Lowongan di Jerman: PhD. in astrophysics, Jacobs University of Bremen, Germany
Di Bremen, ada Ph.D. di bidang astrofisika: simulasi 3D yang berhubungan
dengan lubang hitam. Tentu saja dibutuhkan kemampuan pemrograman. Jadi karir
di bidang astronomi ada banyak. Di bawah ada tulisan “computational”, yang
artinya kemampuan matematika dan pemrograman dibutuhkan. Berarti lulusan
astronomi juga memiliki kemampuan pemrograman seperti orang informatik dan
memiliki kemampuan matematis seperti orang matematika.
Kalau tak salah, di Indonesia, jurusan astronomi cuma ada di ITB. Jadi kalau
keterima di astronomi ITB, berarti seharusnya seorang merasa spesial.
Email penting buat program Ph.D di bawah:
(s.rosswog at jacobs-university.de)
PhD positions in astrophysics at
Jacobs University
3D supercomputer simulation of the formation of an accretion disk around a black hole. The position is in the field of *theoretical/computational astrophysics *and
it is open without restriction of citizenship. The successful candidate will have a
diploma or masters degree in Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics or Computer Science, a solid background in physics and a strong interest in theoretical/computational astrophysics.
Applicants are encouraged to make informal inquiries via email (s.rosswog@jacobs-university.de).
Possible PhD topics include (but are not restricted to):
• accretion onto black holes
• stellar explosions and their nucleosynthesis
• gamma-ray bursts
• development of a relativistic smoothed particle hydrodynamics code
• new particle methods for astrophysical application
Dr. Stephan Rosswog
Professor of Astrophysics
Jacobs University Bremen
URL: http://www.faculty.iu-bremen.de/srosswog,
email: s.rosswog@jacobs-unversity.de
Candidates should send *HARDCOPIES (NO EMAIL PLEASE) *of their application
material (curriculum vitae, publication list, summary of current research interests
(max. 2 pages) to the above address. They should also arrange for two reference letters to arrive at he same date.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
PhD. in astrophysics - German

BIOLOGY) is available at the Department of Biology, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.
Further information on scientific profile, responsibilities, working
duties, and other issues relevant for the position are given in a
detailed job description available at this link
http://www.bio.uio.no/positions or on request to Senior Executive
Officer Bente Schjoldager, Tel. + 47 22 854704, e-mail:
The research in the Department of Biology is organised into three
programmes: Integrative Biology, Marine Biology, Microbial Evolution
Research Group, and in an integrated Center of Excellence - Center for
Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis (CoE-CEES).
Currently, the Department of Biology holds a permanent academic staff
of 32.
This position comes under the program for Marine Biology, which
currently employs a permanent academic staff of 7, 1 adjunct associate
professor (20%), and 2 technicians. The program also engages a varying
number of internally and externally funded PhD students and post doc
researchers, depending on funding. About 20 master students are
associated with the program. Research focuses on the biology and
biodiversity of macroalgae and planktonic algae, the ecology of soft
bottom sediments and pelagic ecology. Research in pelagic ecology
focuses on the behavior and ecology of zooplankton and fish, as well
as their predator-prey relationships. Marine research is also carried
out within the other research programs at the department and at CEES.
We are seeking a person with expertise and research profile in
field-based ecological research on zooplankton or fish. The appointed
candidate should strengthen, and complement the research that is
already carried out at the department and establish a field-based
activity in marine pelagic ecology, alternatively in combination with
experimental studies. It is expected that the appointed candidate will
aim at acquiring external funding to subsidise his/her research. A
doctoral degree, strong publication record, and teaching experience
are required.
The person appointed must be able and willing to participate in
teaching, supervision and examination in marine biology at all levels
(bachelor, master, PhD), as well as teaching more general
undergraduate courses. The appointed person must also undertake
administrative duties in accordance with current provisions.
The application must contain information on education, previous
appointments and work experience, scientific and pedagogical
activities, documentation of teaching and administrative experience.
Applicants must deliver four (4) copies of the following items before
the application deadline:
· Application, CV, and attachments
· Up to 10 selected scientific publications the applicant wishes to
include in the evaluation
· A list of scientific publications with bibliographic references
· A portfolio containing documentation of teaching experience,
capability of external fund raising and other qualifications the
applicant wants to have considered
The person appointed to the position must have basic pedagogical
qualifications, and those who cannot document such competence must
acquire it within the first two years of the appointment. Further
information are given in “ Rules for the assessment and weighting of
pedagogical competence for appointments to permanent academic posts
which include teaching duties†and can be found at:
Pedagogic qualifications beyond basic competence may give a
competitive advantage in the ranking of otherwise equally
scientifically competent applicants.
The top candidates normally have to go through an interview and trial
lecture before the final ranking of the applicants.
Formal procedures for appointment to permanent scientific positions
are given in “Rules for Appointments to Professorships and Associate
The teaching languages at the University of Oslo are Norwegian and
English. The person appointed to the position is expected to be able
to teach in Norwegian and English within a time limit of 2 years from
taking the position.
The University of Oslo wants to have more women in permanent academic
positions. Women are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has a goal of recruiting more individuals with
an immigrant background in permanent academic positions. Individuals
with an immigrant background are encouraged to apply.
The University of Oslo has an agreement for all employees, aiming to
secure rights to research results a. o.
Additional information:
Head of Department, professor Trond Schumacher, tel. + 47 91147203,
e-mail: trond.schumacher@bio.uio.no
or professor Stein Kaartvedt, tel. +47 22854739, e-mail:
Associate professor
Pay grade: 57 — 66 (NOK 435 500.- to 514 500,-) (depending on
Pay grade: 66 - 84 (NOK 514 500,- to 784 800,- ) (depending on
Application deadline: September 1st, 2008
REF. NO.: 2008/11485
Four sets of the application (marked with REF.NO. 2008/11485),
including CV, scientific publications, copies of testimonials and a
complete list of all documents submitted should be forwarded to:
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo,
Attn.: Senior Executive Officer Bente Schjoldager, P.O.Box 1032,
Blindern, NO-0315 OSLO
Application documents, except original publications, will not be returned.

WISERD PhD Studentship Oppurtunity (Cardiff) - UK
The following message is sent on behalf of Prof. Amanda Coffey, Cardiff
University. We would be grateful if you could publicise this opportunity
or circulate the information to anyone you may think is interested on
our behalf.
The deadline for applications has been extended until the 8th August to
allow late applicants to have the oppurtunity to apply.
Applications are invited the following WISERD PhD studentship in the
School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University.
‘Researching Elites in Wales’
Supervisors: Dr Sara Delamont and Professor Paul Atkinson
1+3 / +3 Studentship, to begin in September 2008
Many thanks
Vicky Parkin
Victoria Parkin
Graduate Studies Assistant
Graduate Studies Office
School of Social Sciences
Cardiff University
Glamorgan Building
King Edward VII Avenue
Cardiff CF10 3WT
Tel:(441)029 20 874972
e-mail: parkinva@cf.ac.uk
website: http://www.cf.ac.uk/socsi

Fees Paid MSc by Research 2009/2010 - UK
The University of Greenwich, School of Science is seeking applications from
suitable candidates to undertake an MSc by Research in GIS and Remote
Sensing applied to the archeology of the proposed World Heritage Site in
Chatham, Kent. The work will be carried out in collaboration with English
Heritage, Kent County Council and Medway Unitary Authority and will make a
major contribution to the future management and promotion of the proposed site.
The successful candidate will have a background in archeology or historical
urban geography together with competence in IT and some knowledge of GIS and
Interested candidates should contact:
Mr Fakhar Khalid
Centre for GIS and Remote Sensing
School of Science, University of Greenwich,
Medway Campus, Chatham, KEnt. ME4 4TB
Email: f.khalid@gre.ac.uk
Phone: 02083319723
Dr Mike McGibbon,
School of Science, University of Greenwich,
Medway campus, Chatham, Kent. ME4 4TB
Email: M.J.McGibbon@gre.ac.uk
Phone: 02083319729

PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience-Hamburg - German
The Department of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology (Head: Prof. Dr. Andreas K.
Engel) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Germany) invites applications for a PhD student position which is available for an initial period of 2 years, starting in October 2008.
The position is funded by the German Research Foundation project:
„Multisensory processing of pain: An investigation of neural binding mechanisms in
electrophysiological and hemodynamic brain responses”.
Main research interests of the Department of Neurophysiology are the dynamics of
distributed sensory processing, intermodal and sensorimotor integration, as well as
theories of perception, action and consciousness.
Current projects involve EEG/MEG/fMRI studies in humans or physiological studies in
animals. Further information on research at the Department of Neurophysiology can be
obtained at http://www.uke.uni-hamburg.de or http://www.40hz.net.
Applicants should have a background in psychology, medicine, biology or neuroscience.
Experience in human EEG studies or biosignal analysis is desirable.
For further details, please contact Dr. Daniel Senkowski (phone +49-40-42803-7047,
email: dsenkows@uke.de, www.danielsenkowski.com) or Prof. Dr. Andreas K. Engel (phone
+49-40-42803-6170, email: ak.engel@uke.de).
Applicants are asked to submit their CV and documentation of relevant qualification to Dr.
Daniel Senkowski (dsenkows@uke.de), Dept. of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany.

PhD position on extrasolar planets - Netherland
A 4-year PhD position is available at Leiden Observatory in the
field of extrasolar planets. The student will search for and
characterise planets transiting cool red dwarf stars. Planet
transits have proven to give unique and extraordinary insights
into the physical and atmospheric properties of hot, gaseous
giant planets.
Transits of much smaller, potentially rocky
planets (such as the Earth) can be studied towards red dwarf
stars. This is possible due to the significantly smaller size of
these cool dwarfs compared to stars of solar type. Several
planets have recently been discovered around red dwarfs,
including a Super-Earth (possibly within the star’s habitable
zone), and one transiting hot Neptune. Now is the time to
specifically target red dwarfs for transits, and utilise the
full potential of the transit method. The student will mainly
be working on analysis and follow-up of the WFCAM M-dwarf
Transit Survey, which has been awarded 200 nights of observing
time on the 4m UKIRT telescope to our international team.
For this project we seek excellent and enthusiastic candidates,
who are highly interested in observational astronomy.The
astronomy department at Leiden is internationally oriented and
hosts about 40 graduate students of several nationalities.
Further information about the department can be found at
Applicants should contact Dr. Snellen at the address below
for further information. Applicants should have, or soon obtain,
a masters degree in astronomy or in physics with a strong
astronomy component. Complete applications, including curriculum
vitae (with a list of courses and grades), two letters of
reference, and a letter explaining your interest
in the project, should be sent by the 8st of September 2008 to:
Dr. Ignas Snellen,
Sterrewacht Leiden, PO Box 9512, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
email: snellen@strw.leidenuniv.nl;
tel: +31 71 527 5838;
fax: +31 71 527 5819

PhD Studentships in Economics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
PhD Student in Economics
The chair of “Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy” has a job opening for a PhDposition.
We are interested in candidates who have completed the equivalent of a Masters degree and whose interests coincide with ongoing research at our chair. We employ and develop macroeconomic, strategic and cooperative thinking to analyze short- and long-term economic and political problems.
We suggest improvements, develop policy guidelines and design new institutions aimed at fostering the common welfare. Our?research can be subdivided into three areas:
* Area M: Macroeconomic Thinking and Economic Policy,
* Area I: Innovation, the Engines of Growth and Long-term Well-being,
* Area P: Design of New Organizations/Institutions and their Foundations.
Our chair is part of the CER-ETH (Center of Economic Research at ETH Zurich), which belongs to the Department of Management, Technology and Economics. The PhDposition we currently offer is planned for research topics of area P. As a PhD student in a leading research institute integrated in the ETH Zurich, you will conduct academic and policy-relevant economic research in an inspiring environment.
The PhD student will work under the supervision of Professor Hans Gersbach and other members of the faculty. Good writing skills and computing skills are essential. The main focus of the position will be on conceptual and theoretical research. The appointment includes opportunities for teaching related to the candidate’s field of interest. Fluent knowledge of English is mandatory. Master degrees in mathematics, physics or engineering sciences are welcome.
The appointment includes the opportunity to write a dissertation in the candidate’s field of interest. A PhD thesis is to be completed within three to four years. The salary will be in accordance with the regulations of the ETH Zurich. Applicants unfamiliar with ETH are encouraged to read the “Survival Guide - Handbook for Ph.D. Students at ETH Zurich”, http://www.aveth.ethz.ch/sg/sg2002.pdf
Applicants must submit a letter describing their background and interests, a curriculum vitae, contact information for two academic references and a sample research paper (or their master thesis) in electronic (PDF) format to mbuser[ at ]ethz.ch. In addition, university transcripts should be sent to our office manager Margrit Buser, Chair of Macroeconomics: Innovation and Policy, ETH Zurich, Zürichbergstrasse 18, 8092 Zurich, SWITZERLAND.
First consideration will be given to applications submitted by 15 August 2008, but applications will continue to be considered until the job advertisement is withdrawn from our homepage, http://www.cer.ethz.ch/mip/Positions/index

PhD Programs in Molecular Bology, Univ Vita-Salure San Raffaele, Italy
International Ph.D Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology
The call for the Ph.D. Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology for the academic year 2008-2009, is now opened
For details, please, contact Cristina Cerutti, Ph.D Office, at cerutti.cristina[ at ]hsr.it
The International Ph.D. program in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Vita-Salure San Raffaele University and The Open University emphasizes a broad background in cellular and molecular biology, preparing for research careers in academia or industry. During a three to four year training programme, students participate to academic activities and develop an independent research project, within one of the affiliated research laboratories.
The research staff of the San Raffaele Scientific Institute and Vita-Salute University operates at DIBIT, which is part of the largest biomedical science park in Italy, including the Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, the Stem Cell Research Institute, and research units from major pharmaceutical and biotech companies. The multi-disciplinary nature of DIBIT provides a stimulating learning environment, that is both collegial and collaborative, on the leading-edge of modern biological research. Core facilities for mouse genetics, bioimaging, proteomics, and flow cytometry are available (services)
Application Procedures:
DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: September 22nd, 2008

PhD Scholarships in Nanomaterials: Science, Growth, and Characterization, Oklahoma State University, USA
PhD position in Oklahoma State University nanoscience and engineering research group in Tulsa
Focus is on developing nanostructured materials for:
1) Thermoelectric energy conversion
2) Multiferroics
Both thin film and bulk synthesis methods are investigated.
Duties include:
* help to set up labs
* work on nano particle synthesis, and materials alloying
* measure their thermal and electrical properties
* optical characterizations
* device fabrication and testing
Expertise expected:
* Strong hand in electrical and mechanical tools
* Familiar with the basics of the semiconductor physics
Other expectations:
* Interested in the nano material research
* A careful person to handle contamination free processes
* Creative, hard worker, and persistent
The student is located in Helmerich Advanced Technology Research Center (HATRC). HATRC is a new research center in Tulsa, Oklahoma that started its work in November 2007. It hosts specialized laboratories that enables faculty and students to focus on the state of the art research in different areas including nano and MEMS. The student will have special opportunities to be involved in setting up the labs and learn neat physics and experimental research in the area on nano materials engineering.
Please email you resume to Professor Daryoosh Vashaee at: daryoosh.vashaee[ at ]okstate.edu

MSc / PhD. Research Assistantship in Chemical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Ph.D. in the areas of catalysis technology and reaction engineering. Students with strong interest in the areas of catalysis and reaction engineering are encouraged to apply.
Specific areas of interest include:
a) Heavy oil/residual oil upgrading
b) Fundamental catalysis research
c) Reactor modeling and simulation
Successful candidates will be fully funded. Interested students are invited to send your C.V. to Dr.Tye at chcttye@eng.usm.my

PhD Scholarships in Systems Biology at University of Luxembourg
PhD student (assistant) in Systems Biology (M/F)
The University of Luxembourg has a vacancy in its Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication for a Assistant- PhD student (Doktorand) in Systems Biology / Life Sciences
3-years contract, renewable starting October 2008 (or later)
Research area: Systems Biology - Life Sciences
Systems biological methods shall be used to investigate the systemic properties of inflammatory signalling networks in mammalian cells. Inflammation is a fundamental response of virtually all multi-cellular organisms to infection and injury. It is led on by a variety of signal transduction pathways tightly regulated and linked to other cellular events like apoptosis and proliferation. Strict regulation of this process is essential as errors can result in clinically relevant disorders like infection and sepsis, atherosclerotic disease and others.
The large number of participating components, their dependencies and multiple stimuli make the analysis of this signalling network difficult. Therefore a Boolean (logical) model of inflammatory signal transduction pathways shall be developed based on the current published knowledge and own experimental data aiming at a holistic (systems oriented) view. One focus will be on regulatory interactions between network components under different input-output settings and prediction of signalling scenarios in knock-out experiments. The project aims at the prediction and verification of experimental data, the examination of the structure and hierarchy of the inflammation signalling networks and the relevance analysis of the contained components.
* Prepare a PhD in Systems Biology
* Contribute to the teaching activities of the Faculty, especially in Systems Biology
* Diploma or Master in Life Sciences (Biology), Biotechnology, Engineering or comparable
* Preferably the candidate should have a strong background in cell biology or systems biology.
* Good written and oral English skills are obligatory, working knowledge in German and/or French is an advantage.
* research within an up-to-date field
* exciting interdisciplinary environment
* competitive remuneration
For further information, please contact:
Thomas Sauter
University of Luxembourg
162a, avenue de la Faïencerie
L-1511 Luxembourg
Office: Campus Limpertsberg
Tel: +49 711 6856 6611
Email: thomas.sauter[ at ]uni.lu
Url : http://www.isys.uni-stuttgart.de/~sauter/
Interested candidates are asked to send their full application (letter of motivation, detailed CV, copies of diploma, photo) until September 30th, 2008 by e-mail to thomas.sauter[ at ]uni.lu
The University of Luxembourg is an equal opportunity employer.
Application End: Tuesday 30 September 2008

Scholarships for International Students from Government of Malaysia
Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia invites applications from international students for the scholarships from Government of Malaysia for academic session 2009/2010. The scholarships are as follows: Download brochure and application form:
* MTCP Scholarship
* MIS Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies
* MIS Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies
* Commonwealth Scholarship (Comprehensive information is provided in the brochure)
A panel established by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia will finalise the selection.
Deadline: 31th December 2008
For further information about the scholarship contact: Ms. Norkamilah Zanial
e-mail: norkamilahz[ at ]mohe.gov.my

PhD Studentships in Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
The research group Information Theory and Systematic Design of Communication Systems has been established in context with the Cluster of Excellence, “UMIC - Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication” and is associated with the Chair for Theoretical Information Technology. The main research areas of the group are in the ?eld of information theory, game theoretical applications in communication systems and modelling, planning and optimisation of modern wireless networks. A new ?eld of the research group is the application of information theory to molecular biology, e.g., gene mapping.
A survey of current pro jects is given on the web at http://www.ti.rwth-aachen.de and http://www.umic.rwth-aachen.de
Your profile
The ideal candidate will have an excellent degree (Diploma, MSc or equivalent) in electrical engineering, mathematics, computer science, or physics. A strong background and special interest in information theory, analytical modelling, and engineering applications is expected. Fluency in English is required, in German bene?cial. Interested candidates are invited to send their complete application (including motivation letter, curriculum vitae, score records and, if available, a recommendation letter or names of two references, and their TOEFL or GRE score) by email or post.
Your duties and responsibilities
Willingness to assist in research projects and teaching is expected. The candidate’s work should lead to a Ph.D. degree in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of RWTH Aachen University.
The position is to be filled as soon as possible and is for a fixed term initially for 1 year. An extension is possible. Regular working hours are 39.83 hours a week. The option of undertaking a PhD is provided. The pay scale classi?cation complies with the labour agreement TV-L.
The RWTH Aachen is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from women. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Your contact person
For further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Schmeink, Tel.: +49 (0) 241 8020658,
Fax: +49 (0) 241 8022640, E-mail: schmeink[ at ]umic.rwth-aachen.de
Please send your application to
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Schmeink, UMIC Research Centre, RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 55, 52056 Aachen, Germany

PhD Research Opportunities in Micro- and Nano- Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland
The International Centre for Graduate Education in Micro- and Nano-Engineering (ICGEE) is an inter-university, inter-disciplinary and international organisation providing a student-centric doctoral research and education experience with a unique international flavor and perspective.
It brings together nine Irish partners, including:
Eight third level higher education institutions
Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT)
Cork Institute of Technology (CIT)
Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT)
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Trinity College Dublin (TCD)
University College Cork (UCC)
University College Dublin (UCD)
University of Limerick (UL)
One professional engineering accreditation body
Engineers Ireland
Five international partners
Chalmers University of Technology (CTH), Sweden
Fudan University, Shanghai, China
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France
Northwestern University, IL, USA
University of Edinburgh, UK.
The ICGEE offers:
A global curriculum with a wide spectrum of specialist academic courses from leading experts in Europe, the US and Asia World-class research opportunities. The opportunity to build an international peer network amongst the next generation of young internationally focused global engineering leaders.
Information for Applicants
Currently we are recruiting 1st and 2nd year PhD students. The application procedure and financial support available is different depending on which year of your PhD programme you are in. Please select the appropriate option:
1st Year PhD Candidate
2nd Year PhD Candidate
Information for 1st Year PhD Candidates
ICGEE Scholarships
An ICGEE scholarship of €24,000 per year over 4 years will be offered to all successful applicants to include a stipend (€16,000), travel and the equivalent of an EU Higher Education Institution (HEI) fee.
An application may be submitted to any of the Irish partner HEI’s within the ICGEE. Institutional affiliation is compulsory for admission to the ICGEE programme and the ICGEE admissions process will run in parallel with that of the selected host institute. The PhD research must fit within the ICGEE key research areas: Micro- & Nano-Engineering Design and Materials & Manufacturing. Potential candidates should have a first class primary degree or a Masters level education. For students whose first language/mother tongue is not English, an IELTS score of minimum 6.0 is required. Your application dossier must contain the following documentation:
* A signed ICGEE cover sheet (download the cover sheet here)
* Copy of Host University application form
A Personal Statement describing yourself, your scientific interests and why you want to join the ICGEE programme (max 1 page). Your application package should be scanned and emailed to info[ at ]icgee.ie
Information for 2nd Year PhD Candidates
ICGEE Scholarships
Students studying in an Irish HEI can avail of a scholarship of €6000 from the ICGEE programme that will provide for costs relatedto travel over the remaining three years of study for the PhD.
Potential candidates should have a 1H or MSc-level education They must have completed their first year of their current PhD in an Irish HEI. Institutional affiliation is compulsory for admission to the ICGEE programme. The PhD research must fit within the ICGEE. For students whose first language/mother tongue is not English, an IELTS score of minimum 6.0 is required. Your application dossier must contain the following documentation:
* A signed ICGEE cover sheet (download the cover sheet here)
* A Personal Statement describing yourself, your scientific interests and why you want to join the ICGEE programme (max 1 page)
* A CV
* Reference letter from your supervisor.
Your application package should be scanned and emailed to info[ at ]icgee.ie
Only applications received before 1 September 2008 will be considered.
For any additional queries, please contact:
Patricia Hegarty,
ICGEE Administrator,
Department of Microelectronic Engineering,
University College Cork,
Tel:+ 353 21 490 4575
Download a (printer friendly) PDF with this information from http://www.icgee.ie

Al-Madinah International University Scholarships - Malaysia
The Scholarship Programme is to assist students in completing their higher education goals. Al-Madinah International University (MEDIU) provides scholarships for students through funds received from private donors and MEDIU’s general funds.
In principal, scholarships will be awarded to students who are academically excellent but lack the financial resources to study at MEDIU.
Types of scholarship offered
MEDIU is currently offering full scholarships for students studying full-time (with a workload of 15 to 18 credit hours per regular semester) in the Bachelor of Islamic Sciences(Hons) and the Bachelor of Languages (Hons) in Arabic language and Literature. MEDIU may be offering partial scholarships for future intakes.
A full scholarship will cover the following:
* Tuition and other related fees
* Learning materials
* Partial living support allowance
* Students may receive a laptop on a loan basis from the University, which may be given to students upon successful completion of the degree course
Scholarship Eligibility
Students applying for MEDIU scholarships must meet the following conditions:
a) Applicants must remain a full-time student of MEDIU (with a workload of 15 to 18 credit hours per regular semester),
b) Applicants must not be studying full-time with any other institution.
c) Applicants must not already have a Bachelors degree in the Islamic Sciences or the Arabic Language.
d) Applicants must have good academic standing,
e) Applicants must provide proof of their financial standing/ income level,
f) Applicants must not receive any other full scholarship from any other organizations, and
g) Any other condition that may be imposed by MEDIU from time to time without prior notice.
- Application Procedure click here
- apply for admissions online click here
Closing Date
The closing date for the scholarship application for a new student is on the same closing date as the application for admission.
Application deadline: 16 Agustus 2008
For further information:
Student Services Department,
Scholarship Unit,
Al-Madinah International University,
11th Floor, Plaza Masalam,
2, Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah E/9E,
40100 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
email: scholarship[at]mediu.edu.my

Vacancy at PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk, is a public listed company serves approximately 3 Million subscribers in 2007. Under the brand of Fren, Mobile-8 is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia with CDMA technology and holds a nation-wide license using advanced technology of CDMA 2000 1X that enables us to continuously commit to provide better and innovative products and services to our customers. Fren are now in entire Java island, Madura, Bali, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. As part of our commitment to widen the operational coverage and enhance services around Indonesia, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:
Power System Staff
Job Responsibilities:
* Execute Power System O&M Activities
* Maintenance Power System (Rectifier, UPS, Battery, ACMSC Room)
* Min D3 Electrical Engineering
* 2 years experience as mechanic (related position)
* Experience in handling AC&DC Power System, Genset, Rectifier, Batere, UPS, Inverter Air Condition, Alarm System, etc
* Willing to work hard, under pressure and work on shift schedule
* Literate in computer, having AutoCAD skill is an advantage
* No Smoking
* English language competency
Marketing Communication Manager
Your responsibility will cover providing direct support to Product Management and Trade Marketing in developing strategic communications and promotional plans for each line of product and company’s objectives in overall. For that, you shall work closely with Product Management and Trade Marketing to align messaging and promotions of company’s business objectives and priorities.
* Leading strategic brand development and manage execution of marketing communications plans for lines of product critical to the company including packaging and commercial printing
* Managing marketing communications and related projects with emphasis on consistency, quality and adherence to budget. Driving effort to develop and delivering relevant, meaningful value propositions for each product and/or segmented audience
* Creating a range of marketing communication materials including advertising, media mix planning, brand activation activity, below the line and website content
* Developing and implementing quantitative tools to measure effectiveness of communication programs and tactics. Providing guidance to Product Management and Trade Marketing on development, distribution and impact of key messages, promotions, programs and engagement with sales
* Analyzing and evaluating existing tools utilized by Trade Marketing team. Recommending improvements where needed and assisting with implementation and integration of new systems as required
* Leading integration and alignment of marketing communications with strategic corporate brand initiatives and with other key stakeholders
* Managing vendor relationships with creative agencies, advertising agencies, media agencies and other outside providers of services that support Mobile 8 marketing communications
* hold a University Degree in marketing major
* has a minimum of 5 years working experience, with previous background in products/brand management in FMCG/Advertising/Telecommunication company
* posses both strategic-thinking quality as well as hands-on nature, sound interpersonal and communication skill (including negotiation skill), high adaptable trait and out-of-the box thinking attitude
Please send your comprehensive CV not later than 28 August 2008 to:
(Indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email)

PhD Student for viral genomics - Netherland
PhD Student for viral genomics as an imaginative science Nijmegen,
(Gelderland), 40 hours per week Radboud University Nijmegen
Job description
Between uncertainty and catastrophe: viral genomics as an imaginative
science Public audiences and mass media tend to be receptive to the idea
that we are heading for anthropogenic (man-made) catastrophes: dramatic
events on a global scale that can only be prevented if we (rather
drastically) change our behavioural patterns and basic attitudes, - or
develop a new generation of technologies and new forms of expertise in order
to prevent disaster.
This idea gives impetus to a broad variety of current
debates, ranging from concerns regarding ecological crises, sea-level
fluctuations and climate change (on the “macro” level) up to concerns over
nanotechnology and synthetic biology (on the “micro” level). It is against
the backdrop of these developments that viral genomics quickly becomes a
research field of eminent importance. Due to a number of social trends such
as increase of global mobility (notably air traffic) and of bio-mobility
(animals, bacteria, viruses etc.), but also increased population density
(notably in large urban centres) and climate change, the urgency of this
type of research is bound to increase. How to detect and counter-act the
emergence of new epidemiological threats to the health and well-being of
human populations, of new infectious diseases? Experts involved in this
field are facing a number of dilemmas. While policy-makers and mass media
expect solid knowledge and reliable predictions, viral genomics studies
complex developments characterised by high levels of uncertainty that call
for an imaginative approach. Moreover, by becoming increasingly involved in
the production of synthetic life forms for research purposes, viral genomics
itself will affect the boundary zones of life. The developments outlined
above raise a number of questions, such as: what is the role of the
catastrophe narrative in the governance of viral threats? How to assess,
from a societal perspective, issues involved in research with novel life
forms? The PhD researcher will address these issues in an interactive
manner, involving viral genomics experts as well as various societal actors.
The project will be conducted in close collaboration with VIRGO, a
consortium that studies intervention strategies for respiratory virus
infections. Output: Ph.D. thesis, articles, lectures (both academic and
University Graduate
Applicants must have a Master’s degree in philosophy or science studies. All research projects of CSG combine descriptive activities with normative assessments as well as interventions. Researchers (and project leaders) should display a willingness to engage in interdisciplinary collaboration, ambition to design and use innovative interactive methods, ambition to interact with relevant groups and stakeholders during the project, and must have excellent analytic capacities, excellent communication skills, and openness towards (and willingness to respond to) important scientific and societal developments.
Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science
Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.
Understanding and improving the interaction between society and genomics is the mission of our Centre, which is based at Radboud University Nijmegen. CSG is one of the research centres funded by the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI). Genomics is a rapidly growing research field with a far-reaching impact on healthcare, food, industry and the environment. Since 2004, CSG has been developing a programme on genomics and society which includes interdisciplinary research as well as innovative communication and education activities. In 2007, CSG received funding for an additional five-year term. The new programme (CSG Next) includes more than 50 research projects, most of them conducted in collaboration with other research centres of the genomics network. CSG research projects are carried out at various universities in the Netherlands and include a variety of disciplines (e.g. philosophy, STS, ethics and social science). All projects combine research with innovative methods for societal interaction and foster collaboration with genomics scientists, policy-makers and societal stakeholders. CSG offers an active and inspiring network of junior and senior scientists and scholars who regularly collaborate and convene to exchange experiences and views.
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: Eighteen months, with possible extension to four years
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional conditions of employment:
Salary scale: PhD scale.
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
prof.dr. H. Zwart
Telephone number: +31-24-3652038
E-mail address: h.zwart@science.ru.nl
You can apply for this job before 15-08-2008 by sending your application to:
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
RU, FNWI, P & O, mrs. M. Nelemans
PO Box 9010, 6500 GL, Nijmegen, NL
E-mail address: pz@science.ru.nl

General Linguistics - German
General Linguistics; Ling & Literature: PhD Student,
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany
Institution/Organization: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität
Department: Zentrum für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft
Web Address: http://www.zsl.fak13.lmu.de/
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Ling & Literature
The Munich Center for Language and Literature is offering 4 doctoral student
positions (C1, 50%, 2,5 years with evaluation after the first year) to work
research projects related to one of the Center’s linguistic focuses:
- Kontakt - Wandel” (Linguistics) or “Figuren von Textualität” (Linguistics
Literature). Further information regarding the research done at the Center
available at the website listed above.
The doctoral students participate in the International Doctoral Programme in
Linguistics “Language Theory and Applied Linguistics”. Further information
regarding the Doctoral Programme is available at http://www.lipp.lmu.de.
Application requirements are a university degree graded above average
Artium, diploma, state board examination, Master of Arts (”with thesis”),
Maîtrise, Laurea, etc.) in a linguistic subject, very good knowledge of
working knowledge of English and one other language.
The Munich Center for Language and Linguistics actively promotes the
internationalization of postgraduate academic education. Therefore,
who acquired their degree at a university outside Germany are preferred.
Applications should contain an outline of the dissertation project (max. 10
pages), a CV, an application letter, certified copies of all school leaving
certificates and university diplomas and degrees.
Application Deadline: 31-Aug-2008
Web Address for Applications: http://www.zsl.fak13.lmu.de/Bewerbung
Contact Information:
Dr. Caroline Trautmann

PhD positions Politecnico di Milano
Multiple PhD positions available at Politecnico di Milano T.U
Department of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano
58 PhD positions in Information Technology
Milano, Italy
The Department of Electronics and Information is actively looking for
applications from international students for the PhD program in
Information Technology.
The Department is striving to increase the number of students
international students and of students from other universities in Italy,
so as to strengthen our active international community.
Around 25 scholarships are available for students each year, as well as
a number of thematic scholarships for PhD thesis topics supported by
General information and admission policy is available at the
department web site at
or on the doctoral school website:
The grant amounts roughly to 36,000 Euro over the three years of the
PhD. Extra funding is available for participation in
international conferences, schools, and workshops. Accommodation grants
are available for international students.
Teaching and all activities are in English.
The official call can be found here, together with the procedure for the
on-line application:
The deadline is SEPTEMBER 1st (firm).
The Department of Electronics and Information at Politecnico di Milano
offers a common degree for PhD in Information technology.
Students can specialize in one of the research areas in the Department:
- Systems and Control
- Electronics
- Computer Science and Engineering
- Telecommunications
Research areas and research groups are described in the DEI web site at
In particular, recipients of this email could be interested in the
following position in the security area:
Description: In the context of the European Project WOMBAT
(www.wombat-project.eu) we are looking for a doctoral candidate to work
on the creation of algorithms and tools for automating the reverse
engineering and analysis of malware samples captured by a global network
of honeypots. The work will range from low-level disassembly and reverse
to behaviour-oriented analysis, through the use of different types of
machine learning algorithms.
Advisor: Stefano Zanero (zanero@elet.polimi.it)
Informal expressions of interest and enquiries for this position are
highly appreciated, even before the formal request for admission.
Other topics in computer science and engineering may be found at the
following website:
Further information can be requested to the PhD Program area coordinators:
- Systems and Control: Prof. Paolo Rocco, rocco@elet.polimi.it
- Electronics: Prof. Carlo Fiorini, fiorini@elet.polimi.it
- Computer Science and Engineering: Prof. Barbara Pernici,
- Telecommunications: Prof. Arnaldo Spalvieri, spalvieri@elet.polimi.it
To get in contact with current PhD students you can contact the PhDDei
Administrative information can be requested to: Danila Ferrara,
Cordiali saluti,
Stefano Zanero
Politecnico di Milano - Dip. Elettronica e Informazione
Via Ponzio, 34/5 I-20133 Milano - ITALY
Tel. +39 02 2399-4017
Fax. +39 02 2399-3411
E-mail: zanero@elet.polimi.it
Web: http://home.dei.polimi.it/zanero/

Research Fellowship in Zoology
An up to 4 year PhD student fellowship is available at National Centre
for Biosystematics (NCB), Natural History Museum, University of Oslo.
The Natural History Museum (NHM), University of Oslo, is the largest
of its kind in Norway with 150 employees engaged in research, teaching
and popularising the science of botany, geology, palaeontology and
The National Centre for Biosystematics (NCB)
(http://www.nhm.uio.no/ncb/) is a strategic, interdisciplinary
research facility at the Natural History Museum (NHM), which aims to
perform research in modern systematics and biodiversity on a high
international level. The NCB integrates research groups working on
plants, fungi and animals, which to a large extent utilize similar
molecular genetic tools in their research. The NHM has a modern DNA
laboratory with all necessary facilities
The position is connected to the project “Molecular diversity in
Scandinavian aquatic insects†. DNA barcoding (characterisation of
species based on a standardized genetic marker) is among the
prioritized research areas at the NHM. The project aims to
characterize the majority of described Scandinavian species among
selected aquatic insect groups (orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera,
Trichoptera and the family Simuliidae) molecularly, using DNA barcoding.
Applicants must hold a Master’s degree or equivalent in zoology. The
purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the
successful completion of a PhD degree. When evaluating the
application, emphasis will be given to the applicant’s academic and
personal prerequisites to carry out the project. A broad practical and
theoretical background in molecular genetic methods is required. Basic
knowledge of taxonomy among the relevant insect groups is an advantage.
SykelUiO has an agreement for all employees aiming to secure rights to
research results a.o.
Contact Person: Associate Professor Arild Johnsen, phone +4722851860,
e-mail arild.johnsen@nhm.uio.no or Research Director Fridtjof Mehlum,
phone +4722851723, e-mail fridtjof.mehlum@nhm.uio.no. A more detailed
description of the position is available at http://www.nhm.uio.no/
Pay Grade: 43-47 (NOK 325,800 — 349,100 depending on qualifications
and seniority)
Application Deadline: 31 August 2008
Ref. No.: 2008/8712
To apply please send three copies of the CV, certificates of
education, names and addresses of two referees, and a covering letter
outlining relevant work experience, to the following address: Natural
History Museum, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1172 Blindern, N-0318
Oslo, Norway
An extended applicant form must be completed and submitted together
with the application. This form is available at:

PhD Scholarship 2008/2009
Denmark. A 3-year PhD scholarship is available at Centre for Electric
Technology (CET) at Department of Electrical Engineering for
appointment as soon as possible.
CET offers outstanding career opportunities, has very strong relations
to the industry and focus on developing an intelligent electric power
system enabling high a share of renewable energy.
Description of the project
The focus of the PhD is to analyse and develop an optimal
voltage/reactive power control aimed for future power systems with
high penetration of wind power. A possible solution is to utilize the
reactive power control capabilities of active distribution networks
(sub-grids e.g. virtual power plants) and at the same time considering
the physical and operational constraints of the transmission grid. The
focus of the project is the development of a strategic approach for an
optimal grid response taking into account the capabilities of the
sub-grids with different operational modes. A novel artificial
intelligence based tool for optimal reactive power/voltage control
should be developed considering the stochasticity of distributed
energy resources.
The PhD project will qualify you to become a researcher while
developing your understanding of intelligent decision support systems
(I-DSS) for modern power systems. You will be part of a strong
research team at CET while expanding your personal network and
contributing to the world knowledge base of DSS. Continuous dialogue
with a network of multidisciplinary researchers will be supported
through CET.
CET was established in 2005 at Department of Electrical Engineering
with a strong industrial support. The centre, which is still under
development, aims at developing an electric power system increasingly
based on intelligence, automation and distributed control. Innovative
solutions is being developed to maintain a reliable and cost-effective
power system characterized by a substantial share of distributed and
environmentally friendly power production and an increased reliance on
markets. CET has strong collaboration with energy companies, utility
companies, manufactures of components and equipment. Further
information is available at http://www.elektro.dtu.dk/cet.
Required skills
Candidates should have qualifications corresponding to a master’s
degree in electrical power engineering or in informatics and computer
science. We are looking for a colleague who possesses the following
- Knowledge of the concepts of electric power systems.
- Knowledge of fundamentals in artificial intelligence based
optimization tools.
- Very good in oral and written English
- Good grades.
Information about the general requirements for enrolment and the
general planning of the scholarship studies is included in the general
rules of DTU, which may be obtained by application to the PhD
programme office at tel: +45 45 25 11 76 or +45 45 25 11 77.
Further information is available at
Further information
Further information about the PhD can be obtained by contacting
Associate Professor John Vlachogiannis iv@elektro.dtu.dk tel: + 45 45
25 35 79 or Professor Jacob Østergaard joe@elektro.dtu.dk tel. + 45 45
25 35 01.
To apply please send: 1) curriculum vitae, 2) documentation of (i)
examination certificate for bachelor and master degrees (ii) obtained
courses and marks (iii) the average marks of bachelor and master
degrees in percentage and (iv) the lowest but still passed mark of
your marking system in percentage, 3) two references, and 4) a cover
letter outlining the motivation for the PhD study and for this
particular project.
To apply open the link “apply online” fill out the form and attach
application. The application should contain all the 4 elements listed
above. Please specify where you noticed the announcement.
The deadline for application is 15 September 2008 at 12.00 a.m.
Material received after the deadline will not be taken into account.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion
or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.

4 PhD grants in Computer Science, Univ. of Genoa, Italy
29/07/2008: publication of competition announcement (G.U. n. 59 - 4a
Serie Speciale)
19/09/2008: application DEADLINE
14/11/2008: results of admission exam (based only on the evaluation of
information submitted with applications)
01/01/2009: start of courses
DETAILED DESCRIPTION of procedures for Admission to the PhD Programme
in Computer Science
For more information on the admission requirements potential candidates
should contact the PhD program Coordinator.

PhD in MRI Stroke and Dementia-Munich
The Imaging in Stroke and Dementia programme at the Department of
Neurology, Klinikum Großhadern, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich
invites applications for a full-time
PhD position / Post-doctoral Position in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The focus of our research programme is on translational approaches to
explore the neural correlates of cognitive and behavioural
dysfunctions in vascular cognitive impairment. An ongoing longitudinal
study involving more than 250 patients with a genetic variant of
stroke and VCI grants access to a unique resource of multimodal MR
imaging data (FA-and MD maps from DTI, 3DT1, FLAIR etc. available) and
comprehensive neuropsychological test results (see www.neurogenetik.de
and publication record). We are increasingly interested in
voxel-based-morphometry (VBM) and more advanced techniques to explore
structure-function relationships.
There is direct access to several MR scanners operating at 1.5 to 3.0
Tesla. Research activities are embedded in a center of highly
productive MR imaging research groups at Campus Großhadern.
Applicants should have a background in MRI analysis techniques (FSL,
SPM, Matlab etc.), programming and statistics. Interest in clinical
neuroscience and cognitive function would be appreciated. Applicants
will have the opportunity to pursue their own projects. The position
is funded for 3 years with an option to renew.
Salary will be based on qualifications with provision for bonuses. The
position is available Fall 2008.
To apply please send a CV and the names of 2 referees to Prof. Martin
Dichgans, e-mail: martin.dichgans@med.uni-muenchen.de
or phone:
Prof. Dr. med. Martin Dichgans
Neurologische Klinik
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Marchioninistr. 15, 81377 München
Tel.: +49 (089) 7095-3670 (or: -6670)
Fax: +49 (089) 7095-6679
Email: martin.dichgans@med.uni-muenchen.de

which will be held in October 2008
The training program will be organized for 16 months in Indonesia.
After finishing the program, you will be assigned at TOTAL E&P INDONESIE's sites in East Kalimantan.
General Requirements :
D3/S1 graduate/last semester students in any of these majors :
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Phycics Engineering
- Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
- Occupational, Health and Safety (K3)
* Minimum GPA : 2,75
* Maximum Age : 26 years
- Familiar with MS Office Applications
- Good English Proficiency
- Having Excellent health condition
Please apply through our website :
with code PET before 16th August 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
NOHA Mundus Scholarships
Deadline: 15th December 2008
The NOHA European Master’s in International Humanitarian Action has
been selected by the European Commission among the first Erasmus
Mundus masters courses for five years. This implies that the European
Commission will grant scholarships to highly qualified third-country
graduate students and scholars to students to follow the NOHA Mundus
Masters Course, to scholars to carry out teaching and research
assignments and scholarly work in the NOHA universities participating
in the Course.
Third-country graduate student
Third-country graduate student means a national of a third country
other than those from EEA-EFTA States and candidate countries for
accession to the European Union; who has already obtained a first
higher education degree; who is not a resident of any of the Member
States or the participating countries (EEA-EFTA States and EU
candidate countries for accession); who has not carried out his or
her main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12
months over the last five years in any of the Member States or the
participating countries.
The amount of the student grant is EUR 35, 600. Each grantee will
receive EUR 1,600 each month for living costs during the 16 months
duration of the program plus a fixed amount of EUR 10,000 to be paid
in two instalments of EUR 5,000 each per year.
Third-country students eligible for receiving an Erasmus Mundus
scholarship fall into two different categories: one general category
in which grantees can come from any third country and one specific
category (”Asian windows”) in which funds are earmarked for nationals
from specific Asian countries.
With regard to the general category NOHA consortium will reserve a 13
to 18 places for third-country students and 3 to 4 places for third-
country scholars every year.
With regard to the specific category (”Asian windows”) the NOHA
consortium will have the possibility to select 8 or 9 additional
Asian students every year.
Third-country scholar:
Third-country scholar means a national of a third country other than
those from EEAEFTA States and candidate countries for accession to
the European Union; who is not a resident of any of the Member States
or the participating countries as provided for in Article 11; who has
not carried out his or her main activity (studies, work, etc.) for
more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the
Member States or the participating countries; and who has outstanding
academic and/or professional experience.
The amount of the scholar grant is EUR 13,000. Each scholar will
receive EUR 4,000 each month for a period of 3 months and a fixed
amount of EUR 1,000.
Third-country scholars eligible for receiving an Erasmus Mundus
scholarship fall also into two different categories: one general
category in which scholars can come from any third country and one
specific category (”Asian windows”) in which funds are earmarked for
a scholar from China.
Please read more information at here.

PhD Studentships at the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research, Germany
Open position for a PhD student (IMK-IFU01-08)
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH is one of the largest natural science and engineering research institution in Europe. Our Atmospheric Environmental Research Division (IMK-IFU) of the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research has a long tradition in atmospheric environmental research, with its main emphasis on studying the impact of anthropogenic activities on the interactions between atmosphere and biosphere, air quality, regional climate, and hydrology. Studies in these research fields are characterised by an interdisciplinary and integrated approach involving field measurements, process studies and numerical modelling. Results obtained in these research fields are used for defining reliable and efficient mitigation and adaptation strategies.
For numerical modelling tasks within the project “Verification of the turbulence parameterization and the description of the vertical structure of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in numerical simulation models for wind analysis and forecasts (VERITAS)” we offer a position for a PhD student for a three year term as soon as possible. We seek a person who is interested in numerical simulation strategies in atmospheric environmental research and who has a master (Diplom) degree preferably in meteorology, flow engineering, mathematics or physics. Experience in numerical modelling would be an advantage but is not required. The work will comprise running mesoscale numerical models and the evaluation of offshore turbulence data.
The remuneration will be in accordance to the German public service regulations (TVöD 13/2).
The position is open immediately. Please send as soon as possible (but not later than September 30, 2008) applications with the usual documents to the address below (preferably by e-mail), from where you can get also additional information.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Stefan Emeis
Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research
- Atmospheric Environmental Research –
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH
Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
stefan.emeis[ at ]imk.fzk.de

PhD Studentship in Physics, Lancaster University, UK
Lancaster University invites applications for a fully-funded PhD position in its Department of Physics.
The successful applicant will join the largest low temperature group in the UK in one of the best physics departments in the country, graded 5*A in the last national Research Assessment Exercise. He/she will participate in topical studies of critical phenomena in and on liquid helium, including studies of quantum excitations and capillary turbulence on the surfaces of both liquid 4He and liquid 3He in the ultra-low-temperature limit. The work has wide interdisciplinary implications, including e.g. to space science and the mysterious creation mechanism of the giant rogue waves that occasionally appear on the ocean and endanger shipping.
The project involves collaborative research with ISIS at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. It is based on the unique combination of neutron reflection, ultralow temperature sample environment, and the deeply quantum nature of the helium isotopes. The PhD student will be based in Lancaster, but will participate in and help to develop the experiments at ISIS. Thus he/she will conduct low and ultra-low temperature experiments, work with quantum fluids and neutron facilities, gain wide experience in cryogenic engineering, learn the diverse experimental and theoretical methods required by the professional physicist, and be a part of a multidisciplinary research team. There will be opportunities to visit our collaborators at the ISSP in Chernogolovka, near Moscow, and for participation in international conferences.
This studentship, for up to four years, will be available from 1 October 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter. It provides a stipend at the standard EPSRC rate of GBP 12,600 per annum. Full funding is available for UK or EU nationals. Applicants should have a first degree in physics at the 2(i) level or above, or equivalent qualification in physical science.
For further information, contact:
Professor Peter McClintock (p.v.e.mcclintock[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk) or
Dr Andrei Ganshyn (a.ganshyn[ at ]lancaster.ac.uk)
Please include a CV with your enquiry.

Abe Fellowship in Policy-relevant Topics, USA
The Social Science Research Council (SSRC), the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership (CGP), and the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) announce the annual Abe Fellowship competition. The Abe Fellowship is designed to encourage international multidisciplinary research on topics of pressing global concern. The Abe Fellowship Program seeks to foster the development of a new generation of researchers who are interested in policy-relevant topics of long-range importance and who are willing to become key members of a bilateral and global research network built around such topics.
The Abe Fellowship Research Agenda
Applicants are invited to submit proposals for research in the social sciences and related fields relevant to any one or combination of the following three themes:
1) Traditional and Non-Traditional Approaches to Security and Diplomacy
Topic areas include transnational terrorism, internal ethnic and religious strife, infectious diseases, food safety, climate change, and non-proliferation, as well as the role of cultural initiatives in peace building.
2) Global and Regional Economic Issues
Topic areas include regional and bilateral trade arrangements, globalization and the mitigation of its adverse consequences, sustainable urbanization, and environmental degradation.
3) Role of Civil Society
Topic areas include demographic change, immigration, the role of NPOs and NGOs as champions of the public interest, social enterprise, and corporate social responsibility.
Research projects should be policy relevant, contemporary, and comparative or transnational.
Fellowship Terms
Terms of the fellowship are flexible and are designed to meet the needs of Japanese and American researchers at different stages in their careers. The program provides Abe Fellows with a minimum of 3 and maximum of 12 months of full-time support over a 24 month period. Part-time residence abroad in the United States or Japan is required.
* This competition is open to citizens of the United States and Japan as well as to nationals of other countries who can demonstrate strong and serious long-term affiliations with research communities in Japan or the United States.
* Applicants must hold a Ph.D. or the terminal degree in their field, or equivalent professional experience. Applications from researchers in professions other than academia are encouraged.
Contact Details
For further information and to apply, go to:
Contact SSRC staff at
abe[ at ]ssrc.org
212-377-2700 x423
Deadline: September 1 annually

Vacancy at PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara
PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PTNNT) operates the Batu Hijau copper/gold mine in West Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB). PTNNT is committed to becoming a leader in safety, environmental stewardship and social responsibility. The Company is inviting skilled, trained, highly committed and dedicated workers and professionals to be a part of our team for the position :
Manage all aspects of construction activities and projects in safe, timely and efficient manner with a high quality end result and ensure all aspects of works are coordinated property with project stakeholders.
* Engineering degree in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical
* Good command of English both written and spoken
* Computer literate (Able to operate Microsoft Word, Excel, and Project).
* 10 years of Construction Supervision experience with at least 5 years experience in mining Industry.
* Experience in Fast Track construction projects.
* Have knowledge of the Project Management.
* Have knowledge of the Project construction cost control.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction materials.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction Safety rules.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction Environment rules.
To lead and supervise mechanical/piping design engineering works for the Project Development Department.
* Degree in Mechanical Engineering
* Intermediate English competency.
* Computer skills in Microsoft Office, graphics software (Auto CAD or Micro station)
* At least five years experience in engineering design and construction in mining / heavy industry.
* Minimum three years experience as design engineering Supervisor.
* Specific computer skills appropriate to discipline.
* Effective interpersonal skills
* Able to manage lime effectively and prioritize tasks.
Implement Newmonts environmental policy in the Mine and Port area, which includes among others and not limited to: the Workshops and facilities, Mine, Drilling and Blasting, Load and Haul, Waste Rock/Stockpile Areas, Exploration areas, Port Facilities, Sediment Control Ponds, Mine Water Management, Reclamation areas. Ensure that all Mine area activities are in accordance with Newmonts environmental policies ANDAL, RKL, and RPL requirements, Government of Indonesia regulations and US regulations.
* A minimum college degree in environmental and or science-related field.
* Three (3) years minimum experience in program development to collect scientific data pertaining to regulatory compliance requirements with art emphasis on regulatory programs within the mining industry.
* Experienced in environmental compliance within the mining (similar) Industry.
* Understand on government regulations related to environmental.
* Strong computer skills and be competent mall Microsoft Office software programs.
* Strong team building, and interpersonal skills.
* Good conversational English and report writing skills.
To assist the project manager and superintendent project providing reliable cost estimation, forecast of project cost, schedule and resource requirements and ensure all project controlling functions are canted out in line with Newmont standards,
* Degree in an appropriate Engineering Discipline.
* Understanding of Engineering drawings, specifications and Data Sheets.
* Good command of English both written and spoken.
* Computer literate (Able to operate Microsoft Word, Excel, Project and Primavera).
* At least 8 years of experience in Engineering and Construction in mining industry.
* Ability to manage time effectively and: prioritise tasks.
* Experience in Fast Track construction projects.
* Have knowledge of the Project Management.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction cost control.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction materials.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction Safety rules.
* Have knowledge of the Project Construction Environment rules.
All applications will be treated confidentially and must be sent no later than 16 August 2008. Please specify position name and code you are applying for on the top right corner of your application letter. Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Send your application letter to:
HR Recruitment - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara
JI. Sriwijaya No. 258, Mataram 83126, NTB, Indonesia PO. BOX 1022
Fax: 0370-636318 Ext. 48042, a-mail: PTNNT.Recruitment@newmont.com
Vacancy at PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)
PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sangatta East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world. Coal Production target for 2008 is 46 mtpa and plans are underway for further expansion in 2009 and beyond to bring optimum economic return to the company and its stakeholders. Vacancies exist for the position of:
1. Superintendent - Power Station; Transmission and Distribution Project (code: SPES 1)
2. Superintendent - Electrical Project Overland Conveyor (OLC) & Coal Terminal (code: SPES 2)
3. Superintendent - Electrical Project CHF & Bengalon (code: SPES 3)
1. Superintendent - Overland Conveyor (OLC) & Port Stockyard (code: SOLC 1)
2. Superintendent - Marine Facilities (code: SOLC 2)
3. Superintendent - Shared Facilities (code: SOLC 3)
1. Superintendent - Coal Crushing and Handling Facility Project Northern (code: SCHF 1)
2. Superintendent - Coal Crushing and Handling Facility Project Western (code: SCHF 2)
3. Superintendent - Coal Preparation Plant (CPP) and Bengalon Project (code: SCHF 3)
1. Superintendent - Civil Project (code: SCP 1)
2. Superintendent - Civil Services (code: SCP 2)
1. Project Engineer - Civil (code: PEC)
2. Project Engineer - Mechanical (code: PEM)
3. Project Engineer - Electrical (code: PEE)
1. Specialist - Contract (code: PRO 1)
2. Specialist - Purchasing (code: PRO 2)
3. Logistic Coordinator (code: PRO 3)
4. Secretary to General Manager (code: PRO 4)
1. Mining Engineer (code: ME)
2. Senior Mining Engineer (code: SME)
3. Mechanical Engineer - Mining Equipment (code: MME)
4. Maintenance Planner - Mobile Equipment (code: MPM)
1. Superintendent - Expansion Project Safety (code: SAF 1)
2. Safety Coordinator - Expansion Project (code SAF 2)
1. Specialist Data Center (code: SDC)
2. Specialist Safety Information System (code: SIS)
3. Specialist Computer Training (code: SCT)
For detail key elements and qualifications please visit :
Attractive remuneration & benefit package will be offered. If your background meets the requirements, forward your resume (including details of present position & remuneration,
your latest color photograph) no later than 23 August 2008 to the following address:
PT. Kaltim Prima Coal, PO BOX 620
Balikpapan 76106, Kalimantan Timur
or E-mail to: recruitment@kpc.co.id
Only qualified applicants will be notified.
GE Oil & Gas
GE is a diversified technology, media and financial services company, dedicated to creating products that make life better. GE operates in more than 100 countries and employs over 300.000 people worldwide. (www.ge.com). GE s Oil & Gas business is a leader in the development and delivery of advanced product and service offerings for the oil & gas industry with a global workforce of almost 12,000 employees. (www.geoilondgas.com)
As a result of our Growth in Asia, we are recruiting Field Service Engineers with installation and/or maintenance experience on oil & gas equipment (gas/steam turbines, centrifugal compressors, auxiliary systems and control philosophy). We are seeking both Mechanical as well as Controls & Instrument Engineers for the following positions:
General qualifications for both positions:
* Electrical/Mechanical Engineering Degree or Diploma
* 3 - 5+ years related work experience, either in engineering or field activities in the oil & gas industry
* Good knowledge of oil & gas rotating equipment (gas turbine, steam turbine, centrifugal compressor, auxiliary systems and control philosophy)
* Ability to understand and implement mechanical drawings
* Good knowledge of English language
* Availability to frequent travel (on and off-shore)
* Strong analytic and problem-solving skills
* Good interpersonal & organizational skills
* Computer skills
Mechanical Field Engineers
* Good knowledge of heavy duty and aero derivative gas turbine, steam turbine and centrifugal compressor
* Knowledge of oil & gas maintenance equipment philosophy
Control Field Engineers
* Good knowledge of rotating equipment controls and instrumentation
Both positions are based in Indonesia.
Interested applicants are invited to apply by submitting a detailed CV to
We regret to inform that only shortlisted candidates will be notified for an interview.
GE is an Equal Opportunity Employer
For more information on our careers, please visit www.gecareers.com
Candidates can read and review GE Data Privacy Policy at the following link:
3 PhD-scholarship positions at the Mathematical and Meteorological Institutes of the FU-Berlin
*3 PhD-scholarship positions at the Mathematical and Meteorological
Institutes of the FU-Berlin are open.*
The positions will be incorporated in one of the graduate programs of the
Free University of Berlin (Berlin Mathematical School (BMS) or International
Max Planck Research School(IMPRS)).
*Salary:* Dahlem-Research-School fellowships (approx. 1500EUR/month after
The positions are available within a new project “Advanced Methods of Time
Series Analysis and their Application to Climate Research and Insurance Risk
Optimization” and are the part of the excellence research initiative of the
Free University of Berlin. The research project is aimed at development and
application of data-analysis techniques and advanced climate/weather models
in the field of climate change research and insurance risk minimization.
University degree with a track record above average in mathematics,
meteorology, physics or in related fields. Good mathematical and programming
skills are required.
*Contact Person: *
Prof. Dr. Illia Horenko
Institut für Mathematik
Freie Universität Berlin
Arnimalle 6
14195 Berlin
E-mail: horenko@mi.fu-berlin.de
Tel.: (+49) 30 / 838 - 75 347
Fax : (+49) 30 / 838 - 75 412

LOWONGAN BUMN: PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (2008)
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk, the biggest state-owned Telecommunication Company in Indonesia, now open job vacancy for fresh graduate of Gajahmada University (UGM).
The qualifications are:
1. General Qualifications:
* • Indonesian Citizen (WNI);
* • Willing to be placed at the entire Telkom operation area;
* • Free of narcotics and never doing criminals;
* • Have no job contract with the other company when assign Telkom Job Contract later;
* • Never join Telkom recruitment test before.
2. Specific Qualifications:
* Major / Degree : Accounting – S1
Management (Marketing) - S1/S2
Law – S1/S2
* Graduation Date : Maximum 3 years lately (max at July 1st, 2005)
* GPA : Minimum GPA 2.75 for Bachelor degree and 3.25 for Master degree
* Age at July 1st 2008 : Maximum 25 years old for Bachelor degree (S1) and 27
* years old for Master degree (S2)
3. How to Apply:
- Make application letter with these attachments:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of certificate and GPA transcript that have been legalized
- Two photographs (3×4 cm)
- Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian / SKCK (This document can be sent
Addressed to:
BANDUNG – 40133
• Direct submit the application letter through Direktorat Kemahasiswaan UGM not
later then August 15th, 2008
• Recruitment schedule will be informed on presentation session that will be held on
Monday, August 19th, 2008 at 09.00 a.m.