PhD position in Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Uppsala University
Organosilicon chemistry directed towards molecular electronics.
A new constellation in molecular electronics is being formed at Uppsala University; the Uppsala University UniMolecular Electronics Center (U3MEC) composed of eight different research groups and with focus on molecular electronics based on single or small assemblies of molecules. U3MEC comprises expertise in chemistry, physics and engineering, experimentalists as well as theoreticians.
One PhD student position in the group of Prof. Henrik Ottosson at the Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry is available. The project involves design and synthesis of novel organosilicon, -germanium, and -tin compounds, and characterization of their spectroscopic and electrochemical properties as well as assembly into nanoelectronics platforms for investigations of electron transport properties.
A suitable candidate has a master of science in chemistry or
equivalent, or expects to complete his/her degree before the end of the
year. He/she has (i) a solid experience in organic and/or
organometallic synthesis, (ii) documented good knowledge in physical
chemistry, and desirably (iii) documented interest in computational
chemistry and chemical bonding theory. Good skills in oral and written
English are required, and an ability to work in a multidisciplinary and
visionary environment is crucial.
The PhD student position corresponds to four years of full time studies, with courses of approximately 1 year, and 3 years of research work.
Complete applications should include (i) a brief yet comprehensive description
of research interest, past experience and future visions, (ii) a CV,
(iii) copies of exams, degrees and grades, (iv) a copy of your Master
thesis (or a draft thereof), and (v) contact information to a minimum
of two reference persons.
For further information please contact Prof. Henrik Ottosson,
Applications should be sent to: Prof. Henrik Ottosson, Department of
Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry, Box 576, Uppsala University, 751 23
Uppsala, Sweden.
Important: Applications by email will not be considered.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
PhD position in Department of Biochemistry

PhD Scholarhships in Nanomaterials
PhD position in Oklahoma State University nanoscience and engineering research group in Tulsa
Focus is on developing nanostructured materials for:
1) Thermoelectric energy conversion
2) Multiferroics
Both thin film and bulk synthesis methods are investigated.
Duties include:
help to set up labs
work on nano particle synthesis, and materials alloying
measure their thermal and electrical properties
optical characterizations
device fabrication and testing
Expertise expected:
Strong hand in electrical and mechanical tools
Familiar with the basics of the semiconductor physics
Other expectations:
Interested in the nano material research
A careful person to handle contamination free processes
Creative, hard worker, and persistent
The student is located in Helmerich Advanced Technology Research Center (HATRC). HATRC is a new research center in Tulsa, Oklahoma that started its work in November 2007. It hosts specialized laboratories that enables faculty and students to focus on the state of the art research in different areas including nano and MEMS. The student will have special opportunities to be involved in setting up the labs and learn neat physics and experimental research in the area on nano materials engineering.
Please email you resume to Professor Daryoosh Vashaee at: daryoosh.vashaee[ at ]

Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Research Fellow A joint research project at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the FOM-AMOLF is set up to investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer. A key component of this research is the application of novel multimodal molecular imaging techniques that combine in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopic and optical imaging with ex vivo imaging mass spectrometric approaches.
Job description
The position will investigate hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in breast cancer cell cultures and tumor xenograft models. It will employ different molecular imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging, optical imaging, and mass spectrometric imaging. The overall goal of this multidisciplinary project is the identification and 3D localization of novel hypoxia-driven signaling pathways in the breast tumor microenvironment. The data will be integrated within a collaborative project with the FOM-AMOLF in the laboratory of Professor Ron M. A. Heeren. The work will be carried out in a multidisciplinary team of biochemists, molecular biologists, tumor biologists, chemists, physicists, and informaticians. Progress monitoring will be carried out frequently using among others written status reports by the successful candidate.
Job Requirements
The position requires a candidate who is driven, curious, independent-thinking, and able to come up with unique solutions. This candidate should preferably be experienced or interested in the field of magnetic resonance spectroscopic and/or molecular imaging, tumor models, and cancer research. The successful candidate will have a strong affinity with technological developments and information management. Thorough knowledge of the English language is required.
Terms of Employment
The position is intended as full-time appointment in the Radiology Department of the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM). JHU SOM assists any new foreign employees with housing and visa applications.
The Institute
The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM) is one of the best in the United States, and the largest recipient of National Institutes of Health research grants to medical schools. Basic and clinical research findings made at JHU SOM have improved the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care.
More information about the research at JHU SOM can be found at
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine In Vivo Cellular and Molecular Imaging Center (ICMIC) was established in 2003. Its mission is to identify and image key pathways specific to cancer cells that are a part of the tumor microenvironment. To achieve this goal, the JHU ICMIC combines state of the art molecular biology techniques, multimodal imaging techniques such as optical, magnetic resonance, and nuclear imaging, and unique imaging probe design. The ICMIC Program and JHU SOM offer several high-profile seminar series.
More information about the research at JHU ICMIC can be found at
AMOLF is a research institute of the Foundation for Research on Matter (FOM). It employs approximately 200 people, half of them research staff (permanent staff, postdocs and PhD-students). AMOLF is a dynamic institute with over 70 new employees coming in every year and the same number leaving to a new position in industry or university. The research program at AMOLF is interdisciplinary, with strong collaborations among the research groups. The Institute offers a wide variety of weekly work discussions and seminars. Since the institute employs many researchers from abroad, English is spoken at all work discussions and seminars.
More information about the research at AMOLF can be found at
Applications can be sent to:
Kristine Glunde, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology/Oncology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Radiology Department JHU ICMIC
212 Traylor Building
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21205 USA
E-mail: kglunde[ at ]
Phone: (410) 614-2705
Fax: (410) 614-1948

12 Doctoral Fellowships
Outstanding candidates with a background in Applied Ethics, Economics,
Psychology or Sociology and who are interested in interdisciplinary
research are invited to apply for 12 Doctoral Fellowships within the Jena Graduate School Human Behaviour in Social and Economic Change (GSBC).
The Graduate School is a recently established university institution
located at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. It is a joint
initiative of scholars of the School of Social and Behavioural
Sciences, the School of Economics and Business Administration, and the
Max Planck Institute of Economics. Currently, the major contributing
disciplines are Applied Ethics, Economics, Psychology and Sociology.
Their common research topic within the GSBC is the analysis of human
behaviour with an emphasis on social and economic change. The
principal research focus of the GSBC is interdisciplinary. For further
information, especially on the research programme, please visit
Applicants are expected to hold a Diplom or a Masters Degree with
honours in one of the above mentioned disciplines or an equivalent
degree in a related discipline. Fellows will actively and permanently
participate in the study and research programme of the Graduate
School. Therefore all fellows are expected to choose Jena as their
place of residence.
Fellowships start on October 1st, 2008 (Deadline for application: 23
August 2008) and on January 1st, 2009 (Deadline for application: 30
September 2008). All fellowships include funding for up to three years
(2+1). Research will be conducted in English.
Candidates should e-mail their CV, transcripts of degrees, a writing
example (about 10 pages, for example an extract from the diploma or
master thesis), a brief outline of a potential dissertation project
within the GSBC, a letter of interest, the application form and two
letters of reference from academic teachers to: The application form is available on The letters of reference should be directly sent
to us by the recommenders.
website link:

International Business Scholarships
The MBA in International Business, the International Master in Tourism & Leisure, and the Master in Insurance and Risk Management are made more accessible thanks to the companies who support and later recruit program participants.
The School and company sponsors fund scholarships, awarded as a full or partial exemption from MBA tuition fee.
Scholarships are awarded based on merit and on specific requirements indicated by the School or company sponsors. For specific requirements, download specific scholarship information.
Evaluation criteria
Among evaluation criteria preference is given to:
* Significant professional experience
* Language proficiency in Foreign languages
* Demonstrated managerial skills
To be considered for scholarships, candidates must:
* Complete and send the on-line application or the PDF application form to the MBA in International Business
* Meet the requirements stated in the scholarship description
* Send all relevant documentation indicated in the competition for scholarship
Admission to the MBA program is independent from the scholarship process.
When outcomes for MBA admissions are announced, candidates will be informed if they receive a scholarship and the amount.
For more detiails information click here.

Scholarship in Environmental Engineering or Urban and Regional Planning
Graduate Study Program for Foreign Students
The Department of Urban Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,
the University of Tokyo, offers graduate study program with
governmental scholarship for foreign student. The field of study in
the Department is environmental engineering or urban and regional
planning. The education and the research supervision are conducted
either in English or Japanese.
You can download information on
matriculation (http://www.due.t.u- of 2009 program.
(Adobe PDF format)
For the matriculation of 2009 program which starts in October 2009,
the deadline for the application is Oct.31, 2008.
Download Forms in Microsoft-word format.
Please note that we accept only applications sent by air-mails, and
we do not accept on-line applications. We would like you to use
international A4 or US letter sized sheets for the submission of the
Download Applicaiton Form for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-word
format, 52KB)
Download Recommendation Form for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-word
format, 36KB)
Download check list for 2009 matriculation. (Microsoft-excel
All correspondence and requests for printed application forms can be
addressed to
the Foreign Student Officer (

PhD Scholarships in Nanotechnology
Krakow Interdisciplinary PhD-Project in Nanoscience and Advanced Nanostructures
Faculty of Physics & Applied Computer Science (AGH) and Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) (both of Krakow) in cooperation with research institutes of 10 European countries run a common PhD programme in Nanoscience.
The project is financed by European Union Innovative Economy Programme with Foundation for Polish Science. It has been selected for support as one of three projects in the first call for the International PhD Studies Programme (results of the competition in Polish).
8 PhD positions are opened in 2008 and 4 in 2009. The project duration is nearly 5 years, of which 6 to 24 months the students will spend abroad, mostly in Western European institutes that enter the consortium. A stipend for a month spent in Krakow is 3000 PLN and 4500 PLN abroad (tax free). This currently corresponds to 930 and 1400 EUR, respectively.
Positions are currently opened in the following topics:
1) Structure and properties of networks of nanoscopic magnetic wires
2) Electronic structure of artificial atoms and molecules: spin-orbit coupling effects
3) Computer simulations of quantum transport in semiconductor nanodevices
4) Surfactants, polyelectrolytes and nanoparticles as building blocks for surface nanostructures
5) Design and computer simulations of the nanodevices to applications in quantum computing
6) Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers
7) Current induced magnetization switching (CIMS) and noise characterization of MgO based magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs)
Dynamics of nanostructural organization and activity of photosynthetic systems in natural and model membranes.
Recruitment procedure.
Applications should contain the documents requested in the recruitment procedure.
Do not forget to indicate the topic you apply for.
The application deadline is 22.09.2008.
Applications & questions should be sent to . For more info about the specific topic - please contact the supervisor.
Recruitment in 2009.
In September 2009 four more PhD positions will be opened:
9) Hybrid organic-inorganic layered materials - precursors of semiconducting nanostructures.
10) Surface and interface properties of metal-oxide magnetic nanostructures
11) Nanostructures and stability of thin liquid layers.
12) Physical properties of multilayer thin films of Mg-Ti-V/Ni and their hydrides

PhD Positions in the Area of Fiber-Top Technology
The Netherlands: PhD Positions in the Area of Fiber-Top Technology, the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
The “IDEAS at the micron scale” group at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has two immediate openings for PhD students who are willing to work in the area of fiber-top technology (see
Candidates must have a Master degree in Physics or Engineering with some undergrad research experience preferably in one of the following areas: atomic force microscopy, laser ablation, optical fiber sensors, optical interferometry, MEMS technology, cantilever based instrumentation (e.g., biochemical sensors).
We can offer a competitive salary and a very nice working environment in one of the most beautiful town of Europe.
For more information and applications, contact Dr. Davide Iannuzzi at: iannuzzi[ at ]

Post-Doctoral & PhD Research Positions
Post-Doctoral & PhD Research Positions @ CNGL, IRELAND
Localisation is the adaptation of digital content to culture, locale and linguistic environment. The Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL) is a large Academia-Industry partnership, funded by Science Foundation Ireland and Industry Partners, with over 100 researchers developing novel technologies addressing the key localisation challenges of volume, access and personalisation.
The major research strands within the CNGL are Integrated Language Technologies (ILT), Digital Content Management (DCM), Localisation Technologies and Processes (LOC) and Systems Framework (SF). We are currently recruiting:
Post-Doctoral Research Positions:
3 Post-Doctoral Positions in ILT (MT, NLP)
1 Post-Doctoral Position in DCM (Ontology Induction)
3 Post-Doctoral Positions in LOC (Workflow, Translation, Multilingual Content)
Post-Doctoral positions are fixed term contracts. Salary: €38,623-45,401 per annum (depending on experience). Starting dates: now – November 2008.
PhD Studentship Research Positions:
5 PhD Studentships in ILT (MT, NLP)
5 PhD Studentships in DCM (IR/IE, QA, Ontology Induction)
8 PhD Studentships in LOC (Workflow, Translation, Multilingual Content)
PhD positions are typically for 4 years. Stipend: €16,000 (tax free) plus payment of registration fees. Starting dates: now – November 2008.
CNGL provides state-of-the-art research facilities and supports travel to present at conferences. Please visit for more detailed information on each position.
The successful candidates will join well established research groups at Dublin City University, Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and University of Limerick, Ireland.
Deadline for applications: 31st August 2008
To apply send CV and contact details of 2 referees to quoting the appropriate reference (see Please also use for informal inquiries.
RĂona Finn, Administrator, Centre for Next Generation Localisation, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0)1 700 6707 Fax: +353 (0)1 700 5442 Mob: +353 (0)87 623 4464
Web: Email:

Lowongan CPNS - Departemen Pertanian 2008
Nomor : 32/TU.210/A5/8/2008
Dalam rangka revitalisasi penyuluhan pertanian untuk mewujudkan visi pertanian modern berbasis iptek , berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan, Departemen Pertanian akan merekrut tenaga-tenaga (SDM) yang mampu melaksanakan tugas-tugas penyuluhan pertanian di desa-desa di seluruh Indonesia, dengan status sebagai Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) Penyuluh Pertanian yang akan ditempatkan di kecamatan/desa di seluruh Indonesia. Penempatan Tenaga Harian Lepas (THL) tersebut akan mempertimbangkan
kedudukan/domisili calon THL Penyuluh yang bersangkutan.
Bagi yang berminat, dapat mengajukan lamaran dengan ketentuan sbb:
1.Warga Negara Indonesia, pria atau wanita;
2.Usia maksimum 50 tahun per 31 Desember 2008;
3.Sehat jasmani dan rohani;
4.Berkelakuan baik;
a.Tingkat pendidikan;
§Lulus SMK bidang pertanian dalam arti luas, kecuali perikanan dan kehutanan (SPMA, SPP, SNAKMA, STM-Pertanian, SMK Pertanian dan sejenisnya diutamakan yang mempunyai jurusan peternakan & perkebunan );
§Lulus Diploma (D-III, D-IV ) bidang pertanian dalam arti luas kecuali perikanan dan kehutanan;
§Lulus S-I bidang pertanian dalam arti luas kecuali perikanan dan kehutanan.
b.Dari sekolah/perguruan tinggi negeri atau swasta terakreditasi.
c.Nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) menjadi pertimbangan dalam seleksi administratif.
d.Diutamakan kepada pelamar yang telah memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang pertanian dalam arti luas kecuali perikanan dan kehutanan
B. Penerimaan Tenaga Harian Lepas Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian dibuka untuk pelamar dari Propinsi seluruh wilayah Indonesia kecuali Propinsi DKI Jakarta, dan yang berasal dari Kota seluruh Indonesia karena jumlah THL TB Penyuluh Pertaniannya dianggap sudah mencukupi (berdasarkan data penyuluh yang ada).
C.Persyaratan lain:
1.Memiliki motivasi kerja tinggi untuk membangun pertanian melalui kegiatan penyuluhan;
2.Mampu bekerja keras dan dedikasi tinggi pada tugas-tugas penyuluhan pertanian;
3.Bersedia bekerja/ditempatkan di desa-desa di seluruh wilayah Indonesia;
4.Bersedia bekerja dengan status Pegawai Tidak Tetap dengan sistem kontrak dalam masa kerja tertentu maksimal (11 bulan dalam 1 tahun), dan dapat diperpanjang sesuai kebutuhan dan kemampuan dana yang tersedia dan maksimal dua kali masa perpanjangan kontrak ;
5.Tidak menuntut untuk diprioritaskan diangkat menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil;
6.Apabila terjadi pemutusan hubungan kerja, karena sesuatu hal, tidak akan menuntut pesangon atau ganti rugi di kemudian hari.
7.Bersedia mengikuti pelatihan sebelum melaksanakan tugas.
D.Jumlah Tenaga Bantu PP yang dibutuhkan 10.000 penyuluh terdiri :
§Lulusan SMK pertanian sebanyak 4.000 orang;
§Lulusan Diploma (D-III, D-IV )sebanyak 1.000 orang;
§Lulusan S-I sebanyak 5.000 orang.
F.Mekanisme Pelamaran:
1.Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada:
Menteri Pertanian cq. Panitia Seleksi Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian
PO BOX 789 JKS 12001
2.Surat lamaran paling lambat diterima oleh Panitia seleksi THL TB Penyuluh Departemen Pertanian tanggal 10 September 2008 (tanggal pengiriman/cap pos) .
3.Setiap AMPLOP luar kanan atas wajib ditulis asal kabupaten dan propinsi pelamar
Surat lamaran ditulis tangan dengan , menggunakan tinta hitam dengan dibubuhi materai Rp 6.000 ’- dan dilampiri:
a.Daftar Riwayat Hidup;
b.Fotocopy Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai yang dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang;
c.Pas Photo hitam putih ukuran 3×4 cm sebanyak 4 buah;
d.Surat Keterangan Dokter yang menyatakan sehat jasmani dan rohani;
e.Surat Keterangan Berkelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian;
f.Bersedia ditempatkan di desa-desa di seluruh wilayah Indonesia;
g.Surat lamaran beserta lampiran dimasukkan kedalam stopmap folio sbb:
§Warna Biru untuk pendidikan S1.
§Warna Hijau untuk pendidikan D-IV.
§Warna Kuning untuk pendidikan D-III.
§Warna Merah untuk pendidikan SLTA.
G.Seleksi dan Penetapan Tenaga Bantu:
a.Seluruh berkas lamaran akan diseleksi secara administratif;
b.Pelamar yang lulus seleksi administratif, akan dipanggil melalui internet /Website Departemen Pertanian untuk mengikuti seleksi/tes pengetahuan teknis pertanian, dan pengetahuan umum (secara tertulis) dan seleksi wawancara ;
d.Pelamar yang lulus seleksi/tes sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir b akan diusulkan kepada Menteri Pertanian untuk diangkat/ditetapkan sebagai THL Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian ;
Bagi pelamar THL TB Penyuluh yang lolos seleksi akan tetapi mempunyai Ijazah diluar SMK pertanian dan S1 pertanian seperti yang dipersyaratkan maka yang bersangkutan akan dibatalkan diangkat sebagai THL TB Penyuluh Pertanian ;
e.Pelamar yang lulus seleksi tertulis dan akan diangkat/ditetapkan sebagai Tenaga Bantu PP akan diumumkan melalui internet atau media massa paling lambat tanggal Minggu pertama bulan Nopember 2008;
f.Pelamar yang diangkat/ditetapkan sebagai Tenaga Bantu PP sebagaimana dimaksud dalam butir c, segera menandatangani Surat Perjanjian Kerja yang disediakan oleh panitia,
g.THL Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian diharapkan dapat aktif bekerja mulai tanggal 1 Februari 2009.
h.Hasil/Keputusan Panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
i.Apabila dalam penyelenggaraan seleksi ditemukan pelanggaran, agar segera dilaporkan disertai bukti-bukti otentik yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan baik secara yuridis maupun administratif kepada Menteri Pertanian melalui Telp/Fax. 021-7804166
Informasi lebih lanjut mengenai rekrutmen Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Pertanian akan disampaikan melalui website Departemen Pertanian,
Jakarta, Agustus 2008
Panitia Seleksi THL Tenaga Bantu Penyuluh Departemen Petanian