Our Client, a multinational company in telecommunication, currently looking for qualified professional to join as positions:
Field Application Engineer (code HBS – FE)
Job Purpose:
You will be responsible for the application programming of building management, fire alarm and security systems.
Main Responsibilities:
performing all engineering activities/function s for the project,
providing technical support on system configuration and solutions,
Providing engineering updates to the supervisors or team leaders.
prepare acceptance test procedures, conduct factory acceptance test procedures, conduct factory acceptance tests (when required),
Provide technical support and assistance to Project Engineers, as well as conduct application training.
Job Requirements :
Degree in Electronics/ Electrical Engineering or Computer Science
1 – 2 years’ experience in SCADA software programming and programming of building management, fire alarm and security systems, as well as PLC.
Strong software and application programming skills with an understanding of Windows XP Core technologies, LAN and TCP/IP, as well as Windows Networking. Knowledge of SCADA, HVAC and electrical building services will be advantageous.
Exhibiting and demonstrating a high level of initiative in managing daily engineering operations, you are able to work independently without supervision as well as in a team.
A self-driven individual with good interpersonal skills and a willingness to learn.
Please send your application letter together with your resume & recent photograph in Word format to : dewi@corpHR. com / database@corpHR. com / liez@corpHR. com
For more information please contact Ms. Dewi Retnowati / 08129939124
Corporate Human Resource
Jl. Pemuda Kav 79 No 10
Rawamangun Jakarta Timur
Phone : 47882260
Website : www.corphr.com
PT.Indo Human Resource
Marketing Office : Menara Karya, 28th Floor. Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav.1-2. Jakarta 12950. Phone: 021-5789 5953, Fax : 57895888
Head Office : Jl. Pemuda Kav. 79. No. 10.Rawamangun. Jakarta Timur 13220.Phone : 4788 2260, 92716671 Fax : 47882421.Website: www.corphr.com
Friday, May 9, 2008
Vacancy - Field Application Engineer
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Vacancy at HSBC
Work with us. Live the HSBC way and make the
difference. HSBC is one of the world's leading
financial services organizations, with over 9,500
offices in 79 countries and territories. Besides being
recognized globally, HSBC has also been named the Best
Foreign Bank in Indonesia (FinanceAsia Magazine) for
seven consecutive years. HSBC is an organization that
promotes diversity and equal employment opportunities,
and implements meritocracy in the work place.
1. Staff Express Service - SBA (PLB-08) (Jawa Timur -
* The job holder is responsible to response to
customers’ needs other than sales of Bank’s products
* Hold a minimum Bachelor or Master degree from
reputable university
* Has minimum 1 year relevant experience
* Proficiency in English and Computer Literate (MS
Office) are required
* Conversant in Mandarin language would be an
* Has experience in customer account operation,
remittances and local payment
* Has product knowledge skills
* Must have commercial acumen and personal credibility
* Has pleasant personality and able to work with team
* Has a strong drive to succeed
* Demonstrate high degree of integrity
* Willing to be stationed at Surabaya
2. Staff Collection Agency CF - Jakarta, Medan,
Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya (Code: COL AGENCY CF-04)
(Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya)
* The jobholder is responsible to manage and control
of Outsourced Field Collectors (pre-agency) and Pick
Up Service Agencies by coordinating, controlling
productivity, performance and quality
* Hold a minimum bachelor degree from reputable
* Has minimum 1 years experience in collection
* Must have negotiation skill and people management
* Proficiency in English and Computer Literate (MS
Office) are required
* Has pleasant personality and able to work with team
* Has a strong drive to succeed
* Demonstrate high degree of integrity
Send your application to the address below and please
state job code as the email subject.
human-resources@ hsbc.co.id
Vacancy - Panin Bank
Account Officer & Senior Account Officer 2008 (Account
Officer & Senior Account Officer)
Panin Bank is experiencing significant growth
resulting from a comprehensive transformation program
with the aim of becoming leading provider of retail
financial services in Indonesia.
We are looking to develop a pool of talented
individuals who will be given the opportunity of
becoming the future management of Panin Bank, as
Account Officer (AO) & Senior Account Officer (SAO)
General requirements :
- Indonesian or overseas degree with GPA min. 2.75
- Dynamic, energetic and highly motivated
- Good analytical skills
- Strong communication, presentation and negotiation
- Competent in English
- Good appearance
For Account Officer :
- 25 years or below
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
For Senior Account Officer :
- 35 years or below
- Has min. 3 years experience as Account Officer in
banking industry
- Self-driven, able to work independently and
Successful candidates will be offered an intensive
program covering all aspects of banking together with
an excellent remuneration package.
We need candidates who are willing to be placed in
various regions in Indonesia :
- Ambon (AMB) - Bali (KUT) - Balikpapan (BAL) -
Bandung (BAN)
- Bandar Lampung (BAD) - Banjarmasin (BAJ) - Batam
(BAT) - Bogor (BOG)
- Cirebon (CIR) - Gorontalo (GOR) - Jakarta (JAK) -
Kendari (KEN)
- Makasar (MAK) - Malang (MAL) - Manado (MAN) -
Mataram (MAT)
- Medan (MED) - Padang (PAD) - Palembang (PAL) - Palu
- Pekanbaru (PEK) - Pontianak (PON) - Purwokerto (PUR)
- Samarinda (SAM)
- Semarang (SEM) - Solo (SOL) - Surabaya (SUR)
-Yogyakarta (YOG)
Send your application letter & CV with copy of your
University Certificate, copy of ID & 2 recent
photograph (4x6). Indicate AOO or SAOO and your
preferred region (ex. BAN for Bandung) on the upper
left corner of the envelope within 2 weeks after this
advertisement to :
PO BOX 3517 Jakarta 10035
Vacancy - DBS Bank
The Opportunity to Lead
At DBS, we're not just looking for someone who can do
the job. We're looking for someone who can reinvent
it. With international ambitions and Asian values,
we're seeking ambitious, passionate and strong-minded
individuals to help us expand our network across the
globe. In return, we'll give you the opportunity to
shape not only your future, but Asia's future, as
This is the Asian bank that knows where you're coming
from and where you're headed. Come help us bring
possibilities to life.
Relationship Manager, Private Banking
Job Ref: CRT/LHM/0712/ 0081
Post Date: 3 Apr 08
DBS’ Private Banking offers a one-stop, full-service
touch-point for total banking requirements and
provides the highest level of personalised banking. We
have a team of dedicated, experienced investment
advisors who identify opportunities in the various
asset classes and employ the best strategies and
product vehicles to cater to each client’s needs.
Coupled with partnerships within the DBS network and
with global institutions, we strive to build long-term
relationships with our Private Banking clients in Asia
by providing them with high quality, timely and
extensive wealth management, investment and financial
* Identify client’s needs and grow the private banking
business through aggressive client acquisition and
* Source clients from new and target markets.
* Maintain account relationships.
* Work with team leader to implement market focus
* Perform regular reviews on client accounts for
suitability and recommend suitable clients to other
business segments.
* Ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
· Degree holder, with at least 5 years of relevant
· Good product knowledge in Wealth Management products
including asset and risk management, banking, credit,
trust and estates and investment banking.
· Strong understanding of compliance and regulatory
. Excellent communication skills and relationship
building skills.
· Preferred knowledge in Indonesia Markets.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package and
the professional advantages of a dynamic environment
that supports your development and recognizes your
Education Level : Bachelor Degree
Job Function :
Private Banking, Relationship Management/ Sales/
Business Development
Job Location :
Indonesia - Any, Malaysia - Any, Singapore - DBS
Job Type : Full Time , Permanent
Work Experience : 5 year(s)
Online application at
http://www.dbs. com/careers/ jobs.html
Other position at http://www.dbs. com/careers/ jobs.html
We regret only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (MONBUKAGAKUSHO)
Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (MONBUKAGAKUSHO)
Program Research Student 2009
1. Kedutaan Besar Jepang membuka penawaran beasiswa kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi Indonesia untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di universitas di Jepang sebagai research student pada tahun 2009 dalam Program Beasiswa Pemerintah Jepang (Monbukagakusho) .
2. Peminat pada waktu menjalani research student diperbolehkan melamar ke program degree (master/doctor/ professional graduate course) atau meneruskan program doctor degree setelah menyelesaikan program master degree atau professional graduate course, apabila lulus seleksi tes ujian yang diberikan oleh universitas yang bersangkutan
3. Persyaratan untuk melamar, sbb
(1) Pelamar lahir pada dan setelah tanggal 2 April 1974
(2) IPK minimum 3,0 atau nilai EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students) minimum 260 dalam jumlah 2 mata ujian tidak termasuk Bahasa Jepang
(3) Nilai TOEFL minimum 550 atau ekuivalen atau lulus Tes Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat 2
4. Formulir pendaftaran dapat diambil secara gratis di Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan, pukul 08:30-12:00, 14:00-15:30) , Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya, Medan, dan Makassar. Formulir pendaftaran juga dapat diperoleh pada website Kedutaan Besar Jepang (http://www.id. emb-japan. go.jp). Dokumen lamaran harus dikembalikan kepada Kedutaan Besar Jepang sebelum tanggal 23 Mei 2008, dapat diserahkan secara langsung atau dikirim melalui pos.
5. Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai program beasiswa ini dapat diperoleh di Kedutaan Besar Jepang (Bagian Pendidikan: Tel: 021-3192.4308 psw: 175, 176).

Ph.D. in Quality Control, Uni Bremen, Germany
Ph.D. in Quality Control using Artificial Neural Network
Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Goch
(GG at biba.uni-bremen.de)
Im Fachbereich Produktionstechnik an der Universität Bremen suchen wir zur
Verstärkung unseres Teams im Fachgebiet Mess-, Steuerungs- und
Regelungstechnik ab sofort –unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe- 1
wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin oder Mitarbeiter (Entgeltgruppe 13 TVL) mit
voller Wochenarbeitszeit.
Stelle „Qualitätsregelkreis”, Bereich Mess- und Regelungstechnik (Kennziffer
A 52/07)
- die Stelle ist 1-3 Jahre befristet, mit der Möglichkeit um Verlängerung-
- Modellbildung mit Matlab/Simulink
- Echtzeitfähige Qualitätsregelung eines
- Künstliche Neuronale Netze (Matlab-Toolbox)
- Dipl.-Ing./MSc mit Schwerpunkt Maschinenbau/Regelungstechnik, ggf.
auch Dipl.-Math. oder Dipl.-Phys.
- Erfahrungen mit Matlab/Simulink
- Erfahrungen mit Mikrocontrollern bzw. echtzeitfähigen Systemen
Es wird Gelegenheit zur Promotion gegeben. Die Stell ist befristet gem.
Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im
Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf,
sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher
fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.
Wenn wir Ihr Interesse wecken konnten und Sie überdurchschnittliche
Studienleistungen vorweisen können, Englisch in Wort und Schrift
beherrschen und zudem Engagement, Selbständigkeit sowie analytisches
Denkvermögen mitbringen, dann richten Sie bitte Ihre Bewerbung mit den
üblichen Unterlagen unter Angabe Kennziffer A 52/07 bis zum 31. Mai 2008 an:
Universität Bremen MSR
Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Goch
Hochschulring 20, 28359 Bremen
Telefon 0421 218-5515
eMail: GG@biba.uni-bremen.de

DAAD Jerman Scholarship
DAAD International Summer School Computational Logic and Its Applications Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia, Jakarta/Depok August 4th, 2008 - August 15th, 2008
Call for Participation
This summer school is an academic and cultural event sponsored by the German
Academic Exchange Service (DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst)
and Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. This event will be hosted by
the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia. It provides an
in-depth introduction into computational logic and its applications.
It is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers with
interests in logical foundations of intelligent systems and related issues.
The courses are conducted in English. The number of participants is limited.
Back to top
School site
The school will take place in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of
Indonesia Kampus UI Depok/Jakarta, Indonesia. Information on how to reach
the school location can be found here or here.
Back to top
Registration is requested before June 12th, 2008; please fill in the
registration form and email it to cl-ss@cs.ui.ac.id (or click the apply
button to register online), making sure you include a very brief biography
(5-10 lines) stating your experience, interests, home page (if available),
etc. We select applicants in case of excessive demand. Final decisions will
be made on June 19th, 2008.
We ask for a participation fee of 50 EUR or Rp.700 000,-. Please pay this
fee in cash on your arrival at the school.
A limited number of grants covering basic expenses are available; please
indicate in your application if the only possibility for you to participate
is via a grant. Applications for grants must include an estimate for
economic travel costs and they should be sent together with the
registration. We provide assistance in finding an accommodation in
Apply here
Back to top
Course Program
The courses are scheduled over two weeks from 4 August until 15 August 2008.
The time table is described below, whereas the abstracts of each course as
well as the course materials can be found here
First week: 4 August - 8 August Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
09:30 - 10:30 Opening Hölldobler Großmann Stefanus Alumni Day
11:00 - 12:00 Hölldobler Großmann Tiu Hölldobler Alumni Day
13:30 - 14:30 Großmann Tiu Hölldobler Tiu Alumni Day
15:00 - 16:00 Hölldobler Großmann visit to a German company Stefanus Alumni
16:30 - 17:30 Großmann Tiu visit to a German company Tiu Alumni Day
Evening joint dinner
Second week: 11 August - 15 August Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
09:30 - 10:30 Stefanus Stefanus Posegga Ganter Posegga
11:00 - 12:00 Turhan Ganter Turhan Turhan Ganter
13:30 - 14:30 Ganter Posegga Ganter Posegga Farewell
15:00 - 16:00 Posegga Stefanus guided city tour Turhan
16:30 - 17:30 Turhan funding infos by DAAD guided city tour infos by German
Evening joint dinner
On the first day (Monday August 4, 2008), an opening ceremony is planned to
start at 9:30 AM.
Back to top
Cultural Programs
The city of Jakarta, being the capital of Indonesia, is by far, the largest
and most important city in Indonesia. Amidst crowded and dynamic city life,
you can find many interesting and historic sightseeing sites accross the
city. To discover what Jakarta is really like, a guided city tour will be
organized for all participants of the summer school on Wednesday, August 13,
Aside from the guided city tour, there will be two joint dinners for
lecturers and students. The first dinner will be held on Wednesday August 6,
2008, whereas the second one on Wednesday August 13, 2008.
Back to top
University of Indonesia has a Hotel inside the Depok Campus, called Wisma
Makara. See the information in English or in Bahasa Indonesia. The cost of a
standard plus room is Rp. 290.000,00 per night, whereas a standard room
costs Rp. 260.000,00 per night. This cost includes breakfast.
There is also a guesthouse at the Japanese Study Center inside UI. A suite
double room costs Rp. 210.000,00 per night, whereas the cost of a single
room is Rp. 210.000 (with Air Conditioner) Rp. 120.000,00 per night without
breakfast and dinner.
To reserve your accomodation, please fill in the accomodation form before
July 11th, 2008. For information about currency exchange rates, please click
here. (Note: all values are in thousands; actual rates may vary slightly)

Beasiswa D3: Beasiswa dari Departemen Perindustrian
Untuk informasi www.depperin.go.id atau www.depperin.go.id/ropeg
Departemen Perindustrian akan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa-siswi
berprestasi tingkat Sekolah Menengah Tingkat Atas (SMA/MA/SMK) yang
tidak mampu pada Pemerintah Propinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota untuk
disekolahkan pada Unit Pendidikan di Lingkungan Departemen
Perindustrian dengan Program Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan
Program D-3, dengan spesialisasi sebagai berikut :
Jl. Jakarta No. 31 Bandung Telp.(022) 7272580
- Teknologi Pembuatan Kain
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Letjen Suprapto No. 26 Jakarta Telp. (021) 4244280
- Teknologi Pengendalian Mutu Industri
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Imogiri Km.6 Ngoto Bangun Harjo Yogyakarta Telp.(0274) 383728
- Teknologi Bahan Kulit, Karet & Plastik
- Teknologi Pengolahan Kulit
SMK (Eksakta)
Jl. Pangeran Sogiri No. 283 Tanah Baru Bogor Telp. (0251) 650351
- Pengelolaan Lingkungan Industri
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Timbul No.34 Ps. Minggu Ciganjur Jakarta Telp. (021) 7867382
- Kewirausahaan (enterpreunership)
Jl. Bungo Pasang Tabing Padang Telp. (0751) 55053
- Pengolahan Industri Pangan
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Sunu No.220 Makassar Telp. (0411) 4499609
- Teknologi Pangan
SMK : Kimia
Jl. Medan Tenggara VII Medan Telp.(061) 7867810
- Teknologi Pengolahan Atsiri dan Produk Hilir CPO
SMK : Kimia
Adapun Persyaratan Pendaftaran untuk Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) Industri Kecil dan Menengah adalah sebagai berikut :
1. Siswa kelas III SMU/MA/SMK atau yang telah lulus 1 tahun sebelumnya dan
menduduki peringkat 1 s/d 10 di kelasnya.
2. Prestasi Siswa ditunjukkan oleh Raport kelas 1 s/d 3.
3. Mendapat Surat Rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang
menangani Sektor Industri.
4. Apabila mengundurkan diri diwajibkan mengembalikan seluruh biaya
yang telah dikeluarkan.
5. Mempunyai minat yang kuat pada salah satu program studi yang
ditawarkan dan mempunyai bakat wirausaha.
6. Orang tua dari Siswa yang dicalonkan tergolong tidak mampu
1. Masing-masing calon pelamar mengisi formulir pendaftaran
2. Surat lamaran harus dilampiri :
a. Fotocopy rapor kelas 1 s/d 3 telah dilegalisasi oleh Kepala Sekolah
b. Surat pernyataan minat pelamar dan bersedia mengembalikan seluruh
biaya apabila mengundurkan diri
c. Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari RT, RW, dan Kepala Desa setempat
d. Surat Keterangan Domisili (Putra Daerah) dilampirkan dengan Kartu
Identitas (KTP/KK)
e. Surat Rekomendasi dari Kepala Sekolah tentang perkembangan, prestasi
Siswa serta dinyatakan tentang ketidakmampuan orang tua secara ekonomi
f. Surat Rekomendasi dari Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang menangani
Sektor Industri
g. Surat Keterangan berbadan sehat dan bebas dari narkoba dari Dokter
h. Pas foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar
i. Surat Lamaran dimasukkan ke dalam amplop dan pada sisi kanan amplop
dituliskan nama Sekolah yang dituju
1. Lama Pendidikan
Program Pendidikan bagi Calon Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM setara
Program D-3 dapat ditempuh selama 3 (tiga) tahun (6 semester) sebanyak
110 – 120 sks.
2. Beasiswa Yang diberikan
Biaya Pendidikan yang ditanggung meliputi antara lain :
- Bantuan Transport dari daerah yang bersangkutan ke Unit Pendidikan
dilingkungan Departemen Perindustrian Pulang Pergi
- Bantuan Biaya Hidup
- Biaya Kuliah/Praktek dan
- Bantuan Buku
Setelah yang bersangkutan lulus Program D-3 Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan
(TPL) IKM, akan ditempatkan sebagai Tenaga Penyuluh Lapangan (TPL) IKM
di Propinsi/ Kabupaten/Kota masing-masing dengan Sistem Kontrak selama
2 (dua) tahun yang dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Industri Kecil
dan Menengah (Ditjen IKM) dengan yang bersangkutan dan diketahui oleh
Pemerintah Daerah/Kepala Dinas yang menangani Sektor Industri
setempat. Selama kontrak (2 tahun) segala biaya operasional
(Honorarium dan biaya operasional lainnya) bagi Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) IKM menjadi tanggung jawab Ditjen IKM Departemen
Setelah selesai kontrak diharapkan yang bersangkutan dapat mandiri
sebagai wirausaha atau sebagai tenaga konsultan IKM di daerah yang
bersangkutan dan tidak lagi menjadi tanggungan Departemen Perindustrian.
Berkas Lamaran/Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Calon Tenaga Penyuluh
Lapangan (TPL) IKM dapat dikirimkan secara kolektif/perorangan
disertai Surat Pengantar dari Kepala Sekolah/Pemerintah Daerah/Dinas
yang menangani Sektor Industri setempat kepada Biro Kepegawaian
Departemen Perindustrian R.I. Jl. Jenderal Gatot Subroto Kav. 52-53
Lt. 8 Jakarta Selatan, paling lambat tanggal 30 Mei 2008 (Cap Pos).
Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan bulan Juli 2008 dan akan dikirim ke
Pemerintah Daerah/Dinas yang menangani Sektor Industri setempat dengan
tembusan SMU/MA/SMK yang bersangkutan dan Peserta yang dinyatakan
lulus harus melakukan pendaftaran ulang di Unit Pendidikan yang ditunjuk.
Pemberitahuan ini agar dapat disebarluaskan/ diinformasikan kepada
Sekolah-Sekolah di Propinsi/Kabupaten/ Kota masing-masing.
Demikian, atas perhatian dan kerjasama Saudara kami sampaikan terima
Sekretaris Jenderal

Monbukagakusho scholarship program.2009, Japan Scholarship
Embassy of Japan began offering scholarships for Indonesian students wishing to study at Japanese universities as research students in the 2009 school year in accordance with the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho ) scholarship program.
Grantee Anyone who wishes to join the regular graduate course (master course, the course or doctoral graduate professional course) after studying research as a student or move from the master course or a graduate professional course doctoral course, must pass an entrance examination by interested universities.
Applicants must have the following qualifications (among others):
1. Applicants must have been born on or after April 2, 1974
2. Applicants must have received from their university a GPA of 3.0 or higher or must have achieved a total score of 260 or higher in 2 subjects (except the subject of “Japanese”) in the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU).
3. a minimum TOEFL score of 550 or equivalent or The Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 2 or higher.
Application forms are available free of charge at the Embassy of Japan (Education Section: 8:30-12:00, 14:00-15:30), the Consulates General of Japan in Surabaya, Medan and Makassar and are also available on the Embassy of Japan website (http://www.id.emb-japan.go.jp ). The application documents must be submitted to the Embassy of Japan by May 23, 2008. Applications will be accepted by hand or by post.
Further information on this scholarship can be obtained from the Embassy of Japan (Education Section: 021-31924308 Ext. 175, 176).
Consultancy Schedule :
Monday & Thursday
08:30 - 15:00
at library (dept. Education) Embassy of Japan
The discussion can be rich by phone on that day
Kedutaan Besar Jepang dan Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Jakarta
Jl. M.H. Thamrin 24
Jakarta Pusat (10350)

4 PhD in Economics, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
Selection overview
Admission Requirements
- Applicants, with no restriction on nationality, must hold a Master
of Science (M.Sc.) or a Master of Arts (M.A.) or equivalent title
- Current undergraduate students who will be awarded such a degree
before September 19, 2008, may also apply. In this case, a successful
application will be conditional to the subsequent completion of the
degree and the transmission to the School of adequate documentation,
also in electronic form, no later than September 22, 2008.
Positions and grants
- 4 positions with 4 fellowships (amounting to € 12.500 per year +
free meals at school’s canteen + Campus facilities)
- The School reserves the possibility of accepting up to a maximum of
2 further students without grant or other forms of financial support.
- Candidates are requested to apply online at:
www.sssup.it/phdapplicationonline by May 30, 2008 by 12.00 pm GMT. In
case of problems with the online application, please contact the PhD
Administration Office (tel. +39 050 883383/3335/3220, e-mail:
- A hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate) together
with the enclosures as per art. 7 and with the copy of a valid
identity document, must reach by June 6, 2008:
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
International Doctoral Program in Economics
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
I - 56127 PISA, Italy
Application and attachments
- Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
a) the copy of a valid identity document. Non-UE applicants will have
to provide a photocopy of their passport;
b) two copies of their complete Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
covering scientific training, professional experiences, publications
and all other information that might help in the evaluation of the
candidate; please use the UE model.
c) The academic record with the full list of courses and grades (in
English, in French or Italian);
d) one copy of the Master thesis, when applicable; two copies of its
abstract in English or in French or in Italian, and a copy of any
other publication that they deem suitable (works written in languages
other than Italian, English, or French must be accompanied by a
summary in one of the above languages);
e) two copies of a Research Project, of no more than 2.000 words
which describes the research activities that applicants would like to
perform during the PhD course. The candidate might opt to change
her/his research topics during the postgraduate program. However, the
research project offers an indication of the research interests and
is an important element for the evaluation of the potential of the
f) at least two recommendation letters written by Faculty Members or
other academics who have assessed and/or supervised the applicant’s
work during his/her university studies, offering a comparative
evaluation of the learning achievements, research potential,
maturity, and professional inclinations of the candidate, and
assessing whether the knowledge of the English language by the
candidate is adequate to attend a post-graduate programme;
Selection of applicants
Selection of applicants will be based upon the assessment of all the
submitted documents and publications.
Beginning of the Courses
October the 1st, 2008
e-mail: infophd@sssup.it
Attached documents
Call for applications 2008-2009 - (file pdf, 62 Kb)
Call for Applications A.Y. 2008-2009
Online application

Ph.D. in History and Theory of Religions
Ph.D. in History and Theory of Religions
Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer
klinkhammer at uni-bremen.de
*An der Universität Bremen *ist im Institut für Religionswissenschaft und
Religionspädagogik des Fachbereiches 9 *Kulturwissenschaften* im
Arbeitsgebiet “Geschichte und Theorie der Religionen” befristet vom
1.10.2008 bis zum 31.09.2010 (gem. § 14 (2) Teilzeit- und Befristungsgesetz)
die Stelle
*einer Universitätslektorin/eines Universitätslektors *
Entgeltgruppe TVL 13
Kennziffer: LK 37/08
- unter dem Vorbehalt der Stellenfreigabe - zu besetzen.
16 SWS Lehre im Arbeitsbereich „Theorie und Geschichte der Religionen” mit
einem Schwerpunkt auf empirische Religionsforschung und einer
außereuropäischen Religionskultur (möglichst muslimischer und/oder
indischer Kulturraum)
Abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium und Promotion in der Religionswissenschaft
und/oder einer anderen für diesen Bereich einschlägigen Kultur- oder
Bei weiteren Fragen können Sie sich an Frau Prof. Dr. Klinkhammer wenden
klinkhammer@uni-bremen.de oder Tel.: 0421- 218 2067.
Die Universität Bremen beabsichtigt, den Anteil von Frauen im
Wissenschaftsbereich zu erhöhen und fordert deshalb Frauen ausdrücklich auf,
sich zu bewerben.
Schwerbehinderten Bewerberinnen/Bewerbern wird bei im Wesentlichen gleicher
fachlicher und persönlicher Eignung der Vorrang gegeben.
Bewerbungen mit den üblichen Unterlagen werden unter Angabe der o. g.
Kennziffer erbeten bis zum 31. Mai 2008 an
*Universität Bremen*
*Fachbereich 9, ***
*FB 9/1*
*Postfach 33 04 40, 28334 Bremen*
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Beasiswa Timur Tengah (Timteng)
Diberitahukan bahwa seleksi beasiswa Timur tengah (timteng) Yaman Universitas Al Ahqaf dilaksanakan pada
Tahap pertama, pada tanggal 25 Mei 2008 di Pondok Pesantren Kauman Lasem Jawa Tengah. Telpon 08122834780 untuk putra dan putri
Tahap kedua, 1 Juni 2008 di Ponpes Darullughah wadda’wah Bangil Pasuruan Jawa Timur. Telpon: 08883186094 khusus putera.
Tahap ketiga, tanggal 8 Juni 2008 di PP Alkhairat Bekasi Jawa Barat (Jabar) Telp. 081932318294 Berlaku untuk putra dan puteri.
Info selengkapnya silahkan hubungi (1) Habib Hasan Al Jufri Telp. 08122212000. (2) KH. M. Zaim Ahmad Ma’shum. Telp. 081325650650.
Beasiswa Timur Tengah (Timteng)
Demikian harap maklum dan mohon disebarkan.

PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero)
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Lowongan Kerja World Bank 2008
Job # 080896
Job Title Program Manager
Job Family Operational Services
Location Jakarta, Indonesia
Appointment International Hire
Job Posted 21-Apr-2008
Closing Date 06-May-2008
Language Requirements English [Essential]
Appointment Type Term (Duration: 3 yrs)
Indonesia is a lower middle income country for which international assistance, including from the World Bank, is expected to play a strategic role in implementing policies for accelerated growth and
poverty reduction. Indonesia's current portfolio consists of 27 lending operations with $2.9 billion in commitments and over a billion dollars in Trust Funds. Particularly, in response to the Government of Indonesia’s (GOI) request, the World Bank and several donors and donor agencies agreed to establish in April 2005 a multi donor trust fund called the Multi Donor Fund for Aceh and Nias (MDF) to support a post-earthquake and tsunami emergency rehabilitation and reconstruction program in Indonesia.
The Multi Donor Fund is a trust fund administered by the Bank and constitutes pooled funds (US$680 million) contributed by 16? donors, including the European Commission, Dutch, USAID, and the Bank to provide grant financing for priority projects under the Government of Indonesia’s Reconstruction Program for Aceh and Nias.
The Multi Donor Fund is governed by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is supported by a Secretariat that has been established by the Bank as a Trustee, for coordinating the day-to-day operations of the Multi Donor Fund.
The Secretariat is primarily responsible for coordinating the overall work program of the Multi Donor Fund. The Secretariat is based at the World Bank Office in Jakarta.
The Secretariat is led by the World Bank designated Program Manager of the Multi Donor Fund. The Program Manager is assisted by a full time staff based in Jakarta and Banda Aceh. In the Jakarta office, the team is composed of a Deputy Program Manager, coordinating the day to day activities, a Communications officer, a Finance and Administration Officer, a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, and Team Assistant. In the Banda Aceh office, the team is composed of the Deputy for Aceh and Nias, a Portfolio officer, a Monitoring and Evaluation Officer and a Communications Officer. In addition when expertise is needed, the Secretariat engages external consultants or brings in support from other sectors of the World Bank.
Duties and Accountabilities
The Program Manager of MDF, is a key member of the Indonesia Country Management Unit headed by the Country Director. S/He: (i) participates in the development and updating of the strategy for reconstruction in Aceh region and Nias island, and for any other response to emergency situation in Indonesia that trust funds could finance; (ii) oversees the program of activities of the MDF during preparation and implementation of projects, (iii) coordinates closely with Senior Officials in the Government including the reconstruction agency (BRR), Donors and Partners Agencies; (iv) ensures the adequate functioning of the Secretariat (coordination, communication, finance, monitoring and evaluation, reporting, and quality); (v) manages the budget of the MDF (about US$10 million; (vi) oversees a cross-sectoral portfolio of projects from World Bank and Partners Agencies (e.g., UNDP and WFP) (vi) manages the Secretariat teams in Jakarta and Banda Aceh; (vii) ensures the monitoring of the results framework for the MDF and report on the results and outcomes of the recovery program; (viii) proposes any activity that could enhance the performance, the operation and the financing of the MDF; and (ix) reports any activity in the MDF operation that will not be in accordance with fundamental principles of good governance.
Based on business development, the Program Manager could be in charge of additional Multi-Donor Trust Fundss that the Secretariat could manage in addition of the MDF for Aceh and Nias. As of today the MDTF for the post earthquake reconstruction in Yogyakarta region (US$80 million) is being managed by the Program Manager for the MDF for Aceh and Nias and a MDF 2 for the Aceh province is under discussion (US$10 million).
The Program Manager of the MDF has the following specific responsibilities:
Work with senior government officials, BRR management, Governor of Aceh, NGOs, Bank country and sector management and other donors agencies to set strategic priorities of MDF .
Ensure that MDF funds get committed to high priority activities of the GOI and endorsed by the Steering Committee and implemented efficiently;
Effectively communicate and promote effective utilization of MDF funds in line with strategic priorities, ensuring the quality of the activities funded, and adherence with terms and conditions agreed with the donors;
Ensure sound financial management of the MDF, and maintaining financial information on expected and paid-in donor contributions, MDF commitments, and disbursements;
Maintain close and effective operational collaboration with major donors, exercising effective diplomacy and tact and acting with a high degree of responsibility and independence in working with staff in donor agencies offices to build consensus on approaches and solutions to issues;
Lead MDF fund-raising efforts;
Ensure that Donors are informed of the ongoing activities on the ground (organize field visits, presentations, etc) and that visibility is given to all donors; initiate activities related to strengthen communication and visibility of the MDF;
Ensure that adequate supervision is undertaken with all due diligence with BRR, Bank, Donors or Partner Agencies on an ad hoc basis;
Closely monitor portfolio performance and flag issues for follow up/resolution with donors, Management and sector units. Assess the quality of preparation and supervision of activities by Bank and Partner agencies and propose improvement when needed;
Supervise the administration of the MDF under the provisions of the Bank's agreements with the donors, and ensure alignment with evolving country policies and donor positions;
Prepare regular reports to Country, Regional and Senior Bank Management, the Steering Committee, Donors, and the Government of Indonesia;
Guide Bank participation on the MDF Steering Committee;
Supervise the Secretariat team in formulating its work program and ensuring that all deliverables meet high quality standards and are completed on a timely basis.
Coordinate the activities of the MDF office (portfolio, administration, security, staff, ) in Banda Aceh and the satellite office in Nias.
Reporting arrangements and Location
The Program Manager reports to the Country Director. The position is located in the World Bank Jakarta office and the incumbent will travel frequently to Aceh and Nias.
Selection Criteria
The successful candidate would meet the following criteria and demonstrate the following skills and behaviors:
• PhD or equivalent degree in relevant field/discipline and 12 years (15 years with a Masters Degree) of relevant experience including Bank Operational experience (or equivalent experience) , preferably in more than one Vice Presidential Unit, including at least one Region.
• Recognized as an operations/portfolio expert in multiple sectors by peers, senior staff and managers
• Actively shapes, drives and provides high level contributions is a strong self-starter
• Responds quickly to client demands, finds ways to enhances development effectiveness
• Has strategic skills, is innovative and pragmatic in problem-solving
• Promotes operational harmonization and dialogue/alignment among development aid donors
• Has independent judgment, ability to influence, knows to balance multiple stakeholder expectations and objectives
• Designs, implements and monitors work programs, ensures operational quality of deliverables and services
• Strong communication skills
Experience in management of a Multi Donor Fund would be a plus.
The World Bank Group is committed to achieving diversity in terms of gender, nationality, culture and educational background. Individuals with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.
apply now
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It is a great place for top talents, ready to cross all frontier. Make the strategic move, join our 105.000 employees and catch the chance to follow your best career path in 106 countries. We’re offering the following positions :
To manage operation in his line to ensure company targets: quality of service, quality of product, cost of projects/products, and capital employed.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
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Provide leadership and direction to cross-functional team empowered to execute the Six Sigma strategy and tools to improve process capability and eliminate defects. Facilitate, educate, and coach Green Belt, team members, and others in the use of Six Sigma tools and application. Communicate teams’ progress to Champions and Steering Committee and to identify potential process improvement projects.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
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Responsible in managing projects which includes understanding and translating technical specification into Schneider products and offer, to estimate project costing while making sure its On Time Deliveries within agreeable time schedule, cost and Schneider’s quality standard.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages.
To supervise & control quality inspection/test of product based on production planning, and to ensure quality of products inspected.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages.
To efficiently implement lean manufacturing methodologies in the production process to ensure continued improvement. This will include finding ways to reduce cycle time and eliminate waste by identifying value vs non value added action, ways and means to continually improve and cut costs.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages.
Responsible for the Low Voltage and Medium Voltage design engineering to meet customer requirements and adapted to production capabilities.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages
Responsible in managing projects which includes understanding and translating technical specification into Schneider products and offer, to estimate project costing while making sure its On Time Deliveries within agreeable time schedule, cost and Schneider’s quality standard.
* Graduate in Engineering (Electrical Power/ Mechanical /Industrial).
* Minimum 2 years (as Engineer) and 5 years (as Manager) of experience in related job
* Proficiency in English both verbal and written, Computer literate (Ms. Office).
* High integrity, fast learning, good analytical skill.
* Able to work under pressure with minimum supervisory and excellence team player.
* Knowledge and previous exposure with Schneider products range are definite advantages.
We are inviting qualified candidates to send your CV, latest by May 17, 2008
PT. Schneider Indonesia
Ventura Building 7th floorJl. RA Kartini no. 26
Jakarta 12430
attn. Human Resources Department
(without JPG or GIF files, attachment is not more than 500 KB)
Please put job code at the envelope and email subject.
IT Vacancy at Bank UOB Buana
PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk is a well established bank since 1956 which have 35 Branch offices and 169 Service outlets in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. Our vision is to be the most reliable and trusted bank in Indonesia. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :
System Support dan Analyst (Kode: SPC - User SA)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Pusat)
* Menganalisa user requirement untuk rencana pengembangan sistem-sistem baru
* Membuat dan melengkapi ARF (Application Request Form)
* Menyusun skenario test dan UAT (User Acceptance Test) Plan
* Menganalisa permasalahan yang terjadi pada sistem yang telah digunakan
* Fresh Graduate, pendidikan minimal S1 jurusan Teknik Informatika, IPK minimal 3
* Bila telah berpengalaman, lebih diutamakan pengalaman sebagai system support / system analyst di bidang perbankan
* Memahami algoritma pemrograman
* Dapat membuat flowchart
Send your complete CV with recent colorful photograph and expected salary to :
IT Vacancy at Kalbe Farma
PT KALBE FARMA, Tbk is the leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia inviting dynamic, innovative, highly talented and self-driven professionals as :
You will responsible to analyze production business process/ manufacturing business process/ logistic distribution, support and implement ERP application also develop report and program (Area Production/Distribution & Area Manufacturing)
Qualifications :
· Bachelor Degree in Industrial Technology/Information Technology
· Male, maximum 30 years old
· Having 3 years experience as System Analyst
· Having good knowledge of Visual Basic, SQL Server & Crystal Report
· Understand business process Asset Management/Logistic
· Proactive, strong initiative and able to work under pressure
· Will be place at Cikarang Office.
Should you meet all the above qualifications, please send your application no later than May 11, 2008, give us detailed CV with a recent photograph and other relevant information to:
HR Corporate
PT. Kalbe Farma, Tbk
KALBE Building
Jl. Letjen. Suprapto kav. IV
Jakarta Pusat 10510
Email : Recruitment.corp@kalbe.co.id
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Vacancy at MNC Skyvision
PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) as a pioneer company with operations in pay television business encompassing from content of worldwide television channels and also as the largest and only integrated pay television company in Indonesia.
Branch Manager/ Branch Support (Bandung & Batam Area)
1. Male, max. 40 years old
2. Min. Bachelor degree from reputable university, with at least 3 years in relevant experience
3. Should be highly motivated and self driven with strong analytical, communication, interpersonal, leadership, and selling skill
4. High integrity and commitment is a must
5. Available in Bandung or Batam area
Please submit your application with a comprehensive resume and a recent photograph to:
HRD Recruitment
Wisma Indovision Lantai 11
Jl. Raya Panjang Blok Z / III
Green Garden
Jakarta Barat 11520
or by e-mail to: fyoula@indovision.tv cc: tanggadjaja@indovision.tv