London South Bank University
MPhil-PhD Scholarships
Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management
Fully-funded: UK/EU/Overseas applicants
We seek applications for a research scholarship:
* MPhil-PhD in a suitable aspect of Business
The scholarships are for award to outstanding UK/EU/Overseas applicants and are intended to commence in the 2008/2009 academic year.
The scholarships have an annual bursary of £15,000 for the 2008/2009 academic year, and fee-settlement of the relevant annual tuition fee. They are to be offered only to new full-time research students. In the first instance they are offered for one year only, but subject to satisfactory annual progress, are renewable for each of a further two academic years.
You will need a distinctive and related Master’s degree, supported by relevant practical experience and a high standard of both spoken and written English. Applications are sought from all eligible applicants, in particular, those who obtained their Master’s degree from the Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management of London South Bank University.
The faculty’s business-related Research Institute and Centres welcome suitable applicants for doctoral level research training. Applications are invited from scholars wishing to undertake MPhil-PhD research within one or more of the business-related areas stated below:
1. Accounting, Finance & Governance (Centre for Research in Accounting, Finance & Governance)
2. International Business (Centre for International Business)
3. International Marketing (Ehrenberg Centre for Research in Marketing)
4. Not-for-Profit and/or Third Sector (Centre for Government & Charity Management)
5. Social and Financial Systems (Centre for Social & Financial Systems Research)
6. Strategy, Management, Leadership and Innovation (Institute for Strategic Leadership & Service Improvement)
To apply please send a recent CV, the names and contact details of two referees and a brief (circa 700 words) description of the research area that is of interest. Please quote ref: BCIM 02. In addition, you must also complete the standard form for admission to a research degree at London South Bank University available at: and sent it to: Dr Kenneth D’Silva, Director of Postgraduate Research Degrees Programme, Faculty of Business, Computing & Information Management, London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, England.
Informal enquiries about these scholarships may be made to Dr D’Silva on or fax + 44 (20) 7815 7891.
In all cases, fully completed applications must be received no later than 7 July, 2008.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
MPhil-PhD Scholarships - London South Bank University

International Master Scholarships in Italy
Italy: International Master Scholarships in Relational Communication and Fund Raising
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
PROPONENT: Patrizio Paoletti Foundation for development and communication, , a non profit-making organization committed to the research field of macro communication and development systems for the improvement of human relations.
ORGANIZATION: In-formazione S.r.l. – International leading company in training field.
PARTNERSHIP: Education Faculty of University of Perugia (Italy) and Luoghi Speciali (Special Places)
DURATION: 1st September 2008 – 31st August 2009
LOCATION: Assisi (Perugia, Italy) – the Master is residential
NUMBER OF SCHOLARSHIPS: 3 awarded by L’Albero della Vita Foundation
THEMATIC AREAS: Quality and Excellence, Relational Communication, Fund Raising and Social Responsibility, Communication and Training, Human Resources Management, Arts
TUITION FEE: € 24,000.00
FUNDING: € 24,000.00 for each scholarship
INTENDED AUDIENCE: women and men who: a) are resident and/or come from a developing country listed in OSCE DAC list; b) are resident in Italy or in other countries with a high economic development index, with a total income under the poverty line defined in his/her country by governmental statistical agencies.
ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS: a) 25 to 35 years of age; b) university degree in one of the following subject: economics, law, politics, sociology, medicine or in the following field: social work, training, education, psychology, public management, linguistic mediation, agriculture; c) good knowledge of English and/or Italian.
FAVOURABLE REQUIREMENTS: a) specialization in international cooperation, international affaire, local development; b) significant work experience in social field c) presentation of a social project regarding a pressing problem in the place of residence addressed to underprivileged people.
DEADLINE: 10th July 2008
m.benini[ at ] or c.carrara[ at ]
for scholarships: ufficioprogetti.fondazione[ at ],
to read the integral announcement:

PhD Studentships in Control Systems - University of Manchester
PhD Studentships: Control Systems
Robust Control Systems and application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - Control Systems Group
Dr Alexander Lanzon
Start date: September/October 2008
Closing date for applications: 31st July 2008
Scholarship funds are available to support top-level graduate students
(both home/EU and overseas), wishing to read for a PhD degree in Robust
Control Systems and application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. The funds
are available through an EPSRC project and the successful candidates
will work with Dr Lanzon in the Control Systems Group
Candidates should have a first or upper second class degree from a UK
university or an overseas equivalent. Excellent knowledge of modern
control theory and control fundamentals is essential, and demonstrable
mathematical strengths are desirable.
Interested candidates should formally submit a full application for
admission at the University of Manchester as soon as possible, and by
31st July at the latest. This can be completed online at:
It is important to ensure that all requested documents for a full
application are uploaded, including detailed transcripts of previous
university studies and two referee reports. Applications must state Dr A
Lanzon in the “Proposed Research Supervisor” field of the online
application form.
Informal enquiries should be directed to

Postdoctoral Fellow Positions Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology - Thailand
Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at Genome Institute, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
CALL FOR APPLICATION Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at Genome Institute, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand
Two full-time postdoctoral positions are available at the Biostatistics and Informatics laborabory, Genome Institute, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand, for a hard-working and motivated individual with a PhD degree in computational biology, bioinformatics, computer science, computer engineering or related fields with a strong background/experience in one of the following areas;
First project:
- molecular docking
- molecular dynamics
- drug screening
- drug design
The first project focuses on computational drug screening, small molecule/peptide inhibitor design, and drug target identification.
Second project:
- genome database engineering
- genome signal processing
- genetic epidemiology
- high performance computing
The second project deals with genotype-phenotype correlation of complex diseases.
For more information about postdoctoral positions, please visit at: or
Potential candidates should send a detailed CV, a description of your research, email addresses and phone numbers of three references to Dr. Ekachai Jenwitheesuk at
Dr. Ekachai Jenwitheesuk
Genome Institute
National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
113 Thailand Science Park
Paholyothin Road, Klong Luang
Patumthani 12120, Thailand
Phone: (66-2) 654-6700 ext 5565
Email: ekachai[ at ]
National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC) is one of four technology centers under the auspices of the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), an autonomous government agency in Thailand. The Center operates a number of research units, some of which are located at Thailand Science Park and some at various universities. Currently, BIOTEC employs about 150 researchers and over 200 research assistants and technicians. For more information, please visit

Government of Italy Scholarship Offer 2008-2009
Government of Italy Scholarship Offer 2008-2009 dan 3rd International Conference on Postgraduate Education
Bersama ini kami sampaikan pemberitahuan dari:
1. Embassy of Italy Jakarta presents its compliments to the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and has the honour to inform
that the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the
Fondazione Collegio Europeo of Parma (Italy) offers 20 scholarships on
Advanced Degree in European Studies for the academic year 2008/2009.
The scholarships, is addressed to graduates of jurisprudence, economy and
political sciences. Candidates should have at least passive knowledge of
Italian, English and French. Each scholarship recipient shall receive the
amount of Euro 1000. The deadline for application to the scholarship is
July 15, 2008 at 00.00 hours in Italy. Copy of the application to be sent
to this Embassy (Jl. Diponegoro no. 45 Jakarta 10310). Website

Thursday, June 19, 2008
Phd in Migration, NTNU Norway
Phd in Migration, NTNU, deadline 1 august 2008
NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS is a Research Company owned 100% by Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The activity is project based
and the majority of the approx. 100 employees are working with social
science research.
Vacancies: 1 Research Position (PhD fellowship)
NTNU Social Research Trondheim invites application for one three years
research position as PhD fellow in social anthropology. The position
provides the opportunity to work in an international research institution
with high academic standards and a cross-disciplinary environment. The PhD
fellowship is financed by the Research Council of Norway for a research
project on international/global work migration, identity construction and
subjective experiences of migrant workers.
Field research will be a
comparative study and will be undertaken in Norway and another country which
will be agreed upon between the research fellow and the research team. A
brief description of the project can be found at
We are particularly interested in applications from candidates with research
interests related to the topic of international work migration. The PhD
fellow will work closely with an interdisciplinary team of researchers, and
will receive close supervision from the project leader. Progress on the
doctorate fellowship will be supported through regular presentations at
internal PhD seminars as well as at international academic conferences and
workshops. A progress plan will be agreed upon between the candidate and
*Applicants must have the following qualifications*
- Hold an M.A. or equivalent in social anthropology
- Be fluent in English and a Scandinavian language
*In addition, as many as possible of the following qualifications are
- Background in organizational (or working life) anthropology;
alternatively in organizational psychology
- Knowledge on international labour migration
- Good skills in research methods and data analysis
- Social and communicative skills in order to be able to function in a
- Interest in and experience with interdisciplinary and international
- The candidate will be expected to be in residence in Trondheim and will
have a workplace at the Department of Social Anthropology at the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim. NTNU is committed
to promoting the careers of female researchers and to fostering a more
ethnically diverse work force. Women and persons of ethnic minority
background are encouraged to apply. The starting date for the position is 1
September 2008 or as early as possible thereafter.
*The application should include:*
1. A completed PhD Stipend Application Form:
2. A PhD project description of 3-5 pages, written in English and
outlining the following:
a) main research questions
b) expected innovation or «value-added» of the project
c) geographical location (s) of field research and d) a progress plan
including an overview of milestones/outputs
3. A curriculum vitae
4. Certified copies of transcripts from higher education
5. Contact details for three references
The PhD candidates will be responsible for applying to, and enrolling in a
compatible PhD program at NTNU. The PhD project description will be the
foundation of the application to the organized research training programme
at the Faculty of Social Science and Technology Management.
The starting salary for a PhD fellow at NTNU is according to standard. NTNU
Social Research has a pension scheme in the Norwegian Public Service Pension
Fund (Statens Pensjonskasse).
For more information about the Department of Social Anthropology at NTNU see and
Applications should be sent electronically to or
by regular mail to NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS, 7491 Trondheim, Norway, by
August 1, 2008. Please mark the application with «Stipendiatstilling»
Questions and queries can be addressed

Master Scholarships in Information System and Development Study
Deadline: June 30, 2008
scholarships are being made available to developing country applicants
wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester
one-year Masters degrees:
* MSc in ICTs for Development
* MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development
full (£21,000) scholarship is available on a competitive basis for
applicants to any development- related Masters degrees. One partial
fee-waiver (£5,500) scholarship is available exclusively for applicants
to these two information systems and development- related Masters
Applicants must have applied, received and accepted a formal offer by 30 June 2008 to be considered.
Further details of these programmes can be found at:
Do please pass on details to any relevant final-year undergraduates.
Richard Heeks
E-mail :
Development Informatics Group, IDPM, SED,
University of Manchester, UK

Asian Science Camp 2008
Asian Science Camp 2008
August 3-9, 2008, Inna Grand Bali Beach
Bali, Sanur-Bali, Indonesia
· A rare first-hand opportunity for 500 Asian
students / teachers to share thought with and learn from Nobel Laureates (in
Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Medicine) and other world-class scientists.
· International annual event to promote friendship
and cooperation among best Asian young students.
· Developing network among teachers/lecturers from
different Asian countries.
· Featuring:
Nobel Laureates & World-Class Scientists
· Prof. Yuan Tseh Lee Ph. D. (1986 Nobel
Laureate in Chemistry, Chinese Taipei)
· Prof. Richard Robert Ernst Ph. D. (1991
Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Switzerland)
· Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff Ph. D. (1996
Nobel Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra Rao
F.R.S. (2000 Hughes Medal by Royal Society, CSIR Centre of Excellence in
Chemistry, India)
· Prof. Masatoshi Koshiba Ph. D. (2002 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, Japan)
· Prof. David Gross Ph. D. (2004 Nobel
Laureate in Physics, USA)
· Prof. Myriam P. Sarachik Ph. D. (2005
L¢Oreal/UNESCO Woman in Science Laureate,
Physics Department, City College of CUNY, USA)
· Phyllis Osheroff Ph. D. (Stanford
University, USA)
Indonesian Scientists
· Prof. Nelson Tansu, Ph.D. (Lehigh
University, USA)
· Lim Yow Pin MD, Ph.D. (Brown Medical
School, USA)
· Dr.rer.nat. Johny Setiawan (Max Planck
Institute for Astronomy, Germany)
· Rizal Fajar Hariadi B.S., Ph.D. cand.
(California Institute of Technology, USA)
speakers/ researchers
· Dr. Laksana Tri Handoko (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Teguh Triono (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. Adi Santoso (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences /LIPI)
· Dr. rer.nat. Heri Haerudin (Indonesian
Institute of Sciences /LIPI)
Participant requirements:
· High School/University
student majoring in Physics/Chemistry/Biology/
Medicine, aged 16-22 years
· Has great passion in
· Good command of oral and
written English
· Will be able to fully
attend the 2008 ASC, with leave permission from school/university
· Submit two recommendation letters by principal and
science teacher regarding scientific
· Pass the selection criteria
For further Information,
registration and order of video documentation, please contact:
Sylvie +62 21 - 551
2584; +62 21 - 716 80499; 081 611 08204;

Postdoc position bioinformatics for toxicometabolomics NTC
At RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety, research cluster Toxicology
& Effect Monitoring.
job opening number:
Job description
You will be working at
RIKILT in the field of bioinformatics for metabolomics within the Netherlands
Toxicogenomics Centre (
The most important tasks will be the establishment of a pipeline and database
for the available metabolomics data from LC-MS, GC(GC)MS and NMR. You will
implement preprocessing strategies (p.e.
, quality control, data mining and statistics. You will interact with NTC
participants in metabolome data analysis of toxicological experiments. You will
also make interactions possible with text-mining and pathway programs. A tight
collaboration will be set up with the chair of Bioinformatics at WUR (Prof. dr.
Jack Leunissen) (
as well as the other bioinformatics participants within NTC. Within the Cluster
Toxicology & Effect monitoring at RIKILT you will be co-responsible for the
acquisition, implementation and management of food safety projects in this field.
What we ask
A Ph.D. with solid
experience in the area of informatics or bioinformatics, programming and
databasing, preferably with experience in analytical chemistry and biochemistry.
You are a real team player, innovator and stimulator. You are driven, result-oriented
and you have excellent communication and writing skills.
What we offer
A stimulating position
in pleasant and high-level work surroundings. We offer a fulltime position for
three years with possibilities for a two-year extension. Salary ranging is from
2812–4371 Euro per month depending upon experience.
For further
information on this position please contact Dr. Arjen Lommen
(, tel.: +31-317-480264 and/or Dr. Ad Peijnenburg
(, tel.: +31-317-480284. For Further information:
Please submit your
application letter with CV before the 2nd of July 2008 by e-mail to:

Curtin University of Technology Australia Scholarships
Deadline: August 31, 2008
Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (EIPRS) is
available to any international student wishing to undertake a Higher
Degree by Research at Curtin in 2009.
The Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarship provides:
� course tuition fee for two years for a Masters by Research and three years for a Doctoral degree; and
� Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the recipient and their dependants for the duration of the award.
No other allowances are available under this award.
Curtin University Postgraduate Scholarship (CUPS) living allowance will
be awarded to the top two ranked applicants in each awarding year.
Tenable at: Curtin University of Technology.
award is open to citizens of an overseas country (excluding New
Zealand). Scholarships will be awarded on academic merit and research
capacity to suitably qualified overseas graduates eligible to commence
a higher degree by research in 2009.
Please refer to the
Guidelines for Higher Degree by Research Candidates for infomation on
entry requirements at
currently enrolled in the degree for which an EIPRS is being sought,
who commenced their degree after 1 September 2006, are eligible to
Further Information:
Application forms will be available between 1st June 2008 and 31st August 2008 from this site or by contacting:
Office of Research & Development
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Telephone: (08) 9266 4905
Fax: (08) 9266 3793
E-mail: scholarships[ at ]
Opening Date: 1 June, 2008
Closing Date: 31 August, 2008
For more details, please consult the official announcement

Phd scholarship — University of Erfurt, Germany
Two PhD Scholarships
University of Erfurt, Germany (Germany)
Commencing 1 November 2008 the University of Erfurt will award two
doctoral scholarships via the Center of Empirical Research in Economic
and Behavioral Sciences (CEREB) and one post-doctoral scholarship for
women via the University of Erfurt.
The Center for Empirical Research in Economics and Behavioral Science
(CEREB) is a collaboration of researchers in economics, psychology and
organizational management. The members of the CEREB combine scientific
theory and empirical methods in their work in order to answer important
social questions. The researchers take advantage of synergies of
interdisciplinarity and cooperate with international research facilities.
Successful candidates will be able to work in an outstanding research
environment. They will profit from an innovative conception of mutual
team support and an intensive mentoring programme. With their research
they will be integrated into cross-disciplinary research teams, and in
this research-oriented environment will receive systematic preparation
for either an academic or non-academic career. The research-oriented
graduate training will be effectively supported by a corresponding
program of study and further education. The CEREB offers an
interdisciplinary doctoral colloquium, workshops, a short lecture
program, and financial support for participation in conferences.
Applicants for Scholarships must hold a Master’s or equivalent degree
with top marks, or a PhD in one of the relevant core areas. Scholarships
for PhD candidates are €1,000 per month and run for a period of up to 3
years. Postdoctoral scholarships are €1,500 per month and run for a
period of up to 3 years. Material and travel expenditures will also be
paid. In Erfurt each scholar will have a workstation at his disposal.
Scholars are requested to reside in Erfurt for the duration of their
scholarship. Participation in seminars of the respective graduate school
or the mentoring research teams is mandatory.
A small number of other doctoral scholarships are available for
outstanding individual projects in the humanities and social sciences.
The documents required for application include: - Proposal of the
dissertation or post-doc project (ca. 5 pages, including research
question, status quo of the research in the field, methodological
approach and hypotheses, time and work schedule) - Curriculum vitae -
Copy of the first university degree - Copy of the final or doctoral
thesis - Letter of recommendation by a professor
Applications may be submitted to: Erfurt University, Vizepräsidium für
Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Nordhäuser Str. 63, D-99084
Erfurt. Applications must be submitted in writing and electronically.
( The file must not exceed 2 MB.
Queries may be sent to Angelika Tetzel or Thomas Horstmann
(angelika.tetzel @ thomas.horstmann @, Tel.
+49 361/737 5040).
More information: About CEREB: About the scholarships:
Application has to be received by 12. July 2008.

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