invited to apply. They will be expected to have a B.S. degree from a well recognized university. For individuals from non-English countries, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 is required.
Chemical Engineering:
Electrical Engineering:
Mechanical Engineering:
Petroleum Engineering:
Stipend / Benefits:
Stipend is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience, with an excellent benefits package, including a twelve-month base stipend, on-campus room and board, medical insurance, and travel funds to attend conferences and stays at PI’s partner institutions. Applicant must be in excellent health and will be required to pass a pre-award physical examination. The UAE levies no income taxes.
To Apply:
Interested candidates are requested to submit (preferably in Word or pdf form) the following as an attachment with their email:
* a letter of interest, which addresses the applicant’s qualifications for the fellowship;
* a current resume with detailed summary of academic achievements and credentials;
* an official copy of academic records, and
* at least three letters of recommendation in support of the candidate’s application.
Send all requested materials to the Recruiting Coordinator at The Petroleum Institute (recruiting-coordinator[at]
Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until successful candidates are selected. The initial phase of receiving applications will close by November 30, 2007.
Find details in:

PhD positions in Rehabilitation Robotics, University of Bremen, Germany
The Institute of Automation, University of Bremen, Germany, has openings for three PhD positions (E 13 TV-L) – under the condition of job release – in the project AMaRob (, The Institute of Automation has a strong tradition in robotics and image processing, and scientists and students from more than nine countries are working at the institute.
The qualified candidate will join an already existing team, and should carry out high level research in the field of
• Safety and software architecture or
• Grasping with Local Sensors or
• Intelligent Environments at Workplaces
In the following, these fields are described in more detail:
Emphasis on Safety and Software Architecture
As the rehabilitation robot operates in the vicinity of humans, the safety of the system is a very important issue. The candidate should apply available and research new solutions for increasing the safety of the system and especially within the software, as well as introduce methodologies which insure the quality of software.
Emphasis on Grasping with Local Sensors
This field focuses on robust grasping of different objects by using local sensors. Object grasping is a central issue for a robotic system that includes manipulators. There have been a lot of research activities in this field, but the desired robustness is still not achieved. Recent developments of smaller and more powerful sensors, as well as more capable grippers offer a broad range of possibilities for further improvements. Moreover, including learning strategies would add further enhancements not only from the practical, but also from the scientific point of view.
Emphasis on Intelligent Environment at Workplaces
The most common understanding of “intelligent” environments is to introduce, within living environments, facilities that are capable of ambient computing. The objective is to support the human being in his activities of daily living. In contrast, our focus is to support a rehabilitation robotic system with smart environmental components and thus reduce the technical complexity of the robot system or to be able to solve certain robot tasks at all. Within the AMaRob project, different scenarios shall be realized that support strongly disabled persons at workplaces to reintegrate these persons into the working life.
Within this proposed field the candidate will be responsible for developing methodologies of integrating actuators and sensors into the scenarios as well as into the software architecture.
- Dipl.-Ing. or Master degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or other comparable studies
- Very experienced in object-oriented programming in C++ and modelling with UML
Optional Experiences:
- Working with Linux
- CASE-tool supported Model Driven Development (Rhapsody/Telelogic)
Interested candidates should send an application to Professor Axel Gräser, ag[at]
The application must contain:
- A complete C.V.
- Complete examination documents BSc., MSc., …
- A short description of ideas for a thesis in the above mentioned fields
- Names and full addresses of 2-3 scientists who may be asked for a recommendation
Deadline for Application: 30.11.2007
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be given priority.
More information can be obtained by contacting:
Prof. Dr. Axel Graeser
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik
Universität Bremen
Otto Hahn Allee NW1
D-28359 Bremen
Phone.: ++49-421-218-7326 / 7523
Fax.: ++49-421-218-4596 / 4707
Mobile: ++49-177-79 79 036
website link:

Friday, November 16, 2007
Vacancy at Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Foundation is one of Indonesia leading not-for-profit organizations dedicated to improving the quality of, and access to education, requires high motivated candidates to fulfill the following position:
Accounting Staff (Code: Acc)
* Holds min S1 in Accounting
* Possesses minimum 1 (one) year working experience in accounting, preferably in public accountant
* Computer literacy especially for Microsoft Office (Ms. Excel, Ms. Word and Ms. Power Point)
* Good command of English both written and spoken
* Familiar with accounting software, preferably in using Microsoft Solomon
* Highly motivated and eager to learn
* Great personality and have a good team work
Tax and Budget Officer (Code: Tax Off)
* Holds min S1 in Finance or Accounting with GPA min 2,75
* Possesses minimum 3 (three) years working experience in taxation and budgeting, preferably in Non Profit Organization
* Experiences in handling tax audit will be an advantage
* Strong knowledge of Indonesia current tax regulation
* Able and familiar to use e-SPT
* Has good relationship and communication in dealing with Government Tax Office
* Understand and familiar with company budget / forecast preparation and implementation process
* Good command of English both written and spoken
* Computer literacy especially for Microsoft Office (Ms. Excel, Ms. Word and Ms. Power Point)
* Good leadership and high level of integrity
* Willing to work under pressure and meet the deadline with high speed and accuracy level
Please send your full resume and put the vacancy code on the top-right of the envelope/letter or at the subject line of your email before 1 December 2007 to:
Sampoerna Strategic Square Tower A, 26th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 45
Jakarta 12930 Indonesia
or e-mail to :
Vacancy at PT HM Sampoerna
PT Sampoerna Print Pack is an affiliate of PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. Our core business is to produce all paper packaging materials for all products of PT HM Sampoerna Tbk.
We are currently looking for :
1. Rotogravure Manager
2. Accountant ( ACCT )
3. Design Technician (DT)
1. Rotogravure Manager
(Jawa Barat - Karawang)
* To manage all activities in the Rotogravure Department including of planning, organizing, controlling, and reporting for ensuring that the whole of printing processes are well managed. Provide production outcome such as packaging printed material, and printed cigarette paper, match to agreed schedule, quantity, quality and budget.
* The incumbent will be located in Sukorejo, East Java for temporarily during January - May 2008.
* Hold Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
* Hold around 6 years experience in progressive working in related printing, packaging and converting industry, preferably at Rotogravure.
* Hold around 3 years experience in managerial level
* Having knowledge in Rotogravure Printing and Packaging Technology, cigarette paper printing with dry offset, ink know how, printing cylinder, Board/Paper and Film technology.
* Having ability to operate rotogravure printing machine, well known with register control, tension control, shall able to identify printing problem and find out solution.
* Having strong analytical and learning capabilities, achievement orientation and integrity.
* Good in leadership and team work.
* Fluent in English is a must.
* Computer literate.
2. Accountant ( ACCT )
(Surabaya and Jakarta)
* To ensure all financial accounting transaction processes comply with policies, tax and procedures as well as to support treasury to do the payment in the timely manner
* The incumbents must hold Bachelor Degree in Accounting with min GPA 3.00.
* Preferably Fresh Graduates, but people with maximum 2 years working experience in Finance and Accounting may apply.
* Have good analytical thinking, customer service orientation, teamwork & cooperation skills, and business minded
* Proficient in both oral and written English
3. Design Technician (DT)
(Jawa Timur - Sukorejo)
* To perform preparation and modification of original artwork to create a printable/produce able file; including new product development and or product improvement (to match production requirements) and provide support to HMS & Regional (AOC) in GTP, TD, CPI and Prototype/mock up creation.
* Hold Bachelor Degree in Design Product, Design Graphics or Architecture, with minimum GPA 2.75.
* Having software skills in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
* Having strong analytical and learning capabilities, achievement and consumer orientation.
* Good in teamwork.
* Fluent in English is a must.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached your comprehensive resume, not later than November 30, 2007 to:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview
PhD position in Mathematics, Albert Einstein Institute, Germany
The Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) will fill research positions and PhD positions in the areas
* Mathematical Relativity
* Geometric Analysis
Research programs concern the mathematical foundations of general relativity and related physical theories, they are based in analysis, geometry and numerical analysis. In particular, nonlinear partial differential equations are a common theme of our research.
The Einstein field equations model both the behaviour of global cosmological models and of isolated gravitating systems such as stars, black holes and galaxies. Our research addresses the qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions with respect to their local and global behaviour, singularity formation and numerical simulation and investigates the close correspondence between geometrical structures and physical concepts. Other field equations arise from string theory and the consideration of matter in modern mathematical models in elasticity, fluids, electromagnetism and gauge theories.
Several mathematical projects are concerned with the geometrical structure of space and time. They involve geometrical variational principles characterizing specific models in geometry and physics as well as geometric evolution equations like the mean curvature flow of surfaces and the Ricci-flow of Riemannian metrics.
There are close interactions with the research sections “Astrophysical Relativity” and “Quantum Gravity and Unified Theories” in the Albert Einstein Institute, as well as with the universities in Berlin and Potsdam.
Postdoctoral appointments typically are for two years, starting September 2008 or earlier.
A limited number of PhD-scholarships is available, compare also the website of our “International-Max-Planck-Research-School” *
To apply please submit a curriculum vitae, list of publications and statement of research interests and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to
Frau Anne Lampe
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik
Am Mühlenberg 1
D-14476 Golm
email: anne.lampe[at]
The deadline for applications in the initial round of appointments is 15. December 2007.
The Max Planck Society is an equal opportunity employer, therefore women are especially encouraged to apply. The Max Planck Society is also committed to employ more handicapped individuals and especially encourages them to apply.
For further information please contact H. Friedrich, G. Huisken or A. Rendall at the address
website link:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Lowongan CPNS - Pertamina Retail 2007
PT Pertamina Retail need staf technik with qualification:
* AGE MAX 27 years
* experience +/- 3 years (SPBU recommended)
* Strong in estimation
* Capable to design (CAD)
* Field experience
* Strong in concrete and steel
* Product knowledge petrol station
* Capability in electricity standard
* Honest and trustworthy
* Good communication and persuasion
* Work harder ability
* Good in administration
Sent CV to:
Deadline Date : Monday, November 26, 2007
Vacancy at PT Sinarmas Sekuritas
PT Sinarmas Sekuritas adalah perusahaan efek yang sedang berkembang, membutuhkan karyawan yang dinamis, motivasi tinggi, berpotensi tinggi, dan memiliki kemampuan.
Customer Service and Admin
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)
* Female
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta Pusat.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Preferred language(s): Chinese, English
Lamaran Ditujukan :
BII Plaza Tower III. Lt.7
JL.MH.Thamrin No.51
Jakarta 10350
Email: marianto[at]
Closing Date: 11 December 07
McDonald’s Indonesia is Looking for the energetic, smart and qualified person to join us for the position of :
Business Consultant / Assistant Manager Level Post Date: 13 Nov 07
* Male/Female
* Maximum 28 years old
* S1, minimum 2 years experience preferred in Service Industry
* Business and result oriented
* Good teamwork, good leadership, good interpersonal relationship
* Good in English both speaking, writing and reading
Completed application, including previous employment references should be sent within 15 day :
Human Resources Department
McDonald’s Indonesia
Plaza Bapindo/Citibank Tower 3rd floor
Jl. Jend.Sudirman kav. 54-55, Jakarta 12190
Or by email :
PhD Scholarship in the Centre for International Business Law, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
The Centre for International Business Law (CIBL), a research centre at Department of Law, at Aarhus School of Business (ASB), University of Aarhus, is advertising one PhD fellowship available as at January 1, 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Only applicants with projects within the research profile of CIBL will be considered. The research of CIBL is focusing on the legal aspects of the internationalisation of firms and on the internationalisation of business law itself. More detailed information about CIBL can be found at:
More information on the position can be obtained from Centre Director Karsten Engsig Sørensen, tel. +45 8948 6335, e-mail: kas [at]
PhD students in Denmark work under very favourable terms: They are employed on a full-time basis for three years and receive a salary in the entire period. The salary is enough to cover all necessary accommodation and living costs and for leading an active life. A PhD student does not pay university fees.
PhD students at Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus (ASB), work under almost the same terms as other research staff, i.e. they have their own office space with a computer, incl. Internet access, email, phone etc., as well as access to secretarial assistance etc. Moreover, expenses in connection with the scientific work are covered, e.g. participation in research courses and academic conferences in Denmark and abroad.
There are also good and well-paid job opportunities in Denmark for people with a PhD degree, both within and outside the university sector.
A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another – often foreign – research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences. In addition, it is expected that PhD students participate in and contribute to the other activities of the Centre.
Conditions of employment
The PhD fellowship has duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the fellowship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.
Under the so-called 4+4 programme, the PhD student will enrol before the final year of the Master’s programme and the duration of the programme will thereafter be four years. A postgraduate fellowship has duration of 2½ years and is directed at graduates with a minimum of two years of work experience.
The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:
If you have any questions about the fellowship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, e-mail: hsc [at]
The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded from: or requested from Kirsten Hedegaard Fynsk, tel. +45 8948 6567, e-mail: kihf [at]
The following material must be submitted:
* Application form (scholarship no. 544-0104)
* Project description (max. 5 pages), including the expected theoretical and methodological approach
* Outline of PhD course programme
* Graduate diploma (including a list of all grades)
* CV
* Other material, if any (e.g. publications), which should be taken into account in the assessment
The application and attachments must be submitted in sets (without binding) in five copies by ordinary mail to Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus, Management Office, Fuglesangs Allé 4, 8210 Aarhus V, Denmark, Attn.: Kirsten Hedegaard Fynsk, or via e-mail to kihf [at]
Questions about the preparation of the project description may be directed to Centre Director Karsten Engsig Sørensen, tel. +45 8948 6335, e-mail: kas [at]
Deadline for application Tuesday 20 November 2007 at 12:00 noon.
The applications will subsequently be assessed by an expert assessment committee, and applicants will receive the committee’s assessment of the individual application and the response to the application from ASB approx. one month after the expiry of the deadline for application.
The assessment of the application comprises an overall assessment of the applicant and his or her qualifications. Particular weight is attached to the project proposal, the grades obtained by the applicant in the study programme, and to whether the applicant, during the study programme or in another manner, has displayed special skills in writing major papers, e.g. a thesis.
Aarhus School of Business is part of University of Aarhus. It currently has 480 permanent employees, including 240 researchers. ASB holds the international EQUIS accreditation awarded by the EFMD (European Foundation of Management Development).
Researchers at ASB cover most fields of research in management, economics, business communication and law. ASB has developed a large international network in these fields.
More than 7,000 students are enrolled at the university. Studyprogrammes include six-semester bachelor programmes, four-semester master’s programmes and three-year full-time PhD programmes as well as part-time MBA and diploma courses.
The scientific staff of the Department of Law includes 20 researchers of whom 7 are full professors. There are also a number of PhD students.
Further information about Aarhus School of Business can be found at:, University of Aarhus:

Postdoctoral in Computer Science (Data and Search Informatics), Indiana University, USA
The Center for Data and Search Informatics at Indiana University has an active program with research in areas including Internet modeling, recommender systems, information retrieval, human interaction, provenance and metadata, and workflow systems.
The center is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to work on projects related to data provenance in cyberinfrastructure (or e-Science) environments. This work is in collaboration with faculty in artificial intelligence, information visualization, the IU Digital Libraries Program, and industry participants. The candidate must have a PhD and have expertise in the area of metadata, provenance, workflow systems, and/or semantic web. Experience in empirical system evaluation is needed, as are demonstrated strong writing skills.
Initial appointment as a postdoctoral fellow will be for one year with possible renewal for an additional 2-3 years. A PhD in computer science or a closely related field is required. Applications for the postdoctoral position are accepted on a continuing basis and starting dates can be adjusted, however, a starting date of January 2008 is ideal. Send curriculum vita and contact information for three references to:
Professor Beth Plale
Department of Computer Science
215 Lindley Hall
Bloomington, IN 47405-7104
fax: 812-855-4829
e-mail: plale[at]

Fully Funded Prize PhD Studentships in Physics, Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), UK
The alliance brings together internationally leading physics research across Scotland to form the largest physics grouping in the UK. Major research themes being pursued are astronomy, condensed matter and materials physics, nuclear and plasma physics, elementary particles, photonics and physics and life sciences.
The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) is offering up to 8 fully funded PhD studentships for outstanding students from anywhere in the world. These prestigious and competitive awards are intended to attract outstanding students to study for a PhD in Scotland.
Applicants will be registered for a PhD in physics at one of the participating Universities namely Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Paisley, St Andrews and Strathclyde. An excellent training environment will be provided by the SUPA Graduate School, giving candidates access to a wide range of courses across Scotland.
The online SUPA Prize Studentship is looking to recruit the best early stage researchers from a world-wide market to come to Scotland and help drive the research agenda in physics. The competition has run three times very successfully. In the first year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition had 127 applications from 34 countries. 10 studentships were awarded. The second year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition saw an increase in applications and countries represented with 186 applications from 50 countries. 9 students were awarded the prize studentships. In our third year we had 230 applications again from around 50 countries and we awarded 15 studentships.
The SUPA Graduate School has 7 state of the art video-enable teaching rooms in each of the 6 SUPA partner physics departments and in the University of Dundee. All SUPA students have access to a comprehensive selection of advanced courses being delivered across the country by SUPA partners pooling expertise in the main theme areas of SUPA viz nuclear and plasma physics, photonics, condensed matter and material physics, astro and space, particle physics and physics and life sciences. In 2006-07, the first year of operation, we offered a total of 611 lecture hours across a choice of 48 graduate courses and 4 distance learning courses. Three Learning Technologists support video-enabled teaching and develop e-learning materials for the Graduate School. Students and staff within SUPA have access to My.SUPA - a customised learning portal to enhance and support teaching, learning, communication and collaboration within the alliance.
For more information on SUPA goto
The prize studentships will be open for applications from Oct 2007, with a deadline for submission of 31 January 2008. For more information on the studentships goto

Transmission Planner Engineer - EXELCOMINDO PRATAMA
Transmission Planner Engineer (code : TPE)
Responsible for identifying and determining the configuration, capacities and service capabilities of the transmission network. Establishing design criteria for Transmission dimensioning plan and product/feature evolution plan (technologies and configuration). Preparing & conducting new transmission product trial, business plan for transmission network elements and transmission technology strategy.
- University graduate in Electrical Engineering majoring in Telecommunication
- 5 years of experience in Telco industry with at least 3 years in commissioning, design and planning in Transmission Technology
- Knowledge in Transmission System Media, Transmission Product, GSM Technology & IP Networking
- Strong conceptually, innovative and creative thinking is a must
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Read More......
PhD Scholarships in Health and Biomedical Informatics at CHI, UNSW, Sydney - Australia
Health and biomedical informatics is an exciting application domain for groundbreaking discoveries in information, communication, cognitive and organisational science needed to support health services throughout the next decade.
The Centre for Health Informatics (CHI) is Australia’s largest internationally recognised academic health informatics research group, conducting fundamental and applied research focusing on the design, evaluation and application of decisionsupport technologies for healthcare and the biosciences.
CHI is offering three (3) full time PhD scholarships to undertake research in the following areas:
- Translational bioinformatics
- Agent-based models of communication in health organizations
- Decision making and computational discovery technologies for the clinical biosciences
Each scholarship provides an annual tax-free stipend of $25,627 pa (in 2008) for three years and will be awarded on a competitive basis. Candidates will have a primary background in engineering, computer science, mathematics or information systems or other relevant area, be Australian citizens or permanent residents or New Zealand citizens.
Further details including selection criteria are available on the CHI website:
Potential applicants are strongly urged to discuss their proposed research with Dr Farah Magrabi (f.magrabi [at] or tel 02-9385-9009) or Professor Enrico Coiera (e.coiera [at] or tel 02-9385-9026).
Applications addressing the selection criteria to be sent directly to Dr Farah Magrabi, Centre for Health Informatics, UNSW, Sydney NSW 2052.
Closing date for applications: 30 November 2007 Read More......

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Career At PT Indomobil Sukses Internasional Tbk
Due to rapid expansion we invite you to fill these positions:
1. Salesman (SLS)
2. Finance & Accounting Staff (FAS)
3. IT Senior Programmer (SP)
4. HRD Senior Manager (HRSM)
5. Finance & Accounting Manager (FAM)
1. Salesman (SLS)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Male or Female, max 28 years old
* Min D1 in any discipline
* Having own private vehicle and SIM A/C
2. Finance & Accounting Staff (FAS)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Male or Female, max 26 years old
* S1 in Accounting / Finance from reputable university (min GPA 3.00)
* Fresh graduates or experience in finance/accounting
* Able to work in a team, willing to work under pressure, honest and delligent
* Should have good analytical, communication, details, and willing to travel
3.IT Senior Programmer (SP)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Male or Female, max 28 years old
* S1 in Computer Science or Information Technology (min GPA 3.00)
* Having experience min 2 years in IT Consultant
* Proficient in programming (VB 6.0, ASP.NET, Crystal Report 8.5, etc)
* Deep understanding of RDBMS methodologies, writing stored procedure, fuction, view and trigger with Ms SQL Server
4. HRD Senior Manager (HRSM)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* S1/S2 in any discipline
* Having experience min 2 years in the same position
* Preferable who has experience handling multi industry
* Able to do coordination and work in a team
* Should have good analytical & communication skill
5. Finance & Accounting Manager (FAM)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Male or Female, max 35 years old
* S1 in Accounting from reputable university (min GPA 3.00)
* Having experience min 3 years in Public Accountant Company
* Preferable who has experience handling multi-finance industry
* Speak English fluently
* Able to do coordination and work in a team
Please send your application with detail CV and recent photo within 2 weeks by indicating the above position number & code on the top left envelope to:
Wisma Indomobil I Lt.11
Jl. MT Haryono Kav.8
Jakarta 13330
Sales Career In ICT (IT&Telecom) At PT Berca Hardayaperkasa
We offer Sales Career in ICT for Fresh-graduate, Junior to Senior Sales with attractive training, career paths & compensation. Choose & state your applied position (code) in your application.
1. Sales for Network-Solution (SNS) – 5 Persons
• Bachelor/Master Degree in Engineering/Computer with minimum GPA 3.0 out of 4.0
• At least 1 years of related working experience as presales/sales for network solutions.
• Knowledge in Banking/Finance & Telecommunication network is an advantage.
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills & good consultative approach.
• Establish and manage good business relationships with customer, prospects & partners.
• Able to identify asses & translate customers’ technical requirements into a solution and make proper follow up to ensure maximum results.
• Develop Sales activity for accounts in assigned specific territory.
• Prepare proposal, quotation, presentation and deliver to specific clients.
• Conduct technical presentations to customers & partners for networking solutions.
• Aggressively manage accounts and proactively create new projects.
• Interpersonal and communication skills,
• Capable to build relationship and communicate effectively.
• Cultural awareness. Capable to adapt with different cultural styles to work with them.
• Strong IT/Networks Skills & fluent in English (speaking & writing).
• Influencing, able to construct logical & winning arguments to persuade decision makers.
• Result oriented, self starter, able to manage multi-tasking pressure.
• Team worker, works effectively to delivering own targets and supporting others.
• Achiever sets high personal standards and is goal oriented.
• Capable to work under pressures.
Send CV/application to: recruitment[at] before 7 December 2007
or mail your CV to:
PT Berca Hardayaperkasa (Attn. Bp. Dominicus Rusdin & Bp. Santoso
Jl. Abdul Muis 62, Jakarta Pusat 10160
Short-listed candidates will be contacted or interviewed in Jakarta only.
Postgraduate Opportunities in Quantum Science & Technology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Macquarie University Quantum Information Science and Security group is seeking talented PhD students in both theory and experiment. Generous national and international scholarships are available, as well as relocation costs in some cases. The group offers a range of topics and expertise in quantum science and technology including quantum algorithms, open quantum systems, optical quantum computing, device characterisation, quantum gravity and experimental quantum technologies in diamond.
Interested applicants should email a CV, including an academic transcript and the names of two referees to mailto:qstudies [at]
For further information and to explore the research interests of the staff please visit:

PhD Opening at Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, the University of Alberta, Canada
An opening for a Ph.D. student is available at the University of Alberta with a start date in September 2008. The student will be enrolled in the graduate program in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,and will work with Professor Minev on modelling and simulation of red blood cells in shear flows. Candidates should have an M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or a relevant engineering discipline.
For further details, including admission procedures and requirements and a description of the Applied Mathematics programs, please consult the URL:
Inquiries should be directed to Professor Minev at:
Peter Minev,
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 1J8;
e-mail: minev [at]

PhD Scholarship in Signal Processing/Communication, The University of Newcastle, Australia
PhD Scholarship
Signal Processing/Communications
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
New South Wales, Australia
Tax-free stipend of at least A$20,000 pa
In the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, under the supervision of Dr. Peter Schreier, there is an opening for a PhD student in the broad areas of statistical signal processing/communications. This position is available immediately and carries a tax-free stipend of at least A$20,000/year, for three years, and a complete tuition fee waiver. Exceptional candidates may negotiate a higher stipend.
The University of Newcastle is one of the Australia’s top universities.
The renowned Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ranking places Newcastle’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment in Australia’s top 4, and the world’s top 100, for engineering technology and computer science.
Newcastle (pop. 350,000) is a lively port city on a breathtaking stretch of Australia’s coastline, boasting wonderful beaches, a low cost of living, a very favourable climate, and a casual lifestyle, only two hours from Sydney. Newcastle offers all the usual city comforts, such as restaurants, cafes, parks and gardens, theatres, art galleries, shopping centres, and nightclubs.
How to apply:
Normally, a Masters degree with thesis in Electrical Engineering (or a closely related area) with excellent grades from an institution of recognized standing is required. In exceptional cases, candidates with a Bachelors degree will also be considered.
You may make an informal inquiry about this position by contacting Dr Peter Schreier, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, 2308, Australia, Tel. +61-2-49215997, or preferably by e-mail at Peter.Schreier [at]
In your inquiry, include a brief resume and names of potential references. If possible, also include an electronic copy of your thesis or other technical report.

Glasstone Research Fellowships in Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division, University of Oxford, UK
Grade 7: Salary GBP 26,666 - 32,796 p.a.
Applications are invited for the above research fellowships, tenable at the University of Oxford, in the fields of Plant Sciences, Chemistry (Inorganic, Organic or Physical), Engineering, Mathematics (including Computer Science and Statistics), Materials, and Physics.
The fellowships are normally awarded for three years (subject to successful completion of a probationary period) and will be available from 1 October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.
There is one fellowship for men and one fellowship for women (supported from the Glasstone Fund for Men and the Glasstone Fund for Women respectively). Additional travel and research support grants are available.
Applicants should have submitted for their doctorate by the time of taking up a fellowship (normally 1 October of the year in which the offer is made) and should not normally have had more than five years of postdoctoral research experience.
Application forms and further particulars can be obtained from The Secretary to the Glasstone Benefaction, MPLS Divisional Office, 9 Parks Road, telephone 01865 282464 or by e-mail from judith.brown @ Further particulars are also available at
Please quote reference GRF/2/1 in any correspondence.
The closing date for receipt of applications is Monday 3 December 2007.

Malaysian Commonwealth Scholarship
The Malaysian Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan are awarded by the Malaysian Government to the nominated students from the Commonwealth countries to study at the post- graduate level in Malaysia. This is a Government to Government scheme without any bond imposed by Malaysia.
Applicants must be the Commonwealth citizens or British protected persons residing in countries of the Commonwealth other than Malaysia as listed in Appendix II. Applicants must be a graduate of a University or College in their own countries or holders of an equivalent qualification. Applicants must have a minimum standard of upper second class honours or CGPA of 3.5/4.0 at bachelor`s degree level.
In addition, applicants for PhD must possess very good result at Master degree level in a similar field of intended PhD study. Scholarship will not be awarded to candidates wishing to undertake undergraduate studies, post-doctoral research, clinical training or second Master/PhD degree. Scholarship will be valid for only one degree and not eligible for continuation to another higher degree.
The awards for Masters degree are between 12 to 24 months depending on the courses. Awards for pursuing PhD degree are for 3 years. The academic term in Malaysia commences in July but candidates may also register in the second semester commencing in December. The Awards are only applicable for candidates pursuing full-time degree programme in Malaysia.
The value of the award has been designed to accommodate the scholar`s need throughout his/ her studies which covers the scholar`s living, study and travel expenses during tenure of the scholarship.
Each scholarship consists of:
- a return air tickets from recipient`s capital city to Malaysia;
- an approved tuition fees by the respective university;
- monthly maintenance allowance; a yearly grant for books and internal travel;
- thesis allowance, installation and termination grant.
Family allowance for accompanying spouse or children.
University`s application for admission is solely the candidate`s responsibility. Proof of admission is not a pre-requisite to the award. Selection committee for Commonwealth Scholarship will only consider qualified applicants with outstanding academic achievement and professional performance.
Interested applicants are advised to apply before the beginning of the academic year which falls on the month of July for most of Malaysian university. The scholarship awarded does not guarantee a placement in the university. Admission to any program is by way of applications to the university. Applications must abide to the requirement and procedure for admission set by the university.
The following conditions apply to all scholarship holders : Scholarship holders must not change their programme during tenure of the scholarship except with written permission from their university and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia. Scholarship holders must follow the approved programmes and abide by the university`s rules, regulations and codes of conduct.
Any suspension from the university will result in immediate suspension of the award. Monthly allowances are not payable during suspension. Scholarship holders are responsible for securing an appropriate entry visa including medical examination. Scholarship holders must maintain satisfactory progress and good standing as stipulated by their host university and degree programme, or the scholarship will be withdrawn. Any periods of leave must be approved by the university and in accordance with the purposes of the Commonwealth Scholarship. It is expected that leave will be normally spent in Malaysia, but the university may approve a short period spent overseas.
A student wishing to travel overseas for an extended period would first need to establish medical or compassionate grounds before Immigration clearance could be obtained. Expenses for such travel are not included in the scholarship. The scholarships are tenable in Malaysian universities and research will normally be carried out in Malaysia. If appropriate it may be possible for a limited amount of research to be carried out in scholar`s home country but financing of such an arrangement would be the responsibility of the scholar. Scholarships holders are not allowed to take any paid employment in Malaysia during their tenure unless with written approval from the host university. Upon termination of studies, scholarships holders are expected to return to their respective home countries immediately This award is only given once to any successful applicant.
Applicants should complete the application form ( in 2 copies ) attached with this document. The following documentation must be attached with the application form:
- A certified copy of the applicant`s current passport showing evidence of citizenship;
- The applicant`s academic records, testimonials and/ or references relating to the relevant study, co-curricullum activities, achievements;
- A letter from certified doctor declaring the applicant`s good health;
- Passport-size photograph (2 copies);
- Completed Medical Report;
- A clear and precise study or research plan;
- English language proficiency certificate or test score (if any);
- Admission letter for post-graduate study (if any); and
- Two letters of appraisal.
All certificates and related documents submitted must be certified by a recognised official or by the institution that issued the documents and must bear the official stamp and signature of the certifier. Official translation in English is required if the transcript is in other languages. Applications must be endorsed by the Ministry of Foregn Affairs or agency responsible for technical cooperation in the respective recipient`s Government and submitted to the Malaysian Goverment Representatives in the country in which the applicant has his/her permanent home; or send direct to:
The Secretary General
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Malaysia
Wisma Putra, No. 1 62602
Putrajaya Malaysia.
All applications must reach the Malaysian Goverment Representative (or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia) not later than 31 December 2007.
Application received after this date would not be considered.
Each participating country is invited to submit two (2) nominations only. The nominating agency is responsible for nominating candidates for the MTCP Scholarship and is expected: to disseminate information about MTCP Scholarships as widely as possible especially to all government agencies and public institutions of higher learning; to ensure all applications are completed according to requirements; to ensure that only qualified applicants are short listed; to nominate only the best among the applicants; and to assist them for departure, if selected.
For further enquiries, prospective applicants can either request or write directly to the nearest Malaysian Diplomatic Mission or the following address:
Scholarship Division
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Level 4,
Block 1 PjH Tower Precint 2
Federal Goverment
Administration Centre 62100,
website :
email : norkamilahz @
Please visit Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme’s website, for the details.
The results of the successful applicants will be announced through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or The Malaysian Mission of that particular nominating country. Successful candidates will be notified by the Ministry before the end of March 2008.
For those who have yet to be notified after this period, may consider their application unsuccessful.
Application Form :
List of Commonwealth countries:
Medical Report: