GSI, the German
research center for heavy ion physics, is one of the world’s leading
accelerator laboratories for basic research with accelerated ions. The
research spectrum ranges from high energy hadron and nuclear physics to
atomic physics, laser and plasma physics, materials science,
bio-physics and cancer therapy. Detailed information about our research
center can be found on the GSI home-page.
summer GSI organizes a Student Summer Program which is offered to a
limited number of students in physics or related natural science
disciplines from Europe and the NIS-countries.
* Scope: Each
participant will join one of the research groups and work on a limited
project during the program. As an introduction into the various
branches of research and applications with heavy ions a series of
lectures will be held.
* Level: advanced undergraduate level (3 rd to 4 th year of study)
* Duration: 8 weeks (around mid August till end of September)
* Number of Participants: about 35
* Accommodation and Reimbursement: Free accommodation will be provided
in guest rooms close to GSI. The travel expenses as well as a daily
allowance will be covered by the institute.
Applicants should have completed the 3rd year of study as well as
courses in one of the following three fields: nuclear physics, high
energy physics, or atomic physics by the beginning of the program.
Detail :
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Thursday, February 7, 2008
GSI International Summers Student Program

PhD position in Environmental Economics - Wageningen, Netherlands
Wageningen University, Environmental Economics (Netherlands)
PhD position in Environmental Economics for a research project into
fisheries management under uncertainty. More details on the website of
the Environmental Economics and Natural Resources Group, see
JEL Classification(s): Q
Application has to be received by 15. February 2008.

PhD Scholarships at Munich Graduate School of Economics, Germany
Doctoral positions starting October 2008
Munich Graduate School of Economics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich (Germany)
Graduate Program
Research Training Group
“Markets, Institutions, and the Scope of Government”
Department of Economics
The Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE) offers a distinguished three-year Ph.D. program in Economics to outstanding young graduates.
We offer:
The program provides advanced training for in-depth research into global market integration, its consequences for institutional change, and its impact on the role of governments in the organization of economic activity. These themes are widely conceived and allow for applications in any field of economics. We offer a wide range of Ph.D. courses, all taught in English. The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports excellent doctoral students with a three-year scholarship in our Research Training Group.
Applications for doctoral scholarships are welcome from graduates who hold a Master’s degree or a German university Diploma in economics or a closely related field, passed with distinction. Candidates with a degree in statistics, mathematics or physics are also encouraged to apply. Graduates need to prove a strong quantitative background as well as interest and ability to conduct independent research.
For further details on the research and teaching program, its participating faculty and the application procedure, please consult our website
Please note that we select our students on a strictly competitive basis.
Application deadline is 15 April 2008.
Munich Graduate School of Economics
Ms. Gabriella Szantone Sturm
MAIL TO: mgse[ at ]
Application has to be received by 15 April 2008.

Postdoc Position in Besancon on Wavelets for Physics, France
Uses of the fast wavelet transform to study some applications of carbon nanotubes and light diffusion by dust grains
Location: institut UTINAM (UMR CNRS 6213) Besançon, France
Length: 9 months, starting as soon as possible considering the time needed by the person retained to get all the administrative papers necessary to work in France.
Financial conditions:
The credits obtained allow us to warrant a gross salary of 1839 € per month, which in reality means 1508 € per month transferred on the bank account.
Requested profile:
The applicant should preferentially have with experience in numerical analysis concerning implementation of the fast wavelet transform in fortran. Experience of parallelization and/or knowledge of Green’s function techniques and/or knowledge of the scattering matrix formalism in optics would be a plus, but are not required.
In any case, the person retained must have completed his/her PHD since less than 2 years and NOT be of French nationality! Therefore, the applicants should enclose in their application, considerations allowing assessing the time they would need to get the authorization to work in France.
Summary of the project:
Since more than 10 years, we have been carrying theoretical studies concerning carbon nanotubes, first in the framework of the French CNRS research group GDR n°1752, then in the European research group GDR-E n°2756). In parallel, we got interested in applying the fast wavelet transform to speed up our simulations which require resolution of integral equations by Green’s function techniques. The limiting step is most of the time the resolution of large and dense systems of linear equations. The idea was to consider the matrix of the system just as an image and to use the fast wavelet transform and a thresholding process to sparsify it. The resulting sparse system is solved by means of specialized techniques and the solution inverse transformed. This was already part of the subject of Rachel Langlet’s PHD thesis co-supervised by Martin Meyer (Mathematics lab of Besançon) and Michel Devel (UTINAM institute of Besançon), with a great help from Yiwei LI (Xidian University, China) during and after his one-month visit in Besançon in July 2004. Thanks to these efforts we now have several pieces of fortran 90 codes, which implement this algorithm for real matrices (of arbitrary size, not necessarily a power of 2), with various levels of refinement. First experiments indicate that we can indeed use far less memory than with the traditional LAPACK based code and also gain in computation speed.
The goal of this post-doc would be to apply the same technique with complex coefficient matrices and possibly parallelize it. This would allow us to simulate interaction with light of carbon nanotubes or carbonaceous soot, with sizes closer to the actual experimental size of these objects than what we can presently do with the LAPACK based code. Cooperation with experimentalists in these fields is already under way.
Contact person:
Please send a CV and e-mail and phone numbers of some past collaborators to:
Dr., Michel DEVEL
Institut UTINAM, UMR CNRS 6213
16 route de GRAY,
25030 Besançon CEDEX, FRANCE
Michel.devel[ at ]

PhD Scholarship in Statistical Genetics/Bioinformatics, QIMR, Brisbane, Australia
Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR), Brisbane, Australia / University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
Primary supervisor: Dr Stuart Macgregor
Applications: open until position filled. To apply, send CV to stuart.macgregor[ at ]
Stipend: Fully funded stipend available for ‘home’ applicant (AUS$20K per annum tax free, rising to AUS$25K subject to satisfactory progress). ‘home’ applicant means Australian/New Zealand citizens/permanent residents. International students are still eligible for AUS$20K stipend but may need to pay additional tuition fees – please contact for further details. Reasonable relocation expenses available. Funding is tenable for 3 years.
Title: Statistical and computational methods for gene mapping
The project will focus on statistical and computational methods for locating disease susceptibility genes. This will be based mainly on genome wide association approaches with a particular emphasis on an approach known as DNA pooling. The DNA pooling approach greatly decreases the cost of genome wide association approaches but brings with it a new set of computational and statistical challenges. There will also be scope in the project for work on more general approaches utilising genomewide data, including work on gene expression and related bioinformatics. The project will address a wide range of disease phenotypes and as such can be readily tailored to accommodate the specific interests of the student.
The student will be based in the genetic epidemiology department ( at QIMR, Brisbane. QIMR is one of the largest medical research institutes in the southern hemisphere. The genetic epidemiology department is the single largest grouping at QIMR and employs several internationally renowned researchers in the field.
S. Macgregor, P.M. Visscher, G. Montgomery. 2006. Analysis of pooled DNA samples on high density arrays without prior knowledge of differential hybridization rates. Nucleic Acids Research, 34(7):e55.
S. Macgregor. 2007. Most pooling variation in array based DNA pooling is attributable to array error rather than pool construction error. European Journal of Human Genetics 15: 501-504.
S. Macgregor, Z.Z. Zhao, A. Henders, N.G. Martin, G.W. Montgomery, P.M. Visscher, 2008. Highly cost efficient genome wide association studies using DNA pools and dense SNP arrays, in press, Nucleic Acids Research.
Research Areas: Statistical Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, Bioinformatics.
Suitable first degree/background: Applicants must hold at least a second class honours degree and/or relevant Masters degree in statistics, biological sciences, mathematics, computer science or a related field. Knowledge of genetics advantageous but not essential. Biological sciences applicants must be able to demonstrate some knowledge of statistics.

Beasiswa Master S2 di National University of Singapore
Master in Public Policy (MPP) Programme provides a strong foundation in conceptual and analytical skills for future public service leaders and individuals with an interest in understanding and influencing how public policy choices are made.
Master in Public Policy (MPP) students benefit from the School’s growing network of exchange arrangements of up to 1 year with public policy schools worldwide. The School also conducts an active programme of seminars and public lectures by political, not-for-profit and business leaders to enable all students to complement their formal learning with the opportunity to interact with distinguished individuals who are shaping the future.
Master in Public Policy (MPP) Programme Requirements:
The minimum candidature period for the MPP is 18 months and the maximum is 3 years. Within that time, you must earn at least 72 graduate-level modular credits (MCs) by completing at least 16 modules, comprising 7 core modules (28 MCs) and 9 electives (36 MCs), plus a Policy Analysis Exercise (8 MCs). Most MPP students read 4 modules per semester and complete the requirements in 4 semesters spanning 2 years. You may apply to read electives (up to 12 MCs) taught in other programmes within NUS. You may read a maximum of 5 modules per semester.
To graduate with the Master in Public Policy (MPP), you must obtain a CAP of at least 3.0 for 72 graduate-level MCs, including the MCs for the 7 core modules and the Policy Analysis Exercise.
The application deadline for applicants applying for scholarships or grants is 31 January 2008. For applicants not seeking financial assistance, the application deadline is 31 May 2008.
For the online application booklet please click here.
A list of Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) is also available.
For any other enquiries, please email

MSc Scholarships in Computer Science - University of Bristol
University of Bristol The departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Electronic Engineering have four scholarships for study on our MSc course in Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering in both 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. The scholarships will cover tuition fees at the home fee rate and a stipend to cover living expenses. To be considered, applicants should have a first degree in a related discipline, and need to meet EPSRC eligibility requirements for training support.
How to Apply
Applications are considered by course directors or potential supervisors within the department. Your
application cannot be considered until all of the required documents are received. Before applying, please ensure you have read the entry requirements for your chosen course.
We will be accepting applications for academic year 2008/09 from 21st November 2007 - 1st August 2008.
Find more international scholarship in Computer Science available for 2008/2009 academic year.
For further information
Postgraduate Admissions
Department of Computer Science
University of Bristol
Merchant Venturers Building
Woodland Road
Bristol BS8 1UB

32 PhD Studentships at Bournemouth University, UK
£12,900 per annum plus fees
Bournemouth University is committed to building on areas of academic
strength through an ambitious and sustained programme of investment.
Following the appointment of 90 fully-funded PhD studentships in 2006
and 2007, we are now seeking 32 outstanding individuals to take up
three-year full time appointments in 2008.
Studentships are offered across the research centres within the
University. Please follow the links below for details of the
studentships offered in the following research centres:
Business School:
Centre for Legal Studies
Centre for the Study of Organisational Relationships
Centre for Finance & Risk
School of Conservation Sciences:
Centre for Archaeology, Anthropology & Heritage
Centre for Conservation Ecology & Environmental Change
School of Design Engineering & Computing:
Software Systems Research Centre
Design Simulation Research Centre
Sustainable Design Research Centre
Health & Social Care:
Centre for Qualitative Research
Centre for Practice Development
Centre for Postgraduate Medical Research & Education
The Centre for Midwifery, Maternal and Perinatal Health
Centre for Social Work & Social Policy
Centre for Wellbeing and Quality of Life
Media School:
Institute for Media & Communication Research
Computer Animation Research Centre / National Centre of Computer
School of Services Management:
Centre for Event & Sport Research
International Centre for Tourism & Hospitality Research
The Market Research Group
After considering what the research centres are offering, if you are
interested please go to our how to apply page.
The Graduate School
Bournemouth University is committed to creating a research
environment that enhances your career and personal development.
The Graduate School provides a range of research methodology and
skills programmes. In addition, the Graduate School has recently
launched myBUILD – an intuitive and effective, web-based interactive
log document designed to track, record and monitor research student
myBUILD will streamline the research degree process at Bournemouth
University and be a permanent record of progress - all stages and
achievements - through the student research journey and allow easy
communication between research students, research supervisors and
research administrators.
University Research PhD Studentships
How to apply:

PhD Fellowships in Economics, Milan, Italy
The Graduate School in Social, Economic and Political Sciences offers
a three-year Ph.D. Programme in Economics, providing advanced training
in both theoretical and applied economics. Core courses are
Mathematics, Econometrics, Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. All
courses are taught in English. Scholarships (about Euros 10,000 per
year) are available for EU and non-EU citizens. Students are
encouraged to spend one year abroad in prestigious European and North
American universities. Partner universities are Bergamo, Brescia, LIUC
(Castellanza), Milano-Bicocca, in Italy, and Boston College (USA),
Leicester (UK), Louvain (BE), Queen Mary, University of London (UK),
York (UK), abroad.
Who can apply? Italian students with a Laurea Quadriennale or Laurea
Magistrale. Foreign students must hold an equivalent degree (e.g. BA
with honours plus preferably a postgraduate degree).
When to apply? For the academic year 2008-2009 there will be two
selection phases. A First Call for application is currently open and
will end on February 28th. A Second Call will be launched at the
beginning of June 2008.
For further information please visit or contact
Application has to be received by 28. February 2008.

Doctoral Studies in Finance, Frankfurt, Germany
Apply now for admission to the doctoral program in Finance at Goethe
University Frankfurt, Germany. Details on the program and the
application proces can be found at

Lowongan Kerja di PT. Bank Mandiri
Dibutuhkan pegawai untuk posisi
di Bank Mandiri Area JAKARTA dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
* pria/ wanita, usia maksimal 24 tahun
* pendidikan minimal D3
* tinggi badan minimal, pria: 165 cm wanita: 158 cm
lamaran ditujukan kepada:
PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk
Area Jakarta Pulogadung
Jl. Raya Bekasi km.21
Pulogadung - Jakarta utara 14250
sebelum tanggal 15 Februari 2008
Lowongan Kerja Migas, ConocoPhillips
You already have a portfolio of talent, knowledge and experience. Now the challenge is to channel it all into a career that will make the most of everything you have to offer and propel you to the next level.
Join ConocoPhillips, and it can happen.
Ours is an environment that makes you excited to come to work every day. Such is the phenomenon when you're working in a team towards a collective goal. Yet your individual contributions are recognized and prized.
Here's what we can offer you: the global resources and depth of experience that will put your ideas in motion and your career on a fast track that can start as soon as now.
Our “Purpose and Values” are essential building blocks in the continued success of the company. Together, these ideas represent “The SPIRIT of Performance” and are an integral part of our search for greatness. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ConocoPhillips operates in more than 40 countries. The company has approximately 38,400 employees worldwide. ConocoPhillips is committed to setting the standard of excellence in everything we do. For more details on ConocoPhillips, career path, here
Basic Duties:
This individual will assume a key technical role in assisting and developing implementation strategies and procedures for various field development and exploration drilling operations. High degree of knowledge in directional drilling, drilling fluids, cementing, hydraulics, bit applications, torque and drag modeling, casing design, and material selection. Exposure to wells designed for offshore and onshore environment. Should have adequate onsite experience during well operations. Be familiar with tendering and contracting requirements used in Indonesia. Must possess good analytical, decision making, and organizational skills. A portion of the duties is to provide mentoring, quality control and quality assurance of work, by less experienced engineers.
A Senior Drilling Engineer is a highly competent professional and will be asked to participate on special task forces/teams supporting senior management.
Primary Functions and Responsibilities :
* Organize and implement project schedules
* Assist in developing rig and drilling service specifications and preparing tenders
* Prepare drilling and workover cost estimates for AFE’s
* Drilling program planning and preparation, including casing and cementing design, directional planning, drilling assembly, drilling procedures, etc. for various field developments.
* Negotiate and administer contracts with outside suppliers of equipment and services.
* Control drilling expenditures within approved limits.
* Review drilling operations and engineering performance and make recommendations to management on the use of new equipment or techniques to improve operational cost effectiveness.
* Ensure that the well plans are being followed and operations manuals are being executed to ensure safety and environmental protection programs are being followed
Qualification & Experience:
* Minimum BS degree in Petroleum, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering.
* Min 8-12 years experience
* Technically competent in drilling engineering.
* Previous experience in completions, production, reservoir or facility engineering is preferred, as well as field operational support. Previous experience in project developments.
* Must be self-directed and capable of managing multiple tasks.
* Good interpersonal & time management skills, with an expectation to mentor junior engineers.
* Must be able to solve problems with minimal to no supervision and to have the wherewithal to know when to obtain expert help.
* Have some limited knowledge of subsurface functions (geology and reservoir engineering).
* Possess basic business knowledge and a good understanding of petroleum economics.
* Should be proficient in English (written & oral)
Basic Duties:
This individual will assume a key technical role in assisting and developing implementation strategies and procedures for various field development and exploration drilling operations. High degree of knowledge in directional drilling, drilling fluids, cementing, hydraulics, bit applications, torque and drag modeling, casing design, and material selection. Exposure to wells designed for offshore and onshore environment. Should have adequate onsite experience during well operations. Be familiar with tendering and contracting requirements used in Indonesia. Must possess good analytical, decision making, and organizational skills. A portion of the duties is to provide mentoring, quality control and quality assurance of work, by less experienced engineers.
A Senior Drilling Engineer is a highly competent professional and will be asked to participate on special task forces/teams supporting senior management.
Primary Functions and Responsibilities :
Organize and implement project schedules
Assist in developing rig and drilling service specifications and preparing tenders
Prepare drilling and workover cost estimates for AFE’s
Drilling program planning and preparation, including casing and cementing design, directional planning, drilling assembly, drilling procedures, etc. for various field developments.
Negotiate and administer contracts with outside suppliers of equipment and services.
Control drilling expenditures within approved limits.
Review drilling operations and engineering performance and make recommendations to management on the use of new equipment or techniques to improve operational cost effectiveness.
Ensure that the well plans are being followed and operations manuals are being executed to ensure safety and environmental protection programs are being followed
Qualification & Experience:
Minimum BS degree in Petroleum, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering.
Min 4-8 years experience
Technically competent in drilling engineering.
Previous experience in completions, production, reservoir or facility engineering is preferred, as well as field operational support. Previous experience in project developments.
Must be self-directed and capable of managing multiple tasks.
Good interpersonal & time management skills, with an expectation to mentor junior engineers.
Must be able to solve problems with minimal to no supervision and to have the wherewithal to know when to obtain expert help.
Have some limited knowledge of subsurface functions (geology and reservoir engineering).
Possess basic business knowledge and a good understanding of petroleum economics.
Should be proficient in English (written & oral)
ll application will be treated in strictly confidentiality. Only short-listed candidates will be processed & notified.
Visit to know further about ConocoPhillips