Mabes TNI AD give opportunity to young man of grad of SMA / majors ma of IPA / IPS to register x'self become candidate of Taruna Academy Military ( Akmil) Year 2008. Registration started by 4 Februari until 29 March 2008.
Registration place [in] office of Kodim, Korem and of Kodam closest. Condition to become candidate of Taruna Akmil for example WNI, old age at the (time) of entering education 1 August 2008 not less than 18 year and at the most 22 year.
Click here for detail.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Lowongan CPNS 2008 Terbaru, Penerimaan Taruna Akmil TNI AD
165 MSc/PhD Scholarships in Sciences, Engineering and Technology from IRCSET, Ireland
IRCSET’s Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme is designed for either Masters or Doctorate level researchers in the sciences, engineering or technology.
2008 Programme [First Call] NOW OPEN
The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology invites applications for funding from intending postgraduate researchers under the Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme (2008).
This first call in the 2008 programme will fund up to 165 Masters or Doctorate level researchers in the sciences, engineering and technology.
The scheme is open to candidates worldwide with a number of scholarships also being available to exceptional candidates from non EU member states.
A number of additional scholarships will be jointly funded by industry as part of IRCSET Enterprise Partnership Scheme (see below for details). This scheme fosters mutually beneficial collaboration
between the academic and commercial research sectors.
The Closing Date for all applications will be 5pm, Wednesday 20th February 2008.
Please link here for the news release announcing the 2008 programme.
Applications will only be received via the Online Grants Applications System which is available below.
All candidates should carefully read the terms and conditions below for details on eligibility criteria.
Only candidates with academic records at higher honours level are likely to be successful in receiving funding.
Enterprise Partnership Scheme
Within this call, a number of Enterprise Partnership Scheme Awards are also being offered in conjunction with participating industry partners. The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology gratefully acknowledges the valuable participation of these organisations.
Applicants can indicate on their application if in addition to consideration for an Embark Initiative award they also wish to be considered for an Enterprise Partnership Scheme scholarship.
Through the Enterprise Partnership Scheme scholars are co-funded by both IRCSET and an Enterprise Partner. Industry’s participation and co-funding role has enabled IRCSET to support many more young researchers in Irish research bodies.
The researcher receives the same financial support as a postgraduate scholar under the normal Embark Initiative Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme. However, they also benefit from expert industry supervision and gain experience of research in an industrial environment.
Our list of partners and projects is updated periodically. For up to date details, please click here.
Under the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme, funding of €24,003 is provided for each of three years for Doctorate level research (total funding of €72,009) and one year (€24,003) for Masters level research.
Of the €24,003 maximum per annum available to Masters and Doctorate students, €16,002 goes directly to the student with the remainder available to fund other forms of support such as fees, appropriate travel and other expenses.
For more information, please visit the link below:
* Post Graduate Research Scholarships
* Online Application

Postdoc Position in Mathematical Simulation of Articular Joint Formation, Keele University, UK
The Institute of Science and Technology in Medicine (ISTM) at Keele University ( is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Assistant in the area of biomechanics and mechanobiology. The work forms part of the MyJoint project ( MyJoint is an EU-funded multi-disciplinary project combining ten partners and aims to grow biological replacement joints within the patients that will use them. You will work under the guidance of Dr. Jan Herman Kuiper, Prof. Alicia el Haj and Prof. James Richardson.
Your work will aim to further our understanding of the interaction between mechanical conditions and articular joint formation and you will collaborate with engineers, biologists and clinicians.
You will develop novel computer models to simulate the relation between skeletal cells, physical environment, geometry, and material properties in joint formation. You will use computer models to find the effects of variations in parameters describing cells, environment and geometry on joint formation and tissue quality. You will also assist in assessing mechanical quality of tissue from and around joints produced under experimental conditions. You will compare the findings of the computer model to experimental results, and adjust the model if required.
You will have a PhD degree, with a background in the physical, mathematical or engineering sciences. You should have experience in the execution of a researched project involving mathematical or computational simulation, ideally of biological processes. You should be familiar with the use of Finite Element simulation tools or alternative multi-physics tools to simulate biological processes. Experience in mechanical testing procedures of biological tissues would be an advantage.
ISTM is a 5* highly rated (5A or 5* over the last three RAEs), interdisciplinary Institute housing biological and physical scientists, clinicians and engineers. You will be based at our site at the Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Oswestry, a renowned Orthopaedic Hospital with several active clinical and research programs in orthopaedic cell therapy (
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr. Jan Herman Kuiper (j.h.kuiper[ at ]
Full job packs are available from:
The Human Resources Department,
Keele University, Keele,
Staffordshire, ST5 5BG.
Fax: 01782 583471 or
e-mail vacancies[ at ] or
Please quote post reference: RE08/05INT
Closing date for applications: 25 February 2008

PhD Scholarships in International Studies, University of Trento, Italy
The University of Trento is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for its three-year PhD Programme in International Studies. This highly structured multidisciplinary programme is composed of a minimum of 200 hours of coursework.
Students follow a common curriculum in International studies, methodology, research design, and history, and attend advanced seminars in their major and minor subjects, chosen from amongst the disciplines of Economics, Law, and Politics & Society. The coursework is concentrated in the first year, with the third semester being devoted to the completion of the research proposal. At least one semester must be spent abroad for research. The school invites applications across the whole range of disciplines comprising international studies, but particularly encourages students who intend to carry out research in the following areas: European and International Politics; European, Comparative and International Law; Open Economy Macroeconomics, International Trade and International Financial History. One scholarship will be reserved for applicants with a research project in the area of Trans-national Crime. An additional scholarship is reserved for candidates with a research project in the area of Politics of European and Regional Integration.
The programme is conducted entirely in English and will be taught by members of the university’s multi-national faculty. No tuition fees apply. The programme offers number of full scholarships renewable for three years subject to satisfactory academic appraisal. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit and will be augmented by 50% for authorised research periods spent abroad. At least 50% of the admitted candidates will be offered scholarships.
Application Deadline: March 17, 2008.
For further details, consult our website or contact us: (School of International Studies, University of Trento, Via Verdi 8/10, I-38100 Trento (TN), Italy, phone: +39 0461 883150, email: phd[ at ],
* The University of Trento is currently ranked number 411 in the THES World University Ranking.
Ton Notermans PhD
School of International Studies
University of Trento
Via Verdi 8/10
I - 38100 Trento (TN), Italy
Phone: +39 0461 883150
Fax: +39 0461 883152

Post-doc fellow in Computational Linguistics - Portugal
The Institute for Theoretical and Computational Linguistics (ILTEC) is looking for a post-doc fellow for a period of five years, to start before May 2007. The position is part of the Ciência 2008 program of the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
The primary task of the candidate is to develop research under the Portal da Língua Portuguesa project, and ideally assume responsibility for the project over time. The Portal is a project to develop and maintain an online resource about the Portuguese language, with a primary focus on lexical information.
The candidate is expected to eventually supervise the lexicographic part of the further development of the lexicographic model behind the MorDebe database, to supervise the team of linguists working on the Portal, and collaborate in the further development of the software behind the web site and its content management system. Apart from that, the candidate is expected to (further) develop his or her own line of research and encouraged to submit projects to national and international project calls.
The MorDebe database is a lexical information system developed at the ILTEC institute. At its core it is a large-scale full-form lexicon, construed with strict lexicographic criteria. It has a modular design, in which additional modules can provide additional types of information for the basic lemma list. The database already contains modules providing information about derivational relations between lemmas, gentile information, proper names, and grammatical characterizations, and more modules are under development. The most significant module under development is a database of phonetic transcription of the standard pronunciation in European Portuguese for all the lemmas in the database. The system is under constant revision, with the maintenance of the existing modules, the improvement of the lexicographic quality of the database, and the development of new modules for the system.
Candidates should have a PhD in the area of linguistics and have at least three years of research experience since the completion of their PhD. Preferably, the candidate should have experience in the area of computational lexicography, with both a strong theoretical background in the area of lexicology and/or morphology, and practical experience in programming. Given that the project concerns lexicographic data of Portuguese, knowledge of the language is important, yet not indispensable.
The candidature should contain an introductory letter detailing the candidate’s expectation with regard to working on this project, and a complete CV.
The position consists of a contract for a fixed period of 5 years, and consists of a full research position with no teaching obligations.
The yearly salary for the position is just over €42.000, equal to that of an assistant professor.
ILTEC is a small research center in Lisbon, Portugal, founded in 1988. It has an autonomous status, but strong ties to the two major universities in Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa and Universidade Nova de Lisboa). It is located off-campus in the center of the city, and provides a stimulating research environment, both for senior and junior researchers. In the last national evaluation of research centers, the institute got a “very good” (4 out of 5) rating.
The research of ILTEC is divided in three research groups: Language and Linguistic Diversity, Lexicon and Computational Modeling, and Discourse and Literacy. More information about the ILTEC institute can be found on the web site (

PhD Studentships in the Departments of Applied Economics - Belgium
PhD Studentships (2 x 2 years) in the Departments of Applied Economics, Traffic Engineering, Biomedical Science and Science (Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biological Sciences)
Hasselt University seeks applicants for the
following positions (m/f):
PhD Studentships (2 x 2 years) in the Departments of Applied
Economics, Traffic Engineering, Biomedical Science and Science (Chemistry,
Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Biological Sciences)
Job description
The research tasks are to be negotiated on between the applicant and
their supervisor. Depending on the type of funding, the main research
focus can freely be decided on (PhD funding), or could be dependent on
internal/external financial providers.
Applicants should have or expect to obtain a Licentiate/Master¢s degree
in a relevant discipline such as the above, or they are expected to have
a degree equivalent to Lic./Masters.
Research experience would be advantageous (e.g. by M.Sc. dissertation).
Applicants should have sufficient knowledge of Dutch and/or English.
Funds are available for two years, after which the studentship can be
renewed for another two years.
This is a permanent job opening. In the first instance, numerical
details of grades obtained in relevant examinations will be screened.
Only successful applicants will be contacted as soon as a relevant
project is set up.
Further information
Content job responsibilities: Ann Peters,
tel.: +32-(0)11 268 014, (on tasks and projects)
Content terms of employment and selection
procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, +32-(0)11-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
which are available at the
Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan -
building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
or which can be downloaded here
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration
when sent to the following address:
Setia Pramana
Bioinformatics Research Group
Center for Statistics
Hasselt University
Agoralaan - building D
3590 Diepenbeek
Office: D56
Phone: +32-11-268288
Fax: +32-11-268299

Top talent scholarship - TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Dear student,
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) would like to inform you
about the TU/e Talent Scholarship Program for excellent international
master students.
TU/e Talent Scholarship Program
Each academic year, TU/e grants scholarships to the most talented
applicants for TU/e Master’s programs. These scholarships, funded by
TU/e and leading companies in the Eindhoven region, are offered for
five-year programs. In the first two years students will take a
Master’s at the TU/e, one of Europe’s top-rated universities of
technology. After graduating, they will work for three years for the
company that sponsors the scholarship. That means they will not only
gain international work experience, but also build up a worldwide
network, develop a global outlook and increase career opportunities -
in their home country or anywhere else in the world.
Companies participating in the scholarship program are known for their
strong international presence in the fields of Engineering Science &
Technology, and include world-leading companies such as ASML, Philips
and Océ. The scholarships are so-called full-cost scholarships,
covering tuition fees and living costs. The scholarships will be
available for courses starting in September of each academic year. For
more information visit: Please note that these
scholarships are only awarded to international students.
Thanking you in advance.
dr. Karen S. Ali
Director International Relations
International Relations Office
Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)
PO Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands