PhD Scholarship
Signal Processing/Communications
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
New South Wales, Australia
Tax-free stipend of at least A$20,000 pa
In the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, under the supervision of Dr. Peter Schreier, there is an opening for a PhD student in the broad areas of statistical signal processing/communications. This position is available immediately and carries a tax-free stipend of at least A$20,000/year, for three years, and a complete tuition fee waiver. Exceptional candidates may negotiate a higher stipend.
The University of Newcastle is one of the Australia’s top universities.
The renowned Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ranking places Newcastle’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment in Australia’s top 4, and the world’s top 100, for engineering technology and computer science.
Newcastle (pop. 350,000) is a lively port city on a breathtaking stretch of Australia’s coastline, boasting wonderful beaches, a low cost of living, a very favourable climate, and a casual lifestyle, only two hours from Sydney. Newcastle offers all the usual city comforts, such as restaurants, cafes, parks and gardens, theatres, art galleries, shopping centres, and nightclubs.
How to apply:
Normally, a Masters degree with thesis in Electrical Engineering (or a closely related area) with excellent grades from an institution of recognized standing is required. In exceptional cases, candidates with a Bachelors degree will also be considered.
You may make an informal inquiry about this position by contacting Dr Peter Schreier, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Newcastle, New South Wales, 2308, Australia, Tel. +61-2-49215997, or preferably by e-mail at Peter.Schreier [at]
In your inquiry, include a brief resume and names of potential references. If possible, also include an electronic copy of your thesis or other technical report.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
PhD Scholarship in Signal Processing/Communication, The University of Newcastle, Australia
8:49 PM
