Prosody: Post Doc, University of Lisbon/Center of Linguistics, Portugal
University or Organization: University of Lisbon/Center of Linguistics
Job Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Web Address:
Job Rank: Post Doc
Specialty Areas: Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody
The Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisbon is broadly based,
interdisciplinary and internationally oriented.
The faculty offers courses
and conducts research in languages and cultures of Western, Central,
Eastern and Southern Europe, history, archaeology, art history,
performative and visual arts, literature, philosophy, communication,
translation and media studies, as well as African and Asian studies.
Graduate courses are strongly interweaved with research centres, and
graduate students amount to one third of the Faculty students. The Centre
of Linguistics (CLUL) is committed to theoretical, theoretically oriented,
descriptive and experimental research leading to novel (gap-filling)
contributions to linguistic analysis, as well to making available to the
scientific community new language resources such as corpora, databases and
tools that may significantly contribute to linguistic and multidisciplinary
research. Understanding language variation has been a long-standing
objective within CLUL. However, the study of language variation has only
very recently targeted prosodic variation, both within CLUL and elsewhere.
The inspection of the prosodic properties of local varieties of European
Portuguese is thus largely to be done. Therefore, questions like how the
organization of speech into chunks varies across Portugal, what intonation
patterns are used in the different regions, or whether speech rhythm
contributes to regional varieties remain to be answered. Research on
prosodic variation is of central interest to language typologies, to
grammatical studies (syntax-prosody and morphology-prosody interfaces), to
speech and language processing, to language development, to language
pathology, or to speech technologies. CLUL is engaged in developing this
area of research, by addressing prosodic variation within a program of
international scope that proposes a system for prosodic transcription and
labeling of speech corpora, together with a set of methodological
procedures that enable cross-linguistic work on prosodic variation in
CLUL offers a postdoc position in Phonology, Phonetics and Language
Variation. The researcher will set up a project conducing to an Interactive
Atlas of European Portuguese Prosody and Intonation, freely accessed
online. Data collection for prosody and intonation survey will follow the
procedures established in recent similar projects for other European
languages (such as British English or Catalan). Data processing will make
available new resources for further in-depth studies of Portuguese prosody
and related applications. The researcher will be actively collaborating
with the members of the research team committed to the study of prosody,
and involved in the supervision of Masters and PhD students.
Applicants should have a strong commitment to internationally-recognized
research and demonstrated capacities as an independent researcher,
especially in the form of journal publications. The successful candidate
should have a background in the phonetics and phonology of prosody.
Experience with tonal labeling (ToBI) is welcome. Some knowledge of
Portuguese is desirable, but not required.
Applications should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae,
copies of degree certificates, copy of an identification document, a
minimum of two letters of recommendation or two contacts of qualified
specialists who may recommend the candidate. Please send two publications
plus PhD dissertation. E-mail applications should be sent in PDF, DOC or
RTF format.
Application Deadline: 08-Sep-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Centro de Linguística Universidade de Lisboa
Av. Prof. Gama Pinto, 2
Lisboa 1649-003
Email Address for Applications:
Contact Information:
Sonia Frota
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Center of Linguistics

Scholarships for the PhD Program in Business Administration, University of Bologna, Italy
The PhD program in Business Administration of the University of Bologna trains brilliant researchers in the fields of management, by offering courses in several areas such as organization theory, business strategy, marketing, technology and innovation management, research methods, statistics, econometrics. In addition to the courses, PhD students have the opportunity to attend seminars held by internationally renowned scholars, present their work at conferences, spend a research period of at least 6 months in international academic institutions. The courses are held in English.
The PhD in Business Administration (3-year program) is organized by the Department of Management of the University of Bologna (, in cooperation with the University LUISS Guido Carli of Rome and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
In order to apply, a Master degree (laurea specialistica/magistrale) is required. The 2009 edition of the PhD in Business Administration (24th cycle) will start in January 2009. 10 students will be admitted to the program and 5 scholarships will be offered. The number of scholarship-assisted places may increase thanks to the financial support of public or private institutions. The net amount of the scholarship is around 1000 Euro per month, for a 3-year period. The amount of the scholarship can be increased during the research period spent abroad (+50%) and through assistantships in teaching or contract research activities. Applications from foreign students are encouraged.
For further details on the PhD program in Business Administration, the admission requirements and the selection procedures, please visit the website.
or contact the PhD Coordinator, Professor Federico Munari (federico.munari[ at ]
The call for application will be published at the beginning of August 2008 on this website.
The deadline to submit all the application documents (approx. 10th September 2008) will be specified in the call.

PhD Studentship in Molecular Biology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
A PhD studentship is available to study helminth modulation of allergic responses in the Inflammation and Immunity Research group in Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. The Inflammation and Immunity Research team is based in well-equipped laboratories in the Institute of Molecular Medicine, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin. The Institute of Molecular Medicine is a new state-of-the-art facility devoted to basic and translational research.
The project will involve investigation of the immunological mechanism that helminths use to suppress allergic inflammation (Fallon and Mangan, Nature Rev Immunol 2007). The student will focus on characterizing helminth immune modulating molecules and analysis of their function (Smith et al., J Exp Med 2005; Fallon and Alcami, Trends Immunol 2006). Applicants should have experience in basic molecular biology or cell biology.
The studentship is funded for 3 years by Science Foundation Ireland commencing October 2008. The closing date for applications is Friday, 8th August.
To apply please email a brief cover letter and a PDF copy of CV along with names and contact information for 2 referees to immunol[ at ]
Deadline: Friday, 8th August, 2008

Postdoctoral Position in Viral/Cancer Pharmacology, The FAMU College of Pharmacy, USA
The FAMU College of Pharmacy is seeking a junior level postdoctoral fellow with expertise in cellular techniques to join the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI), Center for Nanomedicine. The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in a variety of interdisciplinary research activities, including the development of HHV (low-level biohazard) cell-culture models, QSPR/QSAR and drug cellular delivery, RT-PCR baseline and effect assays, protein and drug target purification, LC-MS assays and peptide fragment ID, and the provision of technical expertise in design and implementation of protocols and ongoing assistance during pharmacology and pharmaceutics experiments. Independence in research, excellent organizational, written and oral communication skills, and energetic team work spirit are expected.
Recent Ph.D graduates in Immunology, Virology, Biology, Pharmacology, or Biochemistry preferred. Other degrees with appropriate experience will be considered.
To apply:
Interested candidates should send (email preferred) 1) cover letter stating a) KSA’s, b) Research Experience, c) Research Interests and Career Goals, 2) CV with coursework listing, and 3) list of three professional references to: Shawn D. Spencer, PhD, Assistant Professor, Biopharmaceutics Laboratory, Dyson227, College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307. Tel: 850 599 3511 Fax: 850-599-3934, shawn.spencer[ at ] This is a contract and grants funded position for up to five years and the position is open until filled.

Post Doctoral Fellow in Ocean and Coupled Modelling and Data Assimilation, Dalhousie University, Canada
Opportunity for Post Doctoral Fellow in Ocean and Coupled Modelling and Data Assimilation
Dalhousie University is searching for a Postdoctoral Fellow to join the Global Ocean-Atmosphere Prediction and Predictability (GOAPP) Network funded by the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences. The overall goal of the network is to improve forecasts of the ocean and atmosphere on time-scales of days to decades, and space scales of tens of km (e.g., ocean eddies) to global. For more details on GOAPP see
The successful candidate will collaborate with researchers at Dalhousie University and other universities in the network, and with scientists from Environment Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada, on pre-operational, data assimilative modeling of the North Atlantic and the coupled atmosphere-ocean system. Overall duties include the implementation, operation and evaluation of existing data assimilation and model codes. The specific duties include:
(i) Optimization of the codes for operational use.
(ii) Definition of the metrics to be used in the evaluation of the forecast systems.
(iii) Generation of products to be placed on the GOAPP webpage.
(iv) Coordination of activities with government partners and the transfer of GOAPP research to operations.
(v) Presentation of progress at meetings including the annual GOAPP Workshop.
The successful applicants will have a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science, Physical Oceanography or related discipline. Experience in running and developing state-of-the-art ocean and/or atmosphere models is required. Knowledge of data assimilation is desirable.
The appointment can start as early as September 1, 2008 and the position will terminate at the end of August 2010. The annual salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority. Dalhousie University is an Employment Equity/Affirmative Action employer. The University encourages applications from qualified Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, racially visible persons and women. The competition will remain open until suitable candidates are found.
Applicants should send a statement of interest, curriculum vitae including a list of publications, and the names and addresses of three references to:
Ms. Susan Woodbury, ACM, FCMOS
GOAPP Network Manager
Dalhousie University, Department of Oceanography
Room 5660A LSC
1355 Oxford Street
Halifax, NS B3H 4J1 Canada
Email: swoodbury[ at ] Submission by e-mail is encouraged.
Fax: (902) 494-2885

Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Post-Doc Position: Center for Tropical Marine Ecology
Deadline: 25 August, 2008
The Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT), an associate member of
the Leibniz Society, addresses ecological and socio-economic issues
related to the sustainable use of tropical coastal ecosystems such as
mangroves, coral reefs and sea grass beds.
Research and teaching at
the Center are devoted to the structure and functions of these
ecosystems, their resources and their vulnerability to human
interventions and natural changes. The research is conducted within
interdisciplinary partnership projects with institutions and
universities in the tropics.
The social-ecological systems (SES) analysis group at the ZMT
investigates human-nature relations. Participatory approaches to the
generation of social-ecological system understanding and to the
identification of ways to steer coastal change into more desirable
directions are major foci. The SES group operates a research programme
in three coastal regions of Indonesia (SPICE Cluster 6). We are now
looking for a social or natural scientist with a strong
interdisciplinary research orientation. The post is embedded in the
two key research themes of SPICE Cluster 6 (Social-ecological systems
analysis and Governance). The research under this post should provide
new insights on the potentials of alternative livelihood options (e.g.
marine polyculture) as socially, economically and ecologically
sustainable income sources for Indonesian coastal communities. A focus
on innovations is encouraged. The field focus of this post is in the
Spermonde Coral Archipelago but the research should provide results of
wider relevance.
The position is at the level of E13 and initially funded from 1.10
2008 until 30.8 2010. Further work is envisaged. The ZMT is interested
in increasing the number of women in the field of science and
encourages qualified women to apply. Given similar levels of
qualification, physically handicapped applicants will be given
preference. Interviews will be held in the period August 28 th until
September 5th .
Please apply by e-mail (CV with current address and phone number,
statement of interest, work proposal of 2-4 pages and names of two
referees) by August 25th to
Deadline: 25 August, 2008

General Linguistics: PhD Student, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
The linguistic graduate programme (Graduiertenkolleg) ‘Sentence types:
and interpretation’ at the University of Frankfurt/Main (Germany) offers
grants for graduate students in the areas of theoretical linguistics
formal semantics, pragmatics), phonetices/phonology, cognitive science, and
language typology. Information about the sub-projects of the graduate
can be found on the internet under the website listed above.
Applications including a pertinent dissertation proposal are to be sent to
secretary of the graduate programme, Anke Stakemann.
Application Deadline: 31-Aug-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Anke Stakemann
Varrentrappstr. 40-42
Frankfurt am Main 60486
Contact Information:
Anke Stakemann
Institution/Organization: Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department: Graduiertenkolleg Satzarten
Web Address:

Postdoctoral Position in Tumor Immunology, St. Anna Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Austria
The Laboratory of Tumour Immunology at the St. Anna Childrens Cancer Research Institute (CCRI) (, Vienna, Austria, is accepting applications for the position of a postdoc/staff scientist in the area of:
Tumour Immunology and Tumour Immune Therapy
focussing on molecular and genetic aspects of immune regulation by dendritic cells.
The CCRI is a multi-disciplinary research institute focusing on various aspects of cancer development, diagnosis, and treatment. The Laboratory of Tumour Immunology has been engaged in the study of the cellular and molecular biology of anti-tumour immunity for many years. In line with the CCRIs strong translational research focus, the Laboratory of Tumour Immunology developed a technology platform for anti-tumour immune therapy, which is now studied in clinical phase II trials. Our basic research projects aim at an understanding of the molecular biology and genetics of immune regulation by dendritic cells with particular emphasis on negative regulatory feedback loops, and exploiting this knowledge for cancer immune therapy.
A sorrow understanding of cellular and molecular tumour immunology is expected; knowledge of the biology of dendritic cells is preferred. An interest in translational research bringing biological concepts to clinical application is essential for this position. We are looking for scientists experienced in technologies related to human immunology such as flow cytometry, immune histochemistry, cell culture, or assay systems for the investigation of immune functions, etc.
Applications shall be submitted to Thomas Felzmann by e-mail (thomas.felzmann[ at ]

PhD Student French & Text Linguistics
PhD Student French & Text Linguistics
French & Text Linguistics, New Media: PhD Student, University of
Louvain, Belgium
E-mail this message to a friend:
Institution/Organization: University of Louvain
Department: Language and Communication
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Discourse Analysis; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Required Language(s): French (fra)
Dans le cadre d’un projet pluri-disciplinaire “Transformation du rapport à
l’information en communication multimédia”, l’Institut Langage &
de l’Université catholique de Louvain offre un mandat de doctorat (Ph.D.)
une recherche portant sur “L’étude de l’impact linguistique de la mise en
de la presse écrite”. L’objectif de la thèse est de mettre au jour l’impact
nouvelles formes de communication écrite utilisées dans les média en ligne
les usages langagiers. Sur la base d’une analyse contrastive entre la presse
quotidienne traditionnelle et la presse en ligne d’une part, et d’une
comparative des différents types de presse en ligne (journalisme citoyen,
journalisme de réseau, presse quotidienne) d’autre part, les questions de
recherche suivantes seront abordées :
- Les nouvelles technologies mass média ont-elles un impact sur les usages
écrits ?
- Quelles (micro et macro) dimensions linguistiques sont affectées lors de
production de textes à mettre en ligne ?
- La presse en ligne peut-elle être décrite comme un nouveau genre et/ou
conduit-elle au développement de nouveaux types de textes ?
- Une nouvelle “norme langagière des productions en ligne” émerge-t-elle ?
Profil recherché
- Master en linguistique (ou équivalent)
- Spécialisation ou intérêt prononcé pour l’analyse de corpus quantitative
et/ou l’analyse de contenu
- Une connaissance approfondie des techniques d’analyse et de fouille de
textes est un atout
- Maîtrise des outils de statistique linguistique, ou volonté de les
- Connaissance native (ou quasi-native) du français, bonne connaissance de
- Dynamique et motivé, prêt à travailler en équipe
Le/la candidat(e) s’engage à réaliser une thèse de doctorat en 4 ans dans le
cadre du projet susmentionné, sous la codirection des professeurs Liesbeth
Degand et Anne Catherine Simon.
Nous offrons un cadre de travail pluridisciplinaire motivant garantissant
interactions avec d’autres chercheurs dans le même projet. Le salaire
en une bourse de doctorat avec couverture sociale (+/- 1350? net/mois). Plus
d’information sur
Entrée en fonction prévue le 1er octobre 2008 (le candidat ne peut pas avoir
atteint l’âge de 30 ans à cette date).
Intéressé(e)? Envoyez un dossier de candidature comprenant :
- un CV
- la table des matières et un résumé du mémoire/travail de fin d’études
- une lettre de motivation
- deux lettres de recommandation
Application Deadline: 01-Sep-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof Liesbeth Degand
Place B. Pascal 1
Louvain-La-Neuve 1348
Contact Information:
Prof Liesbeth Degand
Web Address:

Receptionist cum Secretary
- Receive and transfer incoming telephone calls to relevant departments
- Handle general enquires from public and attend to visitors at the Singapore Embassy
- Oral and written translation between English and Bahasa Indonesia
- Perform general administrative, clerical, secretarial and other tasks as assigned.
The Embassy is looking for a candidate with tertiary education, pleasant personality and positive customer service attitude. The candidate should have a good command of the English language, be able to work under stress and handle difficult customers. Good organizational and communication skills are essential. Competency in basic computer programmes like Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Access, Excel and Internet Explorer is necessary. Relevant working experience would be an advantage.
Application should reach the Embassy before 31 July 2008. Please send your CV to:
The Singapore Embassy in Jakarta
Gedung Graha Surya Internusa, 19th floor
Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav. X-O
Kuningan, Jakarta 12950