Our company's line business is in Oil and Gas Services that provides oilfield services to clients engaged in the oil and gas industry in a variety of regions throughout Indonesia and Asia Pacific.
We are now looking for a bright talented individual to fill the following positions:
- Female
- Minimum of a Bachelor degree majoring in Accounting or Law
- Minimum of 3 years experience in a related position (preferably in oil and gas industry)
- Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel Spreadsheets, Power Point, etc.)
- Good knowledge of office administration and bookkeeping procedures
- Proficient in English, both spoken and written
- Possess strong communication, planning and organizing skills
- Strong interpersonal and professional outlook
- Willingness to work in a flexible schedule
*2. TORQUE TURN TECHNICIAN (TT_Tech) – Contract Based (12 months)*
- Male
- Minimum of Technical High School or Bachelor degree majoring in Electrical Engineering
- Minimum of 2 years experience in a related position (preferably in oil and gas industry)
- Proficient in English, both spoken and written
- Strong interpersonal and communication skills
- Willingness to work in a flexible schedule
- Female
- Minimum of a Diploma Degree in Administration or Secretary (D-III or D-I)
- Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Proficient in English, both spoken and written
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Able to operate computer (Microsoft Office)
Should you be interested to apply for the above position, please send your
application and resume along with completing documents to:
Ratu Plaza Office Tower, 15th Floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 9
Jakarta 10270 - Indonesia
Email: recruitment @ tesco.co.id (put position code or title as email subject)
All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Vacancy in Oil Service Company
Marketing di NISP
PT. NISP Sekuritas merupakan sebuah perusahaan finansial dengan skala nasional yang juga merupakan anak perusahaan dari Bank NISP. Dalam usaha untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada para nasabah serta mendukung pertumbuhan perusahaan, PT. NISP Sekuritas mengundang para profesional muda yang dinamis, berdedikasi tinggi, serta menyukai tantangan untuk bergabung sebagai marketing dengan penempatan di Bank NISP dengan posisi :
1. Perempuan / Laki-laki
2. Pendidikan minimal D3
3. Usia Max 27 Th
4. IPK min. 2,70
5. Berpenampilan menarik
6. Menyukai kegiatan marketing
7. Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dan presentasi yang baik
8. Mudah bergaul, supel dan mudah beradaptasi
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
1. Gaji Pokok > Rp 2 juta/bln
2. Komisi
3. Jenjang Karier yang menjanjikan
4. Tunjangan Kesehatan, tunjangan komunikasi & Hari Raya
Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas, segera kirimkan CV dan surat lamaran anda ke :
recruitment @ nispsekuritas.com atau
aditya_wulandari @ nispsekuritas.com atau :
Puri Imperium Building
Office Plaza Unit LG - 40
Jl. Kuningan Madya Kav 5 – 6
Jakarta 12980
Cantumkan kode posisi disudut kiri amplop.
Sales Position Required
We immediately require suitable candidates to fill the following position:
Requirements :
1. University Graduate (S1 or S2) with Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Physical Science from reputable university
2. Minimal 5 years experience (SM) and 2 years (SE) as sales or marketing preferable having experience in oil and gas industry, petrochemical, gas processing plant & general industry.
3. Familiar and experience to selling rotating equipment especially for compressor and turbine
4. Maintain existing and developing new customers relationship
5. Sales and Marketing with business oriented
6. Involved with the sales growth
7. Target oriented
8. Excellent analytical, communication, interpersonal and presentation skill
9. Self starter with proven channel management skill
10. Entrepreneurial and go-getter mindset
11. Computer Literate is a must
12. Good English for both conversation & correspondence is a must
Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, stating details of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/ expected salary, and other documents support, current photograph not later than two weeks after this advertisement to :
Jl. Raya Kebayoran Lama Pal. VII No. 31, Jakarta 12210
Or email hrd@sasinternasional.com
Please state position code on the left side envelope or subject email
**Only detailed resume/ CV with current photograph that we can process.
75 Open Positions for PMO (Premier Marketing Officer
Below is the requirements:
* Good network, possess relevant experience in sales and marketing.
* Professional appearance age between 21- 35 yrs old.
* Graduated from D3 or S1
* Already has an experience working at a bank in sales area (not necessary from Syariah Bank) at least 1 year.
* Good attitude/teachable/hardworking
* Understand English (although not fluently)
* Owned vehicle is preferable
* Have proven / good sales track record is an advantage
* No attitude problem ( prove by letter from police)
* In good health ( state by doctor's letter)
* Wiling to work at Saturday and Sunday ( occasionally) if there's exhibition activity
* Has a self-driven attitude and willing to work hard to achieve target objective
Salary level (excl. bonus):
* Junior level IDR 1.1 mio
* Senior level IDR 1.6 mio
* Assistant Sales Manager IDR 2,1 mio
All contract will start for at least the first 3 months.
Please send your CV
Website: www.dutagriyasarana.com
Job Vacancy - Fresh graduate Accounting
PT Petrosea Tbk is a leading multidisciplinary engineering, construction and mining contracting company.
www. petrosea.com
We are seeking fresh graduate in accounting dept for contract 6 months which meet following qualifications:
1. Bachelor Degree major in Accounting, GPA above 3.00 (Fresh graduate)
2. Systematic, Energetic, Proactive and disciplined
3. Must be a team player and able to learn new duties
Resourceful and confident applicants for the aboce post are invited to submit comprehensive CV to:
email: Tinie.Purnama@petrosea.com
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Vacancy at PT Bank UOB
PT Bank UOB Indonesia is the first Singapore-Indonesia joint venture bank incorporated in Indonesia. UOB Indonesia is 99% owned by United Overseas Bank Group (UOB), one of the largest banking groups in Singapore. The Group has 502 offices in 18 countries and territories in Asia Pacific, Western Europe and North America.
Now, the Bank has immediate opportunities for the following positions :
Internal Auditor
* Based in Jakarta
* Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
* Fluent in English, good in MS Office applications
* Minimum 4 years working experience as internal auditor in banking industry, preferably credit audit
* Good knowledge about banking system & procedures
* Willing to travel
* Good interpersonal skill
Please send the application to: yuli.wong @ uobgroup.com . Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
Postdoctoral in Medical Imaging Post-processing, LE2I / Université de Bourgogne, France
Application Deadline: 15-Nov-07
Post-doc subject: Prediction of rupture risk in abdominal aortic aneurysm from MR images without contrast agent.
Surgical intervention for abdominal aortic aneurysm is appropriate when the cumulative risk for rupture exceeds risk for repair. Currently, the recommendation for intervention is generally based on aortic diameter. However, large clinical trials have shown that this parameter is not always reliable. In an ongoing project at the Université de Bourgogne, associated with the University Hospital of Dijon, an evaluation of aortic wall stress (in the case of abdominal aortic aneurysm) is performed from morphological and functional parameters acquired via MRI. The use of cine-MR sequences without injection of contrast agent allows a deformable 3D representation of the aorta.
Other sequences allow the evaluation of specific morphological or functional (such as blood velocity) parameters. The stress distribution along the aorta may be calculated from these parameters, in order to predict the rupture risk. In the framework of this project, we are seeking to recruit a postdoctoral researcher for, firstly, the 3D-4D representation of the aorta, and secondly for the determination of stress zones on this representation.
Prospective applicants should have a good background in image processing, in medical imaging (in particular in MRI), as well as strong programming skills in C/C++, and hold a PhD.
Contact Person: Yvon Voisin
LE2I / Université de Bourgogne
Auxerre - France
Tel: (33) 3 86 49 28 54
Fax: (33) 3 86 49 28 50
E-Mail: yvon.voisin @ u-bourgogne.fr

Doctoral Program in Economics, Law and Psychology - Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena (Germany)
The International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (Uncertainty-School)
combines approaches from Economics, Law and Psychology to explain human decisions under uncertainty more effectively and to better design institutional responses. The Uncertainty-School is jointly hosted by the Max Planck Institutes at Jena, Berlin and Bonn, and the Psychology and Economics Departments of the FSU, Jena. International Partners are the Department of Psychology of Indiana University, Bloomington and the Center for Rationality at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Outstanding candidates are invited to apply for doctoral fellowships in economics, law and psychology.
Applicants are required to hold a Diplom, a Masters Degree or a State Exam with honors in one of the abovementioned disciplines or an equivalent degree in a related discipline.
Fellowships start on Feb. 1, 2008 and include funding for up to 3 years. Research will be conducted in English at either Jena, Berlin or Bonn. Besides the summer school, dedicated to providing a sound knowledge in the neighboring disciplines, doctoral fellows will be benefit from the academic training and intellectual life at the participating institutions.
Deadline for applications is Nov 1, 2007.
Program details and the online application form are provided at http://www.imprs.econ.mpg.de/application. Applications have to be submitted online and should include a CV, transcripts, a letter of interest and 2 letters of recommendations.
Both Max Planck Society and Friedrich Schiller University are committed to improving the opportunities for women in the sciences and particularly encourage them to apply.
The International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (IMPRS Uncertainty) Max Planck Institute of Economics
Kahlaische Strasse 10
07745 Jena
Germany imprs @ econ.mpg.de

Lowongan CPNS Kejaksaan RI - 2007
Lowongan CPNS Kejaksaan RI
September 18th, 2007 | by admin |
NOMOR : PENG- 008/C/Cp.2/ 09 /2007
TAHUN 2007
Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia membuka pendaftaran seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Tahun Anggaran 2007 sebanyak 500 formasi, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
Gol. III A Tata Usaha (Calon Jaksa) S.1 Hukum (S.H), Jurusan : Ilmu Hukum, Hukum Perdata, Hukum Pidana, Hukum Tata Negara, Hukum Administrasi Negara dan Hukum Internasional
a.Warga Negara Indonesia;
b.Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun.
c.Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindakan pidana kejahatan;
d.Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
e.Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri / Pegawai Negeri;
f.Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan ketrampilan yang diperlukan;
g.Berkelakuan baik;
h.Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
i.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia atau Negara lain yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah.
j.Bersedia melepaskan dari Jabatan Pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik pada saat dinyatakan lulus ujian penyaringan, apabila yang bersangkutan pada saat melamar menjadi pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik.
k.Lulus penyaringan yang diselenggarakan oleh Panitia Pengadaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia.
a.Berusia setinggi-tingginya 28 tahun, (lahir setelah tanggal 30 September 1979).
b.Belum menikah dan bersedia tidak akan menikah sampai dengan diangkat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
c.Tidak buta warna, tidak cacat fisik, tidak bertato, memiliki tinggi dan berat badan ideal yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan Dokter, serta bebas Narkoba.
d.Menguasai Komputer yang dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Ijazah.
e.Telah memiliki Ijazah S.1 Hukum (S.H) dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Swasta minimal Terakreditasi B sesuai dengan formasi yang dibutuhkan dan memiliki Indek Prestasi Komulatif ( IPK ) serendah-rendahnya 2,75 (Surat Keterangan Kelulusan / Ijazah Sementara tidak dapat diterima).
f.Menguasai Bahasa Inggris yang dibuktikan dengan Sertifikat atau Ijazah.
Setiap pelamar harus mendaftar sendiri (tidak dapat diwakilkan), dengan menyerahkan 2 (dua) berkas lamaran, masing-masing fotocopy berkas telah dilegalisir, yang terdiri dari :
a. Surat lamaran yang ditulis tangan sendiri dan ditujukan kepada Panitia Ujian Penyaringan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kejaksaan RI Cq. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian Kejaksaan Agung RI
b. Daftar Riwayat Hidup singkat.
c. Pas photo hitam putih ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 8 lembar.
d. Foto copy Ijazah yang telah disyahkan / dilegalisir :
- Universitas oleh Dekan / Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik.
- Sekolah Tinggi oleh Ketua / Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik.
e. Foto copy transkrip nilai Indek Prestasi Komulatif Akademik (IPK) yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
f. Surat pernyataan belum menikah oleh Kepala Desa / Lurah setempat.
g. Surat Keterangan berbadan Sehat dari Dokter.
h. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari POLRI.
i. Kartu Pencari Kerja dari Depnaker (AK-1).
j. Foto copy Ijazah / Sertifikat Komputer dan Bahasa Inggris yang telah disyahkan / dilegalisisir oleh pimpinan / sekolah / lembaga yang mengeluarkan sertifikat / Ijazah.
k. Masing-masing berkas lamaran dimasukkan dalam stopmap warna merah tua.
1. Pelaksanaan Pendaftaran :
Hari Senin, Selasa & Rabu Tgl 24 s/d 26 September 2007 Jam 08.00 s/d 12.00 dan 13.00 s/d 15.00
Tempat :
1. Kejaksaan Agung
2. Kejaksaan Tinggi seluruh Indonesia kecuali Kejaksaan Tinggi DKI Jakarta
Keterangan :
a. Kejaksaan Agung menerima pendaftaran khusus bagi pelamar yang memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) Wilayah DKI Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi (JABODE TABEK)
b. Masing-masing Kejaksaan Tinggi menerima pendaftaran bagi pelamar yang memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) di Wilayah Kejaksaan Tinggi setempat.
2. Seleksi / Ujian Penyaringan.
2.1. Pendaftar yang telah memperoleh KTPU (Kartu Tanda Peserta Ujian) berhak mengikuti Ujian Penyaringan.
2.2. Ujian Akademik (tahap I)dilaksanakan secara serentak bertempat di Kejaksaan Agung RI dan masing-masing Kejaksaan Tinggi seluruh Indonesia tempat peserta mendaftar, sedangkan ujian tahap II (psikotest, kesehatan dan wawancara) akan ditentukan kemudian pada saat pengumuman hasil ujian tahap I
2.3. Ujian penyaringan dilaksanakan secara bertahap dengan sistem gugur, sebagai berikut :
a. Ujian Tahap I (Ujian Akademik)
29 September 2007 Pk. 06.45 sd Selesai (Waktu Setempat)
Materi :
1.Pengetahuan Umum,
2.Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS)
3.Pengetahuan Substansi
b. Ujian / test tahap II :
1.Peserta yang lulus ujian tahap I berhak mengikuti ujian tahap II, sedangkan peserta ujian tahap I yang tidak lulus tidak berhak mengikuti ujian tahap II
2.Ujian tahap II meliputi :
- Psikotest
- Kesehatan
- Wawancara (pejabat eselon I dan II yang ditunjuk)
3. Pelamar yang dinyatakanlulus ujian tahapII atau tahap akhir diwajibkan mengikuti test bebas Narkoba.
4.Hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus ujian tahap II dan lulus test bebas Narkoba yang akan diusulkan untuk memperoleh penetapan Nomor Identitas Pegawai (NIP) di BKN.
5. Pelamar yang dapat diangkat menjadi CPNS akan ditempatkan di seluruh Wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia yaitu di wilayah hukum Kejaksaan Tinggi Seluruh Indonesia kecuali Kejaksaan Tinggi DKI Jakarta dan Kejaksaan Agung.
1.Bagi mereka yang pernah mengajukan lamaran bekerja dalam lingkungan Kejaksaan RI, dengan adanya pengumuman ini diwajibkan mengajukan lamaran kembali.
2.Biaya yang timbul untuk pemeriksaan psikotest, kesehatan dan test bebas Narkoba ditanggung masing-masing peserta.
3.Surat lamaran yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan akan dikembalikan kepada yang bersangkutan.
4.Berkas lamaran yang memenuhi persyaratan menjadi arsip Kejaksaan Agung RI dan tidak dapat diambil kembali.
5.Para pelamar diharapkan berhati-hati terhadap pihak yang menjanjikan kelulusan karena tidak memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan oleh BKN
http://www.kejaksaan.go.id/main/event_detail.php?id=21 atau
Site Administrator-Petrosea - [Mining]
We are a company with over 34 years experience operation in Indonesia which invests through our mining, project delivery and asset management capabilities. We operate and support our clients in the Oil and Gas, Mining and Infrastructure sectors through providing world class delivery standards within a flexible and cooperative business relationship model. We seek clients and projects that can be delivered within a partnering framework that enhances delivered value by aligning objectives, behaviors and outcomes. To help us meet our strategic goal and deliver our promise to shareholders, currently we are seeking Indonesia's exceptionally talented people for the following position:
Education :
The applicant should have a degree in any discipline of Economic, Law or Psychology from a reputable university.
Experience :
1. Minimum of 5 years experience in the oil and gas, mining, and infrastructure engineering and construction industries, preferably with mining and construction companies.
2. Familiar with Engineering, Construction and Mining Operations.
Responsibilities :
1. Manage administration and general affairs aspects of a mining project.
2. Develop and maintain good relationship with local authorities (Lurah, Camat, Tokoh Adat / Agama, Police & Army) and communities around the project.
3. Ensure validity of expat documents including workpermits, visa, etc.
4. Ensure the validity of relevant documents which impact on project operations including vehicle registrations.
5. Arrange and maintain site security including obtaining back up from Police and Army.
6. Coordinate transportation and accommodation for project personnel, staff and PTP Guest.
7. Liaise with Section accounts or Tax Officer relating to financial or tax matters.
8. Prepare monthly report and sent to Operations Manager.
9. Process all logistics related documents, Process Licences and Permits from local government and Process all export import documents and execute clearance of goods.
10. Liaise with HR Officer in handling of any HR / ER issues on project (if required), In ensuring timesheet, personal advance, and leave are correct prior project Manager approval, In processing Jamsostek for project personnel.
11. Liaise with Project Manager & Superintendent to arrange leave roster for project personnel.
12. Liaise with Section HR Superintendent or other Site Administrator to fulfill manpower demand of project.
13. Liaise with superintendent / Supervisor (user) to conduct selection process for local hires.
14. Liaise with Training Centre to coordinate on site training or training registration for project personnel.
15. Conduct formal annual performance review and provide ongoing coaching, mentoring and performance counselling as required for all direct reports.
Other requirements :
1. First class English skills, in particular written English must be of a very high standard.
2. Self motivated and ability to priorities work.
3. Advanced interpersonal, client management and communication skills.
4. Focus & result oriented.
5. A `can do' attitude, with hands on approach.
We offer our staff a challenging and innovative work environment and an attractive salary package will be negotiated to ensure a high calibre appointment. To be considered for this exciting opportunity, please forward your application together with a detailed resume including recent photo, quoting reference number PTP-BIG-003 to hrservice[at]petrosea.com in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
Application close: 06 October 2007.
Only qualified candidates will be invited for interview.
Port Engineer-JA - [Oil&Gas]
Closing date : Tuesday, October 02, 2007
JAC Indonesia
Job ads material #1
JAC is an international company which has been in operation for more than 30 years. We provide recruitment services from our offices in London and world wide. JAC Indonesia Energy Division has been supported Oil & Gas, Mining & Energy Industries to fulfill their professionals placement needs.
Our Client, established to capture shipping business opportunity, especially in oil and gas industry is searching for Port Engineer as follow;
Qualification :
1. Education: Minimum S1
2. Minimum four (4) years experiences as Port Engineer / Surveyor
3. Strong knowledge in vessel machinery
4. Fluently English
5. Computer Literate
Send us your up dated CV to our energy specialized consultant ;
and CC to: jobsenergy[at]jacindonesia.com
CLOSING DATE: 2 weeks after the advertisement.
Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
To find out more about JAC Indonesia , visit:
"JAC Indonesia - the Recruitment partner you can rely on"
Various Positions-Hes - [Oil&Gas]
Closing date : Sunday, September 30, 2007
Hess is rapidly building a substantial position as a key supplier of pipeline gas in Southeast Asia.
Our Ujung Pangkah development offshore East Java is vital component of that strategy. The Phase 1 gas development came on stream in April, 2007, and the Phase 2 oil development is underway. We are now looking for a range of experienced professionals to contribute to making Ujung Pangkah an outstanding success and build an exciting career in our global business.
We currently have the following positions available:
Opportunities in Jakarta
Project disciplines for engineering graduates with a minimum of 15 years oil and gas industry experience and at least 7 years in similar roles:
• Deputy Construction Superintendent (Offshore)
• Installation/ Commissioning Superintendent (Offshore)
• Senior Project Engineer (Offshore)
• Commissioning Supervisor (Offshore)
• Senior Structural Engineer (Offshore)
Project disciplines for engineering graduates with a minimum of 10 years oil and gas industry experience and at least 3 years in similar roles:
• Electrical & Instrumentation Engineer (Offshore)
• Construction Engineer (Offshore)
• Structural Engineer (Offshore)
• Facilities Installation Engineer (Offshore)
• Process Engineer (Offshore)
• Piping Engineer (Offshore)
• Mechanical Engineers - Rotating & Static (Offshore)
• Telecommunications Engineer (Offshore)
• Project Controls Engineers (Onshore & Offshore)
All positions require fluency in written and spoken English and computer literacy.
EHS roles requiring experienced individuals educated to degree level in EHS, OHS or related engineering discipline, possessing 5 to 10 years in oil and gas EHS experience, including 3+ years managing EHS in Projects or leading a team in Risk Assessment:
• EHS Coordinator Development
• Senior Safety Engineer
Supporting roles requiring an engineering degree or diploma with a range of oil and gas industry experience:
• Piping Designer (Onshore)
• Operations Technical Assistant
Opportunities in Gresik
We are continuing to build our team to manage the effective and safe operation of the Ujung Pangkah field as we move towards Phase 2 of the project.
We are seeking three exceptionally qualified and experienced individuals, educated to degree level in engineering and possessing 15 to 20 years oil and gas experience - including more than 5 years in a management position - to lead our respective onshore and offshore operations teams:
• Gas Plant Manager
• Offshore Installation Manager (Two positions, on rotation)
We are also seeking an experienced supervisor and a graduate of business, accounting or administration, preferably with a minimum 7 years track record in the oil and gas industry, to provide support to our onshore operations team:
• General Affairs Supervisor
We've already attracted and developed some of the most talented leaders and technical professionals to fuel our growth, offering highly competitive rewards and challenging opportunities in a global organisation. As they've found, Hess is big enough to offer a world of opportunity and small enough that you can immediately make a difference....and get recognised for it.
Full details of all these positions are available at:
searchable in the Experienced Professionals section. Apply online or send full career details to:
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
AIT Degree Programs on Wetland and Aquatic Resources Management
Flexible Degree Programs on Wetland and Aquatic Resources Management at the Asian Institute of Technology
1. Master Degree program related to wetland and aquatic resources management
Natural or man-made environmental changes cause negative impacts on aquatic resources, which are utilized by the poorest groups in Asia. The negative factors include over-fishing, use of illegal fishing gears, introduction of exotic fish, misuse of chemicals, and agro-industrial waste discharge. Indirect impacts arise from deforestation leading to increased turbidity of water, siltation, and breeding ground destruction, and dam constructions that can lead to blocking of migratory pathways.
To enable local institutions to reduce these emerging threats on sustainable use of aquatic resources, Asian Institute of Technology launched a flexible Master Degree program in Wetland and Aquatic Resources Management to strengthen students in participatory problem solving approaches and integrated resources management options. The degree program targets students who want study at AIT while working in their own institutions or development projects.
2. Educational flexibility offered by AIT
The degree program closely follows existing academic standards and regulations of AIT but offer the following flexible educational option:
* A pre-master bridging program (optional)
* Offer increased range of subjects and disciplines related to aquatic resources systems
* Flexibility in course duration (3 – 4 years to complete the Master degree)
* Students are required to follow the first semester courses on-campus but the following semesters can be planned according to individual preferences (students develop an individual study plan with the Advisor)
* Offer field based “special studies” to complete the total coursework requirement (maximum 3 credits)
* Both the thesis research and special studies can be conducted and submitted while working in their own institution (part-time study)
3. Who can apply?
Students who have a Bachelor degree in the following areas are eligible to apply for the degree program:
* Aquaculture
* Aquatic Resources/ Fisheries management
* Agricultural systems
* Coastal zone management
* Environmental science/ management/ Eco-toxicology
* Gender
* Water resources management
* Rural development/ Socio- economics
* Natural Resources Management
* Geographic information systems/ remote sensing
AIT assigns the selected student to the one of the following Fields of
Study (FoS) taking his/ her education background into account:
* Aquaculture and Aquatic Resources Management
* Agricultural Systems and Engineering
* Environmental Engineering and Management
* Gender and Development Studies
* Natural Resources Management
* Regional and Rural Development Planning
* Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
* Water Engineering and Management Program
4. Course curriculum
Based on their undergraduate background and training needs, students can register any one of the field of study mentioned in the section 3. Students follow all required courses of the registered FoS plus the course titled “ED71.25 Aquaculture and Aquatic Resource Systems, and one institute wide course (2 credits). The particular FoS develops an individual study plan (courses and field based special studies and thesis topics) for students.”
Students can follow coursework on-campus for two selected semesters and engage in field-based special studies and thesis research for four to six semesters. If the student prefers a longer period (e.g. 4 years) to complete the degree program, an individual study plan for coursework and thesis research will be developed following AIT academic regulations.
For further information, please visit admissions website or contact AIT admissions.
Admissions and Scholarships Office
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klongluang, Pathumthani
12120 Thailand
E-mail: admissions[at]ait.ac.th
Tel nos: (66-2)524-5031-33
Fax no: 66-2-524-6326

AIT-CIDA Full Scholarships for Master and PhD study in UEM
Full Scholarships for Master and PhD study in UEM
Application deadline : March 31 of the year of admission
The SEA-UEMA Project is a partnership between the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Asian Institute of Technology. Its goal is to contribute to the improvements of urban environmental conditions in Southeast Asia. It seeks to attain improved implementation and sharing of sound urban environmental management policies and practices.
The focus of the project is on three key urban environmental sub-sectors, water and sanitation, solid waste and air pollution, with poverty reduction and gender equality as the two crosscutting themes. The projects two key components are UEM Graduate Education, and UEM Applications and Networks.
Under the UEM Graduate Education component, the project provides full scholarships for graduate level education and research at master (M.Sc.) and doctoral (Ph.D.) levels (full time and non-resident). These scholarships from the SEA-UEMA project are available for selected applicants from countries of Southeast Asia.
Scholarship Details
Each scholarship covers full tuition fees, accommodation and a monthly bursary towards living expenses as per AIT standards, for the duration of the study program. The full time master program funding is for a period of four semesters (22 months) and the full time doctoral program funding is for a period of six semesters (36 months). The funding is also available for non-resident doctoral program.
Over the project period of 2003-2008, CIDA is providing 55 master and 10 doctoral scholarships
Criteria for Awarding CIDA Scholarships
* The applicant has to fulfill AIT admission criteria
* The applicant must be from canadian ODA eligible southeast Asian countries (Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Philippines, Timor-Leste, Thailand and Vietnam). Applicants from other developing countries of Asia are eligible for other sources of funding
* Preference would be given to applicants having UEM related work experience.
* Preference would be given to qualified women applicants.
Entry date for the UEM Field of Study : August
For enquiries & application forms,please email at:
Tel/Fax: 66-2-5245699
Dr. L.A.S. Ranjith Perera
Director, SEA-UEMA Project and
Coordinator, Alumni Demonstration Projects Component
Southeast Asia Urban Environmental Management Applications
(SEA-UEMA) Project
School of Environment, Resources and Development
Asian Institute of Technology
P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-5245619, 02-5245777, Fax: 66-2-5246380, 66-2-5248338

Postdoctoral Position in Ice Sheet / Climate Modeling, Geological Survey of Norway (NGU)
The Geological Survey of Norway (NGU), based in Trondheim, is the central national institute for knowledge of the bedrock, mineral resources, surface deposits and groundwater of mainland Norway and of the near-surface geology of the Norwegian continental shelf. The Survey's tasks include geological, geophysical and geochemical mapping, development and maintenance of databases, research, information activities and advice to governmental bodies and industry. The NGU staff of 225 includes representatives of 22 nationalities and 65% of the staff are scientists.
For general information about NGU's organisation and mandate, see www.ngu.no
NGU invites applicants for a 3,5 years (2007-2010) post-doctoral research position in glaciological ice sheet/climate modelling. The position is affiliated with the Landscape and Climate research group, and is funded through the SciencePub project by the Research Council of Norway as part of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 program.
The main objective of the research is to advance fundamental knowledge of long-term natural climate change by:
* Modelling of former ice sheets and ice-dammed lakes
* Modelling dynamics of ice streams and lobes under different climatic scenarios
Scientific challenges include among others extracting climate information from geologically constrained ice sheet models, and exploring the influence of ice-dammed lakes on ice sheet dynamical behaviour.
The successful applicant will work in a group consisting of Quaternary terrestrial and marine geologists, and physical geographers. He/she will be responsible for developing the field of ice sheet/climate modelling within this team, and is expected to interact closely with the earth scientists both regarding data for constraining the modelling and in developing modelling experiments and topics. Thus, we are looking for a person with abilities to work independently as well as in close collaboration with other members of the team. Networking and international collaboration with relevant modelling scientists/communities will be very important for succeeding. The person appointed is expected to take part in fieldwork both in Norway and abroad, and might supervise students connected to the project. The position requires a PhD in earth sciences or physics/mathematics, and documented experience in relevant fields of modeling. A strong track record of scientific communication is also a requisite.
NGU encourages applications from female scientists. We can offer a favourable working environment, unique scientific challenges and good possibilities for participation in international forums and in education programmes. A kindergarten is run by and for NGU employees. Salary is dependent on qualification and experience (approximately 420-465,000 NOK per year).
For further information, please contact:
Eiliv Larsen (eiliv.Larsen[at]ngu.no, Tel.: +47 73904161), Jochen Knies (jochen.knies[at]ngu.no, Tel.: +47 73904116), or Øystein Nordgulen (oystein.nordgulen[at]ngu.no, tel. 73 90 40 00), and visit the project and team websites:
Application with CV, reprints, and name and address of three professionals for reference should be submitted on www.ngu.no/vacancies by October 1, 2007.

Postdoctoral Fellow - Computer Modeling in Biology, University of Calgary, Canada
A postdoctoral fellow is required to develop a computer model of the gastrointestinal tract. The GI tract is a complex physiologically system, with a network of oscillators driving a population of muscles. The project will require the development of ionically-based representations of GI cell types, and integrating them into a anatomically realistic framework. The PDF will interact extensively with computational scientists in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and biological researchers in the Department of Physiology.
The candidate must possess a PhD in Engineering, Physics, Biology, or Medicine. Experience with computer modeling, numerical methods, or biophysics is highly preferred.
Edward Vigmond
University of Calgary
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
2500 University Dr NW
Calgary, AB, T2N1N4
Phone: 403-210-3887 Canada
Email: vigmond@ucalgary.ca

PhD & Postdocs in Mathematical Image Processing and Computer Vision, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Applicants are invited to join the computational mathematics and scientific computing group in NTU (Nanyang Technological University) on interdisciplinary computational imaging, computer vision and computer graphics, at the boundaries between mathematics, computer science and engineering. This group has been funded to build a national resource to explore new mathematical and computational methods for PDE-based image processing and analysis, surface processing involving compression, reconstruction, remeshing and encoding for Interactive Digital Media development.
We hereby invite applications for 5 Postdoc positions and up to 9 PhD scholars
* All positions are available from December 1 2007.
* Review process will start October 1 2007 and continue until all positions are filled.
* The postdoc positions will be granted for a period of one year and can be extended up to three years after appropriate probation.
* The PhD scholarships are normally granted for a period of 4 years. Applicants must satisfy the entrance requirements for the doctoral degree program and other regulations related to PhD studies.
Requirements for the Postdoc positions
The postdoc candidates will be working with PDE based image processing and visualization related to surfaces. Thus, it is preferred that the candidate should have sufficient knowledge and experience with numerical simulations for partial differential equations. Optimization methods are also central in the project. Candidates with strong backgrounds in any area of medical imaging, image processing, computer vision and data compression are also encouraged to apply.
Salary will be commensurate with experience and background.
Requirements for the PhD positions
The PhD candidate should have taken sufficient courses in applied mathematics related to numerical approximations or have a strong course record any area of image processing, medical imaging, optimization, computer vision or data compression. Experience with numerical simulations and project work is an advantage. The candidate is supposed to finish a PhD degree in applied mathematics within 4 years.
For more information on the project, please contact
* Professor Tai Xue-Cheng, Email: xctai[at]ntu.edu.sg or tai[at]math.uib.no; Or
* Recruit committee, Email: compmath[at]ntu.edu.sg.
Submission of applications
For the postdoc positions, application forms, obtainable from Tai Xuecheng, need to be filled and submitted. In addition, CV, Degree Scrolls & Transcript (in English), and two independent reference letters shall be sent directly to Tai Xuecheng and Recruit committee via email.
For application for the PhD scholarships, please visit the website www.spms.ntu.edu.sg/mas/home for details and follow the instructions for the submission of the application.

Unix/Windows Admin
This is regarding a Job opening for the position *Unix/Windows Admin *kindly find the description of the job and do send me your candidates updated resume in Chronological form with their contact details and rate confirmation.
*Job Title : Unix/Windows Admin*
*Job Type : Contract *
*Location : Hunt Valley, MD*
*Duration : 6-24 Months*
*Rate : Negotiable.*
Job Description:
- Minimum five years UNIX and Windows (2000/XP/Server2003) admin experience.
- Minimum three years UNIX and Windows-based scripting/automation experience.
- Ability to work in a rapidly changing environment, with sometimes conflicting and/or changing priorities.
- Knowledge of/experience with distributed systems remote software deployment and software version management a plus.
- AS/400 experience a plus.
- Ability to work with a diverse, geographically dispersed team a must.
- Motivated self-starter who is willing and able to overcome obstacles is the ideal candid
* *
Victor Bill* *| Accounts Manager | VLS Systems Inc.
Address: 4080 Lafayette Center Drive, Suite 300 | Chantilly | VA 20151
Work : 703-773-8990 ext-1326 | Fax (703) 773-8991 |
www.vls-systems.com & www.itvls.com
A Microsoft Certified Solution Provider | A Cognos Certified Partner | IBM
Certified Partner Read More......
Geoscientist in Oil & Gas - Needed
Our Client, an international Oil & Gas company located in Indonesia is seeking for the following position :
Geoscientist (Geo-Sci)
Provide technical interpretations and subsurface evaluation wok to help pursue and capture new exploration and producing opportunities through the applications of integrated geosciences principles and company global technology best practices
* Master Degree
* Sound science fundamentals in all base geosciences disciplines including stratigraphy, structure, sedimentology, geophysics, and field mapping; strengths in quantitative analysis highly beneficial.
* Strong English language oral and written communication skills required for internal business purposes.
* Computer skills and competency both for interpretation software and PC based systems
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected salary and recent photograph via email to :
Please put the position applied Geo-Sci on the subject line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
If you wish to receive our client vacancy, kindly join our mailing list at www.sintesa-resourcing.com
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lowong Kerja (CPNS) di Departemen Agama
Latest info job career vacancy opportunity.Informasi lowongan lamaran peluang kerja, karir, pekerjaan terbaru :
Rekrutmen Staf Kontraktual
Dalam rangka implementasi kegiatan Madrasah Education Development Project (MEDP)
ADB Loan No 2294-INO (SF), Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam - Departemen Agama RI
memerlukan Staf Kontraktual yang akan ditugaskan di pusat, propinsi dan kabupaten.
Adapun bidang keahlian dan tempat penugasannya adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Central Project Management Unit/CPMU (Departemen Agama RI di Jakarta)
1. Manajer Administrasi dan Keuangan......................................(1 org)
2. Sekretaris Bilingual (Inggris-Indonesia).................................(1 org)
3. Spesialis Pengadaan.................................................................(1 org)
4. Akuntan................................................................................... (2 org)
5. Spesialis Pelatihan.................................................................... (1 org)
6. Spesialis Kendali Mutu...............................................................(1 org)
7. Spesialis Monitoring dan Evaluasi...........................................(1 org)
Jumlah............................................................... (8 org)
b. Provincial Coordinating Unit/PCU, (berkedudukan di Kantor Wilayah Departemen
Agama Propinsi Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, dan Sulawesi Selatan)
1. Spesialis Pengadaan.................................................................. (1 org/propinsi)
2. Advisor PMIS…………………………………………………………(1 org/propinsi)
3. Advisor Manajemen dan Perencanaan………………………… (1 org/propinsi)
4. Advisor Quality Assurance and Teacher Quality Improvement (1 org/propinsi)
5. Trainer……………………………………………………………… (2 org/propinsi)
Jumlah………………………………………… (6 org/propinsi)
c. District Coordinating Unit/DCU (berkedudukan di 27 Kantor Departemen
Agama Kabupaten di 3 Propinsi)
1. Akuntan/Keuangan………………………………………………. (1 org/kabupaten)
2. Fasilitator Madrasah…………………………………………....... (100 org)
a. Umum
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Wanita/pria
3. Berkelakuan baik
4. Sehat jasmani dan rohani
5. Setuju dan patuh pada ketentuan dan persyaratan yang ditetapkan
6. Pelamar hanya diperbolehkan mengajukan pada 1 (satu) formasi.
7. Pelamar bersedia bekerja penuh-waktu (full time)
8. Diutamakan berdomisili sesuai dengan wilayah kerja
b. Khusus
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 sesuai dengan bidangnya
2. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun di bidangnya, dan dengan proyek kerjasama
luar negeri.
3. Menguasai bahasa Inggris aktif dan pasif
4. Menguasai aplikasi komputer untuk mendukung pekerjaan sesuai bidangnya.
5. Lulus seleksi administrasi, tes kemampuan umum dan wawancara
6. Pelamar yang diundang untuk mengikuti tes kemampuan umum dan wawancara
adalah mereka yang lulus seleksi administrasi.
1. Berkas lamaran ditujukan kepada Ketua Central Project Management Unit Madrasah Education Development Project (CPMU-MEDP), dengan alamat: PO BOX 4557 JKP 10045, paling lambat diterima pada tanggal 20 September 2007 cap pos.
2. Surat lamaran harus dilengkapi dengan dokumen sebagai berikut:
a) Riwayat Hidup
b) Pas photo 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar
c) Ijazah pendidikan terakhir
3. Pada amplop lamaran dicantumkan bidang/posisi yang dikehendaki di pojok kiri atas.
4. Jadwal Rekrutmen
== Batas akhir pengiriman berkas lamaran 20 September 2007
== Pemanggilan tes kemampuan Umum dan wawancara 22 s.d. 31 Oktober 2007
== Tes Kemampuan Umum dan Wawancara:
- Jakarta = 05 Nov 2007
- Semarang = 07 Nov 2007
- Surabaya = 12 Nov 2007
- Makassar = 14 Nov 2007
== Panitia tidak menyediakan biaya bagi peserta selama proses seleksi berlangsung.
Jakarta, 12 September 2007
CPMU-MEDP Read More......
Erasmus 2008 Scholarship
List of Masters Courses selected under Action 1
Interested students are invited to contact the coordinators of the courses concerned for further information on admission conditions, application forms and scholarships. Erasmus Mundus scholarships are available for all courses published on this site.
Year of selection, Title, Website,
2007 Comem Erasmus Mundus MSc - Coastal and Marine Engineering and Management
2007 DILL - International Master in Digital Library Learning
2007 EURMed (Etudes Urbaines en Régions Méditerranéennes)
2007 European Masters Course in Software Engineering
2007 European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG)
2007 FAME - Functionalised Advanced Materials and Engineering
2007 GEMMA: Master’s Degree in Women’s and Gender Studies
2007 IMESS: International Masters in Economy, State and Society
2007 IMMIT: International Master in Management of InformationTechnology
2007 JEMES - Joint European Master Programme in Environmental Studies
2007 LCT- European Masters Program in Language and CommunicationTechnologies
2007 MA Human Rights Practice (Erasmus Mundus)
2007 MaMaSELF - Master of Materials Science exploiting European
Large Scale Facilities http://mamaself.univ-rennes1.fr
2007 Master of Science in Computational Mechanics
2007 Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
2007 ME3 - European joint Masters in Management and Engineering of Environment and Energy
2007 Mundusfor - Formation de professionnels de la formation
2007 MUNDUS MAPP - Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Public Policy
2007 OPSCITECH: Optics in Science and Technology
2007 Philosophies allemande et française dans l’espace européen
2007 SAMHC - Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions
2007 SUFONAMA - Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
2007 TPTI: Techniques, Patrimoines, Territoires de l’industrie:Histoire, Valorisation, Didactique

Sunday, September 16, 2007
PhD studentship in Mathematical Physics at University of Nijmeg - Netherlands
The Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics at the University of Nijmegen (The Netherlands) has an opening for a Ph.D. student in Mathematical Physics.
The position, which is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO), is for four years. The date of appointment can be arranged, but should not be later than January 1, 2008.
The position involves modest teaching duties of ca. 15%. The gross salary will rise from € 1950 per month in the first year to € 2500 during the last year.
The subject of the research will be topological order in ground states of quantum spin systems, with a view to topological quantum computing. (The title of the approved grant application was “Categories of Anyons in infinite quantum systems”).
Applicants should have a masters degree in mathematics or theoretical physics (or both!) and have some background in (functional) analysis and preferably also in operator algebras and category theory. Experience with quantum statistical mechanics would help, but is not essential.
Applicants are asked to provide a CV with a list of qualifications, a degree certificate, a list of courses attended (with grade and dates of attendance), a copy of the undergraduate thesis, and evidence of any further qualifications. They should also supply contact information (including email address) of at least two reference persons.
The Ph.D. student will benefit from the research cluster `Geometry and Quantum Physics`, in which — besides Nijmegen — also the the universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht are involved.
Applications, as well as requests for further information, should be directed by September 15, 2007 to the intended primary supervisor
Dr. Michael Müger
Radboud University Nijmegen
Department of Mathematics
Toernooiveld 1
6525 ED Nijmegen
The Netherlands
email: mueger # math.ru.nl
with cc to the intended promotor:
Prof. Klaas Landsman
(same address)
email: landsman # math.ru.nl
website link:

RICAM Postdoc Position in Scientific Computing at Austria
The “Scientific computing-Optimization and Optimal Control Group” at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics(RICAM) is searching a PostDoc with a strong background in partial differential equations or variational problems. The research focus will be adjusted according to the interests of the successful candidate. Possible specializations include all areas of continuous optimization, optimization in the context of mathematical finance, life sciences, and material sciences.
A doctorate in mathematics or a closely related field is required. The working language is English. The initial contract can be for up to three years, a renewal for three more years is possible depending on achievements.
For more information contact Prof. K. Kunisch at: karl.kunisch[at]uni-graz.at.
RICAM is a research institute which went into operation on January 1, 2003, and is building up to a total of 30 PostDoc positions in six areas:
Computational Methods for Direct Field Problems,
Inverse Problems,
Optimization and Optimal Control,
Symbolic Computing,
Analysis of Partial Differential Equations,
Mathematical Finance.
The institute is housed on the campus of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, a town of about 240.000 on the Danube, very close to the Austrian Alps, and half-way between Vienna and Salzburg. Further information is available under: http://www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at.
Applications with personal and scientific data, copies of relevant documents and a statement about scientific interests and achievements should be sent, prefarably by email, to karl.kunisch@uni-graz.at.
Postal address:
Prof. Dr. Karl Kunisch
Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz
Heinrichstrasse 36 A-8010 Graz, Austria.

PhD Fellowships in Economics, Law or Psychology, Max-Planck Institute of Economics, Germany
The International Max Planck Research School on Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (Uncertainty-School)combines approaches from Economics, Law and Psychology to explain human decisions under uncertainty more effectively and to better design institutional responses. The Uncertainty-School is jointly hosted by the Max Planck Institutes at Jena, Berlin and Bonn, and the Psychology and Economics Departments of the FSU, Jena.
Outstanding candidates are invited to apply for doctoral fellowships in economics, law or psychology.
Applicants are required to hold a Diplom, a Masters Degree or a State Exam with honors in one of the abovementioned disciplines or an equivalent degree in a related discipline.
Fellowships start on Feb. 1, 2008 and include funding for up to 3 years. Research will be conducted in English at either Jena, Berlin or Bonn. Besides the summer school, dedicated to providing a sound knowledge in the neighboring disciplines, doctoral fellows will be benefit from the academic training and intellectual life at the participating institutions.
Deadline for applications is Nov 1, 2007.
Program details and the online application form are provided at http://www.imprs.econ.mpg.de/application. Applications have to be submitted online and should include a CV, transcripts, a letter of interest and 2 letters of recommendations.
Both Max Planck Society and Friedrich Schiller University are committed to improving the opportunities for women in the sciences and particularly encourage them to apply.
The Uncertainty-School is a joint project of:
Max Planck Institute of Economics, Jena
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn
The Department of Social Psychology of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
The School of Economics and Business Administration of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
The International Max Planck Research School on
Adapting Behavior in a Fundamentally Uncertain World (IMPRS Uncertainty)
Max Planck Institute of Economics
Kahlaische Strasse 10
07745 Jena

Vacancy at BSM (Bank Syariah Mandiri)
We are the fastest growing Sharia Bank in Indonesia is currently seeking for people who will feel blessed to work with the Bank. We invite professionals and highly motivated people to apply for job vacancies as follows:
Secretary to President Director (SPD)
The requirements:
* Minimum 3 years experience at similar position.
* Minimum Education S-1 with IPK 3,25 or above from reputable university.
* Able to communicate in English (speaking & writing).
* Computer Literate.
* Energetic, able to work in speed and under pressure.
* Good in performance and pleasant personality.
* Highly committed to the Bank.
* Preferably Female.
The supporting documents needed as follows:
* Letter of application
* Curriculum Vitae
* Recent photograph (2 sheet of 3X4 Size)
* Stating the position code at the top left side of the envelope: (SPD) for Secretary to President Director
* Any supporting documents (graduation sertificate, transcript, training/courses sertificate, etc)
Training Programming & E-Learning Staff (TEL)
The requirements:
* Training Module Arrangement (especially for multimedia format).
* Minimum 1 year experience at similar position.
* Minimum Education D-3 with IPK 2, 75 or above from reputable university or academy.
* Excellent in Macromedia Flash (animation & action script design).
* Understand in e-learning.
* Creative, energetic, able to work in speed and under pressure.
The supporting documents needed as follows:
* Letter of application
* Curriculum Vitae
* Recent photograph (2 sheet of 3X4 Size)
* Stating the position code at the top left side of the envelope: (TEL ) for Training Programming & E-Learning Staff
* Any supporting documents (graduation sertificate, transcript, training/courses sertificate, etc)
If you think you fit the above requirement, please send your resume and any supporting documents to:
Recruitment & Selection
Divisi Sumberdaya Insani
Gd. Menara BDN Lt 5
Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 83
Jakarta Pusat
e-mail: recruitment[at]syariahmandiri.co.id
*closed: 27 September 2007
PhD in Seismology and Geodynamics at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
*mumpung sedang ramai gempa bumi, nampaknya ilmu ini kian laku...*
The Geophysics Institute at ETH-Zurich invites applications for two Ph.D. student positions in seismology and geodynamics. The successful candidates will study regional-scale seismic tomography, including its implications for geodynamics, applied to Europe and the mediterranean basin. This research project emphasizes application of innovative techniques in seismology, including finite-frequency (”banana-doughnut” ) tomography, and interferometric analysis of seismic ambient noise. Advisors will be Prof. Eduard Kissling and Dr. Lapo Boschi, in collaboration with Dr. Alberto Michelini (INGV Roma, Italy).
Our institute is a diverse environment emphasizing multidisciplinary interactions. A wide variety of graduate level courses in the Earth Sciences are oered. Please visit the Seismology and Geodynamics web page, at http://www.seg.ethz.ch/ or contact Dr. L. Boschi larryboschi[at] gmail.com) for further information.
Complete applications must include statement of personal interests, curriculum vitae and names and addresses of two references, and should be sent to Dr. L. Boschi (paper form accepted, electronic form preferred). We will start reviewing applications at the end of August, and plan to interview candidates before the end of October, 2007.
Education requirements:
Completion of undergraduate studies in physical/mathematical sciences, computer sciences, or earth sciences.
ETH is an equal-opportunity and nondiscriminating employer.
Contact address:
Dr. Lapo Boschi Institut fuer Geophysik ETH Hoenggerberg (HPP) CH-8093 Zurich Switzerland Email: larryboschi@ gmail.com
Website link: