The Singapore Government awards the scholarship to Government-endorsed students from the other member countries of the ASEAN. Each Scholarship is for a full-time undergraduate degree course at the Nanyang Technological University, the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Management University. All disciplines except for Medicine and Dentistry are open to Scholars. The duration of each scholarships is for three or four years, depending on the discipline.
The award based on academic merit and places will allocated by open competition. If necessary, a one-year bridging or foundation programme, in addition to the undergraduate studies, will be provided.
To be eligible, a candidate must:
* Be a citizen in an ASEAN country (Except Singapore)
* Possess excellent academic records; and
* Have a good command of English
Candidates must meet the entry requirements for Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, and Singapore Management University. A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without prior approval of the Singapore Government. The Scholars are also expected to return to their countries upon graduation to contribute to the development of their countries.
The scholarship will cover tuition fees for the duration of the award, a living allowance of S$4,300 per annum, an accommodation allowance based on the different room rates at each university and one return economy class air ticket passage from his/her home country to Singapore for the duration of studies.
Applications must be endorsed and submitted by the Indonesian Department of National Education (Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation) at Building C, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend.Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat. Candidates are required to produce the following :
1. Certificate, endorsement by the former school, for graduated applicants;
2. Recommendation from the school principal, for applicants who are still in Grade 3 at SMU.
For more information on the Singapore Scholarships, Please contact Embassy in Jakarta:
Tel: 021-520 1489 / 5296 1433
Website: or write to:
The Singapore Scholarship
Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tanglin, Singapore 248163
Tel: (65) 6379 8000
Fax: (65) 6479 3357
Deadline: 22nd December 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Singapore Scholarships Invitation for Undergraduate 2009/2010

Rio Tinto Scholarship Fund for Masters 2009/2010
PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia in collaboration with Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) qualified individual with the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in Science, Social Science or Commerce at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.
Upon completing the program, scholar is under a (n+1) binding program with PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia, where n = the number of years receiving the scholarship grant. The scholar must apply their knowledge and contribute significantly to PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia for (n+1) year.
The information contained in this document is intended for the Rio Tinto Scholarship Fund for the Graduate Program applicant:
I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
2. Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale).
3. Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
4. Submit the required English language requirement (TOEFL / IELTS) and the Graduate Admission Test as required by each program, after the applicant is selected as the scholarship finalist:
o International TOEFL with a minimum score of 577 (PBT) or 233 (CBT) or 90 (IBT), OR
o International English Language System Testing (IELTS) of minimum 6.5
5. Adhere with the scholarship rules and regulations, particularly in the (n+1) binding program with PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia.
6. Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
7. Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.
8. Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate that without the scholarship, applicant is not able to afford an Overseas Graduate Program.
Any applicant proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein will be immediately disqualified.
II. Further Requirements
Applicant also must:
1. Demonstrate leadership potential and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Attend ALL stages of selection process.
3. Meet the requirements for obtaining a proper student visa upon acceptance for the scholarship.
4. Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia, partner institution, and the university.
III. Nature of award
1. The scholarship’s worth is approximately AUD 68,000.- depending on the program’s fee, for the duration of study.
This covers the following:
* Graduate Admission Test and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for the test taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
* University application fee;
* Student visa application fee;
* Return airfares from Jakarta to Sydney;
* Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
* Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
* Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.
2. The scholarship is intended for full-time / regular class study only.
3. Scholarship recipient is not permitted to undertake any form of employment at any time during the course of study, unless such employment is allowed under the student visa obtained.
IV. How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at,en/ or obtained it from:
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
NorthTower, 26th – 27th Floor
Jl.. Jend. Sudirman Kavling 45
When submitting the application package, please write “Rio Tinto-S2” at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Interested applicants who meet the requirements must complete and return the application package by the deadline January 30, 2009 to Sampoerna Foundation office. E-mail applications will not be considered.
V. Further Information
Prospective applicants are advised to directly contact University of New South Wales (UNSW) directly or Australian Education Center (AEC) to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

Mari bergabung, berkembang, meniti karir & mengejar masa depan bersama
PT PLN (Persero) dengan mengisi posisi sebagai Operator/ Teknisi
Pemeliharaan/ Analis Air & Bahan Bakar di lingkungan Pembangkitan
Sumatera Bagian Utara.
Lamaran ditujukan kepada :
Konsultan Rekrutmen
PT PLN (Persero) Pembangkitan
Sumatera Bagian Utara
PO BOX 1000 Medan
a. Kelahiran tahun 1986 & setelahnya.
b. Berbadan sehat & tidak buta warna.
c. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm dengan berat badan proporsional.
d. Tidak mempunyai ketunaan fisik yang dapat mengganggu tugas sebagai
Operator/ Teknisi Pemeliharaan/ Analis Air & Bahan Bakar.
a. Laki-laki & belum menikah.
b. Ijazah/ Sertifikat minimal D1 bidang Teknik Mesin, Fisika, Teknik
Listrik (Arus Kuat), Kimia.
Lamaran dilampiri :
1. Fotocopy Ijazah/ Sertifikat/ Surat Keterangan Lulus & Transkrip
nilai yang dilegalisir.
2. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran/ Surat Kenal Lahir.
3. Fotocopy KTP yang masih berlaku.
4. Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
5. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 3 lembar.
6. Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat Tinggi & Berat Badan dari Dokter
Umum serta Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna.
7. Surat Pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp 6.000,- bahwa :
a) Tidak pernah terlibat dalam Penyalahgunaan Narkoba & Zat Adiktif
b) Sanggup tidak menikah selama masa On The Job Training (OJT).
c) Sanggup bekerja sebagai Operator/ Teknisi Pemeliharaan/ Analis Air
& Bahan Bakar.
d) Bersedia ditempatkan di lingkungan kerja PT PLN (Persero)
Pembangkitan Sumatera Bagian Utara.
e) Tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas Ijazah yang dimiliki (untuk
pelamar yang memiliki Ijazah yang lebih tinggi dari D1, misal D3 atau S1).
8. Alamat Pelamar lengkap dengan kode pos No. Telp./ HP yang dapat
Lamaran Kami Terima Paling Lambat Tanggal 29 November 2008 (Cap Pos)
Informasi Selengkapnya Kunjungi Website :
JOB Pertamina-Lekom Maras; Surface Facility Engineer
JOB PERTAMINA - LEKOM MARAS, operating the Abab, Raja & Dewa fields in South Sumatera, has an immediate opening for the position of:
Requirements: S1 Mech./Physics/Chemistry/PE, Civil Eng. with 5 - 10 yrs experience handling surface facilities in oil & gas operations.
Please submit your application letter by e-mail enclosing updated CV with recent photo and references to no later than 28 November 2008. Position applied should be indicated on subject header.
We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified for interview.
PhD Studentship 2009-2010 University of Cambridge
PhD Studentship, University of Cambridge: History of the Placenta
since 1750
Supervisors: Martin H. Johnson and Nick Hopwood
The Centre for Trophoblast Research at the University of Cambridge
aims to fund up to three PhD studentships at Wellcome Trust rates
starting in October 2009 for three years of full-time research We are
offering a project on the history of the placenta.
The placenta has a rich and important past that has yet to attract
sustained historical attention. Possible projects could focus on such
various aspects as anatomy, physiology and evolution, pathological
examination and legal regulation, midwifery, obstetric and lay
practices, and claims as to the placenta's special powers. There is
wide scope to choose a topic of interest in a period since 1750 and
with an appropriate geographical location.
Supervision will be provided by Martin H. Johnson (Physiology,
Development and Neuroscience) and Nick Hopwood (History and
Philosophy of Science). The project will benefit from participation
in the University's programme of historical research on generation
and reproduction and specifically on embryology.
Interested students (UK, EU or overseas) should have at least a high
upper second (or equivalent) in a first degree, preferably in the
biological sciences, and ideally also a strong performance in a
master's in history of science and/or medicine. We invite initial
expressions of interest, including a CV and sample of written work,
by 10 December 2008 for a Centre deadline of 9 January and interview
on 28 January 2009.
Martin Johnson
Nick Hopwood

Lowongan CPNS - Tangerang
Pengumuman Lowongan dan formasi CPNS daerah Tangerang (Deadline: 18-20 November 2008)
Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Pemerintah Kota Tangerang Tahun 2008, sebagaimana ditetapkan dengan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor : B.206.P/M.PAN/10/2008 tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 perihal Persetujuan Rincian Formasi CPNS Daerah Tahun 2008. Melalui modul ini Pemerintah Kota Tangerang membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah (CPNSD) di lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang yang memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan dan syarat-syarat yang ditetapkan untuk ikut serta dalam proses seleksi ini.
Persyaratan Umum
1. Warga Negara Indonesia, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Setia dan taat Kepada Pancasila, UUD 1945 dan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia;
2. Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan (jenjang dan jurusan) yang sesuai dengan lowongan jabatan yang dibutuhkan;
3. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap;
4. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;
5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon / PNS. Calon TNI / POLRI;
6. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik;
7. Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
8. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Satuan Kerja di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Tangerang.
Persyaratan Khusus
a. Kualifikasi Pendidikan
Memiliki Ijazah sesuai kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan untuk formasi jabatan sebagaimana tersebut diatas dengan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) sebagai Berikut :
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) bagi pelamar berpendidikan S.1 dan Profesi Minimal 2.75 (dua koma tujuh lima);
Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) bagi pelamar berpendidikan D.III Minimal 2.60 (dua koma enam puluh);
Pelamar yang kualifikasi pendidikannya tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan diatas dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat untuk mengikuti seleksi.
b. Usia
Serendah-rendahnya berusia 18 (delapan belas) tahun pada tanggal 1 Februari 2009;
Setinggi-tingginya berusia 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Februari 2009;
Setinggi-tingginya berusia 40 (empat puluh) tahun pada tanggal 1 Februari 2009 bagi yang bekerja pada instansi atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional paling kurang 5 (lima) tahun pada 17 April 2002.
a. Persiapkan data yang dipersyaratkan.
b.Lakukan registrasi lamaran melalui situs atau dengan meng’klik’ halaman ‘Daftar’. Saat pengisian, pastikan untuk mengisi formulir dengan benar dan lengkap sesuai petunjuk tertulis. Kesalahan pengisian sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian dengan berkas lamaran yang akan dikirim melalui pos mengakibatkan ketidaklulusan pada tahap seleksi administrasi. Dalam proses pengisian hindari menekan tombol ENTER, sebaliknya pakai “mouse” untuk memindahkan kursor ke kolom yang diinginkan. Setelah selesai, tekan tombol sesuai petunjuk yang tertera di layar. Apabila pengisian data diri telah selesai dan telah sesuai dengan identitas anda, kami persilahkan anda untuk mencetak Bukti Registrasi On Line CPNS Kota Tangerang yang nanti harus anda kirimkan beserta dokumen lamaran lainnya melalui POS. Dokumen Lamaran yang dikirimkan tanpa melampirkan Bukti Registrasi tidak akan diproses.
c.Apabila bukti Registrasi Online Hilang, rusak atau belum dapat tercetak pada perangkat / komputer yang anda gunakan, silahkan anda mengakses Modul Penerimaan CPNS On Line Kota Tangerang kembali serta menekan halaman CETAK. Isi Fomulir yang tersedia dengan data diri anda dan tekan tombol cetak. Berikutnya akan muncul tampilan Bukti Registrasi Online anda yang dapat anda print atau save/simpan pada media lain.
d.Tanda tangani Bukti Registrasi Pendaftaran CPNS On-Line yang telah dicetak dan tempelkan Foto Ukuran 4×6 berwarna pada format yang telah disiapkan. Pastikan dokumen lamaran yang anda kirim dilengkapi dengan seluruh dokumen pendukung yang dipersyaratkan.
e.Jepit seluruh dokumen dengan stapler dan masukkan dalam amplop coklat tertutup ukuran 35×25 yang telah ditulis “LAMARAN CPNS KOTA TANGERANG FORMASI TA 2008 “ pada pojok Kiri Atas serta Kode Jabatan yang dilamar pada Pojok Kanan Atas.
f.Dokumen tersebut lalu dikirimkan melalui Kantor Pos dan ditujukan/dialamatkan kepada :
Panitia Seleksi CPNSD Kota Tangerang Formasi TA 2008
PO BOX 0293
Tangerang 15111
g.Panitia hanya menerima berkas lamaran yang disampaikan melalui alamat tersebut di atas dan tidak menerima format penyampaian lamaran dalam bentuk lainnya
Berkas Lamaran
1.Surat lamaran yang ditulis tangan dan ditandatangani sendiri, memakai tinta hitam dan bermaterai yang dalam lamaran tersebut mencantumkan nama jabatan dan kode jabatan yang dilamar;
2. Bukti Tanda Registrasi On Line / Bukti Pendaftaran;
3. Foto copy Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian yang masih berlaku;
4. Surat Keterangan Kesehatan dari Dokter;
5. Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku;
6. Satu lembar fotokopi ijazah yang akan digunakan dalam lamaran berikut transkrip nilai yang sudah dilegalisir (cap dan tanda tangan asli) oleh pejabat yang berwenang
7. Pas foto terakhir ukuran 4×6 (berwarna) sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar dilengkapi dengan tulisan nama pelamar di bagian belakang foto kemudian 2 (dua) ditempel pada tempat yang telah disediakan dalam bukti pendaftaran;
8. Bagi pelamar yang berusia diatas 35 (tiga puluh lima) hingga 40 (empat puluh) tahun, harus melampirkan fotocopy sah SK Bukti Pengangkatan pertama s.d terakhir yang dilegalisir;
9. Amplop kosong yang telah ditulis nama lengkap, alamat lengkap, kode pos dan nomor telepon yang dapat dihubungi serta tanda lunas biaya pengiriman dari kantor pos untuk kepentingan pengiriman surat pemberitahuan;
10. Surat Lamaran beserta lampiran tersebut diatas disusun rapi sesuai urutan kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam amplop folio warna coklat dan ditulis pada pojok kiri atas BERKAS LAMARAN CPNS KOTA TANGERANG FORMASI TAHUN 2008 serta pada pojok kanan atas tulis dengan huruf kapital kode formasi yang dilamar;
11. Berkas lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas tidak akan akan dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat;
12. Berkas lamaran yang diterima Panitia menjadi milik Panitia dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh Pelamar.
Tahap Seleksi Administrasi
1. Proses verifikasi dilakukan langsung segera setelah berkas lamaran diterima oleh Panitia. Verifikasi dilakukan untuk melihat kesesuaian data registrasi yang telah diisi oleh pelamar melalui Modul Penerimaan CPNS Kota Tangerang dengan dokumen fisik yang telah diterima Panitia
2. Pelamar bisa mengakses informasi detail hasil verifikasi melalui halaman Status yang bisa diakses Tombol STATUS yang ada di Pojok Kanan Atas dengan memasukkan nomor lamaran dan data pelamar lainnya yang ada dalam form. Melalui halaman ini informasi verfikasi per-item bisa diketahui
3. Setelah proses verifikasi berkas lamaran selesai, panitia akan mengumumkan Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat serta Pelamar yang tidak memenuhi syarat lewat Website BKD Kota Tangerang Serta lewat modul Penerimaan CPNS On Line
4. Selain itu, panitia juga akan mengirimkan surat panggilan untuk verivikasi fisik bagi pelamar yang memenuhi syarat. Sedangkan pelamar yang tidak memenuhi syarat akan dkirimkan surat pemberitahuan yang menerangkan alasan penolakan lamaran
1. Hanya Peserta yang telah melakukan registrasi online dan mengirimkan dokumen lamaran melalui Kantor POS yang akan diproses oleh panitia. Pelamar yang memenuhi seluruh persyaratan dokumen lamaran yang akan diloloskan dalam tahapan Seleksi Administrasi. Hasil Seleksi Administrasi akan diumumkan melalui website Badan Kepegawaian dan Diklat Kota Tangerang dengan alamat
2. Pelamar yang dinyatakan Memenuhi syarat dan pelamar yang dinyatakan Kurang Memenuhi syarat akan dipanggil untuk registrasi fisik serta melengkapai persyaratan selanjutnya sesuai dengan jadwal dan persyaratan yang tertera dalam surat panggilan
3. Sebelum tanggal pelaksanaan ujian tulis, seluruh pelamar yang dipanggil diwajibkan hadir menurut jadwal dan lokasi yang tertera dalam surat panggilan untuk melakukan registrasi fisik guna mendapatkan nomor ujian dan diwajibkan membawa Kartu Identitas. Registrasi Fisik ini bersifat wajib dan tidak dapat diwakilkan. Apabila pelamar tidak hadir, maka pelamar tersebut dianggap mengundurkan diri.
4. Ujian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 November 2008, dengan tempat serta perlengkapan seleksi tertera pada kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian.
5. Peserta Ujian diwajibkan untuk membawa peralatan ujian seperti Kartu Tanda Peserta, Pinsil 2b, penghapus pinsil, rautan serta alas tulis. Selain itu sangat disarankan untuk membawa bekal makanan dan minuman mengingat keterbatasan penjual makanan dan minuman di sekitar lokasi ujian. Peserta dianjurkan mempergunakan kendaraan umum untuk mencapai lokasi ujian tulis mengingat kurangnya ketersediaan lahan parkir di sekitar lokasi.
Dokter Umum
Dokter Umum
Dokter Gigi
Dokter Gigi
Perawat Gigi
Keperawatan Gigi
Perawat Umum
Keperawatan Umum
Penyuluh Kesehatan
Kesehatan Masyarakat
Teknik Kesehatan lingkungan
Kebidanan / Keperawatan
Bidan Puskesmas
Analis Kesehatan
Analis Kesehatan
Pengawas Kesehatan Lingkungan
Kesehatan Masyarakat
Teknik Kesehatan lingkungan
Ass Apoteker
Pengawas farmasi
Pranata Lab
Farmasi/Biologi/teknik kimia
S.1 + Profesi
Pengawas Obat dan Makanan
Teknologi Pangan, Farmasi
Perencana Pembangunan
Ekonomi Pembangunan
Administrasi Negara / Ilmu Pemerintahan
Ekonomi Manajemen
Penyuluh UKM / Koperasi
Manajemen Penyuluhan Koperasi
Penyuluh Pembangunan
Syariah muamalat / Usuludin / Dakwah
Pranata Komputer
Teknik Komputer/Manaj Inf/Sistem Informasi/Multi media/ Komputer akuntansi
Teknik Komputer/Manaj Inf/Sistem Informasi/Kom. Akuntansi
Perencana tata kota / wilayah
Penyuluh Pertanian
Sosek Pertanian
Pengawas Bangunan
Penata Laporan Keuangan / auditor
Penata Sistem transportasi
Manajemen transportasi
Teknisi Pertamanan
Penghimpun potensi indutri
Teknik Industri
Medik veterineur
Dokter Hewan
Untuk Lebih Lanjutnya silahkan ke website BKD tangerang:
2. Pusat Pengumuman CPNS Indonesia (PPCI)
Lowongan CPNS - Pemkot Pemkab Sukabumi
PENGUMUMAN LOWONGAN CPNS DAERAH KOTA SUKABUMI Guru, Tenaga Kesehatan, Tenaga Teknis (17 s.d. 24 Nopember 2008)
Nomor: 810.1/ 73/ BKD/ 2008
Pemerintah Kota Sukabumi akan mengangkat calon pegawai negeri sipil daerah (CPNSD) dari pelamar umum dengan jumlah lowongan formasi sebanyak 241 orang dengan rincian kebutuhan sebagai berikut:
I. Tenaga Guru
Guru SD
1. Guru Kelas
2. Guru Kesenian
S.1/ A. IV Seni Karawitan
3. Guru Penjaskes
S.1/ A. IV Penjaskes/ D.2 Penjaskes
Guru SMP
1. Guru Fisika
S.1/ A. IV Fisika
1. Guru B. Inggris
S.1/ A. IV B. Inggris
2. Guru B. Sunda
S.1/ A. IV B. Sunda
3. Guru BP/ BK
S.1/ A. IV BP/ BK
4. Guru Sejarah
S.1/ A. IV Sejarah
5. Guru Seni Musik
S.1/ A. IV Seni Musik
6. Guru Seni Tari
S.1/ A. IV Seni Tari
Guru SMA
1. Guru Matematika
S.1/ A. IV Matematika
2. Guru Fisika
S.1/ A. IV Fisika
3. Guru Biologi
S.1/ A. IV Biologi
4. Guru Kimia
S.1/ A. IV Kimia
5. Guru PPKn
S.1/ A. IV PPKn
6. Guru BP/ BK
S.1/ A. IV BP/ BK
7. Guru Sosiologi
S.1/ A. IV Sosiologi
8. Guru Akuntansi
S.1/ A. IV Akuntansi
9. Guru Seni Tari
S.1/ A. IV Seni Tari
10. Guru Seni Musik
S.1/ A. IV Seni Musik
11. Guru Seni Rupa
S.1/ A. IV Seni Rupa
12. Guru Bahasa Inggris
S.1/ A. IV Bahasa Inggris
13. Guru Bahasa Sunda
S.1/ A. IV Bahasa Sunda
Guru SMK
1. Guru Matematika
S.1/ A. IV Matematika
2. Guru Fisika
S.1/ A. IV Fisika
3. Guru Kimia
S.1/ A. IV Kimia
4. Guru BP/ BK
S.1/ A. IV BP/ BK
5. Guru Akuntansi
S.1/ A. IV Akuntansi
6. Guru Seni Tari/ Teater
S.1/ A. IV Seni Tari/ Teater
7. Guru Bahasa Inggris
S.1/ A. IV Bahasa Inggris
8. Guru Bahasa Sunda
S.1/ A. IV Bahasa Sunda
9. Guru Tata Niaga
S.1/ A. IV Tata Niaga
10. Guru Teknik Otomotif
S.1/ A. IV Teknik Otomotif
11. Guru Teknik Mesin
S.1/ A. IV Teknik Mesin/ mesin produksi
12. Guru Teknik Mesin
S.1/ A. IV Pabrik Las
13. Guru Elektro
S.1/ A. IV Elektro (arus lemah)
14. Guru Seni Karawitan
S.1/ A. IV Karawitan
15. Guru Animasi Grafis
S.1/ A. IV Animasi/ Grafis
16. Guru Audio Visual
S.1/ A. IV Televisi dan Film
II. Tenaga Kesehatan
S.1 Apoteker
Asisten Apoteker
D.3 Kebidanan
Dokter Umum
S.1 Dokter Umum
Dokter Gigi
S.1 Dokter Gigi
Dokter Spesialis THT
S.2 Spesialis THT
Dokter Spesialis Mata
S.2 Spesialis Mata
Dokter Spesialis Anak
S.2 Spesialis Anak
Dokter Spesialis Anastesi
S.2 Spesialis Anastesi
Dokter Spesialis Peny. Dalam
S.2 Spesialis Peny. Dalam
Dokter Spesialis Fatalogi Klinik
S.2 Spesialis Fatalogi Klinik
Perawat Gigi
D.3 Keperawatan Gigi
D.3 Keperawatan
Perekam Medik
D.3 Perekam Medik
Pengelola Labkesda
D.3 Kimia Analis
Penata Rongent
D.3 Radiografer/ AKPRO
D.3 Kesling
Analis Kesehatan
D.3 Analis Kesehatan
III. Tenaga Teknis
Pengawas Transportasi Darat
Verifikator Keuangan
D.3 Akuntansi
Verifikator Keuangan
D.3 Ekonomi Manajemen
Pranata Komputer
D.3 Komputer
Pranata Komputer
S.1 Komputer
Pranata Humas
D.3 Komunikasi
Pranata Humas
S.1 Komunikasi
Pemandu Pariwisata
D.3 Pariwisata
Penyusun Informasi Transportasi
Penata laporan Keuangan
S.1 Akuntansi
Pengawas Pengelolaan Aset Daerah
S.1 Ekonomi Manajemen
Analis Perekonomian Daerah
S.1 Ekonnomi Manajemen
S.1 Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan
Analis Kepegawaian
S.1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Analis Kepegawaian
S.1 Hukum
Penyusun Abstraksi Hukum
S.1 Hukum
Perencana hubungan industrial
S.1 Hukum
Pemberi konsultasi hukum
S.1 Hukum
S.1 Teknik Sipil
Petugas tata bangunan
S.1 Teknik Sipil
Pengendali frekuensi Radio
S.1 Teknik Elektronika
Pengelola pemeliharaan bangunan
S.1 Teknik Sipil
Penata taman kota
S.1 Teknik Arsitektur Pertamanan/ LAnsekap
Pengawas pengoperasian alat berat
S.1 Teknik mesin Otomotif
Penyuluh perindag
S.1 Teknik Kimia
Analis dampak lingkungan
S.1 Teknik Lingkungan
Penyuluh lingkungan hidup
S.1 Kehutanan
S.1 Statistika
Pengawas mutu hasil pertanian
S.1 Teknologi pengolahan hasil pertanian/ Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Penyuluh pertanian
S.1 Pertanian/ Agribisnis
Warga negara indonesia
Bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Memiliki Integritas tinggi terhadap NKRI
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan sesuatu tindak pidana/ perdata.
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil/TNI/POLRI maupun pegawai swasta.
Tidak berkedudukaN sebagai CPNS/PNS/calon anggota TNI/POLRI.
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota atau pengurus partai politik.
Mempunyai pendidikan keahlian, kecakapan dan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan.
erkelakuan baik, sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Berbadan sehat; dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari dokter pemerintah.
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah.
Melengkapi persyaratan lamaran berikut lampiran yang telah ditentukan.
Syarat Lain yang ditentukan dalam persyaratan jabatan
Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18(delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun per 1 Februari 2009 dan atau 40 (empat puluh) tahun per 1 Februari 2009 bagi yang bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau lembaga swasta yang berbadan hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional paling kurang 11(sebelas) tahun 10 (sepuluh) bulan s.d. 1 Februari 2009 secara terus menerus, yang dibuat oleh Kepala Sekolah dengan diketahui oleh Kepala dinas P dan K Kota Sukabumi atau yang dibuat Rumah sakit dan diketahui oleh Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Sukabumi
Persyaratan dan kelengkapan lamaran masing-masing sebanyak 1 rangkap terdiri dari:
Lamaran ditulis dengan tinta hitam, ditandatangani pelamar dan dibubuhi materai RP. 6.000 ditujukan kepada Walikota Sukabumi dengan menyebutkan jabatan yang diminati dan diserahkan langsung kepada Panitia Penerimaan CPNSD Kota Sukabumi
Surat lamaran dilampiri :
1) Fotokopi STTB/ Ijazah yang sah yang dikeluarkan oleh sekolah/ perguruan tinggi yang terakreditasi atau yang telah mendapat ijin operasional/ penyelenggaraan dari DEPDIKNAS, serta telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
2) Bagi Pelamar Tenaga Guru harus memiliki akta mengajar
3) Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter pemerintah
4) Pas foto terbaru 3×4 hitam putih sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar
5) Surat Keterangan pencari Kerja dari Dinas Tenaga Kerja (kartu kuning)
Berkas lamaran dimasukan ke dalam map berwarna dengan diberi kode sebagai berikut :
Tenaga Guru : map warna kuning
Tenaga Kesehatan : map warna merah
Tenaga Teknis : map warna biru
Kode map ditulis di sudut kanan atas sebagai berikut :
S.1 kode : A
D.2/ D.3 kode : B
SMF kode : C
Foto 3×4 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar.
Pendaftaran tanpa dipungut biaya apapun
Materi ujian berupa TKD, TPU, TBS, TSK, TKB. (Tambahan lihat di
Penerimaan pendaftaran dan seleksi administrasi dimulai tanggal 17 s.d. 24 Nopember 2008 (hari kerja) mulai pukul 08.00 s.d. 12.00 WIB
Tempat pendaftaran GOR MERDEKA KOTA SUKABUMI. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Kota Sukabumi.
Hari/ tanggal : Minggu/ 07 Desember 2008
Waktu : Pkl. 06.30 s.d. selesai
Tempat : ditentukan kemudian
Perlengkapan : Kartu tanda peserta, Pensil 2B, Penghapus, Alas tulis, Balpoin
Pengambilan kartu tanda peserta tanggal 28 dan 29 November 2008 di GOR MERDEKA KOTA SUKABUMI.
Tidak ada surat menyurat dan hubungan telepon berkaitan dengan kegiatan penerimaan CPNS
Hal-hal yang belum diatur dalam petunjuk teknis akan diatur kemudian oleh panitia
Berkas lamaran menjadi milik negara
Sukabumi November 2008
Studentships; Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine, London
Welcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine
at University College London
M.Phil./ Ph.D. Studentships in the History of Medicine, 2009
Roy Porter Memorial Ph.D. Studentship in the History of Medicine, 2009
The Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL invites
applications for entry to the Centre's M.Phil./Ph.D. programme and for 3 years
scholarships commencing in September 2009.
The Centre anticipates being able to offer two or three research
studentships worth c. £ 20,000 pa plus the payment of "home" fees. In
addition, the Roy Porter Memorial Ph.D. Studentship will be offered this
year for an outstanding young scholar. This award commemorates the life and
work of the prolific historian, Roy Porter who died in 2002. The award is
made available through the generosity of the Wellcome Trust and will be
tenable for 3 years from September 2009. In addition to fees at the Home/EU
rate the studentship is valued at c. £ 20,000 per annum.
Students from outside the EU are encouraged to apply but should arrange to
discuss the possible impact of "overseas" student fees being charged.
Applications to study without a scholarship are also welcome.
Applicants should be registered for, or already hold a Master's Degree in an
appropriate discipline and intend to pursue research to gain a Ph.D. in the
field of the History of Medicine.
Informal enquiries may be made until 19 December 2008 to the
Centre's Graduate Tutor, Dr. Helga Satzinger,
For further information please contact Adam Wilkinson,
Please use the Centre's website for information on our fields of study and
members of staff who can act as supervisors:
Information on UCL Graduate School can be found at
Applications forms have to be submitted online with the UCL Graduate School
In addition to the standardised form the application has to contain one A4
page presenting your research proposal plus one A4 page elaborating on what
sources you want to use, where you situate your Ph.D. project within the
History of Medicine, and the secondary literature on which you base your
Please print out your complete application and send it by post or as pdf
file to:
Adam Wilkinson
Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL
183 Euston Rd.
London NW1 2BE
The application must arrive by 12 January 2009 at the latest. Shortlisted
candidates will be informed end of January and invited for an interview in
early February. Applicants from abroad will be interviewed by telephone.
Students will be notified of the outcome of their application for places
and/or funding within ten days of interview.
Submitted by HJ Cook, Director, Wellcome Trust Centre,

Ireland Research Assistant position in Decision Neuroscience 2009/2010
PhD in Decision Neuroscience-Trinity College Dublin
Research Assistant position in Decision Neuroscience
O'Doherty lab, Trinity College Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland.
A post-graduate research assistant position is available in the laboratory
of Prof. John P. O'Doherty at Trinity College Dublin. The position, part of
a research programme funded by Science Foundation Ireland, will involve
contributing to the organization of a research programme concerned with
uncovering the neural mechanisms underlying choice, reward-learning and
decision making in the brain. Duties include helping with subject
recruitment, running experiments (brain imaging and behavioural studies) and
contributing to data analysis.
An undergraduate degree in psychology, neuroscience, computer science,
mathematics or a related discipline would be a pre-requisite, and evidence
of strong quantitative skills in computer programming, mathematics and
statistics would be essential. Some prior exposure to cognitive, behavioural
or computational neuroscience would be an advantage. The project will be
carried out using state of the art MRI facilities at the Trinity College
Institute of Neuroscience, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
The position is available for a period of 2 to 3 years.
Start date: As soon as is practicable.
Interested candidates should send a CV, brief statement of research
interests, and contact details for two referees to John O'Doherty:
odoherjp at Informal enquiries are also welcome.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Trinity College Dublin is an equal opportunity employer.

Erasmus Mundus 2009-2011 - Sustainable Development in Agriculture
Deadline :
20 January 2009
About EM Scholarships :
Application Form :

Graduate Scholarships In Reproductive & Sexual Health
Graduate Scholarships In Reproductive & Sexual Health Law for lawyers from developing countries: You are invited to apply for Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive and Sexual Health Law in the International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Toronto, Canada. The scholarship, which enables lawyer activists from developing countries to undertake the Master of Laws Programme at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law, includes full tuition, travel and a stipend for living expenses.
The application deadline is February 16, 2009. [Source: Afro-Nets] More about the scholarships:

Germany 2009/2010 postdoctoral position in statistical genetics
One postdoctoral position in statistical genetics/genetic epidemiology is immediately available. The successful candidate will analyze high-throughput SNPs data using existing tools, and implement additional statistical/computational methods as needed. The work will be performed with a team of bioinformaticians and computer scientists from the in Silico Wet Lab project ( The objective is to integrate different types of high-throughput data (SNPs annotations, SNPs genotyping, gene expression and others) for a better understanding of cancers. In Silico is a consortium involving scientists and bioinformaticians from four research groups within the Brussels region.
IRIDIA (ULB, has a longstanding reputation in developing machine learning techniques and their applications, and is complemented by the machine learning expertise at COMO (VUB, The more biologically oriented partners, IRIBHM (ULB, and Swit ch (VUB,, have a strong background in the analysis of microarray data and functional analysis of SNPs. The successful candidate will be based at the Switch lab.
REQUIREMENTS: a Ph.D. or master's degree in statistical genetics, genetic epidemiology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, statistics, computational biology or computer science, with interest in genetics and genomics. Candidates with doctoral degrees in genetics or related fields with strong computational and statistical background are also encouraged to apply. Knowledge of genetic packages is a plus. The candidate should demonstrate ability in scientific programming, ideally in R. Knowledge of Unix, SQL, Perl and C/C++ is desirable.
The contract will last till the 31th of August 2010. A possible prolongation depends on the success of the project.
Candidates are invited to send their CV with the detailed list of publications and a research statement in .pdf format by email to

Shell Scholarships, UK and NL, 2009
Shell offers scholarships to international students for postgraduate taught degrees at the partner universities in UK and Netherlands. Applications are open for international students (including Pakistani students) for the courses starting in 2009.
Deadline : Varies (for each partner university)
Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund
The Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund (TSCSF) was established as a registered charity in 1997. Under various Masters programmes, TSCSF offers postgraduate students from developing countries the opportunity to study in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and gain skills that will make a long-term contribution to the further development of their countries. The scholarships are known as Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the UK), Royal Dutch Shell Centenary Scholarships (in the NL).
An applicant should normally be:
aged 35 or under
nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
of sufficiently outstanding academic ability eg in the UK to have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British University, in the NL to be able easily to obtain a place on the MSc programme
fluent in spoken and written English
neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
It is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by becoming leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.
Each scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.
Application Procedure
Scholarship application forms can only be obtained from the relevant universities. For details about Shell scholarships (deadline, application procedure and forms etc), please visit the relevant sections on the partner universities websites.
Partner Universities
Partners in the scheme are:
University of Cambridge, UK
Durham University, UK
The University of Edinburgh, UK
Imperial College London, UK
University of Leeds, UK
University of Oxford, UK
University College London, UK
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
University of Twente, Netherlands.
These universities also contribute to the funding of scholarships.

Erasmus Mundus - MSc in Network and e-Business Centered Computing
Ada info buat yang mau dapat beasiswa di Komputer dalam Erasmus Mundus Scheme, Ada beberapa sih, tapi aku kasih infonya cuman program saya aja ya yang lain bisa dilihat sendiri di
Program saya 3 Negara (UK, Greece dan Spain) 3 bulan an dan milih salah satu buat skripsi (6 bulan). deadline 31 January 2009. apply online di
Syaratnya mudah kok cuman TOEFL mungkin yang belum ada. Tidak pakai interview juga, jadi persiapkan dokumen sebaik mungkin. Ini berlaku bagi semua scheme Erasmus Mundus kurasa. Jadi cepat test TOEFL dan apply 3 program langsung deh, di schema Erasmus Mundus maksimal boleh apply 3 program.
Buat yang mau apply online siap-siap ngetik banyak ya soalnya tahun lalu saya masih sempat pake paper, dan saya apply online juga tapi di sana harus masukin semua mata kuliah dan gradenya juga ... HAHAHA .. Jadi siap2 ngetik deh ... kalau ada mintak word aja dari sekolah siapa tau mereka mau kasih jadi bisa dicopy paste ^^ dan jangan lupa harus pakai Inggris nama mata kuliah nya.
Maaf kalau bahasa sedikit amburadul ^^, anak Surabaya soalnya
Best Regards,
Djohan Wahyudi.
Erasmus Mundus List
My program NeBCC
Advanced European ERASMUS MUNDUS MSc in Network and e-Business Centered Computing
EU FlagCourse length: full-time 18 months
Start Dates: October
This is a joint MSc programme between University of Reading (UoR), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), University Carlos III Madrid (UC3M) and Trinity College Dublin.
Course aims
* To prepare the future professionals for the digital economy to be capable of understanding the technical underpinnings and business opportunities of the new economy
* To provide in-depth study and training encompassing state-of-the-art principles and techniques in students chosen specialist e-business route. This is provided through having a set of in-depth specialist modules
* To provide students with research and development skills through a substantial 6-month research and development project undertaken in one of the participating institutions
* To provide the students with an opportunity to study in a multi-cultural environment sharing knowledge with other students from different background.
Course content
Term 1: University of Reading (UoR)
* SEMC01: Advanced Operating Systems & Programming in Unix
* SEMC02: Network Computing
* SEMC03: Computer Architectures or SEMC05: Internet Software Environments
* SEMC06: Transferable Skills
Term 2: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
* SEMC51: Human-Computer Interaction
* SEMC52: Computational Intelligence and e-Business
* SEMC53: Databases and knowledge mining
* SEMC54: Introduction to e-Business
Term 3: University Carlos III Madrid (UC3M)
* SEMC61: Network Infrastructure
* SEMC63: B2B Technologies
* SEMC64: B2C Technologies
* SEMC65: Network Security and Electronic Payment
Term 4: Project placement
* Project placement, which can take place in any of the three universities.
Studentships and Admissions
The application process for the 2009/2010 intake is now open: Apply online
The deadline for application for scholarships is 31 January 2009.
The deadline for submission for self funding students is 30 June 2009.
To be admitted to the MSC programme, the entry requirement is at least a 2.1 BSc degree or equivalent.
To apply you have to submit online a
* filled-in Application form
* CV
* Proof of previous degree - transcript, or document stating expected results if you are finishing later this year
* Proof of English language test score: IELTS (score of 6.5) or TOEFL (score of 570; computer-based version 230; internet-based 88)
* Two references (at least one academic).
Fees for EU citizens are 8000 ¤. For successful applicants, there are scholarships of 3500 ¤ towards the fees
Fees for non-EU citizens are 14000 ¤. For non-EU citizens, there is an Erasmus Mundus scholarship of around 35000 ¤ in total. In order to be eligible for the scholarship, the student must not have spent more then a year during the last 5 years in any of the EU countries.
The European Commission reserves the right to adjust the number of proposed studentships according to budget availability.
The decision of the selection committee body is final.
For more information, please contact:
Nia Alexandrov
MSc Program Coordinator
ACET Centre
School of Systems Engineering
The University of Reading
Tel: +44 (0) 118 378 7628
Fax: +44 (0) 118 378 5224

Call for Proposals: Gender and Innovation
Deadline: 19 December 2008
Call for Proposals: Gender and Innovation
The changing agency of women is one of the major mediators of economic
and social change, and its determination as well as consequences
closely relate to many of the central features of the development
process -- Amartya Sen
The Innovation, Technology and Society (ITS) program of IDRC supports
research towards strengthening innovation capabilities and innovation
systems in developing countries. The actors in an innovation system,
the science and technology policy environment and the interface of
innovation systems with society are the three thematic focus areas of
ITS. For more information consult Gender is an
important dimension in all of the thematic areas but there are visible
knowledge gaps pertaining to the influence and impacts of gender in
innovation systems and processes. We do know that women are present
in knowledge and skills- based enterprises but we know very little
about how they influence innovation processes leading to tangible
socio-economic outcomes. Similarly, the impacts of current innovation
systems on the lives of women are not well understood. If knowledge
is to be used as a strategic resource for economic growth and
productivity as recognized by the development community, women must be
provided with an enabling environment to be equal partners in the
national innovation systems
There is a rich source of literature on the fragile representation of
women in science and technology based institutions and enterprises and
is being addressed at various levels. Adequate representation of women
in S&T systems is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for
favourable socioeconomic outcomes. Moreover, the S&T system is a
component of the national system of innovation. Given that innovation
is a complex process, sometimes an S&T system is not even necessary
for innovation. There is evidence of innovation without S&T and a lot
of evidence of S&T without leading to innovation. An innovation system
encompasses the knowledge intensive interactions among the innovation
system actors to turn an idea into a process, product or service on
the market. It is from this broad perspective of innovation and
innovation systems that the gender dimension needs to be analysed.
Furthermore, from an inclusion and efficiency perspective, there is a
need to tap into under utilised skills and the social value of a
participatory innovation process.
This call aims to examine gender from a wider perspective of
innovation systems in developing countries. It will support research
towards understanding impediments to innovation processes being
influenced by women, opportunities to promote greater involvement and
influence by women and the differential impacts (real and perceived)
of existing innovation systems on women. Proposals are invited in the
form of concept notes following the template available at outlining the research under any of
the following two headings:
access, participation and contribution by women to the innovation
processes in general is of interest here, including their role in the
transformation of knowledge or use of new knowledge for generating
goods and services. For example, ways in which women contribute to
social and economic value, policy analysis of gendered access and
participation and organisational paradigms within innovation system
actors, gender influence on business enterprises are an indication of
ideas under this heading. Proposals may focus on the inclusivity of
women in decision making processes and governance of technologies,
particularly in regard to technologies impacting women. Proposals
could also address these or other questions:
o In what ways will greater engagement of women in a
specific context of innovation contribute to economic / social value?
o Will higher enrolment of women in technical education and
employment fill the gender gap in innovation?
o What are the key / distinct features of
technology-business entrepreneurship for and by women
o How does the agency of women in business enterprises
manifest itself in the innovation process?
o What socio-economic profiles of women enable their
influence on technology governance and policy process
o Does a higher gender balance trigger more innovation and
if so what are the impacts of this higher balance on innovation?
engagement of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy and
governance in developing countries tend to be limited and a primary
reason for this is lack of adequate evidence and research on potential
and real socio economic impacts of STI policy or decisions of
innovation system actors. Research under this theme will consider
impacts (potential and real) of specific technologies (such as
reproductive technologies, domestic fuel or food processing
technologies) on women and their socio-cultural transformation caused
by these technologies. Research under this theme could address these
or other questions:
o Guiding principles (from a research based study) for an
engendered approach to technology regulation and policy
o In what ways do current technologies for water and
sanitation impact women?
o Are there gender biases in the diffusion and / or impacts
of specific technologies, such as biotechnology, nanotechnology and ICTs?
o What are the opportunities for policy harmonisation to
enable women to contribute to innovation processes?
o Does the knowledge economy and technological development
promote greater knowledge and skills development of women?
Innovation: Innovation is defined as the use of new ideas,
technologies or ways of doing things, in a place (or by people) where
they have not been used before.
The concept of the innovation system stresses that the flow of
technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions
is key to an innovative process. It contains the interaction between
the actors who are needed in order to turn an idea into a process,
product or service on the market.
Gender for the purpose of this call refers to women in the context
of their representation in the research data
Selection process
* Concept notes will be reviewed by IDRC and applicants of
selected concept notes will be invited to submit a full proposal
* Up to 9 full proposals will be supported up to CAD $ 50,000 each
for a maximum project duration of 2 years.
* Evaluation criteria for concept notes will include relevance to
context, quality and feasibility, potential for impact and merit of
the research team. Selection will also be based on a regional
geographic distribution
Ann Elizabeth Samson,
Gender and Science, Technology, and Innovation
Claire Buré
Gender in/and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy: An
overview of current literature and findings
Sujatha Byravan,
Gender and Innovation in South Asia
Guidelines for application:
* This call for proposals is limited to developing country
* The lead researcher and key members of the research team should
be citizens or residents of a developing country.
* Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the background papers
available at
* This call is limited to applied research projects only with a
strong evidence of relevance to local, national or regional context
* The format for submitting concept notes is available at
* Deadline for submission of concept notes is 19 December 2008
* Applications may be emailed to
* Incomplete applications, or fully theoretical research
applications will not be considered
Enquiries and clarifications may be addressed to
Launch of call inviting concept notes 15
September 2008
Deadline for receipt of concept notes 19
December 2008
Selection for full proposal development 9
February 2009
* Backgroun Papers
Application Form: Gender and innovation call 2008-09
Open file
Poster 2008-09-16
Open file
Informasi lengkap di:

Germany: PhD Scholarships 2009/2010 the University of Luebeck
PhD Scholarships, Inhibitor Design, the Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences, the University of Luebeck, Germany
The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, and the German Government within the German university excellence program) at the University of Luebeck is now offering a PhD scholarship for the project “Inhibitor Design“ in the research field of Computing in Structural and Cell Biology.
The Project:
Three-dimensional models for the homologous Mip proteins from Chlamydia spp. will be constructed by homology-model building. Along with the X-ray structure of Legionella Mip, these will be used in virtual screening for and docking of potential new inhibitors. Hits found in this procedure will be synthesised in-house and tested for PPIase inhibition in vitro and for antibacterial effects in vivo.
PhD scholarship amounts to 1250 € per month. Students with a master’s degree (or its equivalent) in computer science, mathematics or engineering are invited to apply for admission. The application deadline is January 15, 2009. In certain cases, students must submit, as part of their application, the results of one of the acknowledged language tests to prove their English proficiency.
For further information, please visit our website at Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via email: management[ at ] before sending your application.
Closing date: January 15, 2009

Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus 2009/2010 Maclands (Master in Cultural Landscape)
Saya ada sedikit info tentang beasiswa Erasmus Mundus (program master Uni
Eropa yang memberikan beasiswa bagi warga negara non-Eropa). Nama programnya
Erasmus Mundus Master Maclands. Program ini isinya membahas *patrimoine*atau
*heritage* dalam bahasa Inggris (saya agak bingung menerjemahkan ke bahasa
Indonesia) dan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan *patrimoine* atau *heritage*.
Ruang lingkupnya luas sekali, mulai dari sejarah, arsitektur, budaya,
turisme, sampai preservasi benda-benda peninggalan sejarah.
Sejauh ini, banyak dari mereka yang tertarik dengan program ini memiliki
latar belakang arsitektur. Hampir setengah dari penerima beasiswa adalah
arsitek, sisanya desainer, sejarawan, arkeolog, ahli restorasi, teknik
lingkungan, literatur.
Katanya sih (gosip bukan dari saya loh), Eropa sedang bersaing dengan AS utk
melahirkan ahli-ahli *heritage*. Entah benar atau tidak, yang pasti di
Eropa, mereka memang sangat menghargai sejarah dan warisan/peninggalan
Bagi yang berminat, silahkan dilihat di webnya.
Program lain yang berkaitan dgn dunia arsitektur, urban dan konstruksi:
Mundus Urbano, Emdireb, Eurmed
Untuk program di luar dunia arsitektur, silahkan lihat di:
Ratri Wulandari
quote: "dinding berbicara (jika kita tahu kisahnya)"
*Course description:*
two-year Master programme entitled *Master of Cultural Landscapes (MaCLands)
application deadlines 31 January 2009
Consortium: *Universite Jean Monnet de Saint Etienne* (France, coordinator),
*Universitat Stuttgart* (Germany) and *
University Federico II* *Di Napoli* (Italy)
*The objective* of this Master is to educate students in the fields of
sustainable preservation, management and development of cultural heritage.
MaCLands will train potential skilled experts and adaptable practitioners in
analysis, management and preservation (preventive and curative) as well as
designers of overall and sustainable solutions on Town and Country planning
issues for cultural heritage.
30 students are expected within this Master course. Applicants should have a
Bachelor degree (i.e. 180 ECTS) in the European LMD system, or equivalent,
in Town and Country Planning, Humanities, Architecture, Engineering, Design,
Art, History of Art or other equivalent subjects.
Courses will be taught in national languages, structured according to the
ECTS with 120 credits (30 ECTS per semester).
*Mobility track* is defined according to the main role and competences of
the partners:
- *1st* semester will be devoted to foundation courses on cultural
heritage and preservation in *Saint Etienne,* *France*
- *2nd* semester, students will be in *Naples*,* Italy*, to learn how to
set up and carry out projects on town and country planning
- 3rd semester courses on development and communication on projects,
concepts and virtual heritage will be taught in *University of Stuttgart,
- *4th* semester will take place in one of the members of the Consortium.
This *choice is made by students*. Under the supervision of an academic
advisor the fourth semester is devoted to internships or a Master thesis.
Students will be awarded a double degree (from Saint Etienne and Naples) at
least. As soon as the University of Stuttgart will offer a recognised Master
degree, a multiple degree will be delivered to students by the Consortium.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Master/PhD Studentship in Computer Vision, Universitat AutÃ’noma de Barcelona, Spain
PhD Students in Computer Vision (Object Recognition and Medical Imaging group, CVC)
The Object Recognition and Medical Imaging group from the Computer Vision Centre (, Barcelona (Spain), invites applications for several positions as a pre-doctoral researcher in the area of machine learning, human behavior modeling and/or medical imaging.
The work will be focused on (but not restricted to):
Advanced machine learning techniques in object recognition problems.
Application of advanced Computer Vision techniques for Human Behaviour analysis.
Image-guided coronary intervention.
Analysis of Endoscopic videos from Wireless Capsule Endoscopy.
Initially, 1 year for a Master degree finalization (Master degree fees are included in the scholarship).
According to the results, a renewal up to a total of 4 years for the PhD completion.
Salary: 1100 Euros/month.
Computer Science/Electrical Engineering/Physics Bachelor degree. Programming skills are required (Matlab, C++). English proficiency and strong motivation for research are mandatory.
Applicants should submit:
1) Application letter
2) Curriculum Vitae and Academic Record stating the degrees obtained during the carreer study.
3) Letters of Reference (if available)
Send required information to:
Petia Radeva: petia[ at ]
Computer Vision Center, Campus UAB, Edifici O, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

PhD Position in History and Philosophy of Logic, Semantics and Axiomatics, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Full-time, 4 years
Vacancy number 1.2008.00340
The Faculty of Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam, has a vacancy for a PhD position in the research project “Tarski’s Revolution: A New History – Semantics and Axiomatics from Bolzano to Tarski against the background of the Classical Model of Science” (TRANH). The project is funded by a Starting Grant of the European Research Council (ERC) and led by Dr. Arianna Betti (Principal Investigator).
More information on the project:
The PhD student is expected to:
carry out the subproject “Semantics and Axiomatics in Bolzano against the background of the Classical Model of Science”
take part in the activities of the research team, including (co-)organizing and participating in international meetings, joint editorial projects and grant applications;
take on a small amount of teaching as part of the PhD training (=<10%);
present papers at international meetings, submit articles to international peer-reviewed top scientific media and write a dissertation in English.
Starting date: March 2009
Deadline for application: 8 December 2008
The candidate must have a two-year master’s degree or equivalent (e.g. a one-year master’s degree and academic training and skills demonstrably comparable to a two-year master’s degree) in Philosophy, knowledge of German, a background in logic and its history, have demonstrated aptitude for combining theoretical and historical research and have good ICT skills. The candidate must also be highly motivated, ready and able to work in a team and possess excellent social and communicative skills. Having worked previously on Bolzano’s thought, a history-of-ideas-approach or a background in mathematics are advantages, but not pre-requisites. Candidates who are about to receive their MA degree are also welcome to apply. As part of an equal opportunity scheme, women are particularly encouraged to apply for this position.
€ 2.042,- gross per month in the first year to € 2.612,- in the fourth year based on a full-time employment.
Written applications should include:
a curriculum vitae;
names of two academic references;
list of courses followed and a copy of the MA diploma;
translations of these documents in English where appropriate (a certified translation might be requested at a later stage in the procedure);
a copy of the MA thesis (or, should the latter not be available yet, a writing sample);
an extended letter of motivation explaining why the candidates consider themselves qualified for conducting this research (max. 1500 words); or a short letter of motivation accompanied by a separate research proposal containing a first attempt to specify in more detail how they intend to carry out Project I (research topic, objectives and approach, max. 1500 words, not including bibliographic references).
Please mention the vacancy number in the e-mail header or at the top of your letter and on the envelope. Send your application before December 8, 2008 to the VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Philosophy, attn. Mrs. M.G.H.M. Dijcker, Director of Operations, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It is also possible to apply by email to: secretaresse[ at ] by sending all documents in pdf-format.
Drs. Pam Rossel, Faculty of Philosophy (phone: +31 20 59 86644, e-mail: p.rossel[ at ]
Dr. Arianna Betti, Faculty of Philosophy (phone: +31 20 59 86681, e-mail: ariannabetti[ at ]
Full description:

MPhil / PhD Studentships at University of Hong Kong, Hongkong
Application Address: Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong,
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, RR. China
Fellowships & Studentships for MPhil and PhD Studies at The University of Hong Kong 2009-2010
Founded in 1911, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) is the longest established English speaking university in Hong Kong. It has gained the reputation as a world-class comprehensive research university with excellent research record and facilities. To further promote an international and multicultural campus, we encourage students from different nationalities and cultural backgrounds to join our MPhil and PhD programmes.
A uniquely positioned study centre of East and West
A cultural mix of MPhil and PhD students from all over the world
High quality teachers and students
Leading-edge research in over 120 academic departments and research centres
High-quality research outputs
Top-class libraries, computer facilities, and state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment
University Postgraduate Fellowships
Fellowships of HK$70,000 (US$8,970) plus not less than HK$157,200 (US$20,150) per year for selected full-time PhD candidates with excellent academic record
Postgraduate Studentships
Studentships currently at not less than HK$157,200 (US$20,150) per year for qualified full-time MPhil (2 years) and PhD (3 to 4 years) candidates
Conference/Travel Grants
Grants for students to attend international conferences or exchange programmesStudents may also be offered opportunity of spending part of their study period away from campus to gain more exposure.
Application and enquiry: Graduate School
Web site:
Tel: (852) 2857 3470
Fax: (852) 2857 3543
Email: gradsch[ at ]
Address: Room P403, Graduate House, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, RR. ChinaMain Round MPhil and PhD
Application Deadline: December 31,2008

PhD Position on Isotopomer Studies of Plant-climate Interactions, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umea University, Sweden
Little is known on interactions between plants and atmospheric and climate change on time scales of centuries. The goal of the project is to deduce separate climate and physiological signals from tree rings, to be able to detect these interactions. We have developed an approach to measure isotopomer abundances (i.e. the intramolecular distributions of stable isotopes in metabolites), by NMR spectroscopy. Isotopomers turn isotope abundances into multiple information channels, as basis for parallel reconstruction of climate and physiological signals. The PhD project will focus on the deuterium isotope, applied to tree ring series and material from annual plants. The research environment includes chemists, earth scientists, and forest ecology.
Applicants must have a master’s degree in chemistry, earth sciences or a related field. We seek a person who is highly motivated to combine methodology from several fields. Key qualifications for this position include experience in handling environmental samples and familiarity with isotope concepts; experience in NMR spectroscopy is a merit.
The PhD project can start immediately or upon agreement. Applications should include CV, a short statement of motivation, copies of master’s degree and thesis, and names and addresses of three persons willing to act as references.
For more information contact:
Prof. Jürgen Schleucher
Department of Medical Biochemistry & Biophysics
Umeå University, S-90187 Umeå, Sweden
jurgen.schleucher[ at ]

2009 / 2010 The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) Scholarships (Worldwide)
OFID (The OPEC Fund for International Development) is pleased to announce that qualified undergraduate students are welcome to apply for the OFID Scholarship 2009/10. The OFID Scholarship will be awarded to support an undergraduate student from any developing country, to pursue higher education in a relevant field of development, in any recognized university/college in the world. Through its scholarship scheme, OFID aims to help highly motivated, highly driven individuals overcome one of the biggest challenges to their careers – the cost of advanced professional or graduate training.
The winner of the OFID Award will receive a scholarship of up to US$100,000. The funds will be spread over a maximum of two years, toward the completion of a Master’s degree, or its equivalent, at an accredited educational institution, starting in the autumn of the academic year 2009/10.
To be eligible the candidate must meet ALL of the following criteria: :
Must be between the ages of 23-32 at the time of submitting his/her application.
Must be a graduating student with a Baccalaureate from a four-year, accredited college/university, or its equivalent.
Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 rating system, or its equivalent.
Must be matriculated at an accredited university for the upcoming academic year starting September 2009, and must maintain full-time status for the duration of the Masters Degree.
Must be a national of a developing country (please see list of eligible countries)
Must select a subject of study that pertains to OFID’s core mission, such as: economics of development (poverty reduction, energy and sustainable development), environment (desertification), or other related science and technology fields.
PLEASE NOTE: Please read ALL of the directions below before proceeding with the application process:
1. Applicants are responsible for gathering and submitting all necessary information. Applications will be evaluated based on the information provided. Therefore, all questions should be answered as thoroughly as possible. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Once an application has been submitted, no changes will be allowed on it.
2. OFID will not consider applications received through a third party.
3. Please do not call or email OFID to ask if your application has been received, or to inquire about your status.
4. Please note that only the winner will be notified.
5. All materials submitted become the property of OFID and will not be returned to the applicant.
6. Applicants must complete the on-line application form and essay requirement, and must email the required materials to OFID’s email address provided below. All materials including the on-line application, recommendations, and other required information must be received no later than March 31, 2009.
Applicants should submit required documents via scholarship[ at ]
II.Disbursement of the Scholarship Fund
The terms and conditions of payment will be determined in coordination with the student upon his/her selection in accordance with the following guidelines:
1. The tuition fees, including any supplementary examination fees, as may be required by the academic institution, will be paid by OFID directly to the academic institution. Health insurance will be paid in accordance with the institution’s own standard medical scheme.
2. A monthly allowance to cover living expenses, books and accommodation, will be transferred to the student’s own personal bank account on a quarterly basis.
3. Prior to the start of his/her first year studies, the student will be paid a relocation grant, equal to two-month allowance. OFID will also pay for travel costs from the nearest airport to the student’s place of residence, to the nearest airport to the chosen place of study. Upon completion of the studies, the student will be paid the cost of one-way air ticket to his/her home country.
III.Required documents
1. A completed on-line application form.
2. A scanned copy of the last university degree or certificate.
3. A scanned letter of acceptance from your chosen educational institution, confirming your admission, subject of study and duration of the Master’s degree program (must not exceed a maximum of two years).
4. A proof of meeting any prerequisites, including language proficiency.
5. A short essay – of about 250 words in English – giving reasons for applying for OFID’s scholarship, explaining your educational goals, and clearly describing how you will use the experience gained from your Masters degree studies to help in the development of your home country.
6. Two letters of recommendation from professors and/or lecturers at applicant’s present university.
IV. Eligible Countries
In addition to nationals of OFID Member States, nationals of the following countries are also eligible:
Africa :
Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d`lvoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome& Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Asia and the Middle East:
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Korea DR, Kyrgyz Republic, Lao PDR, Lebanon, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Tonga, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Latin America and the Caribbean:
Antigua Barbuda , Belize, Barbados, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Grenada, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guyana, Haiti, , Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Panama, St. Christopher, St. Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Europe :
Albania , Bosnia Herzegovina
Closing date: March 31, 2009
For online application, please visit the official website.

Rio Tinto Scholarship Fund for Masters in Science, Commerce, and Social Science
PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia in collaboration with Sampoerna Foundation provides one (1) qualified individual with the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree in Science, Social Science or Commerce at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.
Upon completing the program, scholar is under a (n+1) binding program with PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia, where n = the number of years receiving the scholarship grant. The scholar must apply their knowledge and contribute significantly to PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia for (n+1) year.
The information contained in this document is intended for the Rio Tinto Scholarship Fund for the Graduate Program applicant:
I. Basic Eligibility
Applicant must satisfy ALL of the following conditions:
1. Indonesian citizen who is under 35 years of age when lodging the application.
2. Hold a local Bachelor’s degree from any discipline with a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale).
3. Have a minimum of two-year full-time professional work experience after the completion of the undergraduate degree.
4. Submit the required English language requirement (TOEFL / IELTS) and the Graduate Admission Test as required by each program, after the applicant is selected as the scholarship finalist:
o International TOEFL with a minimum score of 577 (PBT) or 233 (CBT) or 90 (IBT), OR
o International English Language System Testing (IELTS) of minimum 6.5
5. Adhere with the scholarship rules and regulations, particularly in the (n+1) binding program with PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia.
6. Currently did not enroll in graduate or post-graduate program, or obtained a Master’s degree or equivalent.
7. Did not enroll or graduate from an overseas tertiary institution, unless was on a full scholarship.
8. Do not receive other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.
9. Demonstrate that without the scholarship, applicant is not able to afford an Overseas Graduate Program.
Any applicant proves to have forged information in his/her application form or any of the documents attached therein will be immediately disqualified.
II. Further Requirements
Applicant also must:
1. Demonstrate leadership potential and interest in and commitment to community and national development.
2. Attend ALL stages of selection process.
3. Meet the requirements for obtaining a proper student visa upon acceptance for the scholarship.
4. Comply with the application for scholarship rules and regulations as stipulated by Sampoerna Foundation, PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia, partner institution, and the university.
III. Nature of award
1. The scholarship’s worth is approximately AUD 68,000.- depending on the program’s fee, for the duration of study.
This covers the following:
* Graduate Admission Test and TOEFL/IELTS reimbursement, one time only, based on original invoice, for the test taken no more than 6 months prior to the scholarship application;
* University application fee;
* Student visa application fee;
* Return airfares from Jakarta to Sydney;
* Tuition fees, for the duration of study;
* Living allowance, to support living costs during period of study;
* Literature allowance, to purchase textbooks required for study.
2. The scholarship is intended for full-time / regular class study only.
3. Scholarship recipient is not permitted to undertake any form of employment at any time during the course of study, unless such employment is allowed under the student visa obtained.
IV. How to Apply?
Download the application package (application, reference and health information forms) at,en/ or obtained it from:
Sampoerna Foundation
Sampoerna Strategic Square
NorthTower, 26th – 27th Floor
Jl.. Jend. Sudirman Kavling 45
When submitting the application package, please write “Rio Tinto-S2” at the top right hand corner of the envelope. Sampoerna Foundation will consider the completed applications and will notify the short-listed applicants to attend the continuing stages of the selection process.
Interested applicants who meet the requirements must complete and return the application package by the deadline January 30, 2009 to Sampoerna Foundation office. E-mail applications will not be considered.
V. Further Information
Prospective applicants are advised to directly contact University of New South Wales (UNSW) directly or Australian Education Center (AEC) to find out about the admission process and requirements for an enrolment.

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance
Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance
CEMFI, Madrid (Spain)
At CEMFI we train students for careers as professional or academic
economists. Our graduates acquire the quantitative tools and research
skills to work as economists in business, finance, government, and academia.
The basic graduate offering at CEMFI is its highly prestigious Master in
Economics and Finance. Unlike many Master programs in the US and
elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.
CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the tuition
fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR 10,000
per year. They are granted according to academic merit. In previous
years, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA,
has endowed several scholarships for Latin American students of the
Master. If new grants are endowed, they will be announced on CEMFI’s web
An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for
two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our
graduates. The first year consists of basic graduate coursework and some
optional subjects. The second year includes specialized courses and
research training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to
faculty is between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention
to each student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis,
where the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.
Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research
leaders in their fields. They are also editors of prestigious journals
and are key players at leading learned societies such as the European
Economic Association and the Econometric Society.
Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in
positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic
forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. CEMFI has
been building a reputation for more than 20 years and a degree from
CEMFI provides a strong signal of quality, regularly confirmed by the
market. Moreover, we run an experienced and efficient job placement service.
Students interested in furthering their research training, either
because they aim for a professional career with a stronger research
content or because they aim for an academic position, will continue to
develop their research skills for another three years and complete the
PhD program. Graduates from CEMFI’s PhD program have published papers
from their dissertation in top journals and we have an excellent record
in the PhD job market.
Admission to the PhD program at CEMFI is through the Master. All
students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from
an external source or from CEMFI. For more information on admission and
scholarship applications, please visit: For any
queries, feel free to contact:
Application has to be received by 6. April 2009.

International Scholarships to Study in Greece
Application deadline: April 30, 2009
For non-EU students the application deadline is February 15, 2009
1. Prospective Applicants
The MSIN Program addresses highly motivated individuals with a firm belief in the value of education and a determination to work hard and excel in the specific scientific and technology fields.
To enter the MSIN degree Program, the applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science, electrical engineering, computer engineering, or a closely related field.
Prospective students can be university graduates or professionals with a solid academic background, and a strong drive and commitment to pursue an intensive full-time 16-month (or alternatively a part-time 32-month) graduate Program.
2. Qualifications
* Excellent academic performance, as this is indicated by grades, class ranking, scholarships, recommendation letters etc.
* Excellent command of the English language (evidenced with TOEFL scores, IELTS or Proficiency degree and oral performance in an interview).
3. Application Procedure
All Prospective Applicants:
The online form is accessible through both the INI and College of Engineering, Carnegie Institute of Technology (CIT), Web sites. The form consists of a main section, under which applicants will create an online profile, and supplemental sections where you will enter information relevant to the program you seek to enter. You will select your program of choice in the main section of the form.
Though applicants will be able to upload a copy of their university transcripts, please note that the INI will still require all applicants to supply hard copy originals of their official undergraduate transcripts as well as transcripts for all programs attended whether a degree was earned or not.
The application evaluation procedure may include a personal interview with an AIT faculty member. Applicants should take into consideration that the general Carnegie Mellon criteria apply for Admission.
4. Athens MSIN Admissions and How to apply
Minimum Qualifications
* Undergraduate degree in electrical and computer engineering, computer science, or another related technical field
* Undergraduate coursework in data structures and probability theory/random processes
* GPA of 3.0 or higher
* Ability to program fluently in C or C++
* GRE General Test no more than 5 years old (Neither the GMAT nor the Subject Test is accepted.)
* TOEFL, no more than 2 years old, is required with applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English. For the Athens MSIN, IELTS and Proficiency Diploma in English are also accepted.
Submission Package
To be considered for admission, you must submit the following documents by February 15, 2009(for non-EU students)& April 30,2009(for EU students)
* A completed Online Application Form
* Official transcripts from any undergraduate or graduate school you have attended whether a degree was received or not. If the transcripts are in any language other than English, an official translation in English is required. A photocopy of a transcript is not considered official.
* Three letters of recommendation
* A statement of purpose (500-1,000 words)
* Official GRE General Test scores
* Official TOEFL/IELTS/Proficiency scores for applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English
Application Form
Special Note: Applicants to the Athens MSIN do not need to pay an application fee. When submitting the online application, select the option “Payment by check.” You must select this option to complete the submission, however, it is not necessary to send the payment. Read more:
Complete the MSIN Online Application form.
We prefer to receive all applications online. A printable application is provided under Apply Now only in the event you are unable to access the online application.
All applications should be submitted online along with recommendations. Paper applications will be accepted from those applicants who cannot access the online form. Download application (PDF).
Official transcripts are required from all colleges or universities you have attended, at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels, whether or not you earned a degree from that college or university.
If attending the final semester in your undergraduate program at the time of application, the INI will accept properly sealed official transcripts and mark sheets for the semesters completed to date.
Applicants admitted to any INI program must submit final official transcripts, properly sealed, upon completion of their undergraduate program from the institution conferring their degree as a condition of enrollment at Carnegie Mellon. Certificates of graduation and/or degree certificates should also be submitted if provided by the institution. Failure to provide such documents or failure to graduate will nullify admission to the INI programs.
While the online form allows for submission of transcripts online, official paper documents are required to complete the application.
Letters of Recommendation
Three letters of recommendation are required. At least two of these should be from faculty or recent employers. People who recommend you should know you well and be able to evaluate the quality of your work.
Recommendations may be submitted electronically via the online form.
All applications should be submitted online along with recommendations. Paper applications will be accepted from those applicants who cannot access the online form. Download recommendation form (PDF)
Statement of Purpose
A Statement of Purpose of between 500-1,000 words should be uploaded to the online form in the appropriate section using the following format:
* Briefly state your objective in pursuing a master’s degree in information networking or information security.
* Describe your background in electrical engineering or computer science and other fields particularly relevant to your objective.
* Outline your research experience and list any publications.
* Include additional information you wish to supply to the admissions committee.
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is required; neither the GMAT nor GRE Subject Test is accepted for review. Applications will not be considered complete until an official copy of test scores is received by the institute. GRE scores will not be accepted if they are more than five years old.
Use Institution Code #2074 and Department Code #0404 (Information Sciences) to submit your GRE General Test scores through the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
To ensure that GRE scores reach the INI office before the application deadline, applicants should take the test no later than April 15.
All applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). Applicants who took the TOEFL in 2006 may still submit CBT (computer-based test) or PBT (paper-based test) scores. The INI will accept the PBT scores if the Internet-based test (iBT) is not offered in the applicant’s country.
Use Institution Code #8569 and Department Code #99 to submit your TOEFL score report. Admission decisions on applications without the required test scores may be delayed.
Applicants who have attended and graduated from a four-year undergraduate degree program at an accredited U.S. university may have this requirement waived.
If you have any questions or need help:
Admissions Office
0.8 KM Markopoulo Avenue
19002 Peania
Athens, Greece.
Phone: +30 210 6682702
Shipping Address
Send any additional application materials that cannot be submitted online to:
Information Networking Institute
Admissions Committee
Carnegie Mellon University
4616 Henry Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
To be considered for full scholarship, please refer to and complete the Application for Full Scholarship form(filetype: .pdf) ( Note that full scholarships are awarded according to candidates´ academic distinction and financial standing.
Click here for Online Application