PhD Scholarship human-computer interaction (2x2 years)
The Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM, is a research institute of Hasselt University in Belgium. The research team of about 80 people performs scientific research in 3 areas: computer graphics, human-computer interaction and multimedia & communication technology. In the context of a FWO research project, Hasselt University calls for candidates for the following vacant position (m/f) in EDM:
PhD Scholarship human-computer interaction (2x2 years)
(mandate WNI/2008/025)
Job description
The PhD research will be performed in the research group human-computer interaction (HCI) of EDM. Relevant research domains covered in HCI research at EDM are:
* technologies and tools for the realisation of user interfaces for ubiquitous computing;
* model-based development of interactive applications;
* context-aware, distributed and migratable user interfaces.
The fundamental research project is carried out in the domain of model-based development of user interfaces. The use of models and their transformations are the central concepts in this project. The PhD research consists of the investigation of different aspects of the HCI modeling languages for context-sensitive interactive applications and their place within model-driven engineering. Properties of model transformations, such as correctness, are investigated through formalization of the used models.
Master in computer science, licence in (applied) computer science, civil engineer computer science or equivalent. Students who will complete their studies during the summer, are strongly invited to apply.
Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* Prof. dr. Karin Coninx +32-11-26 84 11,
* Prof. dr. Kris Luyten +32-11-26 84 11,
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, August 1st 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:
Friday, June 6, 2008
PhD Scholarship human-computer interaction

MS/PhD scholarships at SEARCA
PhD Research Scholarship
Launched in November 2005, the SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship
provides financial support to a limited number of qualified PhD
students whose researches are relevant to the priority thrusts of
This scholarship program aims to:
Provide PhD students the opportunity to use the resources and
facilities available at SEARCA and its network of universities for
their research;
Produce quality research papers for publication; and
Enable them to work with SEARCA’s R&D personnel on mutually
identified areas of concerns/interests in agriculture and rural
Eligibility for the Grant
Any graduate student who is a citizen of any SEAMEO member country
and pursuing a PhD in agriculture or related sciences from any
university in the world is eligible to apply for the scholarship.
The applicant must have already completed his/her course work with an
approved dissertation proposal and is ready to conduct the
dissertation research.The applicant’s research must focus on any of
SEARCA’s priority thrusts under the broad themes of natural resource
management and promotion of agricultural competitiveness.
Application Requirements
Filled out Application Form (see below);
Letter of application for the research scholarship;
Recommendation letter from the Dean of Graduate School of the
university where the student is pursuing his/her degree program;
Dissertation research outline/proposal approved by the Advisory
Committee and Dean of Graduate School;
Budgetary requirement for the entire research duly attested and
recommended by the major adviser and Dean of Graduate School;
Certified transcript of academic records for all courses taken at the
PhD level;
Curriculum vitae;
Letter from the student certifying that he/she is not receiving any
other research grant from any other institution. If partial funding
has been obtained from other sources, a certification from the
funding agency indicating the amount of grant and the items in the
research that are covered by the grant; and
Research timetable indicating the activities involved in the
research, the expected date of defense and expected date of seminar
paper presentation.
Application deadlines are 1 April and 1 September.
Applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Editha C. Cedicol, Manager of Graduate Scholarship Department,
SEARCA, Los Baños 4031 Laguna, Philippines
PhD Research Scholarship
SEARCA PhD Research Scholarship application form
PhD Research Scholarship Invitation for Applications
MS/PhD Scholarships
Its people are Southeast Asia’s most potent force for progress.
Hence, agricultural human resource development has been SEARCA’s
primary goal since its establishment. SEARCA is one of the “centers
of excellence” established by SEAMEO. As such, SEARCA assists SEAMEO
member countries in producing highly trained human resources in
agriculture and related sciences to accelerate agricultural and rural
development in Southeast Asia.
Two of SEARCA’s activities that carry out this mandate are the
Graduate Study Program and the University Consortium. Both activities
are handled by the Graduate Scholarship Department (GSD).
This degree scholarship was initiated in academic year 1968-69 and
aims to ensure the relevance and responsiveness of Southeast Asia’s
agricultural scientists and professionals to global sustainable
development issues.
The program provides support for advanced studies leading to the MS
and PhD degrees in agriculture, forestry, and related fields. Thus,
SEARCA aims to prepare grantees for positions of leadership in
developing economies of SEAMEO member countries.
Applicants may also view information on benefits and privileges of
scholars, places of study, application procedures, where to apply,
recruitment procedures, and conditions of the grant.
Benefits and Privileges
The SEARCA scholarship offers the following benefits and privileges:
Financial Support covers stipend, tuition, international and domestic
travel allowances, thesis/dissertation support, book allowance, and
health insurance. The domestic travel allowance is sometimes allowed
to support registration fees in training courses/seminars/workshops.
Discounted Accommodation. Scholars are encouraged to stay at the
SEARCA Residence Hotel (SRH) to meet other graduate students of
different nationalities. Scholars who bring their families with them
can stay in SEARCA apartments, also at subsidized rental fee.
Assistance with Student Visa Processing. The Center takes care of
processing the extension of its scholars’ student visas for the
duration of their scholarship.
Computer Purchase Loan. This is given to scholars without interest
and payable to the Center in a specified number of months through
automatic stipend deduction.
In-house and Other Training Courses or Seminars. Scholars may avail
of these training courses upon request, especially in fields related
to their studies. Official functions like the weekly SEARCA
Agriculture and Development Seminar Series are also open to them.
They are, therefore, exposed to exchange of ideas outside their
Use of SEARCA Facilities. Facilities open to SEARCA scholars are the
Center’s Library and Email Room. Scholars studying at UPLB are given
free SEARCA e-mail accounts and e-mail access.
Participation in Sociocultural Activities. SEARCA scholars are
introduced to the SEARCA family through orientation/welcome party.
Being part of the SEARCA family, they are invited to the Center’s
summer outing, sportsfest, anniversary celebration, and Christmas
Counseling. Scholars who are experiencing academic difficulties and
those with personal problems may seek guidance from the Graduate
Scholarship Department.
Places of Study
Any of the following universities, as well as those that have
institutional arrangements with SEARCA, may serve as study posts of
SEARCA MS and PhD scholars:
University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB)Los Baños, Laguna,
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Kasetsart University (KU)Bangkok, Thailand
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)Bogor, Indonesia
University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)Quezon City, Philippines
University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV)Miag-ao, Iloilo,
Thammasat UniversityThailand
National University of SingaporeSingapore
University of IndonesiaJakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Five of these universities are members of the Southeast Asian
University Consortium for Graduate Education in Agriculture and
Natural Resources. SEARCA serves as the Secretariat of the University
SEARCA reserves the right to make the final decision on the choice of
ten scholars’ study post. Therefore, applicants are required to
submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools
of three universities in the list.
Where to Apply
Brunei Darussalam
THE PERMANENT SECRETARYMinistry of EducationBandar Seri Begawan BB
3510Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 381 060Fax: (673-2) 380 101
THE DIRECTOR OF AGRICULTUREDepartment of AgricultureMinistry of
Industry and Primary ResourcesOld Airport Berakas BB 3510Brunei
DarussalamTel: (673-2) 380 144Fax: (673-2) 382 226
THE DIRECTOR OF FORESTRYDepartment of ForestryMinistry of Industry
and Primary ResourcesJalan Menteri BesarBandar Seri Begawan BB
3910Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 222687 / 222450Fax: (673-2) 241012
THE DIRECTOR OF FISHERIESDepartment of FisheriesMinistry of Industry
and Primary ResourcesJalan Menteri BesarBandar Seri Begawan BB
3910Brunei DarussalamTel: (673-2) 242067 to 8/ 243412Fax: (673-2)
THE DIRECTORCultural Relations and Scholarship DepartmentMinistry of
Education, Youth, and Sports80 Norodom BoulevardPhnom Penh,
CambodiaTel: (855-23) 820 268, 326 156Fax: (855-23) 219 576
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and Forestry and Fisheries200
Norodom Blvd.Phnom Penh, CambodiaTel: (855-12) 211 351, 211 352Fax:
(855-23) 217 320
THE MINISTERMinistry of Rural DevelopmentPRIP Office, 3rd FloorCorner
Road 169 and Russian Blvd.Phnom Penh, CambodiaTel: (855-23) 884 160,
(855-12) 938 072Fax: (855-23) 884 160
THE HEADBureau for International CooperationMinistry of Education and
CultureGedung C. Lantai 7Jln Jenderal SudirmanSenayan, Jakarta 10270
IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581 665, 582 954, 584 477Fax: (62-21) 573 6870
THE MINISTERMinistry of AgricultureRoom No. 3, 5th Floor, Building C,
Jl. HarsonoRagunan, Pasar MingguJakarta, IndonesiaTel: (62-21) 581
665, 582 954, 584 477Fax (62-21) 573 8181, 572 0162
THE MINISTERMinistry of Forestry and Estate CropsManggala
WanabhaktiJl. Jen Gatot Subroto, Jakarta 10270 IndonesiaTel: (62-21)
573 0213, 573 0475Fax: (62-21) 573 8732
THE DIRECTORDepartment of Planning and International
CooperationMinistry of Education and Sports P.O. Box 67, Lane Xang
Ave.Vientiane, Lao PDRTel: (856-21) 217 927, 212 108, 216 005Fax:
(856-21) 216 006, 212 108, 215 628
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and ForestryP.O. Box 811, Lane
Xang Ave.Vientiane, Lao PDRTel: (856-21) 412 340Fax: (856-21) 412 341
THE SECRETARY GENERALInternational Affairs DivisionMinistry of Higher
EducationBlock E3, Parcel EThe Federal Government Administrative
Center62605 Putrajaya, MalaysiaTel: (60-3) 8883 5000Fax: (60-3) 8889
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture1st Floor, Wisma Tani, Jalan
03Sultan Salahuddin 50632Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel: (60-3) 2671
5000Fax: (60-3) 2691 3758
THE MINISTERMinistry of Rural Development10th Floor, Menara Aetna
UniversalJalan Raja ChulanKuala Lumpur, MalaysiaFax: (856-21) 412 341
THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR-GENERAL (Training)Department of Education,
Planning, and TrainingMinistry of EducationThein Byu Road, Botahtaung
TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel (95-1) 286 704, 289 538Fax: (95-1) 285 480
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and IrrigationThirimaingalal
Lane, Yankin TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel: (95-1) 663 270Fax: (95-1)
663 984
THE MINISTERMinistry of ForestryThirimingala Lane, Kabe AyePagoda
Road, Mayangon TownshipYangon, MyanmarTel: (95-1) 289 184Fax: (95-1)
665 661
THE CHAIRCommission on Higher Education3rd Floor, Development Academy
of the Philippines (DAP) BuildingSan Miguel Ave., Pasig City,
PhilippinesTel: (63-2) 910 0823, 633 2713Fax: (63-2) 635 5829
THE SECRETARYDepartment of AgricultureElliptical Road, Diliman,
Quezon City, PhilippinesTel: (63-2) 928 8741 to 65Fax: (63-2) 929 8183
THE SECRETARYDepartment of Environment and Natural ResourcesDENR
Building, Visayas Ave.Diliman, Quezon City, PhilippinesTel: (63-2)
929 6633 to 35 / 929 6626 to 29Fax: (63-2) 420 4352
THE HEADInternational Relations Planning DivisionMinistry of
Education1 North Buona Vista DriveSingapore 138675Tel: (65-6) 879
6036Fax (65-6) 775 2457
THE DEPUTY PERMANENT SECRETARY Ministry of EducationRajdamnern
AvenueBangkok 10300, ThailandTel: (66-2) 628 5647Fax: (66-2) 281 0953
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and CooperativesThanon
Ratchadamnoen NokBangkok 10200, ThailandTel: (66-2) 281 5884Fax: (66-
2) 280 1691
THE DIRECTORDirectorate of Tertiary EducationMinistry of Education,
Culture, Youth and SportsVilla Verde, DiliTel: (67-0) 724 4098, 723
4881Fax: (67-0) 333 9025
THE PERMANENT SECRETARYInternational Relations DivisionMinistry of
Agriculture, Forestry and FisheriesFomento Building, Dili, P.O. Box
670Fax: (67-0) 390 325121
THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERALInternational Cooperation
DepartmentMinistry of Education and Training49 Dai Co Viet
StreetHanoi, VietnamTel: (84-4) 868 3620Fax: (84-4) 869 3243, 869 4085
THE MINISTERMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development2 Ngoc Ha,
Ba DinhHanoi, VietnamTel: (84-4) 823 5804Fax: (84-4) 823 0381
Application Procedure
Any interested national of a SEAMEO member country may apply for
scholarship. Applications may be submitted to any one of the
following Ministries of his/her own country:
Ministy of Education
Ministry of Agriculture
Ministry of Forestry
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Rural Development
Application forms and information brochures on the universities that
may serve as study posts of SEARCA scholars are available at these
Each applicant is required to submit the following documents:
SEARCA Scholarship Application Form (2 copies);
Application forms for admission to the Graduate School of the
universities where the applicant may pursue graduate studies under
SEARCA scholarship;
Official transcript of academic records of each degree completed (BS
transcript for MS applicants and BS and MS transcripts for PhD
Certification of employment;
A two-page write-up on agricultural competitiveness or natural
resource management;
A brief description of the research that the applicant plans to
conduct for thesis/dissertation. The research topic must be in line
with the priority thrusts of SEARCA. (SEARCA Five-Year Plan may be
viewed at
Two copies of passport-size pictures of the applicant;
Certification from a medical doctor that the applicant is in good
physical and mental health condition and is fit to undertake graduate
Official endorsement from the employer;
Results of Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): score of
550 for paper-based and 213 for computer-based) or IELTS results
(6.0). The TOEFL results must be issued by Princeton, New Jersey,
USA. Check the schedule and venue of TOEFL tests in your country at or download
copy of the schedule here .
Application Forms
SEARCA - download
UP Los Baños Graduate School (UPLB GS)
- UPLB GS Form No. 1 (Application) download
- UPLB GS Form No. 2 (Recommendation) download
- UPLB GS Form No. 3 (English Proficiency) download
UP Diliman (UPD)
- College of Science download
- School of Economics download
UP Visayas (UPV)
- Graduate Program in Fisheries download
- Graduate Program in Marine Affairs download
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) - Graduate Program download
Kasetsart University (KU) - Graduate Program download
Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) - Graduate Program download
Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) - Graduate Program download
Contact detail:
Graduate Scholarship Department of SEARCA via
email at or
More info:

15 PhD positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology, Jena, Germany
15 PhD positions in Molecular and Chemical Ecology
Job Reference Number: IMPRS 2008
The International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS) for
the “Exploration of Ecological Interactions with Molecular and
Chemical Techniques” in Jena, Germany, offers 15 PhD positions in
molecular biology, ecology, entomology, microbiology, (bio)-
chemistry, neuroethology or bioinformatics beginning in January 2009.
The Research School is the first graduate school worldwide where
modern chemical and molecular techniques are systematically linked to
ecological research.
Students holding a Master’s degree (or equivalent) from any national
and international university with a proven record of success in one
of the relevant disciplines and being interested in examining traits
of ecological interactions are eligible to conduct a doctoral project
within the IMPRS. Courses of the IMPRS are held in English.
Application deadline is June 30, 2008.
For detailed information on the IMPRS, the application and admission
procedure in Jena please visit our website
Job Description
1) “Characterisation and quantification of ecologically relevant
metabolites on algal surfaces by the use of novel mass spectromentric
methods” (Georg Pohnert)
2) “Combined application of laser microdissection and LC-NMR for cell-
specific localization and identification of secondary metabolites”
(Bernd Schneider)
3) “NMR-based metabolic profiling of phenylphenalenone-producing
plants in response to biotic and abiotic elicitors” (Bernd Schneider)
4) “Evolution of Drosophila Olfaction” (Bill Hansson)
5) “Mass spectrometry of metabolites from plants and insects” (Ales
6) “Mathematical Modeling of Metabolic Networks” (Stefan Schuster)
7) “Defense mechanisms in poplar as a response to invertebrate
herbivory” (Jonathan Gershenzon)
8) “Insect-plant interactions mediated by RNA interference
mechanisms” (David Heckel)
9) “Functional analysis of interactions between insect digestive
proteases and plant protease inhibitors” (David Heckel)
1 project in Terrestrial Ecology (Wolfgang Weisser)
3 projects in Molecular Ecology (Ian Baldwin)
Additional projects will be offered to excellent candidates who may
choose a topic they would like to work on.
For detailed information on the IMPRS, the ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEM
and the admission procedure in Jena please visit our website
Application Deadline

PhD Scholarships in Materials Chemistry and Nanotechnology, Monash University, Australia
We are currently looking for students who want to pursue a PhD in Materials Chemistry or Nanotechnology in 2008/2009.
Applicants must satisfy the following requirements:
* Master or Bachelor (Honours) or equivalent in Chemistry, Materials Science, or Chemical Engineering.
* Fluency in English.
Moreover, experience in some of the following areas is desirable: Polymers, Nanomaterials, Surface Analysis, Sol-gel Process.
Qualified candidates are encouraged to submit their application (including CV and copies of transcripts) via e-mail to Dr. Walid Daoud. Consideration of applications will begin in 2008 and will continue until the positions are filled.
Please send applications (via email as pdf, including CV, publication list and transcripts) to Dr. Walid Daoud.
Dr. Walid Daoud
School of Applied Sciences and Engineering
Monash University
Churchill, Australia
Phone: 61 3 990-26411
Fax: 61 3 990 26738
Email: Walid.Daoud[ at ]
For more information, please visit the group homepage.

PhD Scholarships in Innovation and Market Selection, France
PhD Scholarship Innovation and Market Selection: an Evolutionary Approach
CNRS-GREDEG, University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, and Department for Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE) - SciencesPo (France)
Description of the Subject: Aggregate productivity growth is the outcome of incumbent firms adopting new and superior techniques and (or) entering firms replacing exiting firms with better technologies. This research project will concern market selection mechanisms by characterising innovation as a process of selection (or acquisition) of more productive technologies within firms and a process of selection of firms itself. It will analyse both what happens inside the firms and what happens between firms on the market when firms are engaged in innovative or imitative processes.
The first part of the research will be devoted to making a survey of empirical and theoretical analyses of industrial dynamics, which should focus on the relation between innovation and competition. The second part of the research will build a theoretical model of industrial dynamics in order to analyse rivalry and competition among heterogeneous firms. It will determine the market conditions that allow firms to capture productivity gains from past investments. These market conditions are critical to haracterising the dynamic equilibrium, similar to a so-called natural market structure. The third and last part will consist in developing an empirical analysis of the determinants of firms’ entry and exit, using French census data. In its conclusion, this research will address critical issues concerning the objectives and channels of industrial policies defined as policies that support development of firms and innovation.
Requirements: The successful candidate must be familiar with basic economic modelling and econometrics (master level). Knowledge of English is required. Proficiency in English and the willingness to learn French are appreciated.
This is a PhD public scholarship for three years, starting from September 2008 onwards, with an annual pay of 16,000 Euros before income tax. The candidate will be hosted at CNRS/GREDEG and OFCE/DRIC. GREDEG (CNRS and University of Nice Sophia Antipolis) is a research group in industrial economics. OFCE-DRIC ( is a department of the research centre in economics of Sciences-Po Paris, a leading French higher education institution. The Department for Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE-DRIC), in association with the GREDEG, studies a broad set of topics related to structural change, innovation and trade. It has a strong emphasis on empirical approaches:
(i) for the analysis of economic performances of firms and countries engaged in innovation processes or concerned with the entry in new markets; (ii) for the evaluation of public policies (competition and regulation policies, but also fiscal and banking ones). Its researchers combine a good grasp of economic theory with various econometric methods applied to firm and plant level datasets.
Supervisor: Jean-Luc Gaffard Professor of Economics, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and CNRS-GREDEG, Head of the Department for Research on Innovation and Competition (OFCE Centre de Recherche en Economie de Sciences-Po)
Location: CNRS-GREDEG / University of Nice Sophia Antipolis and OFCE Department for Research on Innovation and Competition, 250 Avenue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France.
Application: Applications will be received no later than June 30 2008. A master degree is required. To apply send a hard-copy of a cover letter, a full CV, a letter of recommendation, and a scholarly work or a research paper to:
Prof. Jean-Luc Gaffard, OFCE-DRIC, 250 rue Albert Einstein, 06560 Valbonne, France, e-mail: jeanluc.gaffard[ at ]
Deadline: June 30 2008

PhD Studentship in Agricultural Economics, Teagasc & University College Dublin, Ireland
This project evaluates the economic costs and benefits associated with alternative management practises of Genetically Modified (GM) crop technology. Specific research questions relating to the following issues will be examined: (i) a comparison of the costs of co-existence accruing to conventional crop producers and the potential benefits accruing to GM adopting producers (ii) factors affecting farmer’s attitudes to GM technology adoption and (iii) consumer willingness to pay for GM versus non GM food end products. This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the economics of co-existence of conventional and GM crop technology.
The PhD student will be based part-time at the Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc and the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Business Section, School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine at University College Dublin. There is also the possibility that the student may spend a semester at a US university collaborating with experts in the area of consumer willingness to pay studies in relation to GM technology.
* Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Science or related discipline
* An interest in applied microeconomics in particular agricultural or environmental economics
* Excellent quantitative skills.
Conditions of employment Stipend: €21,000 per annum (from which tuition fees must be paid) Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning September, 2008
Additional Information Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from: Dr. Fiona Thorne Email: fiona.thonre[ at ]
Application Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs before June 13th to Dr. Fiona Thorne, RERC, Teagasc, Malahide Road, Kinsealy, Dublin 17, Fiona.thorne[ at ]
Deadline: June 13th, 2008

Postdoctoral / Research Fellow in Quantum Plasma Physics, University of Sydney, Australia
School of Physics
Reference No. 130304
The School of Physics at the University of Sydney pursues a vigorous program of research including astronomy and astrophysics, space physics, biological and medical physics, photonics, quantum physics, particle physics, plasma physics, and surface and materials physics.
The School invites applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow or Research Fellow to join a research group on quantum plasma physics, led by Professor Don Melrose and Dr Mike Wheatland. The appointee will work on specific projects that combine quantum and fluid descriptions of magnetized plasmas.
To be appointed at the Postdoctoral Fellow level, a PhD in Theoretical Physics or a related discipline is essential, as is a demonstrated capacity to conduct independent research in theoretical or computational physics. The appointee must be familiar with numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations, and demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills and the ability to work well in a team environment. Experience in computational fluid mechanics and some knowledge of quantum electrodynamics will be desirable.
To be appointed at the Research Fellow level, the appointee will need to meet the above criteria and additionally possess relevant postdoctoral experience.
The position is full-time fixed term for two years, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation period for new appointees. There is the possibility of further offers of employment for one year, subject to funding and need. Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees.
* Remuneration package (level A): up to $60,712 - $82,389 p.a. pro rata (which includes a base salary Level A $51,302 - $69,620 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation).
* Remuneration package (level B): up to $86,731 - $102,993 p.a. pro rata (which includes a base salary Level B $73,289 - $87,030 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation).
This position can be appointed either at Postdoctoral Fellow level or at the Research Fellow Level. A remuneration package will be negotiated with the successful candidate.
For more information or to apply online, please visit and search by reference number 130304. Specific enquiries about the role can be directed to Professor Don Melrose via email: Melrose[ at ] General enquires can be directed to Shanne McGinniss on (02) 9351 5880.
Closing Date: 17 June 2008

PhD Positions in the Life Sciences, ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Switzerland
The Life Science Zurich Graduate School houses several Ph.D. programs that cover distinct areas of the life sciences. Each program offers research and education opportunities in a stimulating international environment for ambitious students who wish to work towards a Ph.D. degree. Accepted students perform their research project in one of the participating research groups of their favorite program, according to their scientific interest. Advanced teaching and training courses are offered throughout the curriculum. The program language is English throughout.
Applicants must hold or anticipate receiving a Masters degree or equivalent from a university in a relevant field before starting the Ph.D. program. Applicants accepted for the program will have to register with either the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich, depending on the affiliation of their future research group.
Application deadlines: July 1st and December 1st
Ph.D. studies usually last 3-4 years
Our web pages provide detailed information for submission of application. Please refer to the guidelines as we only take into consideration applications received in the required format.
Submission of application only via Internet at:

PhD and PostDoc Positions in Short Range Sensing, Localization and Wireless Communication, Norway
7 PhD scholarships and 3 PostDoc fellowships related to the MELODY project are offered within the area of Wireless sensor networks at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications , NTNU and at the Department of Informatics , University of Oslo in collaboration with Rikshospitalet University Hospital and Norwegian Defence Research Establishment. Download the full announcement.
The scholarships are financed by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) under the VERDIKT program. The project is on medical sensing, localization, and communications using ultra wideband technology
(MELODY) for 7 years (2008-2015) and is a joint effort among Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, and
University of Oslo. The project will have strong collaboration with several top international universities and leading industry in areas of wireless technology and medical sensing. Information about the project can be found at
The goal of the project is to develop more basic understanding of, and novel and more efficient principles for the above mentioned area, and address improvements in short range medical sensing,
localization, and energy-efficient and robust wireless communications for inside and on body applications.
1. Ultra Wideband Communication Three PhD and one Postdoc fellowships are available in the area of wireless sensor network and will focus on cognitive wireless sensor networks, signal processing for robust in-body/on-body communications, and distributed signal processing for communications (joint optimization of source-channel coding and modulation, (etc.), where energy minimization of and spectrum utilization are emphasized. Algorithms based on bio-inspired networks with self-awareness, learning capability, and use of artificial intelligence (AI) will be investigated. The overall optimization aims at the end-to-end throughput, minimization of delay and bit error rate/packet error rate, and the reduction of the effect of interferences
2. Microelectronics for Ultra Wideband Localization Two PhD and one Postdoc fellowships are available in microelectronics implementation for high precision in-body/on-body localization and will focus on time-domain implementations of impulse radio based solutions using wireless sensor network in nanometer scale microelectronics. The candidates must be able to handle the full design cycle for custom-designed microelectronics. Implemented solutions must be demonstrated in prototype setup. In conjunction with prototyping some programming skills for microcontrollers are required. Background in RF design would be an advantage.
3. Ultra Wideband Radar Two PhD and one Postdoc fellowships are available in ultra wideband (UWB) radar for medical application and will focus on short range sensing and imaging of human body. The team will be using a prototype UWB radar system for measuring heart beat and other vital signs parameters. The initial work will focus on determining optimal frequency range and signal processing methods for extraction of different body parameters, where time-frequency-space analysis, phased array imaging and other signal processing methods will be investigated.
PhD candidates working in Topic #1 will be enrolled at NTNU in Trondheim, while PhD candidates working in Topics #2 and #3 will be enrolled at the University of Oslo. The candidates in Trondheim will be associated with the Signal Processing Group at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications at NTNU while candidates in Oslo will be associated with either Interventional Centre, Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Micro Electronics Group, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo or Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI). The candidates associated with FFI may require security clearance. They will all work in strong and active scientific environments, and the project will incorporate collaboration with several foreign partners, including National and European industry. Absolute requirement is that active international publication ofresearch results in high impact, top peer-reviewed journals and conferences must be pursued.
We seek highly motivated individuals holding a masters degree or equivalent education in electrical/computer engineering, communication technology, microelectronics, or other relevant disciplines. The candidates must formally be qualified for Ph.D. studies at NTNU or University of Oslo. General information about doctoral studies at NTNU and University of Oslo can be found at and It is required that the scholarship holders apply for, and are accepted for, the Ph.D. study program as soon as possible after hiring.
PhD positions are available for 3 years, where Postdoc positions are normally available for 2 years with possible extension up to 2 additional years depending on obtained results and publications.
The salary and terms are according to the Norwegian state regulations. The PhD position salary will be at NOK 325 800 – 350 000 per annum, while the Postdoc position salary will be at NOK 400000 – 430000 per annum. Full salary during illness and five week paid holidays are according to the state regulations.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Project Manager Prof. Ilangko Balasingham (e-mail: ilangkob[at]; phone: +47 93459022 ), Prof. Svein-Erik Hamran, (e-
mail: sveinerik.hamran[at], phone +47 63807254 ), Prof. Tor Sverre Lande (e-mail: bassen[at], phone +47 22852455 ), or Prof. Tor Ramstad (e-mail: ramstad[at], phone: +47
73594314 ) for further information.
All applications must contain a cover letter, curriculum vitae, certified copies of transcripts with grades for bachelor and master degrees, and two letters of recommendations. In addition the applications for Postdocs must also contain a PhD certificate. A good command of English is required for all candidates. Non-native English speaking international candidates must document their English
language proficiency through either TOEFL - Test of English as a Foreign Language (test result of min. 600 PBT or 250 CTB or 100 IBT) or IELTS - International English Language Testing Service (test result of 7.0 or better).
The applicant should specify if the application is for one scholarship or several scholarships with reference number to Topic #1, #2 and/or #3. Incomplete applications will no be considered.
The application deadline is June 10, 2008. The application with all enclosures should be submitted before the application deadline to:
Prof. Ilangko Balasingham
Interventional Centre
N-0027 Oslo
Deadline: June 10, 2008
Via: official announcement

PhD Studentships in Statistics, University of Bristol, UK
Applications are invited for a number of PhD studentships in the Statistics Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK. The Statistics Group has an international reputation for excellence in research and in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise it was awarded ratings of 5*A.
The studentships will be restricted to students of a high quality - the normal entry requirement is the equivalent of a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours at undergraduate level. Worldwide qualified students are encouraged to apply.
The Statistics Group offers a number of studentships up to a maximum of 3.5 year studentships for UK and EU PhD students who have been residents in the UK for 3 years prior to application, and fees-only funding for other EU students. The studentships include a tax-free stipend of £12,600 per year.
For overseas students, the university has several sources of funding available including the Overseas Research Studentship (ORS) and Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award (DHPA). The scholarships cover the overseas tuition fee plus a maintenance stipend. The funding application for the academic year 2008 is closed, but it will be open soon for the academic year 2009.
Postgraduate study is based around research themes in Applied Probability, Bayesian Modelling and Analysis, Behavioural Biology, Graphical Modelling, Monte Carlo, Multiscale Methods, Nonparametric Regression, Optimisation Under Uncertainty, Statistical Bioinformatics, Statistical Signal Processing, Time Series and Spatial Analysis. Details of some possible PhD projects are available at the website along with more information concerning group, including funding schemes.
Please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator, Ms Lucy Innes (lucy.innes[ at ] ) with any further questions, that are not answered by the booklets available on the website, including qualifications and eligibility for funding.
Applications should be made on the official form, available from this page. Candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible.
The closing date for applications is 1st August 2008.

Vice-Chancellor of international scholarships 2008
Vice-Chancellor of international scholarships 2008
De Montfort University is committed to supporting foreign students enjoy studying in Britain. Writing for courses starting in September 2008, De Montfort University Vice-Chancellor is very pleased scholarships 2000 pounds each. £ 2000 scholarship equivalent to a reduction of about 20% of the total tuition fees, and will be paid in full tuition fees for overseas students from the status of any country in the world who wish to study any of the following types of courses at De Montfort University, Leicester:
* Full-time degree (BA / BSc) in any subject
* Full-time postgraduate diploma and masters courses (PGDip / MA / MSc / MBA / Master of Law) on any topic
* Full-time MPhil / PhD research degrees in any subject
Scholarships are available for courses starting in September 2008 only (or between September 2008 and June 2009 at MPhil / PhD research degrees).
£ 2000 scholarships will be as one-pay leave and will be deducted from the total training fee for access to the first (or only) year of study.
Students moving to the DMU by one of our established progression schemes or joint partnerships can also apply for these scholarships, if they wish.
Only for the status of students have the right to apply for participation.
We will award up to 16 x £ 2000 scholarships for higher rates, starting in September 2008. There will be a limited number of scholarships for faculty:
* Faculty of Arts and Design: up to 3 scholarships
* The Faculty of Business and Law: up to 3 scholarships
* Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering: up to 5 scholarships
* Department of Health and Science: up to 2 scholarships
* Faculty of Humanities: up to 3 scholarships
Keep in mind that some of our courses are not included in this scheme scholarships. To confirm whether your choice, of course, included in the scheme, please contact the faculty reception team, which you are applying directly.
Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of submission of 500 words essay, which must be written and evaluated by the applicant group DMU representatives (each department will have its own team).
How to apply
1. Choose a course to which you want to apply to participate. If you would like further information or advice, please contact the Center for Inquiry T: +44 (0) 116 257 7513, e-mail or visit / international, to view Our online prospectuses .
2. Fill out and submit an application for a course you want to learn. Detailed information on how to apply can be found online at / international and in our international prospectuses. If the application is successful, you’ll be sent a letter proposal. You may already hold a proposal for the course, starting from 2008/09.
3. If you have your offer letter (conditional or unconditional), and you want to apply for one of the VC International Fellowship 2008/09, you must write an essay 500 words.
Please write 500 words (in English) as follows :
How will learn in your De Montfort University to improve your future?
After the deadline for applications, all the essays will be judged DMU group of representatives (one panel at the faculty) and scholarships will be awarded to applicants who are well demonstrated, according to the group, the following:
* Excellent written communication skills
* A clear understanding of course, do you want to learn
* A good understanding of what you hope to obtain from the UK Higher Education
* Good understanding of employment sector you want to enter after graduation and skills you may need
* As scholarship will help you in your research and in the future
* Ambition for the future, motivation and enthusiasm for his subject and learning
* Strong scientific knowledge as evidenced by your pre-qualification and / or academic reference as part of your application.
When complete, please write your essay, as a Word document attachment, Mary Kyrris, international recruitment group, at the very
Please do not forget your name, date of birth, e-mail address and your application number with your essay.
Deadline for applications
If you want to apply for international scholarships, you should have received your letter and your essay proposal submitted before August 1, 2008 . No essays received after this date will be accepted under any circumstances.
You’ll receive an e-mail confirmation of your essay submission, when we receive it. Make sure that you continue to recognition as proof of your application, if necessary.
The allocation process
After a period of 1 August 2008, the group DMU representatives (one panel at the faculty) will meet to assess all of the works. All successful applicants who were awarded scholarships will be notified by e-mail and letters (regular mail) before September 1, 2008. £ 2000 scholarships will be deducted from the total training fee of successful candidates, when you arrive for training at DMU. Detailed information on successful recipients will be available from Maria Kyrris at after September 10, 2008, if required.
* Status only overseas students have the right to apply for scholarships.
* Both self-funding and sponsored students have the right to apply for participation.
* There is no alternative will be offered cash and scholarship can not be transferred to any other course in DMU or to any other nominated beneficiary.
* Valid only for entry in September 2008 (or between September 2008 and June 2009 for research applicants) - scholarships can not be postponed from filing until September 2009 or later.
* For foreign students who are also entitled to 5% discount for early payment of their assessed contributions in full in applications, £ 2000 Scholarship will be deducted from the first full contribution, then 5% discount from the fee reduction.
* These scholarships will be awarded in conjunction with any other scholarship, such as scholarships for graduates of 2008 - students can receive a scholarship DMU only, as a rule, one of greater value.
* If the applicant is available scholarships, and then withdraw their application, or do not sign up for the course for any reason, scholarship is revoked.
* University reserves the right to withdraw scholarships, fellowships or not to provide, at any time before they are distributed.
Additional Information
For more information on scholarships and / or our courses, visit / international, call +44 (0) 116 257 7513 or e-mail

MBA Scholarships at University of Nicosia, Cyprus
The Government of the Republic of Cyprus will award up to 5 scholarships for students from Indonesia for excellent university Nicosia MBA program.
University of Nicosia is the largest private university in Cyprus with established reputations to quality education and recently received a “committed to excellence” award from the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
MBA program is one of the most offered in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean Region and in the field, accredited CEEA, Cyprus Ministry of Education and KYSATS. Business School is a member of AACSB - International Association for the Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.
University of Nicosia MBA specialization:
* Management
* Marketing
* Finance
* MIS (management information systems)
Students whose first degree is not related to the business may be asked to take up to 3 Foundation courses.
The scholarship is granted for one year and will include:
1) € 10.252 tuition fees
2) One ticket (up to € 770)
3) € 683 monthly allowance
4) € 68 arrival allowance
5) € 51 departure allowance
6) € 185 for the purchase of health insurance
7) € 34 Cost of authorization student
8) € 46 Cost of medical tests, needed to resolve student
9) € 427 textbook allowance
The procedure for applying for scholarships MBA
1. The applicant must produce the next set of documents:
1) A University of Nicosia MBA survey
2) officially confirmed Bachelor Degree mark sheets
3) officially certified copy of Bachelor’s Degree
4) officially confirmed magistracy mark sheet
5) officially certified copy of Master’s Degree
6) 2 letters
7) Proof of knowledge of English
8) Curriculum Vitae
9) officially certified copy of the passport (valid for a period of not less than two years)
10) 4 photos
11) officially certified copy of good conduct police report
12) A copy of the analysis of blood for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis B
13) A copy of chest X-Ray report
14) * Approval Form, which is officially signed and stamped
* Approval form must be filled in by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other government body that approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
(Please note that documents, which must be formally confirmed to be undertaken for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for certification.)
2. The above documents along with the signed approval forms should be submitted to:
Deadline: June 30, 2008
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Cyprus-Jakarta
Mr. Hardjuni SH
Menara Sudirman B 7 Floor
JI. Menara Sudirman Kav. 60
Jakarta 12190
Tel.: 006221 5226837-39, 0062 816739877 (mobile)
Fax.: 006221 5226829, 006221 5227753
E-mail address:
All applications should reach Honorary Consul to June 30, 2008.
Download approval forms: click here

Japan Scholarship Kochi University of Technology
Doctoral Special Scholarship Program (SSP): Kochi University of Technology, Japan
What is Special Scholarship Program (SSP)?
Special Scholarship Program (SSP) was established in 2003 in order to support the advanced research of the university by enlisting the help of highly capable international students. Every year in April and October, the university enrolls selected foreign doctoral students under specific research projects. The students pursue the doctoral course in English while at the same time assisting their host professor as a research assistant (RA). Through this program KUT wishes to expand and deepen international ties with academic and educational institutions all over the world. →Message from SSP students
→Undergoing SSP Project
→Thesis of Graduated SSP Students
We do not have any brochure for International Applicants. You can find all necessary information and download application form from the following application guideline.
Course for International Students
Doctoral Program (3 years)
Department of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering
20 students per year
One year
*The term will be extended for increments of one year up to a total of three years, unless the university terminates the scholarship for any of the reasons stated below in the paragraph 12, Termination of Scholarship
(1) Scholarship recipient must work as a research assistant under the specific research project.
*However, the total paid working time per week, including research assistant work, should not exceed 28 hours.
(2) Scholarship recipient must report his/her study and research achievements to the dean of the graduate school of engineering at the end of each semester. The submitted reports will be evaluated.
(1) Receive up to 1,200, 000 yen per year for working as a research assistant.
(2) Exemption from 300,000 yen enrollment fee, 940,000 yen (per year) tuition fee, 150,000 yen (per year) fee for facilities improvement and 150,000yen (per year) cost of experiments and laboratory work.
(3) Receive 200,000 yen for travel and initial living costs (given only to applicants who are living outside Japan at the time of application)
7. ELIGIBILITY Applicants are required to meet all of the following conditions
(1) To have or to be expected to acquire a master’s degree before enrollment.
(2) To have intention, adequate knowledge and research skill to work as a research assistant under the one of research projects listed here
(3) To have an excellent academic record
(4) To have a high English proficiency
(5) To be 35 years old or under at the time of enrollment
(6) To have other than Japanese nationality
(1) Choose the research project from the SSP Research Project List
for October 2008 & April 2009 Enrollment.
(2) Complete and submit all required documents.
*Please refer to the List for SSP Application Documents
Enrollment time
April & October 2009
October 2009
Application deadline
September 30, 2008
March 31, 2009
The applicant will be notified of the admission decision by express mail within 3 months after the deadline of the application.
(1) If you are still working towards your master’s degree, a verified original master’s degree certificate in English from your university will be required before your enrollment can be complete. If you are not able to produce such a document, you will not be enrolled.
(2) If SSP scholarship recipient is selected as a recipient of another institution’s scholarship, his/her monthly pay for working as a research assistant will be adjusted.
Scholarships will be terminated in the following cases
(1) If the scholarship recipient takes time off from school
(2) If a report submitted in accordance with term 5 (2) is considered inadequate for a scholarship recipient.
(3) If the university considers the scholarship recipient’s behavior inappropriate for a scholarship recipient.
All inquiries and application documents must be addressed to:
International Relations Center
Kochi University of Technology
Tosayamada. Kochi. 782-8502. Japan
Tel: +81 887 53 1130
Fax: +81 887 57 2000

2 doctoral grants and post doctoral grants Berlin — Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
2 doctoral grants and post doctoral grants are being offered within
Excellence Cluster 264 “Topoi - The Formation
and Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations”,
which has been set up in the framework of the Excellence Initiative at
Freie Universität Berlin and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and in
cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
(There is a parallel announcement for the position of a research
In the Excellence Project Cluster “TOPOI—The Formation and
Transformation of Space and Knowledge in Ancient Civilizations,” a
junior research group is being set up on the topic “Historical
Epistemology of Space: Experience and Theoretical Reflection in the
Historical Development of Spatial Knowledge” within the framework of
the research group E-II “Space as Transformed in the History of
Science” (Christof Rapp, Jürgen Renn, Matthias Schemmel). The goal is
to produce a long-term history of fundamental structures of spatial
thinking from prehistory to the present. To this end, we are seeking
applicants who are competent in one of the following subject areas and
have an interest in researching one of the following topics: (A)
developmental psychology, cognitive anthropology, psycholinguistics,
ethnology: psychogenetic development and ethnological differentiation
of spatial thinking; (B) history of geography: the long-term
development of geodesy, its instruments and mathematical methods,
including their applications in astronomy; (C) history of astronomy
and cosmology: the long-term development of astronomy and cosmology
with special consideration of the development of the concept of space.
Profile of Candidate Requirements:
A Masters or equivalent for the doctoral stipend, a degree
dissertation for the post doctoral stipend. Mastery of German or
Willingness to collaborate in the group of your researchers as well as
in the Research Group E-II. Women are especially encouraged to apply.
The Max Planck Society and Humboldt-Universität are committed to
employing more handicapped individuals.
The doctoral stipends provide between 1,300 and 1,365 Euros a month
(due to the regulations of the Max Planck Society, one of them may
also be granted in the framework of an employment contract with a
salary according to 50% of E13 TVÖD), the post doctoral stipends
provide between 1,468 and 1,621 Euro a month (for fellows from abroad,
one of them may provide between 1,900 and 2,300 Euro a month).
Supplements for family and child care can be granted.
Begin: August 1, 2008
Closing Date: June 27, 2008
Applications may be submitted in German or English. Applicants should
send a CV, copies of transcripts, a list of publications where
applicable, an original text (an article or a chapter from a book or
thesis), a short description of what they envision themselves
contributing to the research project outlined above, and the code
number DS/E-II/01/08 to:
Please send your application only electronically via e-mail to:
Excellence Cluster 264 Topoi
E-Mail: topoi @

TWAS Postgraduate and postdoctoral fellowship in Brazil, India, Pakistan, China
TWAS Fellowships for Postgraduate Research
*further info:*
Each year, the TWAS Fellowship Programmes, which operate under agreements
with governments and national organizations in developing countries –
particularly Brazil, China, India and Pakistan – offer a number of
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries to carry out
postgraduate research in developing countries other than their own.
Currently, there are eight fellowship programmes for postgraduate research,
implemented in collaboration with the following parter organizations:
1. National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq),
The TWAS-CNPq Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Brazil) who wish to undertake a PhD in the natural sciences in Brazil.
Duration: 4 years. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
2. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China
The TWAS-CAS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than China)
who wish to undertake the final year of their PhD research in China.
Duration: 1 year. Deadline for applications: 31 August.
3. Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India
The TWAS-CSIR Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in newly emerging areas in science and technology for
which facilities are available in CSIR laboratories and institutes.
Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 1 June Extended: 15 July
4. Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science and
Technology, India
The TWAS-DBT Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue all or part (SANDWICH or FULL-TIME) of their research
leading towards a PhD in biotechnology at key biotechnology research
institutions in India. Duration: up to 5 years. Deadline for applications:
31 August.
5. S.N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, India
The TWAS-SN Bose Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research leading towards a PhD in physical sciences.
Duration: 4 years (plus possibility of one year extension). Deadline for
applications: 31 August.
6. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), India
The TWAS-IACS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than India)
who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in certain fields of natural
sciences, including biological chemistry, condensed matter physics,
inorganic chemistry, materials science, non conventional energy, organic
chemistry, physical chemistry, polymer science, spectroscopy and theoretical
physics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.
7. National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), Pakistan
The TWAS-CEMB Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in molecular biology and
molecular genetics. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30
June Extended: 15 July 2008.
8. International Centre for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS),
The TWAS-ICCBS Fellowship Programme for Postgraduate Research offers
fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than
Pakistan) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in organic chemistry,
biochemistry, biotechnology, molecular medicine, pharmacology or physical
chemistry. Duration: up to 4 years. Deadline for applications: 30 June
Extended: 15 July 2008.

Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University offers scholarship for Master Degree (S2) study at Gadjah Mada University.
1. Earned S1 from GMU (Gadjah Mada University)
2. GPA Minimum 3.25
3. Toefl score minimum 450
4. Submit application form along with documents needed
5. Attend and pass from interview which will be held on 20 June, 09.00 – 11.00 WIB at Graduate School of GMU Building
For further information please contact:
Marem Warsito (mobile: 0818 277 198),
Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM,
Jl. Teknika Utara, Pogung,
Yogyakarta, 55281,
Tlp: (0274) 544976;
Fax: (0274) 564239,
Please download click here
Read More......

Vacancy at PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk, is a public listed company serves approximately 3 Million subscribers in 2007. Under the brand of Fren, Mobile-8 is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia with CDMA technology and holds a nation-wide license using advanced technology of CDMA 2000 1X that enables us to continuously commit to provide better and innovative products and services to our customers. Fren are now in entire Java island, Madura, Bali, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. As part of our commitment to widen the operational coverage and enhance services around Indonesia, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:
In details, you will be in charge in:
Assisting with profitability and quality of basic service products
Managing timely delivery of products
Providing product definition (White Paper) of each product/services launched
Generation/Custodian of Concept papers, product requirements, business case and product plans
Providing product and services roadmap and business forecast
Integrating to network element/component (IN/Billing/Engineering/IT) and or other (3rd) party outside M8
Managing product requirements and KPIs, product enhancement and product performance monitoring
Providing new product plan
Interpretation of benchmarking studies undertaken for product-related services
To be a successful in the position, you will be:
Holding a minimum of S1 degree, and preferably with S2 degree, from reputable
universities, majoring in Telecommunication/Marketing (Fresh graduated are welcome to apply)
Demonstrating key attributes such as eager to learn, proactive, good integrity and good analytical thinking is a must, strong interpersonal skill, communicative, easy to make relation, hard worker and willing to work under pressure
Having sound communication skill and being proficient in Bahasa and English
Strong in computer skill (Ms. Project, Ms. Visio & Ms Office)
Please send your comprehensive resume to:
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email
Vacancy at Bakrie Telecom
PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Job Descriptions:
Manage Procurement System (SAP MM)
Spending Analyst & Reporting
Managing Contract & Vendor management
Business Process Enhacement / SOP
Male or Female, 29-35 years old
Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable University (Engineering)
Have 3- 5 years experience in Consultant System or Managing Contract/Sales.(Preferably from Telecommunication Industry)
Excellent with Change management, SAP , Exposures Contract, Statistical, SAP Application
Excellent with Computer skills (MS Office, ERP)
Good communication skill, Creative and Innovative
Fluent in English (Both Written or Oral)
Willing to work under pressure
Based on Jakarta
Please submit application letter and CV to:
Please put the code: PROCUREMENT-MANAGER on the e-mail subject With Ms.Word Format Max.120 KB
Vacancy at PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk
PT Bank BRI (Persero) Tbk. Kanwil Jakarta 1 membuka kesempatan bagi
putra-putri terbaik Indonesia yang mempunyai integritas tinggi,ulet,
dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengisi posisi Associate Account
- .Pendidikan minimal S1 semua fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi
- .Berasal dari PTN/PTS terkenal
- .IPK minimal 2.75 (skala 4)
- .Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki Account Officer Bank atau
Marketing bidang perusahaan pembiayaan minimal 1 (satu) tahun.
- .Usia maksimal 30 tahun dengan pengalaman bidang Account
officer/Marketing dan usia maksimal 25 tahun tanpa pengalaman kerja
(fresh graduate) per tanggal 31 Mei 2008
- .Diutamakan berdomisili di wilayah Jabodetabek atau Kalbar
- .Memiliki SIM A dan SIM C
Penyampaian lamaran hanya dilakukan melalui aplikasi on-line mulai 31
Mei hingga 8 Juni 2008Persyaratan dan keterangan lengkap mengenai tata
cara pengajuan lamaran dapat dilihat melalui website
Call Center: 021-2300313 ext.1232 senin-sabtu Jam 8.00-17.00
Vacancy at PT Danareksa (Persero)
A career in state-owned enterprise and capital market is the road less traveled by young bright professionals, who prefer to work in multinational companies and banks. Still PT Danareksa (Persero) - the leading state-owned investment bank - has long committed itself to lead the way on that less traveled road. Thus, to promote Indonesian infant capital market and develop our company, we sought for fine men and women who are eager to make the difference between the ordinary and extraordinary, between everyday professionals and exceptional ones, and to contribute to the nation.
Should you have the will and qualification to tread the road with us, please let us know and see what the road has to offer.
General Requirements:
* Willing to work hard, even long extra hours, and target oriented
* Acquired a Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree from well-recognized reputable local and overseas universities.
* Must have a good command of English and be computer literate (especially MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Power Point).
Available positions:
Equity Account Executive (AE)
Available Location : Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Semarang, Solo, Surabaya, Makassar, Medan
Together we promote Indonesian infant capital market and develop our company, and we also offer a dynamic career in capital market that has a very vast option of opportunity to develop your own career that suit your interest and your capability.
Specific Criteria:
* have basic knowledge of brokerage industry and financial products.
* possess excellent interpersonal skill.
* demonstrate sound reasoning and effective persuasion skill.
* networking is valuable.
* for Senior positions or Team Leader, holders of WPPE and/or WMI licenses with a 3-year experience are preferable.
* for Junior positions, training are provided. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply.
Send your application together with supporting documents, recent photograph, and salary expectation (mandatory) before June 17, 2008. Write the job code and your preferred location on the top right hand corner of the envelope to:
Danareksa Training Center
PT Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
Jakarta 10110
or Write the job code on the subject of your e-mail to :
Please apply only if you meet the criteria of the position you
Urgently Required - Secretary of Director
There is a vacancy for "Secretary of Director" in PT MNC Sky Vision (Indovision) with the requirements :
- Female
- D3 from Secretarial Academy (Tarakanita is preferable)
- Min 1 - 2 years experience
- Pleasant personality, active, high initiative, self motivated person, hardworking
- Computer Literate (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)
- Fluent in English oral and written
Please kindly submit your application
with a comprehensive CV / Resume & a recent photograph to:
HRD Recruitment
Wisma Indovision Lantai 11
Jl. Raya Panjang Blok Z / III
JakartaBarat 11520
or by e-mail to: ddsalim@indovision. tv
cc: tanggadjaja@ indovision. tv
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Urgently Needed - Procurement Staff
PT. Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia , a subsidiary from Kobe Steel Ltd., is now urgently seeking for professional candidate to be positioned asProcurement Staff for Satui Office, Kalimantan Selatan. The candidate should meet these following requirements:
1. Male/ Female, below 50 years old
2. Bachelor degree (S1) or D3 certificates from related discipline knowledge from reputable colleges or universities, preferable from Engineering Dept. (Mechanical & Electrical)
3. Fluent English both oral & written is a must.
4. Having experience min. 2 years in the required fields
5. Mastering computer skill (advance in operating MS. Office is a must)
6. Having deep knowledge in managing procurement with good negotiating skill as well as making a contract, know-how of marketing price for material also evaluating it, and able to handle expedite delivery schedule, etc.
7. Able to work as a team and independently.
8. Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in Satui, Kalimantan Selatan.
9. Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
Please send your complete application letter (addressee: General Manager) immediately to:
PT Upgraded Brown Coal Indonesia
Attn. Ms.Dhita
Gedung BRI II, Lt.8, Suite 809
Jl.Jend.Sudirman Kav.44-46 Jakarta 10210
Vacancy - Lawyer
We are looking for a professional and committed individual to be based in our corporate office to fill the following position Lawyer:
Requirements :
a. Bachelor degree from Law
b. Min 3 - 5 year working experience in the same field
c. Excellent in English for both conversation & correspondent is a must.
d. Computer Literate
e. Really Strong Personality, Hard Worker & Independent
f. Able to work under pressure & over time
g. Able to start working immediately
please send your CV in English, certificates, recent photograph , ID card (KTP) and Expected Salary to email sunarto-yudo@
Applications will be treated with the strict confidentiality. Only short listed candidates will be notified
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Vacancy - Administrative Assisstant
PT Kiran Resources Indonesia is a fast growing financial and management consulting firm. Currently Kiran Resources is a market leader in risk management certification training program for banking officials, as well as a financial consultant who is actively involved in structured finance. We invite highly motivated and qualified people to join our team, as follows:
Administrative Assistant (temporary basis)
The incumbent will support the Administration Department in preparing its training programs (among others preparing participant ID cards, agenda, training materials, presentation, practice test review, reporting and other related works)
- Male/female
- Fresh graduate, minimum D3 of any major from reputable academy/university.
- Good in administrative work, and detail oriented.
- Proficient in operating Microsoft windows, excel and power point.
- English proficiency both oral and written
- Good communication, high motivation, neat, accurate, responsible and responsive.
- Able to work full time.
- Good appearance
Candidates are invited to send their applications with a comprehensive
resume, and recent photograph no later than June 20, 2008 to the following address:
PT Kiran Resources Indonesia
Plaza Mutiara 6th floor, Suite 603
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. E.1.2 No.1&2
Jakarta 12950.
Email address: kiran@kiranresource
Website: www@kiranresources. com
Vacancy - Finance and Accounting Officer
PMA company in logistic and warehousing is now needing a qualified candidate to fill the position of Finance and Accounting Officer with the requirements as mentioned bellow ;
1. Female
2. Age 25 to 35 years old
3. Graduate from reputable university majoring in Accounting or relevant
4. Having experiences in handling employee Tax (Pph 21), Jamsostek and Petty Cash at least 2 years
5. Understand English both oral and written
6. Able to operate computer
7. Having it's domicile in Center and South Jakarta is preferred.
If you have those requirements above and want to join us, please send your comprehensive CV with current photograph and mention your Salary Expectation to hr.ijkt@tcil. com not later then 2 weeks after this advertisement.
Danang Susanto Kurniawan
PT. TCI Global
hr.ijkt@tcil. com
We are one of the biggest engineering company from Japan in the link of oil and gas, looking for a candidate to fill in the position of “FINANCE STAFF”.
Our location office is in Kelapa Gading Jakarta Utara
Submit your application letter + CV + recent color photo + expected salary (otherwise we can not proceed your application) to desy@hanazono.
not later than 5 June 2008
Qualification :
· D3/S1 major in Accounting/Finance
· Female 25-30 years
· At least 2 years experience for Finance and Accounting activities
· Understanding of tax procedure (PPH 21, 23, 25/29)
· Familiar with Espt (for tax reporting)
· Strong Leadership and supervisory skill
· Smart, confident, good and pleasant personality
· Capable to work in high pressure
· Willingness to assume various roles on a team as needed on a project-by project basis.
· Strong organizational skills, computer skills (e.g., Word, Excel, Accounting System,etc.)
We are looking for a professional and committed individual to be based
in our corporate office to fill the following position Staff Legal :
Requirements :
a.. Bachelor degree from Law
b.. Min 1 year working experience in the same field
c.. Excellent in English for both conversation & correspondent is a must.
d.. Computer Literate
e.. Really Strong Personality, Hard Worker & Independent
f.. Able to work under pressure & over time
g.. Able to start working immediately (on June - July)
please send your CV in English, certificates, recent photograph , ID card (KTP) and Expected Salary to email id before June 20, 2008
Applications will be treated with the strict confidentiality. Only short listed candidates will be notified
Monday, June 2, 2008
Research Vacancies at LabMath-Indonesia
The research positions announced below are related to a research
project funded by the KNAW, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and
Supervision of the research will be done at LabMath-Indonesia by the
senior staffs in this project:
Prof. Dr. Sri Widiyantoro (SW, ITB),
Dr. Hamzah Latief (HL, ITB),
Dr. Andonowati (ITB & LMI),
Prof. Dr. Brenny van Groesen (BvG, LMI & UTwente), Dr. Ardhasena
Sopaheluwakan (AS, LMI).
Aim of the project is to perform original research that will be
published in international journals and that is directly relevant to
improve tsunami simulations. In fact, it is generally accepted that at
present, tsunami simulations have errors of a factor of two when
compared to field measurements. One of the causes of these errors is
the generation phase: the translation of the motion of the ocean
bottom to the resulting disturbance of the water: the tsunami
generation process. At least five research positions are available to
support the research project into various aspects of this problem:
1. Benchmarking of Tsunami Codes We will compare the results and
performance of two tsunami codes: the well-validated code of Hamzah
Latief (ITB Tsunami Research Group) and the recent Variational
Boussinesq Code developed at LabMath-Indonesia. Supervisors: HL , AS &
Didit Adytia.
2. Wave generation by bottom excitations Tectonic ocean bottom motions
will possibly generate a tsunami. We will use theory and simple
simulations to learn about the horizontal influx effects that are
usually neglected but may give large energy input. Supervisors: BvG &
Didit Adytia.
3. Principles of Inverse Water Wave Modelling We use a new model for
fast and reliable uni-directional wave motion to study all aspects of
modelling: given the elevation signal at one place, find the signal at
the moment of excitation at another position. Supervisors: BvG & AS
4. Inverse modelling using buoy data for bottom excitation As in the
previous topic, but now we use real data from measurements by buoys
(deployed by Indonesia) to try to find characteristics of the tsunami
generation area and the excitation process. Supervisors: HL , SW, AS &
5. Bottom excitation from seismic data How much information can we
extract from seismic signals about the (time-dynamic) bottom
excitation. Literature search, simple models and signal analysis.
Supervisors: SW & BvG.
Candidates should be eager to be involved in this research and learn
many new topics and ideas. They should have good knowledge of
calculus/ analysis including ordinary and partial differential
equations, and be experienced in programming, for instance in Matlab.
Students or graduates with good grades in S1 or S2 from mathematics,
physics, oceanography, geosciences, engineering etc can profit very
much from this research experience. A sound scientific attitude
(critical, inventive and independent) should be accompanied by a
strong motivation and disciplined work attitude.
Candidates should send an updated CV, a copy of last degree and
academic record, proof of English proficiency and letter of motivation
before 15 June 2008 by email to:
Dr. A. Sopaheluwakan:
with cc to
Prof. van Groesen:
The researches are executed at LabMath-Indonesia, Jl. Anatomi 19, Bandung.
Including a one-month probation period, the positions are at least for
a period of 3 months (full-time) up to one year (possibly part-time).
If desired, we will support your personal development, including
improvement of English when needed, and support to find continued
study abroad (MSc or PhD). During the execution you will get valuable
experience in mathematical modelling and simulation in this exciting
area in geosciences, and will work in a stimulating environment. The
salary will depend on qualifications and performance.
This vacancy is also available online at

PhD Position in multimodality EEG/fMRI and SPECT analysis for epilepsy-Ghent
The Medical and Signal Processing research group (MEDISIP) of the
faculty of engineering of the Ghent University offers a Phd position
vacancy to work on a project involving EEG/fMRI and SPECT analysis of
epilepsy phenomena of spikes and seizures.
MEDISIP has a background of PET, SPECT and MR imaging and
reconstruction as well as advanced signal processing techniques for
EEG source estimation, spike detection and EEG artifact removal.
Further information on MEDISIP’s research tracks can be obtained at
Candidates should show initiative and be able to work in a team.
Experience in programming in MATLAB, low level programming language
(C, C++, java,…) is an asset. The candidates will be encouraged to
go to international conferences and workshops in the early stages of
their PhD.
The candidates should submit a CV and motivation letter by mail to or
by ordinary mail: Steven Staelens, PhD Ghent University - IBBT Ghent
University Hospital- IBITECH - MEDISIP De Pintelaan 185 B-9000 Ghent

Vacancies in Utrecht University - Netherlands
At this moment the Utrecht University has got 15 vacancies available.
1. Postdoc ESCAPE (1,0 fte)
2. 2 PhD-Researchers Mathematics (2.0 fte)
3. Professor of Analysis (Leerstoel Zuivere Analyse) (1.0 fte)
4. Assistant/Associate Professor of Organisation (1,0 fte)
5. Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics (1,0 fte)
6. PhD-Researcher in Microbial Ecology (1,0 fte)
7. PhD-Researcher Mathematics (1.0 fte)
8. PhD-Researcher in Computational Astrophysics (1 fte)
9. PhD-Researcher in Environmental Hydrogeology (1,0 fte)
10. PhD-Researcher in Shock Metamorphism and Impact Geology (1,0 fte)
11. Assistant Professor Spectroscopy of heterogeneous catalysis (1,0 fte)
12. Assistant Professor Renewable Catalysis (1,0 fte)
13. PhD-Researcher Improving user-producer interaction in the development of sustainable agro-food innovations (1,0 fte)
14. Postdoc-Researcher in Reactive Transport Modeling (1,0 fte)
15. PhD-Researcher in Marine Geochemistry (1,0 fte)
Postdoc ESCAPE (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Salary between € 2,330.- and € 3,678.- (salary scale 10 Collaborative Labour Agreement of the Dutch Universities).
Respond before 04-05-2008
2 PhD-researchers Mathematics (2.0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary between € 2,000.- and € 2,558.- gross per month
Respond before 26-05-2008
Professor of Analysis (Leerstoel Zuivere Analyse) (1.0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary between € 4,803.- and € 6,995.- gross per month
Respond before 28-05-2008
Assistant/Associate Professor of Organisation (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Law, Economics & Governance
Salary between € 4,337.- and € 5,798.- for the Associate Professor position
and between € 3,129.- and € 4,868.- for the Assistant Professor position
Respond before 03-05-2008
Assistant Professor of Macroeconomics (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Law, Economics & Governance
Salary between € 3.129,- and € 4.868,00
Respond before 03-05-2008
PhD-researcher in Microbial Ecology (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Salary starts with € 2,000.- per month in the first year and increases to € 2,558.- per month in the fourth year of employment (salary scale Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch Universities).
Respond before 23-04-2008
PhD-researcher Mathematics (1.0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary starts with € 2,000.- in the first year and increases to € 2,558.-
Respond before 31-05-2008
PhD-researcher in Computational Astrophysics (1 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary is in the range between € 2,000.- (scale P/0)and € 2,558.- (scale P/3) gross per month
Respond before 15-05-2008
PhD-researcher in Environmental Hydrogeology (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Geosciences
Salary starts at € 2000,- and increases to 2,558.- in the fourth year of appointment
Respond before 01-05-2008
PhD-researcher in Shock Metamorphism and Impact Geology (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Geosciences
Salary starts at € 2,000.,- and increases to € 2,558,- gross per month in the fourth year of appointment.
Respond before 01-07-2008
Assistant Professor Spectroscopy of heterogeneous catalysis (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary between € 3,129.- and € 4,868.- gross per month (salary scale 11/12)
Respond before 25-04-2008
Assistant Professor Renewable Catalysis (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Science
Salary between € 3,129.- and € 4,868.- gross per month (salary scale 11/12)
Respond before 25-04-2008
PhD-researcher Improving user-producer interaction in the development of sustainable
Agro-food innovations (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Geosciences
Salary starting at € 2,000.- in year 1 to € 2,558.- in year 4
Respond before 06-05-2008
Postdoc-researcher in Reactive Transport Modeling (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Geosciences
Salary starting at € 2,740.- (scale 10 of the Dutch Universities Conditions of Employment) gross gross per month on a full-time basis.
Respond before 31-12-2008
PhD-researcher in Marine Geochemistry (1,0 fte)
Faculty of Geosciences
Salary starting at € 1,956.- in the first year to € 2,502.- in the last year of appointment.
Respond before 31-12-2008
PhD fellowship in agricultural economics — Ireland
PhD fellowship in agricultural economics
Rural Economy Research Centre, Teagasc & UCD, Ireland (Ireland)
Ireland: PhD Studentship in Agricultural Economics, Teagasc & University
College Dublin
PhD Studentship description
This project evaluates the economic costs and benefits associated with
alternative management practises of Genetically Modified (GM) crop
technology. Specific research questions relating to the following issues
will be examined: (i) a comparison of the costs of co-existence accruing
to conventional crop producers and the potential benefits accruing to GM
adopting producers (ii) factors affecting farmer’s attitudes to GM
technology adoption and (iii) consumer willingness to pay for GM versus
non GM food end products.
This study will provide valuable lessons for
policy by deepening our understanding of the economics of co-existence
of conventional and GM crop technology.
The PhD student will be based part-time at the Rural Economy Research
Centre, Teagasc and the Sustainable Agriculture and Food Business
Section, School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine at
University College Dublin. There is also the possibility that the
student may spend a semester at a US university collaborating with
experts in the area of consumer willingness to pay studies in relation
to GM technology.
Requirements • Degree in Economics, Agricultural Economics, Agricultural
Science or related discipline • An interest in applied microeconomics in
particular agricultural or environmental economics • Excellent
quantitative skills.
Conditions of employment Stipend: €21,000 per annum (from which tuition
fees must be paid) Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning
September, 2008
Additional Information Additional information about the vacancy can be
obtained from: Dr. Fiona Thorne Email:
Application Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs
before June 13th to Dr. Fiona Thorne, RERC, Teagasc, Malahide Road,
Kinsealy, Dublin 17, Fiona.thorne @ Deadline: June 13th, 2008

Vacant PhD Student position in Copenhagen
PhD Position Announcement
Copenhagen, Denmark
`Use of accurate
meteorological forecasts in the future energy production system’ :
A PhD study hosted by the Danish
Meteorological Institute and the University
of Copenhagen will investigate
the use of accurate local numerical weather
forecasts in relation to real
time management of local energy units in the future
energy production system.
Special emphasis will be put on the prediction of
surface solar radiation.
Application Deadline: 13th June 2008.
For further information, please go to:

PhD Position in Physics of Nanostructures, Tyndall National Institute, Ireland
A new group (Epitaxy and Physics of Nanostructures) was established in January 2007 at Tyndall National Institute ( under an SFI ( Principal Investigator grant. The group is led by Dr. E. Pelucchi. The research will concentrate on the epitaxy, optical properties and spectroscopy of site controlled Pyramidal quantum dots and wires [1] and on their extension to telecommunication wavelengths.
This novel approach to site controlled quantum wires and dots (QD) growth has been pioneered by Dr Pelucchi in the group of Prof Kapon in EPFL, using MOVPE growth on a pre-patterned substrate to achieve reproducible QD emission spectra with, for example, the lowest inhomogeneous broadening to date for a QD epitaxial field. The high level of growth control makes such nanostructures ideal candidates for studies and devices related to quantum communication/information processing (efficient single photon emission being a good example), enabling the achievement of atom-like energy states whose energy and electronic wavefunction can be engineered at the nanoscale level by acting on a few parameters, so that the dots can, in principle, be individually and unambiguously (optically and electrically) addressed and controlled.
[1] M. Baier, E. Pelucchi, S. Watanabe, and E. Kapon, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1943 (2004); M. Merano, S. Sonderegger, A. Crottini, S. Collin, P. Renucci, E. Pelucchi, A. Malko, M. Baier, E. Kapon, B. Deveaud, J-D. Ganière, Nature 438, 479 (2005); Q. Zhu, E. Pelucchi, S. Dalessi, K. Leifer, M.-A. Dupertuis and E. Kapon, Nano Lett. 6, 1036 (2006).
The PhD position is open for candidates of EU nationalities. We welcome applications from talented candidates with strong motivation and experimental skills.
Please email or send (max 500 kB) a CV with the address of at least one reference to:
Dr. Emanuele Pelucchi, SFI Principal Investigator
Tyndall National Institute, Lee Maltings, Cork, Ireland
Email: emanuele.pelucchi[ at ]

PhD Research Fellow in Mathematics, The University of Bergen, Norway
At the Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen or SINTEF ICT, Oslo, a 3-year position as Research Fellow (PhD position) is available within the project:
Geological Storage of CO2: Mathematical Modelling and Risk Analysis.
The fellowship is financed by the Research Council of Norway, StatoilHydro and Shell. Work location will be either at the University of Bergen or at SINTEF ICT in Oslo.
The project is a cooperation between research groups at the University of Bergen and SINTEF ICT in Oslo. The candidate will participate in an international research network devoted to the development of analytical and numerical tools to be used in risk assessment analysis of geological storage of CO2. The candidate will in particular focus on the development of streamline methods for simulating CO2 injection. We seek a candidate with background from some of the fields: numerical analysis and programming, differential equations, and reservoir modelling and simulation. More information about the project is found at
The research fellow must take part in the Universitys approved PhD programme leading to the degree within a time limit of 3 years. Application for admission to the PhD programme, including a project plan outline for the training module, will be worked out in collaboration with the research group in question.
The fellowship period may be reduced if the successful applicant has held previous employment as research fellow.
Applicants must have achieved a masters degree in applied and computational mathematics, reservoir modelling or related areas, or have submitted their master thesis for assessment by the application deadline. It is a prerequisite, however, that the formal admission requirements for the PhD programme are met before appointment can be made.
Starting salaries at salary level 43 (code 1017) on the government salary scale; currently corresponding to gross NOK 325,800 per year; following ordinary meriting regulations. (range 43/47).
For further information about the positions please contact Professor Helge K. Dahle (UiB), phone +47 55585648, fax: +47 55589672, e-mail helge.dahle[ at ] or Chief Scientist Knut-Andreas Lie (SINTEF ICT), phone +47 22067710, e-mail Knut-Andreas.Lie[ at ]
Women in particular are invited to apply. If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, several applicants have approximately equivalent qualifications, the rules on equal opportunities laid down in the Personnel Regulations for Academic Positions will be applied.
State employment shall reflect the multiplicity of the population at large to the highest possible degree. The University of Bergen has therefore adopted a personnel policy objective to ensure that we achieve a balanced age and sex composition and the recruitment of persons of various ethnic backgrounds. Persons of different ethnic backgrounds are therefore encouraged to apply for the position.
The University of Bergen applies the principles of public openness when recruiting staff to scientific positions. The successful applicant must comply with the guidelines that apply to the position at any time.
The application must include a complete overview of education and professional activities (CV), scanned copies of diplomas and transcripts, publications, a list of publications and other scientific works, and contact details of two or three referees, and should be sent to post[ at ]
Closing date for applications: 6 June 2008. Quote reference number: Matmora 08/5618