An opening for a Ph.D. student is available at the University of Alberta with a start date in September 2008. The student will be enrolled in the graduate program in the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences,and will work with Professor Minev on modelling and simulation of red blood cells in shear flows. Candidates should have an M.Sc. degree in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science or a relevant engineering discipline.
For further details, including admission procedures and requirements and a description of the Applied Mathematics programs, please consult the URL:
Inquiries should be directed to Professor Minev at:
Peter Minev,
Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6H 1J8;
e-mail: minev [at]
Saturday, November 10, 2007
PhD Opening at Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, the University of Alberta, Canada
8:51 PM
