Australia Indonesia Governance Research Partnership
News Update:
Applications for the 2008 Young Scholars Workshop close 31 May 2008. See details below.
What is the Young Scholars Workshop?
The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to encourage a new generation of prospective researchers from Indonesia and Australia (especially Honours and post-graduate students). Funding is available on a competitive basis to bring young scholars together with established researchers and to present summaries of their research.
The workshop will be held annually at the same time as the AIGRP Policy Research Forum. In 2008 the Young Scholars Workshop will be held in December in Jakarta. Participants in the Young Scholars Workshop will also have an opportunity to observe the Policy Research Forum.
Who can take part?
Honours and post-graduate students who are currently (or have recently completed) undertaking research with a focus on Indonesia.
Applicants do not have to be currently enrolled. Applicants do not have to be scholarship recipients or recent scholarship holders.
What are the benefits?
The Young Scholars Workshop is designed to give young researchers a taste of the profession, enabling them to showcase their research and develop their presentation skills. It is also a great opportunity to network with leaders in the field and to build a new network of peers.
Economy travel and accommodation for 3 nights will be available to the successful applicants.
Read more about the experiences of last years young scholars.
What should you research?
The Young Scholars Workshop seeks to bring together a rich and diverse group of aspiring young scholars. Research topics should be broadly related to Indonesian governance concerns for example politics, economy, law, society and the environment.
How can you apply?
To apply, simply fill in the application form below and attach:
* Summary of Research (see section 3 of the application form).
* Curriculum vitae (see section 4 of the application form).
The email your application to:
Kate Fuller
Young Scholars Coordinator
Applications close on the 31 MAY 2008.
Beasiswa riset penelitian kerja sama Pemerintah Australia Indonesia
Friday, April 25, 2008
Beasiswa Pemerintah Australia Indonesia

70 Master Scholarship Program at Glendale Community College 2008
Glendale Community College offers 70 master scholarship program in science, engineering or mathematics. Application Applications are now being accepted for the 2008-2009 school year. The deadline is May 16, 2008.
Students who are accepted into this program are not only guaranteed transfer assistance to a four-year university with transfer application fees paid, but are also given a five week summer bridge/academic enrichment program, for which they will receive a stipend and a top-of-the-line graphing calculator. Scholarship recipients will also receive approximately $1500 per year if they maintain a 2.5 grade point average and continue progressing in their major. They are assigned a caring professor/mentor to help them with any problems they may encounter during their stay at Glendale College. While in the MASTER scholarship program, students are also able to attend special MASTER Supplemental Instruction (SI) classes to give them additional help with their science, engineering, and math classes.
Students will also have a special MASTER counselor, priority registration and assistance with the development of a student education plan. MASTER scholars will automatically become members of the award-winning MASTER Math Club. Where possible, students can also join the GCC Science Academy.
Imagine a program which provides money, support and long-term commitment to your educational needs and goals. The MASTER scholarship program is all of this, in a learning community of like-minded scholars, with the added prestige of being a National Science Foundation scholarship recipient.
Interested in Learning More?
Select the appropriate links on the left of the page or contact program director Sid Kolpas at (818) 240-1000 x5378 or
Program Sponsors:
AT&T Foundation
Norris Foundation
Texas Instruments
For further information, contact:
Project Director
Dr. Sid Kolpas
MASTER Office SG 321
Glendale Community College
1500 N. Verdugo Road
Glendale, CA 91208
(818) 240-1000 ext. 5378

Thursday, April 24, 2008
Urgently Required - Export Administration Staff
We, representative office of a well-known textile manufacturer look URGENTLY for:
- Women, age 20 to 30 y.o.
- Good comprehension of English
- able to operate computer (MS WORD & EXCEL)
- responsible
- mature personality
Pls email CV & recent photograph by APRIL 30 to vira.jk@kaha. com
Vacancy - Secretary in PT. INCO
PT International Nickel Indonesia one of mining companies in Indonesia has vacancies in Jakarta
Requirements: ·
Female, age 25 - 30 years old Diploma / Bachelor Degree from reputable Secretarial Academy at least 3 years experience as Secretary or Personal Assistant Proficiency in English is a must Candidate should be able to work independently as well as in a team Attractive, high motivation, honest, pleasant personality, good interpersonal skills and hardworking
Interested candidate can send their CV including photo, profile and expecting salary to astridyukadaru@
Note : Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Thank you,
Astrid - TarQ 90/93
PT Inco - Corp. Office Plaza Bapindo Citibank Tower
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Company Description
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) adalah sebuah perusahaan BUMN dibidang Jasa Konstruksi yang mengerjakan proyek-proyek besar di seluruh Indonesia dan Luar Negeri, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimum 30 tahun
* D3 Public Relation (PR) dengan IPK minimal 2,75
* Pengalaman dalam bidang Humas minimal 2 tahun
* Dapat mengoperasikan Internet
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif dan mengoperasikan computer (MS Office)
(Mohon untuk tidak mengirimkan lamaran jika tidak memenuhi kriteria diatas)
Kirimkan CV, biodata lengkap & photo terbaru ke:
PT. Waskita Karya (Persero)
Jl. M.T. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang, JAKARTA 13340
Fax : 021-850 8506
E-mail :
PT PLN (Persero) P3B Jawa Bali memberikan kesempatan kepada pemuda Indonesia untuk mengikuti pendidikan setara diploma 1 ( D1) sebagai syarat menjadi calon Pegawai Teknisi Pemeliharaan dan Operator Gardu Induk, dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Jenis Kelamin : Laki- laki belum menikah
2. Usia : Kelahiran tahun 1986 dan setelahnya
3. Tinggi Badan : Minimal 160 Cm
4. Berat badan : Proposional dengan tinggi badan,Indek masa tubuh 19 s.d 24 (dihitung dengan membagi berat badan dalam kg dengan tinggi badan kuadrat dalam meter)
5. Berbadan sehat,tidak menderita epilepsi,tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata
6. Tidak mempunyai ketunaan fisik yang dapat mengganggu tugas sebagai Teknik Pemeliharaan atau Operator Gardu Induk
7. Tidak pernah menggunakan narkoba/NAZA, tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik dengan alasan apapun.
1. Pendidikan :
a.Lulusan Lembaga Pendidikan Atas ( SMA/SMU) Jurusan Listrik atau Mesin )
b.Siswa yang masih menjalani pendidikan di kelas 3 ( tiga ) pada Lembaga Pendidikan Atas ( SMA/SMU Jurusan IPA atau SMK Jurusan Listrik atau Mesin)
2. Nilai Rapor terakhir :
a.Matematika nilai minimal 6 (enam ) untuk semua jurusan.
b.Ilmu Listrik nilai minimal 7 ( tujuh ) untuk SMK Teknik Listrik
c.Mekanika nilai minimal 7 ( tujuh ) untuk SMK Teknik Mesin Umum
d.fisika nilai minimal 7 ( tujuh ) untuk SMA IPA
Persyaratan selengkapnya dapat dilihat pada website PLN ( Persero ) P3B Jawa bali dengan address
Jakarta, 19 April 2008
• Dikutip dari Jawa Pos Edisi 19 April 2008
Beasiswa Luar Negeri: Turki
Call for Applications/ Scholarships Summer University of Istanbul (Turkey)
“The Relations Between EU and Turkey”
Beasiswa Luar Negri Turki
For the first time, Centre Internationale de Formation Européen
organised from July 16 to August 4, 2007, the first summer session
in Turkey in close cooperation with the European Institute of
Istanbul Bilgi University.
Location: Istanbul Bilgi University / Dolapdere Campus
Language of Program: English
Dates: from July 15th to August 2nd, 2008.
Accomodation: Bilgi University’s Student Dormitory at Bosphorous
Curriculum Highlights: Students who successfully complete the
program acquire 6 ECTS credits.
Program Value: The program is taught by academics from various
European countries, as well as experts from research institutions
and international organizations.
Eligible for application: Graduate students. We also consider
application from students in their second and third year University
studies and young professionals. The group will be composed of about
30 to 40 participants from Turkey and from abroad.
Subject Areas: EU Polity, Institutions, Decision making, EU Law,
Common Market and Monetary Union, European Social Model and
Sustainable Development, The EU policy system: A “Social Market
Economy”?, EU and Enlargement, EU and New Neighbourhood Policy,
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP), Turkey today: Culture,
politics, social and economic structures, Turkish Foreign Policy–
towards Middle East and Asia, The EU as a moving target for
candidate countries: deepening, enlargement and “absorption
capacity”, EU and Turkey in International Organizations, Accession
negotiations EU-Turkey , Europe in the long run: Where do we go?
Scholarships are available for qualified candidates.
Please address further requests to: :
Contact :
Marie-France PERDIGON
Director of the Summer University Programs
For the applications from Turkey
European Institute
Istanbul Bilgi University
Suna Gokce
Tel: 00902123116499

Beasiswa S1 S2 s3 Jepang Luar Negeri
Students from more than 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific region will attend the 2008 JAL Scholarship Program. (Total 17 days period of 29 June - 15 July 2008) The program will include seminars, lectures, forums and discussion sessions, filed activities in Tokyo and rural Japan, and home stay with Japanese host families. If you wish to meet, think and act with student from foreign countries, have an interest in experiencing Japanese culture and life, have high ambitions for yourself and posses a passion fro learning, please submit an application to JAL Jakarta Branch.
* Write Essay in English using Theme of ” The World in 20 years”
* Type in A4 paper ± 800 worlds (No Handwriting allows)
* Should be Indonesian Citizenship age min 20 years old with undergraduate S1 or S2 (KTP & Student ID)
* Have a strong command English
All interested students meeting the above criteria are invited to submit an application in the form of an essay in English, of 800 words or less, on an issue that engages them and which has implications for the future for either their locality or the global community, centred around this year’s theme. Please also submit a cover page with personal details, educational background and a brief self-introduction.
Download brochure here.
Please send your Essay with CV and recent photo (4X6) to:
Japan Airlines International Co.,Ltd. (Essay division)
Wisma Kyoei Prince Lt.2
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 3 - 4, Jakarta 10220
Deadline: 30th April 2008

Dorothy Hodgkin PhD Studentship in Food Biosciences UK
Dorothy Hodgkin PhD Studentship in Food Biosciences for Students from Developing World - University of Reading
Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award
Food Biosciences
Start Date: October 2008
The Department of Food Biosciences at the University of Reading has been awarded a Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate PhD studentship for research within the remit of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
The aim of the studentship is to enable outstanding students from India, China, Hong Kong, South Africa, Brazil, Russia and the developing world to come and study for PhDs in top rated UK research facilities. Funding is jointly provided by EPSRC and Clasado UK and will cover overseas fees and living expenses for three years starting in October 2008.
The stipend for living expenses for 2008/2009 is £12,940.
Applicants must be from eligible countries; the eligible countries are all those found in Part 1 of the attached list plus Russia and Hong Kong
The topic of the studentship is the development of a novel process for the bioconversion of agricultural wastes to prebiotic functional food ingredients.
Prebiotic oligosaccharides are non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by regulating its gastrointestinal ecosystem and its function. The aim of this project is to develop a novel continuous process for the production of galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) using a mixture of recombinant galactosidases as the biocatalyst, and to employ the process for the conversion of food processing wastes, namely whey permeate, to functional GOS. The rationale is that whey permeate, a by-product of the dairy industry, is a very promising alternative feedstock to lactose, as it is in abundance, it contains high levels of lactose and relatively small amount of impurities, and is significantly more cost effective. Furthermore, a continuous process will be more robust, produce GOS of higher purity, produce less waste, and provide significantly higher yields and productivities due to the lower levels of product inhibition.
The PhD candidate will develop expertise in a range of techniques and methodologies including enzymology, bioreaction engineering, process design, membrane technology, preparative and analytical chromatography, and develop experimental design and data analysis skills.
The applicants must hold a high-grade qualification in Food/Bio Technology or Biochemical Engineering, with the equivalent of at least a UK first class honours degree, from a prestigious academic institution. The applicants should also have a strong interest in bioprocess engineering and preferably some practical experience in bioreactors and/or membrane processing.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Dimitris Charalampopoulos in the Department of Food Biosciences.
Applications should include the University of Reading Postgraduate Application form (, a CV, and a short covering letter, and should be sent to Ms Yvonne Harewood, Department of Food Biosciences, PO BOX 226, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6AP, United Kingdom. E-mail:
Closing date for applications: 30 May 2008.

Beasiswa Doktor S3 Luar Neger Irlandia
ABBEST PhD Research Scholarships
Applications are sought from exceptional graduates for the New Abbest
PhD Research Scholarships. These scholarships will be include a
maintenance grant of EUR16,000 p.a. for 3.5years, plus EUR2,000
expenses plus all programme fees. Interested Candidates should
complete the ABBEST PhD Application From and return it to the Office
of Graduate Studies prior to the closing date of 23rd May 2008.
After the closing date, candidates will be shortlisted and shortlisted
candidates will be required to give a 5 minute presentation on your
personal statement / previous research, followed by an interview by
the selection panel. Candidates will normally be required to attend
the interview in person or telematically.
Under this scheme applicants formulate their own research proposal,
which fits in with the Institute’s research themes. Currently the
areas in which the Institute is seeking applications are as follows:
Beasiswa Doktor S3 Luar Neger Irlandia

MBA Scholarships Sampoerna Foundation 2009 Intake
Sampoerna Foundation provides qualified individuals the opportunity to pursue a Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) degree at leading Business schools in the USA, France, Singapore and UK.
Are You a Future Leader?
Apply for Sampoerna Foundation Overseas MBA Scholarships 2009 Intake.
To apply this scholarship, applicants also must apply for admission to any universities in USA, Australia, France, and UK that recommended by Sampoerna.
Scholarship Program (Max. Number of Scholarship in 2009)
1. Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the USA. (4)
2. Australian Education International – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Australia (4)
3. Ambassade de France en Indonesie – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in France (2)
4. Singapore Education – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in Singapore (2)
5. British Council – Sampoerna Foundation MBA in the UK. (2)
* Indonesian citizen, under 35 years old
* Hold a local bachelor degree in any discipline with a minimum GPA of 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale)
* Have a min of two-years full time professional work experience after completion of undergraduate degree
* GMAT and TOEFL scores as required by the University chosen (both scores can be submitted when applicants pass the Sampoerna Foundation selection process)
* Currently didn’t enroll in graduate or post-graduate program or school, or obtain a Master’s degree or equivalent
* Didn’t graduate from an overseas tertiary institutions, unless it was on a full scholarship
Information Session :
Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 at 7P.M – 9 P.M
Sampoerna Strategic Tower , North Tower, 25th Floor, Room 01
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 45 Jakarta 12930
For Information :
E-Mail: OR
Tel: (021) 577-2340
Application Deadline: May 30th, 2008

Computational Linguistics: PhD Student, INRIA, France
Institution/Organization: INRIA
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Computational Linguistics
Natural Language Generation
The Research Group in Computational Linguistics, Talaris/INRIA Nancy
Grand Est invites applications for a three-year-funded PhD studentship
in Computational Linguistics. The successful candidate is expected to
carry out research in the domain of natural language generation. We
are looking for candidates with a good honours degree in Computational
Linguistics or Computer Science, with programming skills and some
experience in Natural Language Processing.
Required skills:
- Master’s degree in Computational Linguistics or Computer Science
- good command of the English language
Desirable skills:
- experience in natural language generation
- familiarity with Haskell and/or Prolog
Further particulars and details of how to apply are available at the application
url listed below.
For further information/queries, please contact Claire Gardent.
Application Deadline: 15-May-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Claire Gardent
Equipe Talaris, Bat. B 615, rue du jardin botanique
Villers lès Nancy 54600
Web Address for Applications
Contact Information:
Claire Gardent
Other website

Management Trainee at McDonalds Indonesia
McDonald’s Indonesia is Looking for the energetic and smart young people to join us in managing our Restaurants in Jakarta (Jakarta base), for the position of:
Management Trainee (Code : MT- Jakarta)
(Jakarta Raya)
1. University degree of any discipline
2. Maximum 26 years old
3. Hard worker and able to work at different shift including holidays
4. Be able to work at any McDonald’s restaurant in Indonesia
5. Good communication and good interpersonal skill
6. Self confidence and good appearance
7. Patient, highly initiative, motivated, energetic and cooperative
8. Fluent in English and good computer skill
Make McDonald’s your address for success and join McDonald’s Management Development Program by sending your resume and photograph to:
Human Resources Department
McDonald’s Indonesia
Plaza Bapindo Citibank Tower 3rd Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54 – 55, Jakarta 12190
Up: Human Resources Departement
Application will be closed within 14 days.
PT.Bakrie Telecom Tbk
Deadline : 21 May 2008
PT.Bakrie Telecom
PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Training (Staff / Supervisor)
1. Melakukan kegiatan Training Need Analysis (TNA) di awal tahun untuk seluruh group di Perusahaan
2. Mengimplementasikan program-program training untuk karyawan berdasarkan hasil TNA melalui serangkaian proses perencanaan dan koordinasi
*Membuat jadwal dan menyiapkan pelaksanaan training regular yang bersifat in-house
*Membuat jadwal public training, menentukan vendor bersama team dan User dan menjadi perantara keikutsertaan karyawan
*Membuat rekapitulasi pelaksanaan semua training yang dilakukan
*Merekap dan melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan training
3. Mengelola administrasi pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan seluruh bagian terkait
4. Melakukan Evaluasi Training
5. Mengontrol penggunaan Budget Training
6. Membawakan materi training internal
- Pendidikan: S1 Manajemen/FISIP
- Pengalaman: 3 tahun keatas (Spv), 1-2 Thn (Staff) di bidang Training
- Pengetahuan tambahan:
*Training Management (konsep dan implementasi)
*Presentation Skill/public speaking
*Computer Skill (MS Office: Words, Excell, Powerpoint)
Format: Ms. Words Max. 120 KB
Alamat Email:
Job Code: Trainer
Hutchison CP Telecommunications
Deadline: 21 May 2008
Hutchison CP Telecommunications
This is an exciting time to join the global market-leader
telecommunication company
Hutchison CP Telecommunications, the leading international provider of telecommunication services now will change the face of mobile communication in Indonesia. We are a leading global telecommunications company with strong brands such as “3″, “Hutch”, and “Orange”. We were among the first to launch a 3G mobile network in the world. Today, we have one of the largest number of 3G subscribers worldwide.
We are looking for target-oriented, positive and buzz-creator individuals that can inspire, coach and motivate other colleagues in our work environtment. In return for you talent and enthusasm, we are committed to providing a challenging and collaborative work enironment that rewards the contributions and recognizes the value of our teams all around the world.
General Manager - Kalimatan - Sulawesi
Job Function:
Job Purpose
- Reporting to CTO and as reprensentative of Technical Department in both regions (Kalimantan and Sulawesi)
- To perform Project Management function during project implementation in respective region. This includes site acquisition, site build of BTS, Transmission, BSC-MSC and the other network infrastructure, and the integration process of the network elements
- To enforce the network performance of HCPT-network in the assigned areas and escalating all problems related to the network to the vendors and related internal departments
- To have regular coordination with Sales, Government, other operators and other stakeholders to discuss all issues that may affect the network performance
- S1 in Engineering (Telco background is preferred)
Technical Competencies:
Having Minimum 8 years experience, preferable in Telco environment, in which 3 years is in Management position, with following competencies:
- Project Management Skills: Managing the whole process in project, which include planning and controlling activities and also manage availability of resources.
- Business Accumen: Having sense of business analysis regarding to company’s strength and weakness and also market review in order to optimize the result of his/her unit area.
- Ability to do Report Writing : Ability develop fruitful report writing according to the progress/update to project
- Some level of Technical skills ability : Related to core competency in technical area, especially in Telco industry
- Some Property Commercial Sense: Ability to make commercial analysis on property or building that will be occupied for business purpose. Ability to assess business impact towards the commercial evaluation and propose alternative solutions accordingly
- Administration skills: Managing documentation and paper works, especially in relation to the project database and SITAC activities.
- Communication: Possess strong interpersonal skills, have the abilitiy to establish right communication channel. Dealing or consolidating with community and government institution and landlords for site maintenance and permit purposes
- Legal skills: Related with legal activities, such as reviewing documents for SITAC purpose and others within the rollout activities with legal perspective. Understand the basic/relevant legal rules/regulations pertaining SITAC and any update thereof.
Please send your application to:
(please write the position applied as the email subject)
(This position opens for Kalimantan and Sulawesi based only)
Excelcomindo Pratama (XL)
A growing telecommunication company is looking for professional and qualified candidates for:
Specialist-Project Implementation (Code: S-PI)
This job exists to provide and manage SAP operations support and SAP business process to ensure that the process are established, implemented and maintained.
*University graduate or equivalent with information technology background
*At least 3 years experience in SAP PM/PS module
*Demonstrate eagerness and ease to adapt and grasp new knowledge
*Excellent analytical thinking
*Customer/service orientation and interpersonal skill
An attractive compensation package commensurate to experience and qualification will be offered to the selected candidates.
Qualified candidates are invited to forward their comprehensive resumes using the designated codes not later than April 30, 2008 (in MS Word, no more than 100 kb) to:
Human Capital Development
Only short-listed candidates will be notified
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT Elnusa
PT. ELNUSA – Divisi Geoscience Services , merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang seismic data services sedang membutuhkan posisi jabatan sebagai berikut :
Spesifikasi Jabatan :
* Pendidikan minimal D3 dari Jurusan Teknik Mesin
* Mempunyai pengalaman di bidangnya selama 4 tahun
* Usia max. 45 tahun
* Mempunyai pengetahuan mengenai navigasi, gun system dan compressor
* Mempunyai kemampuan leadership dan mampu membangun relationship yang baik dengan client
* Lebih diutamakan yang mampu berbahasa Inggris
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan selambat-lambatnya sampai dengan tanggal
31 Mei 2006 ke alamat sebagai berikut :
PT. Elnusa Geosains
Graha Elnusa Lt. 13
Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 1B
Jakarta 12560
Urgently Required - Senior Engineer
MBP Skill Indonesia
One of our clients is a leading international EPCI Contractor and
involved in the Construction and Installation of Offshore and
Onshore pipeline and drilling projects. We require the following
professionals to manage major EPCI Offshore contract in
Indonesia :
Urgently Required
a. Electrical ( 211 - 38 - 4 )
b. Structural ( 211 - 52 - 4 )
c. Design Engineering ( 211 - 30 -
4 )
d. Project Engineer ( 211 – 59 – 4 )
e. Mechanical Engineer ( 211 – 12 – 4 )
• S1 Degree Engineering from reputable university
• Having at least 10 - 15 years experiences in Oil & Gas
• Able to communicate in English both oral and written
• Software familiriarity with Ms Office
• Willing to be based in Jakarta or throughout Indonesia
An attractive remuneration package commensurating with experience
will be offered to the successful candidate.
Your application will be treated confidentially and only shorted
listed candidates will be followed up. Please send your
comprehensive CV and recent photo to resumes@mbp- and quote
the above listed reference number of position.
MBP Skill Indonesia
Vacancy - Temporary Accountant
Dear All,
I need your help to inform your friends or colleagues for my office job vacancy as a Temporary Accountant under finance department.
The work period will be in June - October 2008 during my maternity leave.
Record account payables function
Prepare payment execution process
Record daily accounting activities
Corporate tax calculation - reporting (PPh 21, 23/26, 4(2), 25, VAT), and Jamsostek
Documentation and filling
Other financial tasks
Bachelor degree (S-1) in Accounting from reputable university, with minimum GPA 3.00
Have 2-3 years working experience in finance
Hold Brevet A & B training course
Fluent in English
Familiar with Microsoft Office; Excel, Word, and E-mails
Sounds familiar with pharmaceutical industry
Knowledge in SAP software is a plus
Fast learner, honest, and able to work under minimum supervision
Please send the application letter and CV direct to me.
Many thanks for your help.
____________ _________ _________ ______
Bernadette Mutiara Hambali
PT. Novo Nordisk Indonesia
Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia
Tower B, Penthouse Floor
Jl. Let. Jen. TB Simatupang Kav 88
Jakarta Selatan 12520
+62 21 7884 4475 (phone)
+62 817 9970 784 (mobile)
My Client, one of the biggest private banking in Jakarta is looking for a high caliber and dynamic candidate to join their technical team as:
Ø Min experience 3 years as technical team leader/technical project manager in IT area
Ø Have good skill in using project related tools
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have experience in managing internet based application project(s), preferable application that can be accessed from public internet access
Ø Have good knowledge in bank information technology environment
Ø Have good knowledge in network and internet technology in general
Ø Have good negotiation skill (to vendor)
Ø Have a proven project management experience
Ø Min experience 5 years as technical team leader/technical project manager in IT area
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have good knowledge in bank information technology environment
Ø Have good knowledge in banking business process
Ø Experience in managing web-based application development project (ASP.NET) with SQL database
Ø Experienced in Microsoft Sharepoint Server implementation project is preferable (not mandatory)
Ø Experienced in managing web-based application development projects (J2EE) using websphere Application server/Bea Web Logic/boss and SQL database
Ø Min experience 5 years as technical team leader
Ø 5 years experience in Deployment PC / server / Active Directory
Ø Have good skill in using project related tools
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have good knowledge in network and internet technology in general
Ø Have Certified PM in advantage
If you are interested to apply these positions, please submit your CV to: wahyu@auditsi. net
Best Regards,
Auditsi Executive Recruitment Services
T. 62 21 567 3849
F. 62 21 5696 4365
Website: www.auditsi. com
My Client, one of the biggest private banking in Jakarta is looking for a high caliber and dynamic candidate to join their technical team as:
Ø Min experience 3 years as technical team leader/technical project manager in IT area
Ø Have good skill in using project related tools
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have experience in managing internet based application project(s), preferable application that can be accessed from public internet access
Ø Have good knowledge in bank information technology environment
Ø Have good knowledge in network and internet technology in general
Ø Have good negotiation skill (to vendor)
Ø Have a proven project management experience
Ø Min experience 5 years as technical team leader/technical project manager in IT area
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have good knowledge in bank information technology environment
Ø Have good knowledge in banking business process
Ø Experience in managing web-based application development project (ASP.NET) with SQL database
Ø Experienced in Microsoft Sharepoint Server implementation project is preferable (not mandatory)
Ø Experienced in managing web-based application development projects (J2EE) using websphere Application server/Bea Web Logic/boss and SQL database
Ø Min experience 5 years as technical team leader
Ø 5 years experience in Deployment PC / server / Active Directory
Ø Have good skill in using project related tools
Ø Have good knowledge in IT project (SDLC)
Ø Have good knowledge in network and internet technology in general
Ø Have Certified PM in advantage
If you are interested to apply these positions, please submit your CV to: wahyu@auditsi. net
Best Regards,
Auditsi Executive Recruitment Services
T. 62 21 567 3849
F. 62 21 5696 4365
Website: www.auditsi. com
Vacancy - Public Relation
We are a company located in Sudirman area is hiring for the following
Public Relations (ex. Media Reporter)
&# Minimum 2 years experience
&# Female / male, single with no child, max 28 years
&# Min bachelor degree majored in mass communication / Public Relations
&# ENGLISH IS A MUST (verbal & written)
&# Able to work in long hours, self motivated, result oriented
&# Willing to give 101% effort to company
&# Dynamic, Fast learner, self motivated, likes to learn
&# Able to work in long hour in fast paced environment
&# Result oriented, good personalities
Serious applicants only, please do not send if you do not meet the
requirements mentioned above.
Please send your application letter, curriculum vitae, and current
photograph to trashcain_xo_ xo@yahoo. com at the latest of April 30th,
Monday, April 21, 2008
Lowongan CPNS - Departemen Kesehatan - 2008
Panitia Kerja Tetap Tenaga Kesehatan Haji Indonesia (Panjatap TKHI) membuka kesempatan bagi Tenaga Kesehatan untuk menjadi petugas kesehatan haji Indonesia (PPIH atau TKHI) tahun 1429 H / 2008 M. PPIH dengan lama tugas 73 – 81 hari dan TKHI dengan lama tugas 35 – 40 hari.
Pendaftaran Petugas Kesehatan Haji Indonesia
11 Apr 2008
1. Warga Negara Indonesia beragama Islam berstatus PNS, TNI, POLRI, PTT maupun Pegawai Instansi Swasta.
2. Berbadan sehat, baik fisik maupun mental. Bagi calon petugas kesehatan wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil pada saat bertugas dan mempunyai izin dari suami (formulir 2).
3. Berusia maksimum 50 tahun.
4. Mempunyai pendidikan atau keahlian yang sesuai dengan bidang tugasnya yang dinyatakan dengan ijazah yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung.
5. Diutamakan bagi dokter dengan sertifikat ACLS dan bagi perawat dengan sertifikat BCLS yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung.
6. Bagi dokter, mempunyai Surat Tanda Registrasi (STR) dan Surat Izin Praktek (SIP) yang berlaku.
7. Mengajukan permohonan sebagai PPIH atau TKHI (pilih salah satu) dengan menggunakan formulir 1, diketahui/disetujui oleh pejabat/atasan langsung.
8. Bagi petugas pria tidak membawa atau memahrami isteri, anak kandung, anak angkat atau wanita lain dan bagi petugas wanita tidak disertai oleh suami, anak kandung dan anak angkat, baik sebagai petugas maupun sebagai jemaah pada musim haji yang bersamaan.
9. Diutamakan bagi mereka yang dalam 5 tahun terakhir tidak bertugas sebagai petugas kesehatan haji.
Kelengkapan dokumen yang harus disampaikan pada saat mengajukan permohonan :
1. Surat pengantar dari Instansi;
2. Surat permohonan (Isian formulir 1);
3. Surat keterangan sehat dari Puskesmas atau Rumah Sakit Pemerintah;
4. Fotokopi ijazah yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung;
5. Fotokopi sertifikat ACLS atau BCLS yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung;
6. Fotokopi STR dan SIP yang berlaku;
7. Foto kopi SK terakhir yang dilegalisir oleh atasan langsung bagi PNS dan PTT.
8. Surat keterangan mempunyai prestasi kerja dan disiplin yang baik dari atasan langsung bagi pegawai swasta;
9. Surat izin dari suami bagi calon wanita (isian formulir 2).
Berkas dikirim ke Sekretariat Panjatap TKHI Departemen Kesehatan RI Jl. H.R.Rasuna Said Blok X.5 Kapling No. 4-9 Ruang 505 Jakarta 12950 atau PO BOX 4086 JKTM 12700 dan sudah diterima selambat - lambatnya tanggal 14 Mei 2008.
Penting : Hanya pelamar yang mengisi formulir secara jelas, benar dan lengkap serta memenuhi persyaratan tersebut di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.
LOWONGAN BUMN: Lowongan Kerja di PT.Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk
Terdapat lowongan kerja bank di Bank Tabungan Negara untuk Fresh Graduate (Management Development Program) tahun 2008.
PT.Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk membuka kesempatan berkarir bagi putra putri indonesia yang berkarakter antara lain
untuk info detailnya, silakan buka di
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Lowongan Kerja PT Pertamina
Career Opportunities for Qualified Candidates in Oil & Gas Company
PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) is a state oil and gas company in Indonesia, with focused missions to carry out integrated core business in oil, gas, and biofuel based on sound commercial principles, and strong corporate values: Clean, Competitive, Confident, Customer Focused, Commercial, and Capable, in order to provide added value to shareholders, customers, employees and community as well as to support the national economic growth, invites skilled, trained, & qualified candidates to fill the following positions:
Business Development (BD)
Bachelor Degree (S1 or S2) from reputable university (domestic/overseas) in Technical Engineering and Economics-Management/Business. Minimum 5 years job experience as Corporate Planning m reputable domestic/multinational company, responsible to Marketing Intelegence, Strategic Formulation, Financial Modelling/Business Portofolio.
Sales Representative (SR)
Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university (domestic/overseas) in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Economics-Management/Business. Minimum 5 years job experience as marketing/sales executive in reputable domestic/multinational company, responsible to execute sales and marketing programs.
a. Contracts (LC)
Bachelor Law Degree (S1) with 10 years or more professional experience in analyzing, drafting, structuring, negotiating, finalizing and administering engineering consulting, services and construction contracts related to petroleum upstream and downstream activities. Experience in the regulation and administration of tender activities is also useful. Professional legal experience may be gained either as in-house lawyer or with a law firm.
b. Litigation and Opinion (LL)
Bachelor Law Degree (S1) with a qualified legal practitioner. Education/Training in both civil and common law with 10 years experience in preparing legal opinions and legal briefs and in court-room advocacy up to and including the court of appeals level. Previous experience in oil and gas industry and/or with financial institutions will be regarded and advantageous.
Organization Development (OD)
Bachelor degree (S1) in Economics Management or industrial Engineering with minimum 5 years of experience working with organization development in reputable domestic/multinational company.
All candidates shall be:
• Maximum 35 years of age (BD, SR, OD).
• Excellent communication, presentation, and negotiation skills, manage to work under pressure, dynamic, self motivated with proactive attitude.
• Good in English both oral and written.
• Willing to be assigned everywhere within company assignment.
• Able to organize things and to coordinate with various disciplines to ensure the compatibility with all interfacing areas of the project.
• Able to work with computer package.
Should you meet the above qualifications, please send your application with complete CV, copy of certificate and transcript, and a recent photograph (coloured 4x6) and put position code on envelope corner within one week at latest 26th April 2008 to:
Recruitment Team
PO BOX 3729
JKP – 10037
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
PT ZTE Indonesia
PT.ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE’s over 26,000 employees are working in more than 70 countries and regions in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in local market depending on our Indonesian large project demand, ZTE is looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant position of :
Admin Manager
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)
* Manage and lead departmental office activities
* Administration Work
* Minimum of bachelor (S-1) Degree major in administration, management or related discipline
* Good of knowledge on Administration and computer
* Over 3 (one) year work experience in handling tools & fixed asset, abundant experience in field supporting office
* Proficiency in English is a must, and literate in basic computer skill
* Mandarin language active for read & write is preferable
* Strong customer service mind and sense of responsibility
* Good knowledge in telecommunication, good experience of technical support service in telecommunication system
* Good at management skill
* Like to work in details
* Pleasant personalities
* Have experience handle expatriate and office operational
Forward your comprehensive resume and CV in English to :
Quoting job reference code in the subject or post them to:
PT.ZTE Indonesia
MidPlaza 2, 15th floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Lowongan IT Bank BNP Paribas
We are a joint venture bank with majority of shares owned by BNP Paribas Group. We operates as a commercial bank providing a full range of banking facilities for medium and large Indonesian and Multinational companies. As part of our expansion we are seeking motivated professionals who can meet the challenge as :
Key Responsibilities :
-Maintain continous and smooth operation of software/hardware, system and network
-Assist users in troubleshooting of ant IT technical and operational problem
-Maintain daily IT activities, implement local and regional project
-Users support for banking application system
-Participate in DR site maintenance and BCP testing
Requirements :
· Male / Female, max 33 years old
· University graduate majoring in Information Technology or Computer Science
· Must have minimum CCNA and or MCSA
· Min. 4 years experience in IT system and network
· Having min 2 years experience in Banking industry is preferable
· Intermediate skill in one of programming language such as Visual Basic, C or java
· Having Good Knowledge in BCM
· Fluent in English, both Oral and Written
· Having Good Analysis in Problem Solving
· Good Interpersonal and Communication skills
· Dynamic, Active, Hard Working and Willing to work overtime
· Able to work under pressure and minimum supervision
Your application letter, C.V and the other supporting documents, can send to our Human Resource Department by email :
Bakrie Telecom
PT.Bakrie Telecom, Tbk is a fast growing telecommunication company, known with its products such as Esia, Wifone and Wimode, is seeking high qualified candidates for position:
Training (Staff / Supervisor)
1. Melakukan kegiatan Training Need Analysis (TNA) di awal tahun untuk seluruh group di Perusahaan
2. Mengimplementasikan program-program training untuk karyawan berdasarkan hasil TNA melalui serangkaian proses perencanaan dan koordinasi
*Membuat jadwal dan menyiapkan pelaksanaan training regular yang bersifat in-house
*Membuat jadwal public training, menentukan vendor bersama team dan User dan menjadi perantara keikutsertaan karyawan
*Membuat rekapitulasi pelaksanaan semua training yang dilakukan
*Merekap dan melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan training
3. Mengelola administrasi pelaksanaan pelatihan dengan seluruh bagian terkait
4. Melakukan Evaluasi Training
5. Mengontrol penggunaan Budget Training
6. Membawakan materi training internal
- Pendidikan: S1 Manajemen/FISIP
- Pengalaman: 3 tahun keatas (Spv), 1-2 Thn (Staff) di bidang Training
- Pengetahuan tambahan:
* Training Management (konsep dan implementasi)
* Presentation Skill/public speaking
* Computer Skill (MS Office: Words, Excell, Powerpoint)
* English
Format: Ms. Words Max. 120 KB
Alamat Email:
UK MPhil/PhD Funded Studentship
MPhil/PhD Funded Studentship
Rural Tourism and Farm Diversification: An Analysis of Farmers as Entrepreneurs
Reference No RS/07/18
A full-time MPhil/PhD funded studentship is available in the Lancashire Business School. The studentship is tenable up to 3 years (subject to satisfactory progress) with an expected commencement date of 1 July 2008. The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU and Overseas rates plus a maintenance based grant (currently £12,600 per annum).
This project critically appraises the nature and extent of the entrepreneurial skills, activities and needs of farmers as providers of rural tourism products and experiences, locating the analysis within contemporary rural development and diversification policies. Its purpose is to develop a model of successful entrepreneurship skills and strategies for farm diversification into tourism as a basis for developing appropriate rural development and diversification policies.
Applicants are required to submit a two-page outline research proposal for their research degree, AND a sample of their written work taken from their previous higher education. (eg chapter from dissertation, or essay) along with their completed application form
Applicants should have, or expect to receive, an upper second class or first class honours degree or an MSc in a related discipline.
Informal enquiries (project related) may be directed to Professor Richard Sharpley (+44 01772 894622, or email
Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS/07/18) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel +44 (0)1772 894287 or e-mail
Closing Date: 16th May 2008
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Youth Journalists Scholarship Mexico
The Mexico YouthForce is looking for energetic and dedicated Youth Journalists to cover the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City August 3-8. Through writing, blogging, podcasting, photography and video, this team of Youth Journalists will bring youth issues to the forefront of the conference agenda and offer a youth perspective on the important events, announcements and presentations through their reporting. The overall goal of the Youth Journalist team will be to provide excellent coverage of Mexico YouthForce activities, as well as the main conference, not only in the interests of increasing the exposure of youth issues at the conference and in the media, but to ensure that youth unable to physically attend the conference can remain updated on conference activities that are relevant to youth and HIV/AIDS.
The Mexico YouthForce is working to empower young delegates and promote youth participation around HIV/AIDS before, during and after the XVII Mexico City International AIDS Conference. For more information about us and activities please visit
Roles and Responsibilities of Youth Journalists:
* Writing Blogs;
* Conducting interviews;
* Writing a youth column for the main conference newsletter;
* Writing articles for the youth newsletter;
* Podcasting;
* Photography
* Be available for online trainings prior to the conference and trainings at the youth pre-conference
* Already be attending the conference or have the funds to cover all costs incurred with attending the conference. Please note that the YouthForce cannot contribute financially to any costs associated with attending the conference;
* Significant interest and knowledge in HIV/AIDS;
* Proficiency in English or Spanish (proficiency in both languages is an asset);
* Previous journalism experience or photography experience;
* Good communication and language skills;
* Detail oriented and the ability to work in a team;
* Ability to work in a fast-paced environment;
* Between the ages of 18-29;
Application Process:
To submit your applications please include a cover letter, your CV, and a writing sample. For those interested in being photographic journalists please submit three examples of your work. The deadline for applications is May 15th, 2008.
Please submit your applications and any of your questions to
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Schlumberger Faculty for the Future for PhD and Postdoc
Schlumberger Faculty for the Future
Women in science and technology Faculty for the Future is a strategic
partnership with the education sector in emerging economies to encourage
women in their pursuit of academic careers in science and technology.
Building on our worldwide network of university relationships, this program
provides funding for advanced graduate study. The long-term goal is to
support role models and improve gender balance at the faculty level so that
more young women are attracted into scientific disciplines.
Grant recipients in the Faculty for the Future program are expected to
return to their home countries to continue their academic careers.
Application process The 2007-2008 program is closed.
We received 180 applications this year—a new record—and are pleased to
announce the names of the successful candidates who join our 95-strong
community of Faculty for the Future fellows.
Names of new and renewed Faculty for the Future
available now.
The 2008-2009 program will open on September 1st.
Eligibility Women must meet the following criteria:
- are preparing for PhD or postdoctoral study in the physical sciences
and related technologies
- have a proven track record demonstrating commitment to teaching
- demonstrate active participation in faculty life and outreach to
encourage young women in to the sciences
- have a strong academic record, with teaching and research
Schlumberger Foundation Grants range from USD 25,000 to 50,000 per year and
may be renewed up to two times subject to performance, self-evaluation, and
recommendations from supervisors. The amount of the grant depends on the
costs of study and living in the chosen location.

Dutch & Phonology of Aphasia: PhD Student, Leiden University, Netherland
Dutch & Phonology of Aphasia: PhD Student, Leiden University, Netherlands
E-mail this message to a friend:
Institution/Organization: Leiden University
Department: LUCL
Web Address:
Level: PhD
Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Phonology; Psycholinguistics
Required Language(s): Dutch (nld)
One PhD Position / promotieplaats full time
Vacancy number: to be announced
Project description:
Studying the phonology of aphasia in a research project on ‘Child language,
aphasia and general sound laws revisited.’
Most of the recent research into sound structure in aphasia has been conducted
within the area of psycholinguistics. Phonological errors have been studied,
plus the functional loci of these errors, but much less the phonological
representations or the phonological grammars that could give a theoretical
account of these errors. This project will contribute to working out a model of
aphasia which is inspired by phonological theory as well as psycholinguistic
modeling, by studying the linguistic principles that could govern the structure
of consonant and vowel inventories in the speech of people with aphasia, while
talking into account findings from psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic studies.
The focus will be on data from Dutch. Since the amount of reliable phonological
data of aphasics is not very large, the candidate will have to invest a
substantial amount of time collecting relevant data, both from production and
from perception. Patients will be recruited from a Rotterdam revalidation
centre, which will also make available to us a relatively large sample of
recorded data. All these different types of data will have to be interpreted in
collaboration with a PhD student working on segment inventories in child
language acquisition, and with a postdoc working on the typology of segment
inventories, in a research project which has as its main goal reexamining Roman
Jakobson’s famous claims about the role of a phonological feature in child
language, aphasia and general sound laws.
- performing repetition and naming experiments and collecting of spontaneous
speech samples with aphasics;
- performing phoneme detection studies using mismatch negativity tests,
measured in an EEG;
- giving a theoretical interpretation of the data, in collaboration with
colleagues and supervisors;
- reporting the results in international journals and a dissertation;
- presenting the results in national and international conferences;
- following graduate courses offered at the LUCL graduate school.
- an MA or MPHil degree in general linguistics, theoretical or
patholinguistics, or a comparable field;
- demonstrable interest in both phonological theory and experimental research;
- good working knowledge of Dutch and English;
- good organisational and contactual skills;
- independence of mind.
More information about the position and project is available at and
Conditions of employment:
The successful applicant will be appointed at the department TUCL for one year
and after a positive evaluation, followed by a fixed- term period of three years.
Gross salary will be ? 2000,- per month in the first year, gradually rising,
also depending upon the evaluation, to ? 2612,- per month in the final year
conform the Collective Labour Agreement Dutch Universities.
Please send your letter (in Dutch or English) within two weeks after the
publication of these vacancy, with your curriculum vitae, marks and motivation
under indication of the vacancy number on letter and envelop to: De afdeling
P&O, t.a.v. mw. E.M. Bakker.
Application Deadline: 15-May-2008
Mailing Address for Applications:
Attn: Ms E.M. Bakker
Faculteit der Letteren
Postbus 9515
Leiden 2300 RA
Contact Information:
Prof.Dr. Marc van Oostendorp

Doctoral Scholarships at Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), University of Cologne, Germany
Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS), University of Cologne (Germany)
Doctoral Program – funded by the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Scholarships available
The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo-Faculty) of the University of Cologne is the largest and best reputed faculty of its type in Germany. The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS) of the WiSo-Faculty offers a three-year doctoral program to outstanding students holding a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) in Management, Economics and Social Sciences or related disciplines.
The course program will start in October 2008. During the first year, students with a Master’s degree will take part in courses on multidisciplinary methods and theories and subject-specific courses. During the second and third year, students mainly conduct research and work on their thesis. Students are encouraged to spend one term abroad. Students with a Bachelor’s degree take part in one of the Master’s programs of the Faculty on a special doctoral track.
The CGS is looking for excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree or excellent students who are close to finishing their Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) and who count among the top 10% of graduates in their faculty. The teaching language of the program is English.
For excellent students with a Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent), the CGS offers a limited number of scholarships (1,200 Euro per month). The maximum duration of a scholarship is three years. For excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree, the CGS offers a grant of 800 Euro per month in the first two years and 1,200 Euro afterwards.
Deadline for application is May 15, 2008. The application includes an application form to be filled in, a CV, a letter of motivation, two letters of recommendation, academic transcripts etc. For applicants from non-German speaking countries we strongly recommend to add GRE or GMAT results. For more details, please visit the CGS website:
Applications have to be sent by regular mail to:
Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS)
50931 Köln
Contact: office-cgs[ at ]
Applications are only considered if they are complete and received by May 15, 2008. Courses start in October 2008.

PhD Studentship in Computer Vision, the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
The Colour and Texture Group of the Computer Vision Centre (CVC) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spain) is offering a 3 years PhD studentship. The work will be within the general framework of Computational Colour Vision and will involve perceptual experiments with human subjects.
The Colour and Texture Group offers a well funded, amicable and very creative environment not far from Barcelona city in Spain. Its main work is related to computational colour and texture representations. We focus on the basis of colour and texture perception in order to automatise the task of labelling the colours and the textures within an image (e.g. automatic image annotation, colour assessment of textured surfaces, illuminant estimation, etc).
The CVC is located inside the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona campus in Bellaterra (beautiful land), some 15 Km (and a 30 min train ride) away from Barcelona city centre. The campus provides a diverse and stimulating scientific environment while the city provides an infinite cultural offer (Barcelona City with its beach and nearly perfect whether is usually voted by travel journalists as one of the most exciting cities in the world and lives up to its reputation).
Salary is around €16,000 gross per year during the first year and around €22,000 gross per year during the last two years. This research grant is funded by the European Union through its CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010. The starting date for this position is September 2008.
Academic requirements that the candidate must hold:
* a good first degree in computer science, electrical engineering, physics, experimental psychology, applied mathematics or related area.
* a masters degree (to be able to complete the official UAB doctorate in three years instead of the usual four) in a related area.
* strong programming skills (Matlab, Delphi, C, etc.)
* good communications skills and fluency, both written and oral in English is also a plus.
* strong motivation to conduct research.
C. Alejandro Parraga,
phone: +34 93 581 3050
fax: +34 93 581 1670
email: alejandro.parraga[ at ]

Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge 2008-09
Royal Hooloway University of London Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge 2008-09 in Computer Science University of London.
Departmental Undergraduate Scholarship Challenge 2008-09
* £1,000 in the first year of study in the Computer Science Department at RHUL.
* renewable at the rate of £500 in years two and three.
The Department of Computer Science offers a number of Departmental Undergraduate Scholarships for undergraduates at the start of their university studies. Candidates are eligible to try for a Scholarship by entering the Challenge. All entries will be assessed and the entry or entries judged to be the best will lead to the offer of a Scholarship which will be confirmed upon enrolment for that year.
The Challenge consists of two parts. There are four questions which are designed to test abstract reasoning skills, and there is a programming challenge.
The Rules of the Challenge are available here.
You must submit your work using this form.
The Challenge is open to any candidate who is considering applying, or has applied, to study Computer Science or a related degree in the Department of Computer Science at Royal Holloway, University of London.
The Challenge is open to contestants of all nationalities and all countries.
Employees of Royal Holloway, University of London and their families are not eligible to enter this Scholarship Challenge.
The Scholarship Scheme
The Department of Computer Science offers a number of Departmental Undergraduate Scholarships for undergraduates at the start of their university studies.
All entries will be assessed and the contestant(s) who submitted the entry or entries judged to be the best will be offered a Scholarship(s) which will be confirmed upon enrolment for that year.
There are a limited number of Scholarships available each year. If insufficient entries are made to the Scholarship Challenge at an appropriate level then not all Scholarships will be awarded.
The Department may wish to arrange publicity relating to the winner(s) of the Challenge.
The closing date for entries is Friday 13th June 2008.

South East Asia Undergraduate Scholarships 2008 in Malaysia
The Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds is one of the largest groups of life-science researchers within the UK, and offers superb facilities and a high quality research training environment for all areas including agriculture, animal and plant sciences, biochemistry and molecular biology, bioinformatics, ecology and evolution, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurosciences, pharmacology and physiology, and structural molecular biology.
The Faculty of Biological Sciences offers a number of scholarships for students who are both resident and currently being educated in Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei (Nationals of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei paying full overseas fees but resident outside of their home country may apply for the Faculty of Biological Sciences International Scholarships Scheme). The schemes are open to new undergraduate students who commence a programme of study within the Faculty in September 2008.
The Biological Sciences South East Asia Undergraduate Prize Scholarships - £3,000. For 2008 entry there will be one competitive prize scholarship of £3,000 available for outstanding new undergraduate students from South East Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei).
• How to apply: All applicants will be considered via their UCAS application form.
• Academic criteria: To be awarded as determined by the Faculty International Scholarships Committee.
• Renewal of scholarship: For undergraduate study, the scholarship may be renewed for up to a maximum of three years of study subject to satisfactory academic progress.
To receive any Faculty of Biological Sciences SE Asia Prize Scholarship all students must meet all the following conditions:
• Commence a programme of study in the Faculty of Biological Sciences in September 2008 and be fully registered on 1st December 2008.
• Be a full-time student paying full overseas rated fees.
• Be in receipt of a written scholarship offer from the Faculty and fulfil the academic conditions of that offer.
• Be a national of Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia or Brunei and be resident and educated in that country immediately prior to joining the Faculty of Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds.
Scholarships will be allocated subject to the full terms of the schemes. Students may only be awarded one Faculty of Biological Sciences Scholarship. Faculty of Biological Sciences International Scholarships are not available to students who have other University of Leeds scholarships or bursaries or who have secured alternative external sources of funding e.g. government sponsorship. The Faculty reserves the right not to award scholarships if candidates do not meet the required criteria.
Applicants should normally apply for The Biological Sciences South East Asia Undergraduate Prize Scholarships of study within the Faculty by 30 May 2008.
The University of Leeds has its own offices in Kuala Lumpur and our advisers there will be pleased to help you. Contact details are given below.
SE Asia Regional Office, University of Leeds
Suite 5.3, Level 5, Menara Weld,
No.76 Jalan Raja
50200 Kuala Lumpur
T:+60 (3) 20315330
F:+60 (3) 20315331

AMINEF Fulbright Scholarships Program 2009-2010
American Indonesian Exchange Foundation is pleased to announce availability of the 2009-2010 Fulbright Scholarships to study in the United States. Grants are competitive, comprehensive, and generally cover tuition and fees, textbook allowance, monthly maintenance, international airfare and health insurance. All disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award, EXCEPT medical filed in patient care or medical training.
Fulbright Scholarships Program:
1. Master Degree Program
2. PhD Program
3. Other Program
1. Master’s Degree Program
* A Sarjana (S1) degree
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* Min. TOEFL score of 550
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Freeport Master’s Degree Program
* Indonesian citizens from Papua who are faculty members at sate or private institutions of higher education
* A Sarjana (S1) degree
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* demonstrated committed to the development and service of Papua
* Min. TOEFL score of 500
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Tsunami Relief Initiative Program
* Tsunami reconstruction efforts of future relief development activities in Aceh, Nias and northern part of Sumatera
* A Sarjana (S1) degree
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* Min. TOEFL score of 520
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D. Program)
* Preference will be given to individuals who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state or private institutions of higher education in Indonesia
* A Master’s (S2) degree
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* Min. TOEFL score of 575. A score of 550 will be considered for certain fields
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Doctoral Dissertation Research Program
This research grant is intended to provide U.S. research opportunities to Indonesian university doctoral candidates who are in the final stages of writing their dissertation. The grant duration is for a period of three to six months. Applicants should have a minimum TOEFL score of 575 to participate in this program.
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Senior Research Program
This research grants benefits Indonesian scholars who have a doctoral degree or equivalent professional qualifications. The grant affords Indonesian scholars the opportunity to conduct research in the U.S. for a period of three to six months. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate sufficient English language proficiency to conduct research in the U.S.
Dateline: August 31st, 2008
1. Foreign Language (Bahasa Indonesia) Teaching Assistant (FLTA) Program
The program is for one academic year (9 months) and requires the grantee to teach Bahasa Indonesia at U.S. universities for up to 20 hours per week and to enroll in at least two U.S. studies and/or ESL methodology classes per semester under a full tuition waiver.
o English language Teachers or currently in training to become an English language teacher
o Applicants can be no older than 29 years of age at the time of application
o Min. TOEFL score of 550
Dateline: November 3rd, 2008
1. Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals
Hubert H. Humphrey fellowships enable Indonesian mid-career professionals to participate in non-degree programs that combine academic coursework at the graduate level with professional development activities in the U.S. for a period of one academic year (9 months).
* Administrators in leadership positions representing either the public or non-provit private sectors, including Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) who are committed to public service
* A Sarjana (S1) degree
* A minimum GPA of 2.75 (4.00 scale)
* Min. TOEFL score of 525
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. Visiting Specialist Program
The Fulbright Visiting Specialists Program provides grants for Indonesian scholars and practitioners to conduct intensive three or six week programs of teaching, lecturing and public outreach on topics in Islamic civilization and developments in the Muslim world. Participants may be in field of Islamic and area studies, political science, international relations, business and economics, history, women’s studies, journalism, sociology, religion, literature, anthropology, and the arts.
Dateline: May 31st, 2008
1. International Science and Technology Award for Ph.D. Study
The AMINEF is pleased to announce the availability of approximately 40 awards to be completed worldwide under the aegis of International Fulbright Science and Technology Award for Ph.D. study at top U.S. institutions in science, technology, or engineering for the 2008-2009 academic year matriculants.
* A Bachelor and/or Master’s degree
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* Undergraduate students who will complete the degree before August 1st, 2008 may also apply
* Min. TOEFL score of 580
* Min GRE quantitative score of 700 (GRE test will be requires if selected for nomination)
Dateline: April 15th, 2008
1. Community College Summit Initiative Program
This program enables individuals from Indonesia to study at a community college in U.S. to develop professional skills. Eligible fields are Business Management and Administration; Tourism and Hospitality Management; Health Professions, including Nursing; Media; Information technology; Agriculture and engineering science.
* Have complete a secondary school education (High School Diploma)
* Have relevant working experience
* Have English language skills that provide a basis for enrolling in academic coursework following approximately 6 month of intensive English language study in U.S.
* A minimum GPA of 3.00 (4.00 scale)
* Min. TOEFL score of 500 or TOEIC score 650
Dateline: November 1st, 2008
1. International Leadership in Education Program (ILEP)
* Secondary-level, full time teachers
* Min.ITP TOEFL score of 500
Dateline: May 16th, 2008
For information, please send E-mail to:
Phone: (021) 345 2016
Fax: (021) 345 2050
Office Hours: 8:00 - 16:00, Monday to Friday
Application document can be downloading from:
AMINEF Website:
Application and specific questions regarding the application process can be sent to:
Gedung Balai Pustaka
Jalan Gunung Sahari raya No. 4
Jakarta 10720
(Only hardcopy application sent directly to AMINEF or via mail. No application sent via e-mail will be accepted).

Art and Design Student Overseas Scholarships 2008
De Monfort University - Leicester, UK - Faculty of Art and Design Student Overseas Scholarships 2008
£ 750 Art and Design International Scholarships
£ 750 is offered to students who have overseas firmly accepted a place in a graduate or post-art and design course until August 31, 2008. 5% discount is also offered by DMU for advance payment. Students must have either:
1. For BA, BSc and HND courses: Accepted a DMUs art and design course as a company (CF or UF) on August 31, 2008, or
£ 40 Art and Design Materials Voucher
The School of Art and Design is also offering a voucher graduating from £ 40 materials. This register will be given to students in September 2008.
* Students can only be granted a scholarship or pockets of DMUs.
* Scholarships are available for students paying the fee and overseas registration in September 2008 (or 2008 / 9 academic year, master’s and doctoral courses starting later dates).
* 5% advance payment discount is deducted from the lower rate of £ 8205.
* These scholarships will be granted automatically to registration - no application is necessary.
* Grants are for new students in 2008 / 9 school year only
More details at:
Student Recruitment, Faculty of Art and Design
De Montfort University, Leicester. LE1 9BH UK
Tel: +44116257 7555
Fax: +44116250 6281

2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship-Taiwan
“2008 NCKU Application of Admission for International Students” is now
available ( ). The attached file is
the brief introduction about 2008 NCKU International Student
Scholarship. It is most appreciated if you could assist in passing
along this 2008 NCKU International Student Scholarship information. If
there is any question, welcome to contact us soon.
Thank you very much for your help.
Best Regards,
International Student Affairs Division (ISAD)
International Student Affairs Division (ISAD)
Office of International Affairs
National Cheng Kung University
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Tel: +886-6-2757575 ext. 50990
Fax: +886-6-208-5608
2008 NCKU International Students Application
Dear Students:
At the request of several students and also due to the overflow of
applications we have been receiving, the application deadline has been
extended until April 30, 2008. Applications must be postmarked by that
date or will not be reviewed. You may download the application at:
Admission results will be posted online at:
on May 30, 2008. Admission letters will be mailed separately.
Just a reminder that there is no application fee; NCKU also offers
many incentives to International students studying at our University,
such as FREE Chinese course, academic counseling system and
buddy-buddy program.
Should you have any additional questions or concerns, do not hesitate
to call or email us at the following:
Tel: +886-6-275-7575 ext. 50950
Kindly share this announcement with those who may be interested.
Thank you in advance.
2008 NCKU International Student Scholarships
(A) Scholarships
The following scholarships are offered by the University. As for the
government’s scholarship, such as Taiwan Scholarship, it’s available
Scholarships and the government’s scholarship are considered and
granted jointly. Each person may only receive one source of the
scholarship. Violators will lose their scholarship status.
(1) Undergraduate
There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:
i.Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated
by Guidelines for
Application of International Student Scholarship).
ii. Eligibility
• Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU
• Applicants should study in the undergraduate level at NCKU for one
semester and should take at least six credits with average academic
grades over 65 for the last semester
iii. Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.
i. Undergraduate students’ application of scholarships ( regulated by
the NCKU Project of Promoting Academic Excellence and Developing World
Class Research Centers).
ii. Eligibility
Available for all the NCKU undergraduate international students.
• For juniors: All the application documents would be evaluated by the
on-campus committee, which is organized by the Principal.
• For seniors: Apply to International Student Affairs Division,
Office of the International Affairs, with the transcript of the last
iii. Grant: The on-campus accommodation fee will be covered by
university for all
undergraduate students.
• For juniors: The quota and grant are based on the
proportion of the enrolled undergraduate international students of the
year. 20% and 30% of undergraduate international students could obtain
the full and half tuition fund respectively.
• For seniors: Applicants with 15% and 30% rank of department could
obtain the full and half tuition fund respectively.
(2) Postgraduate
There are two kinds of scholarships to apply for:
i. International Student Scholarship (regulated by Guidelines for
Application of International Student Scholarship)
ii. Eligibility:
• Applicants should be registered international students at NCKU
• Applicants should study in the postgraduate level at NCKU for one
semester and should take at least three credits with average academic
grades over 75 for the last semester
iii. Grant: It depends on the quota of scholarship recipients.
i. International Student Scholarship (regulated by the NCKU Project of
Promoting Academic Excellence & Developing World Class Research Centers)
ii. Eligibility: registered international students at NCKU
iii. Grant:
• Full: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee, plus
scholarship for
Master student recipient: Maximum NT$ 8,000 (US$ 242) per month
Doctoral student recipient: MaximumNT$15,000(US$454) per month
• Partial: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee,
plus scholarship for
Master student recipient: NT$ 4,000(US$ 121) per month
Doctoral student recipient: NT$ 10,000 (US$ 303) per month
• Special: no tuition, credit fees and on-campus accommodation fee
Note: The quota and grant for international student scholarship in the
postgraduate level should be dependent on the recipient’s academic
performance and assistance (such as teaching, research or
administration) evaluated by the department/institute concerned.
(3) For further information about scholarships and other financial
aids, please visit the following

Worldnomad’s Travel Writing Scholarship 2008
Applications close: May 25, 2008
World Nomads will send one exceptional student to participate on an i-to-i volunteer project
ml> in the tsunami devastated region of Sri Lanka. Staying in the small coastal village of Kosgoda, 70kms south of Colombo, you will live amongst the local people, working on various neighbourhood projects to help rebuild their community.
As part of this assignment, you will receive mentorship from Sydney Morning Herald journalist and travel writer Keith Austin, who will provide assistance via telephone/internet with story development, scripting and final editing.
You will be staying in Kosgoda with a local family for two weeks, immersing yourself in the local culture. To help you create your own unique story, the scholarship recipient will receive a new Lenovo Ideapad Y-510
Once you have returned home, you’ll write, edit and a create a feature article based on your experience in Sri Lanka which will be reviewed and considered for publication by the Sydney Morning Herald
Australia’s pre-eminent newspaper, both printed and on-line - giving you the chance to have your story read by thousands of travellers world wide!
The Scholarship also includes airfares from your nearest international airport, i-to-i program costs, travel vaccinations, visa costs and per diems.
What you’ll be doing
* We’ll fly you in from your country of residence to Sri Lanka. You’ll need to be available between July 6th and July 19th 2008.
* Prior to leaving, you will be mentored by journalist Keith Austin to guide you in how to approach your story.
* In Sri Lanka, you will live amongst the local people of Kosgoda, volunteering to help restore their community whilst interviewing people and seeking out your story.
* You will need to keep a daily diary about your time on the trip and upload this to a World Nomads travel journal, including pictures you’ve taken.
* On your return you will receive further mentoring from Keith Austin to assist in editing togther your feature story. You will then submit your story to the Sydney Morning Herald for possible publication, and on the World Nomads websites within one month of your return.
* Most of all, you’ll be experiencing what it’s like to be a journalist in a remote location in one the most beautiful and friendly countries in the world!
Who can apply
* To be eligible you have to be currently enrolled and actively studying
at a recognised educational tertiary institution and speak and write
fluent english.
* Minimum age 18.
* You should be an exceptional writer with a lust for adventure, ambition to grow your journalism/writing skills and desire to help less fortunate communities in the world.
Apply now
If you want it, you’ve got to show it. To apply you need to:
1. Craft a 500 words(or less) travel focused essay in English around the theme ‘An unforgettable adventure’. It’s up to you to convince our judging panel through your writing that you have the spirit of adventure and passion for travel journalism to be chosen for this scholarship. We will be looking for;
• originality
• clarity of ideas
• excellent writing
• ability to source and tell a compelling story.
2. Complete an entry form which includes contact and educational institution details and a 300 words (or less) essay on why you should be chosen. Copy and paste the ‘An unforgettable adventure’ travel story into the entry form.
3. The recipient of the Scholarship, along with the best entries will be published on the World Nomads wesbite on June 1, 2008.
Applications close midnight (Australian Eastern Standard time), May 25, 2008.Source: Read More......

International Scholarship Expo Pre Event Invitation
(STT Telkom) presents International Scholarship Expo 2008
pre-event competitions that will be held on 23-25 April 2008. Expand
your knowledge by competing with others on these competitions and win
vouchers and cash up to Rp. 5.000.000
Essay Contest
Theme: Let the world read your idea
Open for high school and college students. In this competition,
participant should make an essay based on one of the following topics:
a. How can study abroad improve the quality of our nation?
b. What will you do if you are an ambassador of education?
c. How big is the capability of Indonesia on facing the AFTA?
Winner announcement: May 7 2008
Prize awarding: May 8, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
English Comics
Theme: Sketch your idea!
Open for public. In this competition you need to draw maximum two
pages of A3 comic using English, which should be based on one of the
following topics:
a. Education against poverty in Indonesia.
b. How do you reach your dream to study abroad?
You will not only be scored by your creativity in drawing pictures,
but also in your story as the realization of your topic.
Winner announcement: May 6, 2008
Prize awarding: May 7, 2008
Fee: IDR 25.000
Last received and accepted essay: April 27, 2008
Speech Contest
Theme: Let the world hear your idea!
Open for high school and college students. It’s time for you to speak
up. Speech contest is an individual competition where participants
should perform a 5 minute speech based on one preferred topic:
a. What can we, as students, do to improve our national
education quality?
b. How can studying abroad provide chances to improve the
quality of our nation?
c. What can our government do so that everyone can go to school?
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: College Student: IDR 100.000, High School Student: IDR 75.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Quick and Smart
Theme: Play your English!
Dare enough to test your luck with knowledge and creativity? It’s
time to show that you are not only great in English, but also strong
in brain and quick in taking action while having fun! Form a team
consists of three people, join this competition, and you will face
fun and challenging games with a worthy prize waiting for you.
Registration open: April 7, 2008
Registration closed: April 27, 2008
Technical meeting: April 28, 2008
Fee: IDR 125.000
Competition: April 30, 2008
Further information:
Contact Person:
1. Speech: Bram 081220060769
2. Essay: Eri 085669642752
3. Comic: Rei 085271519257
4. Quick and Smart: Yugo 085221805579

Endeavour Awards 2009
Endeavour Awards for international applicants
Through the Endeavour Awards, the Australian Government provides opportunities for high achieving international students, researchers and professionals to undertake short or long term study, research and professional development in Australia in a broad range of disciplines.
For details of awards available by country of residence, please go to
To read about the experiences of past award holders, visit
Endeavour Research Fellowships provide financial support for postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows from participating countries to undertake short-term research (4-6 months), in any field of study, in Australia. Aimed at building international linkages and networks, these Awards provide opportunities for award holders to further develop their knowledge and skills.
Endeavour Research Fellowships
Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships
Postgraduate study or research
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards provide full financial support for international students for up to 3 years to undertake a postgraduate qualification at a Masters or PhD level either by coursework or research in any field of study in Australia.
Endeavour Postgraduate Awards
Vocational education and training
An Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award enables you to study a vocational course at the Diploma, Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree level in any field of study in Australia.
Vocational education and training provides occupational or work-related knowledge and skills. The courses are directly related to the trade, occupation or ‘vocation’ in which you participate and exclude degree and higher level programs normally delivered by universities.
Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards
Professional Development
Endeavour Executive Awards provide professional development opportunities for high achievers in business, industry, education or government from participating countries.
This award provides you with the flexibility to design a program that advances both your professional and personal goals. In consultation with your host organisation, the one to four month program may include activities such as a shadowing program, work placement, attendance at a conference, participation in a short course, or peer-to-peer learning.
Student Exchanges
The Australian Government recognises the many enduring benefits of international exchanges undertaken during the years of undergraduate education. To encourage greater student mobility, the Australian Government funds Australian higher education providers to subsidise the costs to students participating in student exchanges which include tuition fee waiver and credit transfer.
Only Australian higher education providers are eligible to apply for funding for international student exchange programmes.
Students (Australian and international) wishing to apply for student subsidies available under these international student exchange programmes should contact the International Office of their institution.
International Student Exchange Programs
How to apply: