We are a consultant company, WESMIRA CONSULTANT, is looking for qualified person to our client’s company, to fill the position of:
About The Company:
Our client is a international branded cosmetics and perfume distributor, located at Central Jakarta, with below responsibilities and qualifications:
§ Coordinate with Brand Manager of making work plan.
§ Responsible of recruitment process and interview of Beauty Consultant.
§ Deliver training to Beauty Consultant about product knowledge and new product.
§ Making evaluation and reporting result of training process to Brand Manager.
§ Willing to work on holiday and out of town, especially on launching product events and/or promotion.
§ Arrange beauty workshop or gathering at hotel regularly.
Qualification of Successful Candidate:
§ Female, maximum age 33.
§ Preferable able to speak Mandarin
§ Bachelor Degree, prefer from Educational or Psychology Faculty
§ Excellent skill in English, both oral and written
§ Have ability to transfer knowledge, teaching, motivate and build the teamwork, deliver training
§ Strong skill in interpersonal, communication and leadership
§ Flexible in working as a team and individual
§ Minimum 2 years working experience in the same field
Kindly email your resume (attached with photo) to:
cvposting@wesmira. com AND cvpostingwesmira@ yahoo.com
with details of present salary, expected salary and notice period
http://www.wesmira. com
Friday, May 16, 2008
Vacancy - Training Manager
Vacancy - Assistant Business Development Manager
Our client is one of the trading company. Currently they are looking for potential candidate to join their team as:
Assistant Business Development Manager
1.. Female, Max 30 years
2.. Min Bachelor Degree
3.. Min 2 years in the same role in multinational company
4.. Preferred experience in handling chemical product
5.. Excellent communication and negotiation skill
6.. Proficient in English both written and verbal is a must
7.. Computer literate
Should you meet the requirements above and willing to pursue your future career, please send your comprehensive resume in MS WORD format to alika@cbn.net. id
Vacancy - Software Developer
Introducing, we are CPS-Elements an Aviation Industry Service Provider.
We successfully deliver state of the art, and high quality solutions to our Costumers.
On behalf of one of our Costumer, we are looking for high qualified self starters that would like to take the challenge to work in this exciting industry.
I.Aviation Software Developer
You will evaluate, develop and design complex applications and functions.
You should have at least 3 years of experience in software design & development, and are familiar with C/C++ programming, Python or similar scripting languages, and have in depth knowledge of state of the art Software Development Technology & Internet Application Design
(Open GL). You provide knowledge & programming experience under LINUX, as well as UML & XML expertise.
II.Junior Software Developer
You will evaluate, develop and design complex applications and functions.
If you are a fresh-graduate or having at least 1 years of experience in software design & development, familiar with C/C++ programming, phyton or similar scripting languages and have in depth knowledge of state of the art Software Development Technology & Internet Application
Design (Open GL). You provide knowledge & programming experience under LINUX, as well as UML & XML expertise.
And, if you are a self-starter and like to work in a challenging environment, then this is the ideal job opportunity for you.
Please contact us and provide your details via Email to:
AviationSoftwareDev eloper@CPS- Elements. com
Or you can check out our email on :
www.CPS-Elements. com
Monday, May 12, 2008
Vacancy - Customer Service
Forwarding Company is looking for a Customer Service.
Requirement :
1. Female, 22 - 30 years old
2. Major: S1 any dicipline
3. Working experience : 1 years ( fresh graduate are welcome to
4. To be located in Jakarta ( Kelapa Gading )
5. Fluent in english ( both spoken and written )
6. Computer literature
7. Good Looking, Hard worker, Able to work in team, Proactive, Well
If you are interested to apply, please send your application letter,
updated CV with current photo, and expected salary by email to :
marketing@arumcenda nalogistics. com before May 31, 2008.
Vacancy - Call Center Officers at ABN AMRO
We are looking for call center officers with qualification as follow:
1. Male/Female (preferably male)
2. Max. age 28 y.o
3. S1 any major discipline
4. Min. 1 year working experience in call center/phone banking (banking
and credit card product)
5. Good in English (written and speaking)
6. Well handed in computer skill (min. MS Office)
7. Willing to work in shift
8. Willing to work on the contract basis
9. Job location in Pondok Indah (Jakarta Selatan)
Please send your application letter, cv and recent photograph by email to:
ellys.permanasari@ id.abnamro. com and only shortlisted candidate will be
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ph.D. in Bioceramics, Uni Bremen, Germany
Ph.D. in Bioceramics
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurosch Rezwan
(krezwan at uni-bremen.de)
Die Forschungsgruppe Biokeramik an der Universität Bremen befasst sich mit
der Herstellung von neuen Knochenersatzmaterialien, Bioreaktoren und
biomimetischen Nanoverbundwerkstoffen auf keramischer Basis. Das Fachgebiet
plant zum nächstmöglichen Termin – unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe –
zu besetzen:
*1 wissenschaftliche(r) Mitarbeiter/Mitarbeiterin*
*mit Promotionsmöglichkeit*
* (Biokeramik, Kennziffer A 64/06) *Entgeltgruppe 13 TVL **
Zur Bearbeitung von Aufgaben im Rahmen eines Forschungsvorhabens an der
Schnittstelle der technischen Keramik und der Biologie.
Die Stelle ist zunächst auf 1 Jahr befristet und kann verlängert werden
(max. 6 Jahre).
*Ihre Aufgaben:*
Es erwarten Sie Arbeiten im Bereich der Kolloidchemie,
Suspensionherstellung, Protein-/Ionenfreisetzkinetik und Werkstoffanalyse.
Eine eigenständige Projektbearbeitung und die überzeugende Präsentation
Ihrer Resultate vor Industrievertretern und internationalem Fachpublikum
sind Teil Ihrer Aufgaben. Zudem unterstützen Sie das Fachgebiet Biokeramik
in der Lehre und der Studentenbetreuung.
*Ihr Profil: *
Sie haben ein Studium (Uni/TH) der Fachrichtungen Materialwissenschaften,
Chemieingenieurwesen, Pharmazie oder ähnlichem mit überdurchschnittlichem
Erfolg abgeschlossen. Chemielaborerfahrung ist sehr wünschenswert. Sie sind
hochmotiviert, initiativ und innovativ. Routinierter Umgang mit Bürosoftware
und Englischkenntnisse werden vorausgesetzt.
Sie arbeiten in einemTeam von motivierten, interdisziplinär orientierten
Wissenschaftlern. *Die Möglichkeit zur Promotion wird gegeben.*
Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im
Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich
auf, sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher
fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.
Fragen bzw. Ihre *vorzugsweise elektronische Bewerbung* mit den üblichen
Unterlagen inkl. Kontaktdetails von mind. 2 Referenzen senden Sie bitte
unter Nennung der o. g. Kennziffer an :
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kurosch Rezwan
Biokeramik / Universität Bremen
Am Biologischen Garten 2, IW3
28359 Bremen
Tel.: 0421 – 218-4507
Email: krezwan@uni-bremen.de
Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen nur Kopien (keine Mappen)
einzureichen, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden können; sie
werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.

ADB - JSP Japan Scholarship Program
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) - Japan Scholarship Programme (JSP) was established in April 1988 with funding from the Government of Japan. It is intended to provide an opportunity to fully qualified citizens of ADB developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related areas to attend academic institutions in the Asia-Pacific region. ADB-JSP enrolls about 300 students annually in 20 academic institutions located in 10 countries within the region.
University of Auckland is one of institutions participating in this ADB-JSP scholarship program .
Below are programs offered :
* Master in International Business
* Master of Commerce (International Business)
* Master of Arts (Development Studies)
* Master of Science (Environmental Science)
* Master/Doctorate in Engineering
* Master of Public Health
The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.
* full tuition fees
* a monthly subsistence and housing allowance
* an allowance for books and instructional materials
* medical insurance
* travel expenses
The scholarship is for one year with an extension to the second year of study, as appropriate, which shall be conditional on the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the institute. The maximum duration of scholarship award is two years for masters and doctorate programs.
* A national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship).
* Gained admission to an approved post graduate course in any of the participating academic institutions. (University of Auckland )
* A bachelor’s degree or its equivalent with superior academic record.
* At least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience
* Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
* Not more than 35 years old at the time of application.
* In good health.
* Should agree to return to his/her home county after completion of studies under the Program.
* Staff of participating academic institutions are not eligible for the Scholarship.
* Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship.
* Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of the other international organizations are not eligible for the Scholarship.
* Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for the Scholarship.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
ADB-JSP Coordinators
Ms. Rita Fatialofa-Patolo
International Scholarships Coordinator
NZ Australia Pacific Region
International Office
E-mail: int-questions@auckland.ac.nz
University of Auckland
International Office,
University of Auckland
7 Symonds Street,
Auckland, New Zealand
Private Bag 92019 Auckland, New Zealand
(Attn: International Admissions/Scholarships)
Or you can also visit ADB- Japan Scholarship Program’s website at www.adb.org/jsp for more detail information about this program
Application Deadline is 31 July 2008

Germany; PhD student Experimental Physics
Within the Institute for Materials Research (IMO) of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:
PhD student Experimental Physics (2 x 2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/014)
Job description
The PhD student will conduct research within the BOF-project “Fabrication of nanocrystalline diamond-based acoustic devices for (bio-)sensing purposes”. Two main pathways will be followed, covering both “piezoelectric-on-diamond” as well as “diamond-on-piezoelectric”, combining thin nanocrystalline CVD diamond films with piezoelectric materials such as AlN, langasite, etc. Research will focus on devices based on surface and bulk acoustic waves, such as piezoelectric bimorph micro-cantilevers, flexural plate wave (FPW) devices, and thickness shear mode resonators. In a first stage, the candidate will have to get acquainted with deposition techniques and material optimisation followed by fabrication and characterisation of several device structures in order to obtain superior sensitivity levels than those currently available
Profile and diploma
Master degree (or equivalent) in either physics, chemistry, biomedical sciences, engineering or materials science. A background in material science and/or sensor technology is a plus.
Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* dr. Ken Haenen, (IMO), +32-11- 26 88 75, ken.haenen@uhasselt.be
* Prof. dr. Marc D’Olieslaeger (IMO), +32–11–26 88 15, marc.dolieslaeger@uhasselt.be
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden@uhasselt.be
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here http://www.uhasselt.be/download/APengelsUH.doc
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, June 6th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs@uhasselt.be.

Beasiswa S1 Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia
Fakultas Teknik & Fakultas MIPA Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia memberikan beasiswa pada siswa-siswa SMA di seluruh Indonesia untuk menempuh jenjang pendidikan Sarjana (S1).
Program Studi yang Mendapatkan Beasiswa
Fakultas Teknik
Teknik Elektro
Optic & Wireless Communications
Network & Control Systems
Teknik Industri
Industrial Management
Enterprise & Resource Management
Manufacturing System
Teknik Informatika
Information System
Database & Software Engineering
Computer Science
Fakultas MIPA
Industrial Biotechnology
Health Biotechnology
Agriculture Biotechnology
Keterangan lebih lanjut: http://www.uai.ac.id/beasiswa/

Beasiswa S1 S2 Indofood
PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk. (Indofood) kembali mengundang para akademisi bersama bergandeng tangan untuk mengambil langkah konkret mencari solusi yang mengancam bangsa kita saat ini, yaitu krisis pangan. Salah satu langkah strategis adalah mencermati masalah ini secara obyektif dan ilmiah melalui riset-riset yang berbobot dalam program Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) 2008. Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) adalah Program Bantuan Dana Riset bagi kalangan akademisi/perguruan tinggi dan atau para peneliti baik dari kalangan perguruan tinggi maupun non-perguruan tinggi.
Indofood Riset Nugraha (IRN) merupakan kelanjutan dari program Bogasari Nugraha yang telah berlangsung sejak tahun 1998. Melalui Indofood Riset Nugraha, Indofood memberikan bantuan dana penelitian kepada kalangan akademisi baik mahasiswa maupun dosen berbagai strata dari perguruan tinggi negeri & swasta di seluruh Indonesia.
Tujuan Indofood Riset Nugraha:
• Meningkatkan antusiasme riset di kalagan akademisi/peguruan tinggi di Indonesia , khususnya di seputar bidang pangan
• Menunjang peluang dan upaya penerapan hasil riset akademis di sektor industri
• Ikut berkontribusi dalam upaya peningkatan daya saing industri pangan nasional
• Ikut berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan ketahanan pangan nasional
Tahun 2008 Indofood Riset Nugraha kembali meluncurkan Program Bantuan Dana Penelitian dengan tema “PENGANEKARAGAMAN PANGAN BERBASIS SEPULUH KOMODITI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KETAHANAN PANGAN DAN PERBAIKAN GIZI”
Fokus penelitian Indofood Riset Nugraha tahun 2008 cukup menantang peserta program karena terarah pada 10(sepuluh) komoditi pangan sesuai tema kegiatan, yaitu:
1. Gandum / Terigu (Triticum sp.)
2. Jagung (Zea mays)
3. Pisang (Musa sp.)
4. Singkong (Manihot sp.)
5. Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea sp.)
6. Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis sp.)
7. Sagu (Metroxylon sp.)
8. Garut (Marantha sp.)
9. Kentang (Solanum sp.)
10. Kedelai (Glycine spp.)
Sedangkan cakupan bidang penelitian pada tahun 2008 yang disediakan bagi peserta program, terdiri atas 4(empat) bidang cakupan dengan pelbagai pilihan topik penelitian, masing-masing :
1. Bidang Teknologi & Produksi
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pengembangan mesin-mesin produksi pangan berbasis 10 komoditi untuk industri kecil dan menengah
b. Pengembangan teknologi dan produksi pangan berbasis 10 komoditi
c. Pengembangan alat dan mesin pertanian untuk meningkatkan produktifitas dan efisiensi
d. Pengembangan budidaya dan teknologi pasca panen berbasis 10 komoditi.
2. Bidang Kesehatan & Gizi Masyarakat
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pengembangan alternatif pengawet, pewarna dan penguat rasa yang aman dari komoditas lokal.
b. Fortisifikasi Pangan.
c. Pengembangan produk kaya protein.
3. Bidang Sosial, Ekonomi, Budaya
Topik Pilihan :
a. Pola distribusi dan pemasaran pangan berbasis 10 komoditi.
b. Kelembagaan formal dan non formal penganekaragaman pangan.
c. Penanganan limbah industri pangan
d. Pemanfaatan produk samping industri pangan.
4. Bidang Penelitian Lain
Topik pilihan :
a. Pemuliaan gandum hasil penelitian sebelumnya di Indonesia agar memenuhi standar kualitas untuk produksi roti dan mie
b. Pengembangan teknologi modifikasi pati dari sepuluh sumber komoditi untuk memperbaiki kualitas mie dan bihun.
c. Karakteristik nilai gizi dan daya cerna dari sepuluh komoditi
d. Pengembangan teknik analisis tocotrienol dalam kelapa sawit dan pengaruh proses pemurnian minyak terhadap kandungan tocotrienol tersebut
e. Pengaruh pemanfaatan berbagai jenis gula untuk pembuatan kecap
Program IRN 2008 terbuka bagi:
• Mahasiswa perorangan dari berbagai strata dalam rangka tugas akhir studi
• Kelompok Mahasiswa dari berbagai strata (3-5 orang dengan Dosen Pembimbing)
• Dosen & Peneliti perorang atau kelompok (3-5 orang)
• Jangka waktu penelitian maksimum 1 (satu) tahun.
• Penelitian dilakukan di dalam wilayah Republik Indonesia .
• Bagi mahasiswa perorangan, penelitian dilakukan dalam rangka menyelesaikan tugas akhir (skripsi/tesis/disertasi).
• Untuk kategori Kelompok Mahasiswa, mereka harus bernaung di bawah institusi kemahasiswaan/Jurusan/Pusat Penelitian.
• Untuk kategori Dosen dan Peneliti, kepersertaannya harus didukung dengan surat keterangan dari departemen/ fakultas atau lembaga penelitian yang menaunginya.
• Harus menyertakan riwayat hidup lengkap Peneliti dan anggotanya (bagi kelompok) serta mencantumkan NPM/NIM/NIP, alamat lengkap (termasuk telp, HP, faksimili dan email).
• Peserta mahasiswa perorangan dan kelompok mahasiswa harus juga menyertakan transkrip nilai terakhir, serta riwayat hidup dan data diri dosen pembimbingnya.
Batas Waktu Pengajuan Proposal:
Pengurus IRN telah menetapkan tanggal 30 Juni 2008 sebagai batas waktu penerimaan proposal dari peserta.
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pendaftaran kepesertaan pada Indofood Riset Nugraha dan pengajuan Proposal Penelitian baik secara perorangan maupun kelompok dilakukan secara online di www.indofood.co.id

Internal Audit (IA) PT. SMART TBK - Jakarta
PT. SMART Tbk. is a large and established group and major world player in agro-related industries and consumer goods under the umbrella of SINAR MAS GROUP - one of well establish conglomerate in Indonesia.
PT. SMART Tbk. ia an integrated palm-based consumer company that have owns and manages plantations, mills and refineries which manufacturated branded and unbranded cooking oil, branded margarine, fats and shortening. SMART’s products are divided into three catagories : Retail, Industrial and Bulk.
We have a large oil palm plantations at Sumatera, Kalimantan , Papua, and our refineries located in Surabaya (Kawasan Rungkut Industri) & Medan (Belawan).
Our retail products are designed for household consumption. Whereas Industrial products are aimed at supplying noodle factories, confection factories, bakeries, fast food chains, hotels, hospitals, restaurant, and so forth.
The latter catagory fetches the premium gross margin as customer requirements are tailor-made to specifications.
The branded products cater not only for local but also for international consumption. Finally, bulk products are unbranded and unpacked goods targeted for mass consumption.
Whilst for our upstream operation, we implement an on-going plantation expansion program and concurrently replanting the old or less productive trees. The integrated structure within the company has ensured good quality and steady supply of raw material - CPO for its products requirement at competitive cost.
The company has embarked into an extensive research and development program both at refineries and at plantation areas to optimize the plantation output in order to cope with the growing demand of our products.
1. Male / Female, max 26
2. Bachelor degree (S1) in Accounting from local or overseas graduated
3. Experience in audit field min. 1 year
4. Coming from “The Big Four” of public accountant company is preferably
5. English is a must
6. Able to speak mandarin (or Chinese dialect) - min. passive would be an advantageous.
7. Able to work with minimum supervision
8. Job Location : Jakarta
Send your CV with latest photograph to (Position Code on the e mail subject): jimmi-setiawan@smart-tbk.com
Lowongan Sekretaris - PT Pertamina Training & Consulting
* Female
* Maximum of age 30 years old
* Hold Minimum Diploma Degree in Secretary
* GPA > 3 of 4 Scale
* Minimum 3 years of advanced experience in the same field
* Fluent in English both Oral and Written
* Computer literate : Word, Excel, Power point, etc
* Minimum Height : 165 Cm (Proportional)
* Honest
* Confident
* Responsible
* Good Looking
* Good Attitude
* Hard Worker
* Fast Learner
* Discipline
* Able to work under pressure with minimum of supervision
* Creative
* Self Motivated
* Pleasant
* Matured
* Excellent interpersonal skills and Communication skills
Please send your comprehensive resume, recent photograph (4 X 6) and contact number not latter than one week from this advertisement to :
or you could E-mail us to : hrd@pertamina-ptc.com
Lowowongan IT Terbaru Bank BNI (Persero)
Persyaratan Umum:
1. Lulusan dari PTN dan PTS yang terkemuka, Fakultas Teknik atau MIPA. Khusus PTS, yang mempunyai akreditisasi A
2. Syarat IPK minimal 2,75 (PTN) dan 3,00 (PTS)
3. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif.
4. Penguasaan bahasa inggris aktif akan memiliki nilai tambah.
5. Usia maksimal 30 tahun.
6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Persyaratan Khusus
a. Diutamakan lulusan S1/S2 dari Fakultas Teknik atau MIPA.
b. Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang business development IT pada institusi keuangan (perbankan, securities, asuransi) minimal 1 tahun.
Surat lamaran ditujukan melalui email ke :
atau melalui Pos ke :
Bank BNI – Divisi Teknologi Informasi
Gedung Landmark Tower A Lt. 11
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Jakarta
Up. Kelompok Penunjang
Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal Akhir May 2008
Lowongan Administrasi di Microsoft
Microsoft "Your potential. Our passion"
HR Country Manager
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Title: Country Human Resources Manager, Indonesia
* Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
* Microsoft Human Resources works to optimize organizational performance in a diverse environment through the application of HR expertise, judgment and ability to balance multiple perspectives. The Country HR Manager will be accountable for People Strategy and HR Operations within Microsoft Indonesia. This is done in direct and close partnership with the Indonesia Leadership Team and through leveraging various HR centres of expertise such as: Compensation and Benefits, Talent Management and Staffing, Performance Management, and HR Operations. This is an opportunity to have a profound impact on a rapidly growing business in Indonesia.
* Responsibilities
* Influence, develop and integrate targeted people strategies:
* Influence thinking with client management team regarding people strategies and HR programs
* Development of integrated people strategy to support business growth in Microsoft Indonesia
* Build leadership and management capability:
* Development of a comprehensive approach to identify, develop, reward and retain key leaders
* Drives country implementation of leadership and management programs
* Utilizes a variety of resources to design appropriate development solutions for clients
* Identifies and acts upon coaching opportunities with leaders
* Enhance the Employee Experience:
* Identify trends and diagnoses by using organizational measures and HR insight to develop solutions to enhance employee experience
* Demonstrate advocacy for managers and employees in ensuring a positive employee experience
* Provide HR perspective (including scope, process and impact) to business decisions:
* Develops strong business relationships with executive and senior management.
* Actively contributes in senior management business meetings to provide human resources perspective on key organizational issues.
* Able to identify major, complex problems and build effective solutions, including appropriate delegation and follow-through
* Identify, analyze, synthesize and present key metrics to clients with a systemic view in order to influence business decisions
* Identifies challenges and opportunities within the subsidiary culture and act as a change agent
* Build connections between people and issues across organizations:
* Understands broader organizational context and sees opportunities for building connections within client organization
* Strong collaboration and the development of strong partnerships with HR contacts.
* Looks proactively for opportunities to share best practice and knowledge sharing within broader HR business team.
* Demonstrates and supports a culture of cross group collaborations and the development of an HR community
* People Management:
* Lead the Indonesia HR team
* Identify resources needed for supporting Microsoft Indonesia
* Identify emerging HR talent
* Contributes to the roadmap between people strategy and team implementation
* Requirements:
* Experience in a rapidly changing, multi-national environment
* Understanding of organizational dynamics and the ability to think strategically important due to the nature of the client group.
* Deep knowledge of HR and ability to apply to complex organizational issues.
* Expert level generalist skills and the ability to mentor and provide guidance to others within HR and the management team on complex issues.
* Strong consulting and analytical skills are essential.
* Ability to effectively work and communicate at all levels within the organization.
* 8 - 10 years of directly applicable human resources experience or an equivalent combination of advanced training and experience preferred.
* BA/BS or Masters/MBA in Human Resources or related field required.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Human Resource Management, Economics, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent.
* At least 8 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Jakarta.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
* Preferably Senior Management/General Manager/CEO/VP/Directors specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted.
Please do visit our website: www.microsoft.com/asia/careers where you can register your resume on-line, and to check any vacant positions that would match with your interest