An exciting and challenging PhD studentship has become available in the development of nano-scale materials and their applications within the field of biological sensors. The project will be run jointly between the School of Pharmacy and the Emerging Technologies Research Centre at De Montfort University, and is truly interdisciplinary in nature.
This project requires collaborations that bring together the fields of electronic engineering, chemical engineering and nanotechnology. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to develop skills in material development, synthesis and characterisation and eventually device fabrication and testing. In doing so, the student will have the opportunity to study a range of techniques such as the solution synthesis of nanomaterials, scanning probe microscopy and plasma deposition of electronic materials.
We are looking for an enthusiastic student who enjoys working in a multidisciplinary environment. The candidate will become part of a project team drawn from the areas of the physical and life sciences. Consequently, it is hoped that novel interdisciplinary research will be developed in the course of the study.
The studentship is fully-funded, covering University tuition fees and provides a bursary. Both national and international candidates can apply for the studentship.
Prospective candidates should have an urge to learn about electronic materials/devices and biosensors and have a 1st class or 2.1 undergraduate degree in electrical or electronic engineering, physics, chemistry, materials science or a related subject. Knowledge of and experience in deposition techniques and exposure to a device fabrication environment would be an advantage, but is not essential.
For an informal discussion, please contact Dr Shashi Paul (Email:pshashi[at], Tel: +44-(0)116 207 8548.
Only the short listed applicants will be contacted.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
PhD Studentship in Biological Sensors, De Montfort Univ, UK

20 Scholarships from Government of India Administered by ICCR
General Cultural Scholarship Scheme(GCSS)
Government of India, through the General Cultural Scholarship Scheme (GCSS) administered by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR), has announced the grant of 20 scholarships for Indonesian students and 10 scholarships for students from Timor Leste for the academic year 2008-2009 in the fields of Arts, Architecture, Literature, Commerce, Law, Politics, International Relations, Islamic Studies, Science, etc. and degree courses in Engineering, Pharmacy and Agriculture. The scholarships are also extended for doctoral and post doctoral courses.
Interested and eligible candidates may download the Application Form, General Instructions to applicants and Instructions to Candidates for filling the Application Form. The last date for receiving application forms duly completed in all respects in 6 (six) copies alongwith all supporting documents is 31st January, 2008. All candidates will be required to appear in a test in the English language which will be held on 9th February, 2008.
Candidates applying from Sumatera may send their applications to:
Mr. M.S. Mandhaiya
Consul General
19, Jl. Uskup Agung A. Sugiopranoto
Medan 20152, Sumatera Utara
Ph. 061-4531308, 4556452
Candidates applying from Bali may send their applications to:
Mr. Awanish Tiwari
Deputy Director
Jl. Raya Puputan No. 42-44
Renon – Denpasar – Bali
Ph. 0361-241978
All other candidates from other parts of Indonesia may send their applications to:
Ms. Anju Ranjan
Second Secretary (Press, Info, Education)
Embassy of India
Jl. H R Rasuna Said Kav S-1
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan -12950
Ph. 021-5204150/52/57
For further information of different scholarships please visit:
Embassy of India Jakarta:
Wordpress PPI-India:

PhD Studentship in Structural Engineering - Loughborough University, UK
Applications are invited for an international doctoral studentship in the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Structures Group, leading to the award of a PhD degree. The studentship is open to UK/EU students as well as to international students. Fees could be paid at the international student rate for exceptional candidates. In addition, a £12,300 per annum tax free stipend for living expenses will be paid to the successful candidate.
Applicants should have a minimum of a 2.1 honours degree (or equivalent) in civil engineering or related disciplines. Informal enquiries can be made either to Professor Mohammed Raoof (01509 222610) or email: M.Raoof[at] , or to Dr Jamal El-Rimawi (01509-222609) or email: J.A.El-Rimawi[at]
*Research topic available:*
Shear strength of FRP plated reinforced concrete beams.
More information may be found at
Applicants should complete the standard PhD application form available from and submit with supporting documents to: Ms Helen Newbold, Research Administrator, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, Email:
*Closing date: Monday, 18th February 2008.*
Applicants who previously applied for this research project may re-apply

Thursday, January 10, 2008
PhD Scholarship in Wave Modelling - Swinburne University of Technology Australia
PhD Scholarship co-sponsored by Swinburne University of Technology and Woodside Energy Ltd Wave Modelling within Extreme Tropical Cyclones Physical Oceanography
*Victoria, Australia*
*Swinburne University of Technology (SUT) and Woodside Energy Ltd (WEL) are seeking a suitably qualified student to undertake post-graduate study to develop a wave forecast model suitable for extreme tropical cyclone conditions.
*About Swinburne University of Technology
*Swinburne University of Technology is a large multi-sectoral and multi-campus institution with a stated mission to be a pre-eminent entrepreneurial university from the Asia-Pacific, thriving on new ideas and knowledge and exploiting its intersectoral heritage to create value for its stakeholders.
The Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences is host to most of the engineering activities at Swinburne as well as key programs in aviation and photonics. The Coastal Engineering and Physical Oceanography group of the Faculty specialises in research of deep-water and finite-depth wave dynamics, spectral modelling of wind-generated waves, wave breaking and dissipation, air-sea interaction, wave-bottom interaction and turbulence.
*About Woodside Energy Ltd
*Woodside Energy Ltd. (WEL) is Australia’s largest offshore oil and gas producer and operator of the North West Shelf project. Over a period of 20 years, WEL has been conducting and sponsoring applied and fundamental oceanographic research. The issue of enhancing understanding of extreme tropical cyclones, and in particular improving the wave forecast under such conditions, is among the current priorities of the research sponsored by the company.
*Accurate wind wave models are essential for all elements of extreme air-sea interaction, including loads on structures, upper-ocean mixing and bottom boundary layer formation. At present, physics of such models is mostly based on theory and experiments applicable to moderate wind/wave situations, which physics is then extrapolated to extreme conditions. Since air-sea interaction at such tropical cyclones is known to be different, the models manifest inconsistent results. This is a major concern for engineering design applications. The project is intended to produce, parameterise, implement and test new energy source/.sink functions for the wave forecast models, based on direct measurements in the extreme tropical cyclones and on recent theoretical advances in this field.
1. Honours degree in Physical or Mathematical Sciences (essential)
2. Strong analytical and mathematical skills (essential)
3. A good working knowledge of programming (desirable)
*Commencement Date: *March 2008
*Scholarship: *A$24,815 per annum, tax exempt. Duration – three years
*Application Deadline: *31 January 2008
*Alexander Babanin
Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Sciences
Swinburne University of Technology
PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122
Telephone: +61-3-9214 8033
Fax: +61-3-9214 8264
Email: ababanin[at]

2008 University of Cambridge Graduate Studentships
The Centre aims to fund up to three PhD studentships commencing in October 2008, for projects falling within its remit. These may be held in any relevant department within the University or affiliated institutes. Details of projects available and contact details for supervisors are given at the bottom of the page.
The studentships will be awarded on a competitive basis and applicants will be expected to demonstrate both a strong academic background and aptitude for research.
Students will receive instruction and guidance principally from their supervisor in a supportive and stimulating environment, but also attend formal training courses.
Further information is available from the Graduate School .
The studentships will be fully funded at Wellcome Trust rates for three years of full-time research, and are open to UK, EU and overseas students. However, if a candidate who is offered a studentship also obtains substantial funding from another awarding body, this will be taken into account in determining the level of the award. The Centre is also willing to consider hosting students for the PhD who have already secured independent funding. For information regarding the costs of PhD training in Cambridge please refer to the Board of Graduate Studies’ website .
Applicants should hold, or expect to obtain, at least an upper second class honours degree in a relevant biological subject. For overseas students the minimum undergraduate GPA for entrance into the University is 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale), and those for whom English is not their native language should see the Board of Graduate Studies’ guidelines regarding Competence in English.
Research students are initially admitted without being registered for a particular degree, and are then registered for the PhD on satisfactory completion of a report at the end of their first year of study.
Application procedure
We encourage all applicants to make initial informal enquiries of individual members of the Centre regarding their projects on offer. Once you have identified a potential supervisor and project you should make a formal application as follows:
1) Complete a GRADSAF application form available from the Board of Graduate Studies’ website and return to the Board by January 31st 2008 at the latest. That form combines admission to the University with admission to a college. King’s College is pleased to consider applicants who are offered the Centre’s studentships, and so you may wish to indicate this college as your first choice. However, admission to this particular college cannot be guaranteed and candidates should indicate a second choice. Candidates from outside the EU who return the GRADSAF form by 14 December 2007 will also be considered for ORSAS awards.
2) Send a curriculum-vitae, a half-page personal statement outlining your motivation for research at the Centre, two confidential academic references in sealed envelopes, and, if possible, a transcript of your undergraduate results to:
Ms Aileen Briggs,
Graduate Administrator,
Centre for Trophoblast Research,
Physiology Building,
Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EG, UK
Both elements of the application must arrive by January 31st 2008, and incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Short-listed candidates will be interviewed in person or by telephone during February, and decisions should be communicated by the end of March.
Dono Widiatmoko
Senior Lecturer, Leader for the MPHs Programme
Centre for Public Health Research
C709 Allerton Building
University of Salford
Salford M6 6PU
Phone : + 44 - 161 - 295 2815
Fax : + 44 - 161 - 295 2825
email : d.widiatmoko[at]

Rosalind Franklin Fellowships at the Faculty of Law, University of Groningen, Nederland
Rosalind Franklin Fellowships at the Faculty of Law At the Faculty of Law, two Rosalind Franklin Fellowships are available for talented female researchers. Research and education in the Faculty of Law is carried out in the fields of constitutional law, international law, european law, criminal law, public law, civil law, company law, tax law, and a variety of interdisciplinary fields, like law and economics, philosophy of law, sociology of law, and history of law (see Faculty website, The Faculty of Law is an inspiring working environment with outstanding interdisciplinary and internationally oriented research lines.
Applicants preferably have:
a PhD degree and at least three years of post-doctoral experience publications in international top journals of legal research proof of independence and international recognition experience in various working environments, for example a postdoc period abroad experience in acquiring external funding a research proposal with a clear vision of future legal research teaching experience organizational qualities and communication skills presently a position outside this faculty.
Successful candidates will set up their own research project(s) in the area of their choice, including funds to support a PhD project, and will be expected to attract external funding. They will also contribute to the international teaching programmes within the faculty.
The fellowship, of at most five years, comprises a salary in the range of a university teacher, and a holiday allowance of 8%. The salary and the duration of the fellowship depend on experience and qualifications.
Following a favorable evaluation after at most five years, the fellow will be awarded tenure and promotion to the rank of Associate Professor, including the ius promovendi. After a further five years another evaluation will take place and if this proves favorable, a full professorship will be awarded. The period after which tenure and full professorship will be awarded is at most five years each, but may be influenced by academic results of the fellow before and during the fellowship.
Additional information about the fellowship can be obtained from prof.dr. L.C.A. Verstappen, dean of the Faculty of Law, e-mail address: l.c.a.verstappen[at], Prof.dr. O. Couwenberg, vice-dean of the Faculty of Law, e-mail address: o.couwenberg[at], and dr. J. Houtman, administrative director of the Research School Centre for Law, Administration and Society (Centrum voor Recht, Bestuur en Samenleving – CRBS), e-mail address: j.houtman[at]
As an applicant, you are requested to submit:
1. your curriculum vitae, including a complete list of publications
2. up to five keywords describing your research area
3. a three-to-five page statement of your research accomplishments and your future research goals
4. a letter of motivation
Applications should be sent to:
University of Groningen, Personnel and Organization Department
P.O. Box 72,
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands
E-mail address:
You are invited to apply before March 1st 2008; when applying for this fellowships always mention RFF-FRG. Candidates employed by the Faculty of Law of the University of Groningen are eligible for a Rosalind Franklin fellowship within this Faculty only if appointed in temporary, non-tenure track positions and if they have had at least two years of employment outside this Faculty.

PT Excelcomindo Pratama
A growing telecommunication company is looking for professional and qualified candidates for:
2. Specialist – 3G Network Optimization (code : NO)
3. Transmission Planner Engineer (code : TPE)
4. Specialist – Product Development (GSM & Non GSM)
5. Engineer - Radio Network Design (code : RND)
6. Specialist – Product Development (GSM & Non GSM)
The job holder is responsible for managing national strategic corporate accounts through strategic partnership as well as developing comprehensive understanding of customer goals, problems, and needs. Employ consultative selling approach to gain credibility and positioning at executive levels to achieve revenue target of Business Solutions products .
* University graduate in Marketing or Technical
* 5 -7 years of sales/account experience in Telecom and IT business
* Result and solution oriented
* Posses personal credibility; analytical thinking; excellent verbal and written communication skills
* Have a customer driven approach and good customer management skills
2. Specialist – 3G Network Optimization (code : NO)
Responsible for optimizing and maintaining 3G network performance.
* University graduate in Electrical Engineering majoring in Telecommunication
* Min 5 years of experience in radio network design and optimization for Telco company
* Knowledge and skill in planning, operating, implementing, and optimizing cellular radio network
* Strong analytical, strategic thinking, and result oriented
* Posses customer focus, quality, and solution orientation
3. Transmission Planner Engineer (code : TPE)
Responsible for identifying and determining the configuration, capacities and service capabilities of the transmission network. Establishing design criteria for Transmission dimensioning plan and product/feature evolution plan (technologies and configuration). Preparing & conducting new transmission product trial, business plan for transmission network elements and transmission technology strategy.
* University graduate in Electrical Engineering majoring in Telecommunication
* 5 years of experience in Telco industry with at least 3 years in commissioning, design and planning in Transmission Technology
* Knowledge in Transmission System Media, Transmission Product, GSM Technology & IP Networking
* Strong conceptually, innovative and creative thinking is a must
4. Specialist – Product Development (GSM & Non GSM)
5. Engineer - Radio Network Design (code : RND)
6. Specialist – Product Development (GSM & Non GSM)
Job Responsility
Responsible for developing and designing new product solutions corporate customers. Acting as primary liaison to all relevant units during all stages of tailoring the solutions and marketing implementation plan to ensure smooth and timely flow of information and communications required for a successful product launch.
* University Graduate in Telco/IT
* 3 – 5 years of experience in Telco industry at senior technical consultant/specialist position, preferably in a system integration business
* Exposures in internetworking consultancy and product development (Non GSM)
* Holder of recognized certifications include CCNA/CCNP is preferable
* Exposures in Billing system, GSM-Switching, SMSC, Voice & data transmission (GSM)
5. Engineer - Radio Network Design (code : RND)
Job Responsility
Responsible for making sure all radio design are delivered on time and met the given KPI’s for coverage and quality.
* University graduate in Electrical/Telco Engineering
* 1 - 3 years of experience in RF planning, preferably in IT/Telecommunication industry
* Knowledge in Cellular concepts and practice
* Knowledge/skills in RF planning; operating drive test tools, planning tools & site survey. Knowledge/skill in RF Optimization will be an advantage.
* Ready for assignment/survey to rural area
6. Specialist – Product Development (GSM & Non GSM)
Job Responsility
Responsible for developing and designing new product solutions corporate customers. Acting as primary liaison to all relevant units during all stages of tailoring the solutions and marketing implementation plan to ensure smooth and timely flow of information and communications required for a successful product launch.
* University Graduate in Telco/IT
* 3 – 5 years of experience in Telco industry at senior technical consultant/specialist position, preferably in a system integration business
* Exposures in internetworking consultancy and product development (Non GSM)
* Holder of recognized certifications include CCNA/CCNP is preferable
* Exposures in Billing system, GSM-Switching, SMSC, Voice & data transmission (GSM)
Qualifying candidates are requested to submit their application along with full CV, quoting AM on the email subject, within 10 days addressed to:
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
PT SCS Astragraphia Technologies (SAT)
We are a joint venture company between Singapore Computer System Limited (SCS) a premier information and communications technology (ICT) service provider in the Asia-Pacific region and PT Astra Graphia, Tbk a leading provider of information technology solutions and service in Indonesia.
Our competencies and service excellence have enable us to provide integration solutions and services for wide range of industries, including telecommunications, banking and financial, oil and gas and plantation as well as government sectors.
In advancing our business, we need high forte individuals through this following career.
* Develop sales plan and execute the sales plan successfully, including :
* Employ a consultative selling approach to ensure success in achieving the sales quota.
* Maintain mutual relationship and communication with customer and principal.
* Bachelor Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or Management
* Good general business knowledge
* Able to present information effectively and persuasively to customer
* Have a strong base or network in these following industries: telecommunications Industries
* Have minimum 3 years experience in related position
Interested Candidate should send the curriculum vitae to career[at]
Deadline : 27 january 2008
PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
Career Opportunity
Sigma Community are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:
1. Data Center Administration Head
2. Corporate Legal Manager
3. Fixed Asset Staff
4. Project Manager
5. General Affairs Supervisor
1. Data Center Administration Head
(Jakarta Raya - Tangerang)
* Minimal have Diploma’s Degree in Secretarial, Administration or equivalent.
* At least 5 years of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
* Preferebly have experience in banking
* Possess good communication skill
* Required skill : English, oral and written
* Can work under pressure or tight deadline
* Assertive and have strong leadership skill
* Applicants must be willing to work in BSD - Tangerang.
2. Corporate Legal Manager
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Giving legal opinion to management such as any current legal matters, up date law regulation, corporateb business law, etc
* Reviewing and drafting any legal documents related to the company, such as: Cooperation Agreement between the company and any third parties.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Law or equivalent.
* Having experience as corporate legal at least 7 years in Banking Or IT industry
* Preferably Managers specializing in Law/Legal Services
* Having certified in law
* English oral and written is a must
* Other languages : Japanese and Chinese will be an advantage
3. Fixed Asset Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Tangerang)
* Hold minimum Diploma degree
* Have experience minimum 1 year in the same field
* Good knowledge about Administration
* Computer literate (Excel, Word and Access)
* Passive English
* Able to learn, work in team and willing to work hard under pressure
* Characteristic : wise, proactive, accurate
* Preferable experience in maintaining Fixed Asset
* Must be willing to work in Tangerang.
4. Project Manager
(Jakarta Raya - Tangerang)
* Project Manager for Core Banking Project
* Manage project, arrange project plan and project budget
* Coordinate and delegating job to team member
* Bachelor degree from reputable university , majoring IT is an advantage
* Have experience at least 3-5 years as PM
* Experience in software development project
* Keep up to date with latest technology such as Web Services, SaS implemented in Java or .NET
* PM Certification is an advantage
* Having good knowledge and experience in Banking Business / Multifinace Process
* Fast learner and fluent in English
* Willing to travel and work overtime, able to work in team and under pressure
* Experience in managing team & preparing for train / education plan
* Must be willing to work in Tangerang.
5. General Affairs Supervisor
(Jakarta Raya - Tangerang)
* Bachelor Degree any major
* Having experience min 4 years in the same field
* Have a good leadership and hardworker
* Having drive Licence (Motorcycle and Car)
* Computer literate (Excel, Power Point, Word and Access)
* Having a good communication in English (Min Passive)
* Able to work in team
* Must be willing to work in BSD - Tangerang.
If your qualifications meet our requirement please send application letter CV, recent photograph with code in subject to :
PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka
German Centre 5th floor
Jl. Kapt. Subijanto DJ
Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang
Email : recruitment[at]
deadline : 2-2-08.