NTUT International student admission 2009-2010
> National Taipei University of Technology, International student
> admission 2009-2010 is still opening for application.
> especially we have 6 new master programs which all taught in Engllish
> as folllowing.
> College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
> International Graduate Program of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
> College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science¡G
> International Graduate Program on Communications, Control, and Signal
> College of Engineering
> International Graduate Program in Energy and Optoelectronic Materials
> College of Management
> International Master of Business Administration
> College of Design
> International Graduate Degree Program in Creative and Sustainable
> Architecture Studies
> College of Humanities and Social Science
> International Graduate Program in Applied English
> Click this link for more information:
> http://www.cc.ntut.edu.tw/~wwwoaa/english/index-en.html
> please forward this information to your friends who may interested.
> read the attachment for more details.
> Thanks.
> —
> Best Regards
> International Student Office
> National Taipei University of Technology
> Sharon Huang
> Tel:+886-2-2771-2171#1182
> Fax:+886-2-8773-2471
> Web:http://www.cc.ntut.edu.tw/~wwwoaa/english/index-en.html
Monday, April 20, 2009
National Taipei University of Technology admission 2009-2010

The French Governmen Scholarship 2009
The French Government, through the Embassy of France in Jakarta, has been providing excellence scholarships to Indonesian citizens for more than 28 years. In order to pursue its objective to improve Indonesian human resources
, the Embassy of France will offer scholarships for the year 2009.
Those scholarships are given to government officials, lecturers, students, with a priority to those involved in a cooperation program between France and Indonesia, to undertake two kinds of training :
- Master degree (maximum duration of 2 years)
- Doctoral degree (maximum duration of 3 years, only on a shared cost basis)
- Minimum diploma : bachelor degree / S1
- Fluent in English (or French)
- Less than 35 years old
- Minimum GPA score of 3 (except for fundamental sciences - 3,5)
- Submit all the documents specified in the application form
The selection committee will give priority to applicants who have already identified a master/PhD program and have had a positive answer from a French professor (or an acceptance letter)..
Field of studies
Priority will be given to the following fields of studies :
* Engineering (water management, agronomy, civil engineering
, information technology…)
* Sciences (biotechnologies, information and communication technologies, environment, risk and disaster management, energy, etc.)
* Public administration, economy
* Law and political sciences
Applications from students in other fields are nevertheless welcome, as acceptance will be primarily based on excellence.
Selection procedure
1. First step : selection based on application form and required documents submitted
2. Second step : motivation interview (French or English languages only) in Jakarta
Scholarship coverage
* intensive French language course : length according to the applicant’s needs and level (from survival course to extensive 11 months program)
* monthly living allowance
* 1 return ticket
* tuition fees (in public institutions for programs taught in French only)
* insurance
Download: (file ms word)
Application deadline
All applications must be sent before the 15th of April 2009 at the following address :
Ambassade de France en Indonésie
Service de coopération et d’action culturelle
Jl Panarukan no 35
Menteng - Jakarta 10310
Please note that applications sent via e-mail and after the deadline will not be taken into consideration.
CampusFrance office in Jakarta may help you finding the study program that suits your project.
CCF Jakarta
Jl Salemba Raya n°25
Jakarta 10440
tel : (021) 310 18 84
From Monday to Saturday, 9am-4.30pm.
For more information on this scholaship program please contact us at scac.jakarta@gmail.com
La France en Indonésie
Jl. M. H. Thamrin No.20, Jakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia
Tel (62)(21) 23 55 76 00 - Fax (62-21) 23 55 76 01
Ambassade: ambfrjkt@uninet.net.id / Consulat: fsltjkt@uninet.net.id

Executive MBA Programme Scholarship for Women
Scholarship for women. The Executive MBA programme office is delighted to offer scholarship support for the September 2009 (SEMBA2011) for the female participant who has best demonstrated leadership potential and commitment to support the ongoing success of the Executive MBA programme. This substantial scholarship of up to £23,850 (the final award to be determined at the review stage) will be deducted from the balance of the first year tuition fees for the programme.
Who is eligible?
Women who have been accepted for SEMBA 2011 and who are fully self-funding. Candidates may submit a scholarship application at the time of submitting their EMBA application, however essays will only be considered for the award if candidates have been offered and have accepted their place on the programme by the scholarship deadline. Scholarship for women
Criteria for awarding the scholarship
The scholarship will be awarded to an appropriate female candidate on the basis of future professional and leadership potential as demonstrated by the quality of the essay submitted in support of the scholarship application, and a proven track record of success, (i.e. educational and professional background) demonstrated at the EMBA application and interview stages. The Scholarship Committee will also consider the original and personal contribution to the ongoing success of the Executive MBA expressed through the essay and to which the scholarship winner will commit as an ambassador of the EMBA programme. Women scholarship
Judging panel
The judging panel is made up of members of the Admissions Committee and includes representatives from the Sloan and Executive MBA Admissions, Marketing and Programme Management Teams, Faculty and Career Services.
How to apply Scholarship for women
You must submit the following documents:
* Completed scholarship application form
* A short essay of not more than 1,000 words (please supply the word count) in support of your application for the scholarship award. The topic of the essay is:
‘As a female leader, please outline how you will personally support the ongoing success of the EMBA programme’.
Deadline for submission, Scholarship for women
We must receive your scholarship application before 12 noon on Monday 13 July 2009. The decision will be communicated to applicants by 17.00 on Friday 17 July 2009.
Candidates will need to have their funding in place and make all the necessary payments as outlined in the fee schedule. The full amount of the award will be deducted from the balance of the first year tuition fees for the programme.

15 PhD Fellowships on Offshore Wind Technology [Norway]
The Norwegian government has established eight national research centers on climate friendly energy generation, one of which is the Norwegian Research Centre for Offshore Wind Technology (NOWITECH).
NTNU, SINTEF and IFE are research partners and leading national and international companies are industrial partners (i.e. StatoilHydro, Statkraft, Vestas, Dong Energy and several more). Recognized international research organizations are collaborating with the Centre (i.e. MIT, DTU/Risø, NREL).
We are collaborating with relevant centers at NTNU, such as the Center for Ships and Ocean Structures (www.cesos.ntnu.no) and the Center for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry (www.ntnu.no/iocenter).
Already more than 30 professors and researchers are engaged in this field together with a significant number of PhD and postdocs. See www.sffe.no for more details. With the establishment of NOWITECH, the research in offshore wind in Norway is significantly increased.
The industrial benefits of this enhanced research are anticipated to contribute to stronger market position for Norwegian suppliers both in international as well as national markets. The results of this focused research effort are also expected to more large scale use of offshore wind technology and thus reduce CO2
NOWITECH is planning to engage at least 25 PhDs and postdocs, and is announcing 15 positions for the first period of the research program. emissions and the climate change.
IVT 27/09 (PhD)
Quantitative analysis of the aerodynamic performance of the wind turbine rotor by use of Navier-Stokes CFD.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within computational mathematics, scientific programming, fluid mechanics.
For further information please contact Professor Trond Kvamsdal (trond.kvamsdal@math.ntnu.no)
IVT 28/09 (PhD)
Evaluation of the design criteria and dynamic forces on large floating wind turbines.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within mechanical engineering, fluid mechanics, physics
For further information please contact Professor Ole G. Dahlhaug (ole.g.dahlhaug@ntnu.no)
IVT 29/09 (PhD or postdoc)
Lift control of wind turbine rotor blades by use of smart material devices manipulating the aerodynamic rotor properties.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within composite mechanics, laboratory work, structural modeling.
For further information please contact Professor Andreas Echtermeyer (andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no)
IVT 30/09 (PhD or postdoc)
Influence of material and process parameters on fatigue of wind turbine blades in a marine environment.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within composite materials, processing techniques, modeling.
For further information please contact Professor Andreas Echtermeyer (andreas.echtermeyer@ntnu.no)
IVT 31/09 (PhD)
Novel generator concepts for low weight nacelles. Integrated design of generator and mechanical structure for a maintenance free system.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within electrical machine design, electrical and mechanical analysis.
For further information please contact Professor Robert Nilssen (robert.nilssen@elkraft.ntnu.no)
IVT 32/09 (PhD)
Bottom-fixed support structure for wind turbine in 30 – 70 m water depth
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within structural analysis, vibrations, computational mechanics.
For further information please contact Professor Geir Moe (geir.moe@ntnu.no)
IVT 33/09 (PhD)
Life cycle criteria and optimization of floating structures and mooring systems.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within marine technology, ocean engineering, structural mechanics.
For further information please contact Professor Torgeir Moan (torgeir.moan@ntnu.no)
IVT 34/09 (PhD)
Analysis of switching transients in wind parks with focus on prevention of destructive effects.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within electric power engineering, high voltage.
For further information please contact Professor Hans K. Høidalen (hans.hoidalen@elkraft.ntnu.no)
IVT 35/09 (PhD or postdoc)
Balance management with large scale offshore wind integration.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within electric power engineering, operations research, economics.
For further information please contact Professor Gerard Doorman (gerard.doorman@elkraft.ntnu.no)
IVT 36/09 (PhD)
Development of market models incorporating offshore wind farms and offshore grids.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within power systems with focus on transmission, electricity markets, technical/economical background
For further information please contact Professor Olav Fosso (olav.fosso@elkraft.ntnu.no )
IVT 37/09 (PhD)
Maintenance optimization of wind farms from design to operation (models, methods, framework).
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within reliability, maintenance, logistics.
For further information please contact Professor Jørn Vatn (jorn.vatn@ntnu.no)
IVT 38/09 (PhD)
Novel coating and surface treatment for improved wear resistance.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within materials technology, chemistry, physics.
For further information please contact Professor Roy Johnsen (roy.johnsen@ntnu.no)
IVT 39/09 (PhD or postdoc)
Comparative study of floating concepts.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within marine technology, ocean engineering, system design.
For further information please contact Professor Torgeir Moan (torgeir.moan@ntnu.no)
IVT 40/09 (PhD)
Assessment of benefits of downwind rotors due to weight savings using new and thinner airfoils and improved directional stability of turbine.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within fluid mechanics, aerodynamics.
For further information please contact Professor Per-Åge Krogstad (per.a.krogstad@ntnu.no)
IVT 41/09 (PhD)
Design of control systems for load mitigation and stabilization of floating wind turbines.
Qualifications: Suitable background would be within control systems, engineering cybernetics.
For further information please contact Professor Thor I. Fossen (fossen@ieee.org)
PhD candidates are remunerated in code 1017 in the State salary scale 45-51, gross NOK 353000to NOK 391 500 per annum (before tax), depending on qualifications.
Post.doc fellows are remunerated in code 1352, in the State salary scale 57-76, gross NOK 435 500 to NOK 625 900 per annum (before tax), depending on qualifications. PhD candidates are normally remunerated at wage level 45, whereas Post.doc fellows are normally remunerated at wage level 57. There will be a 2 % deduction to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Found from gross salary.
Other information
The engagement period is 2 years for Post doctorate fellowships. For PhD research fellowships the engagement period is either 3 years or alternatively 4 years, including 25 % of teaching assistance at the bachelor’s and master’s degree level. A master degree is requisite for application for PhD fellowships.
The appointment of the PhD or Postdoc fellows will be made according to Norwegian guidelines for universities and university colleges. Applicants for a PhD position are obliged to engage on an organized research programme, and appointment requires approval of the applicant’s plan for PhD study. The position adheres to the Norwegian Government’s policy of balanced ethnicity, age and gender. Persons with immigrant background are encouraged to apply. NTNU’s objective is to increase the number of females in scientific positions. Female applicants are therefore encouraged to apply.
All applicants must be able to communicate fluently in English (in speaking and writing).
Good skills in Norwegian are also preferred. Applicants must indicate their level skills in English and Norwegian.
All applications shall include certified copies of academic transcript, CV and for foreign applicants TOFL score, and be submitted electronically through www.jobbnorge.no marking the application with the relevant IVT number as ID to access the database. You can only apply for a maximum of 3 positions, and the priority shall be indicated. The attachments to the applications shall be gathered in one single file. Application deadline: April 30th
For general information on NOWITECH, contact Jan Onarheim (jan.onarheim@ntnu.no). 2009.
Further Scholarship Information and Application

Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship 2009
What is the Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship?
The Asian Development Bank and the Government of Japan jointly fund the ADB-Japan Postgraduate Scholarship.
The programmes covered by this scholarship scheme are limited to the following:
What does the ADB-Japan scholarship cover?
The ADB-Japan Scholarship provides for the scholar’s:
Note: The ADB - Japan Postgraduate Scholarship does not cover the scholar’s dependants.
Who is eligible?
Citizens, preferably with work experience and relevant tertiary qualifications from the following countries are eligible to apply (as at 10-Jan-2005):
Pacific Islands Region:
Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji Islands, Kiribati, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Marshall Islands, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Timor Leste
Asia Region:
Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China PR, Hong Kong China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Korea, Republic of Krygyz Rep Laos PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taipei/China, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam.
Note: Applicants living, studying or working outside their home country are not eligible for this scholarship.
What are the minimum academic and English language requirements to study at The University of Auckland?
The minimum academic requirement for entry into The University of Auckland postgraduate study is the equivalent to a 3-year New Zealand university bachelor’s degree with a B average. The minimum English language requirement for entry into postgraduate study at The University of Auckland is IELTS (International English Language Testing System Certificate) with an overall score of 6.5 and no band less than 6.0 or a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) paper-based 575 with a TWE of 4.5 or computer-based 233 with a TWE of 4.5.
The University of Auckland
Auckland International
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
2. Download a copy of the application form here:
Auckland International Student Information Centre
Phone: +64 9 3737599 ext 89526
Fax: +64 9 373 7405
Email: m.herbert@auckland.ac.nz
The University of Auckland
Auckland International
Private Bag 92019
Apply online at nDeva for admission as an international student.
Visit nDeva
Step 2
Wait for up to four weeks for your University of Auckland admission application to be processed. If you are successful with postgraduate admission entry and receive an official Firm Offer into The University of Auckland, you may proceed to step 3. If you are unsuccessful you may not proceed to step 3.
Step 3
Complete the Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship application form and send in with all required documents to:
The University of Auckland
Auckland International
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand
Step 4
Applicants will be notified on receipt of a completed ADB-JS application. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of October 2008
Asian Development Bank - Japan Scholarship
The University of Auckland
Auckland International
Private Bag 92018
New Zealand
For more information on The Asian Development Bank- Japan Scholarship program contact The Asian Development Bank:
PO Box 789
0980 Manila
The Philippines
Email: information@adbj.org
Visit the ADB Headquarters:
6 ADB Avenue
Mandaluyong City 1550
The Philippines
Pone: +63 2 632 4444
Fax: +63 2 636 2444

DAAD PhD and Master Scholarship Program 2009/2010 - Palestine Polytechnic University
DAAD calls for the PhD and Master candidates to apply for the 2009/2010 scholarship programs. The PhD program is offered in Germany and the master program is offered in Germany and Jordan.
Check http://www.daad.de/westbank_gaza/ to know more about their call and to view their PowerPoint presentations regarding each program.
You can download the applications from their website and send it to the Public Relations Office ,three copies- before August 25, 2009.
For Further Information Contact:
Ms. Ruba Sunokrot
Public Relations Officer
Palestine Polytechnic University
Hebron- West Bank
Further Scholarship Information and Application

Full Scholarships to Study in China 2009
Chinese Government Scholarship scheme is established by the Ministry of Education of China (MOE) in accordance with educational exchange agreements or understandings reached between Chinese government and governments of other countries, organizations, education institutions and relevant international organizations to provide both full scholarships and partial scholarships to international students and scholars. MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to handle the enrollment of international students and carry out the routine management of Chinese Government Scholarship Programs.
Categories of Applicants and Duration of Scholarship
Application Deadline: April 30, 2009
The applicants shall apply to Chinese diplomatic missions or the competent authorities in their home countries between January and April every year. Applicants may refer to the relevant authorities for details.
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.
2. Education background and age limit:
- Applicants for undergraduate programs must have senior high school diploma with good academic performance and be under the age of 25.
- Applicants for master degree programs must have bachelors degree and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for Doctoral degree programs must have masters degree and be under the age of 40.
- Chinese language students must have senior high school diploma and be under the age of 35, will study Chinese language program in China.
- General scholar candidates must have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 45, may study all majors besides Chinese language.
- Senior scholar candidates must have masters degree or above, or hold academic titles of associate professor or above, and be under the age of 50.
Further Shcolarship Information and Application (Doc)

Full MTEC Masters Scholarships, University of Twente, The Netherlands
The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs has appointed the University of Twente as the university where students from Central and Eastern Europe will complete a Master’s Degree in Public Administration at next to no charge.
The Dutch government will be refunding the costs as part of the MATRA Training for European Cooperation (MTEC) programme. This programme has been devised to support the transition from totalitarianism to multiform democracies in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition to attending the master’s programme, students will take part in a social programme – which includes an introduction to the Netherlands – and will follow a personal development programme. Enrollment is open until 1 July 2009.
What does an MTEC Scholarship consist of?
An MTEC scholarship covers tuition fee, study materials, housing, subsistence, insurance, visa costs, travel to and from the home country, a personal development programme (including effective leadership, change management, project planning) and a social programme (Introduction programme, excursions, and access to the unique campus facilities of the University of Twente).
Who may apply for an MTEC scholarship?
Besides applicants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the MTEC scholarships are meant for students and residents from Albania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. These students should have completed their Bachelor of Science (BSc) with flying colours and should satisfy the criteria for admission to the Master of Science (MSc) Public Administration, University of Twente. Applicants should both be nationals of one of the participating countries and be resident in one of these countries. A selection procedure is part of the intake.
Prospective students need to have completed a bachelor degree in Public Administration or strongly related social sciences, live in the relevant states at the time of application, have an IELTS subscore of 6.0 minimum on all four aspects of the IELTS test, and may not be older than 35 years. Professionals are required to acquire permission of their employer to study a year abroad and be issued with a guarantee that they can take up their position upon return.
The MSc programme Public Administration
The Public Administration (PA) Master’s degree programme, duration one year, highlights public administration and informed approaches (i.e. rooted in policy) to social issues. As a public administrator, you will be expected to understand the complex administrative relations in networks of public and private organizations and their impact on the quality of administration and policymaking. In addition, you must be able to systematically analyze the implications for various values and interests involved and the tension arising between such concerns as decisiveness and democracy. To effectively evaluate problems and design appropriate solutions, you must have the ability to assess existing knowledge at face value and generate new, relevant knowledge. Moreover, you will be able to use that knowledge as a basis for effective recommendations and their introduction/implementation.
Applicants who want to be considered for an MTEC Scholarship have to go through the regular admission procedure of the University of Twente starting at http://pa.graduate.utwente.nl. Besides, candidates should apply through the website of CROSS Agency and consecutively send their printed application form to the Royal Netherlands Embassy in their country and a copy of application to the Directorate of European Integration of BiH, ms Dzenana Zivalj (Trg BiH 1, 71 000 Sarajevo). Applicants who have already been admitted to the MSc programme Public Administration of University of Twente, can directly apply for an MTEC scholarship by using the application form which is available at the website http://www.cross-agency.nl/formAcademicAdministration/
Applications for admission should be sent before the 1st of July 2009.
For more information about the MSc programme Public Administration, please visit pa.graduate.utwente.nl or contact the study information desk at master@utwente.nl or telephone (+31) 53 489 5489. For more information about University of Twente, please visit www.utwente.nl/en.
For more information about the MTEC scholarships, including conditions regarding application and the entitlements and obligations which are attached to the scholarships, and the application form, please visit: www.cross-agency.nl or contact Mr. Michiel Zimmer by e-mail (zimmer@evd.nl) or telephone (+31 70 778 8142).

Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students
Korean Government Scholarship Program for Graduate Students
The objective of the Korean Government scholarship program is to provide international students with the opportunities to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries.
Application deadline is May 22, 2009
1. Program Objective
The objective of the Korean Government scholarship program is to provide international students with the opportunities to conduct advanced studies at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchange in education and mutual friendship between countries.
2. Total Candidates for Selection
The number of candidates for selection will depend upon the country eligible for the scholarship program. For detailed information, please contact the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin.
3. Academic Programs & Institutions
Academic degree program : master’s degree and doctoral degree (Ph.D.)
Institutions : all the graduate schools in Korea
Who want to enter specific graduate schools, such as MBA, international studies, medical, dental, and law schools, should get the separate permission from NIIED.
Applicants who will major in science and engineering will be preferred in selection.
4. Application Option
Undesignated Application Procedure (158 candidates) : you can apply for programs with no limitation of the universities after finishing the Korean language course.
- Candidates eligible for unrestricted procedure
- Specified in the mutual agreement between Korea and country of origin
- Candidates who are invited by the specific department of Korean Government
- Adopted Koreans who have alien nationalities
- Candidates who have excellent Korean proficiency
1. who have the certificate of TOPIK level 5 or 6
2. who majored in Korean Language and Literature or Korean Studies, and got the bachelor degree of it in or country of origin
3. who have the certificate of TOPIK level 4 and finished the four-year undergraduate course or the two-year graduate course in Korea
4. who have the certificate of TOPIK level 4 and have worked at a Korean governmental institution or a Korean company for more than two years
Designated Application Procedure (192 candidates): you can apply for only the entrusted universities designated by NIIED.
- The entrusted universities and study fields will be noticed later.
5. Duration
Master’s course : 3 years (1 year of Korean language course & 2 years of master’s course)
Doctoral course : 4 years (1 year of Korean language course & 3 years of doctoral course)
6. Academic study course
After 1 year of Korean language training, master’s or doctoral course will be followed.
- Students cannot change their degree courses from master’s to doctoral.
(1) Korean language course
- Duration : 1 year (after enrolling the degree course, additional language training is possible according to the level of students’ proficiency)
- Institution : Language instituition will be designated by NIIED
- Students must be proficient in the Korean language because most of lectures will be done in Korean.
7. Qualifications
- Both applicant and his/her parents must possess the citizenship of the country of origin
* Applicants should not be a holder of Korean citizenship.
- Applicants should have an adequate health, both mentally and physically, to stay in a foreign country for a long period of time
* Persons who are pregnant or having serious illness may not apply
- Applicants who have already enrolled in the same academic course in Korea same as the one they are applying for will not be admitted.
- Persons who can contribute to promoting the mutual friendship between Korea and the country of origin
- Should be under 40 years of age as of September 1, 2009
- Hold a bachelor degree for the master’s course, or a master’s degree for the doctoral course as of September 1, 2009
- Obtain a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 85% from the last institution attended
8. Scholarship Payment
(1) Scholarship Period : 1 year of Korean language course and 2 years of master’s degree course, or 3 years of doctoral degree course
(2) Payment
-Airfare : A round-trip economy class ticket
-Monthly Allowance : 900,000 won per month
-Research Allowance : 210,000 won for students in humane and social sciences; 240,000 won for students in natural and mechanic sciences per semester
-Relocation Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival
-Language Training Fee : The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the entrusted language institution)
-Tuitions: The full entrance fee are exempted by the host institution. The full tuition is exempted by NIIED.
-Dissertation Printing Costs : Up to 500,000 won will be reimbursed for the costs related to a dissertation printing. (Up to 800,000 won for art or physical education course)
-Medical Insurance : 15,000 won per month
9. Procedure for Scholarship Award
-Application handbook is available from NIIED website (http://www.niied.go.kr/NIIED_ENG/NIIED_MAIN00/main_winter.jsp) and overseas Korean missions
-Applicants should submit the required documents to the Korean missions in the country of origin.
-Overseas Korean missions select 1.5 times as many qualified candidates as the number assigned by NIIED.
-Overseas Korean missions recommend those selected candidates to NIIED.
-NIIED selects the final candidates and informs the overseas Korean missions of the result.
10. Required Documentation
The following documents will be submitted :
(1) Place of submission : Documents must be submitted to the Korean missions in the country of origin
(2) Deadline of Submission : The date set by the Korean missions in the country of origin
- The Korean missions must submit the documents to NIIED by May 29, 2009.
(3) Documents to be submitted
- One application form (on the prescribed form)
- Two 4cm X 5cm color photos
- One NIIED pledge (on the prescribed form)
- One self-introduction essay (on the prescribed form)
- One study plan (on the prescribed form)
- Two recommendation letters (from the applicant’s professor, dean, or the relevant chief of the school or the organization the applicant belonged to)
- One personal medical assessment (on the prescribed form)
- One copy of a bachelor’s degree for those applying for a master’s course
One copy of a bachelor’s degree and one copy of a master’s degree for those applying for a Ph.D. course
- Transcript
One transcript from an undergraduate course for those applying for a master’s course
One transcript from an undergraduate course and one transcript from a master’s course for those applying for a doctoral course
- The Certificates of a citizenship of the applicant and one’s parents if the applicant is a Korean resident abroad
- Documents that prove the relationship between the applicant and one’s parents
- Documents that prove the applicant’s working career in Korean institutions or firms (only applicable to those who have)
- Certificates of TOPIK, TOEFL, TEPS, or IELTS
- One certificate of health authorized by a doctor (only for those candidates who are filtered and recommended by the overseas Korean missions)
(4) Note
- Application forms and other program materials are to be filled out either in Korean or English. Certificates credentials are to be submitted in the original, but those issued in other languages must accompany official translation verified by a notary public.
- Submitted documents will not be returned to the applicant.
- Incomplete or incorrect documents are subject to rejection by NIIED.
- In case of submitting copied documents inevitably, applicants must submit the original to the Korean missions and collate the two documents.
11. Selection Schedule
- Recommendation deadline : May 29, 2009
- Final selection by NIIED : June 30, 2009
- Result notice : July 3, 2009
- Entry to Korea : from August 25 to August 28
- Korean language course : September 1, 2009
12. For further information, please contact
- The Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of origin
- GSP Team, National Institute for International Education Development (NIIED)
Address: 43 Ewhajanggil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea
Website: http://www.ied.go.kr
(Korean) http://www.niied.go.kr
(English) http://www.niied.go.kr
Korean Government Scholarship Program
Phone: +82-2-3668-1355 (For English), +82-2-3668-1358 (For Korean)
Fax: +82-2-743-4992
E-mail Address: gukje@mest.go.kr(For English), intledjwc@mest.go.kr (For Korean)
13. Other useful websites
- Learning Korean http://www.kosnet.go.kr
- Universities and Graduate schools in Korea http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr
- Understanding of Korean culture http://korea.net
- Overseas Korean embassies http://www.mofat.go.kr
- Visa and Registration http://immigration.go.kr

Masters Scholarships, University of Nottingham in partnership with Africa, India and the Developing Countries of the Commonwealth
Masters Scholarships - The University of Nottingham in partnership with Africa, India and the Developing Countries of the Commonwealth
Developing Solutions Scholarship Scheme
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme
The Developing Solutions Scholarship Fund and the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme will reach out to those students who have the potential to make a real difference to the development and prosperity of their home countries.
Developing Solutions Scholarship Scheme
Partial Tuition Fee Scholarships are available for new students from Africa, India and the developing countries of the Commonwealth (listed countries below) registering on Masters programmes (including MRes and Masters by Research programmes) at The University of Nottingham in September 2009 in the areas related to Environment,
Food, Health and Technology.
(All courses in the Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences and Faculty of Science, plus some courses in the School of The Built Environment, School of Geography, Institute for Science & Society, Institute of Work, Health & Organisations, plus Operations Management in the Business School).
• 60 Tuition Fee Scholarships of 75% each are available for new students from Africa
• 60 Tuition Fee Scholarships of 25% each are available for new students from India
• 60 Tuition Fee Scholarships of 25% each are available for new students from the
developing countries of the Commonwealth (outside Africa and India)
Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Falkland Islands, Fiji, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Montserrat, Nauru, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, St Helena, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tristan da Cunha, Turks and Caicos,
Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Western Samoa
Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Scheme
The University of Nottingham will also offer 8 Scholarships for new students registering on Masters programmes at The University of Nottingham in September 2009 in the areas related to Environment, Food, Health and Technology – please see next page re eligible countries for this scholarship, conditions for applying, and how to apply.
In order to apply for one of these scholarships you must
• be holding a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on a full time Masters degree programme at The University of Nottingham from September 2009
• be classified as an ‘overseas’ student for fee purposes
• complete our online application form at
• submit your application by 1 May 2009
Further Scholarship Information and Application Details (PDF)

Endeavour Awards 2010 2011 Australia
Applications for the 2010 round for all Endeavour Awards will open from
6 April to 31 July 2009.
Endeavour Awards for international applicants
Through the Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government provides
opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers and
professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and
professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
For details of awards available by country of residence, please go to
the participating countries page
country.htm .
To read about the experiences of past Award Holders, please visit the
testimonial stories page.
Endeavour Research Fellowships provide financial support for
postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from participating
countries to undertake short-term research (4-6 months), in any field of
study, in Australia. Aimed at building international linkages and
networks, these Awards provide opportunities for award holders to
further develop their knowledge and skills.
Endeavour Research Fellowships
Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships
Postgraduate study or research
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for
international students for up to 3 years to undertake a postgraduate
qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research
in any field of study in Australia.
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
Endeavour Europe Awards
s.htm (for European candidates only)
Vocational education and training
An Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award enables you
to study a vocational course at the Diploma, Advanced Diploma or
Associate Degree level in any field of study in Australia.
Vocational education and training provides occupational or work-related
knowledge and skills. The courses are directly related to the trade,
occupation or `vocation' in which you participate and exclude
degree and higher level programs normally delivered by universities.
Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards
Professional Development
Endeavour Executive Awards
ards.htm provide professional development opportunities for high
achievers in business, industry, education or government from
participating countries.
This award provides you with the flexibility to design a program that
advances both your professional and personal goals. In consultation
with your host organisation, the one to four month program may include
activities such as a shadowing program, work placement, attendance at a
conference, participation in a short course, or peer-to-peer learning.
Student Exchanges
The Australian Government recognises the many enduring benefits of
international exchanges undertaken during the years of undergraduate
education. To encourage greater student mobility, the Australian
Government funds Australian higher education providers to subsidise the
costs to students participating in student exchanges which include
tuition fee waiver and credit transfer.
Only Australian higher education providers are eligible to apply for
funding for international student exchange programmes.
Students (Australian and international) wishing to apply for student
subsidies available under these international student exchange
programmes should contact the International Office of their institution.
International Student Exchange Programs
Find more information: http://endeavour.deewr.gov.au/

Austria Jobs 2009: PhD Positions in Population Genetics at VU-Wien
It is well understood that natural populations carry a wealth of molecular variation. While it has been assumed for a long time that most of this variation is neutral, there is increasing evidence that a large proportion is functionally different and thus subjected to different evolutionary forces.
After the first phase in the genomics projects, which were focusing on the sequencing of one genome for each species, the emphasis has now shifted to the genome wide characterization of natural variation. In particular the new generation of sequencing technology (454, Solexa etc.) is contributing to a hitherto unprecedented wealth of information about naturally occurring sequence variation. Nevertheless, the advances in cataloging natural variation are not matched with our advances in understanding the functional differences among the naturally occurring alleles.
In the PhD program Population Genetics, we are aiming to train a new generation of scientists that is able to deal with this new challenge. The institute consists experimental as well as theoretical research groups spaning a wide range of the expertise from new sequencing technologies to bioinformatics to functional testing.
Available PhD projects
* Functional characterization of copy number variation in Drosophila (Schlötterer group)
* Mechanisms and evolution of Drosophila life history and aging (Flatt group)
* Probabilistic modelling of intra- and interspecific sequence evolution (Kosiol group)
* Genetic basis of morphological variation in Drosophila (McGregor group)
* Measuring gene flow between hare species by massive parallel sequencing (Suchentrunk group)
The PhD program is open to applicants from all nationalities. The VMU Wien is an equal opportunity employer and particularly encourages applications from women and handicapped persons.
Applicants should hold a degree in life sciences or related fields with the equivalent of 300 ECTS; outstanding candidates may be considered with less than 300 ECTS
We are seeking motivated candidates that are interested in pursuing a PhD in an internationally competitive research environment
The official guidelines of the PhD program are available here.
The application package consists of:
* Motivation letter (Please state for which project and research group you are applying and why.)
* CV
* Certificates (university degrees, special qualifications)
* Indication of proficiency in English
* Two letters of recommendation
* Names and contact details of two academic references
The application package should be emailed as a single pdf (<1Mb) to Carolin Kosiol, carolin.kosiol@vu-wien.ac.at Only complete applications will be considered.
Time line
1.4.2009 announcement of the 2009 call
15.5.2009 deadline for receipt of applications
1.6.2009 announcement of short listed candidates
15.6.-19.6.2009 interview of short-listed candidates
1.7.2009 positions will be offered to selected candidates
1.8.2009 deadline for joining the PhD program
1.10.2009 start of PhD
website link:

Italy Jobs: 14 PhD fellowships at Universita di Roma La Sapienza 2009 2010
The Università di Roma "La Sapienza" offers n. 14 Ph.D. fellowships for attaining the degree of "Dottore di Ricerca" (Ph.D.) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix.
Each fellowship amounts to 19.800,00 € per year; this amount includes national insurance (INPS) contributions that fellowship recipients are required to pay (8,57% for 2009).
The Ph.D. Programme lasts for three years and may be extended to a fourth year (without grant), subject to approval by the School authorities. At the end of the first and second year of attendance, students have to be evaluated as proficient according to the rules of the Schools.
Applications are opened to candidates who:
* are not Italian citizens;
* are not residents of Italy;
* have obtained an academic qualification abroad by a non-Italian institution which satisfies the entrance requirements for admission to the Doctoral Programme, i.e., a degree equivalent to the Italian diploma di laurea/laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale, or expect to obtain it before 31 July 2009. The equivalence of each qualification to the relevant Italian degree will be ascertained (for the sole purpose of this competition) by the Academic Board of the Schools.
website link:

Sweden Jobs: PhD position in ecology
PhD position in Ecology: The Department of Ecology and Environmental Science has about 160 members including 55 PhD researchers and 55 PhD students (for more information see the department’s homepage: www.emg.umu.se/forskning/index_eng.html).
A new project financed by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) in aquatic ecology, entitled: “Eutrophication as a selection factor for the occurrence of predation-resistant and potentially pathogenic bacteria in aquatic environments”.
Project description
Eutrophication is one of the largest threats to aquatic environments, as it causes a number of drastic changes in the system. One example is phytoplankton communities that often become dominated by inedible, filamentous or toxic forms. The underlying mechanism for this may be increased predation on lower trophic levels, selecting for increased occurrence of predation-resistance in nutrient rich environments.
Evolution has taken many solutions for bacterial resistance to protozoan predation. Some examples are increase or decrease in cell size, production of toxins, cell aggregations, biofilm formation, and resistance to degradation within the protozoa. Some predation-resistant bacteria are also resistant to phagocytosis by human macrophages, suggesting that protozoa constitute a biological gym for the occurrence of potentially pathogenic bacteria.
The above theories will be tested within the PhD project. The link between ecosystem drivers, bacterial functional diversity and epidemiological factors will be investigated in aquatic systems. The PhD project will include field experiments as well as selection and microcosm experiments in laboratory. The tularemia-bacterium Francisella tularensis will be used as an example for a predation-resistant and potentially pathogenic bacterium. The project is performed in collaboration with ecologists, microbiologists and medical scientists.
Assoc. Prof. Agneta Andersson, Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University will be main supervisor in the project. Prof. Anders Sjöstedt, Department of Clinical Bacteriology, Umeå University, and Assoc. Prof. Mats Forsman, Swedish Defence Research Agency will be associated supervisors.
The application should include a letter of intent, certified curriculum vitae that includes information on previous education, copies of the master’s thesis, publications and other documents supporting your competence and suitability for the position, and address and phone number to two reference persons. The application may be written in English or Swedish.
The recruitment procedure will follow
the Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen chapters 5 and 7). Prerequisites include either i) 240 ECTS credits (Swe. högskolepoäng) of higher education studies of which 60 should be on an advanced level (Master level), or ii) 120 Swedish (old) credits (Swe. poäng; corresponding to 180 ECTS credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007 or equivalent competence. Education should include 120 ECTS credits (2 year) biological subjects, 15 ECTS credits ecology or corresponding subject, and a 30 ECTS credits independent project in ecology or a similar relevant field. It is qualifying to have good knowledge in ecological theory and training in microbial ecology and molecular biology/genetics. The successful applicant should have good ability to write and speak in English, creativity, power of initiative, independence and ability to collaborate. Evaluations will be based on results on University courses, quality of
master’s thesis, references, interviews and the letter of intent.
A PhD education is 4 years (48 months) and the PhD-student will get a formal position at the start of the project (Sw: “doktorandanställning”). Up to 10 % as teaching assistant may be included in the position (then the position will be extended accordingly).
For more information contact Agneta Andersson, +46 90-786 9845, agneta.andersson@emg.umu.se, Homepage: www.emg.umu.se
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65, SEKO civil, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-364-09, should be sent to the Registrar, Umeå University, SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden to arrive May 14, 2009 at the latest.

Scholarships from the Government of the Slovak Republic
Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD. Students, University Teachers and Researchers
About the Programme
Establishment of the National Scholarship Programme for the Support of Mobility of Students, PhD students, University Teachers and Researchers was approved by the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2005. The National scholarship programme of the Slovak Republic is funded by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
The National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic is intended to support mobility of foreign students, PhD students, university teachers and researchers to stay at Slovak universities and research institutions.
Types of scholarships
a) Scholarships for foreign university students (enrolled at least in the 6th semester) to take part in Master study over a period of 1 to 2 semesters (from 5 to 10 months) at Slovak universities.
b) Scholarships for foreign PhD students to take a part of PhD study over a period of 1 to 12 months at Slovak universities or research institutes.
c) Scholarships for foreign university teachers and researchers over a period of 1 to 12 months to carry out teaching or research at Slovak universities, research institutes or nongovernmental organisations on the basis of an invitation.
Citizens from following countries can apply for scholarships
a) European Union member states – Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom,
b) other countries participating in the Bologna process (listed are only countries that are not stated in item a) – Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Switzerland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine,
c) Belarus,
d) Canada, Central American countries, Latin American countries, Mexico, the United States of America,
e) Australia, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
Due to the mobility nature of the programme applicants cannot be considered if they have been studying, teaching or researching in Slovakia at the time of submitting their application.
The Scholarship Programme does not support:
a) foreign students and PhD students accepted for entire Master or PhD studies in Slovakia, specifically those who are already studying in Slovakia and would like to cover part of their costs from the National Scholarship Programme;
b) foreign university teachers and researches who are already teaching or researching at Slovak universities and research institutes;
c) citizens of the Slovak Republic studying, teaching or researching at foreign universities or research institutes;
d) foreign applicants accepted for other scholarship programmes in Slovakia (for example Visegrad Fund, Erasmus, CEEPUS, bilateral agreements, etc.).
Scholarship designation
The scholarship is designated to cover living costs (accommodation, boarding, etc.) of a study, research and teaching stay of foreign applicants at Slovak universities and research institutions. The applicants can ask their host institution to assist them to arrange their accommodation and necessary documents regarding the stay in Slovakia, or they have to arrange it by themselves. The Scholarship Programme does not cover the travel costs to and from Slovakia.
Amount of a monthly scholarship
a)university students 240 EUR
b)PhD students 470 EUR
c)university teachers:
lecturers with or without a PhD degree 670 EUR
associated professors 835 EUR
professors 1 000 EUR
d) researchers:
young researchers (< 4 years of experience) 670 EUR
PhD holders (or > 4 years of experience) 835 EUR
senior researchers (>10 years of experience) 1 000 EUR
Application procedure
The on-line application system at www.scholarships.sk opens 6 – 8 weeks before the deadline. The application form is accessible only after the on-line application system is opened. In order to submit the on-line application, it is necessary to fill in the on-line application form (in Slovak, English, French, Spanish or Russian version), attach all required documents (in .doc or .pdf format) and press the "submit" button.
Applications must be submitted on-line at www.scholarships.sk and documents marked with asterisk (*) (see the List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form) must be sent by post and received by the deadline at SAIA, n. o. The submitted documents must be originals.
Foreign applicants who need to apply for entrance visa to Slovakia should consider the necessary visa processing period when planning the starting date of their scholarship stay. Information about visa conditions is provided by Slovak Embassies.
Documents must be received by deadline at:
SAIA, n. o.
Námestie slobody 23
812 20 Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
Applications deadlines:
30 April 2009 (until 16:00 CET) - for academic year 2009/2010
31 October 2009 (until 16:00 CET) - for summer semester 2009/2010
List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form by foreign students and PhD students applying for a study/research stay:
· structured Curriculum Vitae,
· motivation letter,
· detailed study programme in case of students (incl. date of arrival and period of stay),
· detailed research programme in case of PhD students (incl. date of arrival, period of stay and detailed programme time schedule),
· two recommendation letters provided by applicant's university teachers in case of students, one recommendation letter provided by applicant's supervisor in case of PhD Students,
· confirmation letter from a sending university certifying that applicant is a full-time student enrolled in min. 6th semester, in case of a PhD student a confirmation certifying enrolment in a PhD study (*),
· certified copy of a Bachelor's diploma or Master's diploma and a certificate of a state exam (if any),
· admission or invitation letter from a host university or research institute in Slovakia proclaiming commitment that applicant will be enrolled in a study or research programme (incl. period of stay). The admission or invitation letter must be printed on official letter head paper of the host institution, including a signature of the person in charge and a stamp. (*)
List of required documents that must be attached to the on-line application form by foreign university teachers and researchers:
· structured Curriculum Vitae,
· detailed teaching and/or research programme (including date of arrival, period of stay and detailed programme time schedule),
· invitation letter from a host university or research institute in Slovakia (incl. period of stay). The invitation letter must be printed on official letter head paper of the host institution, including a signature of the person in charge and a stamp. (*)
(*) The documents must be sent by post and received by the deadline at SAIA, n. o. The submitted documents must be originals. The original admission or invitation letter from the Slovak host university or research institute can be sent by post from the host institution in Slovakia directly to SAIA n.o.
Selection procedure of applicants from abroad
The selection committee, appointed by the Minister of Education of the SR, carries out the selection of scholarship holders.
SAIA, n. o. will send the e-mail notification of granting or refusing a scholarship to all applicants within six weeks after the application deadline.
The selected scholarship holders will receive "Letter of award" and "Letter of acceptance" of the scholarship by post. The "Letter of acceptance" should be signed and send back to SAIA, n. o.
SAIA, n. o., Námestie slobody 23, 812 20 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Silvia Kotulièová, Programme Co-ordinator
Tel.: +421 2 544 11 426 (436)
Fax: +421 2 544 11 429
E-mail: silvia.kotulicova@saia.sk, www.scholarships.sk

NOMA Master Scholarships 2010-2014
The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) invites applications for grants to Master programmes to be conducted in English in the South. The call for applications is presented with reference to the NOMA Agreement between the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) and SIU, signed on 27 April 2006, extended with an addendum to 2014 and the NOMA Programme Document.
A Master degree programme eligible for support under the NOMA programme is defined as full- time work-load over two academic years equivalent to 120 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). One student cohort is defined as 4 semesters (2 years).
NB All programme activities must be finalised within 31.12.2014
For the period 2010 – 2014, applications for Master programmes are limited to the following categories:
a) Bilateral Master programmes for a period of either two years (one student cohort) or four years (two student cohorts). NOMA funding is limited to maximum NOK 2,25 million for one student cohort and maximum NOK 4,5 million for two student cohorts and includes all relevant supportive activities.
Bilateral Master programmes should be based on cooperation between two partner institutions, one in the South and one in Norway. One academic staff member at each partner institution called project coordinator has the responsibility for planning, implementation and reporting. Bilateral programmes may have apart from the above mentioned, informal or formal cooperation with other institutions, without specific NOMA funding for such cooperation activities.
b) Multilateral Master programmes for a period of either two years (one student cohort) or four years (two student cohorts). NOMA funding is limited to maximum NOK 3 million for one student cohort and maximum NOK 6 million for two student cohorts and includes all relevant supportive activities.
Multilateral Master programmes should have two main partner institutions, one outside Norway (IoN) and one in Norway (IiN) but may consist of additional partner institutions both outside Norway and in Norway ( it is a requirement for multilateral NOMA programmes to have minimum two partners outside Norway; one main partner and one additional partner). It may also have additional partner(s) in Norway.
The role of additional partners should be clearly stated in the application. Each partner institution must have an academic partner contact person, and must endorse the application before submission.
Apart from the general admission requirements for all students for NOMA Master programmes the following additional criteria apply for NOMA scholarships:
* Nationality (see criteria under eligible countries)
* Relevant professional experience of 2-3 years is desirable, but in order to increase the number of women participating in NOMA, the professional experience for women, who otherwise fulfil the academic requirement for NOMA scholarships, can be waived. The requirement for professional experience can be waived for both male and female applicants in countries where an academic field is not yet established
* Leave of absence from job in home country, if applicable (see above)
* Statement of purpose
The NOMA programme aims at equitable access and gender equality in all programme activities.
1. Aim and Objectives of the NOMA
The proposed Master programme should contribute to the realisation of the aim and objectives of the NOMA:
1.1 Aim
The overall aim of the NOMA is to contribute to the education of staff in all sectors (public and private sectors as well as civil society) in eligible countries, through building capacity at the Master level in higher education institutions (HEI) in the South.
1.2 Objectives
The objectives of the NOMA are:
* To support the development of Master programmes at HEI in the South through close collaboration with HEI in Norway in accordance with national needs in the South
* To achieve, in a longer term perspective, sustainable capacity of institutions in the South to provide the national work force with adequate qualifications within selected academic fields of study
* To stimulate South-South-North cooperation through support to the development of regional Master programmes
* To enhance gender equality in all programme activities
* To strengthen and further develop the competence of Norwegian HEI to integrate global as well as developmental perspectives in their professional work
2. Application and selection procedures
2.1 Creating an application
An application to the NOMA-programme should be planned and worked out jointly by the academic staff of the main cooperating institutions. The application should be submitted online to the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) (NOMA secretariat) before 30 June 2009, GMT 1500 hrs.
The online procedure of applying for funding from NOMA is as follows:
1. Both project coordinators must create a personal account in SIU’s database. This is done at http://espresso.siu.no. (Persons that already have a username and password with SIU should not register again).
2. After being registered, one of the project coordinators may create a NOMA application.
3. The creator of the application then grants the other project coordinator access to the same application by adding her/him as “editor” to the application. NB the partner must be registered as a user in order to be granted editor access to the application.
4. The other will now have editor access to the same (joint) application from his/her personal login.
2.2 NOMA Institutional Contact Person- Reading Access
When selecting an institution in the application form, information about the institutions’ responsible central administrative unit of NOMA programmes (Office for International Relations or similar) will appear automatically if a NOMA institutional contact person previously has been appointed at the institution concerned. If new to the NOMA programme, the institution must appoint a NOMA institutional contact person. This person will be given reading access to the applications in progress from their institution. The appointed institutional contact person must register as a user at
and then contact SIU at noma@siu.no marking the email with the subject “Institutional contact NOMA”, in order to be granted the access as institutional contact.
2.3 Additional Partners - Reading Access
The project coordinators may also grant reading access for network partners to their joint application.
The procedure for granting reading access follows the procedure for adding editors to the project.
2.4 Submission of the NOMA application
When submitting the application, separate Cover pages will be available for printing by the project coordinators (at IoN and IiN). This document should be printed and duly signed by the project coordinators and heads of the respective departments and the Vice Chancellor/ Rector/University Director or similar. The signed Cover page should be submitted to the NOMA Institutional contact person/NOMA coordinating unit at the institution within 6 July 2009.
The institutional contact person/NOMA coordinating unit should submit the signed cover pages to SIU together with the institutional assessment and prioritised list of applications within 28 August 2009.
2.5 External evaluation
All eligible applications are sent from SIU to two external evaluators – one from the South and one from the North, who will assess the academic quality of the applications.
2.6 Institutional assessment
After the external evaluators have submitted their evaluations, the institutions themselves are obliged to assess each application according to the “Guidelines and criteria for institutional assessment of applications to NOMA”. If more than one application is submitted from the institution, the institution should rank the applications they present to SIU. The ranking from the institutions in the South will be given double weight compared to the ranking from the institutions in the North.
The institutional assessment should be carried out by a “NOMA committee” if such exists, or another academic committee at the institution should be designated to this task. The external evaluations will be made available online for the institutions (institutional contact person) from 10 August 2009. The institutions will then make their assessment of relevance and feasibility of the proposed application(s).
The institutions must, based on these assessments prepare a prioritised list of the applications from their own institutions. The assessments and the prioritised list of applications and the cover pages should be presented to SIU within 28 August 2009.
Details about the procedures for institutional assessment will be provided to the relevant institutions by SIU at the end of July 2009.
2.7 Decision on allocation of NOMA funding
The NOMA Programme Board will make the final selection of the projects to be supported in October 2009.
3. Terms and conditions for the applications
1. One HEI outside Norway and one Norwegian HEI will be the two main contract partners under the Master programmes supported by NOMA. The two main contract partners may collaborate in development and implementation of the proposed programmes with relevant public and private organisations in their respective countries.
2. The applying institutions must already have identified each other as potential partners for a cooperation project.
3. Funding will be given to new Master programmes that have not received prior financial support from the Norad Fellowship Programme (2001-2005) or NOMA Master Programme 2006 and 2007. Only new projects will be considered for financial support under this Call. The mere extension of an existing NOMA Master programme to new countries or recruitment of new regional students will not qualify for support. Previous relevant experience from an existing NOMA programme may be used to facilitate the preparation of a new project, however, this new Master programme should involve a new main partner outside Norway and the development of a curriculum catering to the specific needs of the partner concerned.
4. The maximum budget for the proposed Master programmes is NOK 4,5 million for bilateral programmes and NOK 6 million for multilateral programmes (please refer to the Introduction chapter for further details on the different categories).
3.1 Basic principles of cooperation and the role of the institutions in NOMA
The NOMA cooperation works according to a decentralised model, i.e. cooperation projects are initiated, planned, implemented and reported in cooperation between project coordinators/academic partner contact person at departmental level at the partner institutions.
The collaboration should be based on the principle of equality between the partners and characterised by transparency at all levels.
Institutions applying for support from NOMA need to appoint one administrative contact person at institutional level (NOMA Institutional Contact Person) to coordinate the institution’s handling of the application procedure. Preferably the NOMA institutional contact person should be located centrally in the institutions organisation e.g. Head of International Department or equivalent position. It is not recommended to appoint this function to a Vice Chancellor or Rector.
Institutions with several NOMA projects may establish a “NOMA coordinating unit” as well, in order to coordinate the day to day handling of the NOMA cooperation, reporting procedures and the follow-up of financial issues and accounting.
3.2 What a joint application for Master programmes must include
* A plan for how the proposed Master programmes can contribute to the realisation of the aim and objectives of the NOMA
* A plan for the achievement of academic goals
* A budget for the project
* CV’s of the academic coordinators, in the South and in Norway
* Information about existing contacts/partners, and prior relevant international experience at the institutions
* A description of relevant national needs in the selected academic field in the South that will be addressed by the Master programme
* A statement of commitment to the Master programme by the leadership of the respective HEI (in the form of signed Cover pages from both North and South)
* A strategy for ensuring sustainability in a longer term perspective
* Indicators of success both qualitative and quantitative, for evaluating the Master programme
3.3 Projects stimulating regional cooperation
The establishment of Master programmes that stimulate regional cooperation in the South will be encouraged. A country, other than those listed in para 3.4. point 1 and 2 a), may be selected for academic reasons as location for a regional project. In that case it will be considered essential that partner institutions in a South-South context, within the project period, are enabled to provide Master programmes to meet their own national needs for capacity-building.
3.5 Eligible institutions
HEI in the South from countries listed under geographical criteria that are recognised /accredited by the national authorities in the country where they have their campus, and have appropriate systems for accounting and audit and can provide plans for monitoring and reporting according to the NOMA requirements, are eligible.
Norwegian institutions who are members of the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions (UHR) in Norway and have accredited Master programmes through The Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (NOKUT), are eligible.
The main contract partners, one in Norway and one outside Norway, shall collaborate in the development and implementation of the proposed programmes with relevant public and private organisations in their respective countries.
3.6 Eligible academic fields
The following are the eligible academic fields for NOMA for the programme period:
* Education
* Environment, economic development and trade
* Gender
* Good governance, democratic development, human rights and migration
* Health
* Oil and energy
* Peace and Conflict resolution
The Master programmes may be offered with selected modules in the South and/or in Norway. The main focus of the programme should be in the South. Norwegian students should be encouraged to enrol in course modules in the South as well as in Norway as a part of their degree programme.
3.7 Student Admission process
The recruitment process of Master students should be open and transparent. The recruitment should be done in cooperation with relevant bodies at the respective institutions. The NOMA programme aims at equitable access and gender equality in all programme activities.
Student applications for Master programmes should be forwarded directly to the institution offering the master programme.
The HEIs, both in the Norway and outside Norway, are responsible for keeping records of student intake for reporting purposes to SIU.
3.8 Disbursement of funds
All project funds will be transferred from SIU to the Norwegian main partner institution. Disbursement of funds to project activities in the South should be made by the Norwegian main partner institution according to annual budgets.
The partner institution in the South shall report on disbursed project finances annually to the Norwegian main partner institution while the Norwegian main partner institution is responsible for reporting of the total project finances to SIU.
3.9 Accounting and audit
HEI in Norway and in the South that receive funds from NOMA are instructed to ensure that appropriate accounting systems are implemented, and that accounting is done according to generally accepted accounting principles. Audit should be carried out in accordance with international standards.
Each institution is accountable for funds received from the NOMA programme.
4. Timetable for the NOMA application process
Timetable for the application process NOMA Master Programmes 2010-2014, will be as follows:
Activity Responsible Deadline
Call for applications NOMA Master Programmes 2010-2014 SIU 24 November 2009
Submission of joint online NOMA applications Project coordinators 30 June 2009
Signed Cover page submitted from project coordinator to institutional contact person Project coordinators 6 July 2009
Details about the procedures for institutional assessment to the relevant institutions SIU Ultimo July 2009
Evaluation of applications by external evaluators SIU 6 July 2009
Evaluation by external evaluators available to institutions SIU 10 August 2009
Submission of institutional assessments, a prioritised list of applications from the institution as well as signed Cover page VC/Rector/University Director or similar/NOMA coordinating unit or similar 28 August 2009
Award of support funds for NOMA Master Programmes 2010-2014 NOMA Programme Board October 2009

Internship at UNCSD 2009 2010
The United Nations provides opportunities for students enrolled in a graduate programme to undertake an internship at its Headquarters in New York.
This Internship Programme is for the United Nations Headquarters in New York only.
Eligible candidates interested in doing an internship at the United Nations Headquarters in New York can apply.
The objective of the Internship Programme is threefold:
1). To provide a framework by which graduate and post-graduate students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to United Nations Offices where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments.
2). To expose them to the work of the United Nations.
3). To provide UN offices with the assistance of highly qualified students specialized in various professional fields.
The United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme is offered on a two-month basis three times a year:
- Mid January to mid March (Spring Session): The vacancy announcement is posted mid May, the deadline for applications is mid September.
- Early June to early August (Summer Session): The vacancy announcement is posted mid September, the deadline for applications is end of January.
- Mid September to mid November (Fall Session): The vacancy announcement is posted end of January, the deadline for applications is mid May.
To qualify for the United Nations Headquarters Internship Programme, the following conditions must be met:
1. Applicants must be enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship; or
2. Applicants pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages must have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree.
Any work produced by interns during their internship within the framework of the duties assigned to them should be used for academic purposes exclusively. All economic and moral rights (copyright) pertaining to such work will remain the exclusive property of the United Nations.
Interested graduate students should write via EMAIL ONLY to the Ad Hoc Internship Coordinator, Human Resources Operations Section, Human Resources Management Service, United Nations Office enclosing:
Applications (in English) should include the following:
a) A covering letter stating the grounds for their application;
b) Recent curriculum vitae (CV);
c) Copies of their university degrees or a list of courses attended;
d) Abstracts of academic papers they have written.
After careful consideration of all documents submitted, only successful candidates will be notified of their selection.
Kindly send your electronic applications to the following email address: intern@uncsd.net