Research Awards in Environmental Economics for SE Asian Scholars
The theme of EEPSEA‘s research program is the internalization of external costs. There is widespread interest in minimizing pollution and resource degradation by insuring that economic agents face the full costs of their activities. But many questions remain to be answered: What is the economic value of the environmental damage incurred by a given activity? What roles can sectoral, macroeconomic and trade policies play in achieving full-cost pricing? What roles do community management of resources, changes in property rights and other institutional factors play? What factors affect the political and administrative feasibility of price changes? Does full-cost pricing have negative effects on the poor and how might these be mitigated? What are the alternatives to pricing policy? What are the implications of full-cost pricing for economic growth and structural change?
Projects to date have tended to fall within four areas:
a) management of forests and wetlands
b) policy instruments for control of urban pollution
c) resource pricing
d) economy-wide and global issues.
Most applicants attend one of EEPSEA’s courses before or in conjunction with their research project. Budget ceilings for research projects are CAD20,000-28,000, depending on the country. Researchers may be affiliated with a university, government or non-government organization and grants are normally made to that institution. Most projects are carried out by teams of researchers.
Proposals are sent to experts for written review. Those recommended for further consideration must then be revised and presented in a working group meeting at the next EEPSEA biannual meeting. Further revisions are usually called for, until the project is judged satisfactory and a grant approved. After approval, interim findings are presented and critiqued every six months until the project is completed.
Researchers receive frequent technical assistance and literature from the Secretariat and resource persons. Final reports from successful projects are widely disseminated by EEPSEA and by the researchers themselves through publications, the media, and consultations with policy makers.
Proposals are reviewed in twice-yearly competitions. The deadline for these are February 1 and August 1. Those wishing to apply for research awards should consult the following documents:
Umi Muawanah
Reseacher, Research Center for Marine Technology
The Agency for Marine affairs and Fisheries Research
Dept. of Marine Affairs and Fisheries .INDONESIA
Jln MT Haryono 52-53 Jakarta Selatan 12770. Fax 62 21 79180188
Graduate student, Natural Resource and Envi. Economics. URI
Coastal Institute Building, One greenhouse Rd,
Kingston, RI 02881, P. +1 401 874 4563 (office)
Saturday, January 26, 2008
PhD research award from EEPSEA

PhD vacancy in Optical Communication at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
Heriot-Watt University
PhD vacancies in Optical Communication and Photonic Network Group
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Applications are invited for full-time, 3-year PhD research in the
School of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK ( The studentship will cover tuition fees
and stipend.
The research is in optical communication and photonic network area. We
are working on optical code based techniques, advanced modulation
techniques, high speed opticaln communication system, optical access
network, nonlinear optics in optical communication system, optical
signal processing, and etc. More information could be found at The candidates are expected to
theoretically/experimentally work on optical code related techniques
and their applications for optical communication systems. We have
collaborations with many leading research groups worldwide in these
fields. The students will have chance to carry out their experimental
researches using cutting-edge technologies in worldrenown research labs.
Applicants should have a strong background in
photonics/optoelectronics/optical communication system. Previous
experimental research experiences are preferable.
The students are expected to start as soon as possible.
For application and further details, please contact Dr. Xu Wang by
email or telephone +44-(0)131-451-3775.

PhD Position Available in Business Management, India
University Profile: University is residential cum affiliating with morethan 150 affiliated colleges and institutions through out hilly of northern India spreading over an area of 30,000 Sq.kms. At present there are around 31 Departments in the University campus including the Department of Business Management. The University provides the most ideal conditions for serious study with the surrounding area abounding in natural grandeur with river Ganges flowing with its sylvan beauty and green forest accompanied by snow clad peaks invisible range offering a clean and fresh air, water besides a salubrious peaceful environment, all requisites for both learning and Yoga.
The Department of Business Management, set up by the university in the year 1996 with the approval of the All India Council for Technical Education and the then State Government of Uttar Pradesh is offering two – year full time MBA Degree
course. The Department is functioning in a spacious, airy and well built building situated in the heart of the new University campus at Chauras across river Ganges. The class rooms are equipped with overhead/LCD projectors and other modern audio – video gadgets. Case studies, simulation exercises, classroom presentation, class lectures including group activities like seminars, workshops, guest lectures by outside experts, brain games, quizzes and field works are some of the techniques used in the course. Besides exercises relating personality development, enriching communication skills, and building team spirit are regular features. Meditation and the participation in cultural and social activities are unique features.
Vacancy: Two Positions
Areas: Cross-culture study, Marketing Management, Customer Relationship Management, E-commerce and Entrepreneurship Development
Duties: Research work, Project work, Teaching Assignment, field work etc
Deadline: 31 April 2008
Eligibility: Master in Business Management and related Discipline
Duration: 3 years
Applicants should send a CV (including details of 2 referees) and a personal statement in support of their application by post or email as given below address
Contact Person:
Dr Gajendra Singh, Associate Professor
Department of Business Management Chauras Campus,
H.N.B Garhwal University Srinagar
Garhwal, Uttaranchal India-246147
Mobile: +919412029869
E-mail: gajendra_kashyap[ at ]

PhD Studentships in Management Mathematics, University of Lancaster, UK
Doctoral Studentships in Management Mathematics, Statistics or
Computing: Stipend up to £15,300 (+fees)
The only 6 star Management School outside London. Ranked joint 2nd in the UK and 9th in the world for PhD programmes by the FT 2006. The Department of Management Science (a part of the 6* rated Lancaster University Management School) is looking to recruit excellent doctoral students with a strong quantitative background including mathematics, statistics or computing.
Career prospects in management science and operational research are excellent with skills shortages in universities and research oriented organisations including private sector consultancies and government. Topics include the analysis of queues and networks, optimisation and scheduling (applicable to logistics problems), forecasting and computer intensive methods including simulation and high performance computing.
Supervision is available in all areas of Management Science in one of the largest departments in Europe, see
Full scholarships are only available to home students and there are generous scholarships also available to EU and overseas students.
Find out more:
Contact Gay Bentinck +44 (0)1524 592408: email g.bentinck[ at ]
Closing date for applications: Friday 7th March 2008

Scholarships for the Graduate Program in Economics and Finance, Madrid, Spain
The basic graduate offering at CEMFI consists of its Master in Economics and Finance and its PhD program in Economics. Unlike many Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and offers a well respected qualification.
CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to EUR 10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit. Also, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA, has endowed four scholarships for Latin American students of the Master. These scholarships amount to 1,200 euros per month for housing and subsistence, over 19 months, plus 2 additional months for students who participate in a Summer internship program. They also cover the Master’s tuition, travel expenses and medical insurance.
An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our graduates, as follows. First year: Basic graduate course work and some optional subjects. Second year: Specialized courses and research training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to faculty is between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention to each student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis, where the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.
Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research leaders in their fields. They also edit prestigious journals and are key players at leading learned societies such as the European Economic Association and the Econometric Society.
Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. Our reputation is 20 years old and CEMFI provides a strong signal of quality, regularly confirmed by the market. Moreover, we run an experienced and efficient job placement service.
Students interested in furthering their research training, either because they aim at a professional career with a stronger research content or because they aim at an academic position, will continue to develop their research skills for another three years and complete the PhD program. Papers from CEMFI’s dissertations have been published in top journals and we have an excellent record in the PhD job market.
Admission to PhD dissertation work at CEMFI is through the Master. All students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from an external source or from CEMFI.
For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please visit: For any queries, feel free to contact: admissions[ at ]

PhD Studentship on Complex Trait Analysis, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Vacancy PhD Studentship on Complex Trait Analysis
What? Four-year bursary PhD position, fully funded When? Available from January 2008
Job description
Project 1: The aim of this PhD position is to help unravel the genetic basis of agriculturally/evolutionary important traits using
association- and linkage mapping approaches. The prospective student will be involved in the analysis of data from a large, densely genotyped natural collection of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana and a novel multi-family panel of recombinant inbred lines.
The nature and magnitude of these data will provide an unprecedented high-resolution picture of the genetic variation underlying complex phenotypes and will make it possible to systematically integrate information from natural as well as experimental populations. The task is to build an analytical/computational framework to facilitate such an integrative analysis. As an extension, different types of –omics data will be collected from these populations, which will then be used to reconstruct the molecular networks that link genetic variation to phenotypic variation.
Project 2: DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that leads to changes in gene expression which can be inherited through mitosis, and even through meiosis in some instances. The impact of differential methylation on the variability in complex quantitative traits at the population level is an area of research that is vastly under-explored. The aim of this novel project is to map methylation loci that influence complex phenotypes using tiling array technology. The student will be involved in the computer implementation of statistical methods and is also expected to make creative contributions to the conceptual development of this project.
You are a university graduate at MSc level in one of the following disciplines: bioinformatics, statistics, computer science,
mathematics, theoretical biology, quantitative genetics, physics, or mathematics. You are expected to have an excellent academic record (supply a list of examination marks from your university study) and be curious, creative and ambitious. You should be able to write scientific articles and reports (to be proven by your graduation thesis or another comparable report) and be fluent in the English
Additional information and applications
You can apply for this job until we have found a suitable candidate. For further information and direct applications please contact:
Prof. dr. Ritsert Jansen
Groningen Bioinformatics Centre
University of Groningen
Kerklaan 30
9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)50-363-8089
Fax +31 (0)50-363-7976
Email r.c.jansen[ at ]
Dr Frank Johannes
Groningen Bioinformatics Centre
University of Groningen
Kerklaan 30
9751 NN Haren, The Netherlands
Phone +31 (0)50-363-8082
Fax +31 (0)50-363-7976
Email f.johannes[ at ]

PhD Modelling Hydrogen Infrastructure Investment Utrecht, Netherland
Within the project ‘Socio-Economic Modelling and Simulation of
Hydrogen Infrastructure Development Strategies’, Utrecht University
offers two PhD positions.
This project is part of the NWO/ACTS sustainable hydrogen program.
This is a joint project between the Innovation Studies Group and the
Utrecht School of Economics.
The Innovation Studies Group is young and ambitious and involved in
teaching and research in innovation. The group is part of the
Department of Innovation and Environmental Sciences of the Faculty of
Geosciences and consists of 14 faculty members, 5 postdocs and 13 PhD
students. Innovation Studies starts from a multi-disciplinary
perspective and links insights from science with social sciences in
order to effectively capture the many folded character of innovation
processes and systems. In its research and teaching, the Innovation
Studies Group distinguishes three focal points: energy and materials,
mobility and infrastructure and medical biotechnology. The group
participates in the Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development
and Innovation and in a number of national and international networks.
Utrecht School of Economics (USE) is part of the Faculty of Law,
Economics and Governance of Utrecht University, one of the most
reputable research universities in the Netherlands and Europe. USE
presently has approximately 900 bachelor’s and master’s students and
about 100 faculty employees. USE aims at world-standard economic
teaching and research while encouraging multidisciplinary approaches
and giving special attention to institutional, historical and spatial
dimensions. In its activities, USE crosses disciplinary borders by
collaborating actively with the faculties of Law, Geosciences, Social
Science and History. USE maintains active international relationships
and teaches its curricula in both Dutch and English. USE has two
teaching institutes, the Undergraduate School and the Graduate School.
Scientific research at USE falls under its third institute, the
Tjalling C. Koopmans Institute (TKI).
For one of the two available PhD positions, the Innovation Studies
Group and the Utrecht School of Economics invites applications for a
position of PhD-researcher Modelling Hydrogen Infrastructure
Investment Decisions Using Real Options Theory (1,0 fte)
Job description
This project aims to apply real options theory to model uncertainties
connected with the transition process towards a hydrogen
infrastructure. Since the transition process is characterized by many
interrelated phases, the project models the staged development process
of a hydrogen infrastructure by using a real options framework. We
will explicitly disentangle and model three different sources of
uncertainty (technological, economic and institutional uncertainties),
in contrast with a standard real options approach that mostly lumps
together different sources of uncertainty into one parameter. We
furthermore extend the basic real option theory by including network
effects, which are not present in standard business projects. Finally,
we develop the optimal timing for the introduction and the development
speed of hydrogen infrastructure in the Netherlands.
The ideal candidate for this position has good analytical skills, a
strong quantitative background (e.g. in financial modelling or
financial econometrics) and a good knowledge of option theory.
Experience with programming and/or mathematical software (such as
Matlab) is a plus. The PhD student combines an interest in applied
research with an interest to work in an interdisciplinary group of
researchers and can communicate with a non-technical audience. Highly
qualified students that will shortly obtain a Master’s degree are also
encouraged to apply.
Terms of employment
We offer a temporary fulltime position of a year with - at good
performance - the prospect of an extension with a maximum of three
years (in total 4 years fulltime). The extent of this position is 38
hours a week (1,0 fte). The gross monthly salary increases from €
2,000.- in year 1 to € 2,558.- in year 4. In addition, we offer good
fringe benefits. Conditions are based on the Collective Employment
Agreement of the Dutch Universities.
Further details
For more information about this position, please contact:
Dr. mr. P.J. Engelen (
Dr. T. Poot (
How to apply
Applications, including a motivation for this position and a
curriculum vitae should be submitted to the Faculty of Geosciences,
Personnel Departement, P.O. Box 80.115, 3508 TC Utrecht, the
Netherlands, or submitted by e-mail to: Please mention
vacancy number: 72093.
Application deadline: February 15, 2008
JEL Classification(s): C, D, G, L, M, Q, Z
Application has to be received by 15. February 2008.

PhD Funds in BioPhysic, University of Bremen, German
Cell motility is based on the dynamics of polymer gels. These gels contain
fibrous proteins and linkers as structural elements, as well as molecular
motors as active components. They are controlled by various signalling
pathways. Most generally, we are interested in the physics of active gels.
This fascinating field has gained increased attention in recent years. Yet,
fundamental effects remain to be discovered. Our philosophy is to understand
biological function via physical analysis.
In particular, the project will
encompass recording and quantitative analysis of cell geometry and protein
distribution as a function of biochemical cell state using an array of light
microscopy and genetic techniques. In this respect, experience in light
microscopy, handling of biological material, and computer (Mac) programming
are assets. We plan to develop a high-throughput set-up and integrate our
results in a web-accessible database.
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply.
In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will
be given priority.
Further information may be obtained via our website, email or by phone. The
position is available immediately. It is part-time (1/2) and limited for a
period of two years with the option for a one year extension. There is the
possibility to earn a doctorate. Applications, sent to the address given
below under the reference number A 44/07, will be considered until the
position is filled. Applications in pdf format via email are preferred.
* **Prof. Hans-Günther Döbereiner*
*Institut für Biophysik*
*Universität Bremen*
*NW1 Raum O4040*
*Postfach 330440*
*28334 Bremen*
*+49 173 614 9946*
We would be very grateful, if you could submit your application documents as
copies (no folders). We cannot send your documents back because of cost reasons; after the application process the documents will be destroyed.
hgd (at) uni-bremen (dot) de

Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Lowongan CPNS - Badan Regulator Pelayanan Air Minum JAKARTA
Masa bakti 2008 – 2011
Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta bermaksud menetapkan Badan Regulator Pelayanan Air Minum dalam upaya mengoptimalkan serta menjaga agar pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Sama andara PD. AM Jaya dengan mitra Swasta berjalan baik.
Panitia Seleksi membuka kesempatan kepada seluruh anggota masyarakat untuk menjadi anggota Badan Regulator Pelayanan Air Minum Provinsi DKI Jakarta masa Bakti 2008 – 2011.
Posisi yang ditawarkan adalah :
Staff (Anggota) Badan Regulator PAM
Persyaratan :
* Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
* Jenis kelamin Pria / Wanita
* Usia pada bulan Februari 2008 sekurang-kurangnya 30 tahun atau setinggi-tingginya 65 tahun
* Pendidikan Minimal S1 dalam bidang :
** Bidang Teknik
** Bidang Hukum
** Bidang Keuangan
** Bidang Pelayanan / Umum
** Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat / PR
Ketua Badan Regulator PAM Post Date: 16 Jan 08
Persyaratan :
* Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
* Jenis kelamin Pria / Wanita
* Usia pada bulan Februari 2008 sekurang-kurangnya 30 tahun atau setinggi-tingginya 65 tahun
* Pendidikan Minimal S1 dalam bidang :
** Bidang Teknik
** Bidang Hukum
** Bidang Keuangan
** Bidang Pelayanan / Umum
** Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat / PR
* Tidak pernah dipidana, tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit dan atau dibawah Curatele oleh Pengadilan
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris sangat baik (lisan dan tulisan)
* Tidak pernah dipidana, tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit dan atau dibawah Curatele oleh Pengadilan
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris sangat baik (lisan dan tulisan)
Sekretaris Badan Regulator PAM
Persyaratan :
* Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
* Jenis kelamin Pria / Wanita
* Usia pada bulan Februari 2008 sekurang-kurangnya 30 tahun atau setinggi-tingginya 65 tahun
* Pendidikan Minimal S1 dalam bidang :
** Bidang Teknik
** Bidang Hukum
** Bidang Keuangan
** Bidang Pelayanan / Umum
** Bidang Hubungan Masyarakat / PR
* Tidak pernah dipidana, tidak pernah dinyatakan pailit dan atau dibawah Curatele oleh Pengadilan
* Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris sangat baik (lisan dan tulisan)
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan :
1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
2. Photo copy KTP yang masih berlaku
3. Photo copy Ijazah sesuai dengan bidang yang dipilih
4. Pas Photo ukuran 3 x 4 (berwarna) sebanyak 5 buah
Persyaratan di atas dijilid dan dikirimkan dalam amplop tertutup disertai dengan bidang yang dipilih ke alamat :
Panitia Seleksi Calon Anggota
Badan Regulator Pelayanan Air Minum
PO BOX 313 JKTM 12700
atau melalui :
Selambat-lambatnya 25 Januari 2008 pukul 15.00 WIB
Pengumuman hasil seleksi administratif 28 – 29 Januari 2008
PhD in Spatial Cognition, University Bremen Germany
Postgraduate Position: Junior Researcher & Teaching Assistant
SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, Universität Bremen
Project R1-[ImageSpace] - Mental Representations of Spatial Environments
- Under the condition of job release / reference number: A 172/07 -
Project Description:
Mental reasoning about spatial environments often involves specific and
task-sensitive spatio-analogical or quasi-pictorial mental representations.
Mental processes dynamically construct and explore these representations to
obtain desired spatial information and they do so with restricted working
memory capacities.
One goal of the project R1-[ImageSpace] is to build a
cognitive architecture which comprises the components and processes
necessary to accurately model human spatial cognition. A second focus is on
how to best employ such architectures in applications that assist humans in
spatial cognition tasks (e.g., in architectural design and spatial
planning). Eye tracking and other behavioral methods are used to clarify the
theoretical basis of the modeling (such as the role of visual attention in
mental spatial reasoning). In addition, eye tracking methods are employed in
the developed application systems. More information on the project can be
found at
Successful applicants will have expertise in computer science / artificial
intelligence and cognitive science and will hold an excellent master or
diploma degree in computer science, cognitive science, or a related field.
They will be committed to interdisciplinary, team-based research and be
fluent in spoken and written English.
Ideally, an applicant will also have good knowledge of / expertise in more
than one of the following areas: mental representations and processes in
human spatial cognition and visual perception; visual attention; eye
movement tracking; qualitative spatial reasoning; architectural design /
design studies; human problem solving; human-computer interaction; user
interface design. Additional training will be provided on the job.
Work profile:
* Applying cognitive models to spatial reasoning assistance scenarios.
* Contributing to conceptual and computational modeling of mental and
diagrammatic reasoning about space.
* Managing a visual perception & diagrammatic reasoning lab, including eye
tracking facilities.
* Teaching assistance for undergraduate and graduate courses.
* Preparing manuscripts for publication in international journals / at
The successful applicant is expected to work on obtaining a doctoral degree
in the scope of this position.
Conditions of Employment:
Salary is according to the German Federal pay scale (TV-L 13). The position
is available from April 2008 until the end of 2010. Extension is possible.
Application deadline: 1. February 2008 (or until a suitable candidate is
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female
employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply.
In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will
be given priority.
Please address questions about the position and send your application under
the reference number (preferably by email) to:
Sven Bertel
SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition
Universität Bremen
P.O. Box 330 440
28334 Bremen / Germany
For a paper-based application, please make sure to only send document copies
as all received application material will be destroyed after the selection
bertel (at) informatik (dot) uni-bremen (dot) de

PhD Studentship in the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing - University of Surrey, UK
PhD Studentship
Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences
(Ref: 6435)
This is your opportunity to study for a PhD at the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, one of the UK’s premier research centres in Computer Vision. The studentship is available immediately and covers both tuition fees and a maintenance grant for 3 years. Successful applicants will join an expanding research group within the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing, which currently has three professors, a reader and seven lecturers, twenty research fellows and about fifty PhD students. CVSSP has an international reputation for the excellence of its research and, in the last Research Assessment Exercise, the Department (of Electronic Engineering) was awarded grade 5*A.
The studentship is part of the EU project ‘DIPLECS’ which seeks to design a Cognitive Architecture that can learn how to drive a car by watching a human. The system will be demonstrated in two domains: providing driver feedback in a real car as part of an assisted safety system and in the autonomous control of model RC devices.
The studentship will investigate visual learning in the domain of weak supervision. Such weak supervision could take the form of object categorisation learnt from images gathered from the internet or using linguistics in the form of commentary to build concepts of objects and actions. The focus will be upon the generic techniques to perform learning from noisy unlabelled data.
Candidates should hold a 1st or 2i honours degree or Masters degree or equivalent in a scientific discipline (e.g., Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or Computing), and should have good written/spoken English and demonstrate an aptitude for the research area. Prior experience in computer vision, image processing or machine learning would be advantageous.
The studentship is available for UK, EU or overseas students and will include tuition fees and an annual bursary of approximately £12,800. For exceptional candidates an additional top-up may be available. Informal enquiries are welcome and may be made to Dr Richard Bowden ( ) or Professor Josef Kittler ( )
Applications in the form of a C.V., a statement of research interests and a completed PhD application form ( ) should be sent to Mrs Nan Bennett by e-mail ( ) or by post to Postgraduate Admissions Office, Registry Student Centre, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH
Please quote Post Ref 6435
Closing date for applications is Friday 8 February 2008
For further information about the University of Surrey, please visit
We acknowledge, understand and embrace cultural diversity

Research Studentships in Mathematical Sciences - University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham
International Tuition Fee Scholarship (PhD or MPhil)
Mathematical Sciences
School of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Nottingham is offering an award of one full Tuition Fee Scholarship for a new international student registering on a research degree programme in the School of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Nottingham from September 2008. The scholarship is for each year of a PhD or MPhil research programme, subject to satisfactory progress.
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must:
• have an upper second honours degree in a mathematics or mathematics-related subject, or its equivalent
• be holding a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on a full-time research degree programme in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham to commence studies from September 2008
• be classified as an ‘overseas’ student for fee purposes.
Information regarding suitable research projects is available on the School’s web pages at: .
Informal enquiries may be addressed to: .
Applications for postgraduate study can be made on-line at: , alternatively, application forms are available from the Postgraduate Admissions Secretary, School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Tel: 0115 951 4948. Fax: 0115 951 4951. Email: .
Please quote ref. SCI/359.
Closing date: 18 April 2008.
For all our vacancies and more about working at the University of Nottingham see:

Graduate Fellowships in Physical Geography - University of Exeter, UK
Two fully-funded Graduate Fellowships (PhD Studentships)
Physical Geography
Begining in October 2008 (earlier start dates may also be possible).
Exeter Graduate Fellowships offer the chance to undertake 4 years of fully-funded PhD research while also gaining valuable teaching experience. In addition to their doctoral research, Fellows undertake teaching and teaching-related duties for up to 180 hours per year and receive a stipend of approx £12,500 p.a. and full payment of fees (UK/EU or overseas). Doctoral research projects will be developed in collaboration with permanent academic staff and applications are encouraged from those with common or complimentary research interests.
A list of available research topics for individual members of staff can be found at All of these topics will lead to the development of a collaborative research effort between the student and two or more members of staff. Furthermore, we would be delighted to consider strong applications to study ANY topic relevant to the department’s research strengths in Physical Geography regardless of whether it is listed here.
The Environmental Processes and Change research group that provides the overarching structure for Physical Geography at Exeter incorporates the following three clusters:
• River Basin Science led by Rolf Aalto ( )
• Environmental Modelling led by David Stainforth ( )
• Environmental Change led by Chris Turney ( )
Interested applicants should contact cluster leaders or Andrew Nicholas ( ) who leads the Environmental Processes and Change research group (see
Applicants should have at least a good 2.1 first degree (or equivalent) in Geography or a cognate discipline. Applications consisting of a 1,000-word statement of research interests (with reference to one or more of the research topics listed on the department web site), c.v. and names and contact details of two academic referees should be sent to by February 1st2008. Interviews are planned for the week commencing February 18th 2008.

PT Fujitsu Indonesia
PT Fujitsu Indonesia is a Multi National Company providing various world class IT solutions and services. Currently we are looking for a highly motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:
1. Senior Engineer
2. Unix Support Engineer
3. HR Senior Staff
1. Senior Engineer
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* D3 or S1 degree with Technical Information or Computer Science education background
* Good English communication (both speaking and writing)
* Good personality
* Having deep technical skill on Microsoft Windows environment
* Prefer with MS Exchange , Active Directory and Data Base (SQL, etc ) admin experience
* Hold Microsoft Certification ( MCSE, MCP,MCD ) will be an advantage
* Willing to work under contractual basis
2. Unix Support Engineer
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* S1 Graduated and minimum 1 year working-experience in IT Industry
* Familiar with UNIX and Linux operating system
* Understand the concept of computer architecture
* Experience of the SAN, NAS and Networking will be a significant advantage
* Proficiency in English both oral and written
3. HR Senior Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Female, D3 or S1 any discipline, age above 26 years old
* Has working experience at least 4 years in the same field
* Strong in payroll, understand on income tax (PPh21) and Jamsostek calculation
* Has good knowledge on recruitment process
* Understand in manpower regulation
* Understand English is advantageous
* Able to operate Computer (Microsoft Windows)
Please send your application letter along with recent photograph, not later than 2 (two) weeks to:
HRGA & LEGAL Department
PT. Fujitsu Indonesia
Wisma Kyoei Prince 10th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 3-4
Jakarta 10220
Or send e-mail to:
PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
Deadline: 19-2-08.
Sigma Community are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:
1. IT Project Manager
2. Senior Process Improvement Engineer
3. Process Improvement Engineer
4. Java + SOA Specialist Trainee
5. Java Trainer
1. IT Project Manager
(Jawa Barat - Tangerang)
* To manage medium to large software development project.
* To communicate effectively to all project stakeholder.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Able to manage project within budget and timeline.
* Experienced in real life software development project activity.
* Able to implement following open-source (Spring, Tapestry, JSF, Hibernate, Ant, Maven).
* Keep up to date with the latest technology such as Web Services, SaS implemented in Java or .NET.
* PM certification is an advantage.
* Preferred language(s): English.
* At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Tangerang.
* Preferably Managers specializing in IT/Computer - Software or equivalent.
* Full-Time positions available.
2. Senior Process Improvement Engineer
(Jawa Barat - Tangerang)
* To be updated with the latest technologies in software development.
* To conduct technical trainings (e.g. Subversion, JUnit, Cruise Control).
* To manage development team to develop automation program.
* To research new technology and new menthodology for software development process.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Min.2 years experience in software development industry.
* Having experience in many projects as Senior Developer and Development Leader.
* Able to research new technologies.
* Possess knowledge in Java technologies (Java framework: Spring, Hybernate, JFS, etc.).
* Familiar with Automation Tools, Continuous Integration Tools and Open Source.
* Systematic, good analytical and logical thinking to detect improvement opportunities.
* Good interpersonal skills, independent, quick learner, teamworker, and able to work underpressure.
* Good communication skills.
* Fluent in English (oral and written).
* Applicants must be willing to work in Tangerang.
* Full-Time positions available.
3. Process Improvement Engineer
(Jawa Barat - Tangerang)
* To define and maintain SOP’s templates/guidelines/forms, tools, and other company standard artifacts.
* To interact with Software Quality Assurance Group (SQA) and other Software Engineering staffs to ensure new processes are effectively implemented.
* To perform audit, monitoring and control process, and create improvement opportunities.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Min.1 year experience in software development industry.
* Experienced in general software engineering concepts and methodology.
* Possess in-depth knowledge of ISO-9001and SEI-CMMI requirements (optional).
* Systematic, good analytical and logical thinking to detect improvement opportunities.
* Having good interpersonal skills, independent, quick learner, teamworker, and able to work underpressure.
* Good communication skills.
* Fluent in English (oral and written).
* Applicants must be willing to work in Tangerang.
* Full-Time positions available.
4. Java + SOA Specialist Trainee
(Jakarta dan Bali)
* You will be trained in our training center located in Surabaya for 2 months
* Under guidance our professional trainers and through a comprehensive training program, you will get the following advantages:
o Gain deep understanding and practical experience on developing desktop and web applications using Java Technology, using the following frameworks and/or libraries i.e. JGoodies, Spring, Hibernate, Tapestry, Appfuse, etc.
o Acquire best practices on software development life cycles, including test-driven development, automated build, bug tracking mechanism, and continuous integration.
o Be among the first to learn & implement SOA technologies ( i.e. XML, Web Services, Message-oriented Middleware, Enterprise Service Bus, BPEL and SOA) using Java solutions
o After passing our training program, you will work in Balicamp as a contract employee for at least 2 years, in which you will:
o Involve in the latest cutting-edge technology projects with clients from Indonesia and overseas.
o Embrace the best software development practices using ISO 9001:2000 and CMMI.
o Learn from the best Java developers and our researched product components
o Good remuneration packet and career path as Java Programmer will be available for you.
5. Java Trainer
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya)
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Mempunyai kemampuan praktis mengajar pemrograman dengan ukuran kelas 15 orang.
* Mempunyai pengalaman min.2x full SDLC menggunakan Java sebagai bahasa pemrograman utama.
* Mempunyai pengalaman membuat aplikasi desktop menggunakan Swing.
* Mempunyai pengalaman membuat aplikasi web menggunakan JSP, Servlet dan salah satu framework MVC (Struts, WebWork atau Spring MVC).
* Mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di dalam sebuah team menggunakan concurrent version control (CVS/SVN), automated unit testing (JUnit), automated build (Ant/Maven) dan bug tracking system (Bugzilla/Scarab).
* Memahami konsep-konsep OO Design Patterns dan UML.
* Memahami konsep ORM dan salah satu implementasinya (Hibernate, TopLink atau EJB3).
* Diutamakan yang mempunyai pengalaman praktis menggunakan: JGoodies, JSTL dan DisplayTag, Spring, Spring-JDBC, Spring-MVC dan Spring-Hibernate, JUnit, SVN dan Ant, Hibernate/TopLink/EJB3, Tapestry/JSF, Appfuse.
* Preferred language(s): English.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Surabaya.
* 1-year contract positions available.
If your qualifications meet our requirement please send application letter CV, recent photograph with code in subject to :
PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka
German Centre 5th floor
Jl. Kapt. Subijanto DJ
Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang
Email :
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Lowongan CPNS - Program DANIDA Support to KPK 2008
Pengumuman Rekrutmen Administrative Assistant dan Project Assistant
untuk mendukung Program DANIDA
Sehubungan dengan kerjasama antara KPK dengan Pemerintah Kerajaan
Denmark yang berbentuk hibah kepada KPK melalui DANIDA (Program
DANIDA Support to KPK), akan direkrut seorang General Administrative
Assistant (GAA) dan dua (2) orang Project Assistant (PA) untuk
waktu satu tahun dengan persyaratan kemampuan sbb:
Persyaratan Umum:
Warga Negara Indonesia
Menguasai pengoperasian komputer, dan Microsoft Office
Dapat berbahasa Inggris secara lisan dan tertulis dengan baik
Dapat bekerja sama dalam tim
Mempunyai kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
Bersedia ditugaskan di luar kota
Persyaratan Khusus:
GAA : Diutamakan latar belakang pendidikan Akuntansi/
Administrasi Keuangan
PA : Diutamakan latar belakang pendidikan Hukum/ FISIP
Aplikasi (CV dan Pas Photo) agar dikirim melalui email ke: sebelum 21 Januari 2008, hanya shortlisted
candidate yang akan dihubungi.
PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy yang bergerak dalam bidang pengelolaan dan pengembangan energi panas bumi yang beroperasi di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, mengundang para profesional yang berpengalaman dalam bidang industri geothermal dan migas untuk bergabung di posisi sbb:
1. Ahli Manajemen Proyek untuk 5 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang MANAJEMEN PROVEK (KODE 1A), PENGEMBANGAN USAHA PANAS BUMI (KODE 1B) dan PENGELOLAAN ASET (KODE 1C)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 EKONOMI dan ENGINEER (geoscience, teknik industri, perminyakan, mesin)
2. Ahli Keteknikan untuk 5 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang ENGINEERING (KODE 2A) dan KETEKNIKAN (KODE 2B)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 ENGINEER (perminyakan, mesin)
3. Ahli Operasi Produksi untuk 10 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang GEOLOGI (KODE 3A), GEOKIMIA (KODE 3B, RESERVOIR (KODE 3C) dan PRODUKSI (KODE 3D)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 ENGINEER (geoscience, matematika, perminyakan, mesin)
4. Ahli Pemboran untuk 4 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang PERENCANAAN (KODE 4A) dan OPERASI PEMBORAN (KODE 4B)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 TEKNIK PERMINYAKAN, TEKNIK PERTAMBANGAN dan TEKNIK MESIN
5. Ahli Ekonomi untuk 11 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang KEEKONOMIAN USAHA (KODE 5A), AKUNTANSI (KODE 5B) dan MANAJEMEN PERUSAHAAN (KODE SC)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan D3/ S1 EKONOMI
6. Ahli Sumber Daya Manusia untuk 2 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang PENGELOLAAN SDM (KODE 6A) dan HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SYSTEM / Payroll HR-SAP (KODE 6C)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 SOSPOL, PSIKOLOGI, EKONOMI MANAJEMEN dan HUKUM
7. Ahli Hukum untuk 1 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang HUKUM BISNIS (KODE 7)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 HUKUM
8. Ahli Supply Chain (KODE 8) untuk 2 posisi
a. Kandidat memiliki pengalaman dan kompetensi dalam bidang MANAJEMEN OPERASI (KODE 8A) dan KELOGISTIKAN (KODE 8B)
b. Kandidat memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 TEKNIK INDUSTRI, EKONOMI, HUKUM, ENGINEER dan SOCIAL SCIENCE
Persyaratan Khusus:
* IPK minimal 2,75
* Tahun kelahiran maksimal Januari 1968.
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris Lisan dan Tertulis
* Mampu menggunakan computer
* Memiliki pengalaman kerja 4 - 8 tahun di bidang yang sama.
Pelamar mengirimkan surat lamaran dalam amplop tertutup dengan diberi kode di kiri atas amplop disertai Curicullum Vitae, Surat Pernyataan Bebas Narkoba di atas meterai dan 3 lembar pasphoto (berwarna, 4×6) selambatnya tanggal 22 Januari 2008 (cap pos) ke alamat:
PO BOX 6719 JKS RB Jakarta 12067
Postdoc researcher Avian Influenza in The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University, Netherlands
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University holds a top position in education,
research and patient care in Europe and is accredited by the American & Canadian
Veterinary Medical Associations. The faculty numbers approximately 1000 employees.
The faculty participates in the Academic Biomedical Centre (
The epidemiology group, Department of Farm Animal Health, focuses on infectious
diseases, with a strong interaction between experiments, observational studies and
mathematical modeling.
The department has a vacancy for a Postdoc researcher Avian Influenza
The Center for Infectious Disease Control of the National Institute for Public Health and
the Environment (RIVM) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University
have started a research project, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, to study risk factors for the transmission of Avian Influenza
virus from poultry to humans. Within this project there is an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher. The postdoc has at her/his disposition a unique database of an epidemic of
Avian Influenza that took place in The Netherlands in 2003, and is expected to estimate
epidemiological parameters and to assess the potential impact of intervention measures
using statistical analyses and mathematical modeling.
We look for a postdoctoral researcher with a PhD degree in epidemiology, biostatistics,
applied mathematics, or related field. You are a creative and independent researcher,
and will participate in the supervision of a PhD student.
Terms of employment
The appointment is for a period of 2 years.
The salary will be ¤ 2330,- as a minimum, up to a maximum of ¤ 4284,- per month
before tax, in accordance with Dutch salary scales 10/11 for academics. Secondary
benefits, based on the collective labour agreement of Dutch Universities are excellent and
include (e.g.) a pension scheme, flexible employment conditions, and salaries are
supplemented with a holiday bonus of 8% and an end of year bonus of 6.4 % per year.
In addition, candidates from outside the Netherlands may benefit from lower tax rates.
Additional information can be obtained from
Prof. Dr. Arjan Stegeman +31-(0)302531091,,
Dr. Michiel van Boven +31-(0)302744264,
Please send your application to the personnel department of the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Mr. A. Bloemers, Yalelaan 1, 3584 CL Utrecht, or by
email: Please refer to vacancy number 70835.

Scholarship in Economics and Finance, CEMFI, Madrid, Spain
The basic graduate offering at CEMFI consists of its Master in
Economics and Finance and its PhD program in Economics. Unlike many
Master programs in the US and elsewhere, ours is self-contained and
offers a well respected qualification.
CEMFI grants a subset of its Master students exemptions from the
tuition fee and/or scholarships for living expenses amounting up to
EUR 10,000 per year. They are granted according to academic merit.
Also, the Fundación Carolina, in cooperation with the Fundación BBVA,
has endowed four scholarships for Latin American students of the
Master. These scholarships amount to 1,200 euros per month for housing
and subsistence, over 19 months, plus 2 additional months for students
who participate in a Summer internship program. They also cover the
Master’s tuition, travel expenses and medical insurance.
An important distinguishing feature of our Master is that it lasts for
two years, the second being essential for shaping the skills of our
graduates, as follows. First year: Basic graduate course work and some
optional subjects. Second year: Specialized courses and research
training through a Master thesis. Our ratio of students to faculty is
between four and five. Thus we can devote a lot of attention to each
student. This is particularly important for the Master thesis, where
the faculty provides guidance to a unique degree.
Members of CEMFI’s faculty publish in top journals and are research
leaders in their fields. They also edit prestigious journals and are
key players at leading learned societies such as the European Economic
Association and the Econometric Society.
Our Master students get very good jobs as economists. For example, in
positions dealing with portfolio and risk management, macroeconomic
forecasting, policy evaluation, or microeconomic consultancy. Our
reputation is 20 years old and CEMFI provides a strong signal of
quality, regularly confirmed by the market. Moreover, we run an
experienced and efficient job placement service.
Students interested in furthering their research training, either
because they aim at a professional career with a stronger research
content or because they aim at an academic position, will continue to
develop their research skills for another three years and complete the
PhD program. Papers from CEMFI’s dissertations have been published in
top journals and we have an excellent record in the PhD job market.
Admission to PhD dissertation work at CEMFI is through the Master. All
students admitted to the PhD program obtain a scholarship, either from
an external source or from CEMFI.
For more information on admission and scholarship applications, please
visit: For any queries, feel free to contact:
Application has to be received by 7. April 2008.

Scholarship application for MSc Marine Ecological Management, Belgium
Dear all,
For BSc and MSc students interested in following a MSc Ecological Marine Management - ECOMAMA (flyer attached) from certain developing countries* I am sending the information that they can apply to the Flemish government for scholarships (2 years fully funded).
Application form :
The deadline is 01/02/2008.
Best regards,
Farid Dahdouh-Guebas
** see end of this article
Biocomplexity Research Focus c/o
Laboratory of Plant Science and Nature Management
Department of Biology
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - VUB
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Tel. ++ 32 2 6293422 (Office 7F412)
Tel. ++ 32 2 6293420-21-11 (Laboratory)
Fax. ++ 32 2 6293413
E-mail :
Laboratoire de Biocomplexité
Département de Biologie des Organismes
Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB
Campus du Solbosch, CP 169,
Avenue F.D. Roosevelt 50, B-1050 Bruxelles , Belgium .
Tel. ++ 32 2 6502137 (Bureau B.2E.65)
Fax. ++ 32 2 6502125
E-mail :
* The Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation decided to modify, as of 2008, the country list applicable to university cooperation for development. Only 41 countries remain on the list. Please check carefully whether your country of origin is on the list. If not, refrain from applying since your application will not be eligible:
Burkina Faso
Congo, Democratic Republic
Ivory Coast
South Africa
Palestinian Administered Areas
El Salvador

PhD Studentship in Image Processing for Precision Farming Technology, National University of Malaysia
The Vision & Robotics Research Group (VIROB) is the expertise centre -at the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Malaysia - for machine vision technology. VIROB possesses comprehensive knowledge in the area of system integration and technology development and has product- and process knowledge to implement innovations together with industries. In addition, it has good networking with universities, knowledge organizations and engineering companies within and outside Malaysia. VIROB therefore plays a pivoting role in the coordination of supply and demand of such knowledge and technology. Our research areas range from fundamental computer vision methodologies to machine vision applications.
PhD details
The candidate will be required to carry out international level research in image analysis, features extraction and classification. This will involve developing a novel and robust technique for automated vision recognition for data collection in precision farming technology. The candidate would be expected to have a higher honours degree in electrical or computer science discipline. Prior computer vision experience, programming in MATLAB & C would be advantageous.
This research will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Mohd Marzuki Mustafa and Prof. Dr. Aini Hussain.
The studentship will be funded for up to 3 years (subject to satisfactory progresssion) at a level of RM1,800/month. University fee
and living cost are not covered.
For application, please send CV, Certificate and Transcript of Bachelor & Master Degree to met_riyadi[ at ]
Slamet Riyadi
Research Assistant
Vision & Robotics Research Group
Dept. of Electric, Electronics & System Eng.
Faculty of Engineering, National University of Malasyia
Bangi 43600 Selangor Malaysia

Scholarships for Master in Electronic Government, Örebro university, Sweden
Örebro university, Sweden, is now accepting applications for our Master Programme in Electronic Government, for start September 2008.
We can now offer a few scholarchips for master students from developing countries who apply to our eGov master program (see below). Grants are subject to competition. To be eligible the students must:
1. Provide a recommendation letter from her/his university
2. Apply before February 1st, 2008, providing information as of below.
3. Grants are subject to the student going back to work isn her/his home country after graduation.
The application deadline for Non-EU Applicants is February 1, 2008.
Further information is given by Dr. Anders Avdic: anders.avdic[ at ]

MSc/PhD Scholarships in Computer & Information Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
College of Computer & Information Sciences (CCIS) has a number of positions for full-time researchers (Male/Female) in Computer Science, Information Systems and Computer Engineering to participate on scientific research projects in information, computer sciences and related areas.
Candidates from all areas of computer science, Information systems and computer engineering are welcome to apply. Areas of research interest in CCIS include:
1. Software Engineering
2. Database Systems
3. Distributed Systems
4. Image Processing
5. Simulation & Modeling
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Arabic Computational Linguistics
8. Object Oriented Technologies
9. Networks & Internet Technologies
10. Computer Architecture & VLSI
11. Computer Security
12. E-business / ERP Systems
The positions are available for juniors and seniors researches. Journal publications in computer science and/or related fields are required for senior researchers.
Eligible researchers will be awarded scholarships to enroll in the college graduate programs (MSc and PhD). All candidates will participate in teaching undergraduate courses. The candidate is expected to have a light teaching load (one or two courses, 15 hours per week), so that he/she can concentrate mostly on research activities.
Candidates are required to have a BSc or MSc in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field. Fluency in English, an outstanding academic /research record and a very good potential to develop an outstanding research career is required.
A letter of application, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, resume and a list of three references should be sent by electronic submission to or send to:
Dean of College of Computer & Information Sciences
P. O. Box 51178, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia
Or fax: +966-467-5630

Australian Postgraduate Award, Human Oöcytes (ova) for Stem Cell Research, The University of Sydney
Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) - Human Oöcytes (ova) for Stem Cell Research: Donation and Regulation in Australia
This scholarship is funded by an ARC Linkage-Projects grant and will provide support for 3 years on a full-time basis for a research project leading to a PhD. The objective of the research project is to explore the bioethics of research oöcyte donation for Australian stem cell research. Research will involve policy analysis, interviews with oöcyte donors, clinical and scientific staff and other stakeholders as well as bioethically informed social analysis of the issue. The aim of the project is both to produce scholarly research and to develop a socially sustainable, bioethically sound approach to somatic cell nuclear transfer research in Australia. The successful applicant will be supervised by A/Professor Catherine Waldby, International Research Fellow in the Department of Sociology and Social Policy and A/Professor Ian Kerridge, director of the Centre for Values, Ethics and Law in Medicine (VELIM), Sydney University.
Applicants should have an Honours 1 or 2A degree in social science, gender studies, science studies or bioethics and have some experience with empirical qualitative research. Experience with research in clinical settings and knowledge of stem cell research would be an advantage. Applicants must be Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand citizens. The scholarship stipend is $26, 140 p.a. in 2008 (tax exempt), and the position will begin in July 2008.
Please note that this scholarship is conditional on the University signing an agreement with the Partner Organisation named in the grant.
For further information, contact Associate Professor Catherine Waldby (Phone: 02-90367206 E-mail: catherine.waldby[ at ]
Applications, including letter of application, curriculum vitae, a sample of the applicant’s writing, copy of an academic transcript, proof of citizenship or permanent residency, and the names and contact details of at least two referees, should be sent to:
Associate Professor Catherine Waldby
Department of Sociology and Social Policy,
A26, The University of Sydney NSW 2006.
Closing Date: March 1 2008.

Postdoctoral Position in Inorganic Chemistry, The University of Melbourne, Australia
School of Chemistry
The University of Melbourne
Victoria, Australia.
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for a postdoctoral position in the research group of Dr Colette Boskovic.
The project will involve the synthesis and investigation of novel polynuclear complexes of paramagnetic transition metals.
The successful candidate will have a PhD in inorganic chemistry and experience in the synthesis and characterisation of polyoxometalates or transition metal complexes with redox-active ligands. Expertise in one or more of the following physical techniques is highly desirable: X-ray crystallography, electrochemistry, magnetic measurements, spectroelectrochemistry, NMR, EPR and electronic spectroscopy.
This is a full-time (fixed-term) position available for 1 year in the first instance from mid 2008.
Salary: $61,009 - $65,488 p.a. (Research Fellow Grade 1, Level A) plus employer superannuation contributions of 9 percent.
For further information on the research project email c.boskovic[ at ] For further information on research in the School of Chemistry see
All applications including a full CV to Dr Colette Boskovic: c.boskovic[ at ]
Closing date for applications: 15 February, 2008. Late applications may be considered.

Master and PhD Scholarship in Energy and Environment, Thailand
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE) is an education and research consortium involving five leading institutions in Thailand , KMUTT, KMITNB, PSU, CMU and SIIT-TU as collaborating partners. We have a number of highly qualified academic staff and offer the graduate programs leading to the degrees of International research-based Doctoral and Master Programs (PhD. MPhil., MSc.) Energy Technology & Environmental Technology and International professional-oriented Master Programs (MEng./MSc.) Energy Technology and Management & Environmental Technology and Management. All students are provided with research expenses. A number of full and partial scholarship is granted to highly qualified candidates.
Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a completed application form and a research topic in English by E-mail:
academic[ at ] or Post:
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi,
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment,
Academic Section, 3 rd Floor, 126 Pracha Uthit Rd.,
Bangmod, Tungkru, Bangkok 10140,
Tel. (662) 470-833-8, 470-8309-10 Ext 4149
Fax. (662) 427-9634.
Further information is available at our web site as follows:
Head of Academic Section
The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE)
King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
126 Prach-uthit Rd. Tungkru, Bang-mod, Bangkok 10140
TEL: (662) 470-8309-10 ext. 4149
Direct line (666) 900-4492,
FAX: (662) 8726736
chooma_t[ at ]

PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling Software, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Auckland University of Technology
PhD Scholarship in Software Engineering Research Laboratory
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
A fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates.
The scholarship is tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development projects.
Successful candidates will have an Honours (or more likely a Masters) degree in Computer Science or similar technical discipline. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the software development lifecycle and have an interest in software project management. Strong development skills, preferably in Java or C++, will be required.
Applications are invited from potential international students as well as New Zealand citizens, Permanent Residents and Australian citizens. Applicants with interests in the areas of Software Product and Process Improvement, Optimisation Algorithms, Requirements Engineering or Visualisation are also invited to apply.
Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.
Interested applicants should in the first instance send a CV and covering letter to:
Dr Andy Connor (D-75)
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Auckland University of Technology
Private Bag 92006
Auckland 1142
New Zealand
Email: serl[ at ]

PhD Scholarships in Wave Modelling within Extreme Tropical Cyclones, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
TITLE: Wave Modelling within Extreme Tropical Cyclones
Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and Woodside Energy Ltd (WEL) are seeking a suitably qualified student to undertake post-graduate study to develop a wave forecast model suitable for extreme tropical cyclone conditions.
About Swinburne University of Technology
Swinburne University of Technology is a large multi-sectoral and multi-campus institution with a stated mission to be a pre-eminent entrepreneurial university from the Asia-Pacific, thriving on new ideas and knowledge and exploiting its intersectoral heritage to create value for its stakeholders.
The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences is host to most of the engineering activities at Swinburne as well as key programs in aviation and photonics. The Coastal Engineering and Physical Oceanography group of the Faculty specialises in research of deep-water and finite-depth wave dynamics, spectral modelling of wind-generated waves, wave breaking and dissipation, air-sea interaction, wave-bottom interaction and turbulence.
About Woodside Energy Ltd
Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) is Australia’s largest offshore oil and gas producer and operator of the North West Shelf project. Over a period of 20 years, WEL has been conducting and sponsoring applied and fundamental oceanographic research. The issue of enhancing understanding of extreme tropical cyclones, and in particular improving the wave forecast under such conditions, is among the current priorities of the research sponsored by the company.
Accurate wind wave models are essential for all elements of extreme air-sea interaction, including loads on structures, upper-ocean mixing and bottom boundary layer formation. At present, physics of such models is mostly based on theory and experiments applicable to moderate wind/wave situations, which physics is then extrapolated to extreme conditions. Since air-sea interaction at such tropical cyclones is known to be different, the models manifest inconsistent results. This is a major concern for engineering design applications. The project is intended to produce, parameterise, implement and test new energy source/.sink functions for the wave forecast models, based on direct measurements in the extreme tropical cyclones and on recent theoretical advances in this field.
1) Honours degree in Physical or Mathematical Sciences (essential)
2) Strong analytical and mathematical skills (essential)
3) A good working knowledge of programming (desirable)
Commencement Date: March 2008
Scholarship: AU$24815 per annum, tax exempt
Duration: three years
Application deadline: 31st of January, 2008
Alexander Babanin
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122
Telephone: +61-3-9214 8033
Fax: +61-3-9214 8264
Email: ababanin[ at ]

PhD and Postdoc Positions at University of Bremen (UB) and Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany
The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) invites applications to its Ph.D. and Post-doc program. The program is funded by the German Excellence Initiative and will commence in September 2008. BIGSSS is an inter-university institute of the University of Bremen (UB) and Jacobs University. BIGSSS builds on the experience and institutional structure of both UB’s Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS) and Jacobs’ interdisciplinary social-science graduate programs at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) and the Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institutional Development (JCLL).
The program provides close supervision of dissertation work within a demand-tailored education and research framework. BIGSSS is part of an international network of strong graduate programs. It supports its Ph.D. and Post-doc Fellows in achieving early scientific independence, providing funds for conducting, presenting and publishing their research. The language of instruction is English.
Successful applicants for the Ph.D. and Post-doc Fellowships will pursue a topic in one of BIGSSS’ five Thematic Fields:
* Global Integration
* Integration and Diversity in the New Europe
* Social Integration and the Welfare State
* Attitude Formation, Value Change, and Intercultural Communication
* Life-Course and Lifespan Dynamics.
21 PhD Stipends/Fellowships
BIGSSS seeks candidates with strong academic abilities and a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in political science, sociology, psychology, law, economics, mass communication or other social science disciplines. We offer Ph.D. stipends of 1250/month for 36 months, contingent on successful completion of each year.
6 - 8 Post-doc Stipends/Fellowships
We seek candidates pursuing English-language publication projects either from their dissertation (by making findings available to an international audience through a book or journal article) or from a new project. Post-doc stipends of 1500/month may run from 3 to 12 months. The competition is open to candidates who have received a doctorate in political science, sociology, psychology, law, economics, mass communication or other social science disciplines within the last 5 years, or who can be expected to finish prior to commencing their post-doc stay.
More information as well as lists of required application materials can be found at
Non-German students are strongly encouraged to apply. BIGSSS strives to increase the share of women in the university and hence also strongly encourages women to apply. Applicants with disabilities who are equally qualified will be favored. Applications
may be sent until 1 March 2008 to the following address:
Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences,
Prof. Dr. Steffen Mau, Founding Dean
Universität Bremen
PF/PO Box 330440
28334 Bremen
The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS) has been awarded funding by the German Excellence Initiative and is being founded in cooperation between University of Bremen (UB) and Jacobs University Bremen. BIGSSS builds on the experience and institutional structure of both UB’s Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS) and Jacobs’ interdisciplinary social-science graduate programs at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) and the Jacobs Center on Lifelong
Learning and Institutional Development (JCLL). BIGSSS draws on established regional, national and international cooperation with renowned partner institutions.
Deadline: 1 March 2008

Undergraduate Business Scholarship, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
UQ Business School and School of Tourism
Four one-year scholarships, each valued at $1500, are available from the UQ Business School and School of Tourism to be awarded to outstanding Australian and International students who are admitted to the Bachelor of Business (BBus) at the UQ Ipswich Campus in 2008.
Eligibility & Benefits
* Four one-year scholarships are available, each worth $1500
Basis of Award
* Criteria based on Year 12 Overall Position, or international equivalent. Interviews may be required;
* Personal statement regarding high school involvement and community involvement;
* Personal reference from Principal, Head of Year, or other teacher; and
* Previous study of business, business communication, commerce or computing, hospitality, sport, travel, tourism at school or college is not a requirement for enrolment in the Bachelor of Business, nor for application for the scholarships.
Application Procedures
* Download Application Form or visit the UQ Business School or the School of Tourism
* Closing date for applications 5pm on Friday, 28 March 2008
Deadline: 28 March 2008
For further information:

PhD Studentship at the School of Build Environment, University of Salford, UK
EPSRC Research Studentship
Community Resilience To Extreme Weather Events Through Improved Local Decision Making
Research Centre for the Built and Human Environment / School of the Built Environment
Applications are invited for a PhD research studentship at the Research Institute of the Built and Human Environment, School of the Built Environment University of Salford.
This project offers an exciting opportunity to work in the 6* RAE rated research institute of the Built and Human Environment. The 3 year doctoral studentship (funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - EPRSC) will provide a maintenance grant and cover all approved tuition fees.
The research will focus on the coping strategies of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) in responding to extreme weather events. This will involve literature reviews, surveys, case studies and contributing to action research studies with SMEs to understand the characteristics of SME coping strategies, their adaptive capacities, resilience, barriers in implementing various coping measures etc., The PhD research student will be working in close collaboration with research fellows, research assistants and other PhD students from various universities. The 3-year research project has several interim and final deliverables, with critical milestone activities to be achieved in the interim. The three-year project will commence in February 2008.
Eligibility & How to Apply:
We invite applications from potential UK, EU and International students who have a 2.1 or above Bachelors Degree in any Built Environment discipline. The prospective student should have the ability to work independently as well as a member of a team and possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Further, the research will involve frequent travel between Manchester and London (case study site) and the candidate should be willing to undertake frequent extensive travel to attend project meetings and for data collection (all travel costs will be reimbursed). It is desirable that the candidate have:
(i) Relevant industrial experience;
(ii) Previous experience / research in any of the areas of disaster management, extreme weather events, SME development.
Applications should be made in the form of a detailed CV (with a minimum of 2 references) and covering letter and sent to Dr. Bingu Ingirige, Lecturer, School of the Built Environment, University of Salford, Maxwell Building, Salford M5 4WT or preferably submitted via e-mail to
The closing date for applications is Friday 25 January 2008.
The successful candidates will be expected to take up the studentship in February 2008 (or possibly earlier if mutually convenient).
Further information:
For further information on the School of the Built Environment see Http://
For informal inquiries please contact Dr. Bingu Ingirige (M.J.B.Ingirige[ at ] at Tel +44 (0)161 2952858.

University of Cyprus: Research Associate in e-Learning area
The Department of Computer Science of the University of Cyprus intends
to officially announce shortly (within the next three months) a
position for a Research Associate within the research project “Tooling
of and Training for Collaborative, Distributed Product Innovation”
(idSpace), to be funded by IST of FP7.
The position is initially for one year, renewable for one more
year. The annual salary for a Research Associate starts at the A8
scale (about EUR 15,000 initially), but the exact amount will depend
on qualifications and prior experience.
Innovative design is characterised by an intense, collaborative
process of generating and exploring ideas meant to contribute to the
solution of particular problems. Innovators go through cycles of
divergence, in which new ideas are generated and explored, and
convergence, in which new ideas are valued and detailed. The idSpace
project will design and build a responsive web-based environment that
will offer an integrated suite of knowledge eliciting and sharing
tools, and create a collective, sharable memory to support the entire
innovative design process.
A suitable candidate for the above position should have a degree in
Computer Science or related field and post graduate studies related to
one or more of the following areas: Context Awareness, Adaptive
Systems, Ontologies, User Modeling, e-learning, Collaborative
learning. Candidates should also have experience in conducting
research and possess good programming skills.
Applicants need not be citizens of the Republic of Cyprus. Knowledge
of the Greek language, although considered a practical advantage, is
by no means a requirement. The research activities pursued by the
successful applicant can lead to the earning of a Ph.D. if s/he so
wishes (in this case, any academic fees for enroling to the
Department’s Ph.D. programme are waived). Due to the involvement of
the successful candidate in using cutting edge technologies, this post
is also suitable for a post doc position.
Anyone interested in this forthcoming vacancy and planning to apply
when it is formally announced, is kindly asked to contact us
(preferably electronically) as soon as possible at the address below
and provide us with a CV together with a short description of his/her
research interests and background. Submitted documents may be written
in Greek and/or English. Please send all relevant information to
Professor George A. Papadopoulos, E-Mail:, Tel:
+357-22-892693, Fax: +357-22-892701.

PhD Studenthips in Life Sciences - University of Manchester, UK
The University of Manchester
PhD Studentship
Zebrafish As A Model Organism To Study Lowe Syndrome
Faculty of Life Sciences
Dr Martin Lowe
Project to start September 2008
Lowe syndrome (LS) is an X-linked disorder affecting the brain, kidneys and eyes. It is caused by mutation of OCRL1, an inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase localised to the Golgi apparatus, endosomes and lamellipodia. OCRL1 appears to regulate actin dynamics and membrane traffic, but the mechanisms involved are poorly defined, and consequently we do not understand how loss of OCRL1 brings about the symptoms associated with LS. Progress in this area has been hampered by the lack of a model organism that recapitulates the syndrome pathology.
This project aims to utilise zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model to investigate the role of OCRL1 in development, and to gain insight into how loss of the protein brings about the defects associated with LS. During the first part of the project ablation of OCRL1 by morpholino injection and over-expression of exogenous OCRL constructs will be performed, and the phenotypic consequences of these manipulations during early embryogenesis studied, focussing on the developing brain and kidney.
A variety of modern microscopy and molecular techniques will be used for this purpose.
The analysis will be then be expanded by obtaining zebrafish containing mutant OCRL1 alleles. This will permit a detailed investigation of the role of OCRL1 during both early and later stages of development, and hopefully serve as a valuable model for future screening of potential therapeutics.
For more details about this project please contact Dr Martin Lowe ( ) or the Faculty of Life Sciences Graduate Office (Email: , Tel: 0161 275 5608)
This studentship is available to applicants from all nationalities.
Applicants will need a UK upper second class or first class honours degree (or overseas equivalent).
Full details of how to apply can be found at:

PhD Studentships in Physics - Scottish Universities Physics Alliance
8 Fully Funded Prize PhD Studentships
The alliance brings together internationally leading physics research across Scotland to form the largest physics grouping in the UK. Major research themes being pursued are astronomy, condensed matter and materials physics, nuclear and plasma physics, elementary particles, photonics and physics and life sciences.
The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) is offering up to 8 fully funded PhD studentships for outstanding students from anywhere in the world. These prestigious and competitive awards are intended to attract outstanding students to study for a PhD in Scotland. Applicants will be registered for a PhD in physics at one of the participating Universities namely Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Glasgow, Paisley, St Andrews and Strathclyde. An excellent training environment will be provided by the SUPA Graduate School, giving candidates access to a wide range of courses across Scotland.
The online SUPA Prize Studentship is looking to recruit the best early stage researchers from a world-wide market to come to Scotland and help drive the research agenda in physics. The competition has run three times very successfully. In the first year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition had 127 applications from 34 countries. 10 studentships were awarded. The second year of operation, the Prize Studentship Competition saw an increase in applications and countries represented with 186 applications from 50 countries. 9 students were awarded the prize studentships. In our third year we had 230 applications again from around 50 countries and we awarded 15 studentships.
The SUPA Graduate School has 7 state of the art video-enable teaching rooms in each of the 6 SUPA partner physics departments and in the University of Dundee. All SUPA students have access to a comprehensive selection of advanced courses being delivered across the country by SUPA partners pooling expertise in the main theme areas of SUPA viz nuclear and plasma physics, photonics, condensed matter and material physics, astro and space, particle physics and physics and life sciences. In 2006-07, the first year of operation, we offered a total of 611 lecture hours across a choice of 48 graduate courses and 4 distance learning courses. Three Learning Technologists support video-enabled teaching and develop e-learning materials for the Graduate School. Students and staff within SUPA have access to My.SUPA - a customised learning portal to enhance and support teaching, learning, communication and collaboration within the alliance.
For more information on SUPA goto
The prize studentships will be open for applications from Oct 2007, with a deadline for submission of 31 January 2008.
For more information on the studentships go to:

PhD studentships in Management Mathematics, Univ. Lancaster, UK
Doctoral Studentships in Management Mathematics, Statistics or
Computing: Stipend up to £15,300 (+fees)
The only 6 star Management School outside London. Ranked joint 2nd in
the UK and 9th in the world for PhD programmes by the FT 2006.
The Department of Management Science (a part of the 6* rated Lancaster
University Management School) is looking to recruit excellent doctoral
students with a strong quantitative background including mathematics,
statistics or computing.
Career prospects in management science and operational research are
excellent with skills shortages in universities and research oriented
organisations including private sector consultancies and government.
Topics include the analysis of queues and networks, optimisation and
scheduling (applicable to logistics problems), forecasting and
computer intensive methods including simulation and high performance
Supervision is available in all areas of Management Science in one of
the largest departments in Europe, see
Full scholarships are only available to home students and there are
generous scholarships also available to EU and overseas students.
Find out more:
Contact Gay Bentinck +44 (0)1524 592408: email
Closing date for applications: Friday 7th March 2008
website link:

PhD Position available in Business Management, India
University Profile: University is residential cum affiliating with more
than 150 affiliated colleges and institutions through out hilly of
northern India spreading over an area of 30,000 Sq.kms. At present there
are around 31 Departments in the University campus including the
Department of Business Management. The University provides the most
ideal conditions for serious study with the surrounding area abounding
in natural grandeur with river Ganges flowing with its sylvan beauty and
green forest accompanied by snow clad peaks invisible range offering a
clean and fresh air, water besides a salubrious peaceful environment,
all requisites for both learning and Yoga.
The Department of Business
Management, set up by the university in the year 1996 with the approval
of the All India Council for Technical Education and the then State
Government of Uttar Pradesh is offering two – year full time MBA Degree
course. The Department is functioning in a spacious, airy and well built
building situated in the heart of the new University campus at Chauras
across river Ganges. The class rooms are equipped with overhead/LCD
projectors and other modern audio – video gadgets. Case studies,
simulation exercises, classroom presentation, class lectures including
group activities like seminars, workshops, guest lectures by outside
experts, brain games, quizzes and field works are some of the techniques
used in the course. Besides exercises relating personality development,
enriching communication skills, and building team spirit are regular
features. Meditation and the participation in cultural and social
activities are unique features.
Vacancy: Two Positions Areas: Cross-culture study, Marketing Management,
Customer Relationship Management, E-commerce and Entrepreneurship
Development Duties: Research work, Project work, Teaching Assignment,
field work etc Deadline: 31 April 2008 Eligibility: Master in Business
Management and related Discipline Duration: 3 years
Applicants should send a CV (including details of 2 referees) and a
personal statement in support of their application by post or email as
given below address
Contact Person: Dr Gajendra Singh, Associate Professor Department of
Business Management Chauras Campus, H.N.B Garhwal University Srinagar
Garhwal, Uttaranchal India-246147 Mobile: +919412029869 E-mail:
gajendra_kashyap @

PhD Studentship in Construction - University of Wolverhampton, UK
Applications are invited for doctoral studentships in the School of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton to lead to a PhD degree.
Tuition fees will be paid at the UK and Overseas rate and for either full or part time study. Applicants should hold a minimum of 2:1 honours degree or equivalent in a related subject area.
The available research topics are:
* Towards the development of a framework for improving the culture within Construction Project Organisations.
* An investment into the impacts of subcontracting practice on Health and Safety outcomes of Construction Projects.
* Appropriate Insurance in Integrated Project Team Environments.
Eligibility & How to Apply:
We invite applications from potential UK, EU and International students who have a minimum 2.1 Bachelors Degree in a relevant built environment discipline. Prospective students should have the ability to work independently as well as a member of a team and possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
Applications should be made in the form of a detailed CV (with a minimum of 2 references) and covering letter and sent to Carly Rose, University of Wolverhampton, School of Engineering and the Built Environment, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton WV11 1SB or preferably submitted via e-mail to
The closing date for applications is Friday 1 February 2008.
The successful candidates will be expected to take up the studentship no later than March 2008 (or possibly earlier if mutually convenient).
Further information:
For further information on the School of Engineering and the Built Environment see
For informal inquiries please contact Professor David Proverbs ( at Tel +44 (0)1902 322786.

HESS - Lowongan Kerja MIGAS
Expire Date : Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hess ( is an independent global energy company with expanding operations in South East Asia, West and North Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caspian Sea. In Indonesia, Hess is committed to a long term growth strategy and is fast emerging as a major player in the oil and gas industry.
Working closely with the government and local community, the Ujung Pangkah facility produces gas initially for power generation and create a sustainable success story for the region. First production of gas has begun in April 2007, and Phase 2 is progressing rapidly.
Hess is currently hiring only the best people to operate its Ujung Pangkah oil and gas facilities to ensure its safe and efficient operations while complying with the highest environmental standards. We offer a great opportunity and very competitive rewards for talented professionals.
If you have excellent technical/operation al skills and experience in oil and gas production operations or related industry, a good working knowledge of English and computer proficiency, and will be happy to be based in Gresik, East Java, we are offering you an exciting opportunity to be part of the first-class team that will bring this project to fruition.
Summary of Position:
Reporting to the Electrical Supervisor, the Electrical Technician is responsible for following directions from the Electrical Supervisor to ensure that operating parameters for electrical equipment are met.
Principal Duties & responsibilities:
1. Following directions from the Electrical Supervisor to ensure that operating parameters for electrical equipment are met.
- * Ensure all relevant electrical equipment is fully operational, in service; maintain safely, effectively and in accordance with procedures
- * Liaise with other maintenance and operations personnel to ensure all work is coordinated and within production considerations
- * Stand In coverage for Electrical Supervisor if delegated
- * Perform maintenance activities of all electrical equipments at OPF and Wellhead Platform.
- * Assist other sections, services and departments particularly to support the operation & production and new project activities.
- * Conduct performance test of electrical equipments as per planned.
- * Issue electrical materials / spare parts requisition through SAP and ensure the minimum stock level on site. Liaise with Store man to update spare parts availability.
- * Conduct as Emergency Response Team member.
- * Available to work at any time upon request related to emergency situations.
2. Managing respective people and organization
- * Support team performance by sharing knowledge and best practices
- * Perform co-operation with Instrument, Electrical and Operation Technicians
- * Contribute and identify training program to improve skills and knowledge of electrical team.
- * Demonstrate appropriate safety behaviours and commitment to environmental policies
- * Comply with environmental regulations and targets
- * Carry out emergency response duties where necessary
- * Report all incidents and accidents
- * Comply with all aspects of EHS requirements and initiatives, and report all incidents and accidents
- * Maintain complete and accurate records within the Computerized Maintenance Management System
- * Manage relevant reporting and administration work based on the needs of the respective organization (including data recording, correspondence, etc. - based on the function of this position).
- * Ensure the confidentiality of the company's documentation
- * Technical diploma major in Electrical, with 5 years experience in petroleum industry or 10 years other relevant experience
- * Experience in the maintenance of LPG process plants and equipment desirable.
- * Familiar with Hazardous Areas Classifications and its installations.
- * Experienced in handling Power Generation and Distribution, High, Medium and Low Voltage Distribution/ Switchgear, Gas Turbine & Diesel Engine control system, Fire & Gas System, Digital Relay Protection, UPS Batteries System, DCS / PLC programming and maintenance, 6.6 KV & 400 V motors and motor starter
- * Familiar with American and European standards
- * Extensive experience with a variety of electrical equipment
Summary of Position:
Reporting to the Instrument Supervisor, the Instrument Technician is responsible for following directions from the Instrument Supervisor to ensure that operating parameters for instrument equipment are met.
Principal Duties & responsibilities:
1. Following directions from the Instrument Supervisor to ensure that operating parameters for instrument equipment are met.
- * Ensure all relevant instrumentation equipment is fully operational, in service maintained safely, effectively and in accordance with procedures.
- * Liaise with other maintenance and operations personnel to ensure all work is co-coordinated and within production considerations.
- * Attend emergency works after working hours if required.
- * Provides technical specifications of existing and new equipment.
- * Back up all program software of PLC, ESD, SGS, F&G and DCS regularly.
- * Assist in root cause failure analysis with corporate Instrument and or DCS engineers and supervisors if needed.
- * Takes initiative to implement continuous improvement programs.
- * Propose improvements in all kind of maintenance programs, and technical improvements for instrument and control reliability.
- * Involved in commissioning and pre-commissioning activities.
2. Managing respective people and organization
- * Support team performance by sharing knowledge and best practices.
- * Perform co-operation with Electrical, Mechanical and Operation Technicians.
- * May be sometimes required to guide contractor's technicians.
3. Managing EHS function in the respective department
- * Demonstrate appropriate safety behaviours and commitment to environmental policies.
- * Comply with environmental regulations and targets.
- * Carry out emergency response duties where necessary.
- * Report all incidents and accidents.
- * Complies with all EHS and fire related rules and regulations and observes all requirements stringently.
4. Managing relevant administration and report
- * Maintain complete and accurate records within the Computerized Maintenance Management System and or SAP.
- * Manage relevant reporting and administration work based on the needs of the respective organization (including data recording, correspondence, etc. - based on the function of this position).
- * Ensure the confidentiality of the company's documentation.
- * Maintain updated technical documentation such loop drawing, panel drawing, etc.
- * Technical diploma major in Instrumentation, with 5 years experience in petroleum industry or 10 years other relevant experience
- * Good experience with a variety of instrumentation and control equipments, including DCS, ESD, F&G, PLC, control valves, solenoid valves, turbine meter, transmitters, etc.
- * Good knowledge of production facilities in an oil/gas or petrochemical industry and of installation, repair testing and maintenance of wide range of instruments and control systems including DCS, ESD, F&G, PLC, SGS, MPFM and Custody Meter (Daniel), Gas Chromatograph (GC) and all Laboratory Equipments.
- * Experience in the maintenance of LPG process plants and equipment desirable.
- * Familiar with Hazardous Areas Classifications and its installations.
Please send your detailed resume in English with one recent photo, max of 100 KB to:
Recruitment-Indonesia[at] Read More......