One PhD position and a stipend for one Research Assistant are available in the Medical Theoretical Center in Dresden in the fields of “Pluripotency and Germ Stem Cells” and “Meiotic chromosome behaviour in mammals”
Both the PhD and the full time Research Assistant position are available from the 1st of January 2008 in the laboratory of Dr. Attila Tóth. Applications are currently accepted and positions will be filled as soon as suitable candidates are found.
Successful candidates will participate in one of two projects:
One project aims to develop strategies for in vitro generation of pluripotent stem cells from testis derived germ stem cells. The work will include: a genetic screen to identify and characterize factors that can induce pluripotency in germ stem cells, cell culture experiments, bioinformatics, mouse genetics and biochemistry.
The other project focuses on the genetic and biochemical analysis of novel meiotic genes, identified by our laboratory, that play important roles in meiotic recombination and in meiotic chromosome behaviour in mice.
The qualified applicant should have some theoretical background in molecular biology, and some laboratory experience (In the case of Research Assistant this can be bachelor’s degree and practical work or Master’s degree, MTA is not sufficient on its own).
Interested candidates should send a short description of their scientific interest, their CV and the contact details of two or three references to Dr. Attila Tóth, e-mail: Attila.toth[at]
website link click here.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
PhD from Medical Theoretical Center in Dresden, TU Dresden, Germany
8:24 AM
