Keterangan lengkapnya di sini.
Read More......Friday, September 28, 2007
Java Programmer
PT XSIS MITRA UTAMA, Perusahaan IT Service Management saat ini membutuhkan beberapa orang untuk bergabung sebagai:
- Pria / Wanita
- Lulusan SI Informatika dengan IPK > 2.75 (skala 4)
- Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai programmer minimal 1 tahun
- Memahami bahasa pemrograman antara lain Java
- Memahami database MySql, Sql Server, RDBMS
- Berpengalaman dengan J2EE, EJB, Struts, Webphere, Hibernate, XML
- Dapat bekerja dalam tim
- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Pria / Wanita
- D3/SI Informatika, Elektro, Computer Scrience, atau Industrial Engineering
- IPK min. 3,00 (skala 4)
- Mengerti Visual Basic 6 / Visual Basic.NET/ASP/ASP.NET
- Memahami SQL/MSSQL
- Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
- Memiliki kepribadian menarik
- Dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris (oral or written)
- Pria / Wanita
- Lulusan SI Informatika dengan IPK > 2.75 (skala 4)
- Mempunyai pengalaman sebagai programmer minimal 1 tahun (Web Application dan Linux O/S)
- Memahami bahasa pemrograman Java
- Memahami database MySql, Sql Server, RDBMS
- Pekerja keras, good analytical, dapat bekerja dengan deadline, dan memiliki kemampuan bekerja dengan pengawasan minimum
- Dapat bekerja dalam tim
- Dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris (oral or written)
Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke alamat berikut:
Graha BIP 7th Floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 23 Jakarta 12930
Attn. Sri Rusmawati
Atau email
Ps. Hanya yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses.
Benefit :
- Competitive salary
- Asuransi rawat inap
- Asuransi rawat jalan / gigi
- Jamsostek
- Pajak penghasilan ditanggung perusahaan
- Outbound dan employee gathering
- Program pengembangan karyawan
- Jenjang karir
Terima kasih,
Sri R
A three-year position as research fellow (PhD position) is available at the Department of Mathematics.
Research Fellow in Scientific Computing/Applied Mathematics with application to CO2-Sequestration– re-announcement
The position is part of the project “Geological Storage of CO2: Mathematical Modelling and Risk Assessment”, a joint effort of the University of Bergen and SINTEF Applied Mathematics, Oslo. The project aims at strengthening the scientific understanding of the risks associated with storage of CO2 for the purpose of reducing atmospheric emissions. The investigations are related to the study of non-linear partial differential equations arising from the multi-phase flow in porous media. Methods from Scientific Computing will be applied, i.e. the investigations will involve mathematical and numerical models, numerical simulations and their physical and mathematical interpretation.
The candidate is expected to work in the multidisciplinary environment of the project (applied mathematics, computational science and engineering). The candidate is expected to spend 3 to 6 months abroad collaborating with international partners.
Applicants must hold a master’s degree in mathematics, physics or a similar education, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the examination results are out within 4 weeks of the closing date for submitting the master thesis.
For more information on the position please contact:
Helge K. Dahle, +47-555 84856, helge.dahle[ at ]
Klaus Johannsen, +47-555 84314, klaus.johannsen[ at ] or
Jan M. Nordbotten, jan.nordbotten[ at ]
The research fellow must take part in the University’s approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Hence, applicants must meet the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with the actual research group.
In total, the fellowship period is 3 years. The fellowship may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as a research fellow.
Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government salary scale (currently NOK 325 800 per year); following ordinary meriting regulations (wage levels 43/47). From the gross wage a 2 % law-enforced membership fee in the State Pension Fund (“Statens Pensjonskasse”) is deducted.
The University of Bergen wishes to attain a more equal gender distribution for academic positions. Female candidates are thus strongly encouraged to apply. If several applicants are equally qualified for the position, the internal rules for gender quotas for academic positions will be applied.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.
The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
The application must include a complete overview of education and professional activities (CV), scanned copies of diplomas and transcripts, publications, a list of publications and other scientific works, and contact details of two or three referees.
Applications should be sent to post[ at ]
Closing date: November 16, 2007
Quote reference number: 07/7412
Official announcement

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Postdoc Position in Fundacion Universidad Empresa, Spain
The SIMUMAT group is seeking to hire two postdocs in the general area of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation. Positions would start on January 1st, 2008.
SIMUMAT is a newly created research group in Applied Mathematics, funded by the Regional Government of Madrid, and including researchers from several research and higher education institutions. SIMUMAT seeks a new integrative approach of mathematics and simulation, in order to address fundamental and applied questions in a variety of fields through the integration of mathematical analysis, advanced computing and empirical data. Active research areas include fluid mechanics, aircraft design, geometrical mechanics, control, optimization, complex systems in biology, sociology and economics, and computational mathematics.
The successful candidate will work with one or more members of the SIMUMAT team and function in a multidisciplinary environment, working with mathematicians, physicists, and computer scientists.
* Large experience in mathematical, computational, and theoretical modeling.
* Experience working effectively in a team effort.
* Excellent written skills as demonstrated by publication record.
* One of the positions will involve help with the management of the SIMUMAT linux cluster ODISEA. For this position, some experience in these tasks is required.
* Familiarity or experience with high-performance computing.
* Good oral presentation skills.
* Demonstrated ability to collaborate and communicate with researchers with diverse scientific backgrounds.
The net stipend will be around 24,000 EUR per year, plus medical insurance. A limited budget will also be available for traveling. The post is within any of the Institutions participating in SIMUMAT (Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental, CSIC, Madrid; Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid; Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aerospacial (INTA), Madrid).
Please submit a resume, publications list, a cover letter outlining current research interests and at least 1 letter of recommendation by email to Sara Cebrián Robles (sara.cebrian[ at ] Further information can also be requested from this e-address.
Additional information about the team can be found at

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Lowongan CPNS - Depdagri 2007
Departemen Dalam Negeri (Depdagri) membuka lowongan CPNS untuk Tahun 2007.
TAHUN 2007
Tanggal Pengumuman : 22 September 2007
NOMOR : 811.13/1407/SJ
I. Departemen Dalam Negeri tahun anggaran 2007, membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita, dengan kualifikasi pendidikan :
- S3 : Ekonomi Pembangunan (2 org), Akuntansi/Perbankan (2 org), Ekonomi Keuangan (1 org), Teknik Sipil Perencanaan (2 org), Ilmu Pemerintahan (1 org), Sospol (1 org), Kurikulum & Teknologi (2 org);
- S2 : Ekonomi Pembangunan (5 org), Akuntansi & Perbankan (4 org), Keuangan Daerah (2 org), Manajemen (1 org), Ekonomi (1 org), Dokter Umum (4 org), Dokter Gigi (1 org), Ilmu Pemerintahan (8 org), Adm Negara/Kebijakan Publik (4 org), Hubungan Internasional (1 Org), Ilmu Sosial (1 org), Ilmu Politik (4 org), Ilmu Hukum (4 org), Hukum Perdata (3 org), Sosial Ekonomi (1 org), Agronomi (1 org), Bahasa Inggris (2 org), Ilmu Pendidikan (2 org), Teknik Sipil Perencanaan (1 org);
- S1 : Sistem Komputer (1 org), Teknik Komputer (1 org), Teknik Mesin (1 org), Manajemen Informatika (1 org), Hukum (11 org), Hukum Perdata (6 org), Hukum Tata Negara (1 org), Hukum Internasional (1 org), Sastra/Bahasa Inggris (3 org), Komunikasi/Humas (3 org), Ilmu Pemerintahan (9 org), Hubungan Internasional (4 org), Ilmu Politik (3 org), Sosiologi (3 org), Adm Negara (3 org), Adm Niaga (1 org), Sospol/Filsafat Islam (1 org), Ilmu Sosial/Ek. Pendidikan Adm Perkantoran (1 org), Sosiatri (2 org), Antropologi (2 org), Statistik (3 org), Ekonomi Manajemen (6 org), Akuntansi (16 org), Ekonomi Pembangunan (2 org), Psikologi (4 org), Agronomi (3 org), Perkebunan (1 org), Perikanan (3 org), Peternakan (1 org), Pertanian/Sosek (3 org), Pertanian/Budidaya (2 org), Teknik Lingkungan (1 org), Teknik Pertambangan (1 org), Teknologi Mineral (1 org), Teknik Industri (1 org), MIPA/Ilmu Komputer (1 org), Teknik Sipil (2 org), Geografi (3 org), Planologi (4 org), Kehutanan (1 org), Manajemen Tranportasi (1 org), Ilmu Pendidikan (1 org);
- D3 : Teknik Komputer (1 org), Komputer (4 org), Manajemen Informatika (1 org), Akuntansi (11 org), Pajak (2 org), Perawat (2 org), Pengatur Rawat Gigi (1 org);
Catatan: Bagi lulusan S.2 dan S.1 berpendidikan Hukum diutamakan yang sudah beracara dipengadilan/Legal drafting
Warga Negara Republik Indonesia, Surat berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara (kurungan), Tidak dalam kedudukan sebagai pengurus/anggota parpol, Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri maupun sebagai Pegawai Swasta, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani, Tidak berstatus sebagai CPNS/PNS, Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi syarat, tidak dikembalikan dan menjadi milik Departemen Dalam Negeri, Berkas yang tidak lengkap sesuai yang dipersyaratkan dianggap tidak memenuhi syarat/gugur.
a. IPK minimum = 3,30 (tiga koma tiga puluh) untuk S.3 dan S.2, 3,00 (tiga koma nol-nol) untuk S.1 dan D.III,
b. Usia maksimum = 35 tahun (bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan S.3 dan S.2), 30 tahun (bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan S.1), 27 tahun (bagi pelamar yang berpendidikan D.III).
Usia maksimum berlaku pada tanggal 1 Nopember 2007
a. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada MENTERI DALAM NEGERI dengan alamat PO.BOX 4365 JKP 10043 harus ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri (bermaterai Rp. 6.000,-), paling lambat 6 (enam) hari cap pos sejak diiklankan melalui Koran (sampai tanggal 29 September 2007) dan tidak melayani lamaran yang diserahkan secara langsung selain melalui PO.BOX yang telah ditentukan;
b. Pada sudut kiri atas bagian depan amplop lamaran ditulis : jurusan/kualifikasi pendidikan;
c. Daftar Riwayat Hidup;
d. Foto kopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai (IPK) yang telah dilegalisir ASLI oleh pejabat yang berwenang; (Surat Keterangan Kelulusan/Ijazah sementara tidak dapat diterima);
e. Pas Foto terakhir berwarna 3 X 4 Sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar;
f. Surat kelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara (kurungan) yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari Kepolisian;
g. Foto kopi Akte Kelahiran yang dilegalisir oleh Pejabat yang berwenang;
h. Masing-masing berkas dimasukan dalam map :
Bagi S.3 (dimasukkan dalam map berwarna putih), Bagi S.2 (dimasukkan dalam map berwarna merah), Bagi S.1 (dimasukkan dalam map berwarna hijau), Bagi D.III (dimasukkan dalam map berwarna biru).
a. Seleksi administratif dengan melihat kelengkapan persyaratan diatas.
b. Ujian tertulis meliputi materi Tes Pengetahuan Umum Terpadu (Kebijakan Pemerintah, Kemampuan Umum, Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dan Pengetahuan Umum lainnya), Tes Bakat Skolastik, dan Ujian Kemampuan/Substansi sesuai disiplin ilmu yang dimiliki, yang akan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 27 Oktober 2007.
c. Pelamar yang lulus seleksi administratif akan dipanggil melalui POS atau diumumkan melalui Website DEPDAGRI.
Jakarta, 21 September 2007
a.n Sekretaris Jenderal
Kepala Biro Kepegawaian
Ketua Panitia Pengadaan CPNSP
1. Sarjana Teknik (S1) lulusan ITS dan Brawijaya. Terdiri dari jurusan :
* Teknik Perminyakan
* Teknik Geologi
* Teknik Geofisika
* Teknik Geodesi
* Teknik Mesin (Konversi)
* Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
* Teknik Kimia
* Teknik Sipil
* Teknik Fisika/Instrumentasi
* Teknik Pertambangan
* Teknik Industri
2. IPK minimum 2,75 pada skala 4,00
3. Mampu berbahasa Inggris secara aktif, baik lisan maupun tulisan
4. Usia maksimal 27 tahun (maksimal kelahiran tahun 1980)
5. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta warna, dan bebas narkoba
* Membuat Surat Lamaran dengan tanda tangan asli
* Melampirkan Surat Pernyataan Pribadi bebas Narkoba bermaterai
* Melampirkan foto copy Ijazah yang telah dilegalisir
* Melampirkan foto copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
* Melampirkan foto copy tanda pengenal (KTP/SIM/Paspor) yang masih berlaku
* Melampirkan 3 lembar pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4x6 cm (diberi nama pada bagian belakang pas foto)
* Melampirkan foto copy Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian RI (boleh menyusul)
* Surat keterangan Berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter.
Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada GM HRD PT. Pertamina EP , melalui :
Student Advisory Center (SAC)
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal : 2 Oktober 2007
Psikotes akan direncanakan minggu ke-4 bulan Oktober 2007
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan administrasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes/ seleksi tahap selanjutnya ( sort listed candidate )
Tahapan Tes / Seleksi :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Psikologi
Wawancara, Tes Kesehatan dan Tes Bahasa Inggris (dilakukan secara simultan)
Bagi pelamar yang lulus tes / seleksi akan dikutsertakan dalam program pendidikan sebelum dipekerjakan.
Catatan :
1. Berkas Persyaratan Administrasi harus diurutkan sesuai nomor yang tertera.
2. Berkas Persyaratan Administrasi harus lengkap agar dapat diproses.
Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT), Germany
The Erasmus Mundus European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT) is designed to meet the demands of industry and research in a rapidly growing area. It offers education and training opportunities for the next generations of leaders in research and innovation. It provides students with profound knowledge and insight into the various disciplines that contribute to the methods of language and communication technologies and it strengthens their ability to work according to scientific methods. Moreover, the students acquire practice-oriented knowledge by choosing appropriate combinations of modules in Language Technology, Computational and Theoretical Linguistics, and Computer Science.
It involves studying one year at one of the Universities of the consortium, and completing the second year with a stay in one of the partner Universities. After this, the student will obtain two already approved Master of Science/Arts degrees with legal value in the countries of issue.
Duration: 2 years
Language of instruction: English
Summary of Study Programme: The course consists of Compulsory Modules and Advanced Modules in Language Technology and Computer Science, complemented by a Project, and a Masters thesis, for a total of 120 ECTS credits.
Applications and Admission
For further information contact Valia Kordoni at kordoni (at) and Hans Uszkoreit at hansu (at)
Postal address
PD Dr. Valia Kordoni
Computational Linguistics & Phonetics
Saarland University
P.O. Box 15 11 50
66041 Saarbruecken
For more information about the scholarships, please refer to the official announcement.

Company Description
PT Astra Graphia Tbk, Perusahaan Penyedia Layanan Solusi Dokumen berbasis IT terkemuka , membutuhkan tenaga professional dalam pengembangan bisnisnya untuk posisi berikut :
Sebagai ujung tombak perusahaan, Anda berperan bukan sekedar menjual hardware akan tetapi harus mampu memberikan nilai tambah bagi Prospek / Pelanggan dalam mencapai obyektifnya melalui solusi yang Anda tawarkan. Agar dapat melakukan pendekatan dengan lebih efektif, Anda akan dibekali dengan training yang progresif dan komprehensif mencakup product knowledge, salesmanship dan managerial skill.
Kualifikasi umum yang harus Anda miliki untuk posisi tersebut diatas adalah sebagai berikut :
* Memiliki karakter pantang menyerah, pekerja keras dan memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk mencapai sukses sebagai Sales dan support di bidang IT khususnya untuk Document Solution
* Mempunyai kemampuan presentasi dan komunikasi yang baik, khususnya dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Dapat mengemudikan mobil dan memiliki SIM A.
* Siap ditempatkan di cabang-cabang Astragraphia di seluruh Indonesia adalah suatu keharusan
Kualifikasi khusus untuk :
* S1 Teknik / Ilmu Komputer / Ekonomi / Sains, min. IPK 2,8
* Pria / Wanita, belum menikah, sehat jasmani & rohani, usia maks. 26 tahun
* Memiliki pengetahuan dan skill yang baik dalam bidang teknologi informasi
* Serta menguasai aplikasi MS Office, adobe Acrobate dll
Bila Anda memenuhi persyaratan di atas, silahkan kirim lamaran lengkap berikut Curriculum Vitae, transkrip nilai , pasphoto terakhir, dengan menyebutkan kode posisi di atas ke alamat :
HR Departemen, PT Astra Graphia Tbk
Jl. Kramat Raya No.43 - Jakarta 10450
hrd.recruitment @ .com
Lamaran kami tunggu paling lambat 1 (Satu ) minggu setelah iklan ini ditayangkan . Pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan kami panggil untuk proses lebih lanjut.
Deadline : 10 oct 2007
Vacancy at PT Metrodata Electronics, Tbk
Company Description
Metrodata Group
Pursue the best in your career, by joining our company, the leading Information Technology Company in Indonesia. We invite the best professionals in their field to join our team, as:
1. Business Manager (CODE: BM)
1. Business Manager (CODE: BM)
* Bachelor Degree (S1) or higher
* Maximum age 40 years
* 7 years or more experiences in IT Business/System Integrator, with at least 2 years in managerial position
* Posses good relation or networking with primary businesses in Indonesia mainly in Manufacturing and Retail Industry
* Proven Track record in achieving Sales Target and Customer Satisfaction
* Strong communication, negotiation and analytical skill
* Excellent presentation skill
Reporting to Business Manager, this position would be in charge in selling computer products through channel or reseller. Establish & maintain productive channel relationship & assist them to penetrate market.
* Bachelor degree from reputable University in any major
* Minimum 2 years experiences in selling IT Products
* Possess good relationship with various IT vendor
* Preferable have good knowledge about multimedia projects.
* Good analytical skill in accommodating customer needs
* Good Influence & Negotiation skills
Please submit a comprehensive resume, current and expected salary details and recent photograph (with position on the subject of email) to:
Attn. HRD Department
E-mail :
Only short listed candidates will be notified
Visit our website for any other vacancies:
Deadline: 10 Oct 2007
Vacancy at BANK PANIN Tbk, PT
PT. BANK PANIN Tbk. - BOGOR Branch, invites suitably qualified professionals who are seeking greater challenges to join our team as:
1. Marketing Officer ( Code : MO )
2. Appraisal Officer ( Code : App )
1. Marketing Officer ( Code : MO )
Principle Position Objective :
* Responsible for marketing by introducing banking products to the customers
* Responsible for giving the excellent servicing and identifying the customer’s necessity
Qualifications :
* Male/Female, max. 30 years old
* Having min. 1 years experience as Marketing
* Graduate from university with GPA min. 2.75
* Posses business sense and relationship building skills
* Proactive, self motivated, hard worker who’s target oriented
* Good communication and interpersonal skill with outgoing personality
* Fluency in spoken and written English
* Good personal appearance
* Willing to be located surround Bogor, Depok and Cibubur
2. Appraisal Officer ( Code : App )
Principle Position Objective :
* To appraise collateral (lands, buildings and vehicles)
Qualifications :
* A Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from reputable university with min. GPA 2.75
* Male, max. 28 years old
* Energetic, analytical, objective, and hard working
* Highly motivated and a team player
* Good health both mentally and physically
* Computer literate
If you are interested and meet the above qualifications, please send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph by stating the position code at the top left side of envelope to :
KCU Bogor
Jl. Pakuan 14 Baranangsiang
Bogor 16143
e-mail to : hrd-paninbogor @
Deadline : 10 Oct 2007
Vacancy at Natrindo Telepon Seluler
Natrindo Telepon Seluler
Natrindo Telepon Seluler (Natrindo/NTS) adalah salah satu perusahaan dalam kelompok usaha Maxis Communications Group dan Lippo Group yang mulai beroperasi tahun 2001 dengan menyediakan layanan telepon seluler berbasis GSM di Surabaya dan Malang.
Natrindo berkantor di Gedung Citra Graha, Lantai 2, Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav. 35-36 Jakarta. Sebagai salah satu operator telekomunikasi di Indonesia yang memiliki lisensi nasional frekuensi 3G, Natrindo telah meluncurkan layanan 3G dan 2G di wilayah Bandung dan Surabaya mulai Februari 2007 dan terus mengembangkan jaringan di Jakarta serta wilayah-wilayah lainnya. Natrindo berkomitmen untuk menyediakan jaringan dan layanan teknologi 3G dan 2G berkualitas bagi para pelanggan individu dan komunitas bisnis di Indonesia.
Position Available :
1. Central Java MS Operation Manager (NET-MSO-M)
2. Central Java SITAC Executive (NET-STC-E)
3. Security Risk and Management Administration (SRM-ADM)
4. Central Java Transmission Senior Engineer (NET-TRS-E)
5. Sales Regional Manager (SLS-RM-M)
6. Channel Development Executive (CHN-CD-E)
7. Channel Development Manager (CHN-CD-M)
8. Channel Management Administration (CNH-CM-ADM)
9. Channel Management Sr. Manager (CHN-CM-SM)
10. Civil Mechanical Electrical Coordinator (NET-CME-C)
11. Finance Executive (FIN-FWJ-E or FIN-FCJ-E)
1. Central Java MS Operation Manager (NET-MSO-M)
• To Perform periodic preventive maintenance checks for TOC facilities, Core, transmission, radio and BSS networks together with MS team
• To ensure and provide proper documentation of links, connectivity, spares utilization, replacement/return of rectified spares in standard format
• To ensure upkeep of the technical manuals/documentation and ensure proper handling of all test and measuring instruments/spares
• To response, follow up and to resolve with MS team any problem occur on the regional network, reported by NOC
• Minimum bachelor degree in telecommunication engineering
• Minimum 5 years working experience in similar field
• Have a good knowledge of GSM and electrical technology
• Have a good knowledge of Huawei and ericsson GSM product portfolio
• Have a good skill of Fault analysis and problem escalation
• Have a good skill of using test equipment
• Have a good reporting skill
• English proficiency (both spoken and written)
2. Central Java SITAC Executive (NET-STC-E)
Responsibilities :
• To implement and maintain site acquisition business process
• Assist in controlling vendor item delivery of site acquisition thru all agrees business process until the RFC (Ready For Constructions) milestone
• Data entry into a site systems database to cover all information related the sites for both technical and commercial data (price, agreement, permit, legal, etc)
• Liaison with other parties both external and internal departments
• Support and assist in providing a comprehensive report related site acquisiton
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree from reputable university or Equivalent, majoring in civil engineering/architecture or law
• At least 4 years experiences in site acquisition, project implementation of telecommunication business including the supervisory and administrative responsibilities.
• Good Knowledge of site acquisition, legal, and telecommunication industry matters
3. Security Risk and Management Administration (SRM-ADM)
Responsibilities :
• Handling documents of daily operation security & safety risk management.
• Handling administrative and operational aspects of the Safety and Security risk management matter in support of the department task.
• Handling the training documents of new personnel prior to security deployment task.
• Handling documents and coordinate to mitigate incident and accident which occurs in working area/filed of NTS asset.
• Handling administrative and operational aspects of the Safety and Security Department in support of the General Manager Security and Risk Management.
• Prepare reports, studies and proposals in support of Managing risk relate tot he Safety and Security matter.
• Insure that all reports related to safety and security risk management matters are submitted in a timely manner, and that pertinent information is provided to other departments as required.
• Handling administrative matters of the existing security guard and make coordination with local military / police, and others related institutions.
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree from reputable university or Equivalent
• At least 3 years experiences in the same or related position
• Computer literate, very good in MS office is a must
• Good presentation skills
• Proficient in English
• Able to work under minimum supervision and under pressure.
4. Central Java Transmission Senior Engineer (NET-TRS-E)
Responsibilities :
• Assist in controlling the vendor work item delivery of from RFI (Ready For Installation) milestone and Telco implementation (BSS) from equipment delivery until RFI (Ready For Integration) and on air (Connected to BSC, un-halted)
• Assist in monitoring and controlling design specification
• Providing data or information to planning and control group
• Performing site visit and acceptances
• Support provisional acceptances activities
Requirements :
• Min. Bachelor degree from reputable university with major course work in civil/mechanical/electrical/telecommunication engineering
• Min. 5 years experience of increasingly responsible experience in telecommunication project implementation including of supervisory and administrative responsibilities
• Highly developed knowledge and skill in installation and operational management
• Highly developed knowledge in telecommunication’s product and industry
5. Sales Regional Manager (SLS-RM-M)
* Managing area supervisor in developing the business in the assigned region
* Monitor competitors activities and propose any actions to the management
* Reporting
6. Channel Development Executive (CHN-CD-E)
• To develop & maintain policies & guidance for all channels
• To maintain good relationship with traditional channels distribution
• To maintain traditional/non-traditional channel in number and quality to meet sales target
• To create push program/incentive program which involved dealers, outlet and front liner to accelerate and spreading sales and activation of company product in the distribution channel
• Coordinating and monitoring the traditional channel distribution
• To provide all necessary support in order to ensure the achievement of the channel distribution objectives
• Minimum Bachelor degree with 2 years experiences in same area in telecommunication industry
• Self motivated, team player and unlocking creativity
• Excellent Communication skills
• Proficient in English, both spoken and written
• Computer literate
* Minimum D3, preferable S1
* Minimum 5 years working experiences, telco background is a plus
* At least 2 years in managing in managing large sale force
* Comfortable with the use of computer/lap top, using Microsoft (Excel, Power Point, etc)
* Strong leadership and people skill
7. Channel Development Manager (CHN-CD-M)
• To Develop the traditional/non traditional channels for distribution of company products & services, penetration of products
• To maintain good relationship with traditional/non traditional channels
• Coordinating and monitoring the traditional/non traditional channel distribution
• To leverage distributor capability and profitability by developing channel strategic
• Minimum Bachelor degree with 3 years experiences in same area in telecommunication industry
• Self motivated, team player and unlocking creativity
• Excellent Communication skills
• Proficient in English, both spoken and written
• Computer literate
8. Channel Management Administration (CNH-CM-ADM)
Job Description:
• To do and assist Head of Channel Management and (Senior) Manager in administration work and secretarial duties
• To do other administration support duties as required
• Minimum Diploma Degree from business administration/secretarial academy
• Minimum 3 years experiences in administration task, preferably in telecommunication company
• High pace and fast learner
• Fluent in English, both spoken and written
• Very good in MS Office Programs (MS Word, MS Excel, MS Visio, MS Project, MS Power Point, and MS Access)
9. Channel Management Sr. Manager (CHN-CM-SM)
Job Description:
• To make strategic plan and develop traditional/non-traditional channel distribution and electronic channel
• Develop and maintain traditional/non traditional channel in number and quality to meet sales target
• Operation Activities for electronic bank partners
• Develop new improvement through all channels
• Open new Channel
• Minimum Bachelor degree With 5 years experiences in telecommunication industry especially in channel management
• Self motivated, team player and unlocking creativity
• Excellent Communication skills
• Proficient in English, both spoken and written
• Computer literate
10. Civil Mechanical Electrical Coordinator (NET-CME-C)
• Identifying the needed regional construction personnel, and assist the Area manager in re-sourcing them
• Allocating sites to the construction supervisor
• controlling the construction process within the area according the defined time schedule
• Organizing the required training for the construction supervisor
• Controlling successful acceptance of area construction work by vendor in accordance to the defined time schedule and the scope of work
• Arranging construction supervisors for performing acceptance test
• Checking detail design & as build Pack, BoQ and CME binder
• Supervising area status reporting process
• Status reporting towards the internal management and issues daily site reports
• Minimum Bachelor degree majoring from civil engineering
• Minimum 3 years experience in related work at telecommunication project
• Familiar with CME process and procedure, field work, BoQ and design/calculation
• Familiar with MS office programs
• Proficient in English (both spoken and written)
11. Finance Executive (FIN-FWJ-E or FIN-FCJ-E)
Responsibilities :
• Maintain and controlling collection and branch operations day to day
• Support headquarters for monthly closing activity
• Ensure all AP and AR transaction recorded properly into SAP
Requirements :
• Bachelor Degree in accounting from reputable university
• Maximum 26th years old, with 3 years experience in the same position preferably in telecommunication or retail industry
• Having good knowledge in accounting and familiar with Indonesia tax regulation
• Understand concept and strategy of collection and branch operation day to day
• Strong and effective communication skills in English, both verbal and written
• High accuracy, excellent administration skills, initiative, self discipline, result oriented and able work under pressure
• Team player and able to handle subordinates
• Computer literate, preferably familiar with SAP
please Note the Position Code in the Subject:
FIN-FCJ-E for Central Java Area
FIN-FWJ-E For West Java Area
Simply Quick apply or send application and CV (max.200 KB) to:
recruit04 @
Deadline : 14 OCt 2007
Account Manager PT. NetToCyber Indonesia
VELO Networks
PT. NetToCyber Indonesia
We are an Internet Solution Provider company which focuses on delivering best solution for enterprise and consumer in Indonesia. Due to our business expansion, we are looking for highly qualified candidates to fulfill the following positions:
• Account Manager (AM) – Jakarta based
Roles & Responsibilities
• AM – working with technical team, responsible in sales performance, team leading and customer relationship. Develop solution and proposal for customer in industry specific territory.
Requirements & Qualifications
• Minimum S1 degree (or D3 with additional 3 year of work experience) from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.0. Any discipline, preferably from engineering, information system, economics
• Minimum experience of 2 years in similar position/industry. Previous experience with ISP, Insurance, IT, FMCG is a plus.
• Strong leadership, good interpersonal skills, and excellent in written and oral communication.
• Proficient in English, computer and internet literate.
Please send your CV to:
twiska @
fitria @
Job Vacancy at LG Innotek Indonesia
LG Innotek Indonesia. Co., Ltd are a group of Electronic Multinational company, looking for highly qualified person for the following positions as:
1. Research and Development Engineer (code: R&D Eng)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male / Female
- Bachelor degree from Electrical (Low Voltage) / Electronic Engineering and Mechanical (construction or production concentration) Engineering
2. Engineering Staff (code: ENG ST)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male / Female
- Bachelor degree from Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
3. Quality Assurance Staff (code : QA ST)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor degree from Electrical Engineering (Low Voltage)
4. Accounting Staff (code : ACT ST)
Vocational Requirement :
- Male
- Bachelor degree from financial management or accounting
General Requirement :
- Age Max.27 years old
- GPA Min.3,00 (scale 4)
- 0-1 years experience
- Able to work under pressure is a must
- Must be able to speak and written English
- Hight motivated
- Able to work in a team
- Can be placed in Cikarang, Bekasi
If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV and Photo before Monday, October 1st 2007 to email : candra @ with maximum 200 KB size on.doc or pdf format
Bekasi International Industrial Estate Block C8 No.12-12A Lippo Cikarang Bekasi Timur 17550 Jawa Barat
Name the position code on subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and expected salary. only short listed candidate would be process.
Vacancy at PT Andhika Lines
A national group shipping company which business engaged in shipping, operating& managing of ships, logistic and warehousing. Currently we are seeking urgently for :
Incumbent must have following requirements :
a. Male
b. Age between 30-40 years old
c. Wiling tobe located throughout Indonesia
d. Have a good personality, strong integrity and interpersonal skill
e. Have experience as Ship Master or Chief Officer
f. Hold ANT-1 certificate
g. Familiar with shiping and cargo documents
h. Liase with port authority or any other government institution
i. Good command both spoken and written English.
Incumbent must have following requirements :
a. Male
b. Age between < 40 years old
c. Posses at least 5 years in similar position and industry.
d. Have a good personality, strong integrity, communication, coordination and interpersonal skill with strong customer service orientation.
e. Familiar with shipping operational handling as well as commercial procedures.
f. Good knowledge of Indonesian shipping industry and International shipping industry.
g. Good command both spoken and written English.
Please mark the position applied on SUBJECT of Email. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
No telephone queries will be entertained. The application should be received within 10 days and sent to recruitment @ or to
PT Andhika Lines
Menara Kadin Indonesia 20th Fl.
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Block X-5. Kav.2&3. Jakarta 12950.
FOA : HR Department.
IT Staff at KPEI
A company in capital market industry, urgently needs some candidates to fill position as:
Information Technology
- Bachelors degree from reputable universities, in the following major: Information Technology;
- Min. GPA: 3.00 (scale : 4.00);
- Age max. 28 years old;
Technical skills:
- Strong knowledge in object oriented programing;
- Have experience in .Net/Java projects;
- Strong system design skills – UML;
- Very familiar with relational databases (SQL Server & Oracle);
- Knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle;
- Experience with financial industry (capital market) is desirable;
Personal skills:
- Excellent Communication skills.
- Be able to work in a team environment.
- Willing to work hard and under pressure;
- Achievement of excellence;
- Highly motivated and initiative;
- Fresh graduate is welcomed
HR Dept.
PT. Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia
Jakarta Stock Exchange Building Tower I, 5th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190
Or by email: tenny @
You can find out more details of us on Read More......
Vacancy at Telecommunication
Perusahaan Outsourcing menara telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia membutuhkan segera:
1. Cell and Network Planning
Background : S1 Elektro ( diutamakan telecommunication)
Pengalaman Cell Planning min 1 tahun
2. Marketing Communication
Background : S1 Ekonomi / Business / Marketing / Elektro
Pengalaman kerja dibidang customer relations / government relations / public relations , min 3 tahun.
3. Product Design
Background : S1 Elektro / Mesin
Pengalaman mendesain produk elektronik , bentuk, cover/casing, TV/Radio/CD..etc, min 3 tahun..
4. Enginering Design
Background : S1 Elektro / Mesin
Pengalaman membuat desain produk sampai jadi ( blueprint, step by step assembly), di industri elektronika tv/radio/cd/komputer..etc min 3 tahun.
5. Management Development
Background : S1 (Diutamakan manajemen/teknik)
Pengalaman mengendalikan PDCA perusahaan min 2 tahun
Pengalaman implementasi ISO 9001:2000
lamaran ke saleh @
Monday, September 24, 2007
Lowongan di Kalbe
PT KALBE FARMA, Tbk merupakan salah satu perusahaan farmasi terbesar di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat.
Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga profesional muda yang ulet, dinamis & inovatif untuk posisi :
Anda akan bertanggung jawab dalam menangani pembuatan / maintenance
program-program di Business Operation.
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
- Pendidikan S1 Teknik Informatika
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- Pengalaman 1 tahun sebagai Programmer
- Menguasai Visual Basic & SQL.
Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan CV & pas foto paling lambat tanggal 2 Oktober 2007 ke :
HR Corporate
PT Kalbe Farma, Tbk
Gedung KALBE
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510
Atau melalui email ke : Recruitment.corp @
Research Assistant , Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Department of Economics, Austria (Austria)
Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterIn/Research Assistant
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Department of Economics, Austria
Job advertisement for a scientific assistant at master-degree level at the Department of Economics at Johannes-Kepler University Linz, Austria.
The Department of Economics at the University of Linz announces the availability of one full time position as graduate scientific assistant from October, 15th 2007 for a period of about 2 years under the disposition of the Austrian Employee Act (’Angestelltengesetz’).
Job Description: In the course of your dissertation you work together in a team on a research project in the area of applied industrial organisation.
Requirements: Master Degree in Economics or a comparable degree. Applicants with research interests in industrial economics and econometrics are preferred. Computer knowledge in the handling of large scale data (MySQL, PHP) is of advantage.
More information can be requested from a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Hackl, e-mail: franz.hackl @, e-mail: franz.hackl @, phone: ++43 70 2468-8333.
With regard to women’s advancement, we are an equal opportunity employer. We especially encourage applications from female candidates.
Applicants are asked to address their applications to franz.hackl @ or Franz Hackl, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Linz, 4040 Linz/Auhof, Austria.
Application has to be received by 15. October 2007.

Research Positions in Grid Computing (Innsbruck, Austria)
Funded Research Positions for Postdoctoral and Doctoral Students in Grid Computing
The Institute of Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, invites applications for Phd students and Postdocs in the Distributed and Parallel Systems Group (DPS).
Your areas of interest should comprise:
Application development and runtime environments
Program analysis, scheduling and optimizations
Resource management and monitoring of computing infrastructures
Data mining and provenance
Semantic Web technologies and ontologies
Information systems
Prerequisite: applicants must hold a master or equivalent degree in computer science.
Profile of our group: DPS participates among others in the following Grid projects: EU CoreGRID, EU EC-GIN, EU edutain@grid, EU EGEE 1 – 3, and Austrian Grid.
Language skills: English; Note that the working and study language is English. The entire course and research programme is held in English only. There is no need to learn German for this position.
The City of Innsbruck, which hosted the olympic winter games twice, is located in the beautiful surroundings of the Tyrolean Alps. The combination of the Alpine environment and the urban life in this historically grown town provides a high quality of living.
The university has a long tradition dating back to the 16th century, and, with seven schools (Theology, Law, Economics and Social Sciences, Medicine, Humanities, Natural Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture), it offers a wide spectrum of research and teaching activities and interesting opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Besides, the Country of Tyrol strongly supports various initiatives in the IT domain.
Applications can be submitted anytime. There is no deadline. Please direct questions and your application to:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Fahringer
Institute of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 21a, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
Email: Thomas.Fahringer @

Doctoral Scholarships in Computing, Univ of Teesside, UK
The University of Teesside, UK Research Doctoral Scholarship Entertainment Computing
The University of Teesside is offering 12 full-time Research Doctoral Scholarships across a broad range of subject areas including: computing, social science, health sciences, engineering and history. The scholarships are aligned to key areas of research strength within the Institute of Digital Innovation, the Institute for Health Sciences and Social Care, the Institute for Innovation & Development in Engineering and Science and the Centre for Regional and Local Historical Research.
The awards will be for a period of three years and include fees (home/EU or international rate) and an annual stipend of £12,600. Successful applicants should be in a position to take up the scholarships in January 2008 or shortly thereafter.
Research theme: Entertainment computing
1. Security in distributed, multi-user games
2. A new development and deployment paradigm for pervasive multi-
user games
Informal enquiries for projects 1 and 2 to Professor Marc Cavazza, e-mail m.o.cavazza @
Research Doctoral Scholarships applicants should have at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent qualification and ideally a postgraduate qualification. The minimum English language entry level is IELTS 6.5 with no grade below 6.0 or equivalent.
To apply for a scholarship please contact the Graduate Research School for an application form:
University of Teesside Research Doctoral Scholarships
Graduate Research School
University of Teesside
Tees Valley
E-mail: graduateresearchschool @
tel:+44(0)1642 738033
Closing date: 19 October 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Lowongan CPNS : Depnakertrans RI 2007
Nomor : PENG.04/SJ-OKP/IX/2007
TAHUN 2007
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor B/2147/M.PAN/9/2007 tentang Persetujuan Prinsip Tambahan Formasi PNS Tahun 2007 dan Peraturan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara Nomor 30 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil, diumumkan sebagai berikut :
1. Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Depnakertrans tahun 2007 untuk ditempatkan pada Kantor Pusat dan Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) di seluruh Indonesia.
2. Kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan : untuk semua jurusan bukan Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd).
3. Persyaratan meliputi :
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia;
2. Usia paling rendah 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan paling tinggi 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada 1 Oktober 2007;
3. Tingkat pendidikan :
* Sarjana (S1) berakreditasi dengan IPK min 2,75;
* Diploma Tiga (D3) berakreditasi dengan IPK min 2,75.
4. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana kejahatan;
5. Tidak berstatus sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil;
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
7. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan keterampilan yang diperlukan;
8. Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani;
9. Tidak menjadi anggota dan atau pengurus partai politik;
10. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
11. Waktu melamar telah memiliki ijazah perguruan tinggi negeri atau perguruan tinggi swasta yang telah terakreditasi. Apabila dalam ijazah tersebut tidak disebutkan akreditasi, maka perlu dilampirkan surat keterangan dari universitas yang bersangkutan yang menyebutkan akreditasinya;
12. Berbahasa Inggris TOEFL = 450/IELTS=5 (diutamakan);
13. Berpengalaman kerja (diutamakan).
4. Ketentuan Pendaftaran :
1. Penerimaan surat lamaran :
1. Panitia menerima berkas lamaran melalui pos tercatat mulai tanggal 18 s.d. 25 September 2007 (cap pos) dan sudah diterima Panitia selambat-lambatnya tanggal 28 September 2007;
2. Panitia tidak menerima surat lamaran yang diantar langsung;
3. Surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam, ditujukan kepada : Ketua Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans Tahun Anggaran 2007;
4. Pelamar memilih jabatan dan 3 (tiga) alternatif daerah penempatan yang diinginkan sesuai dengan pendidikan yang dimiliki, misal : jabatan Instruktur, pendidikan Teknik Elektro, daerah penempatan (1) Bekasi, (2) Medan, dan (3)Ternate;
5. Berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat dan dikirim melalui pos, kepada:
PO BOX 4049 JKTM 12700
6. Surat lamaran yang dikirim selain alamat diatas, tidak akan diproses.
2. Surat lamaran dilengkapi dengan :
1. Formulir pendaftaran dan surat pernyataan (dapat didownload melalui situs internet resmi Depnakertrans;
2. Pas photo terakhir ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar dan ditulis nama pelamar di bagian belakang photo;
3. Foto copy ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik bagi Universitas/Institut, atau Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik bagi Sekolah Tinggi, dengan menyebutkan pejabatnya (cap basah);
4. Foto copy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
5. Foto copy Kartu tanda pencari kerja (Kartu Kuning/AK.1) dari Dinas yang menangani bidang Ketenagakerjaan yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir;
6. Asli atau foto copy Surat Keterangan Sehat dari rumah sakit atau dokter satu bulan terakhir yang dilegalisir;
7. Asli atau foto copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku dan dilegalisir;
8. Foto copy hasil nilai TOEFL/IELTS (bila ada) yang dilegalisir;
9. Sertifikat kursus komputer/keterampilan/pengalaman kerja yang dilegalisir pejabat yang berwenang (bila ada);
10. Amplop surat ukuran 23 x 11 cm sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar yang masing-masing ditulisi alamat pelamar dan ditempel perangko secukupnya.
3. Surat lamaran, formulir pendaftaran dan surat pernyataan beserta berkas lampiran disusun rapi sesuai urutan diatas (point 4.b) dalam map kertas jepit berlubang dengan warna :
1. MERAH untuk Sarjana (S1);
2. KUNING untuk Diploma Tiga (D3).
5. Pelaksanaan seleksi :
1. Seleksi administratif (point 3 dan 4) dilakukan dengan sistem gugur.
2. Jenis materi ujian terdiri dari :
1. Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :2. Tes Kompetensi Bakat (TKB) untuk mengukur kemampuan dan atau keterampilan yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi jabatan atau pekerjaan yang dilamar.
1. Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) meliputi unsur wawasan nasional, regional dan internasional;
2. Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) meliputi unsur kemampuan : verbal, kuantitatif, dan penalaran;
3. Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK) meliputi unsur kemampuan beradaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi, integritas, dan inisiatif.
6. Lain-lain :
1. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi seluruh ketentuan (point 3 dan 4) yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian;
2. Tanda peserta ujian, waktu dan lokasi seleksi akan diumumkan kemudian melalui situs internet diatas serta akan dikirim melalui surat ke alamat pelamar.
3. Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan surat yang dikirim ke alamat pelamar.
4. Apabila jumlah peserta yang memenuhi ketentuan melebihi jumlah peserta ujian yang ditentukan, Panitia memberlakukan sistem ranking berdasarkan nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) dan kompetensi lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan jabatan;
5. Biaya yang timbul dalam pelaksanaan ujian penyaringan ini dibebankan pada APBN;
6. Seleksi penerimaan calon pegawai negeri sipil Depnakertrans tidak dipungut biaya apapun;
7. Berkas pelamar yang memenuhi syarat menjadi arsip Departemen Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh pelamar;
8. Bagi yang telah mengirim lamaran sebelum pengumuman ini dibuat, tidak berlaku;
9. Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus menjadi CPNS wajib menyerahkan surat keterangan bebas narkoba dari dokter dan menunjukkan ijazah asli pendidikan terakhir kepada Panitia pada waktu penyerahan berkas;
10. Panitia berhak menempatkan pelamar sesuai dengan kompetensinya di luar daerah pilihan pelamar;
11. Keputusan Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans Tahun Anggaran 2007 bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat;
12. Informasi resmi yang terkait dengan seleksi CPNS Depnakertrans tahun 2007 dapat dilihat dalam situs internet resmi Depnakertrans Para pelamar disarankan untuk aktif memantaunya.
Jakarta, 17 September 2007
Kepala Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian Selaku
Ketua Tim Pengadaan PNS Depnakertrans
Tahun Anggaran 2007
H. A. Aziz Rifa’i M., SH, MM Read More......
PhD Research Scholarships, NUS (Singapore)
(15 November 2007)
The Asia Research Institute is pleased to offer Ph.D. research scholarships from August 2008 in the following interdisciplinary areas:
The PhD scholarship is to be taken up jointly with the appropriate discipline-based department. This would normally be with a department of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, but where appropriate could also be with the Faculty of Law, School of Business or School of Design & Environment at the National University of Singapore.
Interested applicants are required to submit their application to ARI at the address stated below by 15th November 2007, indicating clearly both which ARI interdisciplinary area they wish to join and which department they would be attached to. Application procedures and forms can be obtained from the NUS website via this URL:
Applicants must use the application forms in the respective Faculty websites depending on the Faculty to which they wish to seek admission. They should send their applications to ARI directly.
The following interdisciplinary areas or “clusters” are offering scholarships:
1) The Migration Cluster (Research Leader: Professor Brenda Yeoh) explores the issues arising from increased levels of human mobility in the region, both within and across national borders. Mobility of high-level professional and managerial personnel, labour migration, both documented and undocumented, and human trafficking all raise theoretical and methodological questions and major policy issues, as does the role of migration in urban change.
2) The Religion and Globalisation Cluster (Research Leader: Professor Bryan Turner) explores the changing patterns of religious practice, belief and identity in recent times, particularly in Southeast Asia, China and South Asia. The title implies a particular interest in transnational and diasporic interactions, the engagement with modern technologies and values, and new global or ‘glocal’ forms of identity.
3) The Cultural Studies Cluster (Research Leader: Professor Chua Beng Huat) consciously challenges disciplinary boundaries to address new topics, issues and concerns thrown up by the rapid globalization of contemporary cultures. ARI is interested in new understandings of the everyday life cultural practices of contemporary Asia, as in adaptations of older patterns in literature, and the performing and graphic arts, in rapidly changing contemporary conditions.
4) The Southeast Asia-China Interactions Cluster (Research Leader: Professor Anthony Reid) will welcome students in two project areas: The Cold War in Asia, relating particularly to relations between the two Chinas (CCP and KMT) and the parties, movements and governments of Southeast Asia; and issues of heritage recovery and archaeology in Aceh and Sumatra more generally.
ARI is a university-level institute formed in July 2001 as one of the strategic initiatives of the NUS. The mission of the Institute is to produce and promote world-class research on Asia. ARI engages the social sciences and humanities broadly defined, and encourages especially multidisciplinary studies. Now home to six research clusters with a strong team of resident and visiting scholars, ARI works closely with the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, School of Business, Faculty of Law, and School of Design and Environment in NUS.
c/o Ms Kristy Won
Asia Research Institute
National University of Singapore
469A Tower Block, Bukit Timah Road, #10-01, Singapore 259770
Fax: (65) 6779 1428

PhD scholarships at the Department of Economics Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics
The Department of Economics invites applications for two vacant PhD scholarships within the following research areas:
1. Corporate governance/corporate finance (one scholarship)
2. Energy economics (one scholarship)
The scholarships within corporate governance/finance and energy economics are related to specific grants from the Danish Social Science Research Council. The scholarship on corporate governance/finance is embedded in a research project entitled “Families and Firms: The impact of family risk and organization on the governance of closely held corporations”, directed by Prof. Morten Bennedsen ( @
The scholarship on energy economics is embedded in a research project entitled “Risky Power: Choice of technology, security of supply, and market power in power markets”, directed by Prof. Peter Møllgaard ( @ Both projects are described in some detail at the department’s home page (“Research Projects”).
Application deadline: 12 October 2007 at 12:00 noon.
For further information please contact: Patrick S. Gram, tel.: +45 3815 2578, e-mail @ Information about the department may be found at
Salary and appointment as a PhD student will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.
Please find the full announcement on
CBS focuses on innovation, partnership with the business community and internationalisation. As a Learning University CBS demands high quality on teaching, research and staff. CBS has around 15.000 students distributed among a wide range of degrees in social science and humanities among these a very dynamic environment for executive programmes. CBS has around 400 full-time researchers and around 500 administrative employees.
Application has to be received by 12. October 2007.

PhD Studentship in Health Informatics - University of Huddersfield
PhD Studentship School of Human and Health Sciences, Department of Adult and Children’s Nursing Studies
Student Bursary: £12,600 (increasing for subsequent years in line with Research Council Stipend Level).
We are seeking to appoint a PhD student* who will be based partly in Leeds and partly in Huddersfield [local travel expenses between the two will be paid] for a three year jointly funded university and NHS project.
The successful candidate will work closely with NHS and University staff to develop structures/methodologies for the transition of real patient’s case notes to coded exemplars capable of supporting technologist developing key elements of the Electronic Patient Record; part of the NHS Documentation for Health initiative. Publication of agreed methodologies to the Messaging Infrastructure Manual is a key deliverable for the project that must be met to agreed deadlines.
The successful candidate with the support of a supervisory team will take the lead in exploring how need in the health care domain translates to a technological solution. In particular, how do health workers and technologists communicate? How can this process be enhanced? What are the barriers to communication? It is envisaged that the PhD will involve applying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to the research problem.
Generally, applicants are expected to possess a good Honours degree (normally 2:1 or above) in computer science, computer engineering, informatics or other computer-related subjects from an approved degree-awarding body, or have a good Honours degree in any health related subject together with skills and relevant experience in a computer-related area such as computer programming or information systems.
Well developed verbal and written communication skills are a key requirement. International students whose first language or language of instruction is not English must have also passed an English Language qualification TOEFL – (550 score minimum) and IELTS (6 minimum), or 250 for the computer-based test or above will be considered acceptable
Informal enquires may be made to Keith Ward on 01484 47 or by email to
k.ward @
For further information and application form visit
Closing date for application *Friday 19th October 2007*
Interview: *Week commencing 19th November*
*subject to final approval of expected funding

PhD fellow in the fields of Medical biology, Biology or Medicine Pediatric Oncology and Pediatric Gastroenterology (Groningen)
Job description
Towards better nutritional support for chemotherapy-induced intestinal damage in children with cancer.
The long term cancer-free survival of pediatric cancer patients has significantly increased during the past decades due to more intensive chemotherapy treatment regimens. However, more intensive treatment has also resulted in serious morbidity and even mortality. One of the side-effects is mucosal damage (i.e. mucositis) in the gastro-intestinal tract, thereby loosing the epithelium necessary for the normal functions of the GI-tract, like the barrier function for bacteria and digestion and absorption of food.
In this research proposal we will study the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fatty acids and amino acids using a mouse model of chemotherapy induced gastro-intestinal mucositis using nutrients labelled with stable-isotope tracers. Using the mouse model, further knowledge will be gained about the pathofysiology of mucositis and new prophylactic interventions can be studied.
The results of the studies will be used by dietitians to develop optimal feeding protocols for pediatric oncology patients with two objectives:
1 – to supply the GI epithelium with as much nutrients as possible, thereby promoting recovery.
2- to feed the patients most efficiently, resulting in the best available feeding status of the patient, related to decreased infections, more rapid recovery and, most importantly, increased survival.
The data will be published in scientific journals. After 4 years a thesis must be written and a PhD degree should be obtained.
Required education/skills:- Masters degree in (medical) Biology or Medicine.
- Motivated and enthusiastic.
- Flexible and accurate.
- Willing to work with animal models.
- Good social and communicative skills.
The UMCG has a preventive Hepatitis B policy. This may mean that you must build up enough resistance to Hepatitis B before you can be appointed.
Conditions of employment
The terms of employment that will apply are in accordance with those of the Collective Bargaining Agreement of the University Medical Centers.
Estimated maximum salary per month: € 2519,-
Employment basis: temporary for specific period.
Duration of the contract: four years.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers(Scientific discipline: Health)
Pediatric Oncology and Pediatric Gastroenterology The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)-recognized research establishment, the Groningen University Institute for Drug Exploration (GUIDE), stimulates research into the development and utilization of drugs based on the knowledge of the pathophysiology of disease.
The GUIDE researchers work in multidisciplinary teams from the Faculty of Medical Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences (University Center for Pharmacy). GUIDE is able to offer its Ph.D. students an extensive educational program, an investment that leads to wide versatility in the area of pharmaceutical research in pharmaceutical medical research establishments and in industry.
Conditions of employment
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: four years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Wim Tissing, MD, PhD, pediatric oncologist / hematologist
Telephone number: 050-3614213
Or Edmond Rings, M.D., Ph.D., pediatric gastroenterologist
Telephone number: 050- 3614747
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
- Applicationform - More information UMCG Application
You can apply for this job before 02-10-2007 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
University Medical Center Groningen
P.O. Box 30.001
The Netherlands
E-mail: G.S.Hansen.da.Silva.Monteiro @
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT FMW-7314.

PhD Studentship in Mathematical Ecology
*Postgraduate Opportunities in Ecology*
A PhD studentship in mathematical ecology is available within the Biodiversity Research Group at University College Cork, Ireland.
*Predicting the dynamical consequences of biodiversity change in complex systems.*
This project will explore the dynamic consequences of species loss from large complex food webs. Food webs can be viewed as complex systems of interacting species and have a number of network properties that can be explored from a mathematical perspective.
The aim of the project will be to use mathematical and computational approaches to investigate the importance of species in a food web context. The project will use documented patterns of body size, abundance and food web structure to parameterise models of a series of marine food webs with a special focus on Lough Hyne, south west Ireland.
We are also interested in dynamics of food webs in general. We are currently recruiting for a Ph.D in theoretical ecology (Applied Mathematics) to work on the project. The prospective candidate should have a background in mathematics. The applicant should be open to multidisciplinary research and have a full and clean drivers licence. The scholarship will be in the region of €24,000 a year inclusive of fees and research costs.
Interested candidates should send a CV and cover letter to Dr. Mark Emmerson at m.emmerson[at] (Tel: 00353 21 490 1951) by *Friday 27th September 2007*, stating why the position is of interest.
Please include the names and email addresses of two academic referees. For more information on the biodiversity research group at UCC see: