2009 Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students
1. Qualifications
Prospective applicant must meet the following qualification criteria :
(1) Applicants should be a
citizen of the country to which this scholarship program is offered. (including applicant’s parents)
Applicants should not be a
holder of Korean citizenship.
(2) Applicants should be under 25 years of age as of March 1, 2009.
(3) Have an
adequate health, both physically and mentally.
※ Persons who are pregnant or
having severe illness may not apply.
(4) Have finished
or be scheduled to finish formal education of elementary, middle, high school
outside of Korea
as of March 1, 2009.
(5) Possess a grade point average (G.P.A.) above 80%
from the last educational institution attended or have earned top 10% of G.P.A.
among classmates.
(6) Not at any
time have received a Korean government scholarship for his/her undergraduate
study before.
(7) Not have
enrolled in an undergraduate course in Korea before.
(8) Preferential selection for applicants who are good at Korean or English.
2. Scholarship
(1) Scholarship Period
ㅇ 1 year of Korean language
course and 4 years of undergraduate degree Course
(2) Scholarship
① Airplane ticket or airfare :
The grantees will receive an airplane ticket or be paid an economy class
airfare of the shortest route between their country and Korea when they come to
Korea, and, thereafter, when the grantees leave Korea after the completion of their
※ NIIED does not compensate fees for the domestic travel both in the grantee’s
country and Korea.
※ Airfare for entry into Korea
will not be provided to a grantee who already arrived and has been staying
in Korea as of the confirmation date of selection of scholarship students.
② Monthly Allowance : 800,000 won per month
③ Tuitions (an entrance fee and a registration fee) : The
full entrance fee are exempted by the host institution. The full tuition is
exempted by NIIED.
④ Settlement Allowance : 200,000 won upon arrival
⑤ Repatriation Allowance : 100,000 won upon completion of
⑥ Korean Language Training
Expenses : The full costs up to 1 year (NIIED pays directly to the entrusted
language training institution)
⑦ Medical Insurance: The grantees will be provided with
health insurance during the period of their study program in Korea for major
accidents and illnesses. (The medical fee will be reimbursed through the
insurance company to the grantee after he/she pays first)
※ NIIED does not compensate fees for insurance of traveling to and from
⑧ Any grantee who gives up one’s study during the
scholarship period will not receive airfare and allowance for
repatriation except for the cases approved by NIIED such as severance of
diplomatic relations, war or other natural disasters.
※ Any grantee who quits the
program in 3 months after one’s entrance into Korea, should refund all
scholarship fees(The airfare of arriving Korea, settlement allowance, monthly
allowance, Korean language training expenses, etc.).
3. Submission of Required Documents
(1) Place of
Submission: Documents must be submitted to the Korean Embassy or Consulate in
the country of origin.
(2) Deadline of
Submission: The date set by the Korean Embassy or Consulate in the country of
(3) Documents to be submitted
① One completed application form (on the prescribed
② Two 4cm x 5cm color photos
③ One Copy of a high school diploma
④ One Copy of a high school grade transcript
⑤ Two recommendation letters (from the applicant’s teacher
or principle of the school, academic advisor or the relevant chief of the
⑥ One Self-introduction Essay (on the prescribed form)
⑦ One NIIED Pledge (on the prescribed form)
⑧ One Study Plan (on a
prescribed form)
⑨ One personal medical
assessment (on a prescribed form)
⑩ One Certificate of Health authorized
by a doctor (only for those candidates who are filtered and recommended by Korean Embassy or Consulate)
⑪ One copy of a certificate of Korean proficiency or English
proficiency (only applicable to those who have, In 2 years after he/she took
the test)
⑫ The certificates of a
citizenship of the applicant and one’s parents if the applicant is a Korean abroad.
Application form bisa didownload di website ini:
Informasi lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi:
1. kedutaan RI di Indonesia
Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto 57, Jakarta Timur
Telepon : (021) 520-1915
: (021) 525-4159
2. The National Institute for International Education (NIIED)
Mailing Address : #205, Dongsung-dong 181,
Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea
Website : ① http://yoohak.niied.go.kr → Korean Government Scholarship Program → FAQ
② http://www.niied.go.kr → News
Friday, January 9, 2009
Korean Government Scholarship Program for Undergraduate Students 2009/2010

Gent University Belgium - Master grants 2009/2010
Master grants for candidates from developing countries!NEW CALL!
Deadline: 30 April 2009 (for 2009-2010)
This Ghent University programme provides master grants to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master¢s degree at Ghent University. The grants are available for all master programmes at Ghent University.. They are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme.
The scholarship consists of an allowance of 964 euro per month plus the yearly tuition fee.
More details: http://www.ugent.be/en/research/devcooperation/Mastercall2009.pdf

PhD Position in Modelling Ocean Circulation, the University of Kiel 2009-2010
The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR), is offering 1 PhD position or half Post-doc in the field of transport modelling in the research unit “Marine Meteorology” (working group: Ocean-Middle Atmosphere interaction) of the research division “Ocean Circu-lation and Climate Dynamics”.
Job Description/ Duties
The research is proposed within the WGL project TransBrom (”Very short lived bro-mine compounds in the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere” (www.ifm-geomar.de/~transbrom).
The applicant will investigate the real contribution of marine emissions of very short lived substances on the stratospheric bromine content with the help of coupled chem-istry climate models (CCMs). A Lagrangian transport model will be used for the evaluation of future changes of transport pathways from short lived brominated source gases from the ocean and their entry points into the stratosphere.
Different CCMs will be used and compared with each other (i.e. a multi-model mean ap-proach). The CCM simulations are carried out in the framework of CCMVal („CCM Validation“ an initiative of SPARC, www.pa.op.dlr.de/CCMVal). The main focus will be on the analysis of atmospheric dynamics e.g. on the tropical tropopause layer and on the convection.
She/ he will carry out the Lagrangian transport studies, joining a team of scientists in Kiel, collaborating with national and international partners. The successful applicant is expected to analyse the model data and participate in the writing of scientific articles.
PhD applicants must have a Diplom or comparable degree in meteorology, mathematics, physics, computer science or from related scientific fields.
Knowledge of transport processes in general, the atmospheric circulation (Hadley and Brewer-Dobson circulation) and of the Tropical Tropopause Layer would be of benefit.
Experience in the handling of large data sets and a strong background in For-tran and shell programming are necessary. Other software programs of use are Matlab, IDL, grads, cdo, pingo.
English is the main working language, and a fluent written and speaking ability is required.
Attendance of yearly CCMVal meetings and international conferences are ex-pected.
The Leibniz institute of Marine Sciences is an equal opportunity employer and en-courages female scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
The position is open until it is filled in and it is available for up to 3 years. The salary is up to the class E 13 TV-L of the German tariffs for public employees, depending on qualifications. Please send your full application (including a CV, certificates and the names and addresses of two referees) for this post as soon as possible using the key word TransBrom to the following address:
Leibniz Institute für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-12148 Kiel
Please mention the keyword on the envelope and on the application. A re-addressed envelope is greatly appreciated.
For further information please contact Kirstin Krüger (kkrueger[ at ]ifm-geomar.de)
IFM-GEOMAR is a foundation by public law, jointly funded by the federal und state government. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL) and the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM). For further information please visit www.ifm-geomar.de.

PhD Research Studentship in Optimising Pharmaceutical Flows For Better Drug Delivery, Wolfson School of Mechanical 2009-2010
PhD Research Studentship in Optimising Pharmaceutical Flows For Better Drug Delivery, Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UK
3-year duration. Stipend £11,500 pa (UK/EU), £8,000 pa (non-UK/EU). Tuition fees paid in full. Applications from overseas candidates welcomed.
Understanding the behaviour of airborne particulates is a must for any manufacturer designing systems for the handling and delivery of pharmaceutical powders. The drug component must be controlled, the particles are often difficult to handle and cohesive. Furthermore, the interaction between the gas and the particles is complex. We propose to consider this problem by combining a fundamental understanding of particulate and multiphase flows with state-of-the-art multiphysics computational techniques and experimental systems to produce novel designs for pharmaceutical delivery. A successful member of our group can expect to be a part of a team of experts that works within a framework of international collaboration (UK, USA, India, Israel, France).
Applications are invited for a PhD position expected to commence October 2009.
Informal enquiries should be made to Dr. Ricky Wildman, email r.d.wildman[ at ]lboro.ac.uk or Mr. Henk Versteeg h.k.versteeg[ at ]lboro.ac.uk, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU, UK, Telephone 01509 227630.
For an application pack and details of admission requirements please contact Ms JR Mason, Research Administrator, email J.R.Mason[ at ]lboro.ac.uk
Please quote Ref: RDW111208 on the application form and in any correspondence.
Curriculum vitae will only be accepted if accompanied by a completed University application form. Applicants should be in possession of, or expect to receive, an Upper Second or First Class degree in a physical science or engineering discipline.
The closing date for all applications is 23rd January 2009

Postgraduate Studentships in Arts and Humanities - University of Glasgow
Postgraduate Studentships
Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Arts
The University of Glasgow will be offering postgraduate studentships in a wide range of subjects in the Arts and Humanities for studies at Masters and Doctoral level commencing in October 2009. These include Faculty Scholarships and Overseas Research Student (ORS) Awards. In some subject areas within the Arts Faculty (indicated below), ESRC quota studentships are also available.
We have submitted a proposal for a significant number of AHRC awards to be made through the new Block Grant Partnership scheme, and the results of this proposal will be announced in February. We have proposed awards at both Masters and Doctoral level in the following sixteen areas within the AHRC subject domain.
* Archaeology
* Celtic Studies
* Classics and Ancient History
* Creative Writing
* Cultural Studies (including Human and Cultural Geography, and subjects in Law, Social Science and Education which fall within the AHRC subject domain)
* Dance, Drama and Performing Arts
* English Language and Literature (including Scottish Literature; some topics in English Language and Linguistics also eligible for ESRC studentships)
* European Language and Culture (including German, Hispanic, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech)
* Film Studies and Television Studies
* French Language and Culture
* History (some topics in Economic and Social History also eligible for ESRC studentships)
* History of Art, Architecture and Design
* Librarianship, Archives, Record Management and Information Science
* Music
* Philosophy
* Religious Studies
Potential applicants are advised to consult the AHRC Guidelines on Postgraduate Funding Opportunities for information on the Block Grant Partnership Scheme, on the AHRC subject domains, and on academic and residency criteria: http://www.ahrc.ac.uk/FundingOpportunities/Pages/BGP.aspx
Applicants are strongly advised to consult the appropriate Departmental pages on the Glasgow University website for information on the research and teaching strengths of Departments and Centres:http://www.gla.ac.uk/departments/
Where appropriate, interdisciplinary applications are encouraged. Applicants may also wish to consult the Arts and Humanities Graduate School website at http://www.gla.ac.uk/faculties/arts/graduateschool/
AHRC/ESRC Studentships are funded at the UK Research Council rate. A ‘full’ studentship is offered to those meeting UK residency criteria and covers all postgraduate fees and a maintenance allowance. Applications for part-time study will be considered. EU nationals resident in the EU/EEA may be eligible for a “fees-only” studentship. Applicants should complete the Graduate Admission application form which is available at http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_6776_en.pdf
Applicants for studentship awards should tick the appropriate box on the front page of the application form. The applicant’s prospective department(s) will assess the application.
Current University of Glasgow Doctoral students applying for funding for 2nd/3rd year(s) of study should complete a Scholarship application form which is available athttp://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_103418_en.doc
The closing date for receipt of applications from overseas students for ORS awards is Friday 30 January 2009. The closing date for receipt of all other applications for 2009 studentships is Monday 16 February 2009. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.

Master Scholarships for Candidates from Developing Countries, Ghent University
Master grants for candidates from developing countries !NEW CALL!
This Ghent University programme provides master grants to candidates from developing countries who wish to obtain a master's degree at Ghent University. The grants are available for all master programmes at Ghent University. They are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme.
The scholarship consists of an allowance of 964 euro per month plus the yearly tuition fee.
For more information, you can contact Liesbeth Vandepitte.
All documents listed below, are the new documents for 2009-2010.
This is the right way to start your procedure:
* Decide what programme you would like to follow (consult the brochure 'International Masters);
* take care of your admission, this can take 3 months (consult the admission pdf!);
* start completing your Application Form (your motivation is very important);
* when you have received your admission letter, send it together with your completed Application Form to Liesbeth Vandepitte (1 hard copy, 1 electronic copy).
All documents listed below, are the new documents for 2009-2010:
* Admission
* Master call 2009-2010
* Master application form 2009-2010
* How to fill in the application form 2009-2010
* Country list
* Brochure International Masters at Ghent University
Closing date: 30 April 2009 (for 2009-2010)

PhD Positions in Upscaling Small-scale Land and Water System Innovations, UNESCO-IHE
PhD position available at UNESCO-IHE (SSI-2 Project), Upscaling small-scale land and water system innovations in dryland agro-ecosystems for sustainability and livelihood improvements (SSI-2)
Recently, an interdisciplinary research project was approved by the UNESCO-IHE Partnership Research Fund (UPaRF).
This project will form part of the broader successor programme of SSI, in which the following institutes collaborate: UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (Delft, The Netherlands), University of Dar Es Salaam, University of KwaZulu Natal, Delft University of Technology, the International Water Management Institute, Sokoine University of Agriculture and the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Within the current project a PhD positions is available, linked to the themes described below. If successful, the PhD degree will be awarded by Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands.
Project description
The project focuses on the semi-arid areas of sub-Saharan Africa, where 95% of the total agricultural land is used for rainfed agriculture, water availability is scarce and highly variable, and average yields often remain below 1 ton per ha. The resilience of the farming systems is low as well, due the large (and increasing) variability of the hydro-climatic conditions and a limited capacity to adapt. As a result, crop failure is the norm. Water availability is a key entry point to improve crop productivity in these regions (Falkenmark and Rockström, 2004).
The research and outreach programme of "Smallholder systems innovations in integrated watershed management" (SSI-1, 2004-2008) thus focused on the identification and application of innovative agricultural water management practices that offer opportunities to increase both food security and safeguard environmental integrity. The impact of these innovations on food production and ecosystems has been studied at field and watershed scale at sites in the Thukela river basin in South Africa and the Pangani river basin in Tanzania.
There is a growing awareness that a real transformation of the countryside will only be possible if innovative soil and water technologies and land and water management practices are adopted, and locally adapted, at a large scale and in combination with increased fertilizer use (see e.g. Rijsberman, 2004; Polak, 2005; Rockström et al., 2007). Only then will rural areas be able to transform from their current position of marginalization and poverty to a motor of socio-economic development (Prahalad, 2004).
Since the conditions under which such a transformation may occur, as well as the potential impacts at different scales, are still ill-understood, a new project will focus on the socio-economic and bio-physical conditions and impacts of upscaling these innovations. This new project (SSI-2, 2008-2012) will take note of some new drivers that influence the opportunities for agricultural innovation and rural socio-economic transformation: increasing food prices, increased access to information in the rural countryside, climate change impacts, and the limited access of farmers to energy sources in the face of an increasing global demand for biofuels (e.g., de Wit and Stankiewics, 2006; Uhlenbrook, 2007). The two PhD research projects form part of the broader SSI-2 programme.
PhD Project 1: Water processes at different spatial scales
This research theme addresses the hydrological implications for up-scaling land and water system innovations. The objective is to gain better understanding of the interactions between processes linking local and larger scales.
The analysis focuses on how the dominant hydrological processes may change at different spatial scales. The research builds on the understanding of the hydrological processes gained during SSI-1, with a stronger emphasis on groundwater-surface water interactions and potential implications of/for land management changes.
It is hypothesised that surface-groundwater interactions are critical to the impacts of water system innovations, and that it impacts vary with scale and different physiographic characteristics.
This hypothesis will be verified in the field and the results used for predictive modelling to determine impacts of up-scaled use of WSIs on water quantity and quality for downstream users under different scenarios. The surface-groundwater interactions (including wetlands) are also crucial for the hydrological variability and water resources availability at different scales and, consequently, for the provision of ecosystem services.
Research question: What are the hydrological impacts of small scale farming activities, incl. water system innovations, across different scales? Particular attention will be paid to different types of rainwater harvesting, supplementary irrigation and full scale irrigation.
Methodology: Understanding the hydrological impacts of small scale farming activities across different scales, requires the understanding of the hydrological processes at these scales. This research will take up the small scale hydrological understanding (project 3.1) and investigate the large scale (500-5,000-45,000 km2) hydrological processes through the use of remote sensing data combined with field observations (incl. hydro-chemical and tracers studies). Of particular interest is the groundwater surface water interaction (incl. generation of wetlands) and the impact of this on the downstream water availability (PBWO, 2006). A process-based distributed hydrological model will be developed to investigate different scenarios of uptake and extent of the small scale farming activities.
This study will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Stefan Uhlenbrook, Dr. Jan Willem Foppen, Dr Shreedhar Maskey (UNESCO-IHE), Dr. T.A. Kimaro (UDSM).
The following applies to the position:
* All topics will be carried out in a so-called sandwich construction with different phases at UNESCO-IHE in the Netherlands and field research in Tanzania (with regular contacts with Tanzanian and Dutch supervisors).
* PhD positions are funded with a fellowship for which NUFFIC regulations apply.
* Starting date: April 1, 2009 for 4 years.
* Qualifications: M.Sc. degree (average mark: 80% or above) in a discipline relevant to the topic, e.g. environmental engineering, socio-economics of the water sector, hydrology and water resources.
* The applicants must demonstrate a strong interest and experience in conducting interdisciplinary research.
* The applicant should be willing to co-operated with other researchers in the SSI-2 programme
* The applicants should be willing to co-supervise MSc research projects.
* The applicants must be fluent in English.
* Preferred country of citizenship of the applicants is Tanzania.
* Age: 40 years and below.
* Work experience in relevant fields of studies is desirable.
The project it is jointly led by Dr. T.A. Kimaro (kimaro[ at ]wrep.udsm.ac.tz) and Ms. M.L. Mul (m.mul[ at ]unesco-ihe.org) of UNESCO-IHE.
Applications, including curriculum vitae, the names and contact details of three contactable referees, and a motivation letter, should be sent by email to both Dr. T.A. Kimaro and Ms. M.L. Mul before 31 January 2009. Please mention the subject heading "PhD application SSI-2 project 1".
We intend to contact short-listed candidates on or before 15 February 2009.
Closing date: 31 January 2009

PhD Candidates and PostDocs in Microelectronics and Integrated Circuit Design, the University of Ulm
The Institute of Microelectronics at the University of Ulm, Germany, offers scholarships for PhD Candidates and PostDocs in Microelectronics and Integrated Circuit Design
The positions are limited in time for 3 years with the possibility of an extension.
Our research focus is in the design and development of low power, analog and mixed-signal CMOS circuits for applications in medical engineering, sensor- and communication techniques. A/D-converters, implantable interface electronics for biomedical applications as well as reconfigurable and self-correcting circuits are currently main research areas.
The current vacancies cover CMOS mixed-signal Circuit Design for Field Programmable Analog Arrays or Neural Stimulators & Recorders.
The Institute of Microelectronics is equipped with a variety of high-end, commercial IC development CAD tools, a modern computer-infrastructure and a laboratory with measurement equipment for analog and digital circuit design. We offer an interesting, independent and varied working assignment in a young, highly motivated team and you will have the chance to realise new ideas and to work in cooperation with leading European and American project partners.
We expect motivation in scientific work and willingness to cope with demanding challenges. Participation in teaching and in industrial projects may be part of your work. An excellent MS in Electrical Engineering, Physics or related studies, very good knowledge of analog microelectronics, circuit design and control theory and being fluent in spoken and written English are required.
Questions and application (including CV, transcripts and academic record) to be send to:
Prof. Maurits Ortmanns
Institute of Microelectronics
University of Ulm
Albert-Einstein-Allee 43
89081 Ulm, Germany
in.application_aem[ at ]uni-ulm.de
The University of Ulm aspires to increase the quota of women and so we especially call for qualified women to apply.

United Nations University (UNU) International Course
United Nations University (UNU) will organize the tenth regular session of its six-week UNU International Course at UNU Centre in Tokyo, Japan, from 11 May through 19 June 2009.
The UNU International Courses (UNU/IC) are organized annually for a select group of postgraduate students and professionals in various occupations (from multidisciplinary educational background including environmental sciences) who wish to pursue careers in international fields in public-service or private organizations, including the United Nations, multinational corporations and non-governmental organizations, as well as national foreign service organizations. The courses are designed to provide analyses of global issues from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.
UNU/IC consists of a compulsory Core course (UN System: Pressing Issues and Sustainable Solutions) and optional Courses (Students are allowed to choose one or two courses from - Peace and Human Rights; Global Change and Sustainability; International Development and Cooperation). The courses are offered by international faculty and English will be used as instruction language.
Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to find appropriate funding from potential sources. Limited numbers of fellowships (both full and partial) are also available to assist very few outstanding candidates from developing countries.
For information on courses organized in the previous years as well as for detailed information (brochure, application form etc) please visit http://www.unu.edu/ic/. If you have further questions, please contact: Ms. Wilma James through e-mail: james[ at ]hq.unu.edu
The deadline for applications is 31 January 2009.
For wider circulation, you are kindly requested to put up this information on your institution's bulletin/notice board and share through print and e-newsletters, e-mail groups, relevant networks etc. Please feel free to pass this message to professional colleagues and friends who may wish to benefit from this opportunity.

PhD Position in Chemistry-cloud-climate links in the Marine Boundary Layer, the University of East Anglia 2009/2010
A PhD position for 3 years is available at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK to investigate the role of stratiform clouds for the chemistry and the role of chemistry for cloud properties and climate forcing (funding unfortunately only for UK/EU students).
Clouds have a profound effect on climate due to their ability to reflect sunlight back to space and thermal radiation back to the Earth.
At the core of each cloud droplet there is a so-called cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) that determines the properties of the droplet. Many different types of particles act as CCN, each with different properties.
The goal of this project is to improve our quantitative understanding of the bi-directional links between chemistry, the CCN population and stratiform clouds as well as between these clouds and climate (via so-called indirect aerosol effects). Our main interests are stratiform clouds in the marine boundary layer (MBL), how their microphysical and optical properties are affected by chemistry including gas-to-particle formation of new CCN and growth of CCN as well as how the clouds affect the chemistry in the MBL. Furthermore we will examine crucial steps of a widely publicised hypothesis of natural climate regulation (the “CLAW-hypothesis”).
To this end the PhD student is supposed to use the Large Eddy Model, LEM, of the Met Office which will be extended as part of this project to include a simplified description of chemistry and the interaction with warm cloud microphysics. The use of the LEM will give us the opportunity to study whole cloud systems of scales of kilometres with high vertical and horizontal resolution. The results from these model runs will be compared with field data for example from the upcoming VOCALS-Rex campaign to be held in Oct/Nov 2008 in the southeast Pacific. The specific objectives of this studentship are: (1) To quantify the chemical processes that control new particle formation and particle growth in the marine boundary layer (MBL). (2) To quantify indirect radiative effects based on (1). (3) To quantify the impact of aerosol and cloud chemistry on the chemistry in the MBL.
Special issue on the CLAW hypothesis in Environmental Chemistry, December 2007; in this issue: on Glasow, R.
von Glasow, R. and P. J. Crutzen, Model study of multiphase DMS oxidation with a focus on halogens,
Webpage of VOCALS project:
Research Areas
Atmospheric Sciences
Keywords: Environmental Chemistry; Atmospheric Physics; Meteorology; Environmental Sciences;
Funding Status: Directly Funded Project (EU) Pre-allocated studentship. School Funding
Suitable First Degree: Atmospheric sciences; Environmental sciences; Physics; Chemistry; Mathematics
Closing date: 30th January 2009

Thursday, January 8, 2009
BIOINFORMATICS POSTDOC The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Pathway-based tumour characterisation by alignment against
panels along multiple molecular dimensions.
Astra Zeneca Oncology has constructed large cell panels to serve as in
vitro models for drug response. These cell panels have been extensively
characterized by mutation analysis, mRNA expression, aCGH, response to a wide
variety of drugs, micro-RNA expression and phosphoprotein characterization. In
parallel, the same measurements are being performed on a collection of
colorectal samples. In this project two aims are pursued. First, a comparative
analysis will be performed between the cell line data and the tumor data to
determine the multi-dimensional molecular states spanned by the cell lines and
whether these states faithfully recapitulate the space spanned by a
representative and clinically relevant selection of tumor samples.
Guided by
this mapping and by following a pathway-based approach, integrative modeling
will be applied on the cell line panel data to construct models predictive of
Job description:
The successful candidate will be responsible for the bioinformatics
analysis of the cell line and tissue data. More specifically, these tasks
include 1) constructing a comprehensive gene list of the PI3K and ERK network;
2) Molecular characterisation of the colorectal cell panel and tumour samples
through integrative analysis of the various data sources within the space
spanned by the identified network genes and 3) Pathway-based alignment of cell
panel to tumours to determine the extent to which the cell panel recapitulates
the heterogeneity in the tissue set.
The position is embedded within the Bioinformatics and statistics group
lead by Dr Lodewyk Wessels (http://bioinformatics.nki.nl) at the
Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam and the Oncology Informatics group,
Discovery Medicine, Astra Zeneca, Alderley Park, UK lead by Dr Tim French. We
plan to have regular meetings, and the postdoc will also spend time at both
Candidates should fulfill the following criteria.
- MSc or PhD in
one of the following areas: bioinformatics, engineering, computer science,
statistics, physics, biotechnology, or biology.
- Knowledge of
fundamental aspects of cancer biology, especially signalling
- Knowledge of fundamental aspects of computer science
(algorithms and data structures, programming languages).
- Knowledge or
experience of informatics.
- Knowledge of statistics, artificial
intelligence or bioinformatics is highly desirable.
Conditions of Employment:
The successful candidate will be employed by the Netherlands Cancer
Institute. The employment conditions follow general employment rules as laid
down in the 'CAO' for hospitals. The salary will be determined depending on
education and experience.
Contact and Applications:
Dr. Lodewyk Wessels, tel. +31 20 512 7987 or e-mail: l.wessels@nki.nl or Dr Tim French Discovery Medicine, Cancer
Bioscience, tel. +44 1625-519922 or e-mail: Tim.French@AstraZeneca.com. Applicants should send a CV, list of
publications and the names and addresses of at least two persons that can be
approached to obtain further information.
Closing date:
30 January 2009
L.F.A.Wessels, Ph.D
Bioinformatics and Statistics
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 5127987
Fax: +31 (0)20 6691383
Mobile: +31
L.F.A.Wessels, Ph.D
Bioinformatics and Statistics
Netherlands Cancer Institute
Plesmanlaan 121, 1066 CX Amsterdam
Tel: +31 (0)20 5127987
Fax: +31 (0)20 6691383
Mobile: +31

PhD Scholarships Economics and Finance Italy 2009-2010
University of Verona (Italy)
Call for Admissions: PhD Program in Economics and Finance
Università di Verona (Italy)
The Department of Economics at the University of Verona (Italy) is
pleased to announce the availability of at least three PhD Research
Scholarships for 3 years starting in January 2009.
The Doctoral Program in Economics and Finance is designed to train
doctoral candidates in a broad program of advanced study for careers in
teaching and research in universities, in public and private research
organizations, in financial and consulting institutions and private
The department recruits promising students from Italy and
abroad and courses are taught in English. Students are accepted directly
for Ph.D. degree. As prerequisite, students must hold a bachelor's
degree from an accredited institution in Italy or the equivalent level
of education from an institution outside Italy.
The internationalization program, financed by the Italian Ministry of
University and Research and the University of Verona, has lead in the
recent years to exchange agreements with the universities of Essex,
York, Wisconsin, Cergy-Pontoise, Cyprus, Oviedo, Campinas and Colombia.
The official calls for admissions can be found on this website
The first Call is for two scholarships. One is a general university
scholarship. Another scholarship is linked the realization of an
internationally co-tutored project in collaboration with the University
of Cergy-Pontoise or Paris X and involves a compulsory period of study
and research (up to 18 months) at one of these institutions. The amount
granted for these scholarships is € 13,638 per year and this is exempt
from personal income tax. They will be granted for the entire duration
of the PhD course and will be increased by 50% during authorized study
periods abroad.
The second Call is for a scholarship (co-funded by Regione Veneto – FSE)
reserved for the realization of the a research project on “The Economic
Analysis of Juvenile Crime and Policy Implications”. In this case the
scholarship amounts to € 19,000 gross per year.
Candidates may apply for all of these scholarships. Applications must be
sent on the forms provided and in the way indicated on the official call
by January 9, 2009. Candidates are also encouraged to send all this
documentation by email to admissions @ dse.univr.it by the same date.
However, please note that applications must also be sent by post as
indicated in the call. Interviews will take place on January 21, 2009
(in person or in video-conference).
For further information on our PhD programme please visit the following

Clinical Linguistics MA / MSc Student University of Potsdam 2009/2010
Institution/Organization: University of Potsdam
Department: Neurolinguistics
Web Address: http://www.emcl-mundus.com
Level: MA / MSc
Specialty Areas: Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics
Clinical Linguistics
The Erasmus Mundus EMCL ('European Masters in Clinical Linguistics')
course is a
15 month full-time interdisciplinary and transnational university
programme at
Masters level. It provides integrated training in theoretical and
neurosciences and psycholinguistics with clinical issues. The aim of
the Masters
Course is to train highly qualified advanced students who are
prepared for research work and Ph.D. programmes in the above fields.
The transnational consortium comprises four universities: Groningen
Joensuu (FI), Milano-Bicocca (IT) and Potsdam (DE). The programme
consists of
three terms: the core courses offered in the first term aim at
providing the
students with general knowledge about the fields mentioned above.
During the
second and third term, the students attend specialised courses. For
the second
term, students may choose to move from their first host university to
one, while all students meet at the University of Potsdam during the
third term.
To finish the programme successfully, the student writes a Masters
thesis and
attends a summer school or conference. All courses are taught in
The EMCL programme is part of the Erasmus Mundus initiative of the
Union, providing an Erasmus Mundus scholarship covering tuition fees
7,500.-), living and travelling costs for non-EU students admitted to
programme (amounting to a total of ? 29,000.-/scholarship). The EMCL-
thus has a strong extra-European profile.
Students from EU-countries may not apply for the Erasmus Mundus
scholarship, but
pay a reduced tuition fee of 2,700.-. Applications from EU students
are highly
Requirement for application is at least three years of higher
education (B.A.,
B.Sc. or equivalent) with an emphasis on linguistics, speech and
pathology, biomedical sciences, psychology or special education.
Application Deadline: 15-Jan-2009
Web Address for Applications: http://www.emcl-mundus.com
Contact Information:
PD Dr. Frank Burchert

Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Public Policy
Mundus MAPP is open to both European and overseas (third country national) students. Erasmus Mundus scholarships are provided for the latter group by the European Commission.
Minimum requirements are
BA degree (normally at least Second Class);
Fluency in English, for non-native speakers evidenced by:
TOEFL (Computer-based; taken on/after March 14, 2007) 237 or above; OR
TOEFL (Paper version; taken on/after March 14, 2007) 580 or above; OR
TOEFL (Internet version; taken on/after March 14, 2007) 92 or above; OR
International English Language Test (IELTS; taken on/after March 14, 2006) 6.5 or above; OR
Cambridge Proficiency Examination (taken on/after March 1, 2003) C or above; OR
Cambridge Advanced English Test (taken on/after March 1, 2003) B or above.
Mundus MAPP does not require a language test certificate from native English speakers of the following countries:
Australia, Botswana, Canada, Gambia, Ghana, Ireland, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Rwanda (English-speaking region), South Africa, Uganda, UK, USA and Zambia.
Applicants holding a preliminary degree from any of the countries of the European Union where the language of instruction was English, and applicants holding a preliminary degree from a university in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK or USA may also request a waiver from the English language admissions requirement.
High motivation and interest in European and international public policy.
Although Spanish is no longer a requirement for mobility tracks involving IBEI, basic knowledge of Spanish is recommended as some electives will only be available in Spanish.
Preference will be given to candidates with relevant work experience.
How to apply
Admissions to Mundus MAPP are centrally administered by the Central European University in Budapest. Qualitative assessment of the candidates is performed jointly by the four consortium universities. Please note that as of the 2008-2009 academic year the number of applications by third country students must be limited to three Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses maximum. In the eventual case that a student applies to more than three EM Courses he/she will be excluded from the selection for an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.
Candidates are required to fill in an on-line application form.
Besides submitting the on-line application form candidates will be required to upload supporting documentation. The list of these documents and the relevant forms are available here. Until the new online application form is launched candidates are advised to obtain/prepare these documents as soon as possible to speed up submission.
Further information on formal requirements regarding the official documents is available on CEU's admission's pages, with the applicable requirements as outlined here.
For queries please write to mundusmapp@ceu.hu.

Durham University Doctoral Fellowship
Application Deadline 16 February 2009.
The University offers a generous package of support to outstanding doctoral research students through the Durham University Doctoral Fellowship scheme.. The scheme provides:
Full payment of tuition fees at home or overseas rate
A maintenance stipend at the national rate (13,290GBP in 2009/10)
A research training support grant (1,000GBP in 2009/10)
An allowance to attend the North East local Grad School
More details: http://www.dur.ac.uk/graduate.school/doctoral_fellowships/

Vacancy at Waskita Karya
Waskita Karya is one of a Leading State Owned Enterprise in construction industry with wide range activities: highways, bridges, sewerage plants, cement plants, factories and other indutrial facilities.
We at Waskita strongly believed that our people are our greatest assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit, develop and retain the best talents to fulfill our growth ambition.
Currently we have Management Trainee opportunities in Finance / Accounting area.
Requirements :
* Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Accounting and Management from Reputable University with minimum GPA of 3.00 on 4.00 grade scale
* Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia/Overseas(midle East)
* A highly driven and motivated self starter with astrong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Requirements :
* Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old
* Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in civil Engineering from Reputable University with minimum GPA of 2.75 on 4.00 grade scale
* Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia/Overseas(midle East)
* A highly driven and motivated self starter with astrong commitment in achieving career, personal and organizational goal
Those waiting for graduation on March 2009 are also welcome to apply
Sent your Application Letter, CV, ID Card, Recent Photograph (4x6),
Copy S1 Certificate and Copy af Academic Transcript to:
HRD Departement
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero}
Jl. MT Haryono Kav 10 Cawang Jakarta 13340
Write MT and Disipline Code in the left corner of the envelope
Closing date : Januari 17th 2009
Vacancy at Chevron
Who is Chevron ?
Headquartered in San Ramon – California USA and conducting business in 180 countries. Chevron is engaged in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry. Including exploration and production : refining ; marketing and transportation; chemicals manufacturing and sales; and power generation.
In Indonesia, Chevron is working in partnership with Pertamina for geothermal business. Chevron has long been recognized as a significant oil and gas producer and geothermal and power provider.
To sustain profitable growth and build the organizational capability, Chevron in Indonesia is now searching for recent graduates Indonesian nationals who possess relevant educational background, technical, and behavior competencies to join the company in a number of opportunities.
Operator/ Technician
Qualification :
* Minimum GPA 2,75
* D3 in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Instrumentation
* High School or S1 above will not be considered
* Will Graduate in December 2008/January 2009
* Desiring to work in a multicultural and diverse organization
* Willing to be relocated to Sukabumi & Garut , West Java
How to Apply :
Please Apply to :
Gd. Engineering Center Lt. Dasar
Fakultas Teknik, UI Depok 16424
Telp/Fax : (021) 788 49080
Before January 16, 2009
All applications are appreciated and will be treated confidentially. Only qualified, short-listed applicants will be invited for further process.
We are an Automotive Finance Company, a subsidiary of Indomobil Group. We have created all core application and made virtual private network to all branches. As one of the biggest finance company in Indonesia, we offer some good career opportunities in several field.
Finance & Accounting Staff (Code: FAS)
* Male or Female max 26 years old
* S1 in Accounting / Finance from reputable university
* min GPA is 3.00 (on scale 4.00)
* Fresh graduated or having experience in finance/accounting
* Able to work in a team, willing to work under pressure, honest, and diligent
* In depth knowledge in Tax Regulation (PPh 21) will be advantages
Please send your application with detail CV and recent photo within 2 weeks by indicating the above code on the envelope to :
JL. M.T Haryono Kav.8
Jakarta 13330
E-mail : hr_recruitment@indomobilfinance.com
Vacancy at PT Astra Graphia Information Technology (Agit)
PT Astra Graphia Information Technology (Agit), formerly PT SCS Astragraphia Technologies, is a subsidiary of PT Astra Graphia Tbk, which has been in the IT business since 1983 and one of Indonesia’s leading system integrators, offering hardware, software and IT services.
We have domain, expertise and solutions for the automotive industry, consumer product industry, telecommunications, financial & banking, oil and gas, and government sectors. Our services offerings include SAP implementation and maintenance service, outsourcing services, Application management and IT operations management.
We need a high forte candidate to fill a position of :
Helpdesk Analyst
- Problem & Change Solving / Escalation
- User Support
- S1 from Computer Science or Informatics with min 1year experience at IT related (Priority)
- Have IT Skill (SAP, Windows, PC, Office, Internet, Anti Virus)
- Have a Communication Skill
- Have a Customer Relationship Skill
- English (min. Passive)
- Have a Sense of customer satisfaction & operational support readiness
If you are confident that you are right candidate we are looking for, send your application letter together with the detailed resume and a recent photograph indicating the position code in the subject of your email, within two weeks from advertisement to: career@ag-it.com
Postgraduate Research Opportuinities - Department of Social Medicine University of Bristol 2009-2010
Department of Social Medicine
Excellent postgraduate research degree (PhD / MD) opportunities in a
leading (RAE 6*) department.
The Department of Social Medicine, University of Bristol, one of the
UK’s leading institutions for epidemiology and health services research,
is inviting applications from outstanding, highly motivated graduates
with good honours or Masters degrees in relevant disciplines for PhD
studentships tenable from October 2009. Projects in statistics,
epidemiology, human genetics, bioinformatics, economics, sociology, and
psychology applied to medical and/or clinical issues are encouraged.
Research areas include: quantitative and qualitative health services
research; aetiological, genetic, lifecourse, clinical, nutritional and
cancer epidemiology; effectiveness and acceptability of health
services/care; health/illness/disability in older age.
A variety of potential studentships are available, including University
of Bristol Postgraduate Research Scholarships; Wellcome Trust 4-year PhD
studentships in Molecular, Genetic and Lifecourse Epidemiology; MRC
Causal Analyses in Translational Epidemiology Studentships; and Overseas
The closing date for receipt of applications in the Department is 6th
February 2009.
For further details about the available studentships, potential topics
and supervisors, and for application forms, contact: Susie Potts,
University of Bristol, Canynge Hall, 39 Whatley Road, Bristol BS8 2PS
(0117 928 7274). Email susie.potts@bristol.ac.uk.
Web page http://www.epi.bris.ac.uk/postgrad/pg.htm

M.S./Ph.D. Studies scholarship in Information Systems at UC Irvine
The faculty of the Information Systems Group (ISG) at UC Irvine is looking
for a handful of excellent prospective students who are seeking an exciting,
active place to study and do research on databases and information systems
starting in the Fall of 2009. Several large projects are underway and
several new ones are just beginning and will provide excellent opportunities
for incoming students to “get in on the ground floor” of interesting new
research initiatives.
ISG is a part of the CS Department within the Bren School of Information
and Computer Sciences at UC Irvine, an environment that offers a number of
unique advantages and opportunities. Being one of just a handful of such
schools across the country, ICS offers a broad, stimulating intellectual
environment for graduate studies. ICS is comprised of three departments -
Computer Science, Informatics, and Statistics - covering all traditional
computer science areas as well as related areas such as software
human-computer interaction and usability, collaboration technologies, and
statistical machine learning and data mining and analysis.
UC Irvine itself, in the words of our current chancellor, “combines the
strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable
Southern California location.” Thus, in addition to a stimulating research
and educational environment, graduate study in ISG at UC Irvine offers
attractive off-hours opportunities. Our location in Orange County
(http://www.visitorangecounty.net) offers easy access to a wide variety
of outdoor and indoor entertainment and sporting activities.
More information about graduate study in CS at UC Irvine can be found on the
UCI CS graduate studies page (http://www.ics.uci.edu/computerscience/grad).
The application period is open now and applications will be accepted through
January 15, 2009. More specifics about ISG, its faculty, and its projects
can be found on our new ISG web site (http://isg.ics.uci.edu). Check us out!

TIGP Scholarships 2009-2010
TIGP is now accepting applications for admission to the 2009 fall semester, and applications are due before 31 March, 2009. TIGP offers the following nine Ph.D. programs:
1. Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics
2. Molecular Science and Technology
3. Molecular and Biological Agricultural Sciences
4. Molecular and Cell Biology
5. Bioinformatics
6. Nano Science and Technology
7. Molecular Medicine
8. Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing
9. Earth System Science
No application fee is required.Please send the completed application to:
Admissions Office
Taiwan International Graduate Program
No. 75, Lane 12, Section 2, Academia Road , Nankang District,
Taipei City11529 , Taiwan, R. O. C.
TIGP now also offers the option to apply online for admission to the program. If you wish to learn more about our online application system, please via the website at
For more information, please contact Nancy Yang/ Alice Lee at +886-2-27898050/ +886-2-2789-9696.
Email:nancyy@gate.sinica.edu.tw / alicelee@gate.sinica.edu.tw.
TIGP website: http://tigp.sinica.edu.tw/applying.html
TIGP Office
About TIGP
The Taiwan International Graduate Program is a Ph.D. program, started in 2002, by Academia Sinica, the foremost research institution of Taiwan. In cooperation with top universities in Taiwan, Academia Sinica offers advanced, inter-disciplinary Ph.D. Programs, in nine fields that span the natural and physical sciences, as well as computational linguistics. TIGP students will learn in all-English teaching and research environments, and enjoy access to world-class faculty and state-of-the-art research facilities at Academia Sinica and partner universities. All applicants who are admitted to TIGP will receive a fellowship from Academia Sinica. Stipend levels are about USD 11,000 per year, and will be awarded for the first three years.

University of Glasgow OSI/FCO Chevening
The Open Society Institute, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the University of Glasgow invite applications for the above scholarships at the University of Glasgow. Applicants will be expected to be both nationals of and resident in Indonesia.
Applicants should have outstanding academic qualifications and good English. Each scholarship provides one year’s tuition fees at the University of Glasgow, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only), and return air travel from the scholar’s home country. On completion of the scholarship scholars are expected to return to their home country to resume their studies or work there.
Further information and application forms are available from the address below, and completed applications should be returned there by 1 February 2009.
Rowena Rompas
British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Complete information can be obtained at:

PhD / Postdoc Positions Netherlands Cancer Institute
The Netherlands: PhD / Postdoc Positions in Systems Biology of Insertional Mutagenesis, Netherlands Cancer Institute
PhD / Postdoc Positions in Systems Biology of Insertional Mutagenesis, Netherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
A major goal of cancer research is to understand the gene networks that control tumorigenesis. Towards this end, large scale in vivo insertional mutagenesis screens are performed at the NKI. While this approach is extremely powerful, it still suffers from some limitations. First, viral insertions in the genome are not completely random, but show substantial biases. Second, when a virus integrates in an intergenic region, it is difficult to predict which of the surrounding genes will be affected. Third, the expression status of the integrated provirus itself is likely to be affected by the local chromatin structure.
In this project we will employ very large scale insertion data obtained via deep sequencing, expression data en newly generated and public genome and chromatin profiling datasets to construct predictive models of insertion bias, effects of the environment on the genes and the effects of the insertions on genes. These models will be validated through directed perturbations of components identified in the modeling step as critical.
The ideal candidates will have a background in one of the following areas: bioinformatics, engineering, computer science, statistics, physics, biotechnology, or biology. Knowledge of fundamental aspects of computer science (algorithms and data structures, programming languages) is required. Knowledge of statistics, artificial intelligence or bioinformatics is highly desirable.
For further information about the position, or to apply, please contact Dr. Lodewyk Wessels tel. +31 20 512 7987 or e-mail: l.wessels[ at ]nki.nl

PhD Positions in Corporate Semantic Web January 2009
The Corporate Semantic Web Group (AG CSW) at the Free University Berlin, one of the Excellence Universities in Germany, is looking for an excellent PhD candidate to work as a researcher in the prospective BMBF funded project Corporate Semantic Web.
Corporate Semantic Web (CSW) aims to establish economically beneficial adoption of Semantic Web technologies in corporate environments. The objective of CSW is to integrate all the required pieces of knowledge and technologies, including modern Web-technologies and enterprise service technologies, corporate information systems, semantic business process management, corporate Semantic Web, ontology engineering, semantic search and collaborative applications.
The successful candidate will join an internationally renowned research group working on a cutting edge research problem in an attractive and stimulating environment within one of Germans top universities and computer science departments; she/he will be expected to contribute to all aspects of the group’s activities, including publishing at and attending international conferences and workshops.
The candidate should have:
a Master’s degree in Mathematics, Computer Science or Information Systems
a strong background/interest in Semantic Web (rules, ontologies) and its applications
a background/interest in other Knowledge Representation paradigms such as logic programming
a background/interest in Semantic Business Process Management, Service Oriented Architecture, Complex Event Processing
a willingness to travel to project meetings and to work on project deliverables
a willingness to work in an international team
good proficiency in English
The post is available immediately and is a fixed term appointment for three years until January 2011. As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive salary (BAT IIa). The research in this project must be concluded with the attainment of a PhD degree in Computer Sciences.
We encourage interested candidates to send their curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation, a list of publications, and digital versions of three of their most relevant work, as well as electronic copies of the certificates of all academic qualifications held, to
Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke paschke[ at }inf.fu-berlin.de
quoting the reference *Pos CSW*.
The closing date for applications is Tuesday 20th January 2009. The review of applications will start immediately until the position is filled.

Oxford Japanese & Japanese Family & Historical Linguistics PhD Student
Institution/Organization: University of Oxford
Department: Faculty of Oriental Studies
Web Address: http://www.orinst.ox.ac.uk/
Level: PhD
Duties: Research,Project Work
Specialty Areas: Historical Linguistics
Semantics and Syntax
Required Language(s): Japanese (jpn)
Japanese Family
Applications are invited for a fully funded studentship in the Faculty of
Oriental Studies, University of Oxford, for a doctoral student who will work for
the Oxford D.Phil degree within the research project ‘Verb semantics and
argument realization in pre-modern Japanese: a comprehensive study of the basic
syntax of pre-modern Japanese,’ generously funded by the Arts and Humanities
Research Council, UK. The studentship, which is open to UK and EU students,
covers tuition fees as well as maintenance.
The doctoral student will be given the opportunity to work on his/her own
research within the project and will also form a full part of the research team
and contribute to all aspects of the overall project, including work on the text
The overall research project: ‘Argument realization’ is a fundamentally
important aspect of the syntax of a language which concerns the way in which
verb meaning determines the number of arguments and their morpho-syntactic and
semantic properties. The project will investigate this in detail for pre-modern
Japanese, in essence giving a comprehensive account of the basic grammar of each
of the stages of the Japanese language, from the beginning of its recorded
history in the 8th century until the beginning of the 17th century.
The project begins in January 2009 and finishes in September 2013. The initial
phase of the project will consist in building an extensive electronic database
of texts which will form the basis for the descriptive and analytical work of
the project. The results of the project will bear on the description and
understanding of pre-modern Japanese and its changes through time and will also
have a number of implications for general linguistic theory. See the website
listed above for more information.
The D.Phil. project: The D.Phil. project can be on any area within the overall
research project.
Application: Candidates are expected to have an MA or M.Phil in Japanese or in
Linguistics. Applicants from other fields, or with very strong undergraduate
degrees, are welcome, but must have demonstrable competence in modern Japanese
and in some form of pre-modern Japanese, as well as in linguistics.
Applications should be submitted through the usual Graduate Admissions Process
for the University of Oxford (see the application address below). In particular,
applicants are asked to take note of the following points:
1. Applicants should submit an application for the Doctor of Philosophy in
Oriental Studies.
2. Applicants should in their study plan and research proposal make clear that
they wish to be associated with the research project ‘Verb semantics and
argument realization in premodern Japanese’. They should outline their interest
in and background for the research project, but need not work out a detailed
research proposal.
3. Applicants should make clear in their study plan and research proposal, and
in the section marked “Funding”, that they wish to be considered for the
studentship attached to the project ‘Verb semantics and argument realization in
premodern Japanese’. They should also indicate in their application whether they
wished to be considered for admission even if their application for this
particular funding is not successful.
For further information please contact: either the Oriental Studies Graduate
Office (e-mail: admissions@orinst.ox.ac.uk) or the director of the research
project Professor Bjarke Frellesvig (bjarke.frellesvig@orinst.ox.ac.uk).
Application Deadline: 23-Jan-2009
Web Address for Applications: http://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/postgraduate_courses/apply/index.html
Contact Information:
Professor Bjarke Frellesvig
Phone:44 (0)1865 280383
Fax:44 (0)1865 278190

Postgraduate Scholarship Melbourne Australia
Postgraduate Scholarship Avaliable - La Trobe University,
Melbourne , Australia
Two Year Postgraduate Scholarship in Emotionally Intelligent ICTs for Social
School of Business
La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia
As part of an Open Innovation Research Program with global electronics
corporation NEC Japan, Masters by Research scholarships are available for
deserving candidates.
* Background*
Sensemaking is an emerging paradigm for understanding social dynamics in
organisations. It postulates that the process of translating the personal
interpretation, knowledge or meaning into a specific behaviour, decision or
action is moderated by interaction of an individual’s rational with their
affective characteristics. It proposes to significantly alter the analysis
and interpretation of data about people, internet users and employees in an
organisation. In general, emotional systems in humans influence many
cognitive processes including decision making, focus and attention, goal
generation and categorization, all of which are important for design of
human-centred intelligent systems.
In this context, ICTs which form an integral part of organisations can be
used as effective tools for social innovation. It is envisaged that
intelligent ICTs would play a pivotal role in design of sustainable
organisations in the 21st century by improving the quality of life at work
(e.g., through design of emotionally cohesive and culturally fit teams)
and at home, by provision of emotionally intelligent health care and health
promotion systems (especially for the elderly) to help control spiraling
health care costs, and by facilitating travel and e-tourism through
emotionally intelligent e-tourism systems.
The postgraduate students will be expected to work on the following research
1. Human-centred intelligent system for constructing emotionally cohesive
and culturally fit teams.
2. Emotionally intelligent persuasive dialog system for health promotion.
3. Emotionally intelligent health care (nurse) robot for pre and
post-operative care.
4. Emotionally Intelligent e-tourism system for holiday destination
planning and sight seeing.
The postgraduate students will be supervised by a research team consisting
of researchers from La Trobe university and NEC Corp., Japan. The research
team is headed by La Trobe’s Associate Prof. Rajiv Khosla. An annual stipend
of up to AUD 25,000 per annum for 2 years is available from Jan 2009 for
deserving candidates. The annual stipend includes a research internship for
6 months each year (i.e., in 2009 and 2010) at NEC’s technologically
advanced research lab in Japan.
*Eligibility Requirements:*
The prospective candidate must have completed a four-year undergraduate
degree in Information Systems, Computer Science or equivalent with an
average of 80% or above. Interested candidates can contact Associate
Prof. Rajiv Khosla (r.khosla@latrobe.edu.au ) directly with your CV,
academic transcripts, .and relevant R&D experience. The candidates must also
include a covering letter with a brief description outlining the research
project they are interested in and relevant skills for the project.
Knowledge in areas like emotional intelligence, natural language processing,
affective computing and human-centred e-tourism would be a benefit.

Oberthur Technologies
Oberthur Technologies is a European multinational company. We are one of the world’s leading providers of card-based solutions, software and applications including SIM and multi-application smart cards as well as services ranging from consulting to personalisation. Innovative products, security expertise and high quality services ensure the company’s strong positioning in its main target markets. Due to our expansion in Asia, we now have vacancy for the following position:
IT Trainer
Female Preferred
Experience as Trainer or Lecturer of an IT related subject
Hands on knowledge in C, C++, Java, JavaCard, VB programming languages
Experience in Embedded Systems, Programming and knowledge in Microcontroller is preferred
Knowledge in Software Development Cycle & ISO Process
Ability in English communication (verbal and written).
Minimum Bachelor degree in IT or related major.
Minimum experience in the related expertise area: 2 years
Experience in Training Syllabus Design
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Technical Writer
Write technical documents and specifications for applications and desktop tools/applications when required
Checking the technical documents written by engineers to ensure that the document is understandable both by non-technical and technical personnel. This includes grammar and thesaurus selection.
Diploma / Degree from any major
Must be fluent in English both oral and written
Rigorous and Autonomy
Analytical minded
Good technical knowledge about HTML is an advantage
Able to understand technical terms and definitions
Experience as Technical Writer is an advantage
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Please send your CV, academic record, copy of KTP, photograph sized 3×4 and other related documents to:
(Note the position code in the subject header of your application)
or send the application to :
P O BOX 4914 JKTM 12700
Visit our website: www.oberthurcs.com
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom - IT, Programmer, Marketing, Journalist
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom’s holding company of www.detik.com, Indonesia’s leading of media online & internet services. We would like to invite highest standards of professional in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position:
[PUBL] Web Designer
Candidate must possess at least an Associate Degree in Art/Graphic Design/Visual Communication Design/Creative Multimedia or equivalent.
Creative and capable to work in team.
Having at least 1 year experience in Graphic Design field with the ability of web design, online banner design, and multimedia design.
Mastering Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, and other design softwares.
Knowledge in HTM, CSS ( Cascading Style Sheet ), Javascript, Flash and Design Concept.
Experience in professional website design for a corporation.
Good communication skills (written & speaking) in English and Indonesian.
Creative, fast learner and self motivated.
A good team player but able to work independently.
Good interpersonal skills.
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with & attached your portfolio with .pdf format.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [PUBL] Web Designer.
[COMM] Online Account Executive
Prospect, present, sell and close online advertising sales for the website. (Banners, advertorials, etc.)
Preparing proposal and product presentation for prospective clients and media partners.
Plan advertising strategies, innovative campaigns and budgets to maximize online revenue and effectiveness for customers.
Prepares and conducts client presentations as well as ensures that campaigns receive input from potential customers and are accurately focused.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in client service/PR/marketing in advertising/online media Internet Advertising Experience is a plus.
Understand online marketing is a must.
Age not more than 27 years old (female preferably).
Has pleasant personality and attractive.
Familiar and has knowledge in Mobile Application.
Willing to work with target.
Having experiences in Sales.
Achieve weekly, monthly and quarterly targets.
Fluent in English, both written & oral.
Excellence Presentation Skill.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Online Account Executive.
[IT&D] System Administrator
Responsible for handling monitor and enhanced system performance such as :Apache, Mongrel, Jruby, NginX
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Age not more than 24 years old (male preferably)
At least 1 year of working experience in the related & fresh graduate are welcome.
Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in IT/Computer - System/Database Admin or equivalent.
Understanding Unix System, Linux Operating System
Required skill’s: PHP, Java, Bash scrip
Conversant in English & good attitude
Able to work independently and on team, work under pressure & target oriented
Please describe your skill, knowledge & salary expectation on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] System Administrator
[IT&D] Ruby Programmer
Possess at least an associated degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Strong Object Oriented Programming with Ruby.
Familiar with Ruby on Rails.
Familiar with *NIX/LINUX, SVN, and RDBMS.
Passionate of hot technologies.
Having good attitude, responsible, and can work as a team player.
Strong objective oriented with Smalltalk, C++, Python, Java and PHP.
Strong Javascript (Fundamental Javascript and AJAX)
Familiar with LISP
Familiar with Agile Culture and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Ruby Programmer.
[IT&D] Java Programmer
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
Fresh graduate, not more than 25 years old
Familiar with HTML, PHP & Java programming
Having knowledge in IT, mobile services
Have good attitude, responsible, and a team player
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with .pdf format & send to it[at]agrakom[dot]com
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [IT&D] Java Programmer.
[RED] Journalist DetikFinance.com
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
Single (male preferably), not more than 24 years old and have an attractive appearance.
Has great interest in journalism especially finance & business news.
Able to communicate and write in English.
Energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist DetikFinance.com.
[COMM] Marketing - Product Development
Identifying product development needs for users and advertisers, and working it with IT team.
Evaluating all detikcom products and then revising and/or optimizing the most needed, so the product can reach a target that company given.
Preparing and delivering product knowledge to online advertising team to sustain sales activity.
Preparing long-term product evaluation and strategy for detikcom.
Supporting Marketing & Product Planning Manager and other co-workers.
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor Degree in Information Technology/Marketing / Business / Management.
Having a basic technical knowledge of Web, Database, and Online Application.
At least 1 year(s) of working experience in Marketing or Product Development, preferably having experience in Online and Mobile industry from previous jobs.
Having knowledge about online industry, especially knowledge about new trend in Online products field.
Able to analyzing market research data.
Good in English, both oral and written.
Having a good presentation skills.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Marketing - Product Development.
[COMM] Mobile Account Executive
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in any field.
At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Age not more than 27 years old (female preferably)
Has pleasant personality and attractive
Familiar and has knowledge in Mobile Application
Willing to work with target
Having experiences in Sales.
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Mobile Account Executive.
[COMM] Creative Design
Visualize design briefs in hard copy (printed), online, video, and other promotional tools.
Preparing notes and instruction in production process of promotional tools to make it appropriate with given design.
Checking on production results of promotional tools to ensure the quality product appropriate with desirable wants.
Contributing ideas to every designs and artworks that others prepared.
Supporting Marketing & Product Planning Manager, Promotion Marketing Communication, and other co-workers.
Candidate must possess at least a Associate Degree in Art/Graphic Design/Visual Communication Design/Creative Multimedia or equivalent.
Creative and capable to work in team.
Having at least 2 years experience in Graphic Design filed with ability of printed design, online banner design and multimedia design.
Expertise in Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Please describe your skill & knowledge on CV with & attached your portfolio with .pdf format
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [COMM] Creative Design.
If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than Jan, 15th 2009 to:
PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Invitation processed will be conducted by e-mail & SMS
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk - Sales, Engineering, Telco
PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is looking high qualified suitable candidates for the following positions:
IDD Account Manager
Building Client Relationship, such as: initiate interpersonal communication with client, establish client relationship management strategies, and maintain and improve ongoing relationships with clients
Developing Product Knowledge, such as: acquire knowledge of products in a specified area, convert product knowledge into benefits, and evaluate competitor’s products
Identify Sales Prospect, such as: employ prospecting method, qualify prospects, and manage prospect information.
Present a Sales Solution, such as: prepare for presentation and a sales solution, and manage buyer resistance.
Secure Prospect Commitment, such as: respond to buying signals, negotiate the sale, and finalize the agreement.
Support Post-Sales Activities, such as: strengthen client relationships, process the order, deliver to agreed expectations, and handle client feedback.
Self Manage Sales Performance, such as: establish an individualized sales plan, manage stress and time, and manage paperwork and report.
Job Description:
Male or Female, 30-38 years old.
Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable University (Engineering of Telecommunication / Electro / Business / Computer).
Preferably have minimum 5 years of proven selling of telecommunications or technology-based service to multinational customers (Asia market highly desirable).
Have experience of business case development, sales forecasting and account planning.
Have ability to build and maintain close relationships with senior level executive of multinational customers.
Have ability in developing, scoping and managing major sales.
Have ability to bring together disparate staff functions together into Virtual Account Team to manage multi-site customers.
Have knowledge of the player, developments and trends in the Indonesian/Asian telecommunication industry.
Have knowledge of business operations in relevant industry sector – finance, banking, legal, manufacturing, oil/gas, travel, IT, hospitality, etc and fluency in key languages and dialects (highly desirable).
Written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to deliver corporate presentations at senior levels within multinational companies.
A thorough technical understanding of telecommunications networks and the product portfolio.
Sound knowledge and demonstrated usage of consultative selling processes.
Staff Receivable
Male / female age 23-30
S1 Economy from reputable university majoring Accountancy
Preferably minimum have 1 year experience in Public Accountants/consulting firm as auditor
Capable in operating accountancy software like Oracle and SAP
Written report skills
Can operate computer (MS Office) well
Fluent in English (both oral and writing)
Good in Analytical Thinking
Have Strong Integrity and Loyalty
Job Description:
Responsible for collecting all transaction branch office and dealer in regional
Making monthly revenue
Reporting of all daily transaction activity of accountancy
Business Intelligent Analyst
Job Description:
Analyze data of business required in accordance to competitor market
Making calculation of probability of market share
Analyze the probability of telecommunication industry transformation in technically, strategic and business way
Collecting all business data and strategy from competitor
Male or Female, 30-38 years old
Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable University (Engineering of Telecommunication or Electro)
Preferably have 8 years experience in Telecommunication Industry related or Consulting Firm
Have business background
Have Corporate Strategy Skills
Have Good Analytical Thinking
Good in Data Gathering
Good Communication Skill, Creative and Innovative
Excellent with Computer skills (MS Office)
Fluent in English (Both Written or Oral)
Willing to work under pressure
Based on Jakarta
Customer Loyalty Manager
Male / Female age 27-35
S1 All Major from reputable university
Preferably minimum have 5 years experience in Customer Loyalty
Have CRM knowledge
Good Negotiation Skills
Good in Analytical Thinking
Can operate computer (MS Office) well
Fluent in English (both oral and writing)
Have Strong Integrity and Loyalty
Job Description:
Make Churn Rate of customer into low rate
Making value added service for esia customer with giving advantage that suitable with profile of customer
Maintaining or increasing life cycle of customer
Building community of customer
IDD Pre - Sales
Job Description:
Provide quality and cost effective technical solution according to customer requirement.
Provide technical solution with network diagram and all coasting in standard spreadsheet.
Accountable for commercial aspect of proposed technical solution.
Possess technical competency of Btel’s product/service including but not limiting to capability and coverage.
Manage vendor/supplier in product/service delivery and pricing according to agreed commercial arrangement.
Presentation of technical solution to customer.
Assist in bid management in response to request for proposal and also regular from channel partners.
Provide regular technical update on Btel’s product/service to sales team
Assist in office IT support
Provide unblassed support to all sales team members
Male or Female, 23-35 years old.
Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable University (Engineering of Telecommunication / Electro / Business / Computer).
Preferably have minimum 5 years experience in a customer facing pre-sale consultancy role in the IT/Data Communication industry.
Proven technical network design capability including systems analysis, technical solution, development, communications strategy planning.
Have ability to build and maintain close relationships with IT executives of multinational customers.
Have a sound knowledge of voice and data communications. Fluency in key languages and dialects (highly desirable).
Proven customer relationship skills, including building good rapport, gathering relevant information, effective presentation & negotiation skills.
Have ability in developing, scoping complex network solutions.
Have knowledge of the player, developments and trends in the Indonesian/Asian telecommunication industry.
Proven and recognized subject matter expert in IT/data communications applications.
Sound knowledge and demonstrated usage of consultative selling processes.
Proven understanding of business processes and technical implementation issues associated with business applications such as SAP, Lotus Notes, Electronic commerce, electronic messaging etc.
Please submit application letter and CV to:
Please put the code: on the e-mail subject With Ms. Word Format Max. 120 KB
Premier Oil - Technical Safety Engineer
Premier Oil plc is a FTSE 250 upstream oil and gas company with current interests in 11 countries around the world. Premier employs 360 people worldwide and has a reserve and resource base of 369mmboe which is currently producing 38,000 boepd.We are currently seeking high caliber candidates to fill the following position:
Technical Safety Engineer
Key Responsibilities:
Carry out Premier HSE Induction to new visitors
assist and encourage participation of STOP program or other HSE initiatives
Investigate accident
Assist Premier drilling supervisor for HSE matter (or as focal point for HSE)
Conduct HSE inspection and audit
Provide some trainings as required
Active or coordinate for safety meeting and HSE conference call with onshore team
Follow up the corrective actions from inspection, audit, accident report, etc.
Participate in Emergency exercise/drills
Work to meet Company HSE target of drilling program
Prepare weekly or monthly HSE report as required
Understand ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standard
7 – 10 years experience as Field Safety Officer, with at least 5 years experience in drilling rig
Minimum Diploma 3 or Bachelor Degree
Fluent English both spoken and written
Attractive compensation packages will be negotiated commensurate with experience, qualifications, and the seniority of each position.
Please submit a comprehensive resume in English with contact number and recent photograph not later than 12 January 2009 to:
E-mail : NPutranti@premier-oil.com
Please note that only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Bank BRI Syariah
We invite and challange you, professionals in banking industry who have proven track record and performance to join us in creating a new modern retail bank to fill in these following positions:
Branch Manager (BM), Sub Branch Manager (SBM), Operation Manager/Asst. Operation Manager (OM/AOM)
for Jabodetabek, Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Lombok area
General Requirements:
Male or female, max 40 years old (BM/OM), max 35 years old (SBM/AOM)
S1 degree holder with min of 5 years working experience in similar position
Strong leadership with excellent communication & presentation skills
Good command of English & computer literacy is required
Have good market portfolio & database
Account Officer (AO)
for Jabodetabek, Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan, SUlawesi and Lombok area
General Requirements:
Male or female, max 30 years old
S1 degree holder with min of 3 years working experience
Good attitude & character
Good communication skill
Have good market portfolio and database
if you meet the qualifications required, please send your complete resume along with a recent photograph not more than 17 January 2009 to:
Human Resources Group
Bank BRI Syariah Head Office
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No. 228 Jakarta 10250
or dphadad@gmail.com; brisyariah@gmail.com
PT Fujitsu Indonesia - IT, Accounting, Engineering
PT Fujitsu Indonesia is a Multi National Company providing various world class IT solutions and services. Currently we are looking for a highly motivated and qualified individual to fill the following position:
Field Engineer
Male or Female, age between 26 to 30 years
Hold S1 graduated from relevant background
Strong knowledge in Windows Environment preferred Windows Certification (MCSE/MCTS) also Linux is preferred.
Have experienced in design and implementation of networking (LAN/WAN) and Security solutions
Having work experience at least 2-3 years in Network security
Certificate holder of CCNA, CCDA preferred CCNP
Organized person, strong analytical skill and willing to work hard
Proficiency in English both oral and written
Male or Female, age between 24 to 30 years
Minimum D3 or S-1 graduated from IT or Computer Science background
At least 1 year of working experience in the related field
Having technical knowledge:
- Oracle PLSQL
- Java programmer, J2EE, J2SE
Willing to work under contractual basis
Proficiency in English both oral and written
Tax Staff
Male or Female, age between 26 to 30 years
Hold S1 graduated from relevant background
Having Brevet A & B license
Having work experience at least 2 years
Able to make monthly/annual tax report
Understand in audit and tax court is advantageous
Strong analytical skill and willing to work hard
Proficiency in English both oral and written
Please send your application letter along with recent photograph, not later than 19 January 2009 to: recruitment@id.fujitsu.com
Those who do not meet the above requirement are encouraged not to apply
Gemalto Pte Ltd - Accounting, Sales, Engineering, Telecommunication
Gemalto provides end-to-end digital security solutions that are designed to make personal digital interactions more convenient, secure and enjoyable. They range from the development of software applications through the design and production of secure personal devices such as smart cards, SIMs, e-passports and tokens to the management of deployment services for our customers. We are currently seeking qualified, highly motivated and dynamic individuals to join us as:
Pre-Sales Engineer – Telecom
Provide first level technical support, expertise, training and presentations on Gemalto’s products and services to assigned customers
Responsible for requirements clarifications with customers and transforming requirements to project groups
Provide feedback on products & services opportunities to the management, sales, application teams, marketing and solution managers
Involve in the whole project life cycle from pre-sales to product delivery
Involve in testing and implementation of new products and projects.
Ability to travel and support overseas account when necessary
Ability to work under pressure with tight timelines and manage task prioritizations
Degree in Electrical/ Electronics/ Telecommunication Engineering or Computer Science
2-3 years working experience in a technical customer centric background, fresh graduates with good academic results may also apply
Analytical mindset and approach to problem solving and troubleshooting issues
Fluent in both spoken and written English
Experience in communicating with people from various countries and cultural backgrounds an advantage. (Asia and Europe)
Good presentation skills and experience in project management techniques is a plus
Independent personnel who is self-motivated and good self-learner
Knowledge and keen interest in telecom industry
Well versed in various telecom technologies like GSM/3G/UMTS/STK an advantage
Finance Manager
Key Responsibilities:
Serving as the finance lead for the Indonesia operations
Overseeing all accounting and reporting processes and ensuring an efficient setup
Ensuring good corporate governance and enforces compliance with all local statutory and accounting and reporting standards
Liaising with auditors for all internal and external audits
Advising and supporting the Business Units Managers and entity controller for all ad hoc tasks
Key Requirements:
Degree in Accountancy
At least 5 years experience in accounting and finance with a foreign company
Good knowledge in local tax is an advantage
Knowledge in Microsoft office is required
Experience in ERP system, experience in using MFG PRO is preferred.
Fluent in English
Independent self-starter and is able to work under pressure
Good time management and task follow-up
Possesses good communication and reporting skills
This position will be based in our office in Jakarta, Indonesia. If you believe you can thrive in this dynamic team-based and global business, we would like to hear from you. Please email your resume with details of current remuneration to se-asia.recruit@gemalto.com. Please indicate the position applied as the subject header in your email.