The Singapore Government awards the scholarship to Government-endorsed students from the other member countries of the ASEAN. Each Scholarship is for a full-time undergraduate degree course at the Nanyang Technological University, the National University of Singapore and the Singapore Management University. All disciplines except for Medicine and Dentistry are open to Scholars. The duration of each scholarships is for three or four years, depending on the discipline.
The award based on academic merit and places will allocated by open competition. If necessary, a one-year bridging or foundation programme, in addition to the undergraduate studies, will be provided.
To be eligible, a candidate must:
* Be a citizen in an ASEAN country (Except Singapore)
* Possess excellent academic records; and
* Have a good command of English
Candidates must meet the entry requirements for Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, and Singapore Management University. A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without prior approval of the Singapore Government. The Scholars are also expected to return to their countries upon graduation to contribute to the development of their countries.
The scholarship will cover tuition fees for the duration of the award, a living allowance of S$4,300 per annum, an accommodation allowance based on the different room rates at each university and one return economy class air ticket passage from his/her home country to Singapore for the duration of studies.
Applications must be endorsed and submitted by the Indonesian Department of National Education (Bureau of Planning and Foreign Cooperation) at Building C, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend.Sudirman, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat. Candidates are required to produce the following :
1. Certificate, endorsement by the former school, for graduated applicants;
2. Recommendation from the school principal, for applicants who are still in Grade 3 at SMU.
For more information on the Singapore Scholarships, Please contact Embassy in Jakarta:
Tel: 021-520 1489 / 5296 1433
Website: or write to:
The Singapore Scholarship
Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tanglin, Singapore 248163
Tel: (65) 6379 8000
Fax: (65) 6479 3357
Deadline: 22nd December 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Singapore Scholarships Invitation for Undergraduate 2009/2010

Project Manager and R&D Coordinator Jobs at PT Citra Tubindo Tbk
PT Citra Tubindo Tbk., located on Batam Island, was one of the pioneer manufacturing enterprises on the island. The Company was established in 1983 to process Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG) for the oil and gas industry in Indonesia and worldwide. We are now requiring highly motivated individuals, for the following positions :
Production Manager (Code:5PQ001)
Mechanical/Industrial Engineering Degree from reputed university: overseas education background preferred
Understanding of Technical Specification
Competent Managerial Skill, having the experience of managing min. 400 employees
Minimum 5 years experience of relevant position or manufacturing industrial experience, preferable experience in Oil Country Tubular Goods (OCTG)
Male, Max. 40 years
Reseach & Development Coordinator (Code:7T0535)
Mechanical/Metallurgy Engineering Degree, preference Aerospace background
Advanced technical writing skills
Ability to read and understand Engineering drawings and procedures is preferred
Knowledge of industrial instrumentation and process control technologies
Competent Supervisory Skill
Minimum 3 years experience in stress analyses and FEA including a working knowledge of ANSYS, ABAQUS or NASTRAN/PATRAN
Male, Max. 35 years
General Requirements:
Strong Written and Verbal English Communication Skills, Strong skills Computer Program (Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Presentation), Basic Knowledge of Relevant Computer Software, Confident in Communicating Technical Matters to an International Audience, Analytical Skill, Competent Trainer, Good Employee Interpersonal Skill, Ability to Work Unsupervised, Ability to Work to Tight Deadlines, Flexible and Adaptable to a Changing Environment, Willingness to Learn New Skills, Strong Communication, Ability to Communicate with People at All Levels and Will be Located in Batam.
Please send your application with comprehensive resume, expected salary and recent photograph not later than 13 December 2008 to: or
PO BOX 425 - Batam Centre 29461
Please quote the code of the position.
Facilities Engineering,QA/QC Jobs at Hess Corporation
Hess is rapidly building a substantial position as a key supplier of pipeline gas in South East Asia. Our Ujung Pangkah development offshore East Java is a vital component of that strategy. The phase 1 gas development came on stream in April, 2007, and the phase 2 oil development is underway. We are now looking for a range of experienced professionals to contribute to making Ujung Pangkah an outstanding success and build an exciting career in our global business
Facilities Engineering Team Leader
Senior Production Engineer
QA/QC Engineer
Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer
These positions require fluency in written and spoken English and computer literacy.
Please apply only to:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria, usia maksimum 40 tahun
* S1 Tehnik Sipil / Arsitek dari Perguruan Tinggi terkemuka dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman pada proyek gedung dan dibidangnya minimal 5 tahun
* Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
Kirimkan CV, biodata lengkap & photo terbaru ke:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang, JAKARTA 13340
Fax : 021-850 8506
E-mail :
PT. Pasifik Satelit Nusantara is Indonesia’s first private satellite telecommunications company and one of the leading satellite companies in Asia Pacific region. Headquartered in Indonesia, the Company is focused on becoming a fully integrated provider of satellite based telecommunication products and services in the region.
Due to the Company’s rapidly expanding business; we invite young, energetic and talented person to join our professional team as :
Engineer Staff (Eng)
Requirements :
* Minimum holds a Sarjana Strata 1 Degree majoring in Electrical Engineering/Telecommunication
* Engineering from reputable university.
* Less than 27 years old
* Willing to be located on Cikarang office on shift-based working hours
Please send your recent photograph, CV enclosed with contact number within 10 days after this advertisement to:
Please put the position’s code as the SUBJECT of your e-mail.
Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
PhD Scholarships in Languages of Emotion, Freie Universität Berlin [Germany]
PhD Scholarships in Languages of Emotion, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
Funded within the Excellence Initiative of the German Research Foundation (DFG), the
Graduate School of the Cluster “Languages of Emotion” has as its aim the supervision of exceptional dissertation projects pertinent to the research of the Cluster. The graduate school offers intensive and individual supervision of the thesis as well as a structured course of studies.
The research of the cluster is dedicated to the complex interrelations between the use of signs/symbols, the transfer of emotions, aesthetic practices, mental dispositions and affective modes of constructing both personal and social identities the cluster. The graduate school focuses on the following research areas:
* the relations between affective phenomena and various representational media (lan-guage, sound, image);
* the artistic practices and poetics of (re)presenting/ shaping emotion;
* correlations between emotional and linguistic competencies (and their disorders)
* modes of emotion modelling at the level of cultural codes and patterns of social be-havior and identity.
Applicants interested in pursuing a doctorate with an emphasis in one of the cluster’s research areas must have a completed degree (M.A. or the equivalent) with above average marks by mid-April in one of the disciplines: Anthropology, Biology, Dance Studies, Film Studies, Japanese Studies, History of Art, Linguistics, Literary History and Criticism (Comparative Literature, Classical Greek and Latin Studies, English and American Studies, German Studies, Romance Languages and Literatures, Slavic Studies) Musicology, Near Eastern Studies, Neuropsychiatry, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, and Theater Studies.
The Graduate School will award 10 Scholarships per year. In the course of the selection process, the selection committee will decide upon these scholarships. Scholarships are awarded for three years; however, continuation of the degree course as well as the extension of the scholarship is subject to a favourable evaluation of the student’s progress at the end of each academic year.
Applications should be submitted by January 31st, 2009. The program of study will begin in October 2009.
All obligatory application materials - completed application form, statement of purpose (max. 3 pages), outline of dissertation project of 8-10 pages, overview of experiences and skills relevant to the chosen field of studies (table form), attested copies of earned degrees, proof of language skills (in case that these languages are not mother tongue: German level DSH2; TestDaF4/4; English level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equal) - as well as additional materials (2 letters of reference, writing sample) must be received at the following address:
Freie Universität Berlin
Graduate School “Languages of Emotion”
Dr. Markus Edler
Habelschwerdter Allee 45
14195 Berlin, Germany
For further information on application requirements and the graduate program please visit our homepage:

Master and PhD Scholarships in Experimental and Computational Geochemistry at High PT, The University of Hong Kong
M.Phil and PhD projects in experimental & computational geochemistry at high PT at The University of Hong Kong
Applications are invited for M.Phil and Ph.D. studentships in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong. The students will be involved in working on molecular-scale processes in high temperature aqueous systems using a variety of experimental and ab initio molecular modeling techniques. Of particular interest are studies of hydrothermal organic reactions, metal ion complexation and partitioning to steam and solute-solvent clustering processes in high-temperature low-density fluids.
Students will have access to a suite of new experimental and high performance computing facilities and work in an interdisciplinary environment, interacting with groups from physics, chemistry and engineering. Scholarships and teaching assistantships are available. Applicants should hold a B.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in Geochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related discipline.
Further details may be obtained from Dr. Kono Lemke, Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Pokfulam Road, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (email kono[ at ] to whom a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, names and contacts of 3 references and statement of research interests should be sent no later than 15 January 2009. University applications are due January 31, 2009.

PhD Scholarship in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) [Australia]
PhD Scholarship in Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia
PhD scholarship in structural health monitoring of bridges (up to $50K tax free)
As one of Australia’s leading universities, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has a solid record of success in solving problems for industry and the community, and developing new products and processes.
Applications are invited from appropriately qualified individuals for a PhD scholarship being offered in QUT’s Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering (Brisbane) to work on the following project:
Structural Health Monitoring of Bridges using Vibration Characteristics
Many bridges in Australia are old and are now subjected to heavier and faster moving loads, than originally envisaged and in addition suffer structural deterioration with age. These factors can cause localised distress, which if not attended to can cause bridge failure with adverse consequences.
To address this, the Commonwealth Government – through the Australian Research Council, supported by Queensland Main Roads Department and Brisbane City Council – recently funded a research project to develop an innovative structural health monitoring system to monitor and predict distress in our bridges.
This project will develop and use modern sensor (wired and wireless) technology and dynamic computer simulation techniques to achieve the aims.
We are looking for a Honours graduate in Civil/Structural/Mechanical/ Electrical Engineering with interests in experimental work and finite element modelling.
He/she can expect up to $40,000 pa tax free depending on qualifications and experience. This amount includes approximately $4,000 worth of tutoring. A top-up of $10,000 from CR-CIEAM is possible.
Application closing date
Applications will be considered until a suitable candidate is chosen.
For more information please contact Professor David Thambiratnam on (07) 3138 1467 or email d.thambiratnam[ at ], or Dr Tommy Chan on (07) 3138 6732 or email tommy.chan[ at ]

Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies, Grants for Students and Visiting Scholars [Europe]
Erasmus Mundus Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies, Grants for Students and Visiting Scholars, Europe
The University of Münster, Germany, University Jaume I, Spain, and New University of Lisbon, Portugal, provide a new Masters Program in Geospatial Technologies. The English-taught Masters program has been approved in the educational program of excellence of the European Union ERASMUS MUNDUS.
The program targets international applicants from NON-EU countries and will provide:
15-20 grants for non-EU students (35.600, for the entire Masters program of 18 months)
3-4 grants for non-EU visiting researchers/scholars (13.000, for four months of teaching and research)
Application deadline: January 15, 2009.
Students - the Masters program addresses holders of Bachelor degrees in APPLICATION AREAS of Geographic Information, such as Geography, Environmental Planning, Regional Planning, Transportation/Logistics, Agriculture, Forestry, Retailing/Marketing , etc., and/or
Researchers (visiting scholars) with high-level academic achievements in the field of Geographic Information. The additional know-how and experience in Geospatial Technologies qualifies for a professional career in the following domains:
Private sector: GI applications and consulting in the domains of regional planning, landscape planning, financial services industry, energy providing industry, transportation, agriculture and forestry, and retailing/marketing.
Research: Applied sciences at universities and other research institutions
Public sector: GI applications and consulting in local and regional adminstrations, especially in cadastre and different types of planning (e.g., regional, traffic, ecology).
For further information, please see

Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies in Economics [USA]
Applications are now being accepted for the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies in Economics.
The Institute of International Education (IIE) is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies in Economics. This is a scholarship awarded by the International Monetary Fund to Japanese nationals currently pursuing or intending to pursue a PhD in Macroeconomics or a related subject at a leading university outside of Japan.
The scholarship covers all reasonable expenses for two years of graduate study in macroeconomics or a related subject, including one round trip airfare, full university tuition and fees, medical insurance, books and living expenses. The scholarship has an internship component at the IMF during the summer after the third year of studies.
Procedure for Applying:
Students generally apply for the Japan-IMF Scholarship either the year before beginning their graduate studies in economics or in their first year of graduate school.
For more information and to download an application, please go to this page.
The application deadline is December 31, 2008.
Please contact japanimfscholarship[ at ] with any questions.

Master Scholarships in Information Networking at Athens MSIN
The INI (Information Networking Institute) offers the Master of Science in Information Networking program in Athens, Greece (Athens MSIN) in collaboration with Athens Information Technology (AIT). Modeled after the Pittsburgh MSIN program, the Athens MSIN is an intensive, full-time, 16-month graduate program that gives students a solid foundation in information technology and introduces students to management, strategic thinking, and policy, with the opportunity to study each of these areas in greater depth through electives.
A curriculum option allows students to choose a Professional Track or Research Track to develop an area of specialization. MSIN students are well positioned to pursue leadership, technical, and management positions in a variety of sectors and industries.
Application Deadline
Feburary 15 for international applicants
April 30 for EU applicants
Graduates of the INI’s programs enter a range of careers, including software engineer, networking engineer, technology consultant, IT analyst, computer systems consultant, systems & software engineer, corporate security officer, financial software developer, security consultant, and Ph.D. candidate.
Minimum Qualifications
* Undergraduate degree in electrical and computer engineering, computer science, or another related technical field
* Undergraduate coursework in data structures and probability theory/random processes
* GPA of 3.0 or higher
* Ability to program fluently in C or C++
* GRE General Test no more than 5 years old (Neither the GMAT nor the Subject Test is accepted.)
* TOEFL, no more than 2 years old, is required with applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English. For the Athens MSIN, IELTS are also accepted.
Submission Package
To be considered for admission, you must submit the following documents:
* A completed Online Application Form. See
* Official transcripts from any undergraduate or graduate school you have attended whether a degree was received or not. If the transcripts are in any language other than English, an official translation in English is required. A photocopy of a transcript is not considered official.
* Three letters of recommendation
* A statement of purpose (500-1,000 words)
* Official GRE General Test scores
* Official TOEFL scores for applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English
Application Form
Special Note: Applicants to the Athens MSIN do not need to pay an application fee. When submitting the online application, select the option “Payment by check.” You must select this option to complete the submission, however, it is not necessary to send the payment. Read more:
Complete the MSIN Online Application form. See
We prefer to receive all applications online. A printable application is provided under Apply Now only in the event you are unable to access the online application.
All applications should be submitted online along with recommendations. Paper applications will be accepted from those applicants who cannot access the online form. Download application (PDF) at
Official transcripts are required from all colleges or universities you have attended, at both the undergraduate and the graduate levels, whether or not you earned a degree from that college or university.
If attending the final semester in your undergraduate program at the time of application, the INI will accept properly sealed official transcripts and mark sheets for the semesters completed to date.
Applicants admitted to any INI program must submit final official transcripts, properly sealed, upon completion of their undergraduate program from the institution conferring their degree as a condition of enrollment at Carnegie Mellon. Certificates of graduation and/or degree certificates should also be submitted if provided by the institution. Failure to provide such documents or failure to graduate will nullify admission to the INI programs.
While the online form allows for submission of transcripts online, official paper documents are required to complete the application.
Letters of Recommendation
Three letters of recommendation are required. At least two of these should be from faculty or recent employers. People who recommend you should know you well and be able to evaluate the quality of your work.
Recommendations may be submitted electronically via the online form. It is preferred that all recommendations be submitted online; however if a hard copy form is required you may download the following document: Recommendation form (PDF) at
If submitting hard copies of recommendation letters, the letters must be properly sealed by the person providing the recommendation. Properly sealed recommendations will have the recommender`s signature across the envelope flap. Documents not properly submitted cannot be accepted.
Statement of Purpose
A Statement of Purpose of between 500-1,000 words should be uploaded to the online form in the appropriate section using the following format:
* Briefly state your objective in pursuing a master`s degree in information networking or information security.
* Describe your background in electrical engineering or computer science and other fields particularly relevant to your objective.
* Outline your research experience and list any publications.
* Include additional information you wish to supply to the admissions committee.
The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Test is required; neither the GMAT nor GRE Subject Test is accepted for review. Applications will not be considered complete until an official copy of test scores is received by the institute. GRE scores will not be accepted if they are more than five years old.
Use Institution Code #2074 and Department Code #0404 (Information Sciences) to submit your GRE General Test scores through the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
To ensure that GRE scores reach the INI office before the application deadline, applicants should take the test no later than December.
All applicants whose native language/mother tongue is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). The INI will accept the PBT (paper-based test) scores if the Internet-based test (iBT) is not offered in the applicant`s country.
Use Institution Code #8569 and Department Code #99 to submit your TOEFL score report. Admission decisions on applications without the required test scores may be delayed.
Applicants who have attended and graduated from a four-year undergraduate degree program at an accredited U.S. university may have this requirement waived.
Applicants attending a graduate program at a U.S. university should submit a copy of their most recent TOELF test for evaluation. The INI may request additional information to demonstrate sufficient ESL skill.
If you have any questions or need help:
Admissions Office
0.8 KM Markopoulo Avenue
19002 Peania
Athens, Greece.
Phone: +30 210 6682702
Shipping Address
Send any additional application materials that cannot be submitted online to:
Information Networking Institute
Admissions Committee
Carnegie Mellon University
4616 Henry Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
To be considered for full scholarship, please refer to and complete the Application for Full Scholarship form(filetype: .pdf) ( Note that full scholarships are awarded according to candidates´ academic distinction and financial standing.
Online Application go to:

American Fellowship Harvard University 2009-2010
FELLOWSHIPS: Sustainability Science (Harvard)
The Sustainability Science Program at Harvard University’s Center for
International Development invites applications for resident
fellowships in sustainability science for the University’s academic
year beginning in September 2009.
This year we will give some preference to applicants who address the
challenges related to meeting human needs for water or
food/agriculture/land use in the context of sustainable development.
In addition to general funds available to support this fellowship
offering, special funding for the Giorgio Ruffolo Fellowships in
Sustainability Science is available to support citizens of Italy or
developing countries who are therefore especially encouraged to apply.
Applications are due January 15, 2009.

2009/2010 PhD Student Fellowships and Research Assistantships
Ph.D. Student Fellowships and Research Assistantships
Urban and Public Affairs
The Ph.D. Program in Urban and Public Affairs at the University of Louisville offers a number of Fellowships and Research Assistantships each year to new students. Applications are now being accepted for students who intend to begin study during the Fall Semester 2009. Both Fellowships and Research Assistantships offer annual stipends of US$19,000 plus tuition remission, health insurance, office space, and computer and IT support. Research assistants are required to work for 20 hours per week for a supervisor who is a member of the faculty of the Ph.D. Program, while fellows are exempt from that requirement for the first two years of study. Support is available for up to four years.
Students may focus their studies in the areas of (1) Urban Planning and Development or (2) Urban Policy and Administration. Assistantships provide an excellent opportunity for students to collaborate on research projects with faculty supervisors in their areas of interest.
Admissions requirements include a master’s degree and Graduate Record Examination scores. For additional information about the School of Urban and Public Affairs, the Ph.D. Program, application for admission, and application for fellowships and assistantships, please see Further information about the University of Louisville may be found at
For best consideration, applications should be complete by 31 January 2009, although assistantships may be available to later applicants. Questions may be addressed to Mr. Yani Vozos, Graduate Student Advisor, at or +1 502 852 8002.

PhD positions 2009/2010 in EE, University of Ghent, Belgium
University of Ghent
Department of Information Technology
Fully paid 4 years Ph.D. positions within the Electromagnetics Group
At present several fully paid 4 years Ph.D. positions are available
within the Electromagnetics Group of the Dept. of Information
Technology. Apart from a Master’s degree in Electrical or Physical
Engineering and good knowledge of English, basic (graduate)
knowledge in Electromagnetics and high-frequency electronics is
The Ph.D. candidate will be provided with all guidance
and hardware and software tools necessary to perform state-of-the
art research in one of the following fields:
• High-frequency behavior of Integrated Circuits (ICs) with a
special focus on ICs for the automotive industry. This research will
be conducted in cooperation with Flemish industry partners, such as
Melexis and ON Semiconductor, and also within a consortium of well-
known European electronics manufacturers, such as Philips, NXP,
Bosch, Infineon, …
• Flexible and implantable antennas (in cooperation with Recticel
and Flanders’ Drive)
• Design and modeling of advanced submicron interconnect
technologies of ICs (in cooperation with Agilent Technologies)
• Advanced time-domain (FDTD) and finite element (FE) techniques for
the simulation of antennas for usage within the ADS-framework of
Agilent Technologies
• Detection of concealed objects with millimeter waves (within a
Strategic Basic Research project of the IWT) and early detection of
breast tumors
• Fast Maxwell solvers for very large and complex structures in
cooperation with foreign research groups in the USA, Finland, Italy,
Turkey, and Israel.
As a researcher within the Electromagnetics Group, you will be part
of a team that has reached the top of the international scientific
community for more than 20 years and this will allow you to fully
develop your creative abilities. During these four years, you will
regularly take part in international congresses and upon your
request an internship in a foreign research group can be arranged.
The Ph.D. research itself can be focused on more fundamental
investigations as well as on innovative applied research in close
collaboration with industry.
Through intensive coaching by senior researchers and professors and
through cooperation with the Electromagnetics Group’s academic and
industrial partners, the candidate will be trained as a highly
skilled scientist and design engineer. Upon completion of the four
years program, the Ph.D. graduate will be ready for a successful
academic career or to hold an important position in a high-tech
Interested candidates are requested to send their curriculum to Dr.
D. Vande Ginste (, Prof. H. Rogier
(, or Prof. D. De Zutter (Fellow IEEE)
( Please provide sufficient details on the
Electromagnetics and high-frequency electronics courses in your
Department of Information Technology – Electromagnetics Group
Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B - 9000 Gent, Belgium

Network Engineer,Account Manager, IT Manager Jobs Opportunity PT. Eresha Technologies
PT. Eresha Technologies was established in 1988, provide services in and Telecommunication. As an Telecommunication & IT Solution (Internet Service provider, Network Security, & Multimedia service) company, We are inviting an outstanding people to contribute and participate in the rapid growth of the company for the following position:
Network Engineer (Code : NE)
Main Role & Responsibilities :
Responsible to execute the site installation verification activities, including performing antenna system tests, standard site installation verification, site integration and basic fault handling.
Responsibilities include the planning, design, optimization and performance verification of Radio Frequency (RF) work for Broadband Wireless Access (BWA).
Responsibilities for Site survey,including Los survey, Frequency Plan, System Configuration, Link and Route plan & Scan Frequency.
Deliver network performance to the agreed performance criteria and guidelines.
Development of new sites that will deliver to the appropriate network design criteria, design strategies (to be done in conjunction with network performance & network design).
Responsible for collecting, analyze, processing the data and making the report for the customer.
Provide technical solution (Recommendation) and support to customer.
Provide regular feedback / reporting on operations, issues.
Performs Installation, Configurations, Commissioning, and Provisioning of all Network Elements of Network Infrastructure.
Support the development of the all network planning and optimization process and procedure development.
Main Requirements :
Minimum holder of Diploma (D3) in Telecommunication Engineering or other degree with 2 years experience in Telco.
Capable in team work or individual work.
Ability to understand and comply with methods, standards, guidelines, tools, techniques and procedures.
Ability to work on odd hours/weekends.
Posses a good skill in problem analysis and troubleshooting.
Replacement of replaceable Network Infrastructure.
Function verification in accordance with the maintenance documentation of the network element.
Performance of function verification in co-operation with the NOC Operator.
Troubleshooting on a network element and its interfaces.
Diagnostics on interfaces to locate problems in network elements and/or lug-in units.
Emergency support and standby on 24×7 basis for the services.
Certifications like CCNA, CCNP, CCDA or CCDP shall be advantageous.
Willing to work both indoor and outdoor.
Understanding of ATM, X.25, networking, VLANS, TCP / IP, VoIP, QoS, NAT’s, network administration and design, Sonet, Packet Cable, O/S Platforms such as Windows, Solaris, Unix , Linux as well as tools such as Sniffer, T1, E1 testers, OCX and hardware including Cisco Routers, media Gateways, other softswitches, Sun Solaris, Sun Servers and Nortel switches.
Account Manager (Code : AM- ISP)
Requirements :
Female (below 30 years old)
Graduated from reputable university (GPA min. 2.75), any discipline.
Min. 2 Years experience in the same area
Good looking/appearance
Excellent communication skills (English fluency – speaking & writing)
Willing to hard work and travel
Self-motivated and result-oriented.
IT Manager
Strong analytical and conceptual thinking
Posses a good skill in problem analysis and troubleshooting
Strong Engineering background and experience in IP planning activities
Has experience in designing of IP backbone with relevant Cisco equipment (Routers, Firewlls, Switch, etc)
Experience in OSPF, BGP, PIM, IGMP, QoS and other network protocol
Advance in operation System Unix/Linux servers with strong networking skil would be essential
Advance in operation Mail Server, SMTP Server, DNS Server, Monitoring Server, MRTG Server and Net Flow Server
Knowledge in OSS technologies such as RedHat Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux, My SQL, Postgre SQL, Apache and scripting tools such Perl and PHP will be a strong advantage
Working experience in RF palnning wireless broadband and telecommunication
Good understanding on RF propagation theory, design adn technology
Bachelor’s degree or above in telecommunication/computer/electrical engineering or other related field of study with 5 years experience ICT
Certification like CCNA, CCNP, CCDA or CCDA shall be advantage
Please send your CV and the latest photograph to :
American PhD jobs in the areas of ecology, economics, and systems modeling 2009/2010
The ecoSERVICES Group at Arizona State University welcomes
applications from prospective PhD students interested in the
resilience and sustainability of coupled human-ecological systems, the
economics of (renewable) natural resource management and
decision-theoretic approaches to the management and valuation of
ecosystem services. This is an opportunity for students to develop
competence across applied ecology, economics, and systems modeling.
Preliminary inquiries may be made to individual faculty, but
applications need to be submitted through either the School of Life
Sciences or the School of Sustainability.
The deadline for applications is 15 December 2008

PhD perceptual organization and learning in the human brain-KU Leuven 2009-2010
We have open positions available for one PhD student and one postdoc
to start anytime between 1 January 2009 and 31 October 2009. The
research will be centered on the use of functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying
perceptual organization and learning in the human brain, under the
supervision of Johan Wagemans and Hans Op de Beeck.
The PhD position is for a period of 4 years. Starting salary will be
in the range of 1500 euro per month after taxes. The main assignment
of the PhD student is to conduct and publish research using functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; possibly combined with EEG) related
to the topics of the project and to complete a PhD thesis. Teaching
and administration load will be minimal. Candidates should have a
Master degree in one of the many sub-disciplines of cognitive
neuroscience. They should have experience in conducting fMRI research,
preferably on topics related to the research program described below.
The postdoc position is for a period of one, two or three years,
depending on the candidate’s preference and on our evaluation of the
candidate’s capacities (funding is secured for 7 years and can even be
extended afterwards). More senior postdocs with academic ambitions are
also encouraged to apply. They can be given professorial rights,
including the right to be co-supervisor of PhD students and the right
to apply for grants as principal investigator. Starting salary depends
on prior academic experience, but will probably range between 2000 and
2700 euro per month after taxes. The main assignment of the postdocs
is to conduct and publish research using fMRI (possibly combined with
EEG) related to the topics of the project and to co-supervise the work
of PhD students. Teaching and administration load will be minimal.
Candidates should have a PhD in one of the many sub-disciplines of
cognitive neuroscience. They should have published fMRI research in
international journals on topics related to the research program
described below.
The vision group in our laboratory already includes several
researchers working on fMRI of visual perception (2 postdocs and 2 PhD
students) and combined fMRI-EEG measurements (1 postdoc), in addition
to vision researchers applying psychophysical and modeling approaches.
There are collaborations with several other fMRI labs in our university.
Research program
The positions are funded by a large and prestiguous grant (Methusalem
program of the Flemish Government), awarded to Johan Wagemans for
research on “Perceptual organization in the context of a dynamical and
hierarchical visual brain” It involves projects in collaboration with
Ralf Krampe, Hans Op de Beeck, Gert Storms, and Karl Verfaillie, all
colleagues at the Department of Psychology at the University of Leuven.
The general aim of our research program is to understand the processes
and mechanisms of perceptual organization in the context of what we
know about the dynamical and hierarchical way in which the brain
functions. More specifically, we want to understand (1) the different
processes and representations involved in the formation of groups,
patterns, shapes, objects, and events, by means of a systematic and
thorough study of the many different ways in which multiple elements
interact in space and time; (2) the mid-level processes and
representations involved in perceptual organization in relation to
low-level and high-level processes and representations; and (3) the
dynamics of perceptual organization at different time scales, incl.the
interactions between different processes and representations during
on-line stimulus processing, developmental questions, and plasticity
The major focus is on perceptual Gestalts but in some cases they are
studied in close interaction with sensorimotor behavior like
multi-finger sequencing and postural control, and with cognitive tasks
like category learning and categorization. The application of advanced
fMRI techniques and combined fMRI-EEG measurements is an important
part of the project, in addition to experimental psychology,
psychophysics, and quantitative modeling.
The majority of the research topics address basic research questions
but we will also devote considerable time and effort to three diverse
applications with high societal or cultural importance. More
specifically, we will study (1) the nature of visual processing in
autism, with a special emphasis on deficits in automatic Gestalt
formation and on enhanced processing of visual details; (2) the
interactions between perceptual and motor processes in the elderly, to
understand better how we can reduce or prevent decline in cognition
and action with age; and (3) the spontaneous and subtle use of
perceptually appealing Gestalt phenomena and the relation to aesthetic
pleasure in visual arts.
Leuven: the city and the university
The city of Leuven is an agglomeration of five communities (Leuven,
Heverlee, Kessel-Lo, Wilsele, and Wijgmaal) with around 90,000
inhabitants. Add to this 35,000 post-secondary and 11,000 high-school
students and it should come as no surprise that the streets are filled
with young faces and that the city lives at a student’s rhythm: hectic
weeks at the beginning of the academic year and relative calm during
vacation and examination periods. The city is an old, medieval city
with many colleges, cosy squares, shopping streets, and lots of
restaurants and cafes. The city center is quite friendly for
pedestrians and cyclists. Leuven is at 25 km from Brussels, with
frequent direct train connections, also to the international airport
at Zaventem and to the TGV station of Brussels South (Midi).
The university of Leuven is one of the oldest in the Low Countries
(founded in 1425) and ranked amongst the best in Europe. International
PhD students and postdocs have regularly acclaimed it one of the best
places in the world to live and work. For example, our university was
listed fifth in this year?s ranking of international institutions as
Best Places to Work for Academia (source:
Some useful links to find out more about the city and university of
More information about our research can be found at Questions and applications
should be sent to before 15 December
2008. All applications should include a full CV and the names of at
least two academics who can be contacted for a reference. Feel free to
forward this message to anyone who might be interested in applying for
one of the positions.

PhD Position in Agricultural Economics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland 2009/2010
The Agri-food & Agri-environmental Economics Group of ETH Zurich
( invites applications for a Ph.D position.
The Ph.D. student will work in the project “Climate change and
agricultural production risks – AGRISK” in the framework of the
National Centre of Competence in Research on Climate (NCCR Climate),
which is an interdisciplinary scientific network bringing together
researchers from various partner institutions
The goal of AGRISK is to investigate the
prospective role of climate-related risk management in Swiss
agriculture. To this end, relevant future climate-related risks (for
instance, droughts, heavy rainfalls, and hail) will be identified and
potential risk management strategies will be derived and analyzed. The
particular focus of the project will be the evaluation of financial
market instruments (such as index based insurance schemes) and
agronomic measures to manage future climate related risks in agriculture.
The candidate is expected to hold a Diploma or Master degree in
agricultural economics, economics or a quantitative discipline by
spring 2009. Profound knowledge in economic theory, mathematics,
statistics, and econometric analysis is expected. In addition,
candidates must have excellent writing and communications skills. Very
good language skills in English are required.
Knowledge of German is not a prerequisite but would be an advantage.
Please send applications per post, including a cover letter, a CV, and
two letters of recommendation to: Robert Finger, ETH Zürich,
Sonneggstrasse 33, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland.
Applications have to be received by the 6. January 2009.
JEL Classification(s): A, C, D, G, Q
Application has to be received by 6. January 2009.
The preferred starting date is April 01, 2009.
website link:

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- Bachelor Degree in Information Technology, Engineering or Management
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If you are confident that you are the right candidate we are looking for, send your application letter together with the detailed resume and a recent photograph indicating the position code in the subject of your email, within two weeks from this advertisement to :