Institution/Organization: Ghent University
Department: German Language/Linguistics
Level: PhD
Specialty Areas: Phonology; Psycholinguistics
Applications are invited for a 4-year half-time Ph.D. position in the field of
visual word recognition and/or reading acquisition at the German Department at
Ghent University (salary 28.400 Euro per year).
The successful candidate will work in the project “Interactions of phonology and
orthography in German visual word recognition” funded by the Flemish FWO. In
this project, we are investigating the interaction of phonology and orthography
in beginning readers of German and how this interaction develops over time as
reading proficiency grows. The relevant data will be collected in Germany
(Cologne, Bonn, and Bielefeld).
The successful candidate will plan and conduct psycholinguistic experiments
(reaction-time, eye-tracking) and analyse data. S/he will write a Ph.D. thesis
on a topic related to this research at Ghent University.
Profile of the candidate:
- Master’s or equivalent degree in linguistics (i.e. e.g. General Linguistics,
German Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, or Clinical Linguistics),
- Background in experimental psycholinguistics and statistical data analysis,
- Good knowledge in at least one of the following areas: phonology, reading
acquisition, visual word recognition,
- Good command of English and German.
The grant starts during spring 2009. Application letters including a short
statement of interest, a full CV, a copy of the required diploma, and the names
of two academic referees should be sent by 5 February 2009.
More information can be obtained by e-mail from Prof. Dr. Martina Penke.
Application Deadline: 05-Feb-2009
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Prof. Martina Penke
Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte, Vakgroep Duits
Blandijnberg 2
Gent 9000
Contact Information:
Prof. Martina Penke
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Psycholinguistics, Phonology PhD Student, Ghent University 2009-2010

ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Optoelectronics and Photonics, Taiwan
The ITRI Graduate Scholarship Program pays full scholarship for MS graduates to get their PhD in Taiwan at National Chiao Tung U or National Tsing Hua U, particularly in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Optoelectronics and Photonics.
The thesis topic can be aligned with the long-term R&D needs of ITRI and local industry, and a job opportunity at ITRI awaits after PhD is completed. Potential project areas include Wireless Sensor Networks, All-IP Networking System & Services, Broadband Wireless Communications, and WiMAX on High-Speed Rail.
ITRI is Taiwan’s leading applied technology research institute, while NCTU and NTHU are two of its top science and engineering schools.
For full details and application information, please visit the Program Website at this link.
Contact: itriphd[ at ]

Postdoctoral Position in Malaria Molecular and Cellular Biology, Yale University School of Medicine, USA
Postdoctoral positions are available in the section of Infectious Disease at Yale School of Medicine in the area of malaria molecular and cellular biology and biochemistry. The candidates will investigate the mechanisms of parasite survival and differentiation, and host-pathogen interactions. Ph.D. and M.D./Ph.D. candidates with prior experience in the fields of cellular, molecular biology and biochemistry are invited to apply.
Candidates with experience in yeast genetics and molecular biology are also encouraged to apply. Yale School of Medicine offers a competitive postdoctoral salary and an excellent work environment.
To apply please email or send a curriculum vitae, description of research experience, and the names of three references to choukri.benmamoun[ at ]
PubMed search term: Mamoun C

European Master in Informatics (EuMI), Europe
The University of Trento (Italy), the RWTH Aachen University (Germany), and the University of Edinburgh (Scotland) offer a two year (120 ECTS credits) Joint Master’s Programme, named European Master in Informatics (EuMI). The objective of the Master’s Programme is to educate professionals who will understand advanced techniques, tools, and methodologies in the field of Computer Science, and who will be able to put this knowledge to practice in the key application domains of Net-Centric/Media Informatics, Life Science Informatics, and Embedded Systems Informatics. The Programme will admit a maximum number of 50 students for the academic year 2009/2010.
Scholarships non-EU Students
For the academic year 2009/2010, a number of scholarships will be offered for students who are residents of countries outside the European Union, the European Economic Area / European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and the candidate countries for accession to the European Union (Croatia and Turkey). The amount of the scholarship is € 21.000 per year.
These scholarships are funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus Mundus programme and will be assigned according to the requirements and constraints of this programme, as defined in the Erasmus Mundus programme.
These constrains include but are not limited to: reserved positions for specific countries, no residence in EU, limitation in previous stays in EU, no previous enrolment in other European Master. More information about the Erasmus Mundus programme can be found at this page.
Scholarships EU Students
In addition, a number of scholarships will be assigned to students resident in European Union countries. The amount of the scholarship is about € 3.500 per year.
Further scholarships and tuition waiver may be made available depending on the financial sources available at the time of students’ selection.
Tuition fees
The tuition fees for academic year 2009-2010 are € 6.500. The tuition fee may be waived in part or in total depending on the financial sources available at the moment of the selection. Students will be provided access to the facilities of the participating universities (library, computers, laboratories, Internet).
Please, visit the official announcement for more information.

Post-doctoral and PhD positions for functional neuroimaging, IZKF BIOMAT, University Hospital Aachen, RWTH Aachen, Germany
The Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research IZKF “BIOMAT.” at the RWTH Aachen University invites applications for the Position of a Post-doctoral and PhD positions for functional neuroimaging.
The RWTH Aachen University is the leading technical University in Germany. Its medical faculty has a focus on functional neuroimaging in neuro-psychiatric disorders. A research-dedicated 3T MR scanner (Siemens Tim Trio) plus a 3T and two 1.5T Achieva systems (Phillips) are set into the clinical and international research environment. Positions are available to promote methodological excellence. Topics can be suggested but could encompass fast 3d functional imaging with 32-channel parallel imaging, functional spectroscopy, artefact-compensated functional imaging, and real-time fMRI with neurofeedback. Supervision can be provided also in cooperation with imaging sites in Jülich, Maastricht, and London.
The post-doc position is envisioned to head the functional imaging unit of the IZKF. MR physicians with pulse programming experience are preferred; however also other applicants with interest in method development for MR and functional imaging will be considered. For informal inquiries and further information contact the technical coordinator Prof. Klaus Mathiak (kmathiak[ at ] or +49 241 80 89640).
The RWTH Aachen encourages the employment of women. Qualified women are therefore especially invited to apply.
Handicapped applicants are favourably considered in the case of equal qualification,
Applications (English/German) must include a full CV and name and address of two references and should be submitted by mail to:
University Hospital Aachen, RWTH Aachen
Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
Prof. Klaus Mathiak, MD PhD
Pauwelstrasse 30
52074 Aachen

Graduate Research Studies in Industrial Ecology and Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Forest Bioproducts, University of Maine, USA
Location: University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA
There are three possible ways to support your Graduate Studies in Industrial Ecology, Environmental Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability of Biofuels and Bioproducts at the University of Maine, USA.
1. Annual Scholarships from the following foundations but you need to apply for scholarships and admission as soon as possible. Applying for admission is different from applying for scholarships. For scholarship purposes, if your research interests fit with my interests, I am willing to support your application and write a letter of support for your graduate studies or research at the University of Maine. Scholarships details are available in the following websites. Take note of their own deadlines.
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarships.
Fulbright Scholarships.
World Bank Scholarships.
2. Research Assistantships with annual stipends depending on research budget approval and successful research grants. Check deadline below.
3. You pay your graduate studies personally
Graduate Studies at the University of Maine is available for any student of any academic background (e.g. natural science, forestry, agriculture or chemical or environmental engineering, or economics, industrial and systems engineering, etc. ). This is only open to students who are interested to pursue graduate studies at masters or PhD level in the area of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) and industrial ecology of forest bio-products (e.g. bio-fuels, bio-chemicals). Industrial ecology, LCA, sustainability of biofuels and bioproducts belong to the fields of environment, natural resource management, biotechnology, bioenergy or other development related subjects. A background in LCA, materials flow analysis (MFA) or industrial ecology is preferred. However, successful applicants should be willing to learn the fundamental concepts/principles of LCA, MFA or industrial ecology to pursue this challenging research in sustainability science. Applicant should have or develop good analytical and, database skills, knowledge of basic statistics and probability and be willing to learn new software packages (e.g. SIMAPRO, GABI, STELLA, Powersim). It is also desirable that he/she has taken or will take a course in systems dynamics, modeling and simulation.
This interdisciplinary research investigates the economic, social and environmental impacts of harnessing the forest resources or any other alternative biomass as a source of bio-fuels, bio-chemicals, bio-plastics, and bio-materials. This research involves close collaboration with resource based industries, government agencies, and the other departments at the University of Maine.
If you are interested to do graduate studies at the University of Maine, you need to apply for admission as soon as possible at the University of Maine website.
You can check the details of my research at this link.
If you are an international student or a student who are not currently studying in the USA, in addition to Graduate Record Examination (GRE) results, you should also have TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)/IELTS results for admission purposes.
To express your interest for my research projects, or for further information, contact Anthony Halog at anthony.halog[ at ], (207) 581-2944 (tel.) or (207) 581-2875 (fax).
Deadline for Research Assistantships: 30 April 2009
Deadline for Admission: As soon as possible
Deadline for Scholarships from Foundations: Check their websites and follow their instructions carefully

PhD Studentship in Diabetes and Cancer Studies - University College London
Diabetes UK PhD Studentship
Quantifying the associations between diabetes and cancer incidence and mortality
Division of Population health
Ref 397
Obesity, which has doubled since 1993, increases the risk of several cancers. Diabetes, itself increased by obesity, has been linked with some cancers but evidence is sparse. Diabetes UK has funded a three-year studentship to assess the relationship between diabetes (both diagnosed disease and raised blood sugar) with cancer incidence and mortality, using one of the world's largest datasets of health examination surveys of nationally-representative samples, linked to mortality and cancer registry data (Health surveys for England and Scottish Health Surveys). The planned interdisciplinary supervisory panel will be Drs Mindell and Shelton with Profs Marmot and Hochhauser.
Applications are invited from graduates in appropriate subjects or with related experience who have a strong interest in public health and epidemiology. Applicants should have (or expect to obtain) a first or upper second class degree. An MSc in a relevant subject would be an advantage. Expressions of interest are invited and should be addressed to Dr Jennifer Mindell (
This studentship will be housed within the Health and Social Surveys Research Group in the Research Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, within the Division of Population Health. There are about 45 PhD students currently working in the Department. The Division offers a unique environment to those wishing to undertake interdisciplinary study and gain exposure to research within departments pursuing a highly acclaimed international research agenda. The Division houses five Research Departments, namely the Centre for Health Informatics and Multi-professional Education, Epidemiology and Public Health, Primary Care and Population Health, Mental Health Sciences, and Infection and Population Health.
Eligibility: This opening is for a three-year Diabetes UK research studentship. Diabetes UK studentships cover EU fees only. Applications from EU and overseas students are encouraged as, subject to a separate application process (deadline 1/3/09), alternative UCL Graduate Scholarships could cover overseas fees.
The studentship will cover EU fees and full stipend for three years. The stipend for 2009/10 is £15,000 pa, rising to £15,500 in year two and £16,000 in year three.
Applications: Applications should include a CV and a statement of research experience and interests and must include a clear indication of your likely fee status. Electronic submissions are preferred. Please include a contact telephone number and an email address. Applications should be addressed to: Ms Floriana Bortolotti, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London, 1-19 Torrington Place, London WC1E 6BT (
If you wish to discuss the topic please contact Dr Jennifer Mindell ( If you wish to know about the research environment or have general questions on studying at UCL please contact the Graduate Tutors, Dr Yvonne Kelly (020 7679 5638, or Professor Richard Watt (, 020 7679 1699).
Application deadline: Midday Wednesday 4th February 2009. Interviews are likely to be held in the week of 9th February, with candidates contacted immediately after the application deadline. Potential applicants are encouraged to attend the Departmental Graduate Recruitment Open Day on 27th January 2009: full details on

Germany Jobs 2009 2010: General Linguistics PhD Student International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) Leipzig
Institution/Organization: International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Neuroscience of Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) on Neuroscience of
Communication: Function, Structure, and Plasticity is based at the Max Planck
Institute (MPI) for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, and the
University of Leipzig (Germany). The IMPRS also involves the MPI for
Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, and the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
at University College London, UK.
The IMPRS offers a unique interdisciplinary graduate programme to study the
functional, structural, and plastic bases of human communication. Its overriding
goal is to train Ph.D. students in multidisciplinary aspects involved in
communicative action. Besides behavioural work, the programme draws on elaborate
modern imaging techniques including a 7-Tesla MRI scanner and a 306-channel MEG
Successful candidates will be accepted into one of the following four modules of
the school: (1) Verbal Communication: Language; (2) Non-verbal Communication:
Action and Interaction; (3) Neuroscience: Basic and Clinical; (4) Methods:
Modern neuroimaging techniques, biophysics, and signal processing.
Requirement for successful candidates is a Master's (or qualified equivalent)
degree in disciplines like computer science, linguistics, neurobiology,
neurology, physics, psychiatry, psychology, or related fields. Candidates near
to completion may also submit applications, indicating the date of completion.
Depending on qualification and background, we may consider applicants with a
Bachelor's degree.
Further requirements include outstanding academic performance; excellent oral
and written English language skills; aptitude for original, independent, and
creative work; performed research and published, or submitted for publication,
results (desirable).
The application must be supported by a degree and school certificate, academic
transcripts, a CV, three names and email addresses of academic referees, and a
personal statement explaining the candidate's motivation and reasons for
pursuing a Ph.D. at the IMPRS. Applications should indicate the preferred module
into which the candidate wishes to be accepted, and specify the preferred
All admitted students receive financial aid in the form of a scholarship for the
duration of three years. The language of the IMPRS is English. Visit for information on living in Leipzig, Germany, in the heart of
We seek to increase the number of women in those areas where they are
under-represented and therefore explicitly encourage women to apply. We are
committed to employing more handicapped individuals and especially encourage
them to apply.
For further information and application details, go to our website listed above,
or contact
Dr Antje Holländer, Co-ordinator of the IMPRS (see contact information below)
Applications are to be submitted in electronic format only until 31 March 2009.
We will start assessing applications as of mid-February 2009. The graduate
programme will start with the Summer Semester 2009 at the University of Leipzig
(1 April 2009).
Application Deadline: 31-Mar-2009
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Dr Antje Holländer
Stephanstrasse 1a
Leipzig 04103
Contact Information:
Dr Antje Holländer,
Phone:0049 341 9940 2261
Web Address: