The Institute of Automation, University of Bremen, Germany, has openings for three PhD positions (E 13 TV-L) – under the condition of job release – in the project AMaRob (, The Institute of Automation has a strong tradition in robotics and image processing, and scientists and students from more than nine countries are working at the institute.
The qualified candidate will join an already existing team, and should carry out high level research in the field of
• Safety and software architecture or
• Grasping with Local Sensors or
• Intelligent Environments at Workplaces
In the following, these fields are described in more detail:
Emphasis on Safety and Software Architecture
As the rehabilitation robot operates in the vicinity of humans, the safety of the system is a very important issue. The candidate should apply available and research new solutions for increasing the safety of the system and especially within the software, as well as introduce methodologies which insure the quality of software.
Emphasis on Grasping with Local Sensors
This field focuses on robust grasping of different objects by using local sensors. Object grasping is a central issue for a robotic system that includes manipulators. There have been a lot of research activities in this field, but the desired robustness is still not achieved. Recent developments of smaller and more powerful sensors, as well as more capable grippers offer a broad range of possibilities for further improvements. Moreover, including learning strategies would add further enhancements not only from the practical, but also from the scientific point of view.
Emphasis on Intelligent Environment at Workplaces
The most common understanding of “intelligent” environments is to introduce, within living environments, facilities that are capable of ambient computing. The objective is to support the human being in his activities of daily living. In contrast, our focus is to support a rehabilitation robotic system with smart environmental components and thus reduce the technical complexity of the robot system or to be able to solve certain robot tasks at all. Within the AMaRob project, different scenarios shall be realized that support strongly disabled persons at workplaces to reintegrate these persons into the working life.
Within this proposed field the candidate will be responsible for developing methodologies of integrating actuators and sensors into the scenarios as well as into the software architecture.
- Dipl.-Ing. or Master degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or other comparable studies
- Very experienced in object-oriented programming in C++ and modelling with UML
Optional Experiences:
- Working with Linux
- CASE-tool supported Model Driven Development (Rhapsody/Telelogic)
Interested candidates should send an application to Professor Axel Gräser, ag[at]
The application must contain:
- A complete C.V.
- Complete examination documents BSc., MSc., …
- A short description of ideas for a thesis in the above mentioned fields
- Names and full addresses of 2-3 scientists who may be asked for a recommendation
Deadline for Application: 30.11.2007
As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification disabled persons will be given priority.
More information can be obtained by contacting:
Prof. Dr. Axel Graeser
Institut für Automatisierungstechnik
Universität Bremen
Otto Hahn Allee NW1
D-28359 Bremen
Phone.: ++49-421-218-7326 / 7523
Fax.: ++49-421-218-4596 / 4707
Mobile: ++49-177-79 79 036
website link:
Sunday, November 18, 2007
PhD positions in Rehabilitation Robotics, University of Bremen, Germany
8:31 PM
