The scholarships aim to provide opportunities for independent postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for students who have demonstrated both academic excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers in their own country. Upon completion of their studies in the UK, scholars are expected to return to their home country to resume their studies or work there. Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships lead to the award of a master’s degree.
The scholarships are available for study for LLM in Human Rights Law, MA in International Relations, MA in Social & Global Justice, MA in European & Global Politics, MA in International Security and Terrorism, MA Diplomacy, MA Politics and Contemporary History, MA Critical Theory and Politics.
Each scholarship provides twelve months’ tuition fees at the University of Nottingham, a stipend to cover living costs (for one person only) and return air travel from the scholar’s home country.
The scholarships are open to applicants from Indonesia, Jordan and Syria.
Applicants will normally be expected:
to be nationals of, and normally resident in, the selected country during the academic year in which they apply for the award; applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being resident;
already hold (or expect to hold by the time of taking up the award) a degree of an equivalent standard to at least a good UK second-class Honours degree;
to have passed an appropriate English language test by the time of taking up the award;
to return to their home country at the end of their scholarship period to continue their studies/ work there.
not to have already received or be currently receiving financial benefit from a previous HMG funded scholarship;
not to be employees, employees’ relatives (of former employees who have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO posts), the British Council, the Educational Advising Centers or other OSI-NSP representations in the region and the participating universities.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously studied outside their home country.
You can obtain application forms from your local British Council office (See below for address and contact details).
You will need to fill out:
The University Postgraduate Application Form and Reference Form : please read it carefully and enclose all additional documents requested in the application form.
The separate Scholarship application form.
The completed forms and supporting documents must be returned to your local British Council office at the address below by 30 January 2009 at the latest (see below address and contact details). One original set of the application pack and two copies thereof must be submitted.
Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and an English language test in their home country during April 2009. You should keep yourself free for these dates. You will be informed by the local British Council office whether you have been shortlisted or not.
Interviews will be carried out by representatives of OSI and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In certain cases, there may also be a panel member representing the interests of the University.
The final awards will be decided jointly by the University, the FCO and OSF. Candidates will be informed by the University.
Please note that successful applicants will be invited to the OSI NSP Pre-Academic Summer School that will be held in July or August 2009 in Istanbul. The Network Scholarship Programmes’ (NSP) Pre-Academic Summer Programme is designed to prepare NSP grantees for successful academic experiences in the UK. Successful applicants will be provided with the opportunity to refine their research and writing skills through intensive courses in academic writing and social sciences.
Read the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus. Your local British Council office will be able to make a copy available for you to consult. You will not, however, be able to take this copy home.
Visit the University’s Home Page at
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
Please make use of all of the written documentation available to you: the guidance notes and the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus:
If you have any queries about these guidance notes, then you should contact either
your local British Council office (please see addresses below) or
Margareta Mamaliga, UK Programme Coordinator, Network Scholarship Programmes, Open Society Foundation:
Fax or e-mail only:
Fax: 00 44 20 7031 0217
If you have any academic questions, then you should direct these to the appropriate department at the University (listed in the University’s Postgraduate Prospectus).
Contact details of local British Council offices:
The British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Phone: + 62 21 515 5561
Fax: + 62 21 515 5562
Contact person: Rowena Rompas
Saturday, October 25, 2008
OSI/FCO Chevening/University of Nottingham Scholarship

Postdoctoral Positions University of Guelph
Postdoctoral Positions in Design and Physical Characterization of Vesicles and Oil-in-Water Emulsions, the University of Guelph, Canada
This project involves the design and manipulation of vesicles and oil-in-water emulsions. The vesicles will contain a hydrophilic core and a lipid envelope, and will be suspended in an aqueous phase. Oil in water emulsions will contain food grade oil and proteins. The main aspect of the project will be to physically and chemically characterize the nanoparticles with respect to stability and leakage. The techniques that will be used include light scattering methods, rheology, microscopy and fluorescence.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Food Science, Physics, Chemistry or related discipline and experience with one or more of the above-mentioned techniques. A record of at least one publication is expected.
The Food Science Department at the University of Guelph is one of North America’s leading Food Science departments. Its strengths include a young faculty body and state-of-the-art facilities. Its annual income is $5.5M for research and there are currently 23 PhD and 77 MSc students with 100undergraduates in BSc with Food Science major.
Start date: January 1st 2009.
Contact: Dr Marcela Alexander, maalexan[ at ]

Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellowship 2009-2010, USA
The East-West Center is pleased to announce new fellowships for the Asia Pacific Leadership Program for 2009-10. Entering its eight year, the Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is the center of excellence for leadership education in the Asia Pacific region. The APLP is a graduate certificate program combining the development of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership capacity. Based at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, the program has created a network of dynamic leaders in 48 countries who are helping to build a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Pacific community. All participants receive an APLP Entrance Fellowship valued at approximately $15,000.
The Asia Pacific Leadership Program seeks outstanding individuals with proven leadership experience or high leadership potential from across the Asia Pacific region, North America and beyond. All participants have at least a Bachelors degree with the majority having graduate degrees as well. At least 20 countries are represented in each cohort. APLP Fellows come together from all walks of life, including areas as diverse as government, business, NGOs, health sciences, media, monastic orders, and education.
APLP participants will gain broad regional perspectives, become knowledgeable about the critical challenges facing the Asia Pacific region, and be trained to exercise leadership and promote cooperation. The APLP empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and supportive community needed to successfully navigate personal and regional change in the 21st century.
Recruitment for 2009-10 is open. Places are limited. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Deadline: December 1, 2008
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii
Application Forms and Fellowships:
For more information about the Asia Paci?c Leadership Program, as well as application forms and fellowship opportunities, please visit our website at: or email: aplp[ at ]
The application deadline is December 1, 2008. Fellowships begin in August 2009.

Postdoctoral Positions in Design and Physical Characterization of Vesicles and Oil-in-Water Emulsions, the University of Guelph, Canada
This project involves the design and manipulation of vesicles and oil-in-water emulsions. The vesicles will contain a hydrophilic core and a lipid envelope, and will be suspended in an aqueous phase. Oil in water emulsions will contain food grade oil and proteins. The main aspect of the project will be to physically and chemically characterize the nanoparticles with respect to stability and leakage. The techniques that will be used include light scattering methods, rheology, microscopy and fluorescence.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD in Food Science, Physics, Chemistry or related discipline and experience with one or more of the above-mentioned techniques. A record of at least one publication is expected.
The Food Science Department at the University of Guelph is one of North America’s leading Food Science departments. Its strengths include a young faculty body and state-of-the-art facilities. Its annual income is $5.5M for research and there are currently 23 PhD and 77 MSc students with 100undergraduates in BSc with Food Science major.
Start date: January 1st 2009.
Contact: Dr Marcela Alexander, maalexan[ at ]

PhD Student in Neuroimmunology, Hasselt University, Belgium
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt University) focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and the development of new therapeutics for this neuro-inflammatory disease. The group uses various modern technologies in immunology, molecular biology, cell biology and imaging to study immune system alterations and immune mediated damage of oligodendrocytes during MS.
Recent data show that immune responses in the CNS are not merely detrimental but also have protective effects e.g. by producing neurotrophic factors such as neurokines. The successful applicant will further investigate immune mediated neuroprotective mechanisms in MS. This project is part of a recently approved Methusalem Program called NEURONET. NEURONET brings together researchers from Hasselt University and Antwerp University (VIB) headed by prof. Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) and prof. P. Stinissen (UHasselt) specialized in clinical neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology, genetics and genomics, cell biology, mouse models and therapeutics in the domain of neurodegenerative diseases.
Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in life sciences e.g. medical sciences, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology or equivalent. Laboratory research experience is a definite plus (e.g. during the Master¢s dissertation). Applicants should have excellent communication skills and sufficient knowledge of Dutch and/or English. The candidate is highly motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team.
Further information
Content job responsibilities:
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68 niels.hellings[ at ]
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93 03, piet.stinissen[ at ]
* website of the Biomedical Research Institute:
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80, jef.vanvoorden[ at ]
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, November 5th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address: jobs[ at ]

EPSRC Funded PhD Studentship in Interactive Multimedia Applications, Durham University, UK
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. student to work on an EPSRC funded project entitled “An Interactive and Intuitive Object Deformation Framework for Interactive Multimedia Applications” in the Department of Computer Science. The aim of the project is to develop techniques to improve object deformation performance and quality, and to offer a novel interface for specifying deformation constraints and manipulators.
The research will lead to high quality interactive deformable object processing and usage. It will also benefit various industry sectors, including product or engineering design, medical applications, digital entertainment and computer gaming.
Prospective candidates will have a good honours (or equivalent) degree in Computer Science or other relevant subjects. The successful applicant should have a good background in most of the following areas: computer graphics, multimedia systems, mathematics and computer programming.
This fully funded studentship is at the standard EPSRC rate (£12,940 p.a. for 08/09).
More project information can be obtained by contacting Dr Frederick Li at[ at ], or by visiting
To apply:
Applications should be sent to Dr Frederick Li (Email:[ at ], Computer Science Department, Durham University, Science Labs, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom.

PhD Research Position on Foundations of XML Databases, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
The PhD is part of a project supported by the Marsden fund council from Government funding, administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand. We invite applications from excellent domestic or international candidates who have a Master’s degree in mathematics or computer science (or equivalent), and an interest in applying methods from logic, discrete math and complexity theory to database research.
Stipend: 25,000 NZD per year (tax-free) plus fees
Additional income: The successful candidate will have the opportunity to supplement the stipend by contributing to undergraduate teaching.
Duration: available for 3 years, commencing 01 March 2009 (or earlier)
How to apply
An application that includes an explanation of the candidates interest in the position and background, a full CV, an academic transcript and a confirmation of the prerequisite qualification, a two-page summary of the Master’s thesis, and the name and contact details of at least one referee, should be sent to[ at ] by 21 November 2008. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.
New Zealand is rated one of the top destinations in the world with its clean green natural image, scenery, Lord of the Rings film setting, adventure, culture and value for money ( New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington, is an experience that will reveal the creative, political and cultural nature of New Zealand, but still provide blockbuster scenery ( Information about the Victoria University of Wellington can be obtained at
For further details: contact[ at ] or sven.hartmann[ at ]

PhD Studentships in Statistics, University of Cambridge, UK
PhD Studentships in Statistics, University of Cambridge, UK
Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
Limit of tenure: 3 years
Applications are invited for PhD studentships in Statistics, to be held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Studentships are associated with the Cambridge Statistics Initiative which is targeted at the development of novel statistical methodology, both generic and in specific application areas. Information about the Laboratory can be found at
The studentships will provide funding to cover fees at the home/EU rate. Additional funding for fees for those paying the overseas arts rate could be available and will be assessed competitively. A stipend will be paid of at least the equivalent to the national minimum (13290 for the academic year 2009/10) for a minimum period of 3 years.
Supervision, along with research training tailored to the needs of the student, will be provided by the Laboratory. Research interests of academic staff can be found at
Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD course at the University of Cambridge. They should normally hold (or expect to be awarded) a first class UK honours degree or equivalent and a postgraduate qualification in Mathematics or Statistics.
Initial enquiries, which should include a curriculum vitae and an indication of possible research topics, should be directed to Professor A.P. Dawid, email: apd[ at ]
Quote Reference: LF04227
Closing Date: 31 January 2009

Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellowship 2009-2010
New Fellowships Available
The East-West Center is pleased to announce new fellowships for the Asia Pacific Leadership Program for 2009-10. Entering its eight year, the Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is the center of excellence for leadership education in the Asia Pacific region. The APLP is a graduate certificate program combining the development of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership capacity. Based at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, the program has created a network of dynamic leaders in 48 countries who are helping to build a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Pacific community. All participants receive an APLP Entrance Fellowship valued at approximately $15,000.
The Asia Pacific Leadership Program seeks outstanding individuals with proven leadership experience or high leadership potential from across the Asia Pacific region, North America and beyond. All participants have at least a Bachelors degree with the majority having graduate degrees as well. At least 20 countries are represented in each cohort. APLP Fellows come together from all walks of life, including areas as diverse as government, business, NGOs, health sciences, media, monastic orders, and education.
APLP participants will gain broad regional perspectives, become knowledgeable about the critical challenges facing the Asia Pacific region, and be trained to exercise leadership and promote cooperation. The APLP empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and supportive community needed to successfully navigate personal and regional change in the 21st century.
Recruitment for 2009-10 is open. Places are limited. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Honolulu, Hawaii
Application Forms and Fellowships
For more information about the Asia Pacific Leadership Program, as well as application forms and fellowship opportunities, please visit our website at: or email: aplp[a-t]
The application deadline is December 1, 2008. Fellowships begin in August 2009.

USAID - AED (Academy for Educational Development)
Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
• Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
• Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Training has long been a key component of the U.S. government`s development program in Indonesia. USAID/ Indonesia plans to support the tradition through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) program that will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured in a way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the capacity to support Indonesia`s development and the
achievement of the Government of Indonesia/USAID` s objectives.
USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development (AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia. AED is now inviting Indonesian citizens to study for Master`s Degrees in the USA in
1) Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and
2) Water and Sanitation.
1. Master`s Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management.
Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment, Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other related government institutions including provincial and district level offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations) ; or professionals in fields related to sustainable development with international or local organizations who have strong potential for leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same field.
Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
2. Master`s Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations), water and sanitation professionals/ environmental engineers working in the development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environm ental Engineering at accredited Indonesian universities.
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh, North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java .
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary or partner program will be viewed favorably.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
Interested applicants, may request application forms at or download them at
Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the address below by November 15 at the latest:
Academy for Educational Development
Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220.

Master of Development Evaluation and Management Scholarships
The Master of Development Evaluation and Management focuses on the efforts made by a wide range of public and private actors to promote development in low-income countries. It provides a solid understanding of the aid policies of multilateral and bilateral donors, and of the major aid modalities and instruments. The institutional characteristics of the actors involved –be they governments, community-based organisations, international NGOs, bilateral or multilateral donors – are analysed so as to attain a better understanding of outcomes. The Master gives insights in what constitutes development evaluation, its relevance and challenges, both at the level of methodological and institutional aspects.
Most of our students are engaged in development, professionally and/or as researchers. The Master improves their capacities to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the prevailing aid paradigms and the changing approaches to aid. Graduates will understand the importance of different institutional arenas, their interaction and how they function. They will become familiar with multidisciplinary analytical tools that improve their capacity to analyse the interactions and contribute to improved conceptualisation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development policies and programmes.
The DEM programme offers two specific trajectories targeted at different audiences, with specific objectives and course packages.
The trajectory Evaluating Development Effectiveness focuses on the analysis of the interaction between external actors, aid and development processes. The basic question addressed is why development efforts are sometimes successful but more often fail. This leads to further, more operational, questions. What lessons have been learned from the study of past failures and successes, and how convincing are the present policy prescriptions and paradigms? The programme helps the student to use appropriate analytical frameworks and to apply relevant scientific methods in evaluating results and drawing policy conclusions. It involves students in different kinds of evaluation relying on quantitative and qualitative techniques.
This trajectory is targeted at participants who have work experience in government institutions (including public research institutions), donor agencies (including international NGOs, bilateral and multilateral donors), civil society (including research institutes, universities). Candidates work in the area of development interventions and poverty reduction initiatives, and are macro level policy oriented. They are professionally always situated at the level of middle management with policy responsibilities and/or in charge of managing the interface between different levels (national to international, national to local) or between arenas (government-donors, INGO-national NGO, etc.).
Module I (12 weeks – 18 credits)
Theories of Development: provides an overview of recent evolutions in the literature on the politics and economics of development, and on poverty and inequality
Research Methods I and II: update of contemporary quantitative and qualitative research methods, possibilities for combining these methods and applying them within ongoing development processes.
Module II: Managing Aid (9 weeks – 12 credits)
This module is organised by the Thematic Group on “Aid Policies”. Students are familiarised with the ongoing debate on the role of aid in development, and expected to engage in a more advanced analysis of the topic.
Module III: Evaluating Development Effectiveness (9 weeks – 12 credits)
This module is organised jointly by the Thematic Groups on “Aid Policies” and “Impact of Globalisation”. It involves students in different kinds of evaluation relying on advanced quantitative and qualitative techniques or a combination of the two.
Module IV: Dissertation (15 weeks – 18 credits)
To be developed on the basis of one of the assignments written at the end of either module II or III.
The Trajectory Conceptualizing Development Interventions aims at analyzing the interaction between external and local actors, aid and development processes in order to identify the changing opportunities and constraints for more effective, reform driven institutional development. It conceptualizes political and economic development as the outcome of interactions between a conditioning institutional environment and the agency of international, national and local actors. Special attention is given to the importance of micro-level institutions and processes, and how these condition the effectiveness of development efforts. It analyses how the interactions of actor strategies and institutional structures produce inequality and poverty as well as well-being.
This trajectory is targeted at participants who have a work experience in civil society (including research institutes, universities, local NGOs or entrepreneurial associations), donor agencies (including international NGOs, bilateral and multilateral donors) and government institutions. Candidates work in the area of development interventions and poverty reduction initiatives, in micro- or mesa-level projects and programmes, and/or are macro level policy oriented. Professionally the candidate is situated at the level of middle management with policy responsibilities and/or in charge of managing the interface between different levels (local to national, national to international) or between arenas (ex; civil society- government, government-donors, INGO-national NGO, etc…).
Module I (12 weeks – 18 credits)
Theories of Development: provides an overview of recent evolutions in the literature on the politics and economics of development, and on poverty and inequality
Research Methods I and II: update of contemporary quantitative and qualitative research methods, possibilities for combining these methods and applying them within ongoing development processes.
Module II: Managing Aid (9 weeks – 12 credits)
This module is organised by the Thematic Group on “Aid Policies”. Students are familiarised with the ongoing debate on the role of aid in development, and expected to engage in a more advanced analysis of the topic.
Module III: Local Institutions and Poverty Reduction (9 weeks – 12 credits)
This module is organised by the Thematic Group on “Poverty and Well-being as a Local Institutional Process”. The module analyses how the interactions of actor strategies and institutional structures produce inequality and poverty as well as well-being. It applies this analysis to specific topics, such as public services provisioning, local governance and decentralisation.
Module IV: Dissertation (15 weeks – 18 credits)
To be developed on the basis of one of the assignments written at the end of either module II or III.
The academic selection is based on 5 selection criteria, namely:
Appropriateness of the applicant’s field of study;
Quality of the education and results/grades obtained;
Relevance of the applicant’s professional experience;
Motivation of the applicant;
Matching (does the content of the programme match the expectations of the applicant?);
Field of Study and study results: Applicants must hold a university degree of at least 4 years of study in social sciences (Economics, Political Science, sociology, international relations, or related disciplines). Applicants who hold a Bachelor’s degree of only 3 years of study must demonstrate very strong and relevant professional experience and/or have successfully completed additional training. Only applicants with excellent academic records will be accepted;
Professional experience: Our programmes are targeted at participants from low-income and lower middle-income countries. Our ideal applicant has at least 2 years of professional experience in a sector relevant to the programme. Applicants from middle and high-income countries who hold a Master’s degree and have acquired some field exposure are also invited to apply;
Applicants must be proficient in English;
Those who received a university education in English must provide an official certificate confirming this. Other applicants must submit one of the following test results:
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): minimum score of 550 for paper-based test, or 213 for computer-based test, or 79 for Internet-based test. Information about this test is available at
IELTS (International English Language Testing System): minimum score of 6.0. Information about this test is available at
Students with paper-based TOEFL scores between 500 and 550 (or TOEFL computer-based between 173 and 213 or TOEFL Internet-based between 61 and 79) or IELTS scores between 5.0 and 6.0 may also be admitted provided they successfully complete a two-month intensive language course organised by the university of Antwerp before the start of the Master programme. For students selected for a VLIR scholarship, the cost of this language course is borne by the Institute;
Motivation and Matching: see description of student profile per Master and Trajectory.
Master’s degree
You can apply scholarship available in this program, please click VLIR-UOS country list from where scholarships are possible for more information
Application for this scholarship is possible from 01/10/2008 until 01/02/2009
Please visit:

Netherlands PhD position Proteomics related Bioinformatics
PhD position Proteomics related Bioinformatics
(Groningen), 38 hours per week University of Groningen
Job description
PhD position
The University of Groningen as partner of The
Netherlands proteomics center offers a PhD position in the Department
of Analytical Biochemistry (dr. Péter Horvatovich, prof. Rainer
Bischoff) to work on a project entitled: ‘Proteomics related
Bioinformatics: Quantitation, processing and classification algorithms
for mass spectrometry’.
This PhD position is embedded within the larger collaborative
network of The Netherlands Proteomics Center (NPC), a national center
of excellence. The PhD project will focus on developing new
bioinformatics tools and algorithms for processing and statistical
analysis of proteomics LC-MS data. The work will consist in
participating in the development of an integrated data processing
framework interconnecting multiple open source data processing
pipelines, quality control tools to assess the global and individual
quality of LC-MS data processing modules, development tools for
integration of multidimensional chromatography data and the
development-specific of time alignment solutions for charge state- and
isotope-shifted LC-MS data. This work will be performed in close
collaboration with groups at the University of Utrecht (prof. Heck and
dr. van Breukelen) and the European Bioinformatics Institute (dr.
Hermjakob). The candidate will collaborate closely with other research
group forming the Netherlands Bioinformatics for Proteomics Platform
initiated by the NPC and the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC)
and his/her developed tools will become part of the national proteomics
bioinformatics framework using a grid environment.
The successful candidate will work in a team (PhD students and
postdoctoral fellows) focusing on bioinformatics and analytical
chemistry. The Department of Analytical Biochemistry has extensive
experience in proteomics and proteomics-related bioinformatics with a
focus on algorithms and methodological developments.
University Graduate
We are looking for
highly motivated candidates with a strong background in mathematics,
statistics, or bioinformatics. Experience in multivariate statistical
analysis, algorithm development, multiple programming languages (c++,
java, Matlab, Perl), database development and programming experience in
parallel computing would be a distinctive advantage. Experience in
proteomics and analytical techniques will be considered a plus. The
candidate should enjoy working in an international and
interdisciplinary environment.
University of Groningen
Founded in 1614. One of the best universities
in Europe and the world. A wide variety of disciplines. Internationally
oriented. Rooted in the North of the Netherlands. Socially active. Our
researchers and lecturers are inspired academics. Ambitious students.
We respect the differences in talent, ambitions and performance of the
25.000 students and members of staff.
The university provides a career advisory service for partners of new staff who move to Groningen.
The university is an equal opportunities employer. Because women
are still underrepresented in a number of fields, they are particularly
encouraged to apply.
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Conditions of employment
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2612
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: Four years
Maximum hours per week: 38
Additional conditions of employment:
The University of Groningen offers a salary of during the first year €
2042 gross per month. This amount will increase to € 2612 gross per
month during the fourth year (salary level 1-1-2009). The appointment
is for a period of four years which period should be finished with a
PhD examination. After 18 months, the performance of the candidate will
be evaluated to decide whether there is sufficient progress to expect a
successful completion of the PhD thesis within the remaining period.
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr. Péter Horvatovich, +31 50 3633341 / +31 50 3637582 (fax) /
Telephone number: +31 50 3633336 secr.
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links.
* About the organization
* Department of Analytical Biochemistry
Applications with curriculum vitae and the
names of three former or present supervisors that can be contacted as
references must sent to:
You can apply for this job before 16-11-2008 by sending your application to:
University of Groningen
Personnel and Organization Office
P.O. Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
The Netherlands
E-mail address:
When applying for this job always mention the vacancy number AT208290.
The short URL code for this job opening is: 00347-809.
You can use this as a direct link to the job by adding the code to the URL

Germany PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry
In the group Organic and Polymer Chemistry of Hasselt University, the following position (m/f) is available:
PhD-grant (2x2 years) Organic and Polymer Chemistry
(mandate SBG/2008/011)
Job description
The research group “Organic and Polymer Chemistry”, a division of IMO (Institute of Material Research), is located on the Hasselt University campus in Belgium and has a strong competence in Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Analysis. Via the IMOMEC division, there is a close collaboration with IMEC, the biggest independent research centre in electronics in Europe. One of the core activities of the group relates to the synthesis and characterisation of conjugated or conductive polymers for plastic electronics, e.g. P-LED’s, organic transistors, organic Solar cells, chemosensors, biosensors, etc… A PhD-grant is available from IMEC for a PhD on the premises of the UHasselt in the domain of Conjugated (Semi-conductive) Polymers for application in solar cells.
The activity planned aims to perform research in the field of semi-conductive polymers for photovoltaic applications, in particular synthesis and characterisation of new polymeric materials and this with an emphasis on exploring living polymerization as a method toward functionalized and/or block copolymers. The research will take place in close collaboration with the division of material physics of IMO (Prof. Jean Manca) and the photovoltaic group of IMEC (Dr. Jef Poortmans) at Leuven.
Applicants must possess a master degree in (Bio)Chemistry, Material Chemistry or Chemical Engineering and should be interested in the field of materials science and polymer characterization. Experience in polymer synthesis or organic synthesis is a plus.
The position is voor two periods of 2 years with an intermediate evaluation. The grant amounts to about 1600 Euro/month free of taxes.
Further information
* Content job responsibilities: Prof. dr. Dirk Vanderzande, +32-11-26 83 21,
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday, November 7th 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
PhD student Neuroimmunology in Hasselt Belgium 2009/2010
Job description
Research at the Biomedical Research Institute (BIOMED, Hasselt University) focuses on disease mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS) and the development of new therapeutics for this neuro-inflammatory disease. The group uses various modern technologies in immunology, molecular biology, cell biology and imaging to study immune system alterations and immune mediated damage of oligodendrocytes during MS. Recent data show that immune responses in the CNS are not merely detrimental but also have protective effects e.g. by producing neurotrophic factors such as neurokines. The successful applicant will further investigate immune mediated neuroprotective mechanisms in MS.
This project is part of a recently approved Methusalem Program called NEURONET. NEURONET brings together researchers from Hasselt University and Antwerp University (VIB) headed by prof. Christine Van Broeckhoven (UA) and prof. P. Stinissen (UHasselt) specialized in clinical
neurology, neuropathology, neuroimmunology, genetics and genomics, cell biology, mouse models and therapeutics in the domain of neurodegenerative diseases.
Profile and diploma
The applicant should hold a master degree in life sciences e.g. medical sciences, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology or equivalent. Laboratory research experience is a definite plus (e.g. during the Master¢s dissertation). Applicants should have excellent communication skills and sufficient knowledge of Dutch and/or English. The candidate is highly motivated to work in a multidisciplinary team.
Further information
* Content job responsibilities:
* prof. dr. Niels Hellings, +32 11 26 92 68
* prof. dr. Piet Stinissen, +32 11 26 93 03,
* website of the Biomedical Research Institute:
* Content terms of employment and selection procedure: Jef Vanvoorden, 011-26 80 80,
Applicants must use the official application forms
* which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03
* or which can be downloaded here pdf-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, November 5th, 2008.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:

OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarship 2009/2010
Open Society Institute/Foreign and Commonwealth Office Chevening/
University of Nottingham Scholarships
2009 Entry
These 8 scholarships are available for students from Indonesia,
Jordan, Syria
Registering on the following taught postgraduate programmes
at the University of Nottingham in September 2009:
LLM in Human Rights Law
MA in International Relations
MA in Social & Global Justice
MA in European & Global Politics
MA in International Security and Terrorism
MA Diplomacy
MA Politics and Contemporary History
MA Critical Theory and Politics
Applicants should normally:
be nationals of, and resident in, the selected country,
already hold a first university degree equivalent to a good UK second-
class Honours degree,
have a very good knowledge of English.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously
studied outside their home country.
Each award covers tuition fees, living expenses, return airfare, plus
agreed allowances.
Please read the Guidance Notes for Applicants before completing and
returning the scholarship application form, which you will find
The closing date for receipt of applications is 30 January 2009.
Application forms for scholarships to be completed and returned to
your local British Council Office:
The British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Phone: + 62 21 515 5561
Fax: + 62 21 515 5562
Contact person: Rowena Rompas
University of Nottingham Scholarships 2009-10
Guidance Notes For Applicants
1. What do the scholarships offer?
The scholarships aim to provide opportunities for independent
postgraduate study in the United Kingdom for students who have
demonstrated both academic excellence and the potential to become
leaders, decision-makers and opinion formers in their own country.
Upon completion of their studies in the UK, scholars are expected to
return to their home country to resume their studies or work there.
Subject to satisfactory progress, the scholarships lead to the award
of a master's degree.
The scholarships are available for study for LLM in Human Rights Law,
MA in International Relations, MA in Social & Global Justice, MA in
European & Global Politics , MA in International Security and
Terrorism, MA Diplomacy, MA Politics and Contemporary History, MA
Critical Theory and Politics.
Each scholarship provides twelve months' tuition fees at the
University of Nottingham, a stipend to cover living costs (for one
person only) and return air travel from the scholar's home country.
2. Who is eligible to apply?
The scholarships are open to applicants from Indonesia, Jordan and
Applicants will normally be expected:
to be nationals of, and normally resident in, the selected country
during the academic year in which they apply for the award;
applicants who are temporarily out of the country (for a total period
of less than three consecutive months) may be treated as being
already hold (or expect to hold by the time of taking up the award) a
degree of an equivalent standard to at least a good UK second-class
Honours degree;
to have passed an appropriate English language test by the time of
taking up the award;
to return to their home country at the end of their scholarship
period to continue their studies/ work there.
not to have already received or be currently receiving financial
benefit from a previous HMG funded scholarship;
not to be employees, employees' relatives (of former employees who
have left employment less than 2 years before) of FCO (including FCO
posts), the British Council, the Educational Advising Centers or
other OSI-NSP representations in the region and the participating
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously
studied outside their home country.
3. How can I apply?
You can obtain application forms from your local British Council
office (See below for address and contact details).
You will need to fill out:
The University Postgraduate Application Form and Reference Form :
please read it carefully and enclose all additional documents
requested in the application form.
The separate Scholarship application form.
The completed forms and supporting documents must be returned to your
local British Council office at the address below by 30 January 2009
at the latest (see below address and contact details). One original
set of the application pack and two copies thereof must be submitted.
4. How does the selection procedure work?
Short-listed applicants will be invited for an interview and an
English language test in their home country during April 2009. You
should keep yourself free for these dates. You will be informed by
the local British Council office whether you have been shortlisted or
Interviews will be carried out by representatives of OSI and the
Foreign and Commonwealth Office. In certain cases, there may also be
a panel member representing the interests of the University.
The final awards will be decided jointly by the University, the FCO
and OSF. Candidates will be informed by the University.
Please note that successful applicants will be invited to the OSI NSP
Pre-Academic Summer School that will be held in July or August 2009
in Istanbul. The Network Scholarship Programmes' (NSP) Pre-Academic
Summer Programme is designed to prepare NSP grantees for successful
academic experiences in the UK. Successful applicants will be
provided with the opportunity to refine their research and writing
skills through intensive courses in academic writing and social
5. How can I find out more about the University?
Read the University's Postgraduate Prospectus. Your local British
Council office will be able to make a copy available for you to
consult. You will not, however, be able to take this copy home.
Visit the University's Home Page at
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
Please make use of all of the written documentation available to you:
the guidance notes and the University's Postgraduate Prospectus:
If you have any queries about these guidance notes, then you should
contact either
your local British Council office (please see addresses below) or
Margareta Mamaliga, UK Programme Coordinator, Network Scholarship
Programmes, Open Society Foundation:
Fax or e-mail only:
Fax: 00 44 20 7031 0217
If you have any academic questions, then you should direct these to
the appropriate department at the University (listed in the
University's Postgraduate Prospectus).
Contact details of local British Council offices:
The British Council
Indonesia Stock Exchange
Tower II, 16th Floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190
Phone: + 62 21 515 5561
Fax: + 62 21 515 5562
Contact person: Rowena Rompas

Beasiswa S2 di AS dari USAID
Sabtu, 2008 Oktober 18 Beasiswa S2 di US dari USAID
*USAID - AED (Academy for Educational Development)*
Scholarship opportunities to study in the USA for:
• Master's Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources
• Master's Degrees in Water and Sanitation.
Training has long been a key component of the U.S. government's development
program in Indonesia. USAID/ Indonesia plans to support the tradition
through the Human and Institutional Capacity Development (HICD) program that
will provide academic degree training. The HICD program is structured in a
way that will help individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and the
capacity to support Indonesia's development and the achievement of the
Government of Indonesia/USAID's objectives.
USAID has awarded a contract to the Academy for Educational Development
(AED), a U.S. non-government organization (NGO) to support the
implementation of the HICD program in Indonesia. AED is now inviting
Indonesian citizens to study for Master's Degrees in the USA in 1)
Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources Management and 2) Water and
*1. Master's Degrees in Biodiversity Conservation and Natural Resources
Eligible candidates may come from the Ministry of Forestry, Environment,
Development Planning, Research and Development, Finance, Economy or other
related government institutions including provincial and district level
offices and regulators; civil society groups (Biodiversity Conservation and
Natural Resources Management Associations, NGOs and Foundations); or
professionals in fields related to sustainable development with
international or local organizations who have strong potential for
leadership, research, education, journalism and consultancy in the same
Candidates with experience working in geographical areas with high
biodiversity conservation value will be prioritized. An indicative list
would include Kalimantan, Sumatera, Papua, Sulawesi and NTT.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
*2. Master's Degrees in Water and Sanitation.*
Eligible candidates may come from related government Institutions, civil
society groups (Water and Sanitation Associations, NGOs, and Foundations),
water and sanitation professionals/environmental engineers working in the
development sector with international or local organizations, and faculty
from schools of Water and Sanitation/Environmental Engineering at accredited
Indonesian universities.
Candidates from the following areas in Indonesia will be prioritized: Aceh,
North Sumatera, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Yogyakarta, Central Java and East
Java .
Previous affiliation of the institution with USAID whether as a beneficiary
or partner program will be viewed favorably.
Every attempt will be made to balance candidate selection by gender.
Interested applicants, may request application forms at
or download them at
Completed application forms must be returned to the AED office at the
address below by November 15 at the latest:
*Academy for Educational Development*
Wisma Nugra Santana, 16th Floor, Suite 1616 ,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Jakarta 10220.

Canada: PhD Scholarship in Polytechnique de Montreal
Please kindly mention ScholarshipNet when applying for this position
The Mechanical Engineering Department of École Polytechnique de Montréal is recruiting one Ph.D. student in the field of Solids Mechanics and Composite Materials. The project title is: “In-situ mechanical properties identification for a composite material by the finite element updating method based on images obtained by X-ray microtomography”.
X-ray microtomography can be used to generate 3D images of a material. It is possible with this technique to see inside a material and construct 3D representations of the microstructure without inducing damage. The Skyscan-1172 is a device that allows generating 3D microtomography images. In addition, this device can be equipped with a miniature compression machine that allows imaging some samples while being loaded. The team of professor Lévesque is currently working on the development of a methodology that would allow measuring the displacements inside the material based a digital volume correlation (DVC) algorithm.
The objective of this project is to use the measurements of this DVC tool in order to obtain the mechanical properties of the matrix inside a composite material. The approach consists first in generating a Finite Element (FE) mesh of the real material based on the 3D tomography images. Then conduct compressive testing on the sample and obtain the displacements field as a function of the applied load. Finally, the mechanical properties of the matrix simulated into the FE model would be adjusted until the difference between the experimental results and the FE predictions are minimized.
The student will have a financial support of $19 000 / year, tax free. The financial support is for three years. The position is available right now and up to May 2009. Different arrangements can be made.
The candidate should show a very strong background in computational mechanics, mathematics and programming. This project is part of a larger research program involving another Ph.D., one M.Sc. and a Post-Doc. candidates.
The interested candidates should send:
Transcripts for their B.Ing. and M.Sc. (or equivalent). It is preferable to send translated copies (either English of French) but if the translation is not available the native language copies can be sent.
Curriculum Vitea (CV).
Cover letter explaining the motivation to pursue Ph.D. studies and a career plan.
Name and email address of 3 references.
List of publications and some samples.
Professor Martin Lévesque
Email: martin.levesque[ at ]

International Master’s Programs in Switzerland
The University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland’s leading business school, is making
a concerted effort to become a focal meeting point for students from a variety of cultures from countries outside the European Union. HSG was founded as a Business Academy in 1898 and continues to pursue the goal of providing its over 5,000 students with a leading, internationally-focused and practice-oriented education.
* HSG is constantly ranked amongst the top business schools in Europe
* Accreditations by EQUIS and AACSB
* Strong international orientation (34% of students from 79 nations worldwide)
* Scholarships available
Receive your business Master’s title in Switzerland and boost your career prospects. Inform yourself now about our international Master’s programs which are taught in English:
* Strategy and International Management (SIM)
* Quantitative Economics and Finance (MiQE/F)
* International Affairs and Governance (MIA)
* Banking and Finance (MBF)
Admissions and Crediting Office (questions concerning admission, crediting, etc.):
Tel: +41 (0)71 224 39 31
Fax: +41 (0)71 224 21 16
Office of Students’ Affairs (general questions concerning studies, deadlines, procedures, etc.)
Tel: +41 (0)71 224 21 11
Fax: +41 (0)71 224 21 16
For details about scholarships, cost of living and further infor- mation about the University of St.Gallen please click here

Japan National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies Scholarship
Deadline : Dec 03, 2008
This program aims to provide individuals with the training to research and analyze actual policy issues, both theoretically and empirically.
With the understanding that economics and econometrics are the key disciplines to analyze modern policy issues, the program requires students to take the basic economics and econometrics courses. The program will employ a broad international perspective.
Master's and doctorate courses are integrated, and the usual time needed for completion of the doctorate course is five years. Doctorate degrees can be completed in a minimum of three years from course entry.
Not only can a master's degree be obtained within the first two years of the course, but it is also possible to take the qualifying examinations required for writing a doctoral thesis during this time.
The study of economics methodology is compulsory. By studying specific economic theories and subjects related to policy analysis, students will develop the ability to handle various policy issues.
Students are provided with opportunities to consider various practical issues with those who are involved in actual policy formulation and analysis through daily interactions, lectures, tutorials, and workshops.
An economics-related degree or previous knowledge is not necessarily required for entry into the program. However, depending on a student's level of economic knowledge and understanding, the student may be required to take some basic subjects prior to taking the core subjects. Conversely, the requirement for studying some or all of the core subjects may be waived for advanced students, as training is adjusted to suit the ability of each student.
So that doctoral graduates may have their qualifications recognized internationally, all subjects and research skills are taught in English.
The program awards both master's and doctorate degrees in two fields of specialization (majors):
Public Economics (MA/Ph. D. in Public Economics)
Development Economics (MA/Ph. D. in Development Economics)
The former trains students as analysts of economic issues related to a broad range of public policies, while the latter trains students as analysts of issues related to economic development.
Eligible individuals include those who have obtained or are expected to obtain a bachelor's degree or master's degree.
Document screening of Application Form, undergraduate academic records, and TOEFL scores
Interview (for applicants who passed the document screening)
The following scholarships are available.
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) Scholarships: Non-Japanese nationals
In the case of the integrated master's and doctorate courses, scholarship money is guaranteed for the initial two years of the program at the time the scholarship is granted. The amount for the remaining three years of the program is guaranteed if permission has been granted to continue to the next level of the program.
GRIPS Assistantship Award: Japanese national, non-Japanese nationals
This scholarship is provided for one year and can be renewed for three times to reach the maximum of four years. The award carries a stipend of 170,000 yen per month, and tuition fees are waived. Work as a teaching or research assistant is required on the condition that the work does not interfere with the student's academic studies.
Japan Student Services Organization Scholarships: Japanese nationals
Available to students who are Japanese nationals.
As shown in Table 1, central coursework related to economics is provided. If a student studies subjects other than these, they are also awarded credit accordingly. Core subjects are in principle only offered in the spring and autumn terms. The courses are arranged so that time is available for specific and peripheral economic subjects to be studied and field research to be carried out in the summer and winter terms. Core subjects are shown in Table 2.
Table 1: List of Subjects
Table 2: List of Core Subjects
As a general rule, courses begin in April (Student 1). Students who enter before April, such as in October of the previous year (Student 2), study basic subjects for the master's course, taught in English, for the six months until courses begin. Students who do not have a grounding in economics (Student 3) enter a year prior to commencement of courses and study mainly basic subjects for the master's course, taught in English and Japanese.
Student 1: Japanese national (entry in April) with a strong background in the field of economics.
Student 2: Non-Japanese national (overseas student) (entry in the previous October).
Student 3: Japanese national (entry in the previous April) with a background in a field other than economics.
Of the core subjects shown in Table 2, basic coursework is taken in the first year (Student 1). In addition to lectures, there are seminar classes aimed at increasing research skills.
December.3, 2008
For more information please visit:

Beasiswa Eramus Mundus 2009/2010
Erasmus Mundus
List of Masters Courses selected under Action 1
Interested students are invited to contact the coordinators of the
courses concerned for further information on admission conditions,
application forms and scholarships. Erasmus Mundus scholarships are
available for all courses published on this site.
Year of selection, Title, Website
2008 ASC - Master of Science: Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry
2008 CIMET - Color in Informatics and MEdia Technology
http://www.master- erasmusmundus-
2008 CLE - Master/Laurea Specialistica en Cultures Littéraires
Européennes http://www.cle.
2008 EMAE - European Master in Applied Ecology http://www.master-
2008 EMARO - European Master in Advanced Robotics
2008 EMBC - Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Marine Biodiversity
and Conservation http://embc.
2008 EMDIREB - European Master in Diagnosis and Repair of Buildings
http://www.emdireb. eu/
2008 EMMEP - Erasmus Mundus Minerals and Environmental Programme
http://www.emmep. org/
2008 EMQAL - European Joint Master in Quality in Analytical
Laboratories http://cursos.
2008 EMSRHS - European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems
http://ErasmusMundu lt
2008 EMTTLF - European Master's in Transnational Trade Law Finance
http://www.transnat ional.deusto. es/EMTTL
2008 EU4M - European Union Master's Course in Mechatronic and Micro-
mechatronic Systems http://www.eu4m. eu
2008 EUMAINE - European Master of Science in Nematology
2008 EURHEO: European Masters in Engineering Rheology eurheo
2008 GIM - MSc in Global Innovation Management
http://www.globalin novationmanageme
2008 IM in NLP & HLT - International Masters in Natural Language
Processing and Human Language Technology http://tesniere. univ- master_mundus. htm
2008 IMHS - International Master in Horticultural Sciences
2008 IMMSSET - International Master in Materials and Sensors Systems
for Environmental Technologies http://erasmusmimms set.webs.
2008 MACLANDS: MAster of Cultural LANDScapes http://master-
erasmusmundus- maclands. univ-st-etienne. fr/
2008 MAIPR: Master of Arts in International Performance Research
http://www2. uk/fac/arts/ theatre
2008 MATHMODS - Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory,
Numerics, Applications http://www.mathmods .eu
2008 MCEMESV - Master Conjoint Erasmus Mundus en Etude du Spectacle
Vivant http://www.ulb. artst-mundus
2008 MUNDUS URBANO - Interdisciplinary Erasmus Mundus Master Course
International Cooperation and Urban Development http://www.mundus-
2007 Comem Erasmus Mundus MSc - Coastal and Marine Engineering and
Management http://www.comem.
2007 DILL - International Master in Digital Library Learning
2007 EURMed (Etudes Urbaines en Régions Méditerranéennes)
http://erasmus- mundus-eurmed. univ-cezanne. fr/
2007 European Masters Course in Software Engineering
2007 European Master in Animal Breeding and Genetics (EM-ABG)
2007 FAME - Functionalised Advanced Materials and Engineering
2007 GEMMA: Master's Degree in Women's and Gender Studies
http://www.ugr. es/~gemma/
2007 IMESS: International Masters in Economy, State and Society
http:/www.imess. eu/
2007 IMMIT: International Master in Management of Information
Technology http://www.immit. eu/default. htm
2007 JEMES - Joint European Master Programme in Environmental
Studies http://www.tuhh. de/eciu-gs/ pro_joint_ jemes.html
2007 LCT- European Masters Program in Language and Communication
Technologies http://lct-master. org
2007 MA Human Rights Practice (Erasmus Mundus)
http://www.roehampt admissions/
2007 MaMaSELF - Master of Materials Science exploiting European
Large Scale Facilities http://mamaself. univ-rennes1. fr
2007 Master of Science in Computational Mechanics
http://www.cimne. com/cm-master/
2007 Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies http://geotech. uni-
2007 ME3 - European joint Masters in Management and Engineering of
Environment and Energy http://webi.
2007 Mundusfor - Formation de professionnels de la formation
http://www.ugr. es/~mundusfor/
2007 MUNDUS MAPP - Erasmus Mundus Master's in Public Policy
2007 OPSCITECH: Optics in Science and Technology http://www.master-
2007 Philosophies allemande et française dans l'espace européen
2007 SAMHC - Advanced Masters in Structural Analysis of Monuments
and Historical Constructions http://www.msc-
2007 SUFONAMA - Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
http://www.sufonama .net
2007 TPTI: Techniques, Patrimoines, Territoires de l'industrie:
Histoire, Valorisation, Didactique http://www.tpti. eu/
2006 AGRIS MUNDUS - Sustainable Development in Agriculture Masters
Course http://www.agrismun mundus/
2006 ATOSIM : Atomic Scale Modelling of Physical, Chemical and Bio-
molecular Systems http://www.erasmusm undus-atosim.
2006 CoDe - Joint European Master in Comparative Local Development
http://www.unitn. it/mastercode/
2006 EMIN - Economics and Management of Network Industries
2006 Erasmus Mundus Master of Science in Photonics http://www.master-
2006 EUROCULTURE http://www.eurocult uremaster. org
2006 Europubhealth – European Public Health Master
2006 FUSION-EP European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and
Engineering Physics http://www.em- master-fusion. org/
2006 IMIM : International Master in Industrial Management
2006 M.A. Degree in Economics of International Trade and European
Integration http://webhost. eitei/
2006 MA LLL - European Master's in Lifelong Learning: Policy and
2006 Master of Bioethics http://www.masterbi index.html
2006 M.E.S.C.: Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
http://www.u- picardie. fr/mundus_ MESC/
2006 MONABIPHOT - Molecular nano- and bio-photonics for
telecommunications and biotechnologies http://www.ens- t/
2006 MSPME, Masters in Strategic Project Management
http://www.mspme. org/
2006 NordSecMob - Masters programme in Security and Mobile Computing
http://www.tkk. fi/Units/ CSE/
2006 PHOENIX EM - Dynamics of Health and Welfare http://mundus-
2006 QEM - Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics
http://www.univ- rubrique1297. html
2006 SUTROFOR - Sustainable Tropical Forestry Erasmus Mundus Masters
Course http://www.sutrofor .net/
2006 VIBOT – European Master in Vision and Robotics
http://www.vibot. org
2006 WOP-P - Master on Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology
2005 AMASE: Joint European Masters Programme in Advanced Materials
Science and Engineering http://www.amase-
2005 Crossways in European Humanities http://www.munduscr
2005 EMMAPA: Erasmus Mundus Master in Adapted Physical Activity
2005 EMM-Nano - Erasmus Mundus Master of Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology http://www.emm-
2005 Erasmus Mundus Masters – Journalism and Media within
Globalization: The European Perspective
http://www.MundusJo urnalism. com
2005 EuMAS - European Masters Course in Aeronautics and Space
Technology http://www.aerospac emasters. org/
2005 EUROMIME: European Master in Media Engineering for Education
http://www.euromime .org
2005 European Master in Global Studies http://www.uni- erasmus_mundus
2005 GEM: Geo-information Science and Earth Observation for
Environmental Modelling and Management http://www.gem-
2005 International Master "Vintage", Vine, Wine and Terroir
Management http://www.vintagem
2005 MA SEN, Master's in Special Education Needs
2005 Master of Applied Ethics http://www.maeappli edethics. eu/
2005 Master of Industrial Mathematics http://www.esim. info
2005 MESPOM: Masters of Environmental Sciences, Policy and
Management http://www.mespom. org
2005 MSc in Network and e-Business Centred Computing
http://www.sse. uk/
2005 SEFOTECH.nut: European MSc in Food Science, Technology and
Nutrition http://www.sefotech
2005 SpaceMaster - Joint European Master in Space Science and
Technology http://www.spacemas
2004 ALGANT - Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory http://www.math. u-
2004 CoMundus - European Master of Arts in Media, Communication and
Cultural Studies http://www.comundus .net/
http://www.mediastu dieseurope. net/
2004 EMCL - European Master's Clinical Linguistics http://www.emcl-
2004 EMMME - Erasmus Mundus Master of Mechanical Engineering
http://www.emmme. com
2004 EMMS - Joint European Masters Programme in Materials Science
http://www.tuhh. de/eciu-gs/
2004 EuMI - European Master in Informatics http://www.eumi-
2004 EURO-AQUAE - Euro Hydro-Informatics and Water Management
2004 European Joint Master in Water and Coastal Management
http://cursos. /index.htm
2004 European Legal Practice - LL.M. Eur http://www.elpis. eu/
2004 European Master in Law and Economics http://www.emle. org
2004 European Masters Programme in Computational Logic
http://european. computational-
2004 HEEM - European Masters Degree in Higher Education
2004 IMRD: International Master of Science in Rural Development
http://www.imrd. home/index. html
2004 International Master's in Quaternary and Prehistory
http://web.unife. it/progetti/
2004 MEEES - Master's in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering
Seismology http://www.meees. org
2004 MERIT - European Master of Research on Information and
Communication Technologies http://www.meritmas
2004 MSc EF Master of Science in European Forestry
http://gis.joensuu. fi/mscef
2004 NOHA MUNDUS - European Master's Degree in International
Humanitarian Aid http://www.nohanet. org/
2004 tropEd - European Master of Science Programme in International
Health http://erasmusmundu s.troped. org

International PhD Program University of Zurich
The Life Science Zurich Graduate School houses several Ph.D. programs that cover distinct areas of the life sciences. Each program offers research and education opportunities in a stimulating international environment for ambitious students who wish to work towards a Ph.D. degree. Accepted students perform their research project in one of the participating research groups of their favorite program, according to their scientific interest. Advanced teaching and training courses are offered throughout the curriculum. The program language is English throughout.
Applicants must hold or anticipate receiving a Masters degree or equivalent from a university in a relevant field before starting the Ph.D. program. Applicants accepted for the program will have to register with either the University of Zurich or ETH Zurich, depending on the affiliation of their future research group. Our web pages provide detailed information for submission of application.
Please refer to the guidelines as we only take into consideration applications received in the required format. Submission of application only via Internet at:

Post Doctoral Position University of California 2009/2010
A postdoctoral position is available immediately in developing and implementing reliable and efficient large-scale linear system solvers for an integrated water flow model (IWFM) application The candidates’ responsibilities involve review the linear system solutions methods, develop improved linear system solvers for IWFM application. Particular interest will be in iterative Krylov methods and their high performance implementation on multi-core and parallel computers. Experience in large-scale matrix computations and parallel computing would be desirable. The candidate is expected to closely work with a group of computational scientists at UC Davis and Department of Water Resources, State of California.
The initial appointment is for one year, and the renewal of the appointment in the following years is contingent upon excellent performance and the availability of funds. A competitive salary based on applicant qualifications and experience will be offered.
The position is available immediately and will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is identified. The candidate should have received (or be about to receive) a doctoral degree computer science, computational mathematics, or computational engineering. Applicants should send a vita, bibliography with relevant reprints, and a brief description of research experience and interests to:
Professor Zhaojun Bai
Department of Computer Science
University of California
Davis, CA 95616
email: bai[ at ]
Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address.
UC Davis is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.

2 Postdoc positions Civil & Environmental Engineering NTU
The Environment and Water Industry Council (EWI) has awarded a project to be undertaken by the consortium of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), DHI‐NTU Centre, and Centre for Advanced Water Technology (CAWT). The project aims to optimize MBR plant operations and bioprocesses. Two Post‐Doctoral Fellow positions are sought for the project:
1) Post‐Doctoral Fellow #1
This Post‐Doctoral Fellow will perform Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) modeling and optimization of MBR plant operations. Duties include MBR plant operations data collection, data mining, ANN modeling, and system optimizations. The duration of the position is for 2 years.
Qualifications Required:
a) Ph.D. in related field
b) Experience in ANN modeling and non‐linear systems optimization
c) Strong publication record
d) Highly motivated
2) Post‐Doctoral Fellow #2
This Post‐Doctoral Fellow will perform duties that are divided under two categories:
i) Pilot‐scale MBR plant operations, testing, and optimization
ii) MBR process modeling software development
The duration of the position is for 2 years.
Qualifications Required:
a) Ph.D. in related field
b) Experience in MBR plant operations, optimization, and process modeling
c) Experience in MBR modeling software development
d) Strong publication record
e) Highly motivated
Qualified applicants are invited to send their application materials to:
Jim Chen ‐ Assistant Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Block N1, #N1‐01B‐44 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
Tel: 6790‐5273

Belanda PhD Sanquin Research, Department of Plasma Proteins
The research group:
The research program of the department of Plasma Proteins focuses on
the characterization of the blood coagulation system and thrombus
formation. Many proteins and cells regulate or influence the formation
of a thrombus, thereby maintaining the haemostatic balance. Von
Willebrand Factor and platelets play a key role in this process. Von
Willebrand serves as adhesive surface for blood platelets at sites of
vascular damage thereby preventing excessive bleeding.
Transfusion of platelets is the major contributant to treatment of
patients suffering from excessive bleeding. Currently the efficacy of
platelet transfusion is measured by the corrected count increment
(CCI) of platelets at 1 hour and 24 hours after transfusion. Besides
usage of the transfused platelets, clearance of platelets by
macrophages is one of the major determinants of the CCI, and increased
clearance of transfused platelets from the circulation can
dramatically influence the outcome of patients. The aim of the project
is to investigate which factors are involved in (increased) clearance
of platelets from the circulation. The ultimate goal is to gain more
insight into clearance of platelets from the circulation which is
likely to contribute to improved quality of blood products in the
For the execution of this project several techniques will be used.
Besides regular techniques such as (western) blotting, ELISA methods,
molecular biological techniques, and fluorescent confocal microscopy,
the PhD student will also perform real-time perfusion experiments and
in-vivo experiments.
* highly motivated candidate with affinity for scientific research;
* university degree in (medical) biology, biochemistry, biomedical
sciences or medicine (or comparable).
* challenging project within a young multidisciplinary research group;
* temporary position (4 years) as a PhD student;
* salary and conditions are conform CAO Sanquin.
Further information:
For further information please contact mr. dr. B. de Laat, tel.
020-5123120 or by e-mail
Your written application, accompanied with a Curriculum Vitae, can be
addressed to; Sanquin, unit HRM Plesmanlaan, attentions to mrs. D. de
Vocht, Plesmanlaan 125, 1066 CX Amsterdam, or by email
o.i.o. job opening number TV 12-08.

PhD positions in Information Technology 2009/2010
Ph.D. positions in Information Technology / Knowledge Management / E-Learning (Ph.D. level) Vacancies in the IT Research Institute (pre-information, informal inquiries)
We are recruiting several researchers for two EU projects in the field of Open Content, Knowledge Management and / or E-Learning.
The successful candidate has broad experiences in the fields of Knowledge Management, ELearning, Learning Object Repositories, E-Learning Standards and Evaluation with a focus on the Information Systems / Information Technology perspective. Candidates for the Ph.D. position have a strong motivation to achieve scientific competencies and work in the academic community.
Strong communication, project management and communication skills are mandatory.
The University of Jyväskylä is the second largest university in the Finland measured by the number of Master’s degrees conferred. The Faculty of Information Technology currently has 200 staff and nearly 2000 Master’s degree students and about 200 postgraduate students. The Information Technology Research Institute’s (ITRI) main expertise comprises of software engineering, organizational aspects of information systems, mobile systems, and educational technology.
JYU performs extensive research on E-Learning for SMEs and schools and also on standardization on multiple levels: Quality Management/Quality Development in E-Learning, as well as Conception, Realization, Standardization and Evaluation in E-Learning. You will be joining a multi-disciplinary team in a creative research environment. The candidates will receive a salary in accordance with the university regulations.
Required Skills
Topics: Knowledge Management / E-Learning, (Learning Technology) Standards, Open Content / Open Source, Business Process Management, Collaborative Learning
IT Skills: Programming / Modeling (UML, …)
Further: Excellent written and spoken English, excellent communication skills, project management, experience in EU projects
Starting Date: immediately
Duration: 24 months
For more information on the ITRI and our focus areas visit: and
How to apply
Informal enquiries about the vacancies may be made to Jan Pawlowski,
Please send a CV, copies of university degrees and references to the address below in electronic format only.
Further Info:

PhD Studentship Design of Bulk Material Handling Equipment with Discrete Element Modelling Delft University of Technology Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Delft
PhD Studentship Design of Bulk Material Handling Equipment with Discrete Element Modelling Delft University of Technology Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering Delft, (Zuid-Holland),
40 hours per week
Job description
This four-year PhD project aims at developing a new approach in modelling the interaction of behaviour of bulk materials and their handling equipment (such as conveyor belt systems, unloading and loading systems). This will be done by computer simulation using the Discrete Element Method grounded in experimental and/or field research to support and validate the simulations. This project will provide new insights into the behaviour of material in interaction with equipment.
These insights will result in an applicable, tailor-made design tool for bulk materials handling equipment with a focus on efficiency, sustainability and environmental aspects. In addition, this research will contribute to the validation and development of the existing Discrete Element Method simulation models. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with Dutch industry and other universities.The research will be completed by submitting a PhD thesis at Delft University of Technology.
Required education/skills:University Graduate
Applicants should have an MSc degree in mechanical engineering, civil engineering or another relevant research area. An affinity with powder, soil or particulate materials as well as with mechanics and dynamics is required. A good command of English is required, as well as initiative and communication skills. The candidate must be able to work autonomously and function as part of a team (including interaction with industrial partners) as well as supervise MSc graduation projects (starting from the second year).
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers
Delft University of Technology
Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) is a multifaceted institution offering education and carrying out research in the technical sciences at an internationally recognized level. Education, research and design are strongly oriented towards applicability. TU Delft develops technologies for future generations, focusing on sustainability, safety and economic vitality. At TU Delft you will work in an environment where technical sciences and society converge. TU Delft comprises eight faculties, unique laboratories, research institutes and schools.
The focus of the Department of Marine and Transport Technology (MTT) is developing, designing, building and operating marine, dredging, offschore and transport systems and their equipment. Due to strong public pressure for more efficient, cleaner (sustainable) and safer transport, and in order to improve the competitive position of the Dutch and European marine, dredging and transport sector, the pace of new developments is expected to increase.MTT offers education and conducts research to further develop knowledge of the dynamics and physical processes involved in transport, dredging. offshore and marine systems; the logistics and control of these systems; and the interaction between the equipment and the material to be handled.
Date of entry: 18/09/2008
Conditions of employment
Estimated maximum salary per month: eur 2500 - 3000
Maximum salary amount in Euro’s a month 2558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: Four years
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional conditions of employment:
TU Delft offers an attractive benefits package, including a flexible work week, and the option of assembling a customized compensation and benefits package (the ‘IKA’). Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour Agreement for Dutch Universities.For more information about this position, please contact D. L. Schott, phone: 31 (0)15-2783130, e-mail: For information about the application process, you are welcome to contact Arsha Timmermans, phone: 31 (0)15-278822, e-mail: apply, please send a detailed curriculum vitae, a letter stating why the proposed research topic interests you, your course programme and corresponding grades, names and addresses of reference persons, and any other information that might be relevant to your application. E-mail your materials by December 1, 2008 to: applying for this position, make sure to mention vacancy number 3ME08-44.
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
D. L. Schott
Telephone number: 31 (0)15-2783130
E-mail address:
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:
* About the organization (
* Technische Universiteit Delft (
You can apply for this job before 01-12-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
D. L. Schott/MTT
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 3ME08-44.

PhD Scholarship in Genetic Programming for Data Mining Tasks, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Computing research group
The Genetic Programming and Evolutionary Computing research group at Victoria University of Wellington was recently awarded a large research grant in Genetic Programming (GP) for data mining tasks by the Marsden Fund of New Zealand (similar to the National Science Foundation in USA). We are looking for a good PhD student in this field. The grant will provide full funding for the student to cover the tuition fees, living allowance, and travel cost.
The Project
Data mining tasks arise in a wide variety of practical situations, ranging from classification to regression, clustering, and optimisation tasks. Since the 1990s, genetic programming (GP) has become a promising approach to building reliable data mining models quickly and automatically. GP uses ideas analogous to biological evolution to search the space of possible models to evolve a good solution for a particular task. GP has been applied to many data mining tasks and achieved some success. However, there are still limitations in program structures, representations, genetic operators, search algorithms and theoretical foundations in GP that restrict GP for difficult data mining tasks.
Applicants are invited from excellent and enthusiastic students wishing to undertake a PhD in this area. The successful applicant will extend the current research and address the methodological/theoretical issues in GP and/or a real-world engineering applications in data mining using GP and related evolutionary learning techniques.
The Student
Applications from both domestic and international students are invited. A strong background in C/C++/Java programming and a basic background in machine learning and pattern recognition are required. A good background in genetic programming, evolutionary computing, neural networks, statistics, or statistics/operations research is desired. Students should have a first class Honour or a Masters degree in computer science.
Dr Mengjie Zhang
mengjie.zhang[ at ]
Closing date: 1 May 2009

PhD Studentship in Molecular Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
PhD Studentship in Molecular Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Department of Molecular Biology at University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany is inviting applications for a PhD student position. In order to be admitted, the applicant must have completed a Master degree in one of the following areas: biochemistry/molecular biology/cell biology/medicinal biology or in a closely related one.
For details, please visit

PhD Studentship in Programming Languages, University of Wellington, New Zealand
nification of Immutability and Ownership. I am actively looking for a PhD student in programming languages (ownership types and immutability). I have full funding available to cover fees, living, and travel. Please email me for more information if you have a Masters or Honours degree and a good background in programming languages and/or type systems! Applications from both domestic and international students invited.
The Project
Object-oriented programs at run-time consist of objects - small software components that are created, changed, and destroyed as the program runs. The uncontrolled ability of objects to change other objects is well known to result in many errors in large systems.
Immutability - an ability to prevent changes to objects - is a mechanism that could be used to provide such control. While immutability controls whether an object can be changed, it is not enough: we need to be able to also control which objects can perform the changes.
Ownership - an ability to control which objects can access a given object - is a mechanism that can be used to control which objects are allowed to perform the changes. Immutability benefits greatly from
ownership that prevents unauthorised objects from accessing and changing the object.
Immutability and ownership evolved separately: while some proposed languages attempt to support both, they treat them as independent concepts.
We propose to treat them as facets of a more general unified concept. This work aims to advance the science of programming by providing a unified treatment of immutability and ownership, simplifying both the theory and practice of object-oriented programming.
The Student
This project requires a strong mathematical logic or formal methods in Computer Science background.
Dr Alex Potanin
alex[ at ]
Closing date: 1 May 2009