Please find below the currently open vacancies at the Centre for
Geoinformatics (Z_GIS), Salzburg University – Austria.
Geospatial indicators for disaster risk management (PhD position)
The announced PhD position (30 hours/week) is available from March
2009 (as soon as possible) for 2.5 years, with an option for further
extension and contract renewal in October 2011.
Under the overall guidance of the research coordinator at Z_GIS, and
the direct supervision of the project coordinator, the successful
applicant will function as a project collaborator (researcher) and
will perform the following functions:
· contributes to the preparation and provision of project deliverables;
· participates in workshops and meetings;
· tracks schedules of tasks;
· develops an own research plan for the PhD thesis, in line
with envisaged achievements of project- or organizational objectives.
Earth observation for energy studies (Post-Doc position)
The announced PostDoc position (40 hours / week) is available from May
2009 for 3 years, with an option for further extension and contract
renewal in June 2012.
Under the overall guidance of the research coordinator at Z_GIS, the
successful applicant will function as a project coordinator (senior
researcher) and will perform the following functions:
· acts as a contact person for energy related research;
· prepares operational plans and delegation of work tasks;
· contributes to the preparation and provision of project deliverables;
· organizes workshops and meetings;
· tracks schedules of tasks;
· develops an own research plan contributing to the
achievement of project- and organizational objectives.
Detailed information is available at
: : . . S t e f a n K i e n b e r g e r . . : :
Centre for Geoinformatics | Salzburg University
Schillerstrasse 30 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria
Tel . +43 662 8044-5267 | Fax +43 662 8044-5260
mail: | web:
Monday, February 2, 2009
PhD and Post-Doc Positions Geospatial Indicators for Disaster Risk Management

PhD and Postdoctoral Positions in Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models [Europe]
13 PhD, PostDoc, and Engineering Positions offered
HATS: Highly Adaptable and Trustworthy Software using Formal Models
HATS is a new Integrated Project funded by the European Union, within the programme “Future and Emerging Technologies” (FET) of the 7th Framework Programme starting March 2009.
The project partners from:
Chalmers Technical University, Gothenborg, Sweden
University of Oslo, Norway
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Technical University of Madrid, Spain
IMDEA Software, Spain
Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany,
University of Bologna, Italy,
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), Amsterdam, Netherlands
Norwegian Computer Center, Oslo, Norway
Fredhopper B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental SE, Kaiserslautern, Germany,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
are jointly advertising several 3-5 year PhD, PostDoc, and Engineering positions.
The goal of HATS is a tool-supported framework and formal methodology for the development of long-lived and trustworthy software systems. Specifically, HATS will turn software product family (SWPF) development into a rigorous approach. The technical core of the project is an Abstract Behavioral Specification language which will allow precise description of SWPF features and components and their instances. For further information see:
Topic areas: Applicants should have a background and/or interest in one of the topics software modeling, modeling and programming languages, formal methods, verification, language-based security, type systems, or concurrency theory.
The following positions are offered:
2 PhD positions with emphasis on formal modeling and verification at Chalmers University of Technology.
One of the positions is in the EU project CHARTER which is closely related to HATS.
Application deadline is 9th February 2009.
Contact: Prof. Reiner Haehnle.
Further details and information on how to apply at this page.
A Research Software Engineer at Fredhopper (Amsterdam).
The position will comprise of industrial research on modeling and verification of key components of Fredhopper’s flagship product within the EU-funded HATS research project. Fredhopper is the Nr. 1 provider of Search & Merchandising solutions for online business in Europe and industrial leader in the HATS project.
Apply by 31 January 2009 for the most optimal procedure.
Contact for project information: Dr. Nikolay Diakov.
More information and how to apply at this page.
2 PostDoc positions at the University of Bologna.
The emphasis is on formal modeling and verification of the kind of concurrent systems studied in Hats using various techniques, including behavioural techniques and type systems.
Application deadline is 31 January (later applications may also be taken into
Contact: Prof. Davide Sangiorgi, see:
3 PhD positions with emphasis on static analysis and security at the Technical University of Madrid/IMDEA Software.
One of the positions is in the DOVES Spanish project, which is closely related to HATS. The application deadline is 25 January. Later applications may also be taken into account if the positions are not covered.
Contact: Prof. German Puebla.
Further details and information on how to apply at this page.
1 PhD and 1 PostDoc position in the area of software modeling and verification at the University of Kaiserslautern.
The emphasis in the area of software modeling is on semantically founded integration of behavioral software models, feature-based descriptions of variability and programs. The emphasis in verification is on modular techniques for object-oriented models and model refinement.
Application deadline is January 31. Later applications may also be taken into account.
Contact: Prof. A. Poetzsch-Heffter.
Further details and information on how to apply at this page.
1 PhD in the area of information flow security at KTH.
The topic is robust, algorithmic verification of information flow properties.
Application deadline is 13 February.
Contact: Dr Mads Dam.
Further details on how to apply at this page.
1 Postdoc position and 1 PhD position at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (Amsterdam, The Netherlands).
The emphasis is on the development and implementation of an Abstract Behavioral Specification language which will allow precise description of SWPF features and components and their instances.
Application deadline is 15 February.
Contact: Prof.dr. F.S. de Boer (email:[ at ]
Applicants should have (or expect to have at the start of employment):
For a PhD position: a good Masters level or excellent Bachelor level degree (or equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, or a closely related discipline with knowledge in the areas above. Please
see also individual requirements at each site which can differ.
For a Postdoc position: a PhD in computer science or mathematics, preferably with research experience in one of the listed topic areas.
For a software engineer position: a Masters or PhD level level degree (or equivalent) in computer science, mathematics, or a closely related discipline with good knowledge in the areas of program verification, automata theory or discrete math. Knowledge of Java and some programming experience count as a plus.
Regardless of the specific application instructions, each application should contain:
a full CV including letters of recommendation
a research statement, indicating the research directions you are interesting in and what relevant experience you have
transcripts of degree results where available.
To apply, please follow the links given above.
Expressions of interest received by 15 January 2009 are guaranteed full consideration. Specific application deadlines may vary. Early contact would be appreciated.

PhD, Masters and Advanced Studies positions, MIT-Portugal Program [Portugal]
PhD, Masters and Advanced Studies positions, MIT-Portugal Program, Portugal
The MIT Portugal Program announces its call for applications for the 2009-10 academic year. Each program is offered in association by a consortium of Portuguese universities, with the participation of MIT (US) faculty.
PhD positions Engineering Systems: Bio Engineering
The Bio-Engineering Systems PhD program attracts the highest-performing students and involves exchanges with MIT faculty and their laboratories, curriculum development as well as teaching activities involving the Portuguese institutions as well as MIT faculty. Depending on student interest and expertise, other lab placements are possible on an individual basis. Portuguese and International students and/or faculty visitors may also be hosted at MIT to participate in joint research projects. For more information please consult the following link.
Candidates may simultaneously apply for FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) scholarships.
Degree in one of the following areas: biomedical engineering, biological and chemistry engineering, cell and molecular engineering, biotechnology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and other areas related to bioengineering.
Application Deadline: 28/02/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.
PhD positions Engineering Systems: Transportation
The mission of the educational program of the Transportation Systems focus area of the program is the development of a cadre of transportation researchers and professionals in Portugal who are trained at the system level in the design and management of a technology-intensive, intermodal transportation system.
Candidates may simultaneously apply for FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) scholarships.
Degree in one of the following areas: civil engineering, urban planning, computer science, economics and other engineering and social sciences.
Application Deadline: 28/02/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.
PhD positions Engineering Systems: Sustainable Energy
The PhD Program on Sustainable Energy Systems educates a new generation of sustainability aware leaders with expertise in energy systems and economics who will generate and communicate new knowledge within academia and industry. The program combines multidisciplinary studies, in both engineering and economics domains, at the levels of energy systems analysis and conception, in the context of sustainable development with a strong emphasis on leadership and entrepreneurial activities. ?To successfully address these challenges, Sustainable Energy System Focus Area participants will work on the development and integration of new energy system simulation and design methodologies, including educational programs which disseminate this knowledge. Research activities will include the dynamics among energy services and supplies, including opportunities for combined heat and power and renewables in the distribution network. To the extent possible, these new approaches will be tested through real-world case studies.
Candidates may simultaneously apply for FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology) scholarships.
Degree in one of the following areas: mechanical engineering, electrotechnical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering or computer science, physics, architecture, economics or management.
Application Deadline: 28/02/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.
Master’s positions Engineering Systems: Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems
The Complex Transport Infrastructure Systems (CTIS) program is unique, bringing together the tradition and rigor of a Master in Engineering with the insights of an MBA. The CTIS course builds on three key domains: engineering, management and financing; policy and regulation in a blend. The program enables contact with one or two major international projects, by means of documentation and presentations by some of their responsible experts, and a series of seminars by renowned experts in the various domains. CTIS prepares students for professional careers involving all aspects of the conception, construction, financing and exploitation of complex transport infrastructure systems. Top ranking students are encouraged to apply. ?For more information on the CTIS Course, please visit:
A few corporate fellowships are available, covering the value of tuition. Students applying to the CTIS degree will automatically be considered for these fellowships.
Degree in one of the following areas: civil engineering, urban planning, computer science, economics and other engineering and social sciences.
Application Deadline: 31/03/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.
Advanced Study positions Engineering Systems: Sustainable Energy
The Diploma of Advanced Studies and the Diploma of Advanced Education are one-year professional master’s courses and short courses for personnel on leave from industry and government agencies are also in development. MIT collaboration in supervision and teaching is a strong feature of the programs, along with reciprocal student visits. The training received by students involved in the SES educational program will prepare them to conduct basic research that will: create new knowledge through R&D, promoting innovative product development and technology integration in sustainable energy systems where energy demand is fulfilled with the minimum use of non-renewable Natural resources, considering an wide diversity of situations across the globe; promote new forms of interaction between universities and enterprises, government, and society for the identification and implementation of sustainable energy policies and technologic innovations.
Degree in one of the following areas: mechanical engineering, electrotechnical engineering, civil engineering, environmental engineering or computer science, physics, architecture, economics or management.
Application Deadline: 15/06/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.
Advanced Study positions Engineering Systems: Bio Engineering
Designed as a first-year lecture course with innovation training and laboratory visits, this course consists of an intensive Fall semester followed by elective courses and Spring semester research initiation, collaboration and placement, and an Innovation Teams (i-Teams) project. Each student in the advanced study course follows six curricular modules (two weeks each, intensive). Four of these modules are mandatory and the two remaining requirements are electives from a selection of four modules, which may change from year to year. The modules will be held on a rotating schedule at each of the participating universities.
Degree in one of the following areas: biomedical engineering, biological and chemistry engineering, cell and molecular engineering, biotechnology, biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and other areas related to bioengineering.
Application Deadline: 15/06/2009
Job Starting Date: 15/09/2009
How To Apply: Website
Formal candidacy materials and the online application form are available at the MIT Portugal Program website. Please check for complete information.

PhD Studentship and Research Opportunities in the Biology of Ageing, University of Liverpool [UK]
We are accepting applications for a PhD studentship available for start in the autumn of 2009. The project focuses on the construction of mouse embryonic stem cell lines (mESC) exhibiting longevity biomarkers, in particular cellular resistance to oxidative stress and to sources of DNA damage thought to play a role in ageing and cancer. This project aims to: 1) employ cutting edge genomic techniques to identify new genes regulating susceptibility to stress in mESC; 2) construct stress resistant mESC lines to serve as models for studying stress response mechanisms that may modulate ageing and offer protection against age-related diseases. The exact directions of the project, however, will be adapted to fit the research interests of the student.
Informal enquiries are welcomed and should be directed to Dr de Magalhaes (aging[at] Review of applications begins from mid-January 2009. To apply please visit this page.
Only EU/EEA citizens are eligible to apply and non-UK residents may only be eligible for a partial award.
Other Research Opportunities in the Biology of Ageing
We have other projects available for enthusiastic and ambitious self-funded students and postdocs. Projects can be experimental, computational, or a combination of both and are tailored to the interests of the individual. Prospective students and postdocs are welcome to contact us (aging[ at ] to discuss possible common interests and we are happy to support applications for external fellowships.
Integrative Genomics of Ageing Group
The focus of our group is on the biology and genetics of ageing. Our research combines modern bioinformatics and experimental methods, in particular cell and molecular biology, to help decipher the human genome and provide new insights into the genetics of longevity, ageing and other complex traits. Our group is located in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Liverpool in the UK. We have active collaborations with research groups in Europe, Israel, and the USA. Although travelling is not essential, it is therefore possible for members of our group to acquire additional expertise in other labs. More information about our group and projects we are involved in are available online:

Master Scholarships in Software Engineering, University of Tartu [Estonia]
At least six scholarships are available for foreign students to enroll in the newly created Master’s of Software Engineering at University of Tartu, Estonia, This program will be jointly offered by Estonia’s two major universities: University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology.
In addition to a strong foundation in software engineering methods, this 2-years program will offer two specialisations: Enterprise Software and Embedded Real-Time Software. The program also includes professional internship opportunities. The language of instruction is English and the program is taught primarily by professors with international experience.
Application deadline:
EU applicants - June 1
non-EU applicants - April 15
Tuition fees and scholarships:
All students admitted in 2008 will receive a full tuition-waiver scholarship for the two years of the program. In addition, top-ranked applicants will be offered a stipend for living expenses of approximately EUR 2600 euro per year.
For more information see:
International Student Service
University of Tartu
Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia
Telephone +372 737 6109
studyinfo[ at ]

Postdoctoral Position in Electrophysiology and Ethno-neuropharmacology and Behaviour Pharmacology, University Sains Malaysia
This ethnopharmacology project will involve patch clamp and extracellular recordings using rat hippocampus and xenophus oocytes to determine the GABA,NMDA,AMPA effects of plant biocompounds as well as animal behaviour in relation to plant biocompounds These important studies will provide new data on diverse plant biocompounds and to develop new treatments for medical problems concerning learning and memory.
The two applicants should possess a PhD or equivalent degree with experience in:
1) patch clamp, extracellular recordings or more in the fields of electroneurophysiology research fields. The successful postdoc/scientist must be able to perform current- or voltage-clamp recording with hippocampal brain slices and dissociated neurons as well as whole-cell patch recording as well as designing the experiment and doing the statistical evaluations
2) Animal Behaviour using animal behaviour equipment such as Active/Passive Avoidance, Water Morris, different type of Mazes and many other behaviour tests. The postdoc must be able to communicate in reasonable good English and thus transfer the results onto scientific publications. Previous postdoctoral training is required. The electrophysiology equipment currently available is from NPI of Germany. The animal behaviour are from Panlab, Colburn and many other vendors. The department provides training at the undergraduate, postgraduate and post doctoral levels in clinical and basic neurosciences. The Department of Neurosciences, USM can be viewed at
Salary depends on experience and education and the duration is for 1 to 3 years and may be extended depending on funding. The candidate if an excellent one may be invited to be a junior faculty member. The position is immediately available and is fixed term for one year extending up to 3 years. The following documents should be enclosed with your application:
A completed application form(an email with the form attached will be sent once contact is made with the Head of Department)
A Curriculum Vitae
A copy of your qualification certificates
A description of future research interests and scientific goals (a maximum of two pages)
Two letters of recommendation from your previous supervisor or postdoc supervisor who will testify to your electrophysiology and animal behaviour interpretation skills
Please courier your applications to: Professor Dr. Jafri Malin Abdullah, Head, Department of Neurosciences, Hospital University Sains Malaysia/School of Medical ciences, Health Campus, Universiti Sains Malaysia 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, MALAYSIA. Fax No.: +609-7648613 and email: deptneurosciencesppspusm[ at ] and/ or neurohead[ at ]

Five Scholarships for 2009-10: Chevening Scholarships for Macedonia, Moldova, Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Samara, Far East only) or Serbia
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Open Society Foundation - London and University College London - School of Slavonic and East European Studies are offering five scholarships for graduate study.
University College London (UCL) is renowned worldwide for its high quality research and teaching. Its School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) was given the highest rating ‘5’ in the UK Research Assessment Exercise 2001 confirming its international excellence.
The five scholarships offered are open to nationals and residents of either Macedonia, Moldova, Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Samara, Far East only) or Serbia, who are accepted for one of the following one-year Master’s degree programmes at UCL’s School of Slavonic and East European Studies:
• MA Central and South-East European Studies
• MA History
• MA Identity, Culture and Power
• MA Political Economy of Russia and Eastern Europe
• MA Politics, Security and Integration
• MRes Politics and Economics of Eastern Europe
Each award covers tuition fees, travel, and a maintenance allowance.
Applying for a place and a scholarship
Applicants are strongly advised to apply to UCL for admission well before submitting a scholarship application.
UCL Graduate Admissions Application Forms and further information about graduate study at UCL are available from OSI Scholarship Application Forms (3 copies along with a copy of the Graduate Admissions Application Form submitted to UCL) must be sent to the Soros Office/EAC in the candidates’ home countries. Scholarship application forms and Graduate Admission Forms can be requested from the administering offices listed below:
American Educational Center,
Gradska biblioteka “Braka Miladinovci”
Bojana Nizamovska:
Tel: 02/3112-464
Or can be downloaded from the UCL website:
For further information about this and other scholarships for study at UCL, please see or contact:
UCL Scholarships
Telephone: + 44 20 7679 2005/4167
Closing date for receipt of Scholarship Applications by local Soros Office - AEC :19th February 2009 for study in September 2009.

9 PhD Scholarships and 1 Postdoctoral Scholarship, Giessen University [Germany]
Deutsche Seiten: Giessen University’s International Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), funded by the German federal government’s Excellence Initiative, offers a three-year structured PhD-programme in the study of culture. With its excellent research environment, a doctoral programme which is tailored to the needs of PhD students and the intensive personal support it provides, the Graduate Centre offers postgraduate students optimum conditions for their PhD-projects and a custom-made preparation for the time thereafter, both with regard to academic and non-academic careers.
From 01st October 2009, the GCSC offers up to 9 PhD scholarships and 1 postdoctoral scholarship.
PhD scholarships include a monthly stipend of approximately €1.000 and are offered for one year with the possibility of two extensions, each of a year. The postdoctoral scholarship, with a monthly stipend of about €1.500, is limited to two years. All scholarships start on 01st October, 2009.
Acceptance of a scholarship requires participation in the study programme and the wide-ranging events offered by the GCSC, as well as active involvement in at least one GCSC graduate research group. PhD scholarship holders must register as PhD students at Justus Liebig University. There are no tuition fees for doctoral students at JLU, except for an enrolment fee of approximately €200 per semester. All scholarship holders are expected to take up residency in or near Giessen.
The GCSC encourages applications from graduate students who have or expect to obtain a first or upper second class honours M.A.-degree or state examination (or equivalent) in one of the GCSC’s academic subjects or in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences. Candidates applying for a post-doctoral scholarship should hold a PhD in the arts/humanities, cultural studies, or social sciences, have an excellent academic record, and pursue a research project relevant to the GCSC’s research areas. Fluency in either English or German is required.
Application Procedure and Deadline
The main selection criteria are the candidates’ academic qualification, the academic quality of the research proposal and the suitability of the project for the GCSC’s research programme. Short-listed candidates will be invited to a 30-minute interview; telephone interviews can be arranged for candidates from overseas.
The application deadline is March 1st, 2009 (date of receipt). All applications (including an application form and further documents as stated on the GCSC-website) have to be submitted online. Please find all information on the two-stage application procedure on our website.
If you have any questions concerning your application, please contact us at:
On 2nd February 2009, the GCSC will host an Information Day at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Alter Steinbacher Weg 38, 35394 Gießen. The Information Day gives potential applicants the opportunity to meet the staff and students involved in the doctoral programme. You will also have the chance to obtain more information on the research areas and academic objectives of the GCSC, the wide range of interdisciplinary courses, colloquia, and conferences, the research support on offer, our international networks and partner institutions, as well as on publishing and funding opportunities available to GCSC-members.

Masters Scholarships for 2009-10, Universities of Glasgow [UK]
Masters/PgDip Scholarships for 2009-10
Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES)
A consortium of the Universities of Glasgow, Nottingham, St Andrews, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Strathclyde, and the West of Scotland
Suitably qualified applicants from any branch of the Social Sciences and Humanities are invited to apply for Masters studentships and Postgraduate language diplomas for study in the 2009-10 academic year.
Applications are invited for the one-year MSc in Russian and East European Studies, University of Glasgow and for intensive one-year Postgraduate diplomas (PgDip) in Russian, Polish, Czech Serbian/Croatian and Slovene language.
Applications should send a covering letter, CV and two references to Ann Mulholland, CRCEES Administrator at the address below by 27th February 2009.
For eligibility and details see ESRC (
For further details please see the CRCEES website
Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies (CRCEES)
University of Glasgow
8-9 Lilybank Gardens
G12 8RZ
Tel No: 0141 330 8539