Nomor : 01/PRCPNS/09/2008
Dalam rangka mengisi lowongan formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tahun 2008, Departemen
Perdagangan membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut.
Informasi lebih lanjut baca di sini.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Available position at Antam.tbk,
please go to their website :
Sweden PhD Jobs in Accounting, Finance and Marketing - University of Stockholm
Stockholm University School of Business is seeking applications for full-time PhD positions beginning January 2009 in Accounting, Finance and Marketing. Deadline 15th of October 2008. Reference No 617-2438-08
Qualification Requirements
To qualify for the positions applicants should have a solid educational background in accounting, finance or marketing. They are also expected to hold at least a Bachelor’s degree in the relevant areas. This should include an independent research project, such as a thesis.
Selection criteria
Selection is made on the basis of 1) the applicants’ documented knowledge in the relevant subjects, linguistic skills in English (both spoken and written), and analytical, critical, thinking ability and creativity; 2) a letter of intent outlining applicant’s planned research topic; 3) a personal interview; and finally, 4) two academic references.
To be included in the application are a short presentation of yourself, the reasons why you think you are suitable for the position, curriculum vitae, and copies of all certificates and the independent research project report (thesis) completed within the remit of the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree.
Application form:
Terms of employment
The research program comprises 48 full-time months, thus, these positions involve PhD-employment during this period only.
For further information contact: Director of Doctoral Studies, Torkild Thanem, Telephone: +46 8 16 46 43, e-mail
Trade union representatives: Bo Ekengren, SACO, Lisbeth Häggberg, Fackförbundet ST tel. +46 8 16 20 00 switch board, and Gunnar Stenberg, SEKO, tel. +46 70 316 43 41.
Relevant websites for further information
Stockholm University:
School of Business:
Applications labelled with Reference No 617-2438-08 should be sent no later than 15 October 2008 to:
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm
or by fax +46 8 16 38 66 or e-mail: registrator[at]

Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, University of Potsdam, Germany
We invite applications for the position of a Research Assistant / PhD student to
work within the Dialogue Group at the Department of Linguistics, University of
Potsdam, Germany. The position is initially for one year, with the possibility
of extension for an additional two years.
The successful applicant will work in the context of the project “InPro:
Incrementality and Projection in Dialogue Processing’, which aims to investigate
incremental processing methods for spoken dialogue systems. The main
resposibility for the incoming RA / PhD student will be in the area of dialogue
management. The team comprises one other PhD student and one Post-Doc.
Ideal candidates for the RA / PhD position have an excellent degree in
Computational Linguistics, Linguistics, or Computer Science, and have shown
ability for conducting original research. Prior work on dialogue systems and
especially dialogue management would be a definite plus. Good programming skills
are important, a keen interest in problem solving and research is essential. The
successful candidate is encouraged to work towards a PhD degree in Computational
Linguistics from the University of Potsdam.
The working language of the project is English.
We offer
- a competitive salary with all benefits (German TV-L 13 / BAT IIa payscale *
3/4, the actual salaries vary depending on age and family situation, currently
between 2000 and 2600 E per month)
- a dynamic and international working environment. (Computational Linguistics is
a growing part of Linguistics in Potsdam, which already is one of the larger
linguistics departments in Germany; there are also established
inter-disciplinary connections to e.g. computer science and psychology.)
- a nice (and affordable) living environment (Potsdam is a beautiful mid-sized
city just on the outskirts of Berlin, from where, if desired, Potsdam is in easy
commuting distance).
The position is open from December 1st, 2008 (or earlier), so candidates are
encouraged to apply ASAP and reviewing of applications begins immediately;
however, we are looking for the best candidate, so later starting dates may be
negotiable as well.
To apply, please send
- a statement of research interests;
- a cv, including details of research experience;
- if applicable, (links to) sample publications; and
- addresses of at least two referees
to Dr. David Schlangen ( ).
If you need further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Application Deadline: 27-Oct-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr David Schlangen
Institut fuer Linguistik, Uni Potsdam
Karl Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25
Potsdam 14476
Contact Information:
Dr David Schlangen
Web Address:

Young Research Fellow positions in Economics, Political Science, Computer Science and Engineering
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (Italy)
IMT is an Institute for Advanced Studies that aims to push the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. IMT attracts bright students, young researchers and professors through competitive, transparent procedures at an international level.
Research and PhD programs focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering. PhD programs are taught exclusively in English.
The campus system and residential services provided by the Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research (FLAFR) create a vibrant, close-knit intellectual community.
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca is seeking to appoint Assistant Professors and Post-Doctoral Fellows in the following fields:
- Economics
- Political Sciences
- Computer Science and Engineering
Preference will be given to candidates who have recently completed or are near completion of their Ph.D. degree, or candidates with experience in formal instruction at the graduate-level.
Assistant Professors and Post-doctoral Fellows are appointed for a fixed term of up to three years. Contracts may be renewed once for an additional three years (i.e. six years in total). The remuneration package is competitive at the international level and includes generous research funds. Additional benefits may be negotiated with select applicants.
Successful candidates for either type of position will work closely with other young researchers, graduate students, and senior researchers, and will have a limited teaching load in the school’s graduate program (e.g. one class per year). IMT believes that faculty and staff diversity contributes to excellence and is an equal-opportunity employer.
Additional information about IMT may be found at
Applicants are required to apply on line:
- Call for Applications in Economics
- Call for Applications in Political Sciences
- Call for Applications in Computer Sciences and Engineering
In addition, at least two letters of reference must be e-mailed as attachments (preferred format: PDF) to: yrf.opening[ at ] or by mail to the following address:
Job Openings 2009 – YRF
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies
Piazza San Ponziano, 6
55100 Lucca – Italy
Deadline: 1 December 2008

MA Scholarships in Politics and International Relations
Belgium - Applications are invited for two scholarships for politics students wishing to begin their studies at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies in January 2009.
The University of Kent has established a studentship fund of £1.5M to support research students. This fund allows the University to provide support for more than 100 students in any one year.
Successful candidates will be registered at the University of Kent as full-time students on one of the five politics programmes offered at UKB (listed below) and will receive payment to cover 50% of their tuition fees.
hese scholarships are open to students of all nationalities and are valid for the following programmes:
* MA in International Relations
* MA in International Conflict Analysis
* MA in International Political Economy
* MA in European Public Policy
* MA in Political Strategy and Communication
In order to be considered for the scholarship, candidates must both apply for admission to one of these masters programmes and submit a separate scholarship application, no later than the closing date of 15 October 2008.
To submit an application for admission to an eligible MA programme, please follow the instructions as detailed on the following URL:
Applicants should normally have obtained, or be about to obtain, a relevant undergraduate degree, with an overall First or Upper Second Class Honours result, or equivalent. No application for admission is considered complete until all supporting documents have been received by the university.
Once you have submitted your application to study at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies (with all the required documentation) , in order to apply for the scholarship, you should send a letter/email to ukbschols2[a-t]kent. confirming your wish to be considered for a scholarship and explaining why you believe you should be awarded one. To help you decide what to write, you should be aware that the Scholarships Board is looking for academic excellence as well as academic potential. If it helps, imagine that you are standing in front of the members of the Board and have one chance to tell them about yourself and why you want the scholarship.
For politics students starting in January 2009, your scholarship application must be received no later than 17h00 CET on the closing date of 15 October 2008.
Successful candidates will be informed of the results by Friday 21 November 2008.
For further information, please contact:
Dr Stefan Rossbach
Director of Research
Department of Politics and International Relations
Room R N4.3
Rutherford College
University of Kent
Kent CT2 7NX

Lecturer Jobs at The University of Sydney
The School of Mathematics and Statistics is a large School with diverse
research strengths. We invite applications for two positions in* **
Statistics* (Ref No. 139797) and one position in *Financial
Mathematics*(Ref No. 139804). These are opportunities to contribute to
the growth of the School and its international research standing in these areas.
The current areas of research in Statistics and Probability are asymptotic
approximations and limit theorems, applied probability, including
applications in financial mathematics, time series, extreme value theory,
generalized linear models, bioinformatics and biological models.
Current research
interests related to Financial Mathematics include asymptotic methods,
computational mathematics, dynamical systems, ordinary differential
equations and partial differential equations.
For more information or to apply online, please visit:
- Statistics (Ref No. 139797) -
- Financial Mathematics (Ref No. 139804) -
*Closing Date:* 24 October 2008
Warm Regards,
*Natalia Rosa*| Junior Researcher
The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
Level 3 | The Box Factory| 1-3 Ross St
P 61 2 9561 9117 | 9351 5880
File #58647C190C2E25
You are receiving this email because you are a member of our private contact
database. If you do not wish to receive similar email messages in the future
and to see our contact information please click here
Postdoctoral Researcher Positions Columbia University
Postdoctoral Researcher Positions on Video Event Detection and Retrieval at Columbia University, USA
Columbia University Digital Video and Multimedia group is looking for a postdoc researcher to join projects on video event detection and retrieval. Candidates with strong analytic background and software prototyping skills are preferred. Experiences with video content analysis, video event detection, and machine learning are required. The DVMM Lab at Columbia University is dedicated to research of new systems, algorithms, and theories for multimedia content analysis, search, protection, and transmission.
Current research activities focus on multimedia retrieval, semantic concept detection and search, image forensics, and emerging Internet media computing applications.
Interested candidates may send research statement and resume to Prof. Shih-Fu Chang (sfchang[ at ]

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Eiffel Scholarhips Programme 2009/2010, France
Deadline: Vendredi, 9 janvier 2009
The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs launched the
Eiffel excellence scholarship programme in January 1999 to support
French centres of higher education in their international outreach
initiatives, in a context of mounting competition among developed
countries to attract elite students from overseas. In 2005, the
scheme was extended with the Eiffel Doctorate programme, addressing
high-calibre PhD students.
For greater clarity, the French Ministry of Foreign and European
Affairs is now introducing a single application procedure for its
Eiffel Scholarship and Eiffel Doctorate Scholarship programmes.
The new Eiffel programme thus covers two types of course:
Master’s postgraduate degree course
Ten-month co-tutored or co-managed component (preferably second or
third year) of PhD course
The objectives of the Eiffel excellence programme run by the French
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs remain unchanged, the first
being to offer French higher-education opportunities for future
public- and private-sector decision-makers in three priority areas:
science; economics & management; and law & political science.
Égide - Programme Eiffel
28 rue de la Grange-aux-Belles
75010 Paris
(see the map)
Tél. : + 33 1 40 40 59 30
Télécopie : + 33 1 40 40 59 24
Mél. :

18 PhD Positions in Chemistry, University of Warsaw, Poland
A new International PhD program - supported by the Polish Foundation
of Science - is offered by the Faculty of Chemistry, University of
Warsaw, Poland.
Deadline: 1 January 2009
The program designed in cooperation with well-recognized
international research Partner institutions is entitled
“From simple molecules to nanostructured and bioactive materials”
It is divided into four thematic lines reflecting increasing
complexity of the studied materials:
Simple systems with complex molecular interactions,
Nanostructured materials and biomaterials,
From new materials to devices
and Biomacromolecules and therapeutic systems - modeling and
Students from all countries are invited to apply. The Program aims to
train future scientists able to work in highly competitive
environment and with abilities to work across disciplines.
Duration of the program is 4 years, including 6-24 months spent
abroad in the foreign Partner institutions.
Up to 18 students will be admitted to the first or second year of the
International PhD studies. The successful candidates will be able to
choose a Principal Supervisor and select the subject of the project
(download subjects of theses).
A fellowship of 3000 PLN/month (tax-free) + 500 PLN/month (insurance)
is offered, which compares well with the average salary in Poland. An
additional allowance of 1500 PLN /month will be provided for the stay
at the foreign partner institution.
Tuition fees for all coursework and health insurance are covered by
the fellowship. The University will assist in finding accommodation.
Good luck with your application.
We look forward to welcoming you as a student!

Australia Monash Graduate Scholarship
The Monash Graduate Scholarship is available to Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents and international students. Award holders receive an annual stipend paid fortnightly and may also be eligible for allowances, such as an establishment allowance, a relocation allowance and thesis allowance. Approximately 100 awards are offered annually.
Deadline: 31 Oct 2008
To be eligible for an MGS, applicants must:
hold a bachelors degree with first class honours, or a qualification deemed equivalent, from an Australian or overseas tertiary institution
be undertaking a research masters, PhD or professional doctorate, and
intend to be enrolled as a full-time student upon commencement of the award or, in exceptional circumstances, be granted approval for a part-time award.
Applicants are ineligible for an MGS if they:
have already completed a research masters degree or equivalent, unless:
intending to undertake a PhD or research professional doctorate, or
there is a significant change in research direction.
hold a PhD or professional doctorate or equivalent, unless there is a significant change in research direction
have previously held an MGS for more than six months, unless in the case of a PhD or professional doctorate candidate the prior award was for a research masters degree
are currently receiving another equivalent award, scholarship or salary to undertake the research higher degree, providing a benefit greater than 75% of the MGS stipend rate, or
are enrolled or are intending to enrol as a research candidate under Monash’s external mode regulations.
Closing Date for applications is 31 October 2008
Futher Information
For further details onApplication procedure, please follow the link below:

PhD Studentship Kings College London
Three-year PhD Studentship
Developmental Neuropsychology & Neuroimaging
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/SGDP
The Institute of Psychiatry (IOP), Kings College London is advertising a 3-year PhD Studentship within the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/SGDP, Section of Developmental Neuropsychology & Neuroimaging, starting in January 2009.
The PhD is funded by the Department of Health via the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Specialist Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) for Mental Health award to South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) and the IOP at KCL, London.
The aim of the project is to study the effects of pharmacological manipulations on functional brain activation in children & adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) during disorder relevant cognitive functions. The project is collaborative between the Departments of Child Psychiatry and the Department of Psychological Medicine (Prof Declan Murphy), IOP, King’s College London.
The Section of Experimental Psychology and Neuroimaging of Childhood Disorders, headed by Professor Katya Rubia, is part of the Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry and is located at the MRC-Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre (SGDP). The Section uses a comprehensive and multimodal approach to elucidate the cognitive, neurocognitive and neurobiological basis of childhood disorders, using neuropychology together with functional, structural and pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging. This project will investigate the comparison between two clinically overlapping, and relatively prevalent childhood disorders, i.e. ADHD and ASD, in their brain activation, brain structure and their neurofunctional response to psychopharmacological manipulations. The psychopharmacological manipulations will involve Dopamine, Noradrenaline, and Serotonin agonists to elucidate underlying neurotransmitter abnormalities in patients.
The IOP, King’s College London achieved a 5* rating in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise, the highest possible rating for quality. The Departments of Child Psychiatry/SGDP and Psychological Medicine, have an international reputation for the study of child psychiatry.
Successful candidates will have a first degree in Psychology, Pharmacology, Medicine, or any related Neuroscience area. Relevant experience with statistical data analysis, neuropsychology, neuroimaging, or neuropsychopharmacology are desirable.
The pay will be £15,076k p/a (plus annual increments).
Further information can be obtained from Prof Katya Rubia (
To apply, please fill in sections 1, 2, 9, 11 and 12 of the KCL application form, along with the equal opportunities statement. The form is available to fill in online, at Please insert reference “Katya Rubia” in box 10.
You should also send your CV with a covering letter to the address below. In the letter you must include:
i) your research interests
ii) two academic referees
iii) a 1-2 page summary of the neurobiology or neuropsychology of either ADHD or ASD (focussing on any area of your choice, neuropsychology, functional and/or structural imaging, genetics, neurotransmitter/pharmacological research or a combination of any of these)
iv) whether you are an overseas/home or EU student
v) where you saw this advert
Address for applications and enquiries: Prof Katya Rubia, MRC SGDP Centre (Box PO46), Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AF. Tel: 020 7848 0463 or email:
Closing date: 30th October.
Only candidates short listed for interview will be contacted.
Working towards Equal Opportunities

PhD-position in Logics for multi-agent systems
At Bergen University College, Bergen, Norway, there is an open position
for a PhD student in the area of logics for multi-agent systems.
The position is full-time for four years. Salary starts at NOK 353 200
gross per year (appr. EUR 43 000 per year). Closing date for
applications is 1 November 2008.
For a description of the position and application procedure, see:
Contact: Dr. Thomas Ågotnes,, +47 55587229

Research Positions Humanities and Social Sciences
The University of Konstanz is one of the nine Universities of Excellence in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The Zukunftskolleg is a central scientific institution of the University of Konstanz for the promotion of young scientists in the natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. It forms a platform for interdisciplinary discourse between distinguished researchers in Germany and abroad, and provides young scientists with resources for obtaining third-party funding.
We are offering
5 Research Positions (up to Salary Scale 14 or 15 TV-L)
ranked according to the applicant’s personal level of qualification, assigned duties and responsibilities for the development and implementation of individual research projects / research groups. The initial appointments will commence on April 1st, 2009 and will end on September 30th, 2010.
For further information please visit our homepage: .
Applicants should send their application form - including the reference number 2008 / 202 - (see ), their project outline (maximum length 6 pages), a letter of motivation (one page), application documents (curriculum vitae, publication list, relevant degree certificates) and a reading excerpt (maximum length 30 pages) as a PDF file to: zukunftskolleg[ at ] .
Deadline: November 30th, 2008

Doctoral Degree Program in Japan from AUN/SEED-Net
AUN/SEED-Net (ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network) menawarkan beasiswa “Doctoral Degree Program in Japan” untuk periode perkuliahan September 2009 - Maret 2010, di universitas-universitas sbb.: Hokkaido University, Keio University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Tokai University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology dan Waseda University.
The AUN/SEED-Net Project with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) provides scholarships for prospective applicants from AUN-SEED/Net Member Institutions to pursue doctoral degrees in engineering at one of the following Japanese Supporting Universities:
Hokkaido University, Keio University, Kyoto University, Kyushu University, Tokai University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Toyohashi University of Technology, University of Tokyo, Shibaura Institute of Technology, and Waseda University.
The fields of study that can be supported by the AUN/SEED-Net are as follows:
Civil Engineering (CE), Chemical Engineering (ChE), Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE), Environmental Engineering (EnvE), Geological Engineering (GeoE), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Manufacturing Engineering (ManuE), Materials Engineering (MatE), and Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering (ME/AE).
Under the above 9 fundamental engineering fields, applicants, if interested, may also propose any research topic(s) related to the new five (5) interdisciplinary areas (Biotechnology, Disaster Mitigation, Environment, Natural Resources/Materials, and New/Renewable Energy).
Although studying outside ASEAN countries, students under the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan are encouraged to participate in AUN/SEED-Net’s network activities (e.g. AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference, Collaborative Research activities, etc.) so as to create, maintain, and deepen the linkage with Member Institutions (student’s sending institution and/or student’s hosting institution when pursued master’s degree).
(1) Applicants must have a research-based master’s degree in relevant engineering field or to be awarded the master’s degree before starting doctoral degree study.
(2) Applicants should be ranked within top 10% of the class for Bachelor’s Degree, in principle, (a certified document of class rank is required).
(3) Applicant should have a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3 or more in the 4-scale grading system or at least 7.5 in the 10-scale grading system, with some English competency.
(4) Applicants must be outstanding graduates of Master’s Degree Program of AUN/SEED-Net Project, or outstanding young teaching staff or research staff of Member Institutions, who are strongly motivated to have a professional career as teaching staff at Member Institutions.
(5) Applicants, in principle, should have at least one recent (not older than 2 years) research publication in refereed national or international journal.
(6) Applicants must be under the age of 35 at the time of enrollment and capable of carrying out independent research.
The duration of the scholarship is strictly three years.
Coverage of the Scholarships: Tuition fees, living expenses, health insurance, and a round-trip air ticket will be provided as per JICA regulations.
The applicants for the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan submit the AUN/SEED-Net’s Application Form for Scholarship along with other required documents (please refer to Application Form of the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan 2009, Item No. 12-13) to the contact person of the Member Institutions to which the applicants belong (sending institutions). (List of contact person at each Member Institution is given in Attachment 3.) Please note that at this stage there is no need to submit application form of Japanese Supporting Universities.
(2) The contact person of each sending institution sends a collection of Application Forms endorsed by the Member Institution to the AUN/SEED-Net Project. Please note that individual application sent to AUN/SEED-Net Project will not be accepted.
However, Sending Institutions could submit the collection of application forms more than once towards the Deadline.
(In case of applicants studying overseas, Application Forms as well as other required documents can be submitted directly to AUN/SEED-Net, provided that the applicants request the contact person of their respective Sending Institution to submit an endorsement letter to AUN/SEED-Net.)
(3) The AUN/SEED-Net Project will check all required documents and request missing
documents from applicants through Sending Institutions, if necessary.
(4) The AUN/SEED-Net Project will conduct initial screening and send the results to applicants’ sending institutions. At the same time, the AUN/SEED-Net Project will consult with concerned Japanese Supporting Universities for possibility of accepting the applicant in the event that the applicant is awarded a scholarship and passes the entrance examination.
*Applicants are encouraged to contact by themselves a prospective advisor of your
preference at a Japanese Supporting University for consent on acceptance in the event the applicant is awarded a scholarship and passes the entrance examination. It will be an advantage in the screening process if the applicant can obtain and enclose such consent letter (or copy of e-mail communication) from a prospective advisor in this application as it can fasten the screening process.
(5) After the communication with Japanese Supporting Universities, the AUN/SEED-Net
Project prioritizes the applicants and sends the result to JICA Headquarters. JICA
Headquarters then make the decision on the selection of the successful applicants by April 2009.
(6) The AUN/SEED-Net Project informs the results to the Member Institutions to which the applicants belong in April 2009, and provides the scholarship awardees with the respective Japanese Supporting Universities’ Application Forms.
(7) The process after sending the Japanese Supporting Universities’ Application Forms may be different from country to country. AUN/SEED-Net, in cooperation with the JICA Local Office in the respective countries, will advise the scholarship awardees on the necessary procedures.
Submission Deadlines of the Application Form
Applications for the Doctoral Degree Program in Japan should be submitted both in soft copy and in printed form, by October 31 (Fri), 2008 to the AUN/SEED-Net Project. They must be signed by the Dean or the Representative of the AUN/SEED-Net Member Institution to which the applicants originally belong.

PhD Scholarship in Sociality and Cognition in Carrion Crows, Valladolid University, Spain
A four-year funded PhD studentship is available at the University of Valladolid to investigate the relationship between sociality and cognition in carrion crows. Recent investigation on different corvid species has revealed surprisingly advanced cognitive abilities that sometimes rival those of non-human primates. In some species the individuals proved to possess the “theory of mind”, that is the ability of attribute mental states and intentions to other individuals, and to modify their own behaviour according to the intentions attributed to others.
Sociality is though to be a key factor promoting the evolution of intelligence, which appears to be more advanced in species that live in stable groups. However, the adaptive function of intelligence in these species is not yet clear, as it is not fully known how these cognitive abilities are used in nature, what kind of problems they contribute to solve, and how they influence individual decisions in a changing social environment. We intend to address questions about social environment, cognitive abilities, adaptive function of intelligence and cooperative solution of problems in carrion crows kept in captivity.
Supervisors: Dr Vittorio Baglione (University of Valladolid); Dr Daniela Canestrari (University of Granada).
Requisites for applicants
Bachelor degree in Biology, Natural Sciences, Psychology
Master degree or related title (e.g. obtained through a 2 years program of research or specialization)
Good knowledge of English (certified through an official examination like IELTS, TOEFL, or similar)
Aptitude of working in a group, and capability of developing an independent research line
How to Apply
Send us an email to info[ at ], explaining the reasons for applying as PhD student in our project, research interests, and previous experience.
Please include: A complete CV with indication of the requisites stated above; two presentation letters from former professors or employers; a research project of maximum 2 A4 sheets, written in English.
The deadline for applications is 30/10/2008
More information at

Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University, USA
Postdoctoral Position in Genetic / Genomic Research in Apple, Cornell University, USA
A full-time postdoctoralassociate is sought for genetic/genomic studies in apple (Malus x domestica). The project will focus on studying genes influencing plant architecture, fruit quality and disease resistance. Genetic maps will be developed and new molecular markers will be identified. The successful candidate will develop and use genomics tools for the genetic enhancement of apple, and is expected to contribute to a variety of studies within the apple genetic improvement program.
Cornell University is a bold, innovative and inclusive teaching and research university of academic distinction and public service where staff, faculty, and students alike are challenged to be active citizens of the world.
Applicants should have a PhD in Plant Genetics/Genomics, Plant Breeding, Plant Molecular Biology or related disciplines. Hands-on experience in diverse PCR-based markers systems and linkage map construction is required. Experience in marker development and linkage analysis in allopolyploids is desired. A strong theoretical background in Statistical Genomics will be viewed favorably. Association mapping, genomic sequence analysis, genomic data mining and bioinformatics experience is surely desireable. Candidates should have a proven record of research productivity and proficiency and the ability to work collaboratively with other researchers and graduate students. Excellent English written and oral communication skills are required. Salary is commensurate with experience and education.
The position will be under the supervision of Dr. Susan Brown, Herman M. Cohn Professor of Horticultural Sciences and Director of the Tree Fruit Genomics Initiative, Department of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University, 630 West North Street, 120 Hedrick Hall, NYSAES, Geneva, NY.
To apply, send or e-mail curriculum vitae,list of publications,statement of research interests, and phone numbers and full contact information of at least 3 references to: Dr. Susan Brown, (Email: skb3[ at ] at the above address.
Review of applications will begin immediately. The position start date isas soon as possible, but a later start date is negotiable.

PhD Scholarships in the Area of IDM Co-Space, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
PhD Scholarships in the Area of IDM Co-Space, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
A few scholarships in the area of mathematics, geometry and computer graphics are available. They are a part of the NRF funded project entitled “Visual and Haptic Rendering in Co-Space”. The work will be carried out at the Centre for Advance Media Technologies (CAMTech) of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The goal of the project is to propose an efficient interoperable mathematical model defining geometry, visual appearance and tangible physical properties of objects in Co-Space.
The object definitions must be small in size and invariant to the rendering platform used in Co-Space. The particular goals of the project include development of the fast interactive definitions by implicit and explicit functions, description of complex geometry using parametric partial differential equations, introduction of function-defined physical properties to objects in Co-Space, and development of several exemplar applications illustrating the usefulness of the proposed approach, including an ability to establish physical contact with other party in Co-Space through haptic devices.
A good bachelor or master degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mathematics or related-fields. Advance knowledge of mathematics, geometry, physics and good programming skills. Evidence of the experience will be required.
Knowledge of one or more of the following areas will be an advantage: 3D computer graphics, interactive computer graphics, web visualization, web programming, parallel computing.
Good written and oral communication skills.
A few possible research topics can be found at
Closing Date
The candidates are expected to start their projects in January or August 2009.

UK MPhil/PhD Position Lancashire Business School
UK MPhil/PhD in Skills Forecasting For The Nuclear Industry at Lancashire Business School
Reference No RS/08/10
A full-time MPhil/PhD funded studentship is available in the Lancashire Business School. The studentship is tenable up to 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress) with an expected commencement date of 1 January 2008. The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU and Overseas rates plus a maintenance based grant of £12,940.
This project is jointly sponsored by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), Sellafield Limited and the University of Central Lancashire. It aims to examine the forecasting and management of skill requirements in the nuclear industry, with initial focus on the decommissioning industry. The project`s objectives will be to generate a baseline of knowledge on the theory and practice of skills forecasting and management on very long projects; to document, compare and contrast current skills forecasting practice amongst current site licensing companies in the UK nuclear industry; to develop models of good practice for exploratory discussion and monitored application by each tier of the industry and to propose a model of good practice for adoption by the industry.
The project will involve extensive interaction with senior managers and strategists in the industry and will provide a unique experience for anyone interested in developing a career in the UK nuclear industry. It would suit a graduate with a numerate background and an understanding of organisations, who is enthusiastic to learn about business modelling techniques and the manpower and skill planning which is critical to major projects. This is an outstanding opportunity to join the strategic development team of a fast growing industry and secure a doctoral qualification.
Applicants are required to submit two samples of their written work taken from their previous higher education. (e.g. chapter from dissertation, or essay) along with their completed application form.
Applicants should have, or expect to receive, an upper second class or first class honours degree or an MSc in a related discipline.
Informal enquiries (project related) may be directed to Professor David Hamblin (+44 1772 894601, or email
Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS/08/10) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel +44 (0)1772 895082 or e-mail researchdegrees@
Interviews will be held on 19th November 2008
Closing Date 17th October 2008

PhD Scholarship NIE Singapore
The National Institute of Education, Singapore (NIE), Nanyang Technological University, is looking for suitable candidates to apply for full-time research scholarships at NIE leading to the Doctor in Philosophy (PhD) degree. Candidates with research interests in the humanities, education, sciences and physical education are welcomed to apply. The scholarship will commence in January 2009.
· Candidates should possess a First Class or Second Class (Upper Division) Honours
degree or its equivalent, and a Master's degree in the relevant areas and the ability to
pursue research in the candidate's proposed field of advanced study.
· For international applicants, min scores required: GRE - 1180 (verbal & quantitative) ;
TOEFL - 580 (paper), 237 (computer), 80 (internet); IELTS - 6.5; Analytical Writing - 3.5;
GATE - 90%.
· Candidates should also not be on paid employment or accept paid employment or
concurrently hold any other scholarship, fellowship, and bursary or top-up allowance
during the prescribed period of the award.
· The award is tenable for one year in the first instance and is renewable subject to good
progress up to a maximum of 4 years.
· The monthly stipend for PhD students is S$2,000. Upon successful completion of the
Qualifying Examination and Candidature Confirmation (after 12 months), the stipend may
be increased to S$2,500, subject to good performance in research and required courses.
· Students are expected to cover all their living expenses (including food and lodging) from
this stipend.
· In addition to the monthly stipend, the award also covers the annual tuition fees (S$4,482
to S$11,200 depending on nationality) and the annual computer fees.
For non Singapore Citizens/Permanent Residents
The offer of this award is conditional upon the scholar being issued a valid Student's Pass
by the Singapore Immigration, which is also subject to medical clearance, and maintaining
a valid Student's Pass for the entire duration of the scholar's studies for the higher degree.
For information on PhD entry and programme requirements, areas of research,
scholarship, application, etc, go to: http://www.nie
Under Programmes à Graduate Programme àPhD Programmes, Applications and Research
Scholarships (on left menu).
Contact - Ms Cindi Chiam, Programme Executive, Graduate Programmes & Research
Office; DID: (65) 6790 3995 Fax: (65) 6896 9446 / Email:
Closing Date for Application 30 September 2008

PhD Candidate for 'World peace through world law'
PhD Candidate for 'World peace through world law'
Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Law
Nijmegen, (Gelderland), 40 hours per week
Job description
The successful candidate will participate in the NWO financed Vidi project entitled ‘Cosmopolitanism in a world of interconnected threats and challenges. From a world of states to a world state?’ and will write a dissertation on ‘World peace through world law’. The primary focus of the dissertation will be Hans Kelsen’s theory of international law. A limited teaching requirement exists for this position, and the candidate will also be expected to do some editing work.
Required education/skills:University Graduate
Candidates for the PhD student position should preferably have a Master’s degree in both Philosophy and Law. They are expected to have a strong interest in legal philosophy and hold qualifications for scientific research. They should also have excellent analytical and writing skills
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Law)
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Law
Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.
The Centre for Philosophy of Law currently comprises four senior staff members and two PhD students. The Centre’s research is focused on the ethical foundations of law and is embedded in the broader framework of the Centre for State and Law (STeR) of the Faculty of Law of Radboud University Nijmegen.
Date of entry: 08/09/2008
Conditions of employment
Salary: scale 10.
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2.330
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 4 years.
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional conditions of employment:
The candidate will be appointed as a PhD student (1.0 FTE) for a period of four years. The candidate’s performance will be evaluated after 18 months. If the evaluation is positive, the contract will be extended by 2.5 years.
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
dr. R. Tinnevelt, associate professor
Telephone number: 0031-(0)243615539
E-mail address:
Or prof.dr. Th. Mertens, professor
Telephone number: 0031-(0)243615705
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
* About the organization (
* About the department (
* About the function (
* Radboud University Nijmegen (
You can apply for this job before 30-09-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Dienst P&O, PMO
Postbus 7005, 6503 GM NIJMEGEN
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 22.13.08.

TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is the largest gas producer in Indonesia, supplying approximately 80% of the feed gas to the Bontang LNG plant in East Kalimantan, one of the largest LNG Plant in the world; providing to the country a source of more environmentally-friendly energy. We are currently have the following vacancies on our company:j
Completion & Work Over Engineer
Fluid & Cementing Supervisor
Well Service Engineer
Marine HSE Engineer
Logistic HSE Engineer
Reservoir Engineers
Facility Project Engineers
Site Planners
Pipeline Engineer
Inspection Supervisor
Electrical Engineers
Instrument Engineers
Construction Method Engineer
Cost Estimation Engineer
Piping & Structural Engineer
Method & QA/QC Engineer
HSE Supervisor
Offshore Engineer
IS Security Engineer
Telecommunication Engineers
IS Business Analyst
Please apply through our website:
Vacancy at BHP Billiton
BHP Billiton is currently undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of developing a significant laterite nickel deposit in Eastern Indonesia. The Opportunity would involve the construction of world class mining facilities a process plant and associated infrastructure. If you have an overriding commitment to health safety environmental responsibility and sustainable development we invite you to join our dynamic high performance project team in Jakarta.
(REF: 491 433)
This pivotal role will require an experienced and determined individual to lead positive government relations of the project development. You are to ensure an adequate framework to meet government requirements is in place to support the study phase. Through superior people skills you will establish good rapport with the Government stakeholders and promote the company’s reputation. In conjunction with other stakeholder team members you will ensure Government representatives at all level are kept fully informed of the significance and progress of the project.
(REF: 491441)
This pivotal role will be responsible for managing Pearl Project reputation in line with corporate image You are to ensure that messages about the project achieve consistency prior to being delivered to any external sources,. You shall have public relations expertise to the efficacy and efficiency of text published for external consumption. This role to assume responsibility for planning, developing and implementing strategies for press releases, corporate communications and events. Developing and maintaining influential relations with key opinion makers as well as monitor external Opinions.
(REF 491439)
This pivotal role will require an experienced and persistent individual to lead the development, design and implementation of a sustainable Community Relations strategy. You will lead the Project s involvement with wide range of stakeholder categories in Indonesia to build a framework for development programs. This role will also require preparing communication strategies for community related matters.
All candidates for those above challenging and high profile positions will have a tertiary qualification in Communications, External Relations or related discipline, with significant experience in a related area within a multinational company setting. You will also display superior people skills, a sound understanding of the communities of Eastern Indonesia, ability to comprehend and manage complex and sensitive issues in each function. Fluent communication skills in both English and Bahasa Indonesia are essential along with excellent report writing.
All the above vacancies are a Jakarta based positions with frequent travel to site HOW TO APPLY
Please visit and enter the reference Number of the role or submit your application and CV Applications close 5 October 2008
BHP Billiton has an commitment to safety and environmental responsibility
Vacancy at PT Elnusa Tbk
PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services (see: We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:
Preferable Male, age between 25-40 years old.
Diploma / Bachelor degree from any background and have relevance experience in occupational as a drafter.
Have Ability to draft, design and draw from tools that will be make / prepare on time.
Have well knowledge about engineering (EPC) minimum 3 years (preferable at a mining, Oil & Gas industries, laboratory, and/or heavy equipment industries)
English and computer literacy are a must especially have well knowledge about Microsoft Project minimum 3 years.
Other Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, Achievement Motivation.
Preferable Male, age between 25-35 years old.
Diploma / Bachelor degree from technical background and have relevance experience on design, control maintenance implementation regularly & periodic of mainly machine product.
Able to collect, arrange, analyze all data about production machine also usually make proposal to report and present in front of manager.
Understand preventive maintenance process minimum 5 years (preferable at a mining, Oil & Gas industries, laboratory, and/or heavy equipment industries)
Familiar with requirement & documentation of ISO 9001:2000
Fluent in English, High proficiency in using Microsoft Office and Handle machine maintenance.
Other Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, Achievement Motivation.
If you meet the above requirements, please send your application and resume not later than October 18th, 2008 to Cc: (in your subject email write Job code and not more than 100 KB)
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process.
PhD Scholarship in Machine Vision for Agricultural Applications, University of Southern Queensland, Australi
APAI Scholarship supported by the ARC in association with a linkage project held in collaboration with the University of Queensland on “Condition Scoring and Weight Estimating using Technology
A scholarship is offered for PhD study in the area of Machine Vision and related measurement. This relates to the assessment and monitoring of the condition of cattle. Data will automatically be gathered of weight, shape and ID tag number. From these, methods will be derived for assessing weight from shape and parentage of calves from their association with the cow they habitually follow, among other significant parameters. The researcher will devise and integrate many of the techniques to be used in the process.
The task will call for skills in software writing, analysis of vision data and electronic signal processing and interfacing.
The successful candidate will have a degree in an appropriate branch of engineering. Industrial experience would be an advantage.
The Australian Postgraduate Awards Industry (APAI) are scholarships funded through the Australian Research Council’s (ARC) Linkage Projects program. Linkage Projects support collaborative research between higher education researchers and industry, and each year a number of University of Southern Queensland researchers successfully receive funding to undertake a Linkage Project.
Scholarship Value
The Scholarship provides a yearly stipend of $25,000 per annum for a period of 3 years.
Eligibility and Conditions
Nominees for an Australian Postgraduate Award Industry must
be an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, or a New Zealand citizen;
be enrolled in, or commencing, a full-time research higher degree;
have an appropriate Honours 1 or high 2A (or equivalent) undergraduate degree;
not be receiving similar funding or stipend from a Commonwealth Government Program;
not already have completed a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature; and
not have previously held an Australian Postgraduate Award or APAI unless it was terminated within the first six months of the earlier award.
Selection Criteria
Applicants will be assessed on the basis of academic merit, research capacity and qualifications/expertise relevant to the proposed research topic of the application of machine vision and other mechatronic techniques to condition monitoring of cattle. Applicants will also need to demonstrate that the eligibility requirements are met and have applied for enrolment or be enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy program full-time on-campus at USQ. Further details on enrolment requirements can be found at
Submitting an Application
To apply for this scholarship, applicants must provide their curriculum vitae, academic record and the names and contact details of three academic or industry referees. A brief statement on the applicant’s ability to meet the Selection Criteria should also be provided. All documentation must be submitted to:
Office of Research and Higher Degrees
University of Southern Queensland
Toowoomba Queensland 4350
Electronic or faxed applications will not be accepted.
Closing Date
The closing date for the submission of applications is 31 October 2008
Further Information
Further information about this scholarship can be obtained from the Office of Research and Higher Degrees at orhd[ at ] Technical details about the application of machine vision and other mechatronic techniques to condition monitoring of cattle topic can be obtained by contacting Prof John Billingsley, Faculty of Engineering and Surveying at billings[ at ]

2 funded PhD positions in physical hydrogeology and hydrodynamic modelling at NUI Galway (Ireland)
The Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences (EOS) at NUI Galway supports 10
academic staff, 4 senior researchers, 6 post-doctoral researchers and about
30 post-graduate students who contribute to multi-disciplinary research
across a wide range of topics in earth, ocean and environmental sciences.
The Griffith Geoscience Research Awards (GGRA), established by the Minister
for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and managed by the
Geological Survey of Ireland, seek to attract early stage researchers from
abroad and to encourage Irish researchers to visit international centres of
geoscience research. EOS has been awarded > €3m within the GGRA scheme to
expand its research in coastal and marine science and is seeking applicants
for 2 funded 4-year post-graduate research positions, one each in the
following areas:
*PhD 1: The ‘Understanding coastal aquifers in karst regions’* project is
concerned with integrating aqueous chemistry, geophysics and hydrogeology to
establish the chemical variability of groundwater and the pathways
connecting coastal aquifers with coastal surface and transitional waters
along the west coast of Ireland. We require a PhD student with demonstrable
experience in physical hydrogeology to acquire data necessary for the
development of conceptual and practical models of recharge, storage and flow
in karst regions of the Burren in the west of Ireland. The student will
focus on submarine groundwater storage and discharge using physico-chemical
parameters, calculations of transit times of water in coastal karstic
catchments using natural isotopes, calculations of the flow-time
distribution, quantification of event water to the total runoff and
identification of ‘hot-spots’ in eastern Galway Bay. Some experience in
modelling of groundwater flow regimes would be an advantage. The outcomes of
the research project are congruent with the aims of the EU Groundwater
*PhD 2: The ‘Understanding the seabed’* project brings together a range of
researchers with expertise in geophysics, sedimentology, hydrodynamic
modeling, oceanography and benthic biology. The project is using Geological
Survey of Ireland and national Marine Institute databases from the INFOMAR
programme to understand wave and current dynamics and their interaction with
seabed processes in the coastal zone. We require a PhD student to help with
the construction and interpretation of coupled hydrodynamic - sediment
transport models in order to understand seabed sediment processes and their
effects on benthic habitats. An initial study area will be Galway Bay,
particularly at its eastern end, where there is an abundance of existing
data on seabed geophysics and geology, benthic currents, hydrographic and
ancillary environmental data.
To apply, please download the simple 2-page electronic application form: , e-mail the completed form,
a full CV and any other relevant information to *Dr. Colin Brown* (
Please use the subject line ‘Griffith PhD Application Galway: PhD1′ for PhD1
and the equivalent for PhD2. Please cc to
*Applicants will not be considered without a completed application form.*

Nomor : KP.
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor KEP/259/M.PAN/8/2008 tanggal 29 Agustus 2008 tentang Formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI Tahun Anggaran 2008, diumumkan sebagai berikut :
Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI membuka pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Badan POM RI Tahun 2008 untuk ditempatkan pada Badan POM RI Pusat dan Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia (daftar formasi terlampir).
Persyaratan pelamar meliputi :
Negara Republik Indonesia
Berusia paling rendah 20 tahun dan paling tinggi 35 tahun per tanggal 1 Oktober 2008 dengan ketentuan :
Pendidikan D3 paling tinggi 24 tahun.
Pendidikan S1 paling tinggi 26 tahun.
Pendidikan Profesi paling tinggi 28 tahun.
Bagi pelamar yang memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun pada bidang yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan Badan POM RI (pengawasan komprehensif meliputi standardisasi, penilaian, inspeksi, pengujian), batas usia paling tinggi 35 tahun.
Pelamar diharuskan memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) :
Pendidikan D3 terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 2,75.
Pendidikan S1 terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 2,75
Pendidikan Profesi terakreditasi minimal B dengan IPK minimal 3,25 (Pendidikan Profesi dilihat IPK dan akreditasi S1 sesuai dengan butir 2).
Tidak sedang dalam status belajar.
Memenuhi persyaratan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan.
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS/PNS maupun Calon/Anggota TNI dan POLRI.
Tidak berkedudukan sebagai pengurus dan atau anggota partai politik.
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai CPNS/PNS/TNI/POLRI atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum.
Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani.
Ketentuan pengajuan lamaran :
Surat lamaran harus ditulis tangan dan ditanda tangani sendiri oleh pelamar dengan menggunakan tinta hitam serta mencantumkan jabatan dan 2 (dua) lokasi peminatan sesuai tabel formasi.
Misal: Jabatan: Calon Pengawas Farmasi dan Makanan.
Pendidikan: Apoteker.
Lokasi Peminatan: Badan POM RI Pusat dan BBPOM di Palembang.
Lamaran ditujukan kepada :
Melampirkan fotocopy ijazah atau Surat Keterangan Lulus yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
Melampirkan fotocopy transkrip nilai akademik yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
Bagi pelamar yang usianya melebihi dari usia maksimal yang dipersyaratkan pada poin 2.b namun memiliki pengalaman kerja terakhir sekurang-kurangnya 2 tahun pada bidang yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan Badan POM RI (pengawasan komprehensif meliputi standardisasi, penilaian, inspeksi, pengujian), usia paling tinggi 35 tahun dibuktikan dengan Fotocopy Surat Keputusan Pengangkatan dan Pemberhentian/Surat Pernyataan dari pimpinan Instansi/Perusahaan bahwa pelamar masih bekerja pada saat pendaftaran.
Melampirkan Daftar Riwayat Hidup Singkat yang berisi nama, tempat dan tanggal lahir, alamat, nomor telepon/HP, jenis kelamin, agama, tinggi badan, pendidikan formal/non formal, pengalaman kerja dan prestasi yang pernah dicapai, serta nama dan alamat tempat tinggal orang tua.
Melampirkan pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran (3 x 4) cm dan ukuran (4 x 6) cm masing-masing sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar.
Memperlihatkan asli KTP.
Menyerahkan isian formulir Surat Pernyataan tidak sedang dalam status belajar.
Menyerahkan isian formulir tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan, tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak/hormat sebagai PNS/pegawai swasta, tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS, tidak menjadi pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik, bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah negara RI atau negara lain yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah.
Surat lamaran beserta lampirannya diurutkan, disusun rapi, dan dimasukkan ke dalam stofmap folio tebal (kertas buffalo) berwarna :
Merah:Pelamar Profesi
Kuning:Pelamar S1
Hijau:Pelamar D3
Pada sudut kanan atas stofmap ditulis dengan jelas jabatan peminatan dan pendidikan pelamar.
Ijazah Sementara atau Surat Keterangan Lulus berlaku, dengan catatan fotocopy ijazah asli yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang diserahkan selambat-lambatnya pada hari terakhir wawancara (tanggal 12 November 2008), jika tidak menyerahkan maka pelamar dinyatakan gugur, dibuktikan dengan surat pernyataan.
Tahapan dan pelaksanaan seleksi :
Seleksi Administrasi :
Pendaftaran dilaksanakan di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar/Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia, kecuali pendaftaran untuk Balai Besar POM di Jakarta dan Balai POM di Serang disatukan dengan Badan POM RI, untuk Balai POM di Batam disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Pekanbaru, untuk Balai POM di Pangkal Pinang disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Palembang, dan untuk Balai POM di Gorontalo disatukan dengan Balai Besar POM di Manado.
Pendaftaran dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa dan Rabu tanggal 23 dan 24 September 2008 pukul 09.00 s/d 14.00 waktu setempat (tidak ada perpanjangan waktu dan apabila dilanggar nomor peserta dianggap tidak sah).
Setiap pelamar harus datang sendiri ke tempat pendaftaran (tidak diwakilkan).
Ujian tulis :
Ujian tulis dilaksanakan serentak di Badan POM RI, Balai Besar POM dan Balai POM di seluruh Indonesia pada hari Rabu tanggal 15 Oktober 2008 pukul 08.00 waktu setempat.
Pelamar melaksanakan ujian sesuai dengan tempat yang ditunjuk oleh panitia penerimaan pendaftaran setempat.
Materi ujian tulis adalah :
Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :
Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU) meliputi unsur wawasan nasional, regional, dan internasional.
Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) meliputi unsur kemampuan verbal, kuantitatif, dan penalaran.
Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK) meliputi unsur kemampuan beradaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi, integritas, dan inisiatif.
Tes Kompetensi Bidang (TKB) untuk mengukur kemampuan dan atau ketrampilan yang berkaitan dengan kompetensi jabatan atau pekerjaan yang dilamar.
Setiap mengikuti ujian seleksi, pelamar wajib membawa Asli Tanda Peserta Seleksi, pensil 2B asli, karet penghapus, rautan, dan papan alas tulis.
Wawancara :
Wawancara akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 s/d 12 November 2008 di Badan POM RI serta seluruh Balai Besar POM/Balai POM, kecuali untuk Balai Besar POM di Jakarta dan Balai POM di Serang dilaksanakan menyatu di Badan POM RI, untuk Balai POM di Batam dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Pekanbaru, untuk Balai POM di Pangkal Pinang dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Palembang, dan untuk Balai POM di Gorontalo dilaksanakan menyatu dengan Balai Besar POM di Manado.
Peserta wawancara wajib menyerahkan hasil Psikotes (bagi pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus ujian tulis) dan harus diserahkan selambat-lambatnya tanggal 12 November 2008.
Psikotes dapat dilakukan oleh psikolog yang telah mendapat Surat Rekomendasi Ijin Praktek (SRIP) dari Himpunan Psikolog Indonesia (HIMPSI).
Hasil psikotes dalam bentuk psikogram dengan analisanya sesuai contoh psikogram terlampir dan harus mencantumkan Nomor SRIP.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi :
Pelamar yang lulus ujian tulis dan wajib mengikuti wawancara akan diumumkan pada tanggal 29 Oktober 2008.
Pelamar yang diterima menjadi CPNS Badan POM RI akan diumumkan pada tanggal 19 November 2008.
Lain-lain :
Pelamar yang terlambat atau tidak menyerahkan berkas kelengkapan persyaratan sampai batas yang ditentukan atau tidak lulus dalam setiap tahap seleksi dianggap gugur.
Lamaran yang diterima oleh Badan POM RI sebelum pengumuman ini, dianggap tidak berlaku dan supaya diajukan kembali di tempat pendaftaran.
Berkas lamaran yang telah dimasukkan tidak dapat diminta kembali dan menjadi milik panitia pengadaan CPNS Badan POM RI tahun 2008.
Dalam rangka Seleksi Pengadaan CPNS ini tidak ada bimbingan tes atau persiapan pendahuluan, tidak diadakan surat menyurat dan tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Lokasi pilihan hanya merupakan bahan pertimbangan untuk penempatan pelamar yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI sesuai kebutuhan. Peserta yang dinyatakan diterima sebagai CPNS Badan POM RI harus bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit kerja di lingkungan Badan POM RI apabila lokasi pilihan telah terpenuhi.
Pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus menjadi CPNS wajib menyerahkan :
Surat keterangan sehat jasmani, rohani, dan bebas narkoba dari dokter pemerintah.
Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK).
Membuat surat pernyataan bersedia ditempatkan dan ditugaskan di unit kerja yang telah ditentukan minimal 5 (lima) tahun berturut-turut yang ditandatangani di atas materai Rp.6000,- dan diketahui orang tua pelamar.
Membuat surat pernyataan tidak dalam keadaan belajar dan tidak akan menuntut pendidikan lanjutan.
Sanksi berupa denda Rp.10.000.000,- (Sepuluh juta rupiah) akan dikenakan bagi :
Pelamar yang mengundurkan diri setelah diproses ke Badan Kepegawaian Negara.
CPNS/PNS yang mengundurkan diri dengan alasan apapun setelah penempatan, denda ditambah biaya transport penugasan.
PhD position in spatial mapping & statistical analys, UC Louvain, Belgium
The Department of Environmental Sciences and Land Use Planning of the
Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) is opening a position for a
PhD student in the field of spatial mapping and statistical analysis
techniques applied to soil polluted sites assessment, in the framework
of the EU FP7 research project MODELPROBE (”Model driven Soil Probing,
Site Assessment and Evaluation”).
The PhD student will contribute to the development and application of
spatial mapping techniques and statistical analysis techniques with
the aim of (i) assessing the performances of various existing in-situ
measurement method (geophysics, biology, tree monitoring, etc.), and
(ii) applying data fusion techniques for the spatial mapping and
delineation of a contaminated area.
The appointment will be for a period of three years, starting October
1, 2008. The candidate should have a MSc Degree in Civil or
Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics,
Physics, or closely related disciplines. Good knowledge of the Matlab
programming language is welcome.
To apply, please email your CV along with the names of two referees to
Professor Patrick Bogaert (, Faculty of
Deadline for receipt of applications is October 1, 2008.
website link:

Australia Undergraduate Scholarships for International Students
The Government of Western Australia, through the Department of Education and Training (DET), is offering a number of prestigious scholarships for international students to undertake the Western Australian Universities’ Foundation Program (WAUFP) or Tertiary Entrance Examination (TEE) program at either Canning College or Tuart College in Perth, Western Australia (WA). Applicants from all countries (applicable to Pakistani students) will be eligible for consideration.
Deadline: 31 Oct 2008
General Description
Scholarship winners are selected on the basis of academic results and a reference from the school. Where academic results do not allow for differentiation between applicants, resumes or curriculum vitae will be considered.
Scholarships apply for Year 12 level courses; ‘WA Universities’ Foundation Program and Tertiary Entrance Examination Program’.
Year 11 students at Tuart College or Canning College may apply for an award on the basis of their Year 11 results.
The closing date for all scholarship applications will be 31 October 2008. Notifications will be issued within two weeks of the closing date.
Full Scholarships
Six (6) Full Scholarships covering the course fee of A$13,500 will be awarded with three (3) allocated by each College.
To be awarded a full scholarship requires a student to have achieved outstanding academic results. This would normally require the student to have achieved the highest possible grade in at least six (6) subjects. Students will be required to complete an International Student Application Form, an International Scholarship Application Form and pay an A$200 non-refundable fee.
The A$200 fee will be deducted from the student’s tuition fees in the event of not gaining any scholarship but enrolling at one of the Colleges.
College staff will not offer these scholarships during promotional visits.
Additional documentation required:
Reference from the school principal.
Actual or mock/forecast/preliminary results for major examinations equivalent to Year 11 in Western Australia.
Two (2) most recent school reports.
Curriculum Vitae or resume.
Partial $5,000 Scholarships
Twenty (20) scholarships to the value of A$5,000 are being offered with ten (10) allocated to each College.
This award would normally require the student to have achieved the highest possible grade in at least five (5) subjects.
These scholarships may be offered to students at anytime, including during marketing visits. Such students must pay a non-refundable deposit of A$500 within two (2) weeks of the offer or forfeit the scholarship.
Students accepting one of these scholarships will also be considered for a full scholarship and the A$500 deposit will be transferred to the refundable Bond.
There is no application fee for a partial scholarships awarded by College staff during overseas marketing visits.
Any scholarship funds not allocated during overseas marketing visits will be awarded at the same time as the full scholarships.
Any students wanting to be considered in October/November are required to pay the A$200 non-refundable fee as outlined in the conditions for applying for a full scholarship.
Notification of success or otherwise will be by 15 November 2008.
International Scholarship Application Forms
Copy of international scholarship application form can be found at
Download Official Announcement and application form here
Further Information
For further information contact:
Tony de Gruchy
Manager: International Office
Canning College (CPC: 00463B)
Marquis Street
Telephone: (618) 9351 5665
Facsimile: (618) 9356 1119
E-mail: e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phillip Levitzke
Manager: International Office
Tuart College (CPC: 00465M)
Banksia Street
Telephone: (618) 9242 6222
Facsimile: (618) 9444 0913

PhD position in Vegetation Dynamics - University of Groningen
PhD Position
University of Groningen
Vegetation dynamics, plant population dynamics, sedimentation and grazing (1,0 fte)
(Groningen), 38 hours per week
Job description
Function title: PhD position
You will study the relationship between vegetation dynamics and sedimentation, vegetation dynamics and plant population dynamics, and their role for birds and invertebrates on salt marshes. These relationships will be studied under different grazing regimes.
Monitoring and controlled experiments will be carried out as a collaborative effort of three PhD candidates: a plant ecologist, an ornithologist and an entomologist. The three PhD candidates will be appointed at the University of Groningen, Community and Conservation Ecology COCON and supervised by prof.dr. J.P. Bakker in cooperation with SOVON Dutch Centre for Field Ornithology (dr. B.J. Ens and K. Koffijberg) and Dutch Butterfly Conservation (dr. M.F. Wallis de Vries).
Required education/skills:University Graduate
We are looking for a candidate with a masters or equivalent degree in biology with preferably a strong background in plant ecology. The project is expected to be very demanding and it is essential that candidates have a very creative mind and affinity with field experiments. Willingness to cooperate intensively with the other PhD students is important, as success of the project as a whole depends on close integration of the subprojects. The candidates should have a strong interest in statistics and data mining of large datasets. Good proficiency in the English language is essential. The candidates are supposed to attend a few graduate courses and assist in teaching (10% of time).
Job type: Research / Advising
- Teaching & Research(Scientific discipline: Natural Sciences)
University of Groningen
Since its foundation in 1614, the University of Groningen has enjoyed an international reputation as a dynamic and innovative centre of higher education offering high-quality teaching and research. Balanced study and career paths in a wide variety of disciplines encourage the 25,000 students and researchers to develop their own individual talents. Belonging to the best research universities in Europe and joining forces with prestigeous partner universities and networks, the University of Groningen is truly an international place of knowledge.
The University provides a career advisory service for partners of new staff who move to Groningen.
The University is an equal opportunities employer. Because women are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularly encouraged to apply.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Conditions of employment
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: Four years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
A salary of € 2000 gross per month in the first year up to a maximum of € 2558 gross per month in the final year. Objective of the temporary 4-year position is the production of a number of research articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which together will form the basis of a thesis leading to a PhD degree (dr.) at the University of Groningen. After the first year, there will be an evaluation as to the feasibility of successful completion of the PhD thesis within the next three years.
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Prof.dr. J.P. Bakker
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
* About the organization (
* About the Community and Conservation Ecology Group (
You can apply for this job before 10-10-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
University of Groningen
Personnel and Organization Office
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber AT208237.

Fujitsu is a leading provider of customer-focused IT and communications solutions for the global marketplace, established the Fujitsu Asia Pacific Scholarship Program in 1985. The Scholarship was established to enhance international understanding and cross-cultural communication through management education and training. Fujitsu is committed to promoting the development of both technology and human resources at global level.
East-West Knowledge Leader Program (EWKLP)
An intensive three-month Graduate diploma program at JAIMS in Honolulu, Hawaii JAIMS is a nonprofit postgraduate institute that has been a pioneer in intercultural management education since 1972. Over 22,000 participants from 59 countries have come to JAIMS to learn skill essential for success in the international arena.
* Intercultural Business Leadership
* Global Marketing
* Cross-Cultural negotiation and Problem-solving
* Business Plan Development and Entrepreneurship
* Business Communication
* One-week field study in Japan
Program Information:
Application Deadline:January 31st, 2009
Please send your application letter and CV to:
Wisma Kyoei Prince 10thFloor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav.3-4
Jakarta 10220
Attn: Mr. Raditya Padmawangsa
Ms. Ella Lamzia
E-mail: scholarship@ com
Scholarship information:

PhD Studentship in University College Dublin
PhD Studentship in in Environmental Microbial Genomics, University College Dublin, Ireland
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
A PhD studentship is available within the School of Biology and Environmental Science, University College Dublin ( The project will focus on the isolation of novel anti-phytopathogenic agents from soil microbes using functional metagenomics. The student and a postdoctoral scientist will create and screen a soil metagenome library and assess the ability of clones within this library to suppress the growth of several well characterised phytopathogenic fungi.
The candidate will preferably have good molecular biology skills and will be joining the UCD Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions group. This group use functional genomics, cell biology, proteomic, and screening techniques to identify antifungal organisms and characterise their antifungal activity. The Project is part of a collaboration involving the research groups of Dr Fiona Doohan from the School of Biology & Environmental Science at University College Dublin, Prof. Alan Dobson from the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) at University College Cork and Dr Julian Marchesi from the School of Biosciences, at Cardiff University, in Wales. The postdoctoral scientist will be located at the ERI and it is anticipated that the PhD student will also spend a period of time at the ERI; the ERI are currently using metagenomic methods in a variety of environmental settings to explore the potential of microbial communities to provide novel products and products with biotechnological applications.
The Project is funded by the Irish Department of Agriculture & Food through the Research Stimulus Fund Programme.
This is a three year PhD studentship, and it provides annual funding of €21,000 - €25,000 (to cover both fees and stipend). Please send a current CV and cover letter, together with the names of 2 academic referees to Dr. Fiona Doohan, School of Biology and Environmental Science, College of Life Sciences, University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Tel: +353-1-7162248, email fiona.doohan[ at ]
The closing date for receipt of applications is October 22nd, 2008.
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position.

Norway PhD Student in Logics for Multi-Agent Systems at Bergen University College
Bergen University College, Faculty of Engineering, has an open position for a PhD student in logics for multi-agent systems. The contract is for 4 years with 25% teaching duties. The PhD student will be attached to the Department of Computer Engineering, and the position is in the faculty`s prioritised area software development. The position forms a part of the faculty`s research programme in software development for distributed systems which is being developed to be one of the University College`s strategic research programmes.
The programme currently involves 7 permanent professors and associate professors and several PhD and masters students. The Department is responsible for the bachelor programmes in computer engineering and information technology, as well as a masters programme in software development in collaboration with Department of Informatics, University of Bergen.
Multi-agent systems are software systems consisting of interacting autonomous components called agents. Autonomy entails that an agent`s behaviour is determined by its individual goals and beliefs about its environments, as opposed to central control. Agents need a way to represent their beliefs about the rest of the system, and a mechanism for reasoning about the system. When we design multi-agent systems we need a way to specify their properties and a method for verifying that a system has a given property. These are some of the reasons formal logic is considered to form one of the formal underpinnings of multi-agent systems. Logic is used for knowledge representation for agents, and is the foundation for tools which let us specify, verify and automatically synthesise multi-agent systems. Logics suitable for this purpose are logics for reasoning about various aspects of interaction. Such aspects include epistemic, intentional, strategic, normative, temporal, etc.
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The research tasks for the student will be to develop and study logics for interaction in multi-agent systems.
The successful applicant must have achieved a masters degree, or equivalent, in computer or information science, logic, or a similar field. Candidates who have submitted their master thesis for evaluation by the deadline of this call may apply if the degree is given within four weeks. No later than 6 months after the appointment is made the PhD student must be enrolled at a PhD study programme at the degree awarding institution (see below).
When evaluating the applicants weight will be put on competence in the research area as described above. The applicant should be competent in formal logic, preferably modal logic. Competence in related areas such as game theory or social choice theory will be an advantage. Existing research experience will count in the evaluation, as will a possible outline of a plan for the PhD research project.
The PhD student must enrol in an approved 4 years PhD programme. 25% of the time will be spent on duties such as teaching, development or administrative tasks. The employment period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as a research fellow.
Bergen University College cannot award the PhD degree itself, but will together with a degree awarding institution develop a detailed plan for the PhD studies. The degree awarding institution will be chosen by Bergen University College, and has on previous similar occasions been the University of Bergen. The PhD student will be assigned an academic supervisor at Bergen University College, who will collaborate in applying for enrolment in a PhD programme depending on the candidate`s background. An application for enrolment should first be submitted after an appointment is made. If the evaluation committee finds that several applicants have approximately the same qualifications, the rules for allocation by sex quota in the personnel regulations will be used.
Applicants for the position will be evaluated by a committee consisting of three members. Copies of a written application, CV, diplomas, transcripts, publications and a publication list must be submitted in three complete sets within a week after the deadline. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the submitted sets are complete. The papers will be returned when the case is closed. Send all papers to: Høgskolen i Bergen, Seksjon for personal- og organisasjonsutvikling, PB 7030, 5020 Bergen.
Applicants may be called in for an interview.
Salery scale
PhD students follow code 1017, salary grade 45-50 of the Norwegian State Salary scale, gross NOK 353 200 to NOK 384 900 per year. PhD students are normally remunerated at salary level 45. There is a compulsory 2 % deduction to the pension fund.
Job type: Permanent
Working hours: Full-time
Working days: Day
Application deadline: November 1st, 2008
Location: Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen
Reference Number: 08
Home page:
Contacts: Thomas Ågotnes
Telephone: 55 58 72 29