KOPKARLA is cooperation for Lintasarta corp. as a member of Indosat Group Companies in Indonesia. We are specialized for Human Resource services, distributor and marketing for Lintasarta. As one of the global market player, we consider to have qualified employees due to the performance achievement. We are seeking motivated and capable individuals will be based in Head Office Jakarta for position:
Account Executive / Marketing Post Date: 25 August 08
* Male/female, age between 20-25 years old
* Hold min. D3 degree in any discipline
* Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
* Able to work independently, essentially a self-starter and highly motivated under minimum supervision with result oriented
* Computer literate, proficient in English is an advantage
* Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
Main Responsibilities:
1. Handling incoming/outgoing telephone, and company’s guests
2. Handling administration activities such as correspondence and other documentation
3. Represents the company image as the front office stage
1. Female, maximum 28 years old, and Good looking
2. Minimum Diploma 1 or Senior high school
3. One year experience in the same position or call center agent. Fresh graduate also welcome
4. Computer literate, Ms. Office proficiency are desirable
5. The candidates shall be self motivated, honest, highly dedicated, initiative, good health, good interpersonal and communication skills, pleasant personality and cooperative with the team
If you are interest with above vacant position and meet with the requirements, please send your application letter and CV with recent photograph within 1 (one) week to:
Menara Thamrin, 14th floor - Suite 1402
Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 3 – CENTRAL JAKARTA 10250
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Urgently Required - Various Position in KOPKARLA
- S1 any disciplines related to supply chain solutions and logistics business
- 5 years of experience in the management of multi-functional working group as senior logistics / warehouse manager
- Strong knowledge of logistics operations
- Extended knowledge of logistics IT systems, warehousing, distribution and transport system, and continuous improvement processes related to the same business
- Proven leadership, team work, self discipline, people management skills and good communication skills
- Fluent in English both oral and written and advanced with MS Office
- Excellent negotiation skills and customer relation skills.
Drop CV in detail to:
toen@iconwork.comor iis@iconwork.com
Details: www.iconwork.com
Thank you and Regards,
Iconwork.com & Team
Sands International Executive Club,
located in Mangga Dua Square Jakarta Utara
is looking for
with qualification :
- S1, age max. 35 year
- Good command in English (spoken & written)
- Experience in handling personnel administration preferably
- Able to operate computer & good typing skill
- Strong analytical, communication & interpersonal skill
- Fresh graduates are welcome
If you are interested please send the application letter to :
HR Department
PT Agung Wahana Indonesia
(Sands International Executive Club)
Mangga Dua Square Lt. 5
Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No.1
Jakarta Utara 14430
or email to : hrd@sandsjakarta. com
Monday, August 25, 2008
PhD positions - Italy
Open PhD positions, Univ of Modena & R Emilia, Italy
Doctorate schools and courses
From the Doctorate courses main regulations and from the Doctorate
schools regulations of the University of Modena e Reggio Emilia:
The Doctorate schools and courses has the purpose to supply to the
enrolled one, also by periods of study abroad and stage near subject
private and publics, competences of elevated level and qualification,
adapted to the exercise of activity of research and professionalities
that demand a high degree of scientific preparation.
The selection
for the access to the Course of Doctorate happens for public
competition. The Course of Doctorate instituted from the University
of Modena and Reggio Emilia begins of norm the first January and has
the duration of three years.
The Schools of Doctorate instituted by the University of Modena and
Reggio Emilia are opened to italian and foreign graduated people and
have the general objective to form researchers of high qualification,
to employ in research structures basic or applied, public or private.
Doctorate schools and courses - XXIV cycle - year 2009
Call for applications:

PhD Research Positions in Energy and Environment, University of Strathclyde, UK
The mitigation of climate change effects necessitates a major transition towards an energy system that can provide energy services through low carbon technologies and processes. The recent award of a 4 year GBP 2.1M grant through an EPSRC/e.on UK strategic partnership to the Universities of Bath, Loughborough, Strathclyde, Surrey, East Anglia, Leeds, Imperial College and the Policy Studies Institute will focus on researching the nature and drivers that will facilitate this transition.
Two fully funded PhD studentships are immediately available at the University of Strathclyde as part of this grant. These posts will involve integrated modelling and simulation of the UK energy sector to explore and investigate transition pathways in realising a low carbon future with particular focus on network infrastructure. The research work will include development of national scale energy resource flow models for bulk and distance energy transportation, and analysis of the energy system infrastructure at multiple transition staging points. This research activity will support the development of feasible, low carbon energy enabling infrastructures for the UK.
This project offers an excellent opportunity for successful applicants to address fundamental challenges faced by the UK energy sector and influence their solution. The successful candidates will engage in high-priority research in the power and energy sector, and develop the necessary skills for a career in this area.
Research Candidates
High calibre candidates are sought with a background in engineering, science or related disciplines and a desire to contribute to cutting-edge developments in the areas outlined above. Candidates should possess a good first degree (1st or 2:1) or equivalent, excellent communication and team-working skills and a high level of initiative. Experience of modelling large scale physical systems would also be advantageous. The student will receive a (non-taxable) stipend of 12,940 per annum for up to 36 months.
Further information can be found at http://www.eee.strath.ac.uk
Informal enquiries on the project can be made to Dr Stuart Galloway (s.galloway[ at ]eee.strath.ac.uk) at the University of Strathclyde.
To apply, please email your CV, which should include the contact details of at least two academic referees, directly to Dr Galloway.

Open PhD Positions in Scheduling Algorithms, Department Maths & Computer Science, University of Antwerp, Belgium
The department of Maths and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp, Belgium has an open position for a PhD student (full-time) in the PATS research group of Prof C. Blondia and B. Van Houdt.
In principle, it concerns a four year position (with an initial one year contract).
The topic of the open position is located within the area of scheduling algorithms and more specifically mainly concerns designing fast scheduling solutions for loading container vessels in the port of Antwerp.
The project is in cooperation with PSA-HNN, the second largest port operating group worldwide, and COSMOS.
Interested individuals should send an email with their (detailed) CV before September 1st, 2008 to benny.vanhoudt[ at ]ua.ac.be
Prof. B. Van Houdt
PATS research group
Dept. Maths and Computer Science
University of Antwerp

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Molecular Imaging of Breast Cancer, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA
A joint research project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the FOM-AMOLF is set up to investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer. A key component of this research is the application of novel multimodal molecular imaging techniques that combine in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopic and optical imaging with ex vivo imaging mass spectrometric approaches.
Job description
The position will investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer cell cultures and tumor xenograft models. It will employ different molecular imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, optical imaging, and mass spectrometric imaging. The overall goal of this multidisciplinary project is the identification and 3D localization of novel hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in the breast tumor microenvironment. The data will be integrated within a collaborative project with the FOM-AMOLF in the laboratory of Professor Ron M. A. Heeren. The work will be carried out in a multidisciplinary team of biochemists, molecular biologists, tumor biologists, chemists, physicists, and informaticians. Progress monitoring will be carried out frequently using among others written status reports by the successful candidate.
Job Requirements
The position requires a candidate who is driven, curious, independent-thinking, and able to come up with unique solutions. This candidate should preferably be experienced or interested in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopic and/or molecular imaging, tumor models, and cancer research. The successful candidate will have a strong affinity with technological developments and information management. Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.
Terms of Employment
The position is intended as full-time appointment in the Radiology Department of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM). JHU SOM assists any new foreign employees with housing and visa applications.
The Institute
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM) is one of the best in the United States, and the largest recipient of National Institutes of Health research grants to medical schools. Basic and clinical research findings made at JHU SOM have improved the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care.
More information about the research at JHU SOM can be found at http://www.jhu.edu
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center (ICMIC) was established in 2003. Its mission is to identify and image key pathways specific to cancer cells that are a part of the tumor microenvironment. To achieve this goal, the JHU ICMIC combines state of the art molecular biology techniques, multimodal imaging techniques such as optical, magnetic resonance, and nuclear imaging, and unique imaging probe design. The ICMIC Program and JHU SOM offer several high-profile seminar series.
More information about the research at JHU ICMIC can be found at http://icmic.rad.jhmi.edu/
AMOLF is a research institute of the Foundation for Research on Matter (FOM). It employs approximately 200 people, half of them research staff (permanent staff, postdocs and PhD-students). AMOLF is a dynamic institute with over 70 new employees coming in every year and the same number leaving to a new position in industry or university. The research program at AMOLF is interdisciplinary, with strong collaborations among the research groups. The Institute offers a wide variety of weekly work discussions and seminars. Since the institute employs many researchers from abroad, English is spoken at all work discussions and seminars.
More information about the research at AMOLF can be found at http://www.amolf.nl/
Applications can be sent to:
Kristine Glunde, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology/Oncology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Radiology Department JHU ICMIC
212 Traylor Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21205 USA
E-mail: kglunde[ at ]mri.jhu.edu
Phone: (410) 614-2705
Fax: (410) 614-1948

PhD Positions in the Area of Fiber-Top Technology, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The “IDEAS at the micron scale” group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has two immediate openings for PhD students who are willing to work in the area of fiber-top technology (see http://www.nat.vu.nl/CondMat/iannuzzi/).
Candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or Engineering with some undergrad research experience preferably in one of the following areas: atomic force microscopy, laser ablation, optical fiber sensors, optical interferometry, MEMS technology, cantilever based instrumentation (e.g., biochemical sensors).
We can offer a competitive salary and a very nice working environment in one of the most beautiful town of Europe.
For more information and applications, contact Dr. Davide Iannuzzi at: iannuzzi[ at ]few.vu.nl

Human Rights Scholarship - Australia
Dateline : 31 October 2008
The Human Rights Scholarship is awarded to applicants wishing to
undertake graduate research or graduate coursework studies at the
University in the human rights field and who are able to demonstrate
their commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human
Each year the University of Melbourne offers 2 HRSs to applicants
commencing either a graduate research or graduate coursework degree.
Benefits & conditions
Human Rights Scholarship benefits are similar to those provided by
the Melbourne Research Scholarship (MRS) and Fay Marles Scholarship
(FMS) and include a:
- Living allowance of $22,000 per annum (2008 rate) for those
students enrolled full-time in a graduate research degree. Students
enrolled in a graduate coursework degree will be paid pro-rata based
on the number of points undertaken each semester
- Relocation Grant of $2,500 to eligible recipients who are moving
from interstate or overseas in order to study at the University of
Melbourne. HRS recipients may also be eligible to claim (upon
application and presentation of receipts) a Relocation Allowance for
specific relocation expenses, and
- Thesis Allowance of up to $420 (2008 rate) for masters by research
and up to $840 (2008 rate) for PhD and other doctorate by research
Please note that the HRS does not cover course/tuition or HECS fees
for local or international coursework programs or international
graduate research degree course fees.
Local graduate research degree HRS recipients are not charged course
fees as they are allocated a Research Training Scheme (RTS) place.
RTS places exempt students from the Higher Education Contribution
(HECS) Scheme. Time limits and other conditions apply to RTS places.
For further information please contact the Melbourne School of
Graduate Research (PhD, MSc, MPhil, MIS and MOptom students) or your
faculty office (all other students).
Please use the following links for information about the HRS
conditions (including progress requirements for HRS recipients);
duration of awards and commencement.
Eligibility criteria
1. Applicants for the HRS must be able to demonstrate that their
commitment to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights
extends beyond their academic studies (such as voluntary work and/or
work experience).
2. A high H2A (ie. 78-79% and above) is the minimum grade average
usually required to be competitive for an HRS.
3. Applicants must be planning to commence or be currently enrolled
in a postgraduate diploma*, masters by coursework, doctorate by
coursework or graduate research degree in the human rights field at
the University of Melbourne.
*HRSs cannot be awarded to support studies toward a graduate diploma
or postgraduate certificate.
4. International students must have an unconditional course offer at
the University of Melbourne for the course for which they seek the
support of a HRS. See below for local and international HRS
application procedures.
5. Applicants seeking a HRS to undertake a:
coursework program (eg. postgraduate diploma, masters by coursework)
must meet the normal academic requirements for the course.
graduate research degree must normally meet the academic requirements
that apply to the Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) or Melbourne
Research Scholarship (MRS). Click here for further details about APA/
MRS Eligibility.
6. HRSs are not awarded to applicants who:
cannot provide evidence that their demonstrated commitment to human
rights extends beyond their academic studies
have already completed a course deemed to be at the same, or higher,
level for which they are seeking scholarship support
as a result of previous candidature and/or prior scholarship, have a
maximum tenure of less than 12 months
have previously received an MRS, FMS or PES, or
have already been awarded or later receive another equivalent award,
scholarship or salary for the studies for which they seek a HRS. An
“equivalent” award is regarded as one greater than 75% of the base
HRS rate (75% of the base 2008 HRS rate = $16,500).
Selection criteria
Selection of the HRS is based on four main criteria: area of study,
evidence of commitment to human rights over a period of time,
academic merit and strength of supporting documentation.
Application procedure (including required documents)
Local applicants
Local students wishing to apply for the HRS must:
complete and submit to the Graduate Research Scholarships Team by 31
October three (3) complete sets (one original or certified and two
copies) of the documents listed on the document checklist and the
additional documents listed below.
apply for scholarship online using SCHOLS. In exceptional
circumstances a scholarship application form may be obtained by
contacting the Graduate Research Scholarships Team.
International applicants
International students wishing to apply for the HRS must:
apply for admission (if not already currently enrolled in the course
for which you seek an HRS) and have an unconditional offer of
admission for which the scholarship is sought by Tuesday 6 January
2009. The Application for Admission as an International Graduate
Student is available from International Admissions or online at
www.unimelb.edu.au/admissions/. This form must be submitted to
International Admissions as soon as possible.
complete the 2009 International HRS Application Form (PDF: 50 kb)
submit three (3) sets (one original and two copies) of the
International HRS Application Form and required documents listed
below to the Graduate Research Scholarships Office by 31 October.
Required documents
5.1. A clear statement (maximum of one page) outlining how your
intended studies relate to the human rights field and will further
your understanding of human rights.
5.2. A statement (maximum of one page) that demonstrates (by noting
activities you have been engaged in) your commitment, over a period
of time, to the peaceful advancement of respect for human rights.
5.3 A reference that comments on your involvement in human rights.
Your referee may, for example, work for a human rights organisation.
Your referee is asked to provide their contact details.
5.4 Any other letters of recommendation or support you wish to
provide that are relevant to your application (optional).
5.5 The relevant page from your faculty handbook that outlines the
minimum entry requirements for the course for which you are seeking a
HRS (coursework applicants only; this is only required from
applicants who have not yet commenced the course for which an HRS is
Application outcome
Applicants are able to view the progress of their application.
The HRS selection meeting will take place in late January. Applicants
will be advised via standard mail and SCHOLS by the end of January of
the outcome of their HRS application.
Closing date & timelines
31 October (or the next working day if 31 October falls on a
weekend). We are unable to consider late or incomplete applications.
Scholarship assessment timelines for local and international students
can also be viewed.
For further information
Please contact the Graduate Research Scholarships Team on 03 8344
8747 or via www.postgradschols.unimelb.edu.au/query.