Eight Ph.D. Fellowships in Linguistics, 2008 The Center for Language and
Cognition Groningen (CLCG) announces the eight fellowships for study leading
to Ph.D. degrees in Linguistics. Specializations must fall within the
expertise of CLCG researchers.
The range of opportunities (specializations) The positions will preferably
be filled in one of the following research groups:
- Syntax and
Semantics >
- Discourse and
- Computational
- Language and Literacy Development across the Life
- Language Variation and Language
The Center for Language and Cognition Groningen
The Center for Language and Cognition Groningen
(CLCG) is a
research institute within the Faculty
of Arts of the Rijksuniversiteit
Groningen.>It embraces all the linguistic research
in the faculty. CLCG is a part of
the Faculty’s Graduate School for the
A considerable number of CLCG researchers participate in the
interdisciplinary Center for Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences
(BCN), and in the Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalwetenschap (LOT, the National Dutch graduate school in Linguistics) Within the CLCG there are six exciting research groups: Syntax/Semantics, Discourse and Communication, Language Variation and Change, Computational Linguistics,
Neurolinguistics, and Language and Literacy Development over the Life Span.
There are graduate students
working in all of these groups.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Eight Ph.D. Fellowships in Linguistics, 2008

Beasiswa S1 dan SMU dari Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa Orang Tua Bimbing Terpadu
Yayasan Amal Abadi Beasiswa Orang Tua Bimbing Terpadu (YAAB ORBIT) memberikan Dana Bantuan Beasiswa ORBIT kepada generasi muda terbaik yang berprestasi namun tidak mampu dalam membiayai pendidikannya. Beasiswa ini ditujukan untuk siswa SLTA dan mahasiswa
Persyaratan penerima bantuan beasiswa (ANBIM=Anak Bimbing) ORBIT:
* Memiliki prestasi dan potensi unggul pada bidang akademis dan non-akademis.
* Memiliki nilai rata-rata semester minimal 8,00 (untuk kelas 2 dan 3 SMA/MA) atau nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif minimal 3.00 untuk program S1 minimal semester 6.
* Aktif pada kegiatan intra atau ekstra sekolah/kampus.
* Memiliki prestasi dan keunggulan dalam bidang tertentu tingkat sekolah, daerah, atau nasional.
* Tidak mampu membiayai sekolah/kuliah.
* Bersedia berperan aktif pada kegiatan di Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT
* Bersedia memenuhi kewajiban-kewajiban sebagai penerima Dana Bantuan Beasiswa/ANBIM ORBIT
Cara menjadi ANBIM ORBIT
Mengisi lengkap formulir lamaran untuk menjadi ANBIM ORBIT (dapat difotokopi sendiri), dilengkapi dengan:
* Fotokopi rapor/kartu studi per semester dari semester 1 sampai dengan semester terakhir dijalani
* Surat keterangan tidak mampu dari RT/RW setempat yang menyatakan bahwa orang tua calon ANBIM tersebut tidak mampu untuk membiayai pendidikan
* Surat keterangan masih aktif mengikuti pendidikan dari sekolah/perguruan tinggi
* Foto terbaru ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 3 lembar
* Data-data penunjang seperti fotokopi piagam penghargaan/seminar, dan lain-lain
Mekanisme Seleksi
* Mengambil formulir permohonan menjadi ANBIM ORBIT di Sekretariat YAAB ORBIT Pusat atau Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT terdekat (15 April s/d 30 Juni)
* Formulir yang telah diisi lengkap beserta dokumen diserahkan/dikirim ke Perwakilan YAAB ORBIT terdekat (tanggal 1 s/d 30 Juli)
* Waktu seleksi diadakan setiap tahun, yaitu tanggal 1 s/d 15 Agustus (di tingkat perwakilan) dan dari tanggal 16 Juli s/d 30 Agustus (di tingkat Pusat)
* Pengumuman hasil seleksi akan dikirim dari YAAB ORBIT dan ke alamat rumah masing-masing ANBIM yang lulus seleksi pada tanggal 1 Agustus.
Tunjangan yang diberikan:
1. Untuk tingkat SMA: Rp60.000,00 per bulan selama setahun dan dapat diperpanjang
2. Untuk tingkat S1: Rp100.000,00 per bulan selama setahun dan dapat diperpanjang
Kantor Pusat YAAB ORBIT
Gedung The Habibie Center Lt.1
Jl Kemang Selatan No.98 Jakarta Selatan
Telp. 021-7884 6927

Beasiswa S1, D3, dan D2 dari Pemerintah Jepang (Beasiswa Monbukagakusho)
Pemerintah Jepang kembali membuka kesempatan beasiswa Monbukagakusho 2008 bagi lulusan SLTA untuk menempuh pendidikan setingkat S1, D3, dan D2. Pendaftaran akan dibuka pada akhir 31 Mei 2007 dan akan ditutup pada 27 Juni 2007
Program S1
Program S-1 merupakan program beasiswa 5 tahun (kecuali jurusan Kedokteran Umum, Gigi dan Hewan, 7 tahun) yang bisa diikuti lulusan SLTA baik jurusan IPA ataupun IPS Semua bidang bisa dipilih, kecuali bidang musik dan olah raga. Masa 5 atau 7 tahun sudah termasuk 1 tahun belajar bahasa di Jepang. Dan universitasnya baru ditentukan setelah tiba di Jepang berdasar hasil persaingan saat belajar bahasa selama 1 tahun di Jepang.
Program D-3 atau Politeknik
Program D-3 merupakan program beasiswa 4 tahun (termasuk 1 tahun belajar bahasa Jepang) yang dikhususkan bagi lulusan IPA yang berminat dibidang teknik (engineering) . Program yang materinya lebih pada praktek dan eksperimen ini memungkinkan bagi lulusan yang berprestasi untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang S-1. Sekolah tujuan sudah ditentukan sebelum keberangkatan ke Jepang.
Program D-2
Program yang setara dengan akademi yang akan mendidik para calon spesialis (profesional) ini ditempuh dalam waktu 3 tahun (termasuk belajar bahasa Jepang 1 tahun) dan bisa diikuti oleh lulusan SLTA jurusan IPA maupun IPS. Sama dengan program D-3, sekolahnya sudah ditentukan sebelum keberangkatan.
Fasilitas :
* Bebas biaya ujian masuk universitas, biaya kuliah, dan matrikulasi. (tidak termasuk biaya buku paket dan alat tulis).
* Tunjangan biaya hidup sebesar 134.000 yen setiap bulannya. Tunjangan pertama di Jepang sebesar 25.000 yen.
* Kursus Bahasa Jepang Gratis, baik saat di Indonesia ataupun di Jepang. Di Indonesia sekitar 3 minggu sebelum berangkat dan di Jepang selama setahun sebelum masuk kuliah. Dan tempatnya untuk peserta program S-1 dan D2 dibagi antara Tokyo dan Osaka, untuk program D3 semua di Tokyo.
* Kemudahan dalam pencarian asrama, apartemen atau sejenisnya. Di jepang, terutama untuk mahasiswa asing, sering mendapat kesulitan dalam pencarian tempat tinggal. Namun banyak pemilik apartemen atau asrama yang gmemperlunak h syarat bagi penerima beasiswa mombukagakusho.
* Diikutsertakan dalam asuransi kesehatan nasional Jepang dan program subsidi biaya kesehatan AIEJ.
* Tiket pesawat JAL Indonesia-Jepang kelas ekonomi. Tiket pesawat ini hanya diberikan 2 kali, saat pertama kali berangkat dari Indonesia, dan saat kembali ke Indonesia setelah menyelesaikan studi dengan beasiswa mombukagakusho
Syarat pendaftaran untuk Program S-1, D-3 dan D-2 :
* Lulusan SLTA baik itu SMU, STM ataupun Madrasah Aliyah
* Berusia di bawah 22 tahun saat keberangkatan.
* Memenuhi batas minimal nilai rata-rata UAN dan nilai rata-rata rapor kelas semester akhir (dengan perincian sebagai berikut) :
Program Nilai minimal
Program Nilai Miimal S1 8,2 D3 8,0 D2 7,7
Tahapan seleksi :
* Seleksi Dokumen, hanya yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas yang diperbolehkan mengambil formulir pendaftaran di Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang atau Konsulat Jenderal Jepang terdekat (Medan, Surabaya, Makassar).
* Tes Tertulis, diperuntukkan bagi yang lulus seleksi dokumen, dan mendapat panggilan untuk mengikuti tes tertulis (tidak semua pelamar dipanggil untuk tes tertulis). Biasanya tes diadakan akhir bulan Juli.
* Tes Wawancara, bagi yang lulus Tes Tertulis akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Wawancara di Kedubes Jepang di Jakarta. Wawancara dalam bahasa Indonesia. Isi pertanyaan lebih mengarah kepada kesiapan mental pendaftar untuk hidup sendiri melanjutkan studi ke Jepang.
* Seleksi akhir oleh Monbukagakusho, Pelamar yang lulus Tes Tertulis dan Tes Wawancara, datanya akan diserahkan (direkomendasikan) kepada Monbukagakusho. Keputusan akhir ditetapkan oleh Monbukagakusho sekitar akhir bulan Januari tahun berikutnya. Bagi yang lolos semua seleksi dan berhasil mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Monbukagakusho, akan berangkat ke Jepang awal bulan April.
* Untuk Tes Tertulis, semua soal dalam bahasa Inggris (boleh menggunakan kamus bahasa Inggris-Indonesia kecuali dalam ujian bahasa Inggris).
* Materi ujian disesuaikan dengan Program beasiswa dan jurusan yang dipilih.
- Untuk Program S-1 jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial & Humaniora materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Sejarah Dunia
- Untuk Program S-1 jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Kimia dan Fisika/Biologi*
- Untuk Program D-3, materi ujiannya adalah Matematika dan Fisika / Kimia*.
- Untuk Program D-2, materi ujiannya adalah Bahasa Inggris dan Matematika.
(*:tergantung pilihan bidang studi yang dipilih)
Pendaftaran dilakukan di Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang untuk Indonesia, di Jakarta, atau di 3 Konsulat Jenderal Jepang yang tersebar di Surabaya, Medan dan Makassar. Adapun formulir pendaftaran bisa didownload disini
Alamat dan nomor teleponnya adalah sebagai berikut :
Bagian Pendidikan Kedutaan Besar Jepang,
Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 24 Jakarta 10350
Telp. (021) 3192-4308
Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Surabaya,
Jl. Sumatera No. 93
Telp. (031) 503-0008
Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Medan,
Wisma BII Lt. 5, Jl. P. Diponegoro No. 18
Telp. (061) 457-5193
Konsulat Jenderal Jepang di Makassar,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 31
Telp. (0411) 871-030
Informasi selengkapnya:

Program Beasiswa Unggulan S1, S2, S3 Depdiknas 2007-2008
Program Beasiswa Unggulan
Program beasiswa dalam skala nasional (Beasiswa Unggulan Reguler) dan internasional (Beasiswa Atdikbud RI di luar negeri) yang dikembangkan dalam rangka menyiapkan insan Indonesia yang cerdas dan kompetitif sesuai dengan visi pendidikan nasional. Dengan adanya program beasiswa unggulan, diharapkan di akhir program akan muncul critical mass dan bangsa Indonesia yang berdaya saing tinggi di masa yang akan datang.
Program Beasiswa Unggulan menawarkan beasiswa ber-degree seperti program untuk jenjang D4/S1, S2, dan S3. Dan beasiswa non-degree seperti program Beasiswa Peneliti, Penulis, Pencipta, Seniman, Wartawan, Olahragawan, dan Tokoh.
Sasaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan
Beasiswa unggulan diberikan kepada mereka yang memiliki prestasi sebagai berikut:
1. Lulusan terbaik SMA/MA?SMK/Ponpes/PT yang diusulkan oleh Pemda (Propinsi/Kabupaten/Kota), masyarakat (LSM), dan industri
2. Lulusan cum-laude dari Perguruan Tinggi/Sekolah Tinggi/Akademi
3. Pemenang Lomba Iptek/Lomba Karya Ilmiah Remaja/MIPA Tingkat nasional
4. Pemenang Lomba LKS (Lomba Kompetensi Siswa) Tingkat nasional
5. Pemenang Olimpiade Sains/Teknologi Tingkat Nasional
6. Pemenang Lomba Bidang Olahraga Tingkat Nasional
7. Pemenang Lomba Bidang Seni Tingkat Nasional
8. Pemenang Lomba Bidang Bahasa Tingkat Nasional
9. Para aktivis mahasiswa (pengurus UKM, BEM, Senat, HMI)
10. Staf Pemda dan Staf Diknas dari unit-unit utama serta jajarannya
Persyaratan Program Beasiswa Unggulan
1. Surat pernyataan dari instansi bahwa peserta akan diberdayakan di instansi tersebut setelah selesai masa pendidikan selama minimal 2n+1 (format baku)
2. Surat rekomendasi dari instansi asal untuk mengikuti Program Beasiswa Unggulan
3. Letter of acceptance untuk twinning/sandwich program dari PT di luar negeri
4. Letter of acceptance dari PT di dalam negeri khusus S3
5. Formulir pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan dilengkapi pasfoto berwarna terbaru 3x4 (2 lembar)
6. Proposal rencana usulan tugas akhir/tesis/disertasi
7. Ijazah dan transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang telah dilegalisasi
8. Memiliki kemampuan bahasa asing (sertifikat TOEFL, IELTS atau TOEIC) dan sertifikat penghargaan lainnya
9. Usia pendaftaran untuk D4/S1 tidak lebih dari 21 tahun
Usia pendaftaran untuk S2 tidak lebih dari 35 tahun
Usia pendaftaran untuk S3 tidak lebih dari 45 tahun
Download dokumen
- Download brosur
- Download presentasi
- Download buku panduan
- Download pedoman sosialisasi
- Download form pendaftaran
- Form kontrak
- Format verifikasi berkas PT
- Daftar institusi pendidikan
- Alamat Atdikbud
- Form pendaftaran online
- Download form kontrak pemberdayaan 10 tahun
- Download buku panduan dan form pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan khusus peneliti, seniman, olahragawan, pencipta, penulis dan tokoh
- Form syarat surat lulus daftar calon
Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
JL. Jenderal Sudirman Gedung C lantai 6
Senayan-Jakarta, Indonesia
Telp: 021-57852458
Fax: 021-5738181
Email: Read More......

International Course Educational Programme Production;
International Course Educational Programme Production (Radio/Telvision)
12 week course from
September 14th – December 4th, 2009
RNTC application deadline: 15th January 2009
Embassy NFP application deadline: 1st March 2009
NFP application deadline:1st April 2009
The deadline for non-fellowship applicants is July 1st, 2009
Further information please contact:
Course Aims
The course aims to strengthen the capacity of educational broadcasters
to design and produce attractive and effective educational programmes
and multimedia material for, with and by children, on issues to do
with children and development.
Rights of the child
The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a universally agreed set
of non-negotiable standards and obligations that has been ratified by
192 countries. It spells out the basic human rights that children
everywhere – without discrimination – have: the right to survival; the
right to develop to the fullest; the right to be protected from
harmful influences, abuse and exploitation; and the right to
participate fully in family, cultural and social life. With these
rights comes the notion of the responsibility we have to create a
world in which our children can thrive and grow, and contribute to the
further development of our societies.
`Vessels to be filled”
Everyday reality is, however, much more grim. Many children see
themselves challenged by poverty, disease, violence, abuse, or
conflict – often related to the difficulties their families face due
to economic development and social disintegration. There are growing
demands on children to cope for themselves, to compete, and to measure
up to the expectations placed on them by family, friends and society.
In all of this there is a tendency to see children solely as victims
or, at best, as passive players on a stage they will only fully occupy
once they have become adults; to see them in the analogy of Plato as
`vessels to be filled’ rather than `fires to be lit.’
Participating in decision-making
Yet the fact is that children are more than capable of articulating
their own desires, needs, opinions, and of participating in the
decision-making which will shape their lives in the immediate and in
the longer term.
What is more, a society which does not understand this is denying its
own potential, and is the poorer for it.
For people working in the broadcast media this has important
implications, not least because today an increasingly important part
of childhood and of the experiences of children as they grow into
adults is what is learned through radio, television and the internet.
Challenge for broadcasters
The challenge for broadcasters and educators alike is to make
educational programmes and materials, whether they be entertaining and
educative in a general way or more closely linked to formal learning,
which engage and involve children in the way they learn about the
world, and encourage their active participation; programmes made not
just for children, but also by and with children.
Educational formats
Participants will be exposed to a variety of educational formats
targeting children, with special attention being given to the
complementary use of media (radio, television, internet, print) to
achieve educational objectives.
A target audience approach will be used with participants having to
define and formulate appropriate educational objectives for the
relevant age and target group. They will learn to produce effective
educational radio and television programmes and internet materials to
achieve those objectives, as well as consider ways to measure their
success or failure. In this process attention will be given to the
opportunities and the challenges presented by collaboration between
broadcasters and those outside the media with specialised knowledge
and an interest in or influence on the education of children and young
As well as attending sessions devoted to reinforcing and developing
their knowledge and skills in the field of educational programme
research and production, participants will be sent out on programme
assignments and working visits to appropriate locations in the
Netherlands. In course sessions and assignments emphasis will be
placed on broadening the participants’ understanding of development
issues relevant to children and young people in their societies and of
how these can be treated in educational broadcasting and on the internet.
Throughout the course the participants will use professional broadcast
recording and editing facilities and equipment, as well produce their
written work on computers linked to the internet for research and
email. Where appropriate participants from radio and from television
will work together.
Applicants should be mid-career programme-makers working in the field
of educational broadcasting. They should have, as a minimum, secondary
education/professional education or training in media and a good
command of the course language: English (written and spoken).

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Beasiswa Wartawan Jurnalis di Belanda
Broadcast Journalism on Social Conflict and Cohesion
International Course Broadcast Journalism (Radio/TV)
Theme: Social Conflict and Cohesion
12 week course from
February 2nd – April 24th, 2009
RNTC application deadline: 15th August 2008
Embassy NFP application deadline: 1st October 2008
The deadline for non-fellowship applicants is November 15th, 2008
Further information please contact:
Course Aims:
To strengthen the capacity of broadcast journalists and the
organisations they work for to research, investigate and report for
broadcast and new media in a responsible and ethical way on issues
that divide individuals and groups in their countries and thereby
(potentially) threaten social cohesion.
Role of the media in changing societies
Societies in development are societies undergoing change. Inherent in
such a process of change is the potential for tension and conflict
among individuals and groups in society. Some of this potential for
tension and conflict may be the reflection of longstanding divisions -
political, religious, ethnic. Some will have more to do with a
circumstantial clash of interests – for instance between the old and
the new (tradition versus modernity) and between individuals and
groups competing for greater influence and prosperity in the society
that is evolving. Broadcast journalists and the organisations they
work for have an important role to play here; they have to ensure that
the great issues of concern to their societies and the attendant
debates are given attention to and that the voices and views of those
involved are heard.
Integrity and credibility
They also have to be prepared to tackle controversial issues which are
not being given the attention they deserve and by so doing help set
the political agenda. But they also have a responsibility to do so
without exacerbating existing divisions or threatening the social
cohesion of the societies they serve. To achieve this, the maintenance
of their integrity and of their credibility as broadcast journalists
is crucial; they may not be perceived as representing certain
population or interest groups at the expense of others. In addition
they must develop the journalistic knowledge and skills they need to
investigate and present potentially divisive issues accurately and in
a balanced non-partisan way.
Investigative research and analysis
The courses will focus on the role, responsibility and requirements of
the broadcast journalist in meeting this challenge. Special attention
will be given to developing and putting into practice the appropriate
knowledge and skills for (investigative) research and analysis and for
the production of various broadcast and internet assignments as well
as to other essential broadcast journalism skills such as
interpretation, speed and accuracy under pressure, communication and
teamwork. There will be a considerable measure of interaction and
exchange of knowledge and skills between radio and television.
Course participants will work with analogue and digital technology for
radio and television and be involved in the design and development of
material for an Internet site related to the theme and focus of the
course. As well as attending sessions devoted to developing their
knowledge and skills in the field of news and current affairs
participants will be sent out on assignments to various locations in
the Netherlands linked to the theme of social conflict and cohesion
and to the role and responsibility of the broadcast journalist in this
field. After leaving the Netherlands at the end of the course
participants will become part of a network of journalists and other
experts through RNTC’s website, intended to foster co-operation and
the further exchange of ideas and experience in the field of broadcast

Beasiswa Studi di Prancis
Di antara teman-teman mungkin ada yang berkeinginan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke Prancis, entah itu untuk program S1, S2, atau untuk kursus singkat di bidang bahasa, mode, atau pun untuk melakukan riset di bidang-bidang tertentu. Parlez Français! kali ini mengangkat topik tentang belajar di Prancis, khususnya untuk jenjang pendidikan tinggi.
Apalagi, mulai bulan Januari ini, pemerintah Prancis telah membuka lagi program beasiswa bagi kalian yang hendak melanjutkan sekolah ke jenjang S2 dan S3! Namun alangkah baiknya kalian mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang sistem pendidikan tinggi di Prancis, dan apa saja yang harus dipersiapkan untuk kuliah di sana. Info selengkapnya bisa diklik di link ini .

Scholarships in Department of Health and Human Sciences, UK
Scholarships in Department of Health and Human Sciences
Investigating Choice And Consumption In A Health Care Context
Applications are invited for a range of studentships for PhD study starting in October 2008.
Fully funded Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) +3 studentships are available for Social Science approaches to the study of health and illness and are open to UK and EU students. We also invite applications for fully funded University Scholarships (open to students from UK, EU and overseas).
ESRC Studentships: Our PhD in Health Studies is recognised for ESRC +3 studentships for those who have already completed recognised ESRC research training (or equivalent) at Masters level. These awards include maintenance grants and tuition fees paid for UK students. Maintenance grants are approx £12,000 per year and do not attract income tax or National Insurance. For EU students the awards cover tuition fees only.
University of Essex Postgraduate Research Scholarships: Potential students are eligible to apply for a University Scholarship (up to a maximum of £12,000 per annum, plus home/EU fees) for full-time study. Subject to work permit requirements you will be permitted to undertake some paid employment by mutual agreement. The Department also offers a small number of fees only scholarships for students wishing to undertake a Professional Doctorate (fees only Professional Doctorate Scholarship is available for a maximum of 4 years, part-time).
Research support funding is available to students from the Department’s Research Endowment Fund. These monies can be used to assist in registering for conferences or training programmes.
Applications: By 15.00 GMT on Monday 18 February, 2008.
Please read further details at: , and then complete the relevant application forms: . Please indicate which award(s) you want your application to be considered for.
Applicants are expected to have, an upper second or first class undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in a social sciences, health sciences or related subject, or to be able to demonstrate other relevant experience including other postgraduate degrees.
For further information please contact the Graduate Administrator, Melanie Hassack, mahass (non Essex users should add to create full e-mail address), (telephone: 01206 873375) in the Department of Health and Human Sciences, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom.
The Department of Health and Human Sciences is a multidisciplinary department and has an excellent reputation for research and teaching in health and social care. In the most recent UK Research Assessment Exercise, which took place in 2001, our research was submitted with the Department of Sociology which achieved the highest possible rating. We host PhD students with a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Applications for scholarships are particularly welcome in the following areas, although applicants wishing to pursue a PhD or Professional Doctorate in other areas relevant to the Department’s research are also encouraged to apply:
Investigating choice and consumption in a health care context
Supervisor: Dr Ewen Speed
I am interested in supervising doctoral students who are interested in topics in and around issues of consumption in relation to healthcare. Students should be interested in exploring any aspect of consumerism and consumption from a sociological (or closely related) context. My interests lie particularly in qualitative approaches to the study of the development of principles of ‘choice’ in relation to health care provision, and how this issue of choice might be related to bigger changes within health care provision, and indeed to bigger social processes of New Public Management (NPM) and Neo-liberalism. In a related context, I would also be interested in supervising students with an interest in the commodification or marketisation of health care, and the role of rubrics of ‘quality’ in these processes, again in relation to NPM and neo-liberalism.
Contact Ewen Speed (esspeed non-Essex users should add to create full e-mail).
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Short listed candidates will be contacted directly by Human Resources Division for interview session
PT Sigma Cipta Caraka
Sigma Community are a market leader in providing information technology solutions, with more than 20 years of experience in delivering complex, mission critical systems to Indonesia and global markets. To support our rapid business development, we are looking for the following resources:
Junior Application Support
(Jawa Barat - Tangerang)
* To maintain applications from damaged.
* To maintain existing clients.
* To monitor applications, including request modifications and error systems (including all document projects).
* To install applications.
* To implement systems.
* To handle quality assurance systems.
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication), Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent.
* Has programming/database/networking skills is an advantage.
* Possess strong analytical, interpersonal, and communication skills.
* Hard worker, diligent, and able to work under pressure.
* Self-motivated, eager to learn, and able to work in team and independently.
* Applicants must be willing to work in Tangerang.
* 2 Full-Time positions available.
If your qualifications meet our requirement please send application letter CV, recent photograph with code in subject to :
PT. Sigma Cipta Caraka
German Centre 5th floor
Jl. Kapt. Subijanto DJ
Bumi Serpong Damai - Tangerang
Email :
deadline on 27-2-08.
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
We are one of the largest multinational companies in Indonesia. Our superior brands such as: Dji Sam Soe, A-Mild, Sampoerna Hijau, U-Mild, among others. Our business will always be competitive and demanding – operationally and intellectually. Our people thrive on these challenges. Our goal is to build an environment of equal opportunities, where each employee can use their unique talents and work styles to meet and exceed business and personal objectives.
we are currently looking for:
1. Supervisor Internal Control / Analyst - Surabaya based
2. Supervisor Internal Control / Analyst - Jakarta based
3.Financial Analyst – Financial Planning and Management
4. Maintenance Supervisor
5. Quality Assurance Technician (QAT)
1. Supervisor Internal Control / Analyst - Surabaya based
(Jawa Timur - Surabaya)
* To assist the Manager Internal Control in conducting day to day control and compliance activities which include but not limited to develop methodology, document process, identification of controls, performing control review, remediation of issues and present result to business process owners.
* Hold Bachelor/Master Degree from Accounting/Business Management preferably overseas graduate. Hold a Certified of Public Accountant is (CPA) is a plus.
* Hold around 5 years financial / audit experience, including experience in an audit or Internal Control Department of a multinational company and/or equivalent time in public accounting with exposure to multinational corporations.
* Strong internal control technical skills including ability to apply risk management principles
* Good analytical thinking, teamwork & cooperation skills, communication & influence skills, and interpersonal understanding
* High achievement orientation
* Proficient in oral and written English.
* IT literacy ( Excel/Word/Power Point ) is a must, while knowledge of MS Access, and SAP or Oracle accounting system is a plus
* Experience in Sarbanes Oxley project would be an advantage
* Ambitious and high passion to grow
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
* Preferred language(s): English.
2. Supervisor Internal Control / Analyst - Jakarta based
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* To assist the Manager Internal Control in conducting day to day control and compliance activities which include but not limited to develop methodology, document process, identification of controls, performing control review, remediation of issues and present result to business process owners.
* Hold Bachelor/Master Degree from Accounting/Business Management preferably overseas graduate. Hold a Certified of Public Accountant is (CPA) is a plus.
* Hold around 5 years financial / audit experience, including experience in an audit or Internal Control Department of a multinational company and/or equivalent time in public accounting with exposure to multinational corporations.
* Strong internal control technical skills including ability to apply risk management principles
* Good analytical thinking, teamwork & cooperation skills, communication & influence skills, and interpersonal understanding
* High achievement orientation
* Proficient in oral and written English.
* IT literacy ( Excel/Word/Power Point ) is a must, while knowledge of MS Access, and SAP or Oracle accounting system is a plus
* Experience in Sarbanes Oxley project would be an advantage
* Ambitious and high passion to grow
* Required language(s): Bahasa Indonesia.
* Preferred language(s): English.
3.Financial Analyst – Financial Planning and Management Reporting
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* To assist the Manager FPMR in managing and handling the planning & reporting function and related activities for the Sampoerna group of companies to meet local and US GAAP reporting requirements.
* Hold Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting.
* Have minimum 3 years experience in Budgeting and/or Financial Reporting field.
* Have around 3 years experience in Public Accounting Firm as an Auditor.
* Have a strong financial analytical skill as well as service and communication skills.
* Fluent in English, both oral and written.
* Good in operating MS-Office and having experience in operating Oracle Finance will be an advantage.
* Must have a high initiative and be able to work under tight dateline.
4. Maintenance Supervisor
(Jawa Barat - Bekasi/Karawang)
* Resource Control & Development
* Maintenance Scheduling
* Reporting
* CMMS Control
* Project Improvement and installation
* Hold Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineer from reputable University.
* Hold around 3 years experience in maintenance or engineering department (preferably from FMCG industry).
* Hold around 3 years experience in leading a team or group (having subordinates).
* Having cross Knowledge in the area of mechanical and electrical.
* Having good level of English proficiency is an advantage.
* Having a good level of computer literacy.
* Willing to be working in shift time/6 days a week.
5. Quality Assurance Technician (QAT)
(Jawa Barat - Bekasi / Karawang)
* He/She is responsible to execute all the direct material (cigarette, packaging, ingredients, adhesives and filter additives) inspection to make sure materials are in specification and prevent inclusion of non conforming materials.
* Diploma Degree (D3/D4) from Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics or Pharmacy with minimum GPA 2.75.
* Earned Diploma Degree (D3/D4) maximum 3 years ago (2004) and/or will be graduated in this year (2007).
* Having experience in laboratory, quality assurance or quality systems is an advantage.
* Having good English, both oral and written is an advantage.
For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached your comprehensive resume, not later than February 9, 2008 by stating the applied position code to :
Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview
Deadline: 9 February 08
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
PhD Scholarship in Agent-Based Modeling, UNSW, Australia
PhD Scholarship in Agent-Based Modeling of Business Relations and Networks
ARC Agent-Based Modeling of Business Relations and Networks grant
School of Marketing, The University of New South Wales
Applications are invited for a scholarship to undertake a PhD in the
School of Marketing at the Australian School of Business at the
University of New South Wales. The research will form part of an
Australian Research Council funded project to develop agent-based
models of the development and evolution of business relations and
networks in industrial markets.
The successful applicant will work under the supervision of the
research project’s Chief Investigators: Professor Ian Wilkinson of
the School of Marketing and Professor Robert Marks of the Australian
Graduate School of Management and School of Economics at the
University of New South Wales and Professor Louise Young of the School
of Marketing at the University of Technology Sydney. These are
leading international researchers in the area of business marketing
and economics with extensive backgrounds in the study of business
relations and networks, as well as expertise in modeling. They have
strong links with prominent researchers in the agent-based modeling
field around the world.
Skills and Qualifications Required
We are looking for a person with high-level computer science
qualifications (First or Upper Second Class honours or equivalent) and
skills, especially in the area of agent-based modeling, to work on the
project. This would include expertise in object-oriented programming
languages, such as Java and/or C++, as well as familiarity with
agent-based modeling platforms (e.g. Mason, Repast, Netlogo). We
would give preference to an applicant who also had some high-level
disciplinary-relevant knowledge and educational qualifications in
marketing, business, economics or another relevant discipline. But,
because a combination of relevant computer science skills and
disciplinary knowledge is rare, our primary focus is on the computing
skills plus a willingness to apply these in the area of business.
This may mean that the successful applicant will be required to
undertake a program of study to equip them with necessary disciplinary
knowledge to undertake the research and to fulfill the requirements of
a PhD in the School of Marketing. High-level communication and
writing skills in English are also essential.
The scholarship is available for local and international students for
three years full-time enrolment in the PhD program and provides the
scholar with a tax-exempt stipend of AUD$30,000 per annum.
The successful candidate would be expected to commence the PhD in mid
year 2008.
To apply, please submit your CV, academic transcripts, a summary of
your research interests and strengths related to the research and two
academic referee reports to Professor Ian F. Wilkinson
( Application close: April 5, 2008
Further Enquiries
Please contact Professor Ian F. Wilkinson (,
Professor Bob Marks ( or Professor Louise Young
( for further information. Additional information
may be also be found on the University’s and School of Marketing’s
websites (,

Phd Atomic Modelling of Irradiation Induced Defects in Reactor Materials, Germany
Vacancy Notice Reg.-No 01E/2008 In the Institute of Safety Research of the Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf for the period from 01.04.2008 until 31.03.2011 a vacancy is announced as Phd student.
The salary is according to the German TV-L (50 %). In the case of successful work, an up-grading of the salary is possible.
- University diploma in physics
- Deepened knowledge and experience in solid-state physics
- Knowledge of atomic numerical simulation in solids (e.g. molecular dynamics)
- Experiences in a programming language (FORTRAN, C) and in numerical mathematics
- Atomic modelling of irradiation induced defects in reactor materials and their influence on mechanical properties
- Code development and computer simulation for the interaction of dislocations with irradiation defects
- Model validation using experimental data.
- Within the working field there is a close cooperation with our neighbour institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research.
Please address your application (including a list of publications) with the Registration-No. 01E/2008 by March 15, 2008 to
Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Personnel division
P.O. Box 51 01 19
01314 Dresden, Germany
For further information, please contact Dr. Frank Bergner, Tel.: +49 351 260 3186, Email:, Dr. Matthias Posselt, Tel.: +49 260 3279, Email: and/or Dr. Eberhard Altstadt, Tel.: +49 351 260 2276, Email:
Women are explicitly invited to apply. Handicapped will be preferred in case of equal qualification. Read More......

International Tuition Fee Scholarship (PhD or MPhil) in Mathematical Sciences - University of Nottingham, UK
The University of Nottingham is offering an award of one full Tuition Fee Scholarship for a new international student registering on a research degree programme in the School of Mathematical Sciences at The University of Nottingham from September 2008. The scholarship is for each year of a PhD or MPhil research programme, subject to satisfactory progress.
To be eligible to apply for this scholarship, students must:
• have an upper second honours degree in a mathematics or mathematics-related subject, or its equivalent
• be holding a conditional or unconditional offer of a place on a full-time research degree programme in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Nottingham to commence studies from September 2008
• be classified as an ‘overseas’ student for fee purposes.
Information regarding suitable research projects is available on the School’s web pages at: .
Informal enquiries may be addressed to: .
Applications for postgraduate study can be made on-line at: , alternatively, application forms are available from the Postgraduate Admissions Secretary, School of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham, NG7 2RD. Tel: 0115 951 4948. Fax: 0115 951 4951. Email: .
Please quote ref. SCI/359.
Closing date: 18 April 2008.
For all our vacancies and more about working at the University of Nottingham see:

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Persyaratan Umum:
1. Lulusan dari PTN dan PTS yang terkemuka, Fakultas Teknik atau MIPA. Khusus PTS, yang mempunyai akreditisasi A
2. Syarat IPK minimal 2,75 (PTN) dan 3,00 (PTS)
3. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif.
4. Penguasaan bahasa inggris aktif akan memiliki nilai tambah.
5. Usia maksimal 30 tahun.
6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Persyaratan Khusus
a. Diutamakan lulusan S1/S2 dari Fakultas Teknik atau MIPA.
b. Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang business development IT pada institusi keuangan (perbankan, securities, asuransi) minimal 1 tahun.
Persyaratan Umum:
1. Lulusan dari PTN dan PTS yang terkemuka, Fakultas Teknik atau MIPA. Khusus PTS, yang mempunyai akreditisasi A
2. Syarat IPK minimal 2,75 (PTN) dan 3,00 (PTS)
3. Menguasai bahasa inggris minimal pasif.
4. Penguasaan bahasa inggris aktif akan memiliki nilai tambah.
5. Usia maksimal 30 tahun.
6. Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
Persyaratan Khusus
a. Diutamakan lulusan S1/S2 dari Fakultas Teknik, Jurusan Elektro, Ilmu Komputer, Informatika.
b. Menguasai bahasa pemograman: Java atau C++/C atau COBOL atau microsoft dot net atau platform Unix, XML, Web Services atau PL S/QL.
c. Pengalaman kerja programming minimal 1 tahun.
d. Penguasaan S/W engineering tool atau development tool, lebih diutamakan.
Surat lamaran ditujukan melalui email ke :
atau melalui Pos ke :
Bank BNI – Divisi Teknologi Informasi
Gedung Landmark Tower A Lt. 11
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Jakarta
Up. Kelompok Penunjang
Lamaran paling lambat diterima tanggal 12 Februari 2008.
PT.Indomobil Suzuki International Job Offering for Fresh Graduate
PT. Indomobil Suzuki International, As a reputable automotive company, today we are challenging and looking for a talented, competent, and strong character individual as part of our growth and expansion plan for:
Production Planning Inventory Control Staff (PPIC)
Requirements :
· Male, single, age 23-27 years old
· S1 Industrial Engineering, GPA : min 3.0 from reputable university
· Experience in PPIC Manufacturing Industry would be advantage
· Familiar with computer software MS Office, scheduling / planning software, Material Management and Inventory Control
· Well proven in English communication skill ( spoken & written )
· Hardworking, teamwork, initiative and Able to work under pressure
· Good Personality and communication skills
· Posses cooperative and self assured characters, strong analytical background
· Fresh graduated are welcome to apply
Should you interest to perform this opportunity in SUZUKI, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph not later than February 16, 2008 and please put the position code as the subject to :
PT. Indomobil Suzuki International
Gedung Training Center TB1
Jl. P. Diponegoro Km 38,2
Tambun – Bekasi 17510
Email :