Civil Engineering and Geosciences
The Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences provides leading, international research and education in road and water engineering, earth sciences, traffic and transport control, and delta technology. Innovation and sustainability are central themes. The research addresses global social issues and is closely interwoven with education as well as with the work carried out by a broad spectrum of knowledge institutions. The faculty consists of 17 sections distributed among the Departments of Design & Construction, Hydraulic Engineering, Transport & Planning, Water Management and Geotechnology.
The Section of Road and Railway Engineering focuses on the design, construction, management and maintenance of structures for land-based traffic, and the interaction between traffic and structures. The section has extensive laboratory facilities to perform advanced tests. Advanced mathematical tools are applied for in-depth analyses.
Job description
Short pitch rail corrugation is a type of vertical periodic irregularity on top of railway rails with a wavelength of 2-8 cm. It is a result of the dynamic interaction between the wheels and rails and is one of the major types of damage in most rail systems worldwide. It causes large dynamic contact forces, resulting not only in damages to rolling stock, wheel and rail, but also in rapid deterioration of track quality and noise nuisance, leading to high maintenance and renewal costs and reduced track availability. With the continuous increase in rail transport in the foreseeable future, the problem will be even more pronounced, particularly for networks which are approaching or have reached their capacity limit.
By means of numerical analyses, field monitoring and lab tests, this research aims at a fundamental understanding of the initiation and growth mechanisms of short pitch corrugation, basically the wavelength fixing mechanism and the damage mechanism by wear and plastic deformation. This should finally lead to improved track design to avoid corrugations, possible methods for detection of corrugation root causes in existing track, and action criteria for optimal maintenance. For this research, the Road and Railway Engineering Section at TU Delft is looking for a motivated PhD student.
Applicants should have an MSc or the equivalent in Mechanical, Aerospace or Civil Engineering, Applied Mathematics or Physics, with knowledge of Dynamics and Vibration and the Finite Element Method. Candidates should have demonstrable interest and skills in research as well as good communication skills. Proficiency in English, both spoken and written, is a prerequisite.
Conditions of employment
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, free high-speed Internet access from home, and the option of assembling a customized compensation and benefits package (the ‘IKA’). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.
Information and application
For more information about this position, please contact
Dr. ir. Z. Li
phone: +31 (0)15-2782325,
To apply, please e-mail a detailed CV along with a letter of application by June 13th, 2008 to W. A. Maertens at:Recruitment-citg[a-t] When applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number CITG08-13. TU Delft is an equal opportunity employer.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
PhD Scholarship Mechanisms of Short Pitch Rail Corrugation - TU Delft

Deadline: 17 JULY 2008
The Department of European Ethnology and the Collaborative Research Unit
640, “Changing Representations of Social Order: Intertemporal and
Intercultural Comparisons” at Humboldt-University Berlin offer a PhD
position within the research project “Kinship as Representation of
Social Order and Practice: Knowledge, Performativity and Legal-Ethical
Regulation” (Project C4, Stefan Beck and Michi Knecht).
This project seeks to understand how notions and practices of kinship / affinity /
togetherness are changing in relation to the appropriation of assisting
reproductive technologies and adoption in Berlin and Istanbul/Izmir,
with a particular focus on the emergent transnational scapes of
reproductive medicine. The position is for 4 years, open as soon as
possible, ending June 30th, 2012.
The PhD position will contribute to the Turkish and transnational part
of the project directed by Prof. Stefan Beck and Dr. Michi Knecht. The
focus will be on women, couples and kinship networks, who are using – or
have used – reproductive technologies or adoption in order to start, to
enlarge or complete families. Important sites of fieldwork in Istanbul,
Izmir and Berlin will be self-help groups and other concerned groups
within the reproductive health sector, infertility clinics, adoption
agencies, ethic committees and governmental staff and experts engaged in
redefining kinship and kinship law. Most importantly, interviews and
participant observation will take place within the everyday life of
families who are involved in our long term study.
Applicants are expected to develop, define and carry through their own
PhD research project within the research field of our project (assisting
reproductive technologies in Turkey and the emergent transnational
scapes of reproductive medicine, kinship and citizenship, concerned
groups / self help groups in the field of infertility treatment,
adoption, bioethics and regulation in the field of reproductive
technologies in Turkey) Applicants for this PhD position should have a
background in social / cultural anthropology, european ethnology or STS.
Place of work will be the Humboldt University Berlin, with long
intermittent periods of fieldwork in Istanbul/Izmir. For further
information on the research project see
Applicants must have obtained a Master’s degree with excellent results
or complete a Master’s course before starting at HU. They should have a
very good written and oral Turkish and English and a good knowledge of
Further requirements:
· knowledge in one or more of the following fields: new
anthropology of kinship, anthropology of knowledge, ethnographies of
assisting reproductive technologies, Anthropology of Turkey and the
Mediterranean, social studies of science and technology,
transnationalisation, methodologies of complex comparisons.
· Ethnographic fieldwork experience
· Ability to work in a team, excellent organisation and
communication skills
Applicants are kindly asked to send a letter of application with a
concise statement of their interest, a cv and up to three examples of
their academic writing (including unpublished thesis material), and
official transcripts or certified copies of University certificates.
The successful applicant must participate in and complete the PhD
programme of the collaborative research unit 640 at Humboldt University
The position is payed according to BAT IIa-O, 50 % The PhD students will
also receive an additional stipend for time abroad and funding for
travel and accommodation for the time spent in fieldwork.
Applications should be sent by post with the reference Nr. DR06408 to
Prof. Dr. Stefan Beck / Dr. Michi Knecht, Department of European
Ethnology, Humboldt-University Berlin, Mohrenstrasse 41, D – 10117
Berlin, Germany. Or per mail
Stefan.beck @;
michi.knecht @
Deadline is July 17th 2008.
For further information potential applicants are encouraged to contact
their prospective part-project leader and main supervisor Prof. Stefan
Beck and Michi Knecht informally, by email in the first instance.

PhD student DNA Transport in Neisseria Gonorrhoeae, University of Groningen
Project description.
The rapid spread of antibiotic
resistance among bacteria is one of the major problems of the coming
century. This urges for an understanding of the mechanisms by which
antibiotic resistance is transmitted.
Conjugal DNA transport via type
IV secretion systems is one of the main causes responsible for this
spread, but little is known about the mechanism that governs conjugal
DNA transport. In Gram-negative bacteria, the DNA has to cross four
membranes, which makes it difficult to study DNA translocation by in vitro methods.
However, such studies will be
instrumental to reveal mechanistic features of this transport process.
Recently, an F factor conjugation-like DNA secretion system has been
described in pathogenic Neisseria gonorrhoea. Remarkably, this system
exports the DNA directly into the medium without the need for
cell-to-cell contact. Since here only two membranes have to be crossed,
this system is ideal to set up an in vitro DNA translocation system.
The aim is to reconstitute the DNA transport reaction both with inner
membrane vesicles and proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified
components. For this purpose, components of the DNA translocase will be
identified and overexpressed. Interactions between subunits of the DNA
translocase, located in the cytoplasm, inner membrane, periplasm and
outer membrane will be analyzed using immunoprecipitation,
co-purification, blue native electrophoresis, surface plasmon resonance
and further molecular biological, biochemical and biophysical
Offered position fellowship for a period of four years, which should lead to a PhD in Natural Sciences.
Required education/skills: University Graduate
For this project, I seek a highly motivated and skilled researcher with a masters degree in microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology or similar.
The research will be conducted in the research group of Dr. Van der Does, which is embedded in the Department of Molecular Microbiology headed by Prof. A.J.M. Driessen. The department participates in the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and
Biotechnology Institute (GBB) and the Material Sciences Center (MSCplus), a center of excellence. Further research is focused on the molecular mechanisms of bacterial protein export, membrane protein integration and solute transport, specifically multidrug and antibiotic transporters in bacteria, archaea and lower eukaryotes.
The emphasis is on the energetics and kinetics of the translocation processes, the
structural analysis of the proteins, and the role of transport processes in the physiology of micro-organisms. The laboratory is very well equipped, including molecular biology and protein purification (AKTA and FPLC) and analysis equipment e.g., large scale fermentation and centrifugation facilities, continuous cell lysis, (time-resolved) spectrofluorimeters, a Lumi-Imager, ultracentrifuges, and a fully equipped isotope laboratory.
Via GBB, there is direct access to various mass spectrometry techniques (Maldi-Tof, nanoLC-MS, ESI MS), DNA array and crystallography facilities, differential scanning and isothermal titration calorimetry, circular dichroism, time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and analytical ultracentrifugation. The group comprises a full, an associate and an assistant professor, 5 post-docs, 15 PhD students, and 5 technicians, and has been evaluated excellent by the last two VSNU quality assessment committees on all criteria. The group participates in three major Dutch technology innovation research networks, i.e., on proteomics, nanotechnology and on industrial micro-organisms.
During the years, the group has participated in many
EC programes, and more recently participates in an EC Human Mobility training network on molecular machines which involves leading groups in the
study of protein secretion and type II-IV secretion systems, and the EC
framework 6 program on the structural genomics of membrane proteins.
Intense links exist with industry, i.e., DSM (Anti-infectives, Delft ),
Biomade ( Groningen ), and Arpida Ltd ( Muenchenstein, Switserland).
Conditions of employment
The PhD student works as on a fellowship of 1390 Euro’s a month. Income
tax depends on the personal situation of the PhD student but generally
does not exceed 3% for this fellowship. These
positions are currently only available for non-Dutch nationals. The
appointment is for a period of four years and the work should lead to a
PhD in Natural Sciences.
Further information
About the vacancy: Dr. Chris van der does (e-mail :
Application (preferably by e-mail) should be send to:
Dr. Chris van der Does
University of Groningen
Department of Molecular Microbiology
Kerklaan 30
9751 NN Groningen
The Netherlands

Software Engineering Research Project (Probabilistic Verification and Model-Based Quality Evaluation), Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Model Based Development (MBD) has established itself as the key approach to software engineering of increasingly complex systems in automotive and aerospace domains. It has proved successful at managing complexity associated with functionality. A new approach is to use model-based techniques also for quality evaluation and predictions. Since most of quality attributes such as performance, reliability, availability, safety, and security have a probabilistic nature, probabilistic verification techniques are the best solution to perform model-based quality evaluation.
The research project shall explore the possibilities of probabilistic modelling and verification techniques to reason about quality attributes early in the software development lifecycle. To get a detailed introduction into this research project please have a look at the following background literature:
* Controller dependability analysis by probabilistic model checking
* Quantitative risk-based security prediction for component-based systems with explicitly modeled attack profiles
* Early quality prediction of component-based systems – A generic framework (
Your Benefits:
Basically, the benefits can be summarised as follows:
* You will work on real-world research problems. (There will always be opportunities to cooperate with major software and systems engineering companies.)
* You will be trained in all skills that are required to successfully finish you research project. Our goal is to help you develop the skills, connections, and opportunities required, that ensure a successful postgraduate career.
* You will create research outputs at the highest standards. In today’s world, it is not only enough to be good, students must be great and competitive compared to other graduate students. Please have a look at our own research outputs.
* You will get optimal and continuous supervision. My goal is to give you strong support on your research from a technical side. However, we also try to help my students to develop their personal skills. If you like to know more about my supervision style, we can provide contact details of recently graduated students as reference.
* You study in a friendly and cooperative environment. Australia is known for its friendliness.
We require:
We are interested in a PhD student who has a good academic record (first class honours or equivalent with marks above 80-85%) with background in one or more of the following areas:
* probabilistic logics and probabilistic verification
* probabilistic model checking
* quality attributes such as performance, reliability, availability, safety, and security
* software engineering (in the areas of embedded systems, robotics, etc. )
* software architectures and architecture evaluation
* formal methods in system design
* statistics
Since this project involves working with other PhD students and industrial partner, communication skills and the ability to work in a team environment are especially required.
The scholarship carries a value of AUS$20,000+ p.a., with fee exemption for both Australian and international students. The selection process will be competitive. If you are interested in the research project, please provide the following information via email to
* detailed curriculum vitae
* an (electronic) copy of undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts (first class honours or equivalent with marks above 80-85% or GPA 3.70/4)
* evidence of English proficiency for non native English speaker (officially required is an IELTS of 6.5 with no band below 6.0, practically scores above 7.0 are preferred).

PhD Studentship in Electronic Engineering, Audio Signal Processing, King’s College London, UK
The Centre for Digital Signal Processing in the Division of Engineering, King’s College London, invites applications for PhD students to pursue research in the field of perceptual sound field reconstruction/emulation. The goal of this project is to develop a new technology for multi-channel consumer audio which would significantly improve over existing techniques in terms of realism, the accuracy and stability of the auditory perspective, the size of the sweet listening spot and the persuasiveness of the envelopment experience.
Further details about the project can be found at
This project is funded by EPSRC and includes provision for collaboration between the Centre for Digital Signal Processing at King’s College London and the Institute of Sound Recording, University of Surrey.
There is one full PhD studentship available which provides for UK/EU fees and additional funding of around GBP 1,100 per month for living expenses for 36 months.
The ideal candidate will possess an MSc in electrical engineering or another relevant area. Knowledge of advanced signal processing techniques and experience with sound field analysis and/or multi-channel audio technologies are essential for effective pursuance of the project.
The studentship is available immediately.
Candidates should submit a formal application for PhD studies in Electronic Engineering at King’s College London, indicating that they are applying for the EPSRC studentship in Perceptual Sound Field Reconstruction and indicating Dr Cvetkovic as their PhD advisor. An online application form can be found at
Informal enquiries about the project and studentship can be made to Dr Zoran Cvetkovic via e-mail:

Master and PhD Positions in Geoinformatics and Climate Change, University College Cork, Ireland
The Geography Department and Coastal and Marine Resources Centre of University College Cork, Ireland, have two funded research studentships available to commence in October 2008. The studentships cover university fees at the EU level, and an annual stipend. The PhD project aims to address issues of the use of Geoinformatics technologies for predicting the effects of climate change with respect to those coastal areas that are most at risk.
The potential benefits of integrating remotely sensed data derived from satellite, airborne and field sources, with other spatial information will be considered. Automated image processing routines will be developed in order to better understand the coastal system at present. Through scenario testing of potential climatically induced terrestrial, marine and meteorological changes, the response of different coastal habitats will be modelled to provide greater insight into the present and future functioning of marsh, dune, lagoon and estuarine environments along the Cork coastline. The use of geovisualisation for communication of results to local interest groups will also be explored.
The MSc project will explore the utility of high spatial resolution, multispectral optical and SAR satellite data to map the habitat distribution and vertical expansion/contraction and stability of raised bogs. Methods to characterise habitat distribution include the investigation and classification of the combined multispectral optical and SAR data. Advanced supervised classification techniques will be explored using both hard and soft/fuzzy classifiers in attempting to classify peatland species and habitats. Interferometric techniques, using a time series of C-band and L-band SAR images, will be used to determine the feasibility of identifying and quantifying centimetre level vertical displacements within the bog.
Applicants should have a minimum of a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in an Earth, Environmental or Engineering Science discipline. Experience in remote sensing, image processing, quantitative environmental science and in undertaking fieldwork would be an advantage. For further information please contact:
Dr Fiona Cawkwell (e-mail:, telephone: +353 (0)21490 2707) for the PhD project or Dr Ned Dwyer (e-mail:, telephone: +353 (0)21 470 3104) for the MSc
Applicants should send a copy of their CV, with the names and addresses of 3 referees, plus a brief statement outlining their academic interests and their reasons for wishing to undertake this research project to the email addresses above.
Closing date for applications is 25th July 2008.

PhD Studentships in the Energy Technology Research Group, University of Southampton, UK
Two PhD studentships are now available in the Energy Technology Research Group, School of Engineering Sciences (SES), which will fully cover University tuition fees (at EU/UK level**) and provide a tax-free bursary of GBP 12,900 per year, rising annually in line with the UK Government (EPSRC) recommended rate, for a 4-year duration.
EU/UK fees GBP 3300 p.a., overseas fee GBP 13,480 p.a. (all figures subject to increase). Additional funding for fees may be available to exceptional overseas applicants.
Applications are invited for two High End Computing (HEC) Studentships. The HEC Studentships will provide support for 4 years postgraduate training leading to a Doctorate in the field of computational multiphase flow, from the University of Southampton, plus an MSc in Computational Science and Engineering, from the University of Warwick.
Multiphase flow is ubiquitous in nature and in industrial processes. The proposed research is concerned specifically with a two-phase system in which a gas phase is laden with liquid droplets interacting with the continuum and, indirectly, with each other through this continuum. The ability to predict such a phenomenon is of great importance for biomedical, chemical, energy and process industries. The phenomenon involves time and length scales ranging from nanoscales (interfacial physics) to macroscales (interactions of particle momentum and scalar wakes), which cannot be fully described by the continuum formulation based on the Navier-Stokes equations.
The proposed research is to develop both macroscopic and microscopic methods to simulate fully resolved multiphase flow. One student will lead the development of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and the other will focus on the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM). The project will extend the capabilities of these methods and explore their relative strengths in the mesoscale range.
A distinctive feature of these studentships is that students will have the opportunity to study for a taught MSc in Computational Science and Engineering at the University of Warwick. This will enable them to make full use of the most advanced parallel computing techniques to solve some of the most complex problems in multiphase flow. Computing resources are available at the national HEC platform HECToR as well as on local massively parallel PC clusters (> 1000 processors).
SES is a top 5* rated research school with an international reputation. The successful candidate will work with a group of highly motivated, first class research students in the areas of multiphase flow, turbulent flow and combustion in combination with high performance computing.
The School is a diverse community which is committed to creating an inclusive working and learning environment in which all individuals are equally treated and valued, and can achieve their potential. The School considers all studentship applications in relation to academic criteria and regardless of the individual’s race, gender, or belief.
Entry requirements: The studentships are available to candidates with the equivalent of a first class or upper second class degree in relevant disciplines, e.g. engineering, maths, physics and computational sciences. The studentships are at the standard EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) rate, commencing on 1 October 2008.
If you wish to discuss any details of the project informally, please contact Prof K.H.Luo (LBM studentship), Dr. J. S. Shrimpton (IBM studentship), Energy Technology Research Group, SES, University of Southampton, Email: k.h.luo[ at ] or john.shrimpton[ at ]
How to apply:
An on-line application form (or hard copy version) with guidance notes can be accessed here:

ESRC Funded PhD Studentship in The Governance of Clean Development, the University of East Anglia, UK
ESRC Funded PhD Studentship in The Governance of Clean Development in the School of Development Studies at the University of East Anglia
Meeting the development needs of the majority of the world’s people in a carbon-constrained world presents a global challenge of staggering proportions. There is currently little research, however, about the role of institutions and policy processes in reconciling the growing levels of demand for energy investment in rapidly industrialising countries with the goal of clean development aimed at facilitating a transition to a lower carbon economy.
An ESRC Climate Change Leadership Fellowship on The Governance of Clean Development will address this issue. The programme of work will explore the conditions in which the governance context nationally and internationally helps to determine (i) the nature, scale and direction of investment flows in the clean development sector (within and beyond the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism) and (ii) the extent to which those flows are able to simultaneously satisfy social as well as environmental ends.
As part of this programme, applications are invited for a fully funded 3 year PhD studentship based in the School of Development Studies at UEA to be supervised by Prof. Peter Newell to begin in October 2008 (or as soon thereafter as possible). The subject of the research will be a comparative study of the governance of clean development in India and South Africa and will involve field work in both those countries.
The studentship will allow significant involvement in the research and communication work associated with the fellowship at one of the UK’s leading centres for research on climate change development. The studentship includes PhD student fees, field work costs and project related travel, a stipend plus a Research Training Support Grant. To see the terms and conditions of ESRC studentships see full details link.
Applications are welcome from candidates with a minimum 2.1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) and a relevant Masters degree or relevant experience. Please note that due to funding restrictions only EU and UK citizens are eligible. Applications should include a CV, a covering letter outlining relevant experience and interest in this area of work and a completed application form which can be downloaded from here.
They should be submitted to Daniel Lightening, SSF Admissions, University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ Tel +44 (0) 1603 592805, E-mail:d.lightening[ at ] quoting ESRC/Newell. The deadline for applications is August 15th 2008. A telephone interview will be held in late August at a date to be confirmed.
For further information and queries please contact Prof. Peter Newell P.Newell[ at ]
Available online at this page.

PhD Studentships in Information-Based Self-Motivated Learning in Robots, University of Hertfordshire, UK
University of Hertfordshire
Science and Technology Research Institute
Applications are invited from candidates for a PhD studentship on self-motivated learning in robots based on information-theoretical principles.
Project and Requirements:
Based on a class of recently developed information-theoretic techniques and models, the project will study candidate mechanisms for the generation of biologically plausible self-motivated learning and behaviour dynamics for robots. The project will involve the intrinsically driven identification of intelligent behaviours based on informational criteria, and their incremental acquisition, refinement and expansion. The methods will be first developed in simulation and will then ideally be transferred to hardware robots.
The prospective candidates should have a keen interest in contributing to a new and dynamic research area and a strong background in Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, Statistics or another relevant computational discipline. In particular, they should demonstrate very strong programming skills in one or more major computer languages. A good mathematical/numerical background would be desirable, ideally including probability theory and data modelling/neural network techniques.
Successful candidates may be eligible for a research studentship award from the University (equivalent to £12,940 per annum bursary plus the payment of the standard UK student fees).
The envisaged research will take place in a vibrant and enthusiastic research environment as a part of the Adaptive Systems Research Group in the School of Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire. The university is located in Hatfield, less than 25 minutes by train from London Kings Cross and with convenient access to Stansted, Luton and Heathrow airports and not far from the historic town of St. Albans.
Contact for informal inquiries on the research topic: Dr. Daniel Polani (E-mail:
For further information on the application process and an application form, contact
Mrs Lorraine Nicholls
Research Student Administrator
STRI, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
College Lane, Hatfield, Herts, AL10 9AB, UK.
Tel: 01707 286083
Fax: 01707 284185
or email:
The short-listing process will begin on 25th July 2008, but earlier application is encouraged.

Post-doc in Algorithm Theory / Bioinformatics, Ochanomizu University, Japan
Ochanomizu University, a National University Corporation in Japan, is searching for a post-doctoral research fellow to work with Assistant Professor Dr. Jesper Jansson on the Program for Researchers to Promote Creative and Independent Research supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology.
Number of available positions: 1
Terms of Employment:
The first term is from the appointment day to March 31, 2009.
The contract may be extended on a yearly basis until March 31, 2012, depending on the research performance.
Research areas:
Algorithms (Graph Theory, Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Computational Complexity) and Bioinformatics (Phylogenetics, Clustering, Comparative Genomics).
Applicants must have, or expect to hold by March 31, 2009, a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, Bioinformatics, or Mathematics.
Gross salary: 4,560,000yen (about 42,000 USD) per year.
Social insurance contributions and income tax will be deducted from the salary.
Commuter expenses are already included. No additional bonuses or dismissal allowance will be paid.
Deadline for applications: September 1, 2008.
Application procedure:

Masters Studentships, Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, UK
Applications are invited for one-year Faculty Masters Studentships (comprising full home or overseas tuition fees): the deadline for applications is 15 August 2008.
Applications are invited in the following subjects: English, French, Geography, History, Italian, Law, Politics, Psychology, Sociology and Spanish.
A list of eligible courses and research degrees on which these awards may be held is available from the Faculty Officer (Ms Bronagh Dallat), Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1XQ
Tel: 0141 548 2750, Fax: 0141 552 0775, e-mail: d.mcarthur[ at ],
Further information is also available on the University Postgraduate Scholarships webpage by following the link to: Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences Studentships.

Gates Cambridge Scholarship
One to four years of study leading to a degree at Cambridge University, England. Seniors, graduate/professional students, and graduates are eligible to apply. U.S. and non-U.S. citizens under the age of 30 are eligible. All applicants must apply directly to Cambridge [either as an affiliated student (obtaining a second bachelor's degree) or as a graduate student] and fill out the supplemental portion of the application to the Cambridge Trusts to be considered for the fellowship.
Who they are looking for:
The Trustees are required to award scholarships on the basis of a person’s intellectual ability, leadership capacity, and desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society throughout the world by providing service to their communities and applying their talents and knowledge to improve the lives of others.
In selecting Gates Cambridge Scholars, the Trust looks for students of exceptional academic achievement and scholarly promise for whom advanced study at Cambridge would be particularly appropriate. The Trust expects a good match to be made between the applicant’s qualifications and aspirations and what Cambridge has to offer. Successful applicants will have the ability to make a significant contribution to their discipline while in Cambridge, with a strong aptitude for research, analysis, and a creative approach to defining and solving problems.
“Priority” Deadline June 2, 2008:
Students are encouraged to submit a priority application for the Gates Cambridge Scholarship. The priority deadline is June 2, 2008 for students wishing to study at Cambridge University beginning in 2009-10. University faculty and staff who are familiar with the Gates Cambridge Scholarship will review materials received by this date, while only the Office of Scholarships for International Study will review materials submitted after this date. In either case, we will provide feedback on your application and are willing to work with you through the summer on subsequent revisions.
Please submit the following requested information to the Scholarships Office (with the exception of the Choice of University Statements, one set may be submitted covering multiple scholarships) at or 321 International Studies Building, MC-480:
1. Transcripts from all colleges attended (photocopies acceptable)
2. 3-5 Letters of Recommendation (drafts acceptable)
3. Resume
4. Personal Statement of 1,000 words (Personal Statement should be in 12 point font and double spaced)
5. One Choice of University Statement
In addition to the generic transcripts, personal statement, and resume, it is in your best interest to submit at least three letters of recommendation (three letters are ultimately required) and a “Choice of University Statement” outlining your choice of coursework and/or proposed research at Cambridge.
Further information about priority deadline requirements
Campus Deadline 12:00 Noon August 26, 2008:
Unlike other prestigious scholarship schemas, the Gates Cambridge Scholarship does not formally include a university endorsement process. An applicant may choose to independently submit application materials to Cambridge and the Gates Scholarship. However, if you are interested in obtaining feedback on your Gates Cambridge scholarship application from a campus committee, then you need to submit materials by the August 26 noon deadline. University faculty and staff who are familiar with the Gates Cambridge Scholarship will review materials received by this date and will conduct an interview. If materials are submitted after August 26, only the Office of Scholarships for International Study will review the materials and you will not receive a chance to interview with the committee at that time.
Required information:
1. Transcripts from all colleges attended (photocopies acceptable– one set may be submitted covering multiple scholarships)
2. 3 Letters of Recommendation particular to the student’s Gates Cambridge application, two of which are part of the Cambridge application and a third that is a personal reference — generally from a faculty member. It is best for this third referee to fill out the specific Personal Reference Form
3. A complete Cambridge University application for admission (including writing sample, if required, but no photos)
Final Submittal Deadline Received October 15, 2008.
For those pursuing graduate study, Gates Cambridge scholarship applications are a part of the general Cambridge application. The applicant is responsible for mailing his/her application to Cambridge (including all original transcripts in sealed envelopes, a passport-size photo, and three recommendations in appropriately marked, signed, sealed envelopes). In all cases, the materials need to be received at Cambridge by October 15. The Office of Scholarships for International Study would appreciate a copy of all materials (including letters) prior to submission. Letters should be written to the attention of the “Board of Graduate Studies”. If you wish to include the address, it is:
The Secretary
Board of Graduate Studies
4 Mill Lane
Cambridge CB2 1RZ
United Kingdom
For those pursuing undergraduate admission, you first must complete a Cambridge application and gain admission to a particular college. Once you are admitted to a college as an undergraduate, the college will send you a supplemental application form for the Gates scholarship. The applicant is responsible for completing the supplemental application to Cambridge and ensuring that these materials are received by the deadline. The Office of Scholarships for International Study would appreciate a copy of all materials prior to submission.
The Final Stages:
Shortlisted candidates will be called for a national interview held in Annapolis in January or February 2009. The Office of Scholarships for International Study will coordinate mock interviews for those students called to an interview. The final selection is generally publicly announced within a week of the Gates Cambridge interview.
General Application Tips:
Review general tips and view sample application materials
The Gates reviewers will review your entire Cambridge application, so do not repeat yourself in the materials. Write “N/A” throughout the application for items that are not applicable. The GRE is rarely required for admission to Cambridge, but some courses, such as religious studies and economics may require it — look at your individual Department.
International students who have a Green Card should apply through the U.S. If a student is in the U.S. only for education, then they should apply through their home country. In that case, the international student must also apply for an ORS award.
Personal Statement: The scholarship is not for ’rounding out’ education. Solid applications demonstrate that a student plans to contribute to, and not just receive from, Cambridge. A Gates Scholar will change the world by good research, analysis, and proposing solutions. The Foundation desires students who feel the need and have the abilities to contribute creative solutions to problems in all areas — not just academics. Student must be extremely self-motivated, be intellectually curious, and know they have much to learn. An applicant should show that Cambridge is the best place to pursue their studies. The Gates should be more of an incentive to achieve than a reward for past accomplishments.
Recommendation Letters: The personal reference should know something about the candidate’s service or leadership activities, but not be solely a family friend in most cases. However, it is not necessary that this letter be academic.
For further information about applying for nationally competitive scholarships from the University of Illinois, contact:
David Schug and Laura Hastings, Directors
Scholarships for International Study
321 International Studies Building, MC-480
910 South Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Phone: (217) 244-0254
Fax: (217) 333-6270

Vacancy at ConocoPhillips
The Company is an international, integrated energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas, and operating in more than 40 countries. As a Production Sharing Contractor for BPMIGAS, we operate many producing and exploration blocks in Indonesia. To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, The Company is currently looking for suitable & talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following position:
Supervisor General Services
Responsible to ensure camp management and transportations services in onshore are well manage and meet company standard and customers satisfactions.
1. Minimum education D3 majoring in Management, administration or civil
2. Minimum experience is 5 years as administration staff, building maintenance and catering
3. Fluently in English written and spoken.
4. Familiar with computer applications, MS. Office (Word, Excel, Power point, etc)
5. Having good vision regarding to company Core value.
6. High motivations and good interpersonal skill.
7. Having good vision regarding to customers satisfactions
Basic Purpose:
To ensure that the assigned Rotating Equipment modification or projects works are executed in an expedient, cost effective, safe manner and in compliance with the Company Engineering Standards and International Codes.
Qualification & Experience:
1. Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
2. Rotating Equipment Software Application.
3. Basic Level of Rotating Equipment engineering work which included:
- Fundamental Principle.
- Project Support.
- Operation.
- Maintenance.
- Combustion Gas Turbine.
- Electric Machinery.
- Reciprocating Engines.
- Steam Turbine.
- Dynamic ( Centrifugal, Axial ) Compressors.
- Reciprocating Compressors.
- Screw Type Compressors.
- Centrifugal Compressor.
- Positive Displacement Pumps.
- Machinery Support Systems.
4. Rotating Equipment Engineering Work for 6-10 years experience.
Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV to:
This posting will be closed on 21 July 2008. Only very short-listed candidates will be contacted for further process.

Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship
The Nanyang President’s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a competitive
and prestigious scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding
graduates or final-year students to take their first step towards a
leading research career by studying for a PhD at NTU.
Who is eligible?
There is no restriction as to the nationality of candidates but, all
things being equal preference will be given to Singapore Citizens and
Singapore Permanent Residents.
Eligibility criteria
* You must have a First Class Honours degree or equivalent at
Bachelor’s level
* If you have not yet completed your undergraduate degree
programme, you will need to furnish documentation from your university
that you are on track to get a First Class Honours degree or equivalent
There is no bond attached to the scholarship.
Coverage and award terms
* Full tuition fees
* Monthly stipend of $3200
* Conference allowance for two major overseas conferences in the
4-year period
* One-time IT allowance of $1500
* Annual grant of $500 for journal subscription or book purchase
* Thesis preparation allowance
* Priority will be given for subsidised campus accomodation
Application procedure
Please refer to the NPGS website for more details.

Beasiswa Penelitian Program S2 Luar Negeri
Beasiswa Penelitian Program S2/S3 Endeavour ini diberikan untuk calon mahasiswa yang berasal dari luar New Zealand untuk menempuh pendidikan pada tahun 2009.
To be eligible to apply for the EIPRS, you must:
1. be an overseas student who is eligible to undertake a higher degree by research candidature within UTS’s areas of research strengths, and
2. be able to commence in full time enrolment for the first time in 2009, unless:
- you commenced your HDR during 2008 but, due to the timing of your applications and subsequent enrolment were not able to apply for the 2008 EIPRS, or
- you have terminated any previous HDR enrolment within six months of commencement
3. not hold a research qualification regarded by UTS as equivalent to an Australian Research Doctorate degree or, if undertaking a Research by Master degree, not hold a research qualification regarded as equivalent to or higher than an Australian Research Master’s degree, and
4. not have held an Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) scholarship within the two years prior to commencing the EIPRS, and
5. not be receiving a scholarship for which course tuition fee is a component under any scholarship scheme to which the Australian Government makes a substantial contribution.
Eligibility for admission
PhD Degree
Applicants shall:
- hold a Bachelor’s degree with First or Second Class Honours, Division 1 or a Master’s Degree by research of the University of Technology, Sydney; or
- possess an equivalent qualification.
In addition, applicants will be required to provide satisfactory evidence of their ability to undertake advanced research appropriate to their PhD program.
Master’s Degree by Research
Applicants shall:
- hold a Bachelor’s Degree of the University of Technology, Sydney; or
- possess an equivalent qualification; or
- submit such other evidence of general and professional qualifications as will satisfy the Academic Board that the applicant possesses the educational preparation and capacity to pursue graduate studies.
English proficiency
Applicants whose formal education was conducted in a language other than English are required to provide evidence of their English language proficiency. Evidence of English language proficiency must be provided by the closing dates specified in this information.
Selection criteria
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit, research capacity and research potential. The applicant’s intended area of study must be in an area of research concentration of the institution.
Scholarship Application Procedure and Requirements
- You must complete the International Student Postgraduate Application [pdf 74.5kb]. Mark the top of the front page of this form EIPRS Applicant.
- You must also complete the 2009 EIPRS application form[pdf, 46.9kb]
Supporting documents essential for your applications (required for International Student Postgraduate and EIPRS application)
- Research proposal detailing your research objectives, example of your key literature in your area of interest and a broad outline of the sequence and timing of the work that you plan to do;
- Evidence of prior research experience, including work for Bachelor’s Honours or Master theses, consultancies or industry-based research;
- The name of your potential supervisors (or supervisors) at UTS with whom you have discussed your research interest or have agreed to supervise your research project
- Reports from 2 referees, preferably from someone who are familiar with your research interest and who can confirm your capacity to carry out research. Use the the Academic Referee’s Report form (pdf 24kb).
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae including:
Details of any academic prizes gained during your tertiary studies
Details of any work experience (paid or unpaid) relevant to your proposed research project
Details of publication in academic or peer reviewed journals, published books or chapters of books
Details of patents achieved or any other output, for example, exhibited works (if applicable)
All supporting documents must be properly certified, these include:
- English proficiency test results
- Copies of degree(s) awarded and full academic transcript(s) showing the subjects studied, the marks obtained and an explanation of the grading system must be provided
- For documents not in English, the original language documents and an official translation must also be certified
Photocopies that are not certified will not be accepted.
Documents certified by a Justice of Peace will not be accepted.
Closing Date
1 September, 2008 at 5.00pm.
All application requirements must be received by the closing date.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered
- Late applications will not be considered
- Faxed applications will not be considered
It is in your interest to apply as early as possible
If you apply early and you are missing any documents you will be notified of this by UTS International and will have still have adequate time to supply the required documents before the deadline of the EIPRS application.
Applications must arrive at the address nominated on the application form by the due time on the due date. Merely posting the application by the due date is not acceptable.
Acknowledgement of receipt of EIPRS applicaton
An email acknowledgement of receipt of your EIPRS application will be sent to you when received by UTS international.
Notification of the outcome
Eligible applicants will receive email notification of the outcome of their EIPRS in late November 2008.

PAIS East Asia Postgrad Research Fellowship - University of Warwick
PAIS East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship
ENTRY 2008/09
Politics and International Studies
Beasiswa Inggris: PAIS East Asia Postgrad Research Fellowship - University of Warwick
The Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) invites applications for one East Asia Postgraduate Research Fellowship to fund three years of doctoral research at the University of Warwick.
This doctoral research will form part of PAIS’s programme to consolidate the study of East Asia in the department and across the University. The successful candidate will be supervised by Professor Chris Hughes in PAIS. In addition to pursuing their own doctoral research, the holder of the Fellowship will be expected under Professor Hughes’s direction to form part of a research team and provide assistance in a range of activities to promote research on East Asia. PAIS has one of the largest concentrations in the UK of research expertise in the contemporary international and domestic East Asian politics.
The successful candidates should have an interest in the international and domestic politics of East Asia, broadly in one or more of the disciplines of Political Science, International Relations, International Political Economy, Security Studies, East Asian Studies, and Japanese Studies. Professor Hughes would particularly welcome applications in his research specialism of Japanese foreign and security policy, but also seeks applications in areas such as Japan-China relations, East Asian regional security more generally, and East Asian regionalism and political economy.
The Fellowship will be highly competitive. Successful candidates should have obtained at least an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) from a recognised institution of higher education before 31 July 2008. The possession of a MA in a relevant discipline would also be an advantage, as would some pre-existing knowledge of East Asia. Applicants should have the requisite standard of English, and some ability in Japanese or another East Asian language would be useful. Home/EU and Overseas students are eligible for the Fellowship.
The scholarship includes for three years:
The payment of academic fees
A maintenance grant in line with the UK Research Council standard stipend (£12,940 for full-time award holders in 2008/2009)
Successful candidates may be asked in consultation with Professor Hughes to undertake up to 110 hours of assistance in a year. This assistance may take the form of research and/or teaching and/or administrative duties.
Interested candidates are encouraged in the first instance to contact directly Professor Hughes ( for informal discussions about their suitability and research plans. Formal applications should be made by sending a completed application form, two references, and academic transcript to Professor Hughes. Candidates should also make the normal formal application through the University of Warwick’s Graduate School (
The deadline for applications is 4 August 2008.
Entry is for the academic year 2008/09, ideally in October 2008, but slightly later entry is negotiable. For more information about PAIS and postgraduate research, please consult:
Please quote job vacancy reference number PAIS1-068.
The closing date/time for applications is midnight (British time) at the end of Monday 04 August 2008.

Clinical Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 2008 12:46:09
From: Martin Ball []
Subject: Clinical Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Louisiana at
Lafayette, USA
Institution/Organization: University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Department: Communicative Disorders
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Applied Linguistics
Communicative Disorders / Clinical Linguistics
PhD Assistantships are available for the start of Fall 2008 (mid-August) or
Spring (January) 2009. All tuition fees and a stipend for living expenses
be paid. Candidates with good GRE scores (or those about to take GRE) should
contact PhD Coordinator for more details (Dr John Tetnowski). Please attach
current CV with GRE and GPA scores. Candidates from the US should have a
Master’s degree in Communication Disorders or a Master’s or honors bachelor
degree in Linguistics. Candidates from outside the US can apply if they have
good honours bachelor degree in Speech-Language Therapy if that is the
qualifying level for the profession.
See website for details about the doctoral program in Applied Language and
Speech Sciences. Supervision is offered in all areas of language and speech
disorders but not in audiology. For a Fall 2008 start, candidates should
us immediately. Overseas applications are welcome, but should aim for the
January 2009 start because of time needed to process these. Alternate
Head of Department, Dr Nancye Roussel (; Director of
Research Center, Dr Martin J. Ball (
Application Deadline: 02-Nov-2008
Web Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Dr John Tetnowski
Phone:+1 337 482 6721
E-mail this message to a friend:
Use this link.

Type of employment : Direct Contract for 12 months
Position Summary:
Based in Jakarta, this position requires a well organized and detailed individual to support the AP process. This position will work closely with the Procurement Dept and with the Business Units to ensure accurate processing and timely payment of invoices. In addition, this position will work with vendors as necessary to ensure invoices are received correctly and that they are accompanied by adequate support / tax documentation. High standards of excellence, attention to detail and the willingness/flexibility to work through peak work cycles are essential for success in this role.
Roles & Responsibilities
Review invoice calculations and completeness of required supporting documents
Determine the correct accounting code
Obtain invoice review and approval from Business Unit
Initiate payment process (IDR and USD) by entering invoices for payment
Code, book and reconcile transactions related to the Corporate Credit Card
Prepare and analyze a monthly AP reconciliation and make adjusting entries as required
Prepare debit note to vendors as required
Reply to questions from vendors and / or Business Units about invoices and payments
Record petty cash journal entries
Prepare monthly G&A accruals
Minimum Bachelor Degree in Accounting / Finance
Good computer skills in Microsoft Office and SAP or similar ERP accounting system
Good written & verbal skills in English
Ability to understand contract terms and conditions
Ability to analyze and reconcile the accounts payable general ledger account
Ability to work overtime in peak cycles as required
Team player
Minimum two (2) years experience in energy industry
Oil and gas accounts payable experience preferred
A highly competitive remuneration package will be offered to attract top caliber applicants. Please send your CV (in MS Word version) to:

A leading IT components & systems distribution company is looking for talent candidates to join our growing business in Indonesia.
Product Manager
General Requirements:
1. Min Bachelor Degree major in electronics, Information System or Computer Science
2. Min 2 years experience in the same field
3. Knowledge of IT Infrastructure, wired and wireless LAN, WAN, RF and Security
4. Having own vehicle
5. Willing to work hard, travelling and fast learner
6. Fluent in English both oral and written
7. Having capability to lead and manage people to build a strong team
8. A good communicator with strong leadership capability
9. Having good presentation, technical and business writing skills
10. A mature individual with high self-confident, and able to work effectively within tight schedule
Account Manager
General Requirements:
1. Min Bachelor Degree major in electronics, Information System or Computer Science
2. Min 2 years experience in the same field
3. Knowledge of IT Infrastructure, wired and wireless LAN, WAN, RF and Security
4. Having own vehicle
5. Fluent in English both oral and written
6. Having good presentation, technical and business writing skills
7. Result oriented and capable of working under pressure.
8. A mature individual with high self-confident, and able to work effectively within tight schedule
Sales Supervisor
General Requirements:
1. Min Bachelor Degree major in electronics, Information System or Computer Science
2. Min 2 years experience in the same field
3. Knowledge of IT Infrastructure, wired and wireless LAN, WAN, RF and Security
4. Having own vehicle
5. Fluent in English both oral and written
6. Having good presentation, communication and negotiation skills.
7. Result oriented and capable of working under pressure.
8. Good teamwork, aggressive, and highly motivated.
Pre-Sales Engineer
General Requirements:
1. Min Diploma Degree major in engineer, technical or Computer Science
2. Min 1 years experience in the same field
3. Knowledge of IT Infrastructure, wired and wireless LAN, WAN, RF and Security
4. Having own vehicle
5. Willing to work hard, travelling and fast learner
6. Fluent in English both oral and written
7. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
Tax Accountant
General Requirements:
1. Female max 30 years old
2. Min Bachelor Degree major in Accounting
3. Computer literacy
4. Fluent in English both oral and written
5. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
6. Result oriented and capable of working under pressure.
7. Have experience in handling tax matter including tax verification
8. Understand Indonesian tax law
Finance staff
General Requirements:
1. Min Bachelor Degree major in Accounting
2. Computer literacy
3. Fluent in English both oral and written
4. Min 1 years experience in the same field
5. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
6. Hard worker, Honest and capable of working under pressure
Sales support
General Requirements:
1. Female max 30 years old
2. Min Diploma Degree
3. Computer literacy
4. Min 1 years experience in the same field
5. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
6. Hard worker, Honest and capable of working under pressure
Logistic staff
General Requirements:
1. Min Diploma Degree
2. Computer literacy
3. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
4. Min 1 years experience in the same field
5. Hard worker, Honest and capable of working under pressure
Administration staff
General Requirements:
1. Female max 30 years old
2. Min Diploma Degree
3. Computer literacy
4. Min 1 years experience in the same field
5. Self motivated with ability to work independently and in a team
6. Hard worker, Honest and capable of working under pressure
Send your CV & recent photograph to or the followings :

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Vacancy - HR, GA & QA Manager
An IT solution company located in Central of Jakarta is URGENTLY looking for:
HR, GA, & QA Manager
with qualification:
- Understand the recruitment process
- Understand office general affair including the office equipment and office cars
- Know and understand ISO 9000:2000
- Has Lead Assesor ISO 9000:2000 certificate (at least ever join internal audit ISO 9000:2000)
- Knowing SOP at an IT company will be an advantage
- At least 1 year experiene
Please send your complete application letter, CV, & other necessary documents to: ivan@realta. net
For other vacancy, please email to ivan@realta. net
Planning Engineer at PT. Bakrie Construction
PT. Bakrie Construction is multidiscipline engineering contractor specialising in heavy steel fabrication & construction, are seeking an enthusiastic, hard-working and motivated individual to fill the position of
Planning Engineer
* Bachelor degree, from reputable University majoring in engineering.
* Have experience minimum 4 years in same environment (Planning Engineer) in Fabrication scope.
* Good personal computer and software skills. Familiar with mastering in planning & scheduling package such as primavera, MS Project, Excell modelling etc.
* Programme & project management experience gained with fast-track & multiple tasking projects.
Interested and qualified candidates only can send your complete resume to recruitment@ or recruit.bconst@
Please put "Planning Engineer" as your email subject
NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted.
Urgently Needed - Payroll Officer
Currently we are looking for high potential candidate to be placed in our client office as payroll officer.
Qualifications :
a.. University graduate from reputable universities, major in accounting, min GPA 3.00
b.. Has 1-2 years relevant experience in any industries
c.. Fluently written and spoken English
d.. Good interpersonal communication skill
e.. Quick learner, independent and eager to learn new things
f.. Can operate microsoft office (word, excel)
g.. Team player
Should you meet the requirements above and willing to explore new opportunity, please send your comprehensive resume in MS. Word format to hannywardana@
We are an established and innovative romantic travel service in Indonesia.
In line with our rapid expansion plans and continuous drive towards
excellence, we are looking for dynamic, qualified and self motivated
personnel to fill the position of BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MANAGER, with
required qualification as follow :
Process Tourism High School or academic qualification / min Diploma holder
in related field Minimum 1 year experience in in Sales with Strong
analytical, interpersonal, skills Committed and Able to Work Independently.
Computer knowledge, familiar with MSN, YM chat, Have basis understanding of
English and have own vehicle ( car/ motorcycle )
Please send your application and photo to jobs@bulanmadu. com and MUST
mention expected salary, We hope to receive all application before July 11,
2008. Walk in candidate will not be entertained. Please attention your
letter to :
Chief Executive Officer
Ruko Permata Timur no. 7 E
Jl. Curug Raya, Kalimalang
Jakarta Timur 17411
Vacancy - Secretary
Dear Secretarial Candidates,
The Law Offices of Dyah Ersita & Parnters is currently interviewing
qualified candidates for the position of "Secretary". We provide an
excellent opportunity to learn and grow in a professional and
international environment. We are seeking a person with the following
(i) Graduate of a reputable secretarial academy
(ii) Proficient in English, verbal and written
(iii) Good computer skills (MS Office and internet)
(iv) Good analytical & conceptual thinking, creative & innovative
(v) Capable and willing to work long hours under pressure
Fresh graduates are preferred to apply. If you meet the requirements
set forth above, please send your application and your recent
photograph by email to deprecruiting@
Potential candidates will be called for an interview at our office:
Law Offices of Dyah Ersita & Partners
Graha Aktiva, 3rd Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X - 1, Kav. 3
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Thank you for your interest in Dyah Ersita & Partners.
Ary Budi Prasetyo, SH
Law Offices of Dyah Ersita & Partners
Graha Aktiva, 3rd Floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X - 1, Kav. 3
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950
Telephone + 62.21.520.3171
Facsimile + 62.21.520.3279
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Vacancy - Secretary and Accounting Staff
PT Istech Resources Asia (Engineering and Management Consultancy Services) is looking for :
1. Secretary
- Can Speak English Fluently (Speak and Written)
- Fresh Graduate or have 2 years work experiences
- D3 or S1 (preferably Majoring in Law)
2. Accounting
- Can Speak English Fluently (Speak and Written)
- Fresh Graduate or have 2 years work experiences
- S1 Accounting
Send your Application Letter and CV to : riani.putri@ istechgroup. com (ASAP)
Sunday, July 6, 2008
PhD in Math & Computer Science, Univ. Eindhoven, The Netherland
Website link
The Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e) has the following vacancy
PhD Student Reaction-diffusion systems multiple spatial scales(V
32.023) at CASA Department of Mathematics and Computer science
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science provides
undergraduate and MSc programs in Mathematics and in Computer Science.
The department has research collaborations with other departments at
the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven as well as with a large number
of other universities and companies, both at home and abroad. The
Department has approximately 350 employees and more than 700 students.
The Centre for Analysis, Scientific computing and Applications (CASA)
combines all activities related to analysis at the Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology
(TU/e). Its major research objective is to develop new and improve
existing mathematical (both analytical and numerical) methods for a
wide range of applications in science and engineering.
A particular interest is paid to the accurate modeling, analysis and
simulation of reactive flows in porous media, including the upscaling
from the pore scale to the macroscopic, core scale. This work is done
in both national and international research groups. Detailed
information can be found at:
Project description:
At this PhD position you will work on the analysis, modeling and
simulation of “Reaction-diffusion systems on multiple spatial scales”.
Typical examples of such problems are the distributed-microstructure
models obtained by periodic homogenization from an exact micro-model.
An important feature of this class of problems is that the homogenized
system recognizes the distributed-concentration exchange across the
internal fixed and/or moving boundaries. The
“distributed-microstructure” methodology will be applied to a
dissolution/precipitation/flow scenario arising in the transport of
salts in unsaturated porous media.
As a PhD Student Reaction-diffusion systems multiple spatial scales
you will forfill the following task:
perform scientific research;
present results on international conferences;
publish results in scientific journals
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
* a M.Sc. in Mathematics,
* strong affinity with partial-differential equations,
* good communication and writing skills in English.
Prior knowledge of homogenization and modeling of reaction-diffusion
scenarios is an advantage but not a must.
Appointment and Salary
We offer:
·A challenging job in a dynamic and ambitious university.
·A full-time employment for 4 years (starting September 2008), with an
intermediate evaluation after 1 year.
·A salary of Euro 2,000 per month (gross) in the first year,
increasing to Euro 2,558 per month (gross) in the fourth year.
Moreover 8% holiday allowance is provided annually.
·Assistance in finding accommodation can be given.
·Support with your personal development and career planning.
·Attractive secondary labour conditions (including excellent work
facilities, child care, excellent sports facilities).
·More information about CASA can be found at:
·Information about the position: dr. Adrian Muntean, e-mail: phone: +31(0)40-2472702.
·Further information: mrs A.D. Boekema, personnel officer, phone
Interested candidates are requested to send their application to:
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer
Personnel Department, HG 6.22
PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
You can send your application by e-mail to
The application should consist of the following parts:
* a detailed curriculum vitae,
* an explanation of your interest in the proposed research field,
* a complete list of the courses you have attended and
corresponding grades, references, and all other information that might
be relevant to your application.
Please mention the vacancy number V32.023 in the subject.
You can apply for this job before 15-07-2008

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying approximately 80% of the feed gas to the Bontang LNG plant in East Kalimantan, one of the largest LNG Plant in the world; providing to the country a source of more environmentally-friendly energy. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:
* Sr. Process Engineer
* Contract Engineer
* Sr. Electrical Engineers
* Construction Site Representatives
* Telecommunication Engineers
* Sr. Geologists
* Production Specialists
* Cost Estimation Engineers
* Instrument Engineers
* Sr. Reservoir Engineers
* Piping Superintendent
* Well Service Engineers
* Marine HSE Engineer
* Process Engineer Superintendent Commissioning
* IS Security Engineer
* Sr. Mechanical Engineers (Rotating/Static)
* Safety – Project Superintendent
* Environmental Engineer
How To Apply: Http://

PhD in robust optimization, IDSIA, Switzerland
JOB OPENING: A PhD student position for 3 years is open for applications
PROJECT TITLE: Robust optimization: theory and applications
FUND: Swiss National Science Foundation Project
DEADLINE: 10th August 2008 (the position may be filled prior to this
date if a suitable candidate is identified)
STARTING: 1st November 2008
The Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale
(IDSIA, invites applications for a PhD student position
at University of Lugano, Faculty of Informatics
We are looking for an outstanding Ph.D. student with excellent
mathematical as well as computer programming skills.
In order to be admitted, the applicant must have completed a Master
degree in computer science, informatics, or a closely related field
prior to joining the program. We are particularly interested in a
candidate with a strong know-how in the following areas:
* Optimization on networks
* Optimization under uncertainty (robust optimization)
* Exact methods based on mathematical programming
* Metaheuristic algorithms (tabu search, simulated annealing, ant
colony optimization, etc.)
The position is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. The
initial appointment will be for 3 years, with possible extensions. The
salary is for the first year 38,400 CHF (Swiss Francs), for the second
year 41,400 CHF and for the third year 44,400 CHF, low taxes. No
teaching activity is required. Travel funding is guaranteed in case of
papers accepted at conferences. The official language at IDSIA is
English. The position is suitable for students no older than 35 years.
We guarantee that the selection process, based solely on the research
records, will give equal opportunities to female and male researchers.
Applicants should submit:
(i) Detailed curriculum vitae
(ii) Letter of presentation and motivation
(iii) List of three references and their email addresses
Please send all documents to via email to
Reference persons:
Dr. Roberto Montemanni
IDSIA, Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’intelligenza Artificiale
Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.
Phone: +41 58 666 666 7
Prof. Luca Maria Gambardella
IDSIA, Istituto Dalle Molle di Studi sull’intelligenza Artificiale
Galleria 2, CH-6928 Manno (Lugano), Switzerland.

Mathematics Scholarships and Awards at Tennessee Technological University
The Department of Mathematics at Tennessee Technological University offers scholarships and awards for students and graduate students. Additional scholarships for incoming students specializing in math can be obtained from the Office of Financial Aid. For information about eligibility, please contact Dr. Alan Mills, the interim chairman of the department of mathematics or by calling (931) 372-3441. To apply, please contact Financial Aid Office at (931) 372-3073 or (800) 255-8881.
For more information on additional university scholarships, financial aid, and how to apply, please contact,
Financial Aid Office, Box 5076
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, Tennessee 38505-0001
(931) 372-3073 or (800) 255-8881
FAX (931) 372-6309