The Department of Marketing and Statistics at Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus (ASB) Denmark, invites applications for a PhD scholarship within the area of Innovation Management starting 1 March 2008.
Innovation Management is a focus area for the department’s research. In the field of Innovation Management, the Department has close research cooperations with the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). These networks can be leveraged by the applicant.
The applicant is expected to do his/her PhD work in the following topic areas:
* Lead user innovation and entrepreneurship
* Emerging organizational forms for innovation and new business development
The PhD scholarship is partly financed by the EBST-project “Development of a model for lead-user based entrepreneurship” and will be carried out in close collaboration with the research activities going on in this project.
EBST is a department of the Danish Ministry for Economic and Business Affairs ( The project is a cooperation project between LEGO and Aarhus School of Business. Academic partners are Copenhagen Business School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For further information on the project, please visit this link.
Applicants are expected to have completed a Master’s degree in the social sciences with very good or excellent results. Good knowledge of statistics is essential.
Please contact Professor Christopher Lettl (lettl[ at ] for project descriptions and further information.
A PhD student in Denmark must complete an individually planned PhD course programme within the relevant research area and conduct a research project under the supervision of experienced senior researchers. As part of the PhD scholarship the applicant will be enrolled in the PhD programme comprising a number of courses within the relevant research area.
The PhD student is also expected, as part of the programme, to spend some time (up to six months), with coverage of travel and accommodation expenses, at another - often foreign - research institution. During the programme, the PhD student is further expected to gain teaching experience within the subject area as well as experience with other forms of dissemination of research results. ASB also finances participation in relevant PhD courses and scientific conferences.
Conditions of employment
The PhD fellowship has a duration of three years. Graduates and students expecting to complete their study programme in the near future may apply for the fellowship. The employment is covered by a national collective agreement.
The applicant’s research potential will be the determining factor for a positive academic assessment. Exam results will also be assessed. For further information on admission criteria and ASB’s PhD programme, please go to:
If you have any questions about the scholarship etc., please feel free to contact Henrik Scriver, deputy head, tel. +45 8948 6560, email: hsc[ at ]
The application must be submitted on a special application form which can be downloaded from:
or requested from Kirsten Hedegaard Fynsk, tel. +45 8948 6567, e-mail: kihf[at]
For the full details of the job announcement and applications requirements please refer to
Further information about Aarhus School of Business can be found at:, University of Aarhus:
Deadline for application: 7 January 2008 at 12:00 noon.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
PhD Scholarships in Innovation Management, Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
8:07 PM
