Institution/Organization: University of Illinois Level: PhD Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics; General Linguistics Required Language(s): French (fra) Description: The Department of French at the University of Illinois, -The Illinois Distinguished Fellowship, which provides Qualified applicants need take no action beyond applying to Pertinent facts concerning the Department: -In addition to literature, the Department of French has For further information on the Department including how to Application Deadline: 15-Jan-2010 Mailing Address for Applications: Web Address for Applications: Contact Information:
Department: French
Web Address:
Urbana-Champaign offers highly competitive, personalized
research packages to outstanding incoming graduate students.
These Departmental financial awards are specifically
tailored for highly-qualified prospective students in fields
represented in the Department.
For applicants of the highest standing, a Departmental
financial award may be offered together with a campus-wide
Fellowship. Campus-wide Fellowships include:
$20,000 per 12-month year for three years and includes a
waiver of full tuition.
-The School of Literatures, Cultures, and Linguistics (SLCL)
Fellowship, which provides $20,000 paid over a 12-month
period for a period of two years and includes a waiver of
full tuition.
-The Graduate College Fellowship for Underrepresented
Students, which provides doctoral-level students with
$17,000 per 12-month period for one, two, or three years.
These fellowships include a waiver of full tuition.
the graduate program. The Department automatically
nominates top applicants for all fellowships. Further
details on these fellowships are available from the
faculty representing a broad spectrum of fields including
cinema studies, civilization, cultural studies, gender and
women’s studies, post-colonial theory, second language
acquisition (SLA), and theoretical and applied linguistics.
-The University’s world-renowned Library, ranked among the
top public libraries in the US, affords access to
exceptionally rich collections including the Proust-Kolb
-In addition to its degree programs, students in the
Department can obtain certificates in cinema studies, gender
and women’s studies, medieval studies, second language
acquisition and teacher education (SLATE), and theory and
-The Department offers non-native speakers of French the
opportunity to participate in year-long exchange programs
with Dijon, Liège, Lyon, Metz, Poitiers, and Quebec.
-In addition to recruitment fellowships, the Department of
French also offers summer and/or partial fellowships,
research assistantships, support for research summer
institutes, and conference travel support.
apply to the graduate program, go to or write
Attn: Graduate Student Services Office of the Foreign Languages Building
3070 FLB, 707 S. Mathews Ave
Urbana IL 61801
Annie Tremblay
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
PhD Student, University of Illinois, USA

Beasiswa S2 S3 Amerika: Graduate Research Assistants (M.S./Ph.D.)
Job Title: Department: Department Website: Institution: Position Start Date: Apply By E-mail: The Applied Dynamics and Optimization Laboratory at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly), Brooklyn, New York, invites applications for Graduate Research Assistantships for M.S. and Ph.D. Students, starting immediately. These are fully funded positions, covering full tuition expenses, as well as providing competitive stipends. Successful candidates have to apply and be admitted to the Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering for studies toward an M.S. or Ph.D. degree. Candidates should meet the admissions standards of NYU-Poly, as may be found at: The selected Research Assistants are expected to have interests in Robotics, Biomechanics or Smart Materials and Structures. They should have strong backgrounds in Mechanics, Mathematics and Physics, Computer Programming (C++); experience with MATLAB; and, be highly motivated. Preference will be given to candidates who have M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering or closely related fields, with strong oral and written communication skills. Interested students should contact Professor Joo Kim, at the address below, with CVs and copies of their transcripts. Prof. Joo H. Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor E-Mail:
Graduate Research Assistants (M.S./Ph.D.) — Robotics, Biomechanics and Smart Materials
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department
Polytechnic Institute of New York University, Brooklyn, NY
Application Deadline:
Dec. 31, 2009 Or Until Positions Are Filled.
Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly)
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Six MetroTech Center, RH 513
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: (718) 260-3073
Fax: (718) 260-3532

PhD Studentship in Neuroinformatics - University of Edinburgh
PhD Studentship The Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctoral Program “EuroSPIN” (European Study Programme in Neuroinformatics) is inviting applications from students having a solid background in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, biochemistry or neuroscience (on a master level or equivalent), in all cases with computer science skills. Documented interest in research like activities (e.g.demonstrated in the form of master thesis work, or participation in research related activities) is of large importance. Also fluency in English is requested. These four partners are all research leaders in the Neuroinformatics field, but they have complementary strengths. In addition, two associated partners, the Honda Research Institute and Nordita, participate. Each student will spend most of the time at two of the partner universities, and also receive a joint (or double) PhD degree following a successful completion of the studies. The mobility periods, as well as the courses a student will follow, are tailored individually based on: a) the PhD students background; b) which constellations of partners that are involved, as well as c) the specific research project. During the PhD period each student has one main supervisor from each of the two universities that grant the PhD degree. During the application process, the students are asked to indicate their preferences with regard to constellations of partners, and also preferred project ideas/areas can be indicated and motivated. There are excellent scholarship opportunities for students accepted to an Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme. A stipend or employment contract will be given to all selected PhD students during the study time, which is between 3-4 years. If you are interested, go to our homepage: Deadline for Application (non-EU students): December 15, 2009. Deadline for Application (EU students): about March 2010 (will be announced).
University of Edinburgh - Informatics Graduate School
Neuroinformatics combines neuroscience and informatics research to develop and apply computational tools and approaches that are essential for understanding the structure and function of the brain.Four partners participate in EuroSPIN:- KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden- University of Edinburgh (UoE), UK- National Centre for Biological Science (NCBS), India- Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (ALUF), Germany

Quantity Surveyor - Musim Mas Group
Musim Mas Group - Musim Mas is one of Indonesia’s most dynamic groups, with a diversified portfolio of products and assets. Its activities are centered on its core business of palm cultivation and palm oil processing. It is a market leader in the manufacturing of palm oil, soap, margarine and owns ships, tankers, a grain terminal and bulk tank terminals. We are looking for highly motivated professionals to fill in the positions below: QUANTITY SURVEYOR QUALIFICATION: If you are interested, please send your application, resume and recent photograph to advertisement to :
Accounting Manager, Payroll Administration - Leighton Contractors Indonesia
Agung Sedayu Group is Indonesia’s well known property developer, with premier retail, commercial and residential properties in its portfolio. With experience over 25 years in its industry, Agung Sedayu Group keeps on developing the best properties in strategic locations with great investment value for the customers. With it’s Mission to developed qualified property product with efficiency and punctuality, Agung Sedayu Group is consistent with it’s goal in becoming the most trusted property developer and the market leader in Indonesia. Prioritizing the satisfaction of its customer Marketing Executive Collection Staff Safety Manager Finance & Accounting Staff Finance & Accounting Supervisor Junior Internal Auditor If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application with detailed resume and your recent photograph to: HR Department
Harco Electronic Superstore Lantai 4
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta 10730
E-mail :
Agung Sedayu Group - Marketing Executive, Collection Staff, Safety Manager, Finance & Accounting, Junior Internal Auditor
Agung Sedayu Group is Indonesia’s well known property developer, with premier retail, commercial and residential properties in its portfolio. With experience over 25 years in its industry, Agung Sedayu Group keeps on developing the best properties in strategic locations with great investment value for the customers. With it’s Mission to developed qualified property product with efficiency and punctuality, Agung Sedayu Group is consistent with it’s goal in becoming the most trusted property developer and the market leader in Indonesia. Prioritizing the satisfaction of its customer Marketing Executive Collection Staff Safety Manager Finance & Accounting Staff Finance & Accounting Supervisor Junior Internal Auditor If you meet the above requirements, please submit your application with detailed resume and your recent photograph to: HR Department
Harco Electronic Superstore Lantai 4
Jl. Mangga Dua Raya, Jakarta 10730
E-mail :
Beasiswa S3 Inggris: PhD Research Studentships
PhD Research Studentships - 7 posts available Bursary £13,290 Tuition fees Full time for 3 years Following a very successful Research Assessment Exercise, the Sports Engineering Research Group in collaboration with the Health and Social Care Research Centre is seeking to recruit outstanding candidates to carry out multi-disciplinary PhD projects. The following projects are available immediately: Biomechanics The biomechanics of the golf swing; Pattern recognition in Olympic diving; Candidates should have good analytical skills, tenacity and perseverance and be good in a team. An interest and knowledge of sport is desirable but not essential, as is direct experience of work in the sports sector. Opportunities The Sports Engineering Research Group and Health and Social Care Research Centre represent a fantastic opportunity for those seeking to gain experience of a multidisciplinary research environment and wish to have a career in the engineering, sport or health sectors. PhD students have the opportunity to travel overseas and support high profile consultancy projects within the groups. Further information about the different roles is available from Closing date: 9 November 2009 Competition will be strong and candidates are encouraged to consider more than one project. Interviewing will take place in November with a preferred start date by 1st January 2010. In the first instance please submit a full CV to: Amanda Brothwell The Sports Engineering Research Group Centre for Sport and Exercise Sciences Faculty of Health and Wellbeing A129 Collegiate Hall Collegiate Crescent Campus Sheffield S10 2BP Working towards equal opportunities
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Sheffield Hallam University - Sports Engineering, Biomechanics and the Modelling of Sport and Health
The Sports Engineering Research Group within the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing employs approximately 20 staff comprising research engineers, designers, sports scientists and PhD students. Clients include Adidas, Prince, Puma, UK Sport, British Swimming and the International Tennis Federation.
The biomechanics of sports bras;
The dynamics of tennis shoe interactions with tennis courts.
Optimal design of sports equipment using FE & CFD;
Modelling of cardio-vascular risk-reduction in discrete populations;
The effect of physical gaming interfaces on activity levels.
These projects will be suitable for applicants with a 1st or high 2i in a physical science such as Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Sports Science or a related discipline. Ideal candidates should not be afraid of mathematics or programming and, in particular, we would like to hear from students with experience of MATLAB, image processing, computational fluid dynamics, finite elements analysis, biomechanics, and the support of elite athlete.

Beasiswa S3: PhD Position in Economics
Doctoral Position in Computational Mechanics The successful candidate will work within a DFG-funded Emmy Noether research project on computational methods for adhesion with applications in biomechanics and composites. The aim of the project is the mechanical modelling, simulation, investigation and optimization of adhesion mechanisms as they occur for example in gecko adhesion. The topic offers a suitable doctoral project which can be completed within three years. The AICES graduate school was established under the Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state governments to promote novel research and training in the field of computational engineering science. The school is a collaboration of 15 university institutes, the Jülich Supercomputer Center, and the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research. Aices organizes the doctoral education of ca. 80 students, as well as about 12 independent junior research groups. AICES provides excellent computational facilities and a dynamic service team. The working language is English. The candidate will be employed as a regular employee. The candidate must meet required personal qualifications. The position is to be filled by 01.01.2010 and is for a fixed term until December 2012. The standard weekly hours will be 39,83 hours. Salary is according to TV-L E 13. Application materials (personal statement, CV, transcripts,list of publications) should be sent to: If electronic application is not possible, please send the application material to: Docotral Position in Computational Mechanics Applications will be considered starting November 1, 2009 until the position is filled. For further information, please contact: Dr. Nicole Faber,, Tel. +49-241-80-99130. Dr. Roger Sauer,, Tel. +49-241-80-99132. website link:
The requirement for this position is a diploma or masters degree in engineering, applied mathematics, physics or a similar subject. Desired are very good skills in mechanics, computational mechanics, numerical mathematics and finite element methods as well as a successful record of working independently.
AICES, RWTH Aachen University
Templergraben 55, 52062 Aachen, Germany

Beasiswa S3: Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies
Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures and Societies - Doctoral Fellowship opportunities (adapted from H-Announce) Call for Applications: 15 Fellowships at the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies Location: Arizona, Germany The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies will admit 15 PhD students to its doctoral program to begin October 1, 2010. Ten of these candidates will receive a Graduate School grant; the other candidates will be supported in their quest for funding. The Graduate School invites applications from candidates whose dissertation project fits one of the Graduate Schools Research Areas. Successful applicants will have a masters degree in one of the disciplines represented at the Graduate School, with a ranking, where applicable, of above average. The language of communication is English. Admission is for one year, and, contingent upon a positive evaluation after the first year of study, will be extended for another twelve months. Admission and grant can be extended for a total of three years. Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies Email: The Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies investigates the plurality, changeability, and global connectedness of Muslim cultures and societies. The area of study includes Muslim societies in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, as well as Muslim communities in Europe and North America. The Graduate School examines, in a systematic and comparative way, concepts, practices, and institutions variously understood as Islamic. Special attention is given to relations between Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as forms of inter- and intra-cultural communication. In close cooperation with its partner institutions in Germany and abroad, the Graduate School offers doctoral candidates a broad educational programme of exceptional quality coupled with intensive mentoring for individual dissertation projects, training that will qualify graduates to hold leading positions in academia, the media, and politics. The Graduate School’s three-year doctoral programme begins in October. Fifteen doctoral students are admitted annually, ten of whom are awarded scholarships provided by the Graduate School.
Ed. note: The following post from H-Announcements refers to some interesting fellowship opportunities for doctoral study, and makes refefrence to the themes of the Berlin Graduate School of Muslim Cultures without specifying same. I have pasted in some additional material from the BGSMCS website. FFC
Fellowship Deadline: 2009-11-30 (in 21 days)
Date Submitted: 2009-11-02
Announcement ID: 171679
Altensteinstr. 48
14195 Berlin
Phone: ++49 (0)30 838 53417
Fax: ++49 (0)30 838 53244
Visit the website at
Welcome to the Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies,
funded by the Excellence Initiative of the German Federal and State Governments and by Freie Universit Berlin.

Marie Curie Phd Fellowships Germany 2010 2011
14 Marie Curie Phd Fellowships Location: Germany The University of Potsdam, Project “Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History” offers preferably to the February 1st, 2010 14 Marie Curie PhD Fellowships All fellowships include funding for 3 years. The Living and mobility allowances are between around 30.000 € and 47.000 € per year. The Potsdam University is Co-ordinator of the Marie-Curie-Initial Training Network ENGLOBE Enlightenment and Global History which is funded by the European Union in the 7th Framework Programme. ENGLOBE is an interdisciplinary network of researchers seeking to develop historical perspectives on the changing interactions and interrelations between Europe and other world regions, thus promoting an understanding of the cultural and historical dimensions of current globalization processes. European academic partner institutions in the project are Universitat Potsdam (DE), Universidade de Coimbra (PT), Uni-versite de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (FR), Uniwersytet Zielonogorski (PL), Technische Universitat Berlin (DE), National University of Ireland Galway (IE), Middle East Technical University Ankara (TR), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas Madrid (ES), Queen’s University Belfast (UK). Responsibilities: Selected graduates will take part in the ENGLOBE training programme and do their PhD in the field of Enlightenment and Global History Research. This concerns research on European and Extra-European relationships within the 18th Century as well as on reception processes and systematic questions of globalization until today. The dissertation should be situated in one of the following four thematic areas: •comparative history and transfers of knowledge and sciences •good primary degree in the humanities (history, philosophy, literature, cultural studies, art history or similar fields) Graduates will be hosted at one of the partner institutions mentioned above. At the time of selection researchers should not have resided or received education or employment in the state of this hosting partner institution for a period exceeding 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. For information about the Marie Curie mobility rules please consult: For more detailed information about the ENGLOBE Programme please visit our homepage: The University of Potsdam is an equal opportunity employer. Please send your application (including a formal letter of application with contact details, outline of research interests, declaration of motivation, Curriculum Vitae, graduation certificates and an outline (3 pages) of your proposed PhD project) until the December 15th, 2009 to Prof. Dr. Iwan-Michelangelo D’Aprile, Project manager ENGLOBE, University of Potsdam, Historisches Institut, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 6, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany or via email:
Application Address: Historisches Institut, Am Neuen Palais 10, Haus 6, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
Start date: February 1st, 2010
Salary: 30.000 € - 47.000 € per year
Contract type: Full time
Contract term: temporary
•comparative patterns of perception
•values in hybrid cultural spaces
•extra-European and European cultural models of “evolution”
•high motivation in performing interdisciplinary research
•fluent English; additional languages would be advantageous
•mobility (the willingness to live and work in a foreign country)

PhD Studentship in Humanitariansim and Conflict Response - University of Manchester
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust PhD Studentship in Humanitariansim and Conflict Response Start date Jan 2010 Period of study 4 years as part of the new Manchester Doctoral College PhD programme Scope of research This PhD therefore reflects the need for structured forms of professional development and dynamic knowledge practices that function effectively across multiple academic and non-academic contexts. Action research and reflective practice-inspired pedagogy can respond to and influence the complex, unpredictable and shifting social, political and cultural contexts within which professional practitioners operate. The PhD will introduce students to a range of dynamic and challenging concepts and methods with which to reflect critically and constructively on their current professional experience/context. This pedagogical approach enables students’ professional context to become a primary research resource. Salford Royal PhD Research Studentship The Salford Royal PhD studentship is funded by Undergraduate Medical Education to support research into Global Health and related matters and their place and development in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum. In addition to their research commitments, holders of the studentship will be required to teach global health issues to medical students at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust for one half day per week. The HCRI will award the Salford Royal PhD Research Studentship for the academic year 2009/10 (Jan 2010 start date). This studentship of £11,250 per annum consists of a maintenance award in addition to full payment of tuition fees. It will be awarded subject to satisfactory progress for a period of four years.The award holder will be expected to undertake an element of teaching or administrative work as a condition of her/his award. Applicants for the Scholarship should hold or be expecting a First Class degree award, and/or a Distinction in a related Masters degree. Applicants who hold a good 2:1 in their first degree will be considered on merit. Applicants should include full details of any teaching experience or areas of expertise on their application form. Applications including a 500 - 1000 words research statement must be returned by 1 December 2009. For informal enquiries please contact Dr Jenny Peterson at For further details about how to apply please visit
The University of Manchester - Humanitarian & Conflict Response Institute (HCRI)
This structured PhD is inspired by the need to conduct rigorous, in-depth research and analysis on the impact and outcomes of contemporary and historical crises. It is driven by a desire to inform and support policy and decision makers (inc. World Health Organisation, Foreign Office), to optimise joint working between partner organisations, and to foster increased understanding and debate within the field of humanitarianism. We will offer a flexible approach to the provision of teaching to cater for the current needs of the aid industry and prepare the next generation of crisis response researchers and practitioners. The programme will seek to engage directly with people affected by situations of ongoing conflicts and crises.

Beasiswa S2: Computer Science Master Degree Scholaships
Department of Computing, University of Surrey UK
Masters Degrees
We offer a portfolio of three reputed and challenging masters programmes designed to address commercial demand for specific IT skills in industry, tailored to suit students with different educational backgrounds. These programmes include up-to-date advanced technical skills for enterprise development
, in depth research skills and industry-led modules, such as System Z taught by IBM.
* Information Systems
* Internet Computing
* Security Technologies and Applications
Complementary Programmes
We offer three complementary postgraduate
MSc degree programmes, each lasting for 1 year. Each programme consists of modules that are designed to provide an advanced level of knowledge and skill in specialist areas: business computing, the Internet and security.
There are sources of financial support as well as performance scholarships.
Awards are offered on a competitive basis, either in the form of open competition, through a scheme of quota awards to individual Faculties or through funding allocated to Faculties to administer. Awards are not made automatically to eligible students.
1. University of Surrey research scholarships
2. Research studentships
3. Choral and organ scholarships
4. The Villis Award
5. Chevening scholarships
Further details can be obtained from our admissions officer.
The University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.
+44 (0)1483 300800

Beasiswa S2 di Belgium: VLIR-UOS 2010 Scholarship for Master of Food Technology
VLIR-UOS 2010 Scholarship for Master of Food Technology
The main objective of the Interuniversity Programme Master of Science in Food Technology (IUPFOOD) is to provide students with comprehensive training in the field of food technology, food science and food engineering, with special emphasis on the technology of the production of specific foodstuffs for developing countries and on tropical crops postharvest and preservation technology. It is expected that participants returning to their home countries will be able to efficiently appraise and solve problems related to food technology, food science and food engineering.
In the first year of the MSc Programme (60 credits) in depth knowledge in food science, engineering and food engineering is obtained, in order to achieve a common knowledge base between students with different backgrounds. The first year is common to all students. The courses of the first semester are organized at UGent, while the courses of the second semester are taught at K.U.Leuven.
The second year of the MSc Programme (60 credits) provides broader knowledge in food technology in general and an in depth understanding in either `Postharvest and Food Preservation Engineering` or `Food Science and Technology`, depending on the major chosen. The second year of the programme therefore consists of specific courses on each major (18 credits), optional courses (12 credits) and thesis research (30 credits). The major, the optional courses and the thesis topic are chosen after completing the first year. For the optional courses, the student may choose among the courses of the other major and the additional optional courses offered. This enables the student to compile a tailor-made study curriculum according to his/her individual needs and interests.
Admission requirements
International applicants must have obtained an academic Bachelor of Science degree (in developing countries typically a 4-year programme) in a discipline related to the content of the programme from a recognized University, College or Institute. Candidates are expected to have basic science training (demonstrable in the transcripts) in at least three out of four of the following fields:
(i) mathematics, statistics and physics,
(ii) chemistry and biochemistry,
(iii) biology and microbiology and
(iv) engineering, with an end result of at least second class upper or equivalent. Each application will be evaluated by the Educational Committee for admission.
Language knowledge
The applicant must be proficient in the language of the course or training programme, i.e. English. Command of the English language is a very important criterion for admission. Applicants must be able to prove their proficiency in English. There are 4 possibilities to supply this proof:
TOEFL certificate (the UGent TOEFL code is 2643) with:
a minimum total score of 550 on the paper based test, or
a minimum total score of 79 on an internet based test.
The test validity is max. 2 years;
IELTS with a minimum overall band score of 6. The test validity is max. 2 years;
Proof of at least 1 year of comprehensive English-based instruction at a university or recognized equivalent;
Proof of a successful `Intermediate Academic English` test at the Ghent University Language Center.
Period: September 2010 – September 2012
Language: English
Number of VLIR-UOS Scholarships: 13
Promoter: Prof. M. Hendrickx (K.U.Leuven), Prof. K. Dewettinck (UGent)
Mrs C. Smout
Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
T +32 (0)16 32 14 09
F +32 (0)16 32 19 60
Mrs K. Anthierens
Ghent University, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
Department of Food Safety and Food Quality
T +32 (0)9 264 62 10
F +32 (0)9 264 62 22
Application for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2009 until 01/02/2010
You can apply for this scholarship by visit:

Beasiswa S2 di USA: Master Degree Scholarship Programme by USAID
Master Degree Scholarship in Various Program by USAID
Open Programs
1. Master`s Degree - in Public Health
Master`s (two-year program) in the U.S from a Faculty of Medicine/Public Health with a concentration in:
a. principles of public health and field epidemiology including methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases,
b. health system capacity development including human resource and program
management, public health information and surveillance systems, health economics, decentralization and governance, quality assurance and behavior change and communication,
c. basic and advanced biostatistics,
d. applied or epidemiological research.
2. Master`s Degree in Epidemiology – Veterinary Science
Master`s (two-year program) in country. from an accredited Faculty of Veterinary Science with a concentration in Animal and Public Health - Epidemiology an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology ofinfectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases, principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advance biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance system.
3. Master`s Degree in Field Epidemiology – Public Health
Master`s (two-year program) in country from an accredited Faculty of Medicine/Public Health with a concentration in Field Epidemiology an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology ofinfectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases, principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advanced biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance systems.
4. Master`s Degree in Field Epidemiology
Master`s in the U.S. from a school of veterinary science with a concentration in Epidemiology and emphasis (through intensive coursework) on principles of epidemiology, epidemiology ofinfectious diseases, methods of prevention and eradication of infectious diseases , principles of outbreak investigations, basic and advanced biostatistics, animal and public health surveillance systems, and animal and public health policy.
5. Master`s Degree specializing in Coastal and Marine Conservation or Fisheries Management
Master`s program in the U.S. from a program specializing in the following indicative areas:
a. Conservation of Coastal and Marine Resources,
b. Marine and Coastal Zone Management,
c. Fisheries Resources Management,
d. Sustainable Fisheries Resources.
6. Master`s Degree in Energy Sector
Master`s program in the U.S. specializing in Energy/Environmenta l Engineering with a concentration in, but not limited, to Energy Engineering, Energy Planning and Policy, Energy Economics, Energy Management, Energy and Environmental Policy, Clean and Renewable Energy Management, Energy Efficiency Management, Energy and Sustainability, or Energy and Environmental Law.
7. Master`s Degree in Climate Change
Academic/degree program at master`s level in the U.S. from a U.S. University focusing on climate change adaptation or mitigation.
8. PhD, Master, or Bachelor Degree Program for Economics
PhD, Master or Bachelor degree in Economics, Finance, Management, Accounting, Insurance, Agriculture, Agribusiness, or Public Policy.
9. Master`s Degrees from U.S. Universities in Public Affairs, Public Policy, Political Science, Public Administration, Public Management, Non-profit Management or related fields.
10. Master`s Degree in Public Health
Master`s (one-year or two-year program) in the U.S. from a school of public health with a concentration in either International Health or Epidemiology/ Biostatistics with an emphasis (through intensive coursework) on nutrition, maternal and child health, reproductive health, demography, health systems, health financing, health policy.
11. Master`s Degree in Education
The objective of the HICD/Education program is to build human capacity within GOI Ministries of Education (MONE), Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and Coordinating Ministry for People`s Welfare (KESRA) to better support quality improvements to the basic education and higher education sub-sectors.
12. Long term training for decentralization and local governance
Master`s degrees in US on topics such as Public Administration, Public Management, Public Policy, Political Science, Regional Planning and other topics of importance to public service and leadership in Indonesia`s regional government.
13. US Long Term Training/ Master`s Degree in Public Administration, Public Management, and Public Policy for Legislative Strengthening
Master`s degrees in the US on topics such as Public Administration, Public Management, and Public Policy.
More information, visit:

Master of Public Administration and Policy at National University of Singapore
Master of Public Administration and Policy at Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy - NUS
About the LKY School
The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy is a graduate school of the National University of Singapore consistently ranked amongst the top 30 universities in the world by QS World University Rankings 2008. The School aims to educate, train and generate ideas amongst a new generation of globally minded policymakers and leaders from the public and private sectors. Our students are entrepreneurs, public sector officials, ambassadors, senators, editors, and aspiring leaders who are working on the ground to make a difference.
The School currently attracts over 300 outstanding candidates from more than 50 countries, including China, India, USA and South East Asia and Europe. These students come from diverse backgrounds in the public and private sector.
The School also attracts global luminaries including former Prime Minister of Britain, Tony Blair, President of World Bank Robert B. Zoellick, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen amongst others.
Under the leadership of Dean Kishore Mahbubani, a world renowned public intellectual and former UN Ambassador from Singapore, the school has made a mark globally.
The LKY School is the first Asian School to be admitted into the prestigious Global Public Policy Network (GPPN) set up by Columbia University`s School of International & Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and the Institut d`Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). The school offers its students a unique opportunity to gain a double Masters degree with one of its GPPN partners. We also have a long standing partnership with the Harvard Kennedy School.
Master in Public Administration
The MPA programme is a one-year degree for mid-career professionals with more than five years of professional experience. The MPA is designed to enhance the effectiveness of mid-career professionals from the public, private and non-profit sectors in addressing complex, multidimensional policy issues. The MPA programme places great emphasis on management and decision-making.
Master in Public Policy
The MPP programme is a two-year degree for young professionals with 1-5 years of experience. Students learn the fundamental skills of public policy analysis from the disciplines of politics, economics, and public management. They also have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a specific area by electing to focus their studies on one of five specializations:
1. Development Studies;
2. Economic Policy and Analysis;
3. International Relations and Security Studies;
4. Social and Environmental Policy; and
5. Public Management and Governance.
Finally to provide an element of direct practical experience, MPP students undertake a public policy or management study (the Policy Analysis Exercise) for a client in the public, private or non-profit sector.
Double Degree Opportunities at Columbia University, LSE or Sciences Po
The MPP programme also offers the invaluable opportunity for qualifying students to obtain a double degree from the LKY School as well as from one of our partner institutes which include Columbia University`s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and Institut d`Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). Students spend one year in Singapore and the second year in New York, London or Paris, and quite often the school provides full-funding for the students to study there.
Fully funded scholarships are available to outstanding candidates.
More information, along with programme application booklets, are available online at
The deadline for the MPP and MPA applications with scholarship is 31 January 2010 for intake in July 2010.

European Public Health Master, Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses
European Public Health Master
Duration: 2 years
Course description:
This Master`s Course is an integrated two-year Master`s course for all those who wish to embark on a career in public health. It is intended to provide students with the analytical tools and conceptual knowledge required of decision-makers in public health. Students will acquire the skills to carry out various professional public health functions at local, regional, national, European and international levels, in both the public and the private sectors. A cross-disciplinary approach to public health issues will be taken, combining the expertise of the participating institutions with the distinct professional environments of the various countries.
The first year of the curriculum covers basic public health issues. It can be attended at Sheffield University (UK) or the Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain). During the second year, students specialise in a particular subject. The seven specialisations offered draw on the strengths of the participating institutions of the consortium. The University of Copenhagen (Denmark) offers training in Quantitative assessment inPublic Health, while the Andalusian School of Public Health (Spain) specialises in Health Management and Quality Improvement. The Jagiellonian University of Cracow (Poland) teaches Health Economics and financial management as well as Social and Health Protection, the EHESP School of Public Health (France) explores Environmental and Occupational Health, and the University of Rennes 1 (France) introduces its students to Law, Health and Ethics.
Regardless of their chosen specialisation, each student also carries out research work and a practical placement, and undergoes a viva before a panel of international experts. In addition, two modules will bring together all the students, in France, at the end of each academic year.
The language of instruction depends on the mobility track chosen by each student: English only, French and English, Spanish, French and English, or Spanish and English. All institutions within the consortium will offer practical language courses and Civilisation/Culture courses.
Seventy highly-qualified teachers and researchers are involved in the Course and each year forty students enrol for the programme.
The final qualification consists of a double Master`s degree awarded by the institutions in which the student has studied. This Master`s degree is fully recognised by all the partners within the consortium and by the participating countries. The criteria for eligibility are a Bachelor`s degree and proficiency in the languages suitable for the mobility combination chosen. All eligible applications will be examined by a transnational Admission Committee.
EHESP School of Public Health, France (Co-ordinating Institution)
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
University of Rennes 1, France
Jagiellonian University, Poland
Andalusian School of Public Health, Spain
University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Laurence Theault
Director of International Affairs
Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique
Avenue du Prof. Léon Bernard
35043 Rennes, FRANCE

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
International Student Scholarships for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD- HSP Huygens Programme [Netherland]
The prestigious HSP Huygens Programme is open to excellent students from all countries. It is aimed at talented students who want to come to the Netherlands in the final phase of their bachelor’s studies or during their master’s studies. PhD applications can only be accepted from excellent students with the Chinese, Croatian or Turkish nationality. Furthermore, the minister has allocated part of the total budget for excellent students following programmes in Dutch language and literature, or Neerlandistiek. The Dutch Minister of Education, Culture and Science has allocated seven million euros for excellent students coming to the Netherlands under the HSP Huygens Programme. There is no fixed number of available scholarships. The actual number is determined by the total cost of the variable components of the scholarships. The HSP Huygens application round for the 2010-2011 academic year will start on 1 November 2009. Important: the complete application, both digital and on paper, must be received by Nuffic no later than 1 February 2010. Applications that have not been submitted both digitally and on paper or that are incomplete will not be accepted. HSP Huygens Programme Further Scholarship Information and Application
Application Deadline: 1 February 2010.Excellence
New application round

Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Full Scholarships 2010 for All Nationalities
The two-year Master in Public Policy (MPP) programme provides a strong foundation in conceptual and analytical skills for future public service leaders and individuals with an interest in understanding and influencing how public policy choices are made. Areas of Concentration Practical Experience To obtain direct practical experience, students also undertake a public policy or management study, called the Policy Analysis Exercise, for a client in the public, private, or non-profit sector. Internships Most students also take internships with organisations that are relevant to their studies, such as the United Nations Environment Programme (Bangkok); National Economic Development Authority (Philippines); World Bank (Washington, DC); Government Investment Corporation (Singapore); and Standard Chartered Bank. Double/Concurrent Degree Programmes MPP students can also apply for double degree programmes with Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). The school also offers double degree programmes with NUS Faculty of Law and NUS Business School. Students may also complete concurrent degree programmes with the NUS Faculty of Law and NUS Business School. These programmes allow the top students from the Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Business Administration programmes to begin their Master in Public Policy Programme concurrently with the third or fourth year of their law or business studies. Financial Aid icon Grants The School provides a number of grants to students. Although the specific value and coverage may vary, a grant will generally cover 20% of tuition fees, as well as cover additional fees and provide a modest stipend. For the remaining portion of the tuition fee not covered by the grant, grant recipients may apply to NUS for a tuition fee loan. More specific information on grants will be communicated to you if you are successful in your application. Scholarships The scholarships below are offered on a competitive basis. Applicants must have good academic and professional records. They must also have demonstrated leadership and a desire to contribute to public service. Not all the awards will be made unless there are candidates of sufficient merit. Scholars may not concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship or award without the prior approval of the School. There is no bond or obligation for the scholar to be employed by NUS or in Singapore. Note 1: The following items are covered by the terms of the relevant scholarships: Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Graduate Scholarship The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Graduate Scholarship is offered by the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy to students who have demonstrated leadership and a desire to contribute to public service. This scholarship is available to all nationalities. The terms of this scholarship for Singapore citizens and permanent residents are as follows: Please refer to Note 1 for the terms of this scholarship for all other nationalities. For further details please go to:
In particular, MPP students deepen their understanding of a specific field by focusing on one of five areas of concentration:

Scholarships for Canadian, Chinese, Indian and US nationals – Scotland’s Saltire Scholarship
This exciting scholarship opportunity is open to Canadian, Chinese, Indian and US nationals. Awards worth £2000 each are available towards the cost of tuition fees for full time Masters Programmes in a wide range of subject areas. Eligibility Criteria Timetable How to Apply A completed application form, transcript and one academic reference should be posted or emailed to:
These scholarships are supported and funded by the Scottish Government in partnership with University of Aberdeen.
To be considered for the scholarship you will need to have applied to the University of Aberdeen for a place starting in September 2010 and have firmly accepted an offer, either conditional or unconditional by 11 June 2010.
The scholarship can only be held by a student of the University commencing study in September 2010 – it cannot be transferred to another institution.
The scholarship will be awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit.
The closing date for applications is 11 June 2010.
Notification of Awards
A Selection Committee will meet in late June 2010. Successful applicants will be informed by 30 July 2010.
Student Recruitment and Admissions
University of Aberdeen
University Office
King’s College
AB24 3FX