Post-doc position in Systems Biology
Starting date: between October 1, 2008 and January 1, 2009
Duration: 2 years
Location : Université Libre de Bruxelles, Genomic and Structural BioInformatics
Unit, avenue Roosevelt, 50, CP 165/61, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Subject: Dynamical modeling of gene regulation networks
The focus will be on the mathematical modeling of the time evolution of gene
expression levels across the cell cycles or across the development stages of the
host organisms, on the basis of available experimental data such as DNA
microarray time series. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of network
modifications due to illnesses (e.g. cancer) or external stimuli.
This project is within the framework of Modeling, optimization and control of
biochemical processes, a topic included in the Belgian Interuniversity Attraction
Pole DYSCO (Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization).
The candidate should have a PhD in physics, mathematics, bioengineering,
chemistry, bioinformatics or applied mathematics engineering, with a strong
expertise in dynamical modeling and/or systems biology. She/he should be
interested in a transdisciplinary approach of both mathematical analysis and
biological applications.
Application should include a cover letter and curriculum vitae, and should be sent
before September 1, 2008 to:
Prof. Marianne Rooman
Email :
Website :
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Post-doc position in Systems Biology Germany

Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship
Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship for Masters Program in Telecom
Management for August 2008-09 at Aegis School of Business, Mumbai,
India. “Aegis Alexander Graham Bell Scholarship” for Masters Program
in Telecom Management: A generous range of scholarships are available
to students of all nationalities to support full-time study of Masters
Program in Telecom Management (MPTMP), commonly known as MBA in
Telecom, at Aegis School of Business.
View the details here
All successful candidates are automatically considered for scholarship
support and are notified as part of the admissions process.
Prospective students are encouraged to apply early to ensure they are
considered for all scholarship opportunities. Please note that
scholarships vary in value and have different criteria on which they
are awarded. There are a number of scholarships up to $8,750, covering
part or full tuition fee, are available for highly motivated
self-funded outstanding female candidates from any part of the world.
Aegis, a live consulting based business school, was started with the
support of Bharti Telecom (Airtel), India’s top Telecom Company, for
developing the next generation of leaders. Aegis School of Business is
the most international business school in India, in term of student
and faculty diversity. School has over 70 % International candidates,
which is the highest among any Indian Business Schools. The
international diversity at Aegis prepares participants for a global
work place.
Aegis offers one-year full time programs: MBA/ PGP, MBA IT, MS in
Computer Engineering/ MPIS, Masters in Telecommunication Management
program, Post Graduate Program in Communication.
Selection for these scholarships will focus on the insights provided
by your experience, technical competency, academic excellence and how
these, together with your interpersonal skills, can be used to enhance
learning and group work at Aegis.
This Scholarship is available for candidates admitted in full-time
programs at Aegis and has a confirm offer letter. Candidate should
have Bachelors Degree/ Diploma in science or Technology. You can refer
the details of Eligibility criteria for admissions at
Scholarship Amount:
Scholarships up to $8,750 covering the full or partial tuition fee are
available for highly motivated, self-funded individuals.
Selection Process:
* Applications evaluation and short listing
* Interview of Short-listed candidates ( option for telephonic
* Please note that scholarships vary in value and have different
criteria on which they are awarded.
To be eligible for Scholarship you need final admission offer letter from Aegis.
Important Dates:
Application on ongoing basis 2nd round application deadline 25 June
2008 3rd round application deadline 10 July 2008

German PhD position in Applied Mathematics
PhD position in Applied Mathematics [4y; master’s degree in
maths; knowledge of and exp with numerical methods for (time-dependent,
partial) differential equations and share an interest in mathematical
price models for modern financial products such as options] /
University of Antwerp - visit our global list of masters programs
University of Antwerp is a knowledge centre with 3.400 employees
involved in ground-breaking and innovative research of international
standing. The university takes special care to ensure optimum support
and supervision of students, and pays constant attention to educational
innovation. The University is an autonomous pluralistic institution
that is committed to the enhancement of an open, democratic and
multicultural society, and it pursues an equal opportunities policy.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is seeking to fill in the following full time vacancy (m/f):
PhD position in Applied Mathematics.
* you prepare a PhD thesis in the domain of Numerical Analysis
* you take up a limited teaching duty.
* the research lies within the FWO group project “Design of new
models and techniques for high performance financial applications”.
This project is concerned with new models and techniques for robustly
and efficiently pricing modern financial products, in particular exotic
options. To this purpose we investigate numerical methods for partial
differential equations that form multi-dimensional extensions of the
celebrated Black-Scholes equation. The nature of the research is both
theoretical (analysis and design of methods) and practical
(implementation and performance analysis of the methods).
* you have a master’s degree in mathematics
* last year students can apply
* you can show excellent study results
* you have knowledge of and experience with numerical methods for
(time-dependent, partial) differential equations and share an interest
in mathematical price models for modern financial products such as
We offer:
* a scholarship for a period of four years
* starting date is in 2008
* position is open also to non-EU citizens.
* please send your CV, including study results, with an accompanying motivational letter to prof. Karel in ‘t Hout, email, phone +32 (0)3 265 3897.

PhD Jobs in Microwave and Microelectronic
Ph.D. in Microwave and Microelectronic, Uni Bremen, Germany
An der *Universität Bremen im Fachbereich 1 Physik / Elektrotechnik* sind *ab
sofort *im Rahmen verschiedener Drittmittel-Projekte folgende Stellen –unter
dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe- zu besetzen:
*Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in – Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L – *für die
Dauer von 3 Jahren (Option auf Verlängerung möglich) *Kennziffer A 82/08*
*im Arbeitsbereich Hochfrequenztechnik (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Schneider)*
Bearbeitung von Forschungsprojekten im Bereich der Hochfrequenzschaltungs-
und Antennentechnik, Mikrowellentechnik
Mehrantennensysteme (MIMO), HF-Schaltungstechnik und Antennen,
Antennenarrays, Strahlformung, Anwendungen in den Bereichen
Telekommunikation, Sensorik, Radarsensorik, Neurotechnologie
*Überdurchschnittlicher Studienabschluss in Elektro-/Informationstechnik
(Universität) vorzugsweise mit der Vertiefungsrichtung Hochfrequenztechnik*
* *
*Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in– Entgeltgruppe 13 TV-L – *für die Dauer
bis zu 3 Jahren (Option auf Verlängerung möglich) *Kennziffer A 83/08*
*im Arbeitsbereich Theoretische Elektrotechnik und Mikroelektronik (Prof.
Dr.-Ing. Steffen Paul)*
Bearbeitung von Forschungsprojekten im Bereich des Entwurfs
mikroelektronischer Schaltungen für mobile Kommunikationssysteme
Implementierung von digitalen Signalverarbeitungsalgorithmen (System on
Chip) für zukünftige Mobilfunksysteme sowie Sensornetzwerke
Analoge/Mixed Signal Schaltungstechnik für analoge Erfassung und
Verarbeitung von Sensorsignalen
Ultra-low power CMOS-Schaltungstechnik
Überdurchschnittlicher Studienabschluss in Elektro-/Informationstechnik
(Universität) und Kenntnisse im Entwurf integrierter Schaltungen und
Im Rahmen dieser Tätigkeiten ist die Möglichkeit zur Promotion gegeben.
Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im
Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich
auf, sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher
fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.
*Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie bitte unter Angabe der jeweiligen Kennziffer bis
zum 30.06.2008 an:*
*Universität Bremen (FB1), Angela Jöstingmeier, Institut für
Telekommunikation und Hochfrequenztechnik, Postfach 330 440, 28334 Bremen*
*oder auch gern elektronisch an:***
*[image: Logo Audit]*
Wir bitten Sie, uns von Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen ggf. nur Kopien (keine
Mappen) einzureichen, da wir sie aus Kostengründen nicht zurücksenden
können; sie werden nach Abschluss des Auswahlverfahrens vernichtet.
Di tempatku kuliah ada dua peluang Ph.D.
Peluang pertama di bidang
- MIMO Antenna
- Antenna array
- Radar sensoric
Peluang kedua di bidang
- System on Chip
- Signal Processing
- Switching
info lebih lanjut di

PhD Scholarship in Fuel Cell Process Design, Max-Planck-Institute, Germany
Max Planck / Fraunhofer Joint Research Initiative PROBIO
The Department of Physical and Chemical Process Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Sundmacher, at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg, Germany, is inviting applications for
PhD or Postdoc Position (TVöD E13, former BAT IIa): Modelling and optimisation of biomass-fed fuel cell systems.
within the joint research initiative PROBIO of the Max Planck Institute together with two departments of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The project is designed to develop an efficient technology for converting solid biomass into gases which after multi-step cleaning can be transformed into electricity and high-valued heat using fuel cells.
A special focus of our research activities is on model-based process synthesis. The project includes the completion of an already existing library of short-cut models for unit operations, the development of a suitable process superstructure, and its optimisation with numerical MINLP methods. Further tasks in this project are the system optimisation with respect to partial load behaviour, varying power demand and robustness against variation of biomass composition. The candidate will work in an interdisciplinary research team and will be advised by experienced senior scientists.
Suitable PhD candidates hold a Diploma degree (Dipl.-Ing.) or a Master degree (M.Sc.) or a Doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing. / PhD.) in chemical engineering or process engineering. Marks should be clearly above the average. Good knowledge of process modelling and of simulation using numerical tools (e.g. Matlab) is required. Additional knowledge of process optimisation tools is highly welcome. Good communication and team skills are indispensable.
Applications should include a cover letter outlining your specific interest in the described project and your skills, your CV, and all academic certificates. Applications should be addressed to: Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Administration, Sandtorstr. 1, 39106 Magdeburg, Germany.
The MPI seeks to increase the proportion of employed women in those areas where they are underrepresented and explicitly encourages women to apply for this position. The Max Planck Society also seeks to employ more severely disabled persons. Applications from severely disabled persons are explicitly encouraged.
Enquiries or applications can be send by e-mail to: Dr.-Ing. P. Heidebrecht, E-mail: heidebrecht[ at ], phone: +49-391-6110-285, fax: +49-391-6110-353.

PhD Studentship in Environmental or Health and Safety Economics, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
Supervisors: Professor George Hutchinson, Dr. Claire Cockerill and Dr Danny Campbell.
Background: The Institute of Agri-Food and Land Use has a team of 5 Environmental Economists who specialize in environmental and health valuation economics. Another area of our expertise is in the application of economic experiments to issues of environmental, health and safety policy. As a research group we have published widely in these disciplines in journals such as The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Land Economics, Economic Letters and Environmental and Resource Economics. We are partners in the UK Combined Research Councils Centre of Excellence in Public Health Research and the Institute for a Sustainable World at Queens University.
Project: We are interested in developing PhD proposals with candidates in the above areas especially proposals investigating the externalities of energy production and consumption, improved methods for valuing child health improvement and on coalition formation in international negotiations on greenhouse gas reductions.
Requirements: Candidates for this position will possess at least a 2(i) degree in Economics or a related discipline. Good verbal and written language skills and competence in the use of standard statistical software are essential.
Closing date: 17 June, 2008
The position is available for 3 years from September 2008. The successful applicant will receive a basis studentship of £12,940 (to cover maintenance expenses) and approved tuition fees will be paid. Interested applicants should apply through the link.
For informal discussions contact Dr Alberto Longo (a.longo[ at ]

PhD position in Applied Mathematics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
PhD position in Applied Mathematics - Project: Design of new models and techniques for high performance financial applications
The University of Antwerp is a knowledge centre with 3.400 employees involved in ground-breaking and innovative research of international standing. The university takes special care to ensure optimum support and supervision of students, and pays constant attention to educational innovation. The University is an autonomous pluralistic institution that is committed to the enhancement of an open, democratic and multicultural society, and it pursues an equal opportunities policy.
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science is seeking to fill in the following full time vacancy (m/f): PhD position in Applied Mathematics
* you prepare a PhD thesis in the domain of Numerical Analysis
* you take up a limited teaching duty.
The research lies within the FWO group project Design of new models and techniques for high performance financial applications. This project is concerned with new models and techniques for robustly and efficiently pricing modern financial products, in particular exotic options. To this purpose we investigate numerical methods for partial differential equations that form multi-dimensional extensions of the celebrated Black-Scholes equation. The nature of the research is both theoretical (analysis and design of methods) and practical (implementation and performance analysis of the methods).
* you have a masters degree in mathematics
* last year students can apply
* you can show excellent study results
* you have knowledge of and experience with numerical methods for (time-dependent, partial) differential equations and share an interest in mathematical price models for modern financial products such as options.
We offer:
* a scholarship for a period of four years
* starting date is in 2008
* position is open also to non-EU citizens.
Please send your CV, including study results, with an accompanying motivational letter to prof. Karel in t Hout, email:Karel.intHout[ at ], phone +32 (0)3 265 38 97.

MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology, Bangor University
This programme is the first of its kind to be accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Students must have BPS graduate basis for registration to be eligible for this MSc.
It is designed to be flexible and relevant to the student’s individual needs and interests, with a strong emphasis on the application of theory to professional practice. The programme focuses on Sport Psychology and Exercise Psychology. You can also choose modules from Kinesiology or Effective Coaching. You also would study modules in Research Skills and undertake Supervised Experience, an Independent Study, and a Dissertation relevant to sport/exercise psychology. Completion of this programme will form part of a period of study of psychology required for registration as a chartered psychologist.
The School offers MSc bursaries varying in value up to £2,500 for home/EU students and £3,500 for non EU international students. All successful MSc applicants can apply for these. Internal assistantships of £1,000 are available in addition to other bursaries and are aimed at the very best students. Assistantships will be awarded in exchange for 50 hours of ‘professional development’ work (e.g. lab support, seminar support etc.) within the School.
If you would like to enquire about this course, please call the telephone number below:
++44 (0)1248 383483

World Bank Master Scholarship
University of Tsukuba offers Policy Management master program.This Program has been operating from April 1995 and it is the oldest Partner Program in Japan of the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program, a large scholarship program funded by the Government of Japan and managed by the World Bank Institute in Washington. In addition to that sponsorship, which ensures the award of ten scholarships to successful applicants to this Program, the University of Tsukuba hold similar arrangements with the Inter-American Development Bank
Applicants admitted to the Program in Economic and Public Policy Management are eligible for scholarships provided by the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) of the World Bank and the Japan-IDB Scholarship Program of the Inter-American Development Bank provided that they meet the specific requirements of each program as described below.
Fifteen scholarships are provided by the JJ/WBGSP for this purpose. To be eligible, a candidate must be a national of a World Bank member country that is currently eligible to borrow from the Bank. In addition, Executive Directors, their alternates, and staff of the World Bank Group,including consultants, as well as their close relatives, are excluded from consideration.
Candidates should also be aware that, according to the general selection criteria of the World Bank,“while applicants from allWorld Bank member countries may apply for a JJ/WBGSP scholarships, the program gives priority to World Bank member countries currently eligible to borrow,especially low and middle-income countries.The program also gives priority to: women; applicants with few other resources and from lower social and economic classes;applicants who have not had previous opportunities for graduate study outside their home country; and applicants who do not already hold a graduate degree from an industrialized country” (for further information, see
In addition to these fifteen scholarships, the Japan-IDB Scholarship Program of the Inter-American Development Bank offers no less than two scholarships to applicants from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Applicants from this region will be advised on their options at the proper time (see more at ttp://
The scholarships benefits cover:
* economy class travel between the home country and Tsukuba, plus a travel allowance of US$ 500 for each one-way trip
* tuition and other Program fees
* a monthly stipend for subsistence needs roughly equivalent to that given by the scholarships program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (currently 170,000 yen monthly)
* medical insurance costs
These benefits cover only the scholarship recipient and are not extendable to family members. Other costs not covered by the scholarship:
* additional travel during the course of the Program
* expenses related to research,supplementary educational materials,or participation in workshops,seminars, or internships while at the University of Tsukuba.
The maximum period of funding is two years.
Recipients of JJ/WBGSP scholarships will not be eligible for employment with the World Bank for a period of three years after the completion of the Program. Those obtaining a scholarship from the Japan-IDB Scholarship Program of the Inter-American Development Bank are required to return to their native country for at least two years upon completion of their degree. As in the case of the World Bank, Executive Directors, staff and their close relatives are excluded from consideration.

Vacancy at PT Excelcomindo Pratama, Tbk (XL)
PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. (“XL” or the “Company”) was established on 6 October 1989 under the name of PT Grahametropolitan Lestari with its main business being in trading and general services. By the end of first quarter of 2007, more than 156 XL Centers are available throughout Indonesia, supported by the Contact Center services who are ready at 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In 2006, XL obtained the 3G license and then launched innovative 3G-based services. Not just that, XL is also launched Video Contact Center, a 3G-based technology customer support. With all these quality product, services and commitment to provide the best supports to the customers, XL has won several awards and recognitions. These awards were given for XL’s outstanding achievements to extensively provide the best and innovative products and services.
* Bachelor in Electrical Engineering
* 1 – 2 years of experience in related field
* Understand design power system for telecommunication
* Knowledge and skills in SAP is advantages
* Good in analytical skill
* Have a pleasant personality
* Willing to work overtime and under pressure
The principal responsibility of the HLR, GPRS Design Engineer is to design implementation and maintain HLR GPRS network. HLR GPRS Engineers may be involved in implementation equipment for HLR, SCCP Relay, GPRS systems, IN system and SIM card specification.
* Bachelor Degree in Telecommunication Engineering (Preferably from top 3 rank University: UI, ITB, ITS)
* Minimum 2 years experience in related field
* Knowledge and Skill in:
- Software Unix, Linux, Database SQL, XML, LDAP
- TCP/IP network
- MPLS network
- GSM 2G and 3G system
- HLR, GPRS specialist
- Project Management
* Good in analytical skill
* Have a pleasant personality
Successful candidate will work in a result oriented and dynamic environment. Send your application and curriculum vitae by indicating the code you apply in the e-mail subject before June 20, 2008 (in MS Word, no more than 100 kb) to:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Youth Exchange Program Australia
The Australia-Indonesia Institute (AII) invites applications from young people, aged between 21 and 25 (at the time of application), willing to represent Australia for two months in Indonesia during December 2008 and January 2009 as members of the AIYEP 2008-09.
The program aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other’s country.
Participants will be chosen from applicants undertaking tertiary studies or employed in any one or more of the areas listed below:
Agriculture, Arts, Music, Asian Studies, Economics, Business, Education, Engineering, Science, Environmental Management, Journalism, Media, Law, Medicine, Politics, Sports and Tourism.
A good level of Indonesian language is desirable.
Full details and an application form are contained in the “Advice to Applicants” on the AII’s website at
Please read this advice before submitting your application.
If you do not have Internet access, documentation can be obtained from:
Australia-Indonesia Institute
PO Box 5369
Tel. (02) 6261Â 3821, Fax: (02) 6261 1743
Completed applications and accompanying documentation must be received by Friday 27 June 2008. Late applications will not be considered.
Ada kesempatan mengikuti Exchange Program 2 bulan di Aussie.
Silahkan baca selengkapnya di lampiran. (deadline 27 Juni 2008).
Semoga bermanfaat.
 Sincerely yours,
M Solihin FikriThe Peace Scholarship Program 2008
University of Canberra

PhD Studentships - Faculty of Health University of East Anglia
The Faculty of Health are currently offering three PhD studentships:
1 Measures of effect size in clinical trials. Primary Supervisor Dr Lee Shepstone. Funded by the Medical Research Council.
2 How metal ions lead to failure in metal-on-metal hip replacement. Primary Supervisor Dr Simon Donell. Funded by Action Arthritis.
3 One studentship in the area of preventative medicine jointly funded with The Institute of Food Research. A number of exciting projects are available for this studentship in the areas of biomedical, diet and health, or psychology and mental health research, further details can be found at
Students will register during the 2008/09 academic year for a three year full-time MPhil/PhD degree. Funding includes UK/EU tuition fees, maintenance expenses of £12,940 and some appropriate training costs.
For further information on all three studentships and an application pack please visit our website
The deadline for applications is 29 July 2008.
Expected interview dates: 1) 28 August, 2) 22 August, 3) 21 August 2008.

Company Description
IBM has always delivered technology innovation to our customers. Now, we partner with them in their business and help them become special company, and to stay special. To make our customers special, we need people who are above the ordinary.
IBM Indonesia recruits best-in-class professionals to deliver best breed of IT Solutions and Services to customers.
Do you have the confidence? Do you have the enthusiasm? Do you have the insights to partner with customers and deliver solutions and have significant positive impact on their business?
Join IBM! Learn from and collaborate with the best – much like yourself! We are now looking qualified people to fill the following vacant position:
Client Relationship for TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY (S_D-0158318) Post Date: 07 Jun 08
Job Responsibilities:
1. Delivering the revenue and profit objectives in TELECOMMUNICATION accounts/territory by selling the complete IBM portfolio.
2. Independently selects the appropriate offering and distribution channels to provide solutions to client’s business needs/objectives.
3. Responsible for developing and managing the overall business relationship between IBM and its largest clients, acting as a trusted business advisor and providing solutions to their business needs.
4. They are responsible for maintaining a thorough understanding of assigned industry segment, identifying opportunities, leading cross functional sales teams and utilizing appropriate routes to market which align with the Clients’ buying patterns and maximize profitability.
5. These employees are accountable for total customer satisfaction, market share, and IBM revenue within their client base.
Check IBM job openings in our career portal. Application can be submitted directly through our career portal:; search for code S_D-0158318 and submit your application, at the latest by June 23rd, 2008.
Deadline : 23 June 2008
Vacancy at PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk
PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk
PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Job Description:
* Membantu proses perizinan ke Telkom dan operator lain untuk keperluan interkoneksi
* Membantu proses pernyelesaian PKS (Perjanjian kerjasama)
* Membantu proses pembukaan penomoran internal dan eksternal (follow up hingga konfirmasi bahwa penomoran telah dibuka)
* Membantu melakukan penanganan complain interkoneksi
Requirement :
* Pria/wanita, berusia 25-35 tahun
* Pendidikan minimun S1 dari Universitas terkemukan (jurusan teknik/Legal)
* Memiliki pengalaman 1-2 tahun (Staff) & 3-4 tahun (Supervisor) di Industri Telekmunikasi dan pemahaman mengenai Regulasi telekomunikasi
* Menguasai keterampilan komputer (MS Office)
* Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi, kreatif dan inovatif
* Menguasai Bahasa Inggris (Lisan/ Tulisan)
* Ditempatkan di Jakarta
Job Descriptions:
* Manage Procurement System (SAP MM)
* Spending Analyst & Reporting
* Managing Contract & Vendor management
* Business Process Enhacement / SOP
* Male or Female, 29-35 years old
* Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable University (Engineering)
* Have 3- 5 years experience in Consultant System or Managing Contract/Sales.(Preferably from Telecommunication Industry)
* Excellent with Change management, SAP , Exposures Contract, Statistical, SAP Application
* Excellent with Computer skills (MS Office, ERP)
* Good communication skill, Creative and Innovative
* Fluent in English (Both Written or Oral)
* Willing to work under pressure
* Based on Jakarta
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap serta CV Anda ke :
Deadline : 5 July 2008
Vacancy at PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk, is a public listed company serves approximately 3 Million subscribers in 2007. Under the brand of Fren, Mobile-8 is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia with CDMA technology and holds a nation-wide license using advanced technology of CDMA 2000 1X that enables us to continuously commit to provide better and innovative products and services to our customers. Fren are now in entire Java island, Madura, Bali, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. As part of our commitment to widen the operational coverage and enhance services around Indonesia, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:
In details, you will be in charge in:
Assisting with profitability and quality of basic service products
Managing timely delivery of products
Providing product definition (White Paper) of each product/services launched
Generation/Custodian of Concept papers, product requirements, business case and product plans
Providing product and services roadmap and business forecast
Integrating to network element/component (IN/Billing/Engineering/IT) and or other (3rd) party outside M8
Managing product requirements and KPIs, product enhancement and product performance monitoring
Providing new product plan
Interpretation of benchmarking studies undertaken for product-related services
To be a successful in the position, you will be:
Holding a minimum of S1 degree, and preferably with S2 degree, from reputable
universities, majoring in Telecommunication/Marketing (Fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
Demonstrating key attributes such as eager to learn, proactive, good integrity and good analytical thinking is a must, strong interpersonal skill, communicative, easy to make relation, hard worker and willing to work under pressure
Having sound communication skill and being proficient in Bahasa and English
Strong in computer skill (Ms. Project, Ms. Visio & Ms Office)
Please send your comprehensive resume to:
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email
deadline : 3 July 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Vacancy at PT Indonesia Power
PT Indonesia Power, membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi warga Negara Indonesia untuk program studi non kependidikan :
1. S1 & D3 Teknik Mesin (Konversi Energi, Metalurgi/Material)
2. S1 & D3 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat)
3. S1 & D3 Teknik Fisika, Teknik Elektro (Elektronika, Kontrol Instrumen)
4. S1 & D3 Teknik Sipil
5. S1 & D3 Teknik Kimia, Teknik Lingkungan
6. D3 Teknik Informatika
7. D3 Manajemen Keuangan, Akuntansi, Perpajakan
8. D3 Administrasi Bisnis, Administrasi Niaga, Ilmu Komunikasi
1. S1 Tahun kelahiran 1981 atau sesudahnya, D3 Tahun kelahiran 1983 atau sesudahnya
2. IPK minimum 2,75 (posisi 1-5)
3. IPK minimum 3,00 (posisi 6-8)
4. Dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
5. Tidak buta warna, kecuali posisi 7-8
6. Mengisi formulir aplikasi yang tersedia secara online pada website id pada tanggal 4 - 17 Juni 2008
1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos shortlisting berdasarkan kandidat terbaik.
2. Pemanggilan pelamar melalui id.
3. Seleksi awal akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Seleksi selanjutnya di Jakarta.
4. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
5. Tahapan seleksi, pengumuman seleksi dan ketentuan-ketentuan lain selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website id.
6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.
si 7-8
6. Mengisi formulir aplikasi yang tersedia secara online pada website id pada tanggal 4 - 17 Juni 2008
1. Pelamar yang akan dipanggil mengikuti tes hanya yang lolos shortlisting berdasarkan kandidat terbaik.
2. Pemanggilan pelamar melalui id.
3. Seleksi awal akan diselenggarakan di kota Jakarta dan Surabaya. Seleksi selanjutnya di Jakarta.
4. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
5. Tahapan seleksi, pengumuman seleksi dan ketentuan-ketentuan lain selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website id.
6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak.

Oslo Peace Master Scholarship
Oslo Peace Scholarship The Graduate Studies in International Affairs (GSIA) program in the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, in partnership with the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) and Bjørknes College, offers one scholarship each year for full-time study in the Master of International Affairs specialising in Peace and Conflict Studies degree program. Tuition fees will be covered by The Australian National University and Bjørknes College; and students will receive some funding towards living costs as a stipend.
Program: Master of International Affairs specialising in Peace and Conflict Studies (Code 7815SPEACE)
Canberra: A$6,200 - in fortnightly payments
Oslo: NOK 30,000
Tuition Fee
Canberra: A$12,000 (international students) or A$8,400 (Australian or New Zealand students)
Oslo: NOK 40,000
Maximum Duration: 2 sessions/semesters full-time
2008 Applications
Application Close: 31 May 2008
Take Up By: 20 June 2008
Oslo Session Commences: 18 August 2008
Oslo Session Ends: 12 December 2008
Canberra Semester Commences: 23 February 2009
Canberra Semester Ends: 30 June 2009
2009 Applications
Application Close: 30 April 2009
Take Up By: 15 May 2009
Oslo Session Commences: 17 August 2009 (tbc)
Oslo Session Ends: 11 December 2009 (tbc)
Canberra Semester Commences: 22 February 2010
Canberra Semester Ends: 30 June 2010
Eligible Program(s): Master of International Affairs specialising in Peace and Conflict Studies
Eligibility Criteria: International students, Australian and Norwegian students
How to Apply
Applicants should state their interest in being considered for this Scholarship in their application for admission. Please refer to the application procedure.
Applicants are encouraged to contact Graduate Studies in International Affairs office for more information:
Phone: +61-2-6125 2167

PhD Positions in Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems, University of Bergen, Norway
Research Fellow (PhD position) - Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems
At the Department of Mathematics/CIPR a 3-year position as Research Fellow (PhD position) is available within the area of Mathematics and Numerics for Inverse Problems. Work location will be at CIPR.
The project, which is financed by the Norwegian Research Council and several energy companies, is collaboration between research groups at CIPR, University of Bergen and CMA, University of Oslo ( ). The candidate will participate in an international network of researchers focusing on development of novel computational methods for solving inverse problems. Such methods are very important within, for example, modelling and remote monitoring of flows in petroleum reservoirs and modelling and remote monitoring of geological storage of CO2. The candidate will focus in particular on development and analysis of inversion methods based on more than one data type. We seek a candidate with background from at least one of the fields: applied/numerical mathematics, physics, or mathematical statistics.
The research fellow must take part in the Universitys approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with the research group in question.
The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as research fellow.
Applicants must have achieved a masters degree in mathematics, physics or related areas, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.
Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government salary scale; currently corresponding to NOK 325,800 gross p.a.; following ordinary meriting regulations (range 43/47).
For further information about the positions please contact Adjunct Professor Trond Mannseth, phone 55583675, e-mail trond.mannseth[ at ], or Adjunct Professor Sigurd Aanonsen, phone 55583287, e-mail sigurd.aanonsen[ at ]
Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions.
The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
The electronic application must include a complete overview of education and professional activities (CV), scanned copies of diplomas and transcripts, publications, a list of publications and other scientific works, and contact details of two or three referees, and should be sent to post[ at ]
Closing date for applications: 20 June 2008
Quote reference number: Inversjon 08/6803

PhD Studentship in Psychology, University of Birmingham, UK
A qualitative study of British South Asian Carers’ views of their Children with Developmental Disabilities
A collaborative studentship provided by Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust and the School of Psychology, University of Birmingham.
Funding is available for a three-year PhD studentship from October 2008, for a largely qualitative research project which will involve close collaboration between the School of Psychology at the University of Birmingham and the Wolverhampton Primary Care Trust. The proposed research will seek to develop an understanding of the views of South Asian parents about their children, and about their developmental disabilities.
A detailed, culturally-sensitive, and systematic account of these views will allow us to understand their role in shaping the care of children. The project will allow us to better understand parents access to, and interactions with, service systems. As a result, we will be able to help South Asian carers to use services more effectively, and for services to adapt more effectively to the needs of this client group.
Research supervision will be provided by Dr John Rose and Dr Michael Larkin in the Clinical Psychology team. Dr Rose has a track record of conducting and supervising research in the field of developmental disability; Dr Larkin has a track record on conducting and supervising qualitative and phenomenological research in the area of culture and psychology. The successful candidate will join a 5* RAE-rated Psychology department with excellent facilities, established research groups, and substantial external funding. The School supports around 250 postgraduate students in professional training and research degrees.
The studentship requires an Honours degree in Psychology (2:1 or above); Enthusiasm for research, and commitment to producing and disseminating excellent qualitative research; Commitment to the wellbeing of people with learning disability, and their families; Good communication and organisational skills. Prior knowledge of qualitative or phenomenological psychology would be a considerable advantage, as would fluency in at least one South Asian language.
The studentship will be at the basic UK research council rate (expected GBP 12,600 per annum) to provide support over the three-year period, and will cover tuition fees. The student may also be eligible to contribute to our paid Teaching Assistant programme.
For more information, and informal discussion about the studentship, please contact Dr. John Rose (j.l.rose[ at ] or Dr Michael Larkin (m.larkin[ at ] To obtain the Schools Research Studies brochure and an application form, please contact Ms. Parveen Chahal (p.k.chahal[ at ]
The closing date for applications is 30th June, 2008.

PhD Scholarships in Engineering, University of Southern Denmark
A number of Ph.D.-scholarships at the Faculty of Engineering will be available as of 1st September 2008.
Information about the research areas at the faculty can be found at our homepage:
The scholarships may be sought by students who wish to obtain a PhD degree, either without or with a previous Master’s degree, and who have agreed on a PhD project with a supervisor employed at the Faculty of Engineering.
For applicants with a relevant Master’s degree, the scholarship will be for three years of study.
The applications are evaluated based on a number of criteria: the quality of the applicant (publications, grades, references, etc.), the quality of the project, and the degree of co-financing (by the supervisor, a Ph.D.-school, or the applicant). Special consideration will be given to projects with relation to the strategic research areas of the faculty. However, some scholarships will be based on an open competition among the applicants.
The scolarships will be awarded within the Research Training Programmes at the Faculty:
* Robotics
* Energy Efficient and Environmentally Efficient Technologies
* Functional Materials and Nanotechnology
* Applied Mathematical Modelling
* Product Design and Innovation
The scholarship is salaried in accordance with the agreement on salaried Ph.D. students between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Association) or for students without a masters degree in accordance with the SU-law (the Danish State Education Grant and Loan Scheme Authority), and
Further information about the Ph.D.-study can be found at the homepage of Faculty:
The application is to be made using the official application form, which can be downloaded from the homepage of the Faculty of Engineering or can be requested from the faculty secretariat. Please note that before sending in an application you must have defined a PhD. project together with a supervisor at the Faculty of Engineering, who must co-sign your application together with the Department Head.
Please send three copies of the application and enclosures, marked “Position no 084061″, to the University of Southern Denmark, the Faculty of Engineering, Campusvej 55, 5230 Odense M.
The application must be at the faculty 1st August 2008 at 12 noon, at the latest.
Application Deadline: 01/08/2008

MSc Student Opportunity in Water Resources, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Graduate Student Opportunity
Location: University of Saskatchewan
Academic Program: Department of Geography, or School of Environment and Sustainability
Project: We are seeking a M.Sc. student with an interest in water resources and environmental effects assessment in watersheds.
You will join a Canada Water Network research team of 8 professors from 6 universities, including 6 graduate students, working together to develop The Healthy River Ecosystem Assessment System (THREATS) for assessing and adaptively managing the cumulative effects of human developments on Canadian freshwaters. The project is based at the University of Saskatchewan and led by Dr. Monique Dube, CRC in Aquatic Ecosystem Health Diagnosis.
Start date: September, 2008 (summer start date or availability for summer field work preferred)
Funding: fully funded, Canada Water Network
For more information contact Bram Noble @ 306-966-1899 or b.noble[ at ]

PhD Studentship in Economics, City University London, UK
The Department of Economics at City University, London, is able to offer a three-year studentship to a candidate who wishes to read for a PhD in Economics starting October 2008. The studentship will consist of full remission of fees for three years plus a subsistence grant of £13,500 per year. In return the successful candidate will be expected to provide up to 50 hours per year of undergraduate class teaching and mark 50 undergraduate coursework scripts. Additional teaching and marking may be undertaken subject to approval of the student’s supervisory panel and will be paid at our normal rates.
The areas of interest to the Department are:
* Competition and regulation
* Development Economics
* Econometrics and economic theory
* Financial economics
* Health economics
* History and philosophy of economics
* Macroeconomics and international economics
For more information about current research activity in the Department, please go to this page, and follow the links from to individual staff web pages. Applicants are advised to contact potential supervisors in their research area with their proposal before making a formal application.
Application procedure
Please follow the procedure indicated at this page, making clear that you wish to apply for the Departmental Studentship.
Your proposal should follow the format described at here.
Applications for the studentship must be received by Friday 18 July 2008. In the event of any queries, please contact the Senior Tutor for Research, Professor Giulia Iori: g.iori[ at ]
Deadline: 18 July 2008

Master in Network Eng, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Two-year International Master in Communication and Networking
Engineering (IMCNE), starting November 2008.
10 positions are reserved to Indian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna through a dedicated scholarship.
10 positions are reserved to Tunisian students with a Bachelor degree
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies. Of
these, 5 will be financially supported by Scuola Superiore
Sant’Anna through a dedicated scholarship
10 destined to students of any other nationality with a Bachelor
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electronics,
Telecommunications or any other equivalent title in the disciplines
relating to the Information and Communication Technologies.
Application must be submitted on-line no later than
June 30th 2008
More details are available at

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesian Students
The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education ‘Advanced’ (GCE ‘A’) Level (or equivalent) certificate.
The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.
Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.
Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:
* Nationals of Indonesia
* Between 14+ to 16+ years old (as of January 2009)
* Sat for 2008 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and have done consistently well in school
Important Dates
Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.
Application Period 7 June to 15 July 2008
Selection Test Mid August
Selection Interview Late September
Award of Scholarship Mid October
Arrival of Scholar in Singapore Late October

Sunday, June 8, 2008
PhD studentship in Control and Instrumentation-University of Leicester
A PhD studentship including full fees and maintenance is available in
the internationally leading Control and Instrumentation Research Group
of the University of Leicester. This studentship is open to applicants
of any nationality and will be awarded solely on the basis of academic
merit. The studentship is available for three years, and the student
is not required to undertake any teaching activities.
The student will work on a number of space related control research
projects, including linear-parameter varying (LPV) control of
hypersonic re-entry vehicles, worst-case analysis of autonomous
satellite rendezvous, and flying qualities analysis of re-usable
launch vehicles. Supervised by Dr. Declan Bates, the student will work
with a team of researchers from the Control and Instrumentation
Research Group, including Dr. Emmanuel Prempain, Dr. Prathyush Menon
and Prof. Ian Postlethwaite. The student will also have the
opportunity to work closely with industrial control engineers from a
number of leading space companies, as well as research scientists from
the European Space Agency. This is a fantastic opportunity for a young
researcher to obtain direct experience of cutting-edge
control research in a number of European space programmes.
Candidates should have an outstanding academic record and have a
first-class Bachelors degree in Electrical, Mechanical or Aerospace
Engineering. The ideal candidate would also have a Masters degree in
Systems or Control theory, or Aerospace Engineering with a specialism
in flight control and dynamics.
Candidates should apply in the first instance by email to Dr. Declan
Bates (, attaching a detailed CV and the names of up to
three referees. It is expected that the student will start their
degree at Leicester in October 2008, and applications will
be accepted until the post is filled.

PhD position Department of Physics and Technology, Bergen Norway
Universitetet i Bergen
Research Fellow (PhD position) in Acoustics at Department of Physics
and Technology - re-announcement
At the Department of Physics and Technology ( ) a 3-year position as Research Fellow is
available from 1 September 2008 (or earlier) in the field of
Acoustics within the R&D programme “Fiscal measurement of oil and
The position is financed by “The Michelsen Centre for Industrial
Measurement Science and Technology” ( ); a centre for research based
innovation (CRI) financed by the Research Council of Norway and
partners in the CRI. The project is carried out in a cooperation
between the Department of Physics and Technology at UiB, Christian
Michelsen Research AS ( ) (CMR), Bergen and the
industry partner FMC Technologies ( ), Kongsberg (Norway) and Erie
(U.S.A.). The place of work will be Department of Physics and
Technology, in the Acoustics research group.
The PhD work will be connected to development of a high precision
sound velocity cell for natural gas, for use in connection with
recent methods being developed for mass and energy measurement of
natural gas using ultrasonic gas flow meters.
A description of the position can be downloaded from the Internet
For further information about the position, please contact Professor
Per Lunde, Department of Physics and Technology, Acoustics research
group, Allégt. 55, 5007 Bergen, tel. +47 99 49 39 01/e-mail:
The research fellow must take part in the University’s approved PhD
programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years.
Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project
plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in
collaboration with the research group in question.
The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has
held previous employment as research fellow.
Applicants must have achieved a master’s degree or equivalent in
physics, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the
application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal
admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before
appointment can be made.
A background within ultrasonics and experimental measurements would
be advantageous. Education in relevant methods will be offered. The
candidate will work together with researchers and other
students/candidates in the research group. The applicant should
possess good cooperation and communication skills.
Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government
salary scale; currently NOK 325,800 gross p.a.; following ordinary
meriting regulations (range 43/47).
Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the
evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately
equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down
in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at
large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has
therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we
achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of
persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic
backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness
when recruiting staff to scientific positions.
The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply
to the position at any time.
Application and CV should be sent via
The application should contain a brief statement of research
interests and motivation and the names and contact details of two
Copies of diplomas/transcripts (bachelor and master) and testimonials
as well as scientific works including a list of publications (all in
3 copies/sorted in 3 identical bundles) should be sent to Department
of Physics and Technology, The University of Bergen, Allégt. 55,
5007 Bergen, Norway.
Closing date for applications: 30 June 2008
Quote reference number: .08/540

PhD Fellowship on Formal Methods and Computer Algebra, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC) Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
In the frame of a newly established doctoral program for computational mathematics, we can offer to students with a master degree in computer science or mathematics a three years PhD fellowship (October 2008- September 2011) in the area of “formal methods and computer algebra”, see
Net salary (after taxes) is about 17700 € per year
For more details and applications forms see:
Deadline for application: June 30, 2008
Further questions can be directly addressed to: Wolfgang.Schreiner[ at ]

MSc and PhD Studentships in Brain Surgery Simulation, High Performance Computing, UK
High Performance Computing MSc+Ph.D. position available at the University of Glasgow on Massively Parallel Brain Surgery Simulation with the extended finite element method (XFEM and FleXFEM) (University of Glasgow) — funding body is EPSRC.
One year MSc in HPC in Edinburgh (all costs covered by funding) + 3 year Ph.D. and access to HecToR, one of the world’s largest super-computer, including training with experts in massively parallel simulation (10,000+ processors).
Supervisor: Dr Stephane Bordas,Dr Lee Margetts (Manchester)
Collaborators: Prof. Ray Ogden and Prof. Gerhard Holzapfel
Medical experts: two expert surgeons in Belgium and medical imagery specialists
UK or EU students preferred,
Standard EPSRC Stipend + all fees covered.
Aims and Objectives
This project aims to devise and validate a uniquely effective fully parallel surgery simulation tool for use in the training, rehearsing and objective evaluation of surgeons to eradicate much of the uncertainty in improving existing and creating new surgical procedures. High Performance Computing (HPC) is today the only way forward to simulate the effects of various strategies for cutting and manipulating brain tissue both accurately and in realtime. Achieving this will provide a step change in surgical.
Aim: The main longterm aim of the research in which this studentship is inscribed is to reconcile realtime and accuracy in brain surgery simulation through cuttingedge computational mechanics, highperformance computing and realistic brain matter mechanical models. Achieving this aim is not reasonably possible within a Ph.D.level research, the proposed work will provide a detailed proof of concept required for further research by tackling the following four objectives.
(1) Optimise accuracy versus computational cost through cuttingedge numerical methods
(2) Develop and test massively parallel algorithms developed by leaders in HPC to achieve realtime simulations
(3) Utilise rigorous experimentallyinformed mathematical models of brain tissue developed by world leaders in the field (4) Validate and verify the proposed simulation tool.
For the first time in the field of surgical simulation, the increased efficiency (objectives 1 and 2) will allow realistic nonlinear material models to be used (objective 3) without sacrificing accuracy.
What is there for you in this project?
Benefit to the student: Suitability of the project for training Through the unique HPC training, the student will acquire cuttingedge skills in highperformance computing. By working closely with Lee Margetts, and expert in HPC, the proposed project will allow him/her to build upon and hone these skills beyond the MSc training. What is more, the proposed research is highly multidisciplinary and will train the Ph.D. student in computational biomechanics, which is a leading theme in today’s research. More specifically, two major sets of skills will be acquired:
Numerical methods for evolving discontinuities [OpenXFEM++, FleXFEM, SB] XFEM is one of the most highly researched fields in computational mechanics 5 articles in 1999-2000 and 74 in 2006-2007 for a total of 138 journal papers between 1999 and 2008 (source: scirus) and more than 400 citations of the original paper [8]. This method and its sibblings such as the Flexible XFEM (FleXFEM) is very likely to become an industrial standard in the coming decade. The student will join SB’s group, one of the most active and recognized developers of XFEM today both academically and industrially, which will be essential in the transfer of his/her skills after the Ph.D.
Element by element massively parallel architectures [ParaFEM, LM] An essential point for this research is that after his/her Msc, the training of the student in HPC will continue intensively, through the involvement of Lee Margetts, a recognized expert in massively parallel computing and an experienced developer of HECToR supported packages. In particular, the student will be gradually introduced to ParaFEM, developed and maintained by Lee Margetts.
Additionally, the student will benefit from the ongoing work of the team of Profs. Ogden and Holzapfel in softtissue modelling and be exposed to some of the leadingedge research by Prof. Ray Ogden’s group, of the host organisation, a world leading expert in fundamental theory in nonlinear elasticity. These sets of skills are highly transferable and will provide the individual with a powerful springboard for a successful career.
Please contact me for more details, this is only a preliminary advert
email: stephane dot bordas at gmail dot com
See also:

Euroscholars for Undergraduate students
For students interested in discovering their potential for a research career this program offers unique opportunities to work as a junior researcher in a research project. Supervision will be provided by academic staff, working on and/or responsible for the research project. In some cases it may be possible to work on an individual research project, depending on the available resources at the chosen university and available academic supervision. Research offerings will be different in each institution: research can be done in all kinds of fields, depending on the available places and chosen university.
The program comprises:
* Language & Culture Course of the host country (6 ECTS)
* In-depth literature review on the chosen research topic and (6 ECTS)
* Research project (12 ECTS)
* Essay/write-up/presentation on the research project (6 ECTS)
Objectives and Career Perspectives
The objectives of this program are to give students the challenge of conducting original research at the cutting edge of human knowledge and promote interactions with scholars through an immersion in European Undergraduate Research Opportunities in the research environment. Participants learn about scientific reasoning, research methods, theoretical principles related to the research area, and scholarly communication. By finalizing the results of their research project in a paper of publishable quality, they will also have improved their writing and presentation skills.
Students will be able to evaluate and focus their career interests. The experience will enhance their intercultural skills due to the close contact with academics and other students as the result of working together and discussing the research program. The program also enhances their understanding of academic research and their potential personal role in this.
Intended Audience
Outstanding and motivated advanced undergraduate, honors or (post) graduate students with a strong interest in an academic/research career with a GPA of 3.4 or higher. Students do not need to have research experience, science students need to have ample teaching laboratory experiences.
Admission into one of the research projects depends on:
* present academic background of the field of study and the specialisation chosen
* GPA: students with a GPA of 3.4 out of 4.0 and higher will be considered to be eligible.
* personal performance; students opting for a research project in the Natural Sciences, including practical laboratory work, need to have ample laboratory experience.
* approval by the host institution’s academic supervisor.
Research Project Application
Application and admission to the Euroscholars programme is done in four steps:
Complete and return the Pre-application form (.pdf). The return address can be found on the form.
Send a copy of your official transcript by separate cover to the EuroScholars Office:
EuroScholars USA
12050 N Pecos Street, Suite 320
Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA
Search for projects and contact supervisor
After submission of the pre-application, go to
Search for projects by university or by academic area. Once you have located a few suitable projects, please enter your name and email address for each project. You will then receive the e-mail address of the project’s supervisor so that you can communicate your desire to participate in the selected research project directly with him/her.
* Search projects
Obtain approval using the Learning Agreement
Once you have confirmation from the host faculty that you are eligible for the research project in the semester you intend to participate, download a copy of the Learning Agreement. Ask your home university to fill out their part of the agreement, complete the form in its entirety and then scan/fax/mail the document to EuroScholars USA.
Fax: 303-446-5955
EuroScholars USA
12050 N Pecos Street, Suite 320
Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA
Complete the application process
Once your Learning Agreement has been received and all documentation sent and approved by the host university, you will be sent the final components of your application to complete as well as a formal acceptance by your host university, pre-trip orientation materials and an invoice for the program fees.
Application Deadlines
* May 1 for start in the Fall semester.
* October 15 for start in the Spring semester.
NOTE: Semester starting dates may vary per host university.
Futher Information:
EuroScholars - 1-800-980-0033
European Office
Leiden University
Gravensteen, Pieterskerkhof 6
PO Box 9500, 2300 RA
Leiden, the Netherlands
USA Office
c/o GlobaLinks / AustraLearn
12050 N. Pecos St, Suite 320
Westminster, CO 80234 - USA
more info click here

Academic Excellence Scholarships 2008
De Montfort University (DMU) is committed to supporting talented graduates to enhance their careers and personal development through postgraduate study.
We are therefore delighted to offer five new Postgraduate Scholarships of £2000 each to help five first class graduates study a full-time Masters (MA/MSc) course at DMU Leicester.
The scholarships are available for full-time Masters courses* starting in September/October 2008 only and Art and Design Courses starting in January - June 2009.
All UK and EU status students are welcome to apply. We regret that this scheme is not available to non-EU/overseas status students.
To be considered for a scholarship, you must have achieved (or be aiming to achieve) a First class honours degree (or 70%+ equivalent from a recognised international institution) in any subject.
* Please note that a few of our full-time Masters courses may be excluded from this scholarship scheme . To make sure that your choice of course is included within the scheme, please contact Navejit Sangha, our EU Recruitment Manager, on (0116) 257 7347 or email Nav at
Scholarships will be awarded to up to five recipients and selected by a panel of DMU academic and admissions representatives. To be considered by the panel, applicants must have achieved (or be aiming to achieve) a First class honours degree (or 70%+ equivalent from a recognised international institution). The panel will then select those who are, in the panel’s opinion, the five strongest candidates who will benefit the most from the scholarship and contribute the most to DMU through their Masters study and time at DMU. The panel’s decision is final.
Please follow the instructions below carefully if you wish to apply. Please note that these scholarships are not awarded automatically to First class graduates – you must apply as below. If you do not complete all the necessary stages as instructed, by the stated deadline, you will not be eligible to receive a scholarship.
How to Apply
Please follow the instructions below carefully…
1. Choose the course to which you would like to apply. If you would like further information or advice, please contact the Enquiry Centre on tel 08459 45 46 47 (from UK) or +44 116 257 7513 (from outside UK), email at or contact the Faculty to which you wish to apply directly – you’ll find contact details in any of our prospectuses or online at
2. Complete and submit an application form for the course you wish to study. You can do this online at or in hard copy. Application forms can be found in the postgraduate prospectus, downloaded from the website or can be requested from the Faculty to which you wish to apply. If your application is successful, you will be sent an offer letter.
You may already be holding an offer of a place on a full-time Masters course starting in September/October 2008.
3. Once you have your offer letter for one of our eligible full-time Masters courses (Conditional or Unconditional), and you wish to apply for a Postgraduate Scholarship, you must write a 500-word statement outlining, as a minimum:
a) why you wish to study this course and what you hope to gain from it (personally and professionally as appropriate)
b) what skills and experience – other than your academic qualifications – you would bring to the course
c) what your long term career aspirations are
d) what difference the £2000 scholarship would make to you.
Please send your typed statement, with your full name, email address, application reference number and date of birth, to:
Navejit Sangha, EU Recruitment Manager
Marketing Department, Portland Building, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester LE1 9BH (UK) or email:
Deadline for Applications
If you wish to apply for a Postgraduate Scholarship 2008 you must secure a place on your chosen Masters course and submit your 500-word statement to Navejit Sangha, as above, by 1 August 2008 . No applications received after this date will be accepted under any circumstances.
Allocation Process
The panel will review all eligible statements submitted after 1 August 2008 and will select those who are, in the panel’s opinion, the five strongest candidates who will benefit the most from the scholarship and contribute the most to DMU through their Masters study and time at DMU. The panel’s decision is final. The £2000 scholarship will be deducted from the full tuition fee at enrolment.
The Rules
• All UK and EU first class graduates are eligible to apply for the scholarships.
• Non-EU/overseas status students are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
• Both self-funding and sponsored students are eligible to apply.
• You must have achieved a first class honours degree (or international equivalent) and submit a 500-word written statement by the 1 August 2008 deadline to qualify.
• Evidence of your previous study will be required before a scholarship is allocated.
• No cash alternatives will be offered and the scholarship cannot be transferred to any other course at DMU or to any other nominated recipient.
• Valid only for September/October 2008 entry – scholarships cannot be deferred with an application until September 2009 or later.
• If an applicant is allocated a scholarship but then withdraws their application or does not enrol onto the course for any reason, the scholarship will be forfeited.
• The University reserves the right to withdraw or not allocate scholarships at any point before they are allocated.
Further Information
For further information about the scholarships and/or the courses , visit , call 08457 45 46 47 or email

Ph.D. students position in Finance/Financial Economics
Ph.D. students in Finance/Financial Economics
Universiteit Maastricht Ph.D. students in Finance/Financial Economics at the
Maastricht University and LIFE
Maastricht, 6200 MD
(Limburg), 38 hours per week
Job description
Function title: AT2008.130.Ph.D. students in
Finance/Financial Economics
Full-time Ph.D. students
for research projects in the areas of Real Estate; Art
Finance; Forward Premium Puzzle, Political, Economic and
Financial Instability Risks: Role and Implications for
International Financial Markets; Bank Lending; and Banking
System Stability.
education/skills:University Graduate
Ideally an MPhil
or MSc in Economics, Finance, or Econometrics; interest in
empirical research; strong academic record; excellent
knowledge of English. Desire to pursue an academic career
or to continue a career doing research in Financial
Economics in the public/private sector.
Job type:
Research / Advising
- Teaching
& Research(Scientific discipline: Economics)
Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers,
researchers(Scientific discipline: Economics)
Universiteit Maastricht
Maastricht (UM) the youngest university in the Netherlands,
is renowned for its unique, innovative, problem-based
learning system, which is characterized by a small-scale
and student-oriented approach. Research at UM is
characterized by a multidisciplinary and thematic approach,
and is concentrated in research institutes and schools.
Currently UM has around 11500 students and 3,000 employees.
Reflecting the universitys strong international profile, a
fair amount of both students and staff are from abroad. The
university hosts 6 faculties: Faculty of Health, Medicine
and Life Sciences, Faculty of law, Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration, Faculty of Humanities and
Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Faculty of
Conditions of employment
maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 2 years of intensive coursework
followed by 3 years of research
Maximum hours per
week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
Candidates with an MPhil or specialized MSc degree might
qualify for a partial exemption from the coursework.
Additional information about the
vacancy can be obtained from:
S. Kleimeier
Telephone number: 0031-43-3883733
E-mail address:
Or Finance Department secretariat
number: 0031-43-3883838
E-mail address:
You can apply for this job before 01-07-2008
(dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Universiteit Maastricht
FEBA, HR-department
P.O.Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
When applying for this job always mention the
vacancynumber AT2008.130.

13 PhD Fellowships, Microbial Communication (Germany)
The Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC) is funded by the German Excellence Initiative. It conceptionally combines different research areas (microbial communities, interactions with plant, animal and human hosts and environmental interactions) to a comprehensive picture of microbial communication ( JSMC is an ambitious Graduate School prospectively comprising 150 PhD students who will be educated in a structured, interdisciplinary training program based on top-level fundamental research. Four faculties of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, six non-university research institutions as well as twelve partner companies are participating in this cutting edge research and training program which includes an innovative PhD program, career development and intensive sociocultural care. Three embedded existing Research Training Groups as well as twelve other cooperative research projects are engaged to incorporate novel research areas to achieve a complete view of microbial communication.
We invite applications for 13 PhD Fellowships
The positions are immediately available.
We expect:
an equivalent of a Master’s degree in Natural Sciences (e.g. Biology, Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, Medicine). Candidates about to earn their degree are welcome to apply.
high motivation and interest to join one of the interdisciplinary research areas of JSMC
creativity and interest to shape your own thesis project
an integrative and cooperative personality
very good communication skills in English
We offer:
a top-level research environment
a PhD stipend paid according to the rules of the DFG (German Research Foundation) as well as generous research funding
a periodic research report system
efficient supervision by a team of two supervisors
a comprehensive mentoring program
courses in novel technologies and soft skills
a highly communicative atmosphere between the involved institutions and companies
Jena – the German City of Science 2008: a young and lively city with dynamic business activities, successful scientific centres of innovation and a vibrant cultural scene around the famous Friedrich Schiller University
Friedrich Schiller University Jena is an equal opportunity employer.
For the first step of the application procedure please acquaint yourself with the scientific projects offered on our website
and thoroughly fill in the “Statement of Interest” form downloadable from this site.
Deadline for submission of the “Statement of Interest”: June 26th, 2008.
Successful applicants will be invited to attend a recruitment meeting in autumn 2008.