What is the Asian Scholarship Foundation?
The Asian Scholarship Foundation (ASF) is an Asian-led non-profit organization funded by a grant from the Ford Foundation that is mandated to:
* strengthen regional capacity to produce scholarly research on Asian societies;
* create a network of Asian specialists on Asian Studies in Asia;
* develop a regional perspective among scholars working in the field of Asian Studies.
ASF makes it possible for young and middle-level scholars, researchers and professionals to undertake a research project or make a study, to conduct seminars and workshops, to help build a network of Asian scholars in Asia in the field of Asian Studies and/or to write papers on the Arts, Culture, Humanities or Social Sciences in another Asian country in any of the grant categories described here.
Goals and Objectives
The principal goal of the ASIA Fellows Awards is to increase the overall awareness of intellectual resources in the countries of Northeast, South and Southeast Asia and to contribute to the growth of long-range capabilities for cross-regional knowledge sharing. The ASIA Fellows Awards seek to develop regional expertise, establish a multilateral network of Asian specialists from many disciplines, professional fields and countries, stimulate interdisciplinary research and inter-societal comparison, and contribute to new developments within existing area studies communities. The awards offer opportunities for outstanding young and mid-career Asian scholars, and professionals to gain knowledge of the countries in the region and an understanding of the contexts that shape global and regional issues through research. They enable the awardees to conduct research in a participating Asian country for six to nine months.
Citizens of and residents in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, the Republic of Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Master’s/Doctoral degree or equivalent professional training and experiences (minimum of 3 years of university teaching experiences for scholars or 5 years of work experience for professionals.)
Applicants must be 45 years old or younger at the time of the application deadline. However, those up to 50 years old proposing to do research in the field of Humanities may be given special consideration.
Proficiency in English or in the language of the host country appropriate to the proposed research project.
Those who are currently enrolled in a degree program, or have just completed a degree program for less than one to two years will not be eligible to apply. Those who were a recipient of a Ford Foundation fellowship grant within the last two years prior to the application is also ineligible.
Selection Process
Regional Review Committees composed of leading scholars from participating countries conduct an initial review of the applications. In mid-March, short listed candidates are interviewed by the review committee for their region at meetings in Beijing, New Delhi, and Bangkok. (The Asian Scholarship Foundation covers the travel expenses of short listed candidates.) The applications of recommended candidates are then forwarded to the multi-regional Board of Directors which will make the final selection of ASIA Fellows Awards recipients by May each year.
Please send completed application materials to the ASF office or affiliate offices in the country or region of your citizenship:
For Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Laos, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand, send to:
ASIA Fellows AwardsAsian Scholarship Foundation (ASF)
29 Vanissa Bldg., 4th Fl.Chidlom, Ploenchit Rd., PathumwanBangkok 10330, Thailand.
Tel: (66-2) 655-1615-7Fax: (66-2) 655-7977
E-mail: info[at]asianscholarship.org
For the People’s Republic of China, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awardsc/o Institute of International Education (IIE),
Beijing Office Huatong Building A Room 439,Che Gong Zhuang Xi Road#19A, Beijing 100044, CHINA
Tel: (86-10) 6848-6213 ext. 23Fax: (86-10) 6848-6215
E-mail: jiyn[at]iiebeijing.org
For Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, the Republic of Maldives, Sri Lanka, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awards
c/o University of Pennsylvania Institute for the Advanced Study of India (UPIASI)
India Habitat Centre (Core 5A, 1st Floor)
Lodi Road, New Delhi
110003, India
Tel: (91-11) 2460-4126/7
Fax: (91-11) 2460-4126
E-mail: upiasi[at]del2.vsnl.net.in
For Indonesia, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awardsc/o Indonesian International Education Foundation (IIEF)
Menara Imperium, 28th Floor, Suite BMetropolitan Kuningan Superblok Kav 1
Jl. H.R. Rasuna SaidJakarta Selatan 12980, Indonesia
Tel: (62-21) 831-7330 ext.18/19 Fax: (62-21) 831-7331
E-mail: scholarship[at]iief.or.id
For the Philippines, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awardsc/o Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC)
Commonwealth Avenue Diliman, Quezon CityMetro Manila 1101, Philippines
Tel: (63-2) 929-2671, 922-9625Fax: (63-2) 924-4178, 922-9630
E-mail: projects[at]pssc.org.ph
For Vietnam, send to:
ASIA Fellows Awardsc/o Center for Educational Exchange with Vietnam (CEEVN)
So 5, Ngo 2, Giang Van MinhHanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 844-723-6825 to 6Fax: 844-723-6827
E-mail: ASF[at]ceevn.org
More info: http://www.asianscholarship.org/?head=GrantInformation&p=detail
Friday, October 19, 2007
Asian Scholarship Foundation

PhD position in Wireless Communications - Portugal
Ph.D Position in Wireless Communications
Mobile Systems Communications Group (MOTION)
Job Description
The Mobile Systems Communications Group (MOTION) within the Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) is seeking to recruit Ph.D candidates to conduct top-level research in the general area of wireless communication, specifically addressing one of the following themes:
- MIMO signal processing techniques for wireless networks using Distributed Antenna Systems and Cooperative Diversity
- Vertical Handover for heterogeneous systems.
- Radio Resource Management for wireless networks using cooperative diversity .
- Architectures and methodologies for system level simulations of wireless networks.
Applicants should have a good honours degree in telecommunications, and must be fluent in at least C/C++, or Matlab programming. Creativity, independence and the ability of critical analytical thinking are essential.
You will join an established research group at the Instituto de Telecomunicações and the opportunity to conduct research at the highest international level. The group has extensive expertise in 3G systems and future emerging technologies. The group has also been involved in EU Framework Programme 5&6 projects such as MATRICE, 4MORE, ACE, ASILUM, NEXTWAY, UNITE, and ORACLE and has wide collaboration with industry, including Siemens and Portugal Telecom.
Contact for informal enquiries
Informal email enquiries can be made to Prof. Atilio Gameiro by email: amg[at]det.ua.pt or Dr. Jonathan Rodriguez: jonathan[at]av.it.pt. For further information on the Instituto de Telecomunicações and the MOTION group, please visit the following sites: http://www.it.pt/ and http://www.av.it.pt/motion
To apply, please email or post a covering letter attaching a detailed CV, together with the names and addresses of two referees to Sandra Corujo, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Campus
Universitário de Santiago, P-3810-193 Aveiro- Portugal.
Phone: +351 234 377900, Fax: +351 234 377901
e-mail: Sandra[at]av.it.pt
The positions are fully funded and the offered grant is in accordance with the funding scales imposed by the FCT (Portuguese Research Council).
The closing date for applications is Monday 3rd December 2007

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Eiffel Scholarship 2008-2009 - France
Madame, Monsieur,
Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer du lancement de l’appel à candidatures du programme de bourses d’excellence Eiffel, du ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes, pour l’année universitaire 2008/2009.
Nous attirons cependant votre attention sur la décision du ministère de regrouper dans un appel d’offre unique les deux programmes Eiffel et Eiffel Doctorat dans un souci de meilleure lisibilité.
Toutes les informations relatives à cet appel unique à candidatures sont en ligne à compter de ce jour sur le site Internet d’Égide, à l’adresse suivante :
Vous y trouverez :
- la présentation du programme Eiffel actualisée
- le dossier de candidature à télécharger
Nous vous recommandons de lire attentivement toutes ces informations et vous remercions de votre intérêt pour le programme de bourses d’excellence Eiffel.
Égide - Programme Eiffel
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
Mél. : eiffel @ egide.asso.fr
Si vous ne souhaitez plus recevoir de messages de la liste Eiffel, vous pouvez vous désabonner à partir de la page suivante :

1 PostDoc & 2 PhD Positions in Meteorology, Oceanography, Mathematics, or Physic - German
1 PostDoc & 2 PhD Positions [2+/3 y; PhD (for PostDoc) or university degree (for PhD) in meteorology, oceanography, mathematics, or physics; experience in dynamical systems theory, climate modelling, and analysis of observational/model data advantage; E 13 TV-L] / University of Kiel / deadline October 31
1 Post-Doctoral Position and 2 Ph.D. Positions
Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), University of Kiel
Three positions are sought for a DFG funded project on improving our understanding of Atlantic multi-decadal climate variability and predictability, beginning January 1st, 2008.
Postdoctoral scientist shall be employed to develop and apply a hybrid-coupled model for investigating the solution space of Atlantic climate variability with respect to key parameters. Results will be used to reduce uncertainties in the mechanisms of Atlantic multi-decadal variability, and to explain variability of climate models.
PhD student shall be employed to analyse the simulated variability in climate models and in idealized model experiments.
PhD student shall be employed to investigate statistical/dynamical methods for ocean reconstruction using historical data. The work will involve running coupled and uncoupled climate models.
Applicants for the postdoctoral position must have a PhD in meteorology, oceanography, mathematics, or physics. Applicants for the PhD positions must have a university degree in mathematics, physics, meteorology, or oceanography. Experience in dynamical systems theory, climate modelling, and analysis of observational/model data are desired.
The postdoctoral position is initially for two years, but with possible extension to a third year. The PhD positions are each for three years. The salary class will be E 13 TV-L of the German tariffs for public employees. The IFM-GEOMAR is an equal opportunity employer and encourages female scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
Applications must be in writing, and include a cover letter, CV, contact details of at least two referees, and a one-page statement outlining the applicant’s research interests.
Applications are to be sent by the 31st of October 2007 to:
Position - “Decadal-Variability”
Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften
IFM-GEOMAR Personalbüro
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
D-24148 Kiel, Germany
Questions are to be directed towards the project leader Dr. Noel Keenlyside (nkeenlyside @ ifm-geomar.de ) Phone: +49(0)431 600 4054

Postdoctoral Researchers and PhD Students in Stochastics at EURANDOM - Netherlands
EURANDOM is the European Research Institute for the study of random phenomena. Research at EURANDOM covers stochastics and its applications, as well as its interfaces with other disciplines.
Stochastics consists of statistics, probability and stochastic operations research. The core business of EURANDOM is fundamental research in an international environment, carried out by a non-tenured staff of junior researchers and senior advisors supplemented with an extensive programme of seminars, workshops and visitors.
Research at EURANDOM is clustered into thematically organized research programmes:
- Queueing and Performance Analysis - Performance Analysis of Production Systems;
- Performance Analysis of Communication Systems,
- Queueing Theory,
- Multivariate Risk Modelling;
- Random Spatial Structures - Critical Phenomena;
- Disordered Systems;
- Combinatorial Probability;
- Statistical Information and Modelling - Statistical Signal and Image Analysis;
- Statistics in Biology and Statistics in Industry.
At present the junior staff consists of approximately twenty-five internationally recruited post-doctoral researchers and graduate students under the guidance of senior advisors. Vacancies at EURANDOM occur at any time during the year and are not restricted to the beginning of the academic year.
Postdoctoral appointments are typically for two years (but shorter periods can be discussed as well). Appointments for Ph.D. positions are typically for three to four years. Furthermore we welcome candidates who wish to apply for an external research grant, e.g. the Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Uni0n or for a research grant from European or American science foundations such as DFG, FWO, CNRS, EPSRC, NSF etc.).
We have built up expertise with the application procedures consequently we are willing to help you with the application. Candidates with a mathematical background and who have a particularly strong background in Stochastic are invited to send a letter of application together with a curriculum vitae with full educational details to EURANDOM.
Applicants for a post-doc position should also include a list of publications, a pre-print of a selected paper, and names and contact details of three academic referees.
Applicants for a Ph.D. position should include information on their thesis.
The complete package should be sent to:
Prof.dr.ir. O.J.
Boxma Scientific Director EURANDOM P.O.
Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
For further information have a look at our website www.eurandom.tue.nl or
contact us at office @ eurandom.tue.nl
Phone: +31 40 247 8100
Fax: +31 40 247 8190

PhD Job in Computer Science - Germany
The Institute of Computer Science at the University of Jena, Germany offers a vacancy for a full-time PhD student at the Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair of Practical Computer Science
The work will focus on the application of adaptation techniques to Web Portals.
The research group has broad experience within the area of Web Portal technology and recently contributed to the JSR 286 standard (Apache Pluto Project - Java Portlet Specification) and developed its reference implementation in conjunction with the IBM Research and Development Laboratories at Böblingen, Germany. A second, relevant focus is on semantic description of resources and context-adaptabilility.
The PhD research will be performed under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries and Prof. Dr. Martin Welsch in cooperation with the IBM Research and Development Laboratories at Böblingen, Germany.
The aim of the project is to perform research and develop prototypes that apply adaptation techniques specifically to modern Web Portals in order to come to a solution that we currently call a Contextual Portal, a Portal being more semantic- and context-aware, i.e. a Portal that exploits information available in the computing environment to react to changing context with the aim to adapt itself to these changes to better suit the new circumstances, the new requirements.
Project description:
Recognizing the value of internet technologies, companies started to establish intranets to provide their employees with a central point of access to enterprise specific information. Initially, intranets focused on presenting the most valuable and widely used information to employees providing them with quick and efficient information access. But the amount of information accessible via those intranets quickly grew and finding the right information became more complex and time consuming.
Many companies successfully introduced Web Portals to manage the upcoming information overflow. Web Portals provide users with a central point of access in a highly personalized manner. They allow providing information and applications based on the role of a user within the enterprise. Understanding the role of a given user and his information needs allows efficient targeting of the content. Today, Web Portals are comprised of a huge amount of content. They have grown tremendously and again it becomes more time consuming to find and access the right information throughout a particular context. Information overflow is becoming a productivity threat again and users once more fear to get lost in hyperspace.
Contextual Portals propagate the next generation of Web Portals. The goal is to come to a more adaptive, adaptable, dynamic and context-aware type of Web Portals, where the main idea is to overcome drawbacks of static Web Portals, mainly by taking into account which context a user is acting in and by learning from a user’s behavior in order to make assumptions about his potential behavior throughout future sessions. The aim is to let the system self-adapt to better suit users’ needs - in order to better support their typical behavior and to better manage information overflow.
The new concepts then aim to improve certain selected aspects of Web Portals: the presentation of the navigation, the presentation of the page layout, the way in which contextual information is exchanged across applications and across pages, the way in which users are notified about context-changes and the mechanisms that allow single users to have multiple (behavior) profiles.
A context adaptive Portal collects knowledge during users’ interaction with the Portal, filters and stores the collected knowledge and finally makes use of it and additional context information during future sessions in order to adapt the Portal to better suit users needs. It improves supporting users’ typical behavior by taking into account contextual information and by learning from a user’s previous
The PhD research focuses on the definition of a declarative language and ontological models for semantically describing adaptable portal components, user behavior and contextual information. Proper reasoning on these models should allow for meaningful adaptation options.
We are looking for a candidate who meets the following requirements:
- An excellent Masters or equivalent degree in Computer Science or a closely related field
- Experience within the fields of adaptive hypertext and hypermedia, information systems, context modeling, user modeling, data mining, semantic web, artificial intelligence and machine learning and/or Web Portal technology are of advantage
- Very good programming and software engineering skills
- Very good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing
- Skills in German are of advantage
We expect dedication, enthusiasm and the willingness to solve difficult problems.
- Full time employment at the University of Jena for initially two years (with the option to extend)
- Salary according to TV-L 13 (about 1700 Euros/month take home amount)
Project/technical information:
Andreas Nauerz
IBM Research and Development
Schönaicher Str. 220
71032 Böblingen
phone: +49(0)7031-16-1777,
e-mail: andreas.nauerz[at]de.ibm.com
Application/organizational information:
Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries
Institut für Informatik
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-4
Raum 3311
07743 Jena
phone: +49(0)3641-946430
mail: koenig[at]informatik.uni-jena.de
Prof. Dr. Martin Welsch
IBM Research and Development
Schönaicher Str. 220
71032 Böblingen
phone: +49(0)7031-16-2216,
e-mail: martin.welsch[at]de.ibm.com
Interested candidates are requested to send their application by November 05, 2007 to:
Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries
Institut für Informatik
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-4
Raum 3311
07743 Jena
You can also send your application by e-mail to: koenig[at]informatik.uni-jena.de.
Please cc martin.welsch[at]de.ibm.com and andreas.nauerz[at]de.ibm.com.
The application should refer to registration number 62/07 and consist of:
A motivation letter, your Curriculum Vitae, copies of your diplomas together with the lists of grades, and other relevant certificates and proof of English language skills (if applicable). Letters of recommendation are a plus, too.
website link:

Some PhD Positions in Computer Science and Engineering
The doctoral Program aims to prepare researchers and professionals with broad training in the foundations of informatics as well as applications to a variety of cutting-edge systems and disciplines. The frontiers of informatics are influencing the paths of other disciplines as well as ordinary life, and are the target of active research on the international scene.
Research doctors may work in universities and research centers. They may also take on professional roles and high-profile tasks and responsibilities in both the private and public sectors.
15 positions and scholarships
15 students - > no tuition fees + free access to IMT Canteen + A laptop
computer assigned for all the PhD period
8 -> full grants (annual grant amounts +/- 10.560 € gross)
8 -> free accommodation
Comment/web site for additional job details
For additional details please consult the webpage
Organisation/Institute Contact Data
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies
Computer Science and Applications
P.za San Ponziano, 6
Lucca 55100
Phone: 0039 4326 561
Fax: 0039 0583 4326 565
E-Mail: phdapplications @ imtlucca.it
Website: www.imtlucca.it
Job Starting Date
Application Deadline
How To Apply

PhD Position in Combinatorial Scientific Computing - Norway
University of Bergen,Norway, we are looking for an excellent PhD candidate with a background in programming and algorithms.
We have an open position for 3 years in the ParComb project. The project is aimed at designing parallel algorithms for combinatorial problems in scientific computing. The type of problems studied includes, among others, different kinds of coloring and matching problems motivated from applications in scientific computing. The successful candidate will cooperate in developing and implementing working codes that can be used in applied research. For specific information about the project see: http://www.ii.uib.no/parcomb.
Applicants should hold a M.Sc. degree or similar and is expected to work within this project and enter a PhD study. The PhD thesis should be submitted for defense within the 3-year period of the position. A plan for the PhD study will be developed in cooperation with the scientists within the project.
As part of the PhD study the candidate should spend 6 month at the Old Dominion University, USA, working with professor Alex Pothen. Thus an applicant must be eligible to obtain a visa to the USA.
Salary will be paid in accordance with level 43 on the Norwegian government salary scale currently equivalent to NOK 325.800 pr. annum (before tax) which is about 41,000 Euro or 57,000 USD. Payment may be regulated on basis of seniority according to the public wage scale 43-46. There are no teaching duties. Knowledge of the Norwegian language is not necessary as the working language will be English. The Algorithms group at the Department of Informatics, UiB, has currently 4 professors, 5 postdocs, 8 PhD students, as well as several master students. The group represent a mix of several nationalities (Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, Luxembourg, India, Italy, Norway, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey).
For further information about the scientific contents, expectations and requirements for the position, please contact Fredrik Manne (e-mail: Fredrik.Manne [at] ii.uib.no).
check www.scholarzip.com

Eiffel Scholarship Programme for Master and PhD, France - 2008
Eiffel excellence scholarships are awarded to high-achieving overseas students to whom French centres of higher education would like to offer a place on a Master’s or PhD course. The courses taken by these students in France ultimately target positions of responsibility in the public or private sector, rather than careers in teaching or research.
The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs gives priority to candidates from emerging countries (starting with Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and new members of the European Union), though the PhD scholarships also address students from industrialized countries.
Applications from students currently studying outside France will be given priority over those from students already studying in France.
Areas of study covered by the Eiffel programme
Eiffel grants cover the following subject areas:
* Engineering sciences for the Master’s course, and sciences in a broader sense for the PhD course (engineering sciences, exact sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry) life sciences, nano- and bio-technologies, environment sciences, and information & communication sciences).
* Economics and management.
* Law and political science.
Academic levels covered by the Eiffel programme
French centres of higher education putting forward candidates for Eiffel scholarships undertake to enrol successful applicants on one of the following types of course:
* Master’s course
* PhD course co-tutored or co-managed with partner higher education centre in the student’s country of origin
Candidates must not be aged over 30 (in the year of selection) for a Master’s scholarship or over 35 for a PhD scholarship.
Ineligibility factors
* Holders of other French government grants (including welfare coverage grants),
* Previous applicants for Eiffel grants, even in a different subject,
* Applicants not presented by a French centre (i.e. applications by students themselves, or submitted by a non-French centre)
* Duplicate applications, i.e. students proposed by more than one French centre.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications must be submitted with all the supporting documents listed on page 5 of the application form, and bear the official seal of the French higher education centre plus the signature of the official head of the centre (university dean, school director, etc.), formally certifying the statement of the centre’s international outreach policy. The quality charter must also be initialled separately to mark formal acceptance.
Application procedure
Applications for Eiffel grants are submitted by French higher education centres from a shortlist of outstanding students they would like to enrol on their courses. Applications are not accepted from students themselves, or from non-French centres.
Centres submit applications on behalf of candidate students consistent with programme objectives, in accordance with instructions and guidelines issued by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Selection procedure
Selection is performed by a commission made up of three specialist committees (one for each of the three subject areas covered by the programme). Committee members are not allowed to assess applications submitted by their own centres.
Committee members are not allowed to assess applications submitted by centres with which they have professional links.
Selection is to three criteria:
* Academic excellence of applicant, as attested by achievement to date (rated on a scale of 10 and weighted with a coefficient of 3).
* International policy of centre submitting application, operations addressing the geographical region in question, calibre of host unit, and suitability with regard to the application (rated on a scale of 5 and weighted to a coefficient of 3).
* Cooperation policy of French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, especially as regards the priorities set for different countries under the programme (rated on a scale of 5 and weighted to a coefficient of 1).
The commission assesses applications, rates them to these three criteria, and applies the weighting coefficients to produce a score out of 50. It then sets a pass mark and selects nominees to the following principles, on the basis of the number of grants available:
* At least seventy percent of the grants are awarded to the highest-scoring applicants (main list).
* The remainder go to higher education centres whose nominees scored above the pass mark but were not selected on the main list.
The commission then draws up and publishes the list of successful applicants.
Notification of results
The list of successful applicants will be published on-line (www.egide.asso.fr/eiffel).
Results will be notified to the heads of the higher education centres concerned.
The commission’s decision is final, and no discussion will be entertained regarding this decision or the reasons behind it.
The schedule for the 2008 Eiffel programme is as follows:
* Application forms available online: September 2007
* Applications to be submitted by 11 January 2008
* Results announced in week beginning 24 March 2008
Results are published in March to enable students to give the French offer full consideration along with any other offers they might have; the best students will often have competing proposals (including offers on funding their studies) from other countries.
Duration of Eiffel scholarship
Master’s course: The Eiffel scholarship is awarded for the duration of the course culminating in the qualification specified in the application, provided the student fulfils the academic requirements of each year.
Upon request by the French host centre, Eiffel scholarship allowances for non-French-speaking students may be extended to cover preliminary French language training of up to one year.
The centre submitting the application must clearly state the overall programme duration, including any compulsory practical courses or internships in France or elsewhere.
PhD course: The Eiffel scholarship is awarded for a maximum of ten months, with no additional language training period.
Amount of Eiffel scholarship
The Eiffel programme does not cover tuition fees (except for preparatory course in French, if applicable), though the higher education centres concerned are invited to apply the best possible financial conditions to Eiffel scholarship-holders.
Enrolment fees at state-run higher education centres are waived for students on French government scholarship programmes such as this.
Master’s courses: Eiffel scholarship-holders on Master’s courses receive a monthly allowance of EUR1,181. In addition, the programme meets various expenses including return travel, health insurance and cultural activities. Scholarship-holders might also be eligible for additional accommodation allowance.
PhD courses: Eiffel scholarship-holders on PhD courses receive a monthly allowance of EUR1,400. In addition, the programme meets various expenses including return travel, health insurance and cultural activities. Scholarship-holders might also be eligible for additional accommodation allowance.
French embassy assistance
If they wish, higher education centres may contact French diplomatic services (cooperation and cultural departments) for assistance in identifying potentially suitable applicants.
The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has commissioned Égide with management of the Eiffel programme.
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles, 75010 Paris, France
Phone +33 (0)1 40 40 59 30
Practical information available on Égide website: www.egide.asso.fr/eiffel
Égide will take charge of paying students’ grants, and of answering enquiries from students and higher education centres regarding the Eiffel programme.
E-mail: eiffel [at] egide.asso.fr

Lowongan CPNS - Departemen Pertanian 2007
Rekrutmen THL Penyuluh Pertanian Tahun 2007
Dalam upaya pencapaian program revitalisasi penyuluhan pertanian untuk mendukung program pemerintah mengenai Revitalisasi Pertanian, Perikanan, dan Kehutanan, maka Departemen Pertanian akan merekrut tenaga-tenaga (SDM) yang mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas penyuluhan pertanian di desa-desa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan status sebagai Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) Penyuluh Pertanian. Yang akan ditempatkan di kecamatan/desa di seluruh Wilayah Indonesia. Penempatan Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) tersebut dengan mempertimbangkan kedudukan/domisili calon THL Penyuluh ybs.
Info selengkapnya ada di sini.
Project Manager for Telco
Our Client is looking for High Calibre Project Manager for
INTERCONNECT & ROAMING SYSTEM (RMS) Project in Indonesia-Jakarta
* Functional and administrative management of the Interconnect & Roaming Billing unit whose responsibility follows for any of therelated system
* Prepares Interconnect & Roaming Settlement Reports as needed
* Manage project team consists of expatriat (the principal resources) and local team
* Age 26 - 35 years old
* Bachelor's degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent from a reputable university.
* Good knowledge in PL/SQL, Oracle and Project Management
* Good knowledge of local interconnection regulation (Revenue Based or Cost Based)
* Minimum 4-5 years of experiences in Interconnect billing and settlement system
* PMP Certified is preferred
Please send your latest CV to vacant-pm @ ptjsi.com at latest Friday October 26, 2007.
Please also note your expected salary.
Good Luck!
Vacancy at Technip Indonesia
Technip is a world class player in engineering, technologies and construction services for oil and gas, petrochemical and other industries. With nearly 50 years of experiences in the design and construction of large industrial facilities, a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies and operational bases spread over the 5 continents, the group is able to manage all aspects of major projects at optimized cost, from front end engineering design to turnkey delivery.
To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, Technip is looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following positions.
HVAC Designer
Qualification and Experiences:
„X Should possess a diploma degree from a recognized university/academy, with majoring in mechanical engineering or other major related to HVAC.
„X Should have at least 5 years of working experience in an engineering organization (M&E consultant of HVAC contactor). Candidate with design & drafting working experiences in Oil & Gas industry (HVAC discipline) will be an advantage.
„X Should possess good English and able to communicate clearly and efficiently.
„X Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess good analytical skills in problem solving.
„X Should be a computer literate, i.e. able to work on Ms Office, AutoCad and other CAD related software.
„X Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta.
„X Should be familiar with international Codes such as SMACNA, DWD, etc.
„X Should be able to prepare layout drawing, duct sizing, pipe sizing layout, schematic diagram and provide equipment sizing and arrangement.
„X Should be able to understand specification requirements, understand and coordinate with other disciplines such as Electrical, Instruments, Structure and Fire on System requirements.
„X Should be able to review vendor documents, data and shop drawings.
„X Should have an understanding and experience with various HVAC system such as chilled water system and direct expansion system.
„X Should have site experience on HVAC installation on HVAC installation, testing and commissioning.
„X Should have an Engineering degree from a recognized university.
„X Should have at least 7 years relevant working experience in an engineering organization of oil and gas industry for Offshore and Onshore projects and/or petrochemical/power plant projects.
„X Should be conversant with electrical engineering analysis software such as ETAP / EDSA for conducting and concluding the various studies (covering Load Flow, Short Circuit, Transient Stability, Motor Starting, Relay Coordination, Harmonic Analysis studies). Having exposure to working in 3D projects utilizing PDS / PDMS would be an added advantage.
„X Should be familiar with International Codes and Standards (NEC, ANSI, IEC, NEMA, etc.).
„X Should have working experiences in various electrical design activities, including but not limited to:
- Calculations ( such as Lighting, Earthing and Cable Sizing).
- Electrical layout preparation (such as Cable and Cable Tray Layouts, Lighting Layouts, including Layouts etc).
- Electrical Bulk Material Take Off (MTOs) and familiar with electrical equipment selection for hazardous area environments (both NEC and IEC).
„X Should have knowledge in computer literate, i.e. MS Office or equivalent. Having experiences on 2D CAD tools such as AutoCAD and/or Microstation. 3D modeling tools (PDS or PDMS) exposure would be preferable and an added advantage.
„X Should possess good communication skills in English language.
„X Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta.
„X Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess good analytical skills in problem solving.
„X Should have at least 10 years relevant working experience in an engineering organization of oil and gas industry for Offshore and Onshore projects and/or petrochemical/power plant projects.
„X Should have an Engineering DRAFTING Certification/Diploma, STM/SMA degree or equivalent.
„X Should be familiar with International Codes and Standards (NEC, ANSI, IEC, NEMA, etc.) for electrical design.
„X Should have working experiences in various electrical design activities, including but not limited to:
- Calculations ( such as Lighting, Earthing and Cable Sizing),
- Electrical layout preparation (such as Cable and Cable Tray Layouts, Lighting Layouts, including Layouts etc)
- Electrical Bulk Material Take Off (MTOs) and familiar with electrical equipment selection for hazardous area environments (both NEC and IEC).
„X Should have knowledge in computer literate, i.e. MS Office or equivalent. Having experiences on 2D CAD tools such as AutoCAD and/or Microstation. 3D modeling tools (PDS or PDMS) exposure would be preferable and an added advantage
„X Should possess good communication skills in English language.
„X Should hold Indonesia citizenships and ready to be placed in Jakarta or Balikpapan
„X Should be able to work effectively in team, maintain good quality of work, and possess good analytical skills in problem solving.
Send your application, resume and recent photograph to:
hrd.indo @ technip.com
Vacancy at Qatar
Project Manager
Job Category: Project Manager
Location: Qatar
Job Requirements:
• Related University degree with a professional Certification
• 3-5 years project management related experience
• eBusiness Solution Experience is a must.
• Skilled in information and communications technology
• A comprehensive knowledge of relevant development life-cycles
Knowledge and Skills:
• Analytical thinking
• Attention to detail
• Timely decision making abilities
• Follow-up and monitoring against targets
• Knowledge on matrix organizations
• Sound communication skills
• Proficient in Progress reporting
• Proficient in Project planning and controlling techniques
• Proficient in Project risk management
• Familiar with Contract management and negotiation
• Familiar with Project management tools (MS Projects) and Office Suite
• University degree
• Certified Project Management Professional (PMP)
Employment Status:
• Full Time (From 6 to 12 Months)
Nationality: Any.
Send your CV to Pmanager @ jobs.ebseg.com
You MUST indicate in your Email/CV
• Last salary if applicable
• Marital Status
• Clear Detailed Military status
• Availability / Required notice period
• Recent picture is plus (if photo scan available(
• CVs not including the above information will NOT be considered
Job Vacancy at Media Majalah SWA
- S1/ Perguruan Tinggi Negeri
- Memiliki minat yang besar di bidang jurnalisme
- Memiliki pengetahuan di bidang ekonomi dan bisnis
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris
- Pekerja tim serta memiliki keterampilan komunikasi dan interpersonal yang baik
- Usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Aktif dalam organisasi Pers kampus
- Menyertakan contoh artikel/ tulisan mengenai ekonomi dan bisnis (5000 karakter)
Tuliskan kode "REP" dalam subjek email atau di sudut kiri atas surat lamaran
- S2 (Statistik/ Matematika/ Manajemen/ Marketing)
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
- Pengalaman di bidang riset minimal 2 tahun
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
Tuliskan kode "RE" dalam subjek email atau di sudut kiri atas surat lamaran
- Pendidikan minimal D3
- Berpengalaman di bidangnya (terutama di industri media) minimal 2 tahun
- Mampu melakukan presentasi dan negosiasi dengan baik
- Memiliki networking yang luas
- Berorientasi pada target
Tuliskan kode "AE" dalam subjek email atau di sudut kiri atas surat lamaran
- Pendidikan S1
- Berminat dan berpengalaman sebagai system administrator Linux
- Menguasai konsep, konfigurasi dan operasi Linux, Linux environment, Linux security
- Menguasai bahasa pemrograman/ sistem operasi HTML, PHP programming, JAVA, serta LAN dan Networking concepts
Tuliskan kode "TI" dalam subjek email atau di sudut kiri atas surat lamaran
Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda dilengkapi CV, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi ijazah, dan transkrip nilai serta pasfoto terbaru, ke alamat :
Kelompok Media Majalah SWA
Jl. Taman Tanah Abang III No. 23 Jakarta Pusat 10160
atau ke alamat email : hrdswa @ cbn.net.id
Vacancy at Permata Bank
PermataBank sebagai salah satu bank swasta nasional yang fokus pada segmen SME dan Consumer Banking, mengundang anda untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir di SME Banking untuk posisi sebagai berikut :
Posisi :
Sr. Relationship Manager SME
Relationship Manager SME
Sr. Relationship Manager CASA
Relationship Manager CASA
Sr. Relationship Manager SME Mortgage
Relationship Manager SME Mortgage
Kualifikasi Umum :
- Pendidikan minimum Sarjana (S1)
- Memiliki pengalaman minimum 1 tahun di posisi yang sama (lebih diutamakan dari bank atau institusi keuangan lainnya)
- Menguasai produk perbankan dengan baik
- Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam komunikasi, negosiasi, dan analisis kredit, serta memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dalam risk management
- Memiliki relasi yang luas
- Bersedia bekerja dengan target
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam team
- Lebih diutamakan memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik
Kualifikasi Khusus :
- Memahami dengan baik produk commercial perbankan (commercial loan, current account, trade finance)
- Memahami analisis laporan keuangan dengan baik
- Menguasai penyusunan credit facility report
- Menguasai produk funding perbankan (giro)
- Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengetahuan di bidang treasury dan internet banking
SRM/RM SME Mortgage
- Menguasai produk lending perbankan
- Memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan developer dan agen property
- Menguasai penyusunan credit facility report
Bagi anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas, segera kirimkan aplikasi dan curriculum vitae melalui alamat email : nwulandari @ permatabank.co.id
Niken Wuri
HR Relationship Management (SME)
PermataBank Read More......