The INVEST Drug Abuse Research Fellowship combines postdoctoral research
training in the United States with professional development activities and
grant-writing guidance to form a unique program for drug abuse scientists.
Fellows may conduct their research in any aspect of the biomedical or
behavioral science of drug abuse and addiction. Previous Fellows have
conducted research in all aspects of drug abuse and addiction, from social
science to basic science, including epidemiology, prevention, treatment, and
preclinical and clinical sciences. Fellows and their mentors are encouraged
to develop jointly and seek funding for a collaborative research project to
be conducted in the Fellow’s home country. Fellows and their U.S. mentors
are part of a network of international scientists who exchange information
and collaborate on drug abuse research nationally, regionally, and globally.
What Does the Fellowship Include?
The 12-month fellowship provides –
Rigorous postdoctoral research training with a NIDA grantee at a U.S.
Professional development activities that help you establish personal
relationships with NIDA grantees and NIDA officials who are willing to
continue working with you after you return home.
A stipend of $36,000US for living and personal expenses, round-trip travel,
and a $4,000US allowance to cover the cost of health insurance and
professional development activities.
Who Is Eligible?
The requirements for INVEST applicants are –
An earned doctoral degree in medicine, public health, biomedical,
behavioral, or social sciences.
A minimum of 2 years of postdoctoral research experience, including a
demonstrated ability to engage in independent research.
Written assurance from an institution in the home country that there is a
position to which the applicant can return after completing the fellowship.
Proficiency in written and spoken English.
Citizenship or permanent residency in a country other than the United
Status of living and working outside the United States at the time the
application is submitted.
Eligibility for the J-1 visa to enter the United States.
How Should I Apply?
The INVEST Drug Abuse Research Fellowship application requires careful and
thorough coordination between the applicant and mentor:
Contact a NIDA-supported researcher in the United States who is willing to
serve as a mentor. The mentor must be a current NIDA grantee.
Notify the NIDA International Program of your plans to apply.
Write a detailed research plan for working with the U.S. mentor on
biomedical or behavioral research investigating the causes, consequences,
prevention, or treatment of drug abuse and addiction.
Complete and submit your application to the NIDA International Program.
How Can I Get Help in Finding a Mentor?
To find the Mentor who’s right for you, consult the online database of
research projects supported by NIH at, review
journals online at PubMed at, or email the NIDA
International Program for assistance at
Application Deadlines: April 1 and October 1
Notification of Award: June 1 and December 1
Instruction and application materials for the INVEST Drug Abuse Research
Fellowship can be downloaded from this Web site in Microsoft Word and Adobe
PDF format:
Friday, August 8, 2008
Fellowship in Drug Abuse

Graduate Scholarship in Korea
Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program- Seoul National University
Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program
Seoul National University, South Korea
In order to provide foreign students with more equal opportunities, the applying method for the “Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program” will be the same as the application process for foreign students and it will be available online at
This change will take place starting from the first semester in 2009. While the Office of International Affairs will deal with the overall program, the office in charge of registration will be the office of admissions.
For those who are interested in the “Graduate Scholarship for Foreign Excellent Students Program” apply online by 18:00(Thursday) July 31st 2008 and send the original documents to the office of admissions by 18:00(Friday) August 1st 2008.
We plan to place a notice about the eligible countries and universities, the number of students per major and information on financial support online by early July 2008. The online applicants will be filtered and categorized by their university of graduation. The final decision will be made by the screening committee.
More info visit website

Research Associate Position in System Identification for Network Anomaly Detection, Hamilton Institute, Ireland
Applications are invited by well-qualified applicants for a postdoctoral post and a postgraduate position in the development of new system identification/time series analysis techniques for anomaly detection in network devices (firewalls etc).
Supported by a major manufacturer, initial work in the area has made use of linear predictive models and real-time monitoring. This has achieved good success but we now want to extend consideration to monitoring of more sophisticated measurements (including per process discrete state information) in order to encompass a wider range fault and operation conditions. The project will involve the development of new approaches for predictive modelling of measured signals, adaptive learning and inference of fault conditions. The project is supported by a dedicated hardware testbed and as part of the project the developed detection approaches will be implemented in order to evaluate performance in realistic environments.
Good numerate and analytic skills will be essential. Some familiarity with networking and Linux or BSD systems will be helpful.
The Hamilton Institute is committed to research excellence. This post offers an exciting opportunity for successful candidates to tackle fundamental research problems within a stimulating multi-disciplinary research environment with state of the art facilities and strong links to the international research community.
Postgraduate Stipend: €21000 (tax free)
Postdoctoral scale: €45704-63094
To apply, candidates should submit a detailed CV and the names and addresses of two referees for letters of recommendation to: doug.leith[ at ]
Postgraduate applicants should also include transcipts of undergraduate grades, motivation letter.

The Post-doctoral Fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University, USA
The post-doctoral fellowship of the Committee on Global Thought at Columbia University is designed to bring together an innovative group of interdisciplinary researchers from around the world. The Fellowship gives emerging scholars the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and provide a space for collaborative research and publication. CGT encourages interdisciplinary, transnational research under three broad themes: Secularism and Diversity, Global Governance, and Poverty and Inequality. Past fellows have researched topics including the local socio-economic consequences of global policy, the historical roots of identity, and the evolution of transnational and international political structures. Scholars from any discipline may apply, provided that they successfully indicate how their work will contribute to CGT’s three research themes listed above. Up to four fellowship spots are available for the academic year beginning August 1, 2009.
The term of the fellowship is one calendar year, beginning August 1, 2009 and ending July 31, 2010. The fellowship is renewable for an additional year, contingent upon mutual satisfaction with demonstrated progress.
Fellows are expected to:
* Teach or assist with one undergraduate or graduate course, either of their own design or as specified by the Committee. When teaching, fellows are required to hold weekly office hours.
* Participate in planning and execution of research workshops and symposia.
* Present their individual research projects once a semester.
International applicants are encouraged to apply. If selected, Columbia University will sponsor the appropriate visa.
Candidates will be considered only if:
* They received their first doctorate from a recognized university no earlier than August 1, 2004 (Those who have not completed their degree at the time of application must have submitted their dissertation for defense on or before April 1, 2009. Evidence required, no exceptions).
* They do not hold or have not held a tenure or tenure-track position.
* They can fluently speak, publish, and teach in English.
* They submit an original research proposal. An adaptation of a dissertation or previous publication does not qualify.
Fellows will receive:
* An annual salary of $55,000, which includes health insurance and other standard benefits.
* Access to Columbia University libraries and computer resources.
* Shared office space.
* Eligibility for additional funding for special research projects.
* Eligibility to apply for campus housing.
* Application Checklist- all items must be completed and postmarked by December 1, 2008 and received by December 10, 2008.
Send materials to:
Committee on Global Thought
3 Claremont Ave. Suite 101
New York, NY 10027
attn: Post-doc Search
* An official graduate school transcript and terminal diploma if received (provide English translation if necessary).
* Three (3) letters of reference.
* Application fee of $30 USD. Check or money order made payable to Columbia University (Fee may be waived at our discretion).
Please send 5 copies of the following:
1.Curriculum Vitae
2. Cover Letter
3. Research proposal
-not to exceed 1500 words;
-The description should include the background, nature, importance, specific objectives, and methodology of the proposed research project
4. Writing Sample
- not to exceed 20 double spaced pages
- preferably an article or research paper published in a scholarly journal
- topic should be pertinent to the proposed research project
- no books will be accepted
5. Syllabus of proposed course or Outline of proposed Symposium
All materials must be in English; translations accepted.
Applications are reviewed immediately, so please ensure they are complete. Applications received piecemeal are not likely to be assembled or read.
All questions may be directed to: cgtmail[ at ]

PhD Studentships in Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK
Two PhD studentships are available in the groups of Prof Mike Ashfold and Prof Andrew Orr-Ewing in the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol. The studentships are funded by the EPSRC for a period of up to 3.5 years.s
Due to funding restrictions, applicants must be citizens of the European Union, and should have a first or upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry, Chemical Physics or Physics. The positions are available from October 2008.
The research projects involve experimental and computational studies of chemical and photochemical dynamics, using state-of-the-art laser and velocity map imaging techniques. Further details can be found at the website or by contacting Prof Andrew Orr-Ewing directly (A.Orr-Ewing[ at ]
The successful candidates will join a large and exciting joint research programme between the Universities of Bristol and Oxford and will have the opportunity to work with the various experimental and theoretical chemistry groups that are part of the research consortium.
The School of Chemistry at the University of Bristol is one of the largest and most successful Chemistry departments in the UK. It prides itself on the high quality of its research facilities, postgraduate training and research opportunities, and has an excellent working environment. Further details about the School are available at
Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. The successful candidates will receive stipends at the standard rates of the UK Research Councils (GBP 12904 per annum for 2008/9) and will have the University fees paid for them at the level appropriate for EU citizens.
To apply, please contact Prof Andrew Orr-Ewing (A.Orr-Ewing[ at ] directly by e-mail or post (School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK).

Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students from The Government of Western Australia
The Government of Western Australia, through the Department of Education and Training (DET), is offering a number of prestigious scholarships for international students to undertake the Western Australian Universities’ Foundation Program (WAUFP) or Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) program at either Canning College or Tuart College in Perth, Western Australia (WA). Applicants from all countries will be eligible for consideration.
Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of academic results and a reference from the school. Where academic results do not allow for differentiation between applicants, resumes or curriculum vitae will be considered.
Scholarships apply for Year 12 level courses; WA Universities’ Foundation Program and Tertiary Entrance Examination Program.
Year 11 students at Tuart College or Canning College may apply for an award on the basis of their Year 11 results.
The closing date for all scholarship applications will be 31 October 2008. Notifications will be issued within two weeks of the closing date.
Full Scholarships
Six (6) Full Scholarships covering the course fee of A$13,500 will be awarded with three (3) allocated by each College.
To be awarded a full scholarship requires a student to have achieved outstanding academic results. This would normally require the student to have achieved the highest possible grade in at least six (6) subjects. Students will be required to complete an International Student Application Form, an International Scholarship Application Form and pay an A$200 non-refundable fee.
The A$200 fee will be deducted from the student’s tuition fees in the event of not gaining any scholarship but enrolling at one of the Colleges.
College staff will not offer these scholarships during promotional visits.
Additional documentation required:
1. Reference from the school principal.
2. Actual or mock/forecast/preliminary results for major examinations equivalent to Year 11 in Western Australia.
3. Two (2) most recent school reports.
4. Curriculum Vitae or resume.
Partial $5,000 Scholarships
Twenty (20) scholarships to the value of A$5,000 are being offered with ten (10) allocated to each College.
This award would normally require the student to have achieved the highest possible grade in at least five (5) subjects.
These scholarships may be offered to students at anytime, including during marketing visits. Such students must pay a non-refundable deposit of A$500 within two (2) weeks of the offer or forfeit the scholarship.
Students accepting one of these scholarships will also be considered for a full scholarship and the A$500 deposit will be transferred to the refundable Bond.
There is no application fee for a partial scholarships awarded by College staff during overseas marketing visits.
Any scholarship funds not allocated during overseas marketing visits will be awarded at the same time as the full scholarships.
Any students wanting to be considered in October/November are required to pay the A$200 non-refundable fee as outlined in the conditions for applying for a full scholarship.
Notification of success or otherwise will be by 15 November 2008.
International Scholarship Application Forms
College representatives should use the attached form. A copy can be found at

PhD and Post Doctoral Positions in Ubiquitous Robotics at the Clarity Centre, Ireland
The Clarity Centre is now seeking well-qualified, motivated researchers who want to be part of a world-class research group in Ubiquitous Robotics, and Sensor and Adaptive Information Technology.
Applicants for PhD (funded) positions should have/expect to achieve at least a 2.1 in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or a related discipline with a keen interest in research. A broad range of Post-Doctoral positions are also available to qualified and well motivated individuals with clear interest in CLARITY’s research vision.
Motivated applicants should first identify the research package/s according to their expertise and/or interest. Applications should be sent to the relative principal investigator (PI) directly together with
max one page cover letter and CV.
Research in Ubiquitous Robotics:
Some of the available positions will address the area of robots integrated in ubiquitous, pervasive, and intelligent environments. Such robots are part of open and distributed networks of sensors, actuators, and computing services, which can also act as a shared information space for both the robots and the humans they interact with.
Some of the relevant research directions foreseen within this area are:
The application of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE) and Multi-Agent System (MAS) coordination techniques to develop distributed and adaptive software architectures.
These architectures are defined in terms of distributed and autonomous software modules (agents), which can exhibit global self-configuration properties and can also deliver context-sensitive and personalized services to both the users and the robots in the environment.
The integration between robots and wireless sensor networks
(WSNs), that is, robots acting as mobile gateways or otherwise working to the advantage of networks of wirelessly connected sensors, e.g. carrying out maintenance, localization, and calibration operations in applications such as security, search & rescue, and surveillance systems.
Further information:
The CLARITY CSET is a partnership between University College Dublin and Dublin City University, supported by research at the Tyndall National Institute (TNI) Cork. CLARITY is a collaboration between a number of specialist teams across the institutions who have already strong track records in sensor technology. It builds on work undertaken by the SFI-funded Adaptive Information Cluster, which is led by 5 principal investigators from UCD and DCU.
The Clarity Centre is located in the School of Computer Science and Informatics, University College Dublin (UCD) in Dublin, Ireland. UCD has over 22,000 students including 2,500 international students from over 80 countries and is situated on a large modern campus 4 km to the south of the centre of Dublin.
Find general information about vacancies at the Clarity Centre at:
The application form can be downloaded at:
The application should be sent to one of the Principal Investigators (PIs) (see
Applications inherent to robotic research can be addressed to Gregory O’Hare (gregory [dot] ohare [at] ucd [dot] ie).
Requests for further information can be sent to Mauro Dragone (mauro [dot] dragone [at] ucd [dot] ie).

International Student Scholarships in Arts and Social Sciences
Bourses Master / PhD Hull (UK) - deadline for applications : 1 September 2008
University of Hull
International Student Scholarships in Arts And Social Sciences , Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences - Entry 2008/09
A number of £1,000 Scholarships are available to international students making applications for full-time postgraduate studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. For details of the Scheme, and further information and guidance, please visit
This Faculty is made up of a variety of departments - teaching a diversity of programmes. They include : Drama and Music, English, History, Humanities (American Studies, Film Studies, Media, Culture and Society), Philosophy, Theology, The Law School, Modern Languages, Politics & International Studies, Scarborough School of Arts, Social Sciences, and the Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation.
Further details can be obtained via the relevant department. Application forms can be downloaded from :
The deadline for applications is 1 September 2008 .
Contact :
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Hull
Cottingham Road
Tel: +44 (0)1482 465860
Fax: +44 (0)1482 465991

PhD Studentship in Microwave Technology
3 years Phd studentship commencing in October within The Advanced
Technology Institute (ATI). The student will receive a maintenance
stipend of £12,600 per year. The student will join the Microwave
Research Group in the ATI and will contribute to the UK Silicon
Photonics project.
Student will be involved in the design, modelling and measurement of
high-speed interconnections fabricated in silicon. Modelling will be
done using a combination of circuit and electromagnetic simulators,
and measurements made using a vector network analyzer. You will be
required to interact with a range of international collaborators in
the UK, Europe and the US, and you may be asked to present results of
the work at conferences around the world.
Successful candidate will be an Electronic Engineering or Physics
graduate, holding a degree in electronic engineering or physics with a
minimum upper-second classification.
Brief Project Description
Silicon Photonics promises to revolutionise the next generation of ICs
by providing solutions for optical interconnections between chips and
circuit boards, optical signal processing, optical sensing, as well as
“lab-on-a-chip” biological applications. It also promises low cost
optical signal processing chips that will interface with optical
fibres brought directly to individual premises to take advantages of
the enormous bandwidth of “fibre-to-the-home” technology. Other large
bandwidth applications, such as video-on-demand, high speed internet,
high definition TV and Internet Protocol TV, may also expand
dramatically as a result of this work.
The project will combine state-of-art engineering with novel physics
and materials science to develop an integrated silicon-based solution
for optoelectronic communications. Key photonic components ¿
detectors, modulators, amplifiers, filters and waveguides, will be
developed on silicon platforms using CMOS-compatible processing
routes. The ultimate aim will be an integrated silicon photonics
module, containing photonic, and associated electronic components on
the chip.
Enquiries and Application
Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Charles Free
Completed application forms should be sent to:
Miss Julie Maplethorpe,
Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences,
University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH, UK.
phone: +44 (0) 1483 68 9859.
You can obtain the application form from Miss Julie Maplethorpe at the
above address. Please quote the vacancy reference number: 6677. The
closing date for applications is Friday 5th September 2008.

PhD Scholarship
PhD Scholarship in **Agent-Based Modeling of Business Relations and
*ARC Agent-Based Modeling of Business Relations and Networks grant*
*School of Marketing, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia*
Applications are invited for a scholarship to undertake a PhD in the School
of Marketing at the Australian School of Business at the University of New
South Wales.
The research will form part of an Australian Research Council
funded project to develop agent-based models of the development and
evolution of business relations and networks in industrial markets.
The successful applicant will work under the supervision of the research
project’s Chief Investigators: Professor Ian Wilkinson of the School of
Marketing and Professor Robert Marks of the Australian Graduate School of
Management and School of Economics at the University of New South Wales and
Professor Louise Young of the School of Marketing at the University of
Technology Sydney. These are leading international researchers in the area
of business marketing and economics with extensive backgrounds in the study
of business relations and networks, as well as expertise in modeling. They
have strong links with prominent researchers in the agent-based modeling
field around the world.
*S**kills and Qualifications* * Required*
We are looking for a person with high-level computer science qualifications
(First or Upper Second Class honours or equivalent) and skills, especially
in the area of agent-based modeling, to work on the project. This would
include expertise in object-oriented programming languages, such as Java
and/or C++. We would give preference to an applicant who also had some
high-level disciplinary-relevant knowledge and educational qualifications in
marketing, business, economics or another relevant discipline. Because a
combination of relevant computer science skills and disciplinary knowledge
is rare, our primary focus is on the computing skills plus a willingness to
apply these in the area of business. This may mean that the successful
applicant will be required to undertake a program of study to equip them
with necessary disciplinary knowledge to undertake the research and to
fulfill the requirements of a PhD in the School of Marketing. High-level
communication and writing skills in English are also essential.
*The scholarship is available for local and international students* for
three years full-time enrolment in the PhD program and provides the scholar
with a tax-exempt stipend of up to AUD$30,000 per annum.
The successful candidate would be expected to commence the PhD at the
beginning of 2009.
*To apply,* please submit your CV, academic transcripts, a summary of your
research interests and strengths related to the research and two academic
referee reports to Professor Ian F. Wilkinson
*Further Enquiries*
Please contact Professor Ian F. Wilkinson
Professor Bob Marks (** ) or Professor
Louise Young (** ) for further
information. Additional information may be also be found on the University’s
and School of Marketing’s websites (**,
** ).
*ARC2008 Phd Scholarship in Agent Based Modelling of Business Relations and
Networks: Additional Information*
*a) Chief Investigators and their Roles*
*Professor Ian F. Wilkinson*
Professor Wilkinson has played a leading role in introducing concepts and
methods from the complexity sciences into marketing and in developing models
of market and network dynamics. In 2005 he was an invited keynote speaker at
the American Antitrust Institute workshop on Complexity and Antitrust. He
was educated in the UK and Australia and has held academic posts at various
universities, including: UC Berkeley, Bath, Cincinnati, Temple, Lancaster,
Stockholm School of Economics and the University of International Business
and Economics Beijing. His current research focuses the development and
management of interfirm relations and networks in domestic and international
business and the dynamics of markets and industrial networks. This work is
being carried out in cooperation with various researchers in Asia, Europe
and USA and is funded by ARC research grants. In 2005 he received the
Distinguished Researcher of the Year Award from the Australia New Zealand
Marketing Academy.
*Professor Robert E. Marks*
Professor Marks is a pioneering economist in the use of agent-based
modelling. For the past twenty years his research has focused on the use of
simulation in general, and agent-based simulation in particular, to analyse
market interactions that would otherwise remain unexplained, such as
oligopolistic behaviour in markets where brands compete, and supermarkets
moderate their rivalry. He has made contributions to theory, application,
and teaching, using genetic algorithms and other tools from computer
science, not just to analyse, but also to synthesise, to design. His
research has been supported by ARC funding for some years. Most recently, he
has been applying techniques from complexity theory to the problem of
validating simulation models in general, and agent-based models in
particular. He has been a visiting professor at universities in Taiwan, the
U.S. (Stanford, UC Berkeley, and M.I.T.), and France (INSEAD).
*Professor Louise Young*
Professor Young is an expert in the social processes embedded in
relationships and networks, in particular trust, including their emergence
and evolution. Her research focus is cross-disciplinary and multi-method,
including computer-aided semantic analysis of interview and secondary text,
social network mapping, relational marketing, complexity/evolution, social
influence and collaborative groupings in a range of contexts. A major focus
of her current research is on the evolution and management of business
relationships and networks and in particular on the ways the psychology of
the individuals participating in these impacts on relation and network
functioning. Her work is carried out in collaboration with researchers in
Australasia, Europe and America, is supported by ARC research grants and has
been published in a range of business and social journals. She was educated
in the USA and Australia and has held visiting appointments at various
universities, including Bath, Cincinnati, Lancaster, Stockholm School of
Economics, Southern Denmark, and the University of International Business
and Economics Beijing.
*b)* * Aims and Background of the Research Project:*
*Title: “Modeling the Development and Evolution of Business Relations and
Networks as Complex Adaptive Systems using Agent-Based Models”*
The development of collaborative relations and networks among and within
firms is increasingly recognised as an important source of competitive
advantage. These also present problems and challenges for managers and
policy makers because relations and networks are not directed and controlled
by individual firms or government but are examples of complex adaptive
systems that self-organise over time through the micro interactions and
processes taking place. This is because business relations and networks are
a part of the extended enterprise of a firm; a form of collective mind with
associated skills, resources, knowledge and competences that both enable and
constrain what those involved can do, see, know, learn and think.
*A major gap in the literature exists* *in terms of theory and
evidence about the way business relations and networks develop and evolve
over time and the role managers and government can play in influencing this
in productive ways*, despite* * substantial past research*.* Most research
and theory to date has been dominated by comparative-static, variance-based,
survey-type approaches to describing and explaining relationship and network
behaviour and performance, which ignore temporal processes, including
development and evolution, interaction and order effects, and feedback
effects. A special issue of the *Academy of Management Review* in 2006
echoes these concerns and the underdeveloped nature of research on the
temporal and process dimensions of relations and networks, highlighting the
importance of additional research in this area.
The aim of this research is to build agent-based models (ABM) of
business relationship and network development and evolution as complex
adaptive systems that:
- Integrate the main psychological, social, managerial, economic and
other mechanisms operating, as identified in existing theories, and through
systematic narrative event history mapping of a sample of actual business
relationship and network histories.
- Are capable of reproducing the stylised patterns of development and
evolution of actual business relations and networks;
- Can systematically examine the kinds of relationship and network
attractors that exist in different circumstances and their sensitivity to
starting conditions and other factors;
- Can be used to examine the roles of managers and government in shaping
patterns of development and evolution and to help design more effective
intervention and participation strategies.
Our approach explains in the sense of Herbert Simon, “to ‘explain’ an
empirical regularity is to discover a set of simple mechanisms that would
produce the former in any system governed by the later.” Similarly,
Epstein, in his recent book *Generative Social Science*, argues that to grow
(or generate) is to explain. To accomplish our goals we will use
cutting-edge theories and methodologies that the Chief Investgators are
expert in and make use of the results of prior research carried out by them
regarding actual business relationships and networks to inform and test the
models developed. These models will integrate a diverse set of mechanisms
and processes driving relationship and network development, including novel
features such as* multi-level group selection mechanisms* and *structural
balance, * whose importance has only recently been appreciated.

NFP PhD Scholarships
Application and selection procedure
29 juli 2008
The NFP PhD studies is one of the sub-programmes of the NFP. Mid-career professionals who are already in employment and who are nationals of and working in one of the selected countries can apply a fellowship.
The application and selection procedure consist of the following steps:
Application for admission at a Dutch institution
1) Candidates must first apply for academic admission at an eligible Dutch institution. Admission as a PhD student is granted on an individual basis. Senior academic staff or a specific PhD committee decides whether or not an applicant will be accepted. Usually the assessment is based on the research proposal submitted by the applicant.
A candidate can apply for a PhD fellowship only after a research proposal has been agreed between the candidate and the Dutch provider.
Application for a fellowship
2) After receiving their letter of admission, candidates can apply for an NFP fellowship by presenting a completed NFP PhD Study application form to the Netherlands embassy or consulate in the candidate’s own country, accompanied by the necessary documentation.
Download the application form 2009 (82 kB)
The form can also be obtained from the Netherlands embassy or consulate.
Candidates should NOT send their fellowship application forms directly to Nuffic or to the Dutch provider, but should forward them to the Netherlands embassy or consulate in their own country.
3) The embassy or consulate assesses the application against the criteria for eligibility listed above. Special attention is given to:
* whether the application stems from a multi-year agreements concluded with selected organizations;
* the relevance of the proposed research for the candidate’s organization and country;
* proof that the candidate’s employer and the Dutch institution support the application.
4) The embassy or consulate forwards an application that meets all of the criteria for eligibility to Nuffic, together with its own recommendations.
5) Nuffic selects the candidates who will receive PhD fellowships based on the relevance of the proposed research for the candidate’s employing organization and home country. Nuffic gives priority to applications which:
* propose that the research project be co–supervised by an institution in a developing country;
* have a proven link with other activities that are financed by the NFP or other Dutch government-funded activities;
* are submitted by female candidates;
* are submitted by candidates from sub-Saharan Africa;
* stem from multi-year agreements concluded with selected organizations.
6) Nuffic informs the candidate, the Dutch embassy and the providing institution of its decision.
7) Nuffic awards the grant to the provider to cover the fellowship holders’ costs, including the tuition fees.
8) The Dutch providers pay each fellowship holder an allowance according to the personal budget agreed upon for the duration of the PhD; they also administer the fellowships, make logistical arrangements, and give guidance to the fellowship holders.

DAAD Scholarships Courses for Professionals
Beasiswa DAAD-Scholarships for Selected Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries 2009-2010 is provided by The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) – supports a range of postgraduate courses at German universities which aim at providing academically educated young professionals from Developing Countries (including Indonesia) with further specialised studies.
University graduates who have been working for two years in the public or private sector in technical, economical or agricultural fields, in education or development planning are eligible for these grants. The 42 courses differ in respect to fields of study, language and entry requirements. The age limit for the courses is 32 for Doctoral and 36 years for Master programme.
The funds for these scholarships are provided by the Federal Ministry for Economics Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Due to the limited number of DAAD scholarships for its courses, not all applicants accepted for studies by the German universities can be supported. Therefore, institutions are also encouraged to nominate candidates, whose studies they are willing to finance out of their staff development budget. In this case, an accompanying letter with according statements is necessary for the applicant.
The DAAD supports these selected programmes with a certain quota of scholarships and with financial assistance for a special tutoring system. At the end of the course (programmes run 12 to 36 months, depending on the particular institution) participants can obtain an internationally recognized Master’s or in some courses PhD degree.
Target group: Professionals holding an academic degree and with at least two years of experience in the public or private sector in technical, economical, or agricultural fields, in education or development planning.
Language of instruction : German or English, depending on the degree course.
Application conditions:
- Age limit: 36 years of age at the time of application (for some courses 32 years)
- Academic degree (min IPK 2,75 for Master candidates and 3,00 for Doctoral candidates) and at least two years of professional experience after completing S1 degree.
- Confirmation of employment from the candidate‘s employer in the home country and where possible a guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
- Two letters of recommendation of recent date
- A statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate course with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation (1-2 pages)
List of DAAD-Scholarships 2009-2010 Study Programs offered
For postgraduate courses held in English: International TOEFL-Language test of a minimum of 550 points (course at FHTW Berlin 580 points) or IELTS-Test Volume 6.0.
Closing date for applications is 4th September 2008 at the DAAD Jakarta Office
Course Commence: September/October of the following year (preceeding German-language course from April or August).
Course Duration: 12 to 36 months, depending on the postgraduate course (see annex).
Special Remarks:
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a two-month intensive German language course.
- Participants in postgraduate courses in which German or German/English is the language of instruction receive a scholarship for a six-month intensive German language course. Please note that the candidates must have certain German language certificate at the time of application.
Form and documents to be submitted
1. DAAD Scholarship Form Application
2. Accompanying documents (PLEASE SET IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER)
a) Curriculum Vitae (please use the europass specimen form at Europass)
b) A Statement of motivation for participation in the postgraduate courses with emphasis on the relevance to his/her occupation
c) Two letters of recommendation of recent date, each from supervisor at your company/institution, and from your previous academic supervisor
d) Confirmation of employment from the candidate’s employer in the home country and where possible, a guarantee of re-employment upon his/her return to the home country
e) Academic Degree Certificate (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
f) Academic transcript, covering the complete duration of academic studies (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
g) Secondary School Leaving Certificates/ijazah SMA (certified copies of original) in Bahasa Indonesia and English/German translation
h) English language certificate for postgraduate courses held in English request an international TOEFL of a minimum of 550 points (course at FHTW Berlin 580 points) or IELTS-Test Volume 6.0. Please do not submit “prediction TOEFL”. For postgraduate courses held in German: please see the details on the course list. Certain level of German language exam may be required before admission to the course.
Applications must reach DAAD Jakarta Office before the deadline. Any incomplete applications handed in after the deadline can not be taken into consideration.
DAAD Jakarta Office
Summitmas I Building 19th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190
Contact person: Endah C. Anggoro
Tel.: (021) 520 0870; 525 2807
Fax.: (021) 525 2822
Counseling hours: Monday to Thursday, 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm.
You are welcome to make an appointment for personal counseling before you apply

Data Analyst (Based Jakarta)
Dear All,
Currently one of our clients is looking for qualified candidate to be placed as data analyst.
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Seleksi Penerimaan Multi Level Entry Pengawas Bank
Pertama dan Multi Level Entry UMUM
Periode pendaftaran 3 - 12 Agustus 2008
http://www.ppm- rekrutmen. com/bi/
LOWONGAN BUMN: PT PLN (Persero) - 2008
PENDAFTARAN REKRUTMEN PEGAWAIPT PLN (Persero) dengan visi diakui sebagai perusahaan kelas dunia yang bertumbuh-kembang, unggul dan tepercaya dengan bertumpu pada potensi insani, membuka kesempatan bagi Generasi Muda terbaik untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir menjadi Pegawai PT PLN (Persero) Penyaluran dan Pusat Pengatur Beban Sumatera (P3BS) sebagai:
1. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki, belum menikah.
2. Usia : Maksimal 22 Tahun (Kelahiran tahun 1986 dan setelahnya).
3. Tinggi Badan : Minimal 165 Cm.
4. Berat badan : Proporsional dengan tinggi badan.
5. Sehat jasmani rohani untuk melaksanakan fungsi sebagai Teknisi PDKB, tidak menderita epilepsi, Tidak buta warna, tidak berkacamata dan tidak berlensa kontak.
6. Tidak pernah menggunakan narkoba/NAZA, tidak bertato dan tidak ditindik/bekas tindik di telinga atau anggota tubuh lainnya.
1. Pendidikan : Lulusan SMA/SMU Jurusan IPA atau SMKJurusan Listrik (elektro arus kuat/ketenagalistrikan)
2. Nilai Rapor/Transkrip terakhir:
a. Matematika nilai minimal 6 (enam) untuk semua jurusan.
b. Ilmu Listrik nilai minimal 7 (tujuh) untuk SMK Teknik Listrik (arus kuat/ketenagalistrikan).
c. Fisika nilai minimal 7 (tujuh) untuk SMA/SMU IPA.
3. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan ikatan dinas selama 1(satu) tahun dan tidak menikah dalam masa pendidikan
1. Surat Lamaran ditujukan kepada “PANITIA REKRUTMEN” dengan melampirkan:
a. Surat Lamaran.
b. Fotocopy ijazah SMU/SMK yang dilegalisir
c. Fotocopy Nilai Rapor/Transkrip terakhir SMU/SMK yang dilegalisir
d. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran / surat kenal lahir.
e. Fotocopy KTP yang masih berlaku.
f. Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
g. Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar.
h. Surat Keterangan berbadan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari Dokter Rumah Sakit/Puskesmas.
i. Surat pernyataan diri di atas meterai Rp. 6.000,- yang meliputi:
1. Bahwa tidak pernah terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan Narkotika, zat adiktif lainnya dan tindakan kriminal.
2. Kesanggupan bekerja sebagai Teknisi PDKB dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero) P3B Sumatera se-Sumatera.
3. Bahwa tidak akan menikah selama 1 (Satu) tahun, dalam masa pendidikan.
4. Bahwa tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas Ijazah yang lebih tinggi dari SMU/SMK yang dimiliki.
j. Surat Lamaran dikirim paling lambat tanggal 9 Agustus 2008 (stempel pos)
k. Amplop kosong tanpa perangko yang sudah bertuliskan alamat pelamar yang akan digunakan sebagai surat balasan/panggilan.
2. Berkas lamaran dikirimkan dan ditujukan ke salah satu dari alamat sbb:
a. PT PLN (Persero) UPT Medan.
PO BOX 639 Medan 2000
b. PT PLN (Persero) UPT Padang.
PO BOX 399 Padang
c. PT PLN (Persero) UPT Palembang.
PO BOX 1279 Palembang
Seleksi dilaksanakan dengan sistim gugur dengan tahapan sebagai berikut:
1. Administrasi
2. Akademis
3. Psikologi
4. Fisik
5. Wawancara
6. Kesehatan
1. Tidak diadakan korespondensi dan hanya lamaran yang masuk melalui PO BOX yang akan diproses.
2. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
3. Pelamar Teknisi PDKB yang dinyatakan lulus pada seluruh tahapan seleksi akan dipanggil mengikuti Program Beasiswa Pendidikan setara Diploma 1.
4. Pelamar Teknisi PDKB yang dapat menyelesaikan program beasiswa pendidikan setara Diploma 1 pada butir 3 di atas, akan diangkat menjadi Pegawai Teknisi Pekerjaan Dalam Keadaan Bertegangan dan ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah kerja PT PLN (Persero) P3B Sumatera se-Sumatera.
5. Surat Lamaran yang pernah dikirim sebelum diterbitkan pengumuman ini dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
6. Apabila di kemudian hari, DATA berkas surat lamaran ternyata tidak benar maka peserta dinyatakan GUGUR.
7. Keputusan Panitia tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
8. Lamaran yang masuk ke panitia penerimaan menjadi hak milik panitia sehingga tidak bisa diambil kembali.
Padang, 28 Juli 2008
Informasi selengkapnya kunjungi segera :
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Beasiswa Australia: Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships
AusAID Scholarship Applications have been extended until the 15th
August 2008 for Commencement January 2009 for applicants from
Cambodia, Indonesia and the Philippines
The Heinz School is committed to making a graduate education
affordable for talented students.
No separate application is
necessary. Students who note in the application for admission that
they would like to be considered for financial aid will be
automatically considered for any applicable scholarship opportunity.
Examples of scholarships include:
Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships
Carnegie Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships are funded by the
Australian Government to support a limited number of students from
countries where Australia has a bilateral aid program, to study at
the university’s Heinz School in Adelaide, Australia. These
scholarships are available to full time students.
Scholarship benefits include full tuition, return economy airfares, a
contribution to living expenses, and basic medical insurance.
Applicants must satisfy both AusAID’s general eligibility criteria
and the specific criteria established for their country of
A detailed listing of eligible countries, criteria (general
eligibility and country specific), and scholarship benefits can be
found by visiting the AusAID website.
Applications for the January 2009 intake are now being accepted (the
closing date for AusAid applications is the 30/06/08.) Carnegie
Mellon University-AusAID Scholarships are only available to students
who have already been offered a place at Carnegie Mellon University.
MSPPM Scholarships
MSPPM Scholarships are merit based awards available to either full or
part time students.
South Australian Government Scholarships
Scholarships covering a significant portion of tuition are available.
To be considered for a scholarship, applicants will meet Carnegie
Mellon’s admission requirements. Apply at https:// and answer `yes’ when you are asked
if you want to be considered for `financial aid.’
Australian students are also eligible for a FEE-HELP tuition loan,
which can be used to meet the residual cost of tuition not covered by
MSIT Scholarships
MSIT Scholarships are merit based awards available to either full or
part time students.
South Australian Government Scholarships
Scholarships covering a significant portion of tuition are available.
To be considered for a scholarship, applicants will meet Carnegie
Mellon’s admission requirements. Apply at https:// and answer `yes’ when you are asked
if you want to be considered for `financial aid.’
Australian students are also eligible for a FEE-HELP tuition loan,
which can be used to meet the residual cost of tuition not covered by
Read More......

Asian Graduate Student Fellowships
The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from ASEAN citizens
enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at a university in an ASEAN country
(except Singapore) for consideration as Asian Graduate Student Fellowships
(formerly ASEAN Research Scholars). These fellowships are offered to *current
graduate students doing their Master's or PhD degrees and working in the
Humanities and Social Sciences on Asian topics*, and will allow the
recipients to be based at NUS for an 'in residence fellowship' for a period
of three months. The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make
full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence
on 1 May 2009, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore
Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2009.
Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:
1) A monthly allowance of SGD$1,750 (inclusive of housing allowance).
2) A one time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and
direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the
3) Access to library and computer resources on campus.
Applicants are invited to *e-mail/facsimile/mail* their curriculum vitae, a
2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be
accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language) to the
address below by *15 November 2008*. Arrangements should also be made by
which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal
supervisor, are sent confidentially to the same address by the same
The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:
1) Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has
already been completed;
2) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
3) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;**
4) proposed work plan during the fellowship.**
You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities
at NUS' main library (, the library at the
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) ( and the Lee Kong Chian Reference
Library at the National Library ( to facilitate your
research for the dissertation. NUS' main library has 2 million volumes
covering all topics while ISEAS' library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian
topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.
Asia Research Institute
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
469A Tower Block #10-01
Bukit Timah Road,
Singapore 259770
E-mail :
Fax: 65 67791428

Beasiswa Inggris S2: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgrad Award in Transport Studies - University of Leeds
Beasiswa Inggris S2: Dorothy Hodgkin Postgrad Award in Transport Studies - University of Leeds
Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Institute for Transport Studies
Value of Award: Maintenance Stipend for a maximum period of 3 years (£12,940 for Session 2008/09), full overseas rate fees and a Research Training Support Grant
Number Available: One
Closing Date: Extended to 12 September 2008
Minimum Academic Requirements: A very good first degree (equivalent to a UK first class honours degree) from a prestigious institution (a lower rated BSc with a Masters will not normally be accepted as the equivalent of a UK first class honours degree). Candidates must also meet the University’s English language requirements.
Additional Information: The Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards are a national initiative to bring outstanding students from India, Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Russia, South Africa and the developing world to the UK to study for PhD degrees in top-rated research environments. The eligible countries are those listed in Part 1 on the OECD website:
This award is provided by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ( and Jaguar ( and is available in for a research project in the area of ‘driver distraction/vehicle automation/human-machine interface’.
Further information on the background to the Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards Scheme can be found at
Application Forms: Application forms and guidance notes are available from and should be returned to the Scholarships Office, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT
Contact Details: Please contact Dr Samantha Jamson for enquiries about the project area.
Tel: + 44 (0)113 343 6606
Fax: +44 (0)113 343 5334
Applicants should also complete an application form for research degree study, which is available at or online at

Beasiswa Amerika: 10 Fellowships (Human Rights Watch), USA
HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH, the international human rights monitoring and advocacy organization, invites applications for its fellowship program for the year 2009-10.
Deadline: 3 Oct 2008
Further Details and Application
Mexican Government Scholarships for Foreigners, 2009
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico has officially opened its Call of Scholarships to receive applications from Non-Mexican citizens.
Deadline: 7 Aug 2008
Scholarship Description
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico has officially opened its Call of Scholarships to receive applications from Non-Mexican citizens , interested in applying for any of the following types of activities for the calendar year 2009:
Masters Degree,
Doctorate Degree,
medical Specialization;
Research Fellowships;
Post-doctoral Study;
Visiting Professors;
Artistic Fellowships;
Expert Conferences;
Research on Mexican Studies;
Research on the Mexican Revolution;
Research on the Mexican Independence
Further Details and Application
Thank you
Best Regards,
Falak Mahmood