Dibutuhkan lebih dari sekedar TEKAD untuk memberantas korupsi di Indonesia...
Indonesia memanggil Warga Negara Indonesia yang memiliki integritas dan komitmen tinggi untuk bergabung dengan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi dan mengisi posisi-posisi jabatan berikut :
Deputi PIPM (S001)
Direktur Penelitian dan Pengembangan (S002)
Kepala Biro Hukum (S003)
Analis LHKPN (F001)
Pemeriksa Gratifikasi (F002)
Spesialis Penelitian dan Pengembangan (F003)
Spesialis Deputi Penindakan (F004)
Computer Forensic Coordinator (F005)
Information Analyst (F006)
Spesialis Jejaring Informasi (PJKAKI) (F007)
Internal Auditor (F008)
Penelaah Pengaduan Masyarakat (F009)
Spesialis Hukum (F010)
Spesialis Hukum Perlindungan Saksi (F011)
Koordinator Pelayanan Internal (F012)
Spesialis SDM (F013)
Administrasi Keuangan (T001)
Staf Persidangan (T002)
Surveillance Officer (T003)
Interception Officer (T004)
Computer Forensic Officer (T005)
Acquisition and Implementing Staff (T006)
Web Staff (T007)
Telecommunication Administrator (T008)
Administrasi Hukum (T009)
Penjaga Tahanan (T010)
Koordinator- Integrated Security System-ISS (T011)
Koordinator M/E Gedung (T012)
Administrasi Pengelolaan Asset (T013)
Administrasi Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa (T014)
Sekretaris Deputi (A001)
Administrasi Pemeriksaan LHKPN (A002)
Administrasi Pencegahan (A003)
Administrasi Kampanye Sosial (A004)
Administrasi Kesekretariatan (A005)
Administrasi SDM (A006)
1. Pendidikan
* Minimal S1 untuk Deputi//Direktur/ Kepala Biro
* Minimal S1 untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional
* Minimal D3 untuk kelompok pekerjaan Teknis dan kelompok pekerjaan Administras
2. Batas Usia
* Minimal 45 tahun untuk Deputi dan 40 tahun untuk Direktur dan Kepala Biro, maksimal 52 tahun untuk Deputi/Direktur/ Kepala Biro per 30 April 2008.
* Maksimal 40 tahun untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional (kecuali jka ada persyaratan khusus untuk posisi tertentu) per 30 April 2008.
* Maksimal 35 tahun untuk kelompok pekerjaan Administrasi dan kelompok pekerjaan Teknis (kecuali jka ada persyaratan khusus untuk posisi tertentu) per 30 April 2008.
3. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer dan aplikasinya
4. Diutamakan lancar berbahasa Inggris lisan dan tulisan
5. Tidak buta warna
6. Bersedia mengikuti seluruh proses seleksi di Jakarta, biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggungan peserta.
7. Tidak dalam status Pegawai Negeri/PNS/CPNS
8. Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga (suami/istri, orangtua/mertua, anak/menantu) dengan pejabat/pegawai KPK.
1. Memiliki integritas tinggi, dedikasi, dan komitmen yang tinggi
2. Bersedia bekerja dalam situasi penuh tekanan dan tantangan
3. Enerjetik, penuh kegigihan, dan mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam tim
4. Memiliki inisiatif tinggi, mempunyai pengendalian diri yang baik, dan wawasan yang luas
5. Menyukai pekerjaan yang beragam dan detail untuk kelompok pekerjaan Fungsional
6. Tekun dengan ketelitian yang tinggi
1. Aplikasi lamaran hanya melalui on-line (klik link registrasi on-line di bagian bawah spesifikasi jabatan). Tidak ada jalur lain yang digunakan untuk pengiriman lamaran.
2. Pelamar wajib memiliki alamat e-mail pribadi yang masih aktif untuk dapat mengikuti proses seleksi ini. Kami tidak melayani alamat e-mail yang salah input oleh pelamar. Pelamar dilarang menggunakan alamat e-mail kantor atau orang lain untuk proses pendaftaran ini.
3. Setelah mengisi formulir aplikasi dan mengirimkannya kembali secara on-line, pelamar akan mendapat konfirmasi registrasi. Konfirmasi tersebut berisi nomor registrasi yang akan digunakan selama proses seleksi. Anda tidak dapat menerima e-mail registrasi apabila alamat e-mail yang anda input salah dan atau sudah tidak aktif, sehingga anda tidak bisa log-in untuk pengumuman selanjutnya.
4. Pelamar hanya diperkenankan melakukan satu kali registrasi on-line dan hanya untuk satu posisi saja.Untuk itu pastikan Anda telah memilih Posisi Jabatan yang sesuai, serta menuliskan semua data dengan benar, sebelum menekan tombol KIRIM
5. Pelamar wajib mengisi aplikasi dengan data/informasi yang sebenar-benarnya karena data ini akan diklarifikasi dengan benar saat pelaksanaan verifikasi dokumen.
6. Masa waktu registrasi on-line adalah 16 Februari 2008 s/d 2 Maret 2008.
7. Aplikasi yang masuk setelah batas akhir registrasi dan atau tidak melamar secara on-line, dianggap tidak berlaku.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
9. Pada setiap tahapan seleksi, hanya pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus melalui pengumuman di website KPK dan website PPM yang akan dihubungi oleh Konsultan Independen untuk masuk ke tahap seleksi berikutnya.
10. Pelamar tidak diperkenankan untuk menghubungi pejabat/pegawai KPK dan/atau datang ke KPK.Pelamar hanya diperkenankan datang ke KPK pada saat wawancara akhir oleh pihak KPK. Pelamar yang menghubungi/ mendatangi KPK selain pada waktu tes dinyatakan gugur.
11. Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.
12. Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan pelamar yang berhak mengikuti seleksi selanjutnya dapat dilihat di website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com mulai tanggal 12 Maret 2008, pukul 18.00 WIB
1. Bagi Anda yang kemudian dinyatakan lolos seleksi administrasi, akan diminta hadir pada Tes Tahap I di lokasi dan waktu yang akan ditetapkan dengan membawa dokumen dan kelengkapan sebagai berikut:
1. Kartu Tanda Penduduk yang masih berlaku, asli dan fotocopy
2. Fotocopy ijazah yang sesuai dengan persyaratan pendidikan dan telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang
3. Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang berwenang
4. Fotocopy sertifikat keahlian lainnya yang relevan
5. Data Riwayat Hidup yang harus didownload dari website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com setelah Anda log in, data riwayat hidup yang telah diisi diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
6. artu Peserta Seleksi yang harus didownload dari website www.ppm-rekrutmen. com setelah Anda log in. Mohon dilengkapi dan diserahkan dalam bentuk print out
7. Pas Foto Berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
8. Fotocopy Surat Ijin Mengemudi (SIM) yang masih berlaku bagi pekerjaan yang mempersyaratkan kemampuan mengemudi.
2. Seluruh berkas dimasukkan ke dalam map folio, yang sudah dituliskan nama dan nomor registrasi Anda dengan ketentuan :
1. Map merah untuk kelompok pekerjaan struktural
2. Map hijau untuk kelompok pekerjaan fungsional
3. Map kuning untuk kelompok pekerjaan teknis
4. Map biru untuk kelompok pekerjaan administrasi
3. Mohon mempersiapkan seluruh dokumen dengan lengkap dan benar. Jika ditemukan ketidaklengkapan dokumen dan/atau ketidaksesuaian data pada dokumen dengan berkas lamaran, Anda akan dinyatakan gugur pada Tes Tahap I
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lowongan CPNS - KPK 2008
PhD scholarships are available in Finance at NHH. The Department of
Finance and Management Science has a large, research-active group that
offers a stimulating environment for doctoral studies and research
within this discipline.
As part of the PhD Programme, students are obliged to work part-time
(25%) as Research Scholars during their studies, providing teaching
and/or research assistance to the Department.
QUALIFYING EDUCATION Applicants are to have completed, or almost
completed, a minimum of a Master’s degree (5 years’ duration) in a
quantitative field such as Economics, Business Administration,
Mathematics, Statistics, or the physical sciences. (Applicants lacking a
degree in Economics or Business Administration, are recommended to
undertake some coursework at the University level). A good working
knowledge of English is also required, as the entire PhD programme is
taught in English.
More information about the PhD program in Finance can be found at
ABOUT THE SCHOOL The Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration is a first-rate European business school with an
excellent research tradition, located in beautiful surroundings just
outside downtown Bergen. The School has 130 full-time faculty staff and
a population of highly talented students.
More information about the school is available at
http:www.nhh.no/index-e.html, and about Bergen at
Further information about admissions requirements can be found at
www.nhh.no/phd. Enquiries regarding admission requirements, PhD Research
Scholarships, application procedures, and so on, may be directed to the
PhD admission office at NHH: phd @ nhh.no.
Application has to be received by 1. March 2008.

The Department of Financial Economics BI, The Norwegian School of
Management Oslo, Norway
1. Financial Assistance
The Department of Financial Economics has available a number of PhD
stipends starting in September 2008. The stipends are for a four year
period and offer NOK315,000 per annum (approx. US$55,000) and also cover
tuition fees. Each stipend contains a 35 hour per year teaching duty
which usually consists of teaching assistant work. Academically
excellent students should have a MSc in Finance or closely related subject.
2. Program Structure
The PhD in Finance is taught entirely in English and is structured such
that the first year of study covers course work and exams (60 ECTS
credits). The Department of Financial Economics plans to offer the
following courses in the 2008/2009 academic year: Asset Pricing Theory,
Empirical Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance Theory, Market
Microstructure, and Advanced Topics in Finance. In addition, we are a
member of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN)
(http://project.hkkk.fi/nfn/courses.htm) which coordinates schools in
the Nordic area offering PhD courses in finance. Through the network it
is possible to visit other schools for a short period in order to
undertake courses. We also actively encourage students to take longer
periods of study at top class institutions around the world.
3. About the Department of Financial Economics
The Department of Financial Economics is committed to excellence in
research. Currently we have thirteen faculty members in research
positions. Faculty members have published in, amongst others, the
Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial
Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of
Business, and the Journal of Political Economy. A detailed list of
publications along with links to faculty homepages can be found at:
http://www.bi.no/Content/Article____56297.aspx Based in publications the
department ranks as one of the top finance departments in Europe.
4. Application Procedure
Application forms are available at http://www.bi.no/doctoral. Applicant
are required to submit the following: completed application form,
description of planned research work, CV, copies of letters of
reference, copies of awarded degrees along with grades. Admission to the
program is determined after consideration of each candidate’s
qualifications. Applications must be submitted by the 28th of March and
emailed directly to:
Professor Richard Priestley Department of Financial Economics Norwegian
School of Management Nydalseveien 37 N 0484 Oslo Norway Email:
richard.priestley @ bi.no Phone: +47 46410515

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
4 Scholarships & Award at University of Liverpool UK
The Duncan Norman Research Scholarship 2008/9
The Duncan Norman Research Scholarship at the University of Liverpool was
established in 2004 following the receipt of a generous donation from The
Duncan Norman Charitable Trust in memory of the late Mr Duncan Norman.
The objective of the Scholarship is to enable academically gifted students
who also have the personal qualities to make them leaders in society, to
pursue MPhil/PhD study at the University of Liverpool. The Scholarship may
be used to fund research in any University department.
The University has established an Advisory Panel of internationally renowned
persons to oversee the award of the Scholarship.
The Scholarship is available to all prospective full-time postgraduate
research students, irrespective of nationality or tuition fee status (i.e.
whether UK, EU or overseas). To be eligible for consideration, prospective
students must have had their application for MPhil/PhD research approved by
the University by the application deadline.
Deadline : Monday 31 March 2008, 5pm
The University of Liverpool International Scholarships - Undergraduate
Unlimited scholarships offering 25% fee reduction for students achieving AAB
in A level examinations or the international equivalent.
To be eligible, you must have an offer for a full-time, non-clinical,
undergraduate programme and be classified as an international student. You
do need to make an application for this scholarship and, in addition, you
will need to choose Liverpool as your firm choice through UCAS (accepted our
offer as your first choice). The scholarship will be tenable for the
duration of the programme of study, subject to good academic progress
(normally min 60% average each year).
Deadline: 2 May 2008 and 4 July 2008
The University of Liverpool International Scholarships -
Up to thirty scholarships offering 25% fee reduction are available for
international students applying for full-time, non-clinical, postgraduate
taught masters courses. These scholarships will be awarded primarily on the
basis of academic merit and will be tenable for the duration of the
programme of study, subject to good academic progress.
Deadline: 2 May or 4 July 2008.
International Baccalaureate
Unlimited scholarships offering a 25% fee reduction for students achieving
36 points.
To be eligible, you must have an offer for a full-time, non-clinical,
undergraduate programme and be classified as an international student. You
should be registered at an IB School and taking the full IB Diploma. You do
need to make an application for this scholarship and, in addition, you will
need to choose Liverpool as your firm choice through UCAS (accepted our
offer as your first choice). The scholarship will be tenable for the
duration of the programme of study, subject to good academic progress
(normally min 60% average each year)
Deadline: 2 May 2008

INDOSATM2 is the Internet, Multimedia and other IP based Services Provider. Those kind of services such as: High Speed / Dedicated Internet, Dial up Internet, TV Cable, VPN (Virtual Private Network), Hosting and Collocation, VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol), B2B and B2C E-Commerce.
IndosatM2 is fully subsidiary company of PT. Indosat ( The Telecommunication Service Provider in Indonesia), starting to operate at year 2000 and giving the services for company, organization and personal / residential in Indonesia, supported by a highest capacity network which was connected to the Global Internet.
General Qualifications
- Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI)
- Lulus program D3 ataupun Strata 1
- IPK minimum 2.80 dari skala 4 (untuk lulusan Universitas Negeri) dan 3.00 dari skala 4 (untuk lulusan Universitas Swasta)
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2-3 tahun di posisi yang sama
- Tidak sedang menjalani Ikatan Dinas pada Instansi lain
- Tidak sedang dalam urusan dengan kepolisian dan pengadilan
- Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasional PT Indosat Mega Media
Here the opportunities, click the Job Title to view the detail of Job Vacancy.
- Goverment Relation Officer
- Assistant Manager Corporate Communication
- Akuntansi Persediaan Officer
- Akuntansi Pendapatan Officer
- Perpajakan dan Umum Officer
- Cash Bank Officer
- Collection Officer
- Customer Admin Retail Officer
- Industrial Relation Officer
- Supervisor Retention
- Partnership & Development
- Supervisor QA
- Technical Support - Customer Service
- Supervisor Walk In Center
- Building Maintenance
- Inventory Corporate Officer
- Inventory Retail Officer
- Application Specialist
- Database Specialist
- Maintenance Trouble Handling
- Wireless Officer
- Operation NOC Staff
- Satellite NOC Manager
- Operation Satellite NOC
- Assistant Manager Capacity Planning & Management
- Assistant Manager Procurement OPEX
- Assistant Manager Procurement Admin
- Assistant Manager Technology Strategy
- Access Technology Strategy Officer
- Assistant Manager System Development
- Product Development System
- Partnership Entertainment Officer
- VAS & Content Development Officer
- Analyst Junior
- Quality Assurance
- Planning Accsess Officer
- Engineering Wireline Officer
- Internal Auditor
- National Retention Officer
- Program Channel Officer
- Assistant Manager Area / Koordinator Area (NAD)
- Marketing and Sales Support
- Account Manager (Sales Corporate)
- Account Executive (Sales SOHO/SME Department)
- Technical Support - Proffesional Service
- Account Executive (Jabar Area)
- Area Support Officer (Bali&Nusra Area)
- Account Executive Retail & Corporate (Jateng & Jogja Area)
- Assistant Manager untuk Bali & Nusra Area
- Assistant Manager Area / Koordinator Area (Riau Kepulauan)
- Assistant Manager Area / Koordinator Area (SumSel-Babel)
- Assisstant Manager Area / Koordinator Area (Lampung)
- Assistant Manager Marketing
- Account Executive (Corporate Sales) Jatim Area
- Account Executive (Retail-Direct Sales) Jatim Area
- Marketing Officer (Regional Support-East Regional)
- Account Executive (Retail-Channel Distribution) Jatim Area
There are two ways to apply our vacancies.
- You can sign up your personal email to get “Experd Account” in our website http://jobs.experd.com
- Please complete the registration form and submit your email account.
- We will send you the information about username, password to your personal email.
- To activate your “Experd Account”, please confirm our email by clicking the confirmation link that we’ve sent to your personal email.
- After you activate your “Experd Account”, you can create your curriculum vitae step by step or download our CV template. (Don’t forget to write down your details : personal data, education, and your experience)
- For applying the vacancies, please choose the vacancy that you are interested to apply, and then click “Quick Apply”
- Your data will be saved in our database and we will process it immediately. If there is any progress, we will inform you by phone or email.
- Visit our website regularly to get our update vacancies.
- Visit website http://jobs.experd.com/im2, get the information about IndosatM2 and the vacancies.
- For applying, choose the vacancy that you are interested to.
- Clik Button “Quick Apply” and your data will be saved in our database. We will inform you the recruitment progress (if there’s any progress)
- If you haven’t had “Experd Account” yet, you have to sign up to be our member first.
- Please Sign Up to our website http://jobs.experd.com/
- Visit our website regularly to get our update vacancies.
If you need more information about IndosatM2 or the vacancies, don’t hesitate to contact us by email or Hotline Service 021-75906448 (Monday - Friday at 09.00 am - 05.00 pm)
Read More......PT MEDIA TELEVISI INDONESIA "Metro tv" ; Lowongan Kerja di Metro-TV
Male / Female
Bachelor Degree
Max age 30 years old
Min 1 year experience as News Assisstant Producer on TV or min 4 years as News Reporter
Energetic and Willing to Work in Flexible Long Hours
Good Team Player
Fluent in English Oral and Written
Should you meet the above criteria, please send your complete resume no later than 2 weeks to :
Write the position code (J-Prod News) as a subject in your email
Netherlands; PhD at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Twente
For the project “Cultural, Political and Religious Ideologies
and the Appraisal of New Media”
Women are strongly encouraged to apply
The PhD position is part of a prestigious and exciting international research project in
philosophy named “Evaluating the Cultural Quality of New Media”. This five-year project,
which includes six researchers and involves collaboration with leading international
scholars and research centres, has as its aim to develop a framework for better normative
analyses of new media and new media culture, especially in relation to their contribution to
the quality of life (”the good life”) and the quality of society. Project leader is Prof. Dr.
Philip Brey. The project is part of a new international Centre of Excellence in Ethics and
Technology (http://www.ethicsandtechnology.eu) of the departments of philosophy of
Twente University, Delft University of Technology and Eindhoven University of Technology.
The aim of the PhD project is to perform a study of interpretations and evaluations of new
media and their consequences that are made by representatives of major ideologies or
worldviews, with the aim of assessing how they relate to conceptions of the good life and
the good society held by these ideologies. It will involve a study of liberal,
communitarian, conservative, religious and post materialist evaluations of new media, and
the assessment of what the benefits and harms of new media cultures are and how these
can be evaluated within these ideologies. It will also provide normative critiques of
current ideological stances regarding new media.
A Master’s degree or equivalent degree in philosophy, preferably with a background in
ethics and/or social or political philosophy.
Consideration will also be given to candidates with a multidisciplinary Master’s degree on
a topic relevant to the project and some background in philosophy, and to exceptional
(international) candidates with only a bachelor’s degree in philosophy.
Demonstrable interest in philosophical issues relating to information technology and new
media (but previous work in this area not required). Good analytical skills. Good
communication skills in English, in writing as well as orally. Good team spirit. Creativity,
open-mindedness, and an ability to develop new ideas.
A four-year full-time Ph.D. position, preferably starting April 1, 2008. The gross salary is
EUR2.000,- in the first year going up to EUR2.558,- in the fourth year (EUR27.456,- and
EUR35.699,- per annum, respectively, including vacation pay and end-of-year bonus).
The position also comes with a personal budget of EUR8.000,- for travel and conference
Information and application
A description of the PhD project, the overall project of which it is a part and a FAQ can be
retrieved from http://www.ceptes.nl/vici. Applicants are advised to read these texts before
applying. For questions not answered on the website please contact the project leader,
Prof. dr. Philip Brey (e-mail: p.a.e.brey@utwente.nl).
Your application should contain the following documents: a letter of application which
explains your interest in the position and your qualifications for it, as well as some
suggestions on how you would want to approach the project you apply for; a curriculum
vitae which includes the name and e-mail address/telephone number of one of your
professors, preferably the supervisor of your master’s thesis; a copy of your thesis; copies
of publications, if any; an academic transcript that contains a list of subjects taken and
grades received (this may be an unofficial version or scanned copy; we can request the
original later).
Your application can be sent before March 7, 2008 by e-mail (preferred) or by normal post
to dr. ir. J.F.C. Verberne (e-mail: pz-gw@gw.utwente.nl), managing director of the Faculty
of Behavioural Sciences, University of Twente, PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, the
Netherlands. Vacancy number: 08/035.
Job interviews will be held on March 13 and/or 14, 2008. Women are strongly encouraged
to apply.
Katinka Waelbers, MA MSc
Department of Philosophy
Faculty of Behavioural Sciences
University of Twente
Room B225, Cubicus Building
Campus University of Twente, Enschede
P.O. Box 217, NL 7500 AE Enschede
Phone: +31-53-4893630
Email: k.waelbers@utwente.nl
Web: http://www.gw.utwente.nl/wijsb
Web: www.utwente.nl/ceptes

PhD Positions at The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden
PhD Positions in Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore Systems
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Chalmers Technical University
Application deadline March 11, 2008. Reference nr 2008/34
The Department provides strongly international and dynamic research environments with 76 faculty and 75 PhD students from about 30 countries. For more information, see www.chalmers.se/cse/EN/
Knowledge of Swedish is not a prerequisite for application. English is our working language for research. Both Swedish and English are used in undergraduate courses. Half of our researchers and PhD students are native Swedes; the rest come from more than 20 different countries.
Applicants must have a very good undergraduate degree in Computing Science or in a related subject with a strong Computing Science component. They must also have a strong, documented interest in doing research. You may even apply if you have not yet completed your degree, but expect to do so by 1 September 2008.
We particularly encourage applicants with interests in:
Parallel Programming and Algorithms for Interprocess Synchronization of Multicore processors, with focus on Lock/wait-free Synchronization,
concurrent data structures.
For more information on this point see the webpages of the group Distributed Computing and Systems http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~dcs/ or contact Philippas Tsigas (tsigas[ at ]cs.chalmers.se).
How to apply
The full application should contain:
1. A letter of application, listing specific research interests
2. A curriculum vitae
3. Copies of degrees and other certificates
4. Copies of relevant work, for example dissertations or articles, that you have authored or co-authored
5. Letters of recommendation from your teachers or employers.
You MUST include or e-mail Letters of Recommendation: we typically get over 100 apps, and it is simply not feasible for us to request individual letters
The job reference number is: 2008/34. The last date for your full application to arrive is March 11, 2008
Send your application electronically in PDF files or by paper-mail to:
Registrator, Chalmers University of Technology, Se-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden.
Phone: +4631 772 1000, Fax: +4631 772 4922, E-mail: registrator[ at ]adm.chalmers.se
You will know the result of your application by 30 May 2008.
For Further Information Regarding graduate education at our department please contact:
i) the Vice Head of Department, Graduate Education: Professor Reiner Hähnle (reiner[ at ]chalmers.se)
ii) the Graduate Studies Director of the Department, Ass. Professor Jan Jonsson (janjo[ at ]chalmers.se)
Union representatives:
SACO Jan Lindér, TCO Marie Wenander, SEKO Ralf Berndtsson All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00
Deadline: March 11, 2008

Teaching Positions at The Department of Electrical Engineering, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
The Department of Electrical Engineering, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, invites applications for a number of faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor level to begin September 2008. The levels of appointment will be based on the qualifications and academic records of the applicants. Exceptional candidates are being sought in the areas of VLSI/circuits, Mixed analogue/digital electronic circuits, RF microwave circuits, Optoelectronic circuits and systems, information security, Signal/image processing, Control, Power systems, and Machines. However, outstanding candidates in other areas of electrical engineering will also be considered. Applicants should have earned a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering, or a closely related discipline.
Candidates are expected to have a distinguished record of teaching, research and university service. Applications and nominations should include a detailed resume, references and a statement of capabilities and qualifications. Salaries are competitive and are determined according to the successful applicant’s accomplishments, experience and qualifications. A fast growing department, Electrical Engineering currently has more than 52 faculty members and is in the process of expanding to more than 90 faculty members, making it one of the largest EE departments in the kingdom. The department offers an excellent environment for teaching and research. The undergraduate programs have an enrolment of 700 of the top students in Saudi Arabia and its graduates are consistently highly sought-after by industry. Recent expansion of the graduate program, which draws both Saudi and international students, has led to an enrolment of 120 master’s and PhD students.
For further information, please contact/email the chair of Electrical Engineering Department:
Dr. Saad M. Alguwainem
Electrical Engineering Department
P. O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421,
Saudi Arabia
saadalgh[ at ]gmail.com
Republic of Cyprus Scholarships for Study at CIIM Business School, Cyprus
The Republic of Cyprus is offering five (5) full scholarships of 12-months duration to study for the attainment of the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) Master in Business Administration (MBA) or Master in Public Sector Management Programme (MPSM) for the academic year 2008-2009. Eligible candidates are citizens of Uzbekistan, Gambia, Azerbaijan and Sudan. The deadline for the submission of applications is 30 June 2008. Application, endorsement forms, as well as information material on the program can be found here: For further information or queries you can contact Mr. Marios Siathas of CIIM at: Tel: +35722462205 Deadline: 30 June 2008.
Application Procedure
In order to submit an application for scholarship, the applicant must attain an official endorsement by her/his country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs completing the Endorsement Form, which must be submitted along with the application form (detailed instructions on the endorsement procedure are included in the endorsement form). The applicants may then submit their applications along with the endorsement form at a Competent Consular Authority of the Republic of Cyprus of their choice.
Email: marios[ at ]ciim.ac.cy

PhD Scholarships in Finance at BI, The Norwegian School of Management, Norway
The Department of Financial Economics BI, The Norwegian School of Management Oslo, Norway
1. Financial Assistance
The Department of Financial Economics has available a number of PhD stipends starting in September 2008. The stipends are for a four year period and offer NOK315,000 per annum (approx. US$55,000) and also cover tuition fees. Each stipend contains a 35 hour per year teaching duty which usually consists of teaching assistant work. Academically excellent students should have a MSc in Finance or closely related subject.
2. Program Structure
The PhD in Finance is taught entirely in English and is structured such that the first year of study covers course work and exams (60 ECTS credits). The Department of Financial Economics plans to offer the following courses in the 2008/2009 academic year: Asset Pricing Theory, Empirical Asset Pricing, Corporate Finance Theory, Market Microstructure, and Advanced Topics in Finance. In addition, we are a member of the Nordic Finance Network (NFN) (http://project.hkkk.fi/nfn/courses.htm) which coordinates schools in the Nordic area offering PhD courses in finance. Through the network it is possible to visit other schools for a short period in order to undertake courses. We also actively encourage students to take longer periods of study at top class institutions around the world.
3. About the Department of Financial Economics
The Department of Financial Economics is committed to excellence in research. Currently we have thirteen faculty members in research positions. Faculty members have published in, amongst others, the Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Business, and the Journal of Political Economy. Based in publications the department ranks as one of the top finance departments in Europe.
4. Application Procedure
Application forms are available at http://www.bi.no/doctoral . Applicant are required to submit the following: completed application form, description of planned research work, CV, copies of letters of reference, copies of awarded degrees along with grades. Admission to the program is determined after consideration of each candidate’s qualifications. Applications must be submitted by the 28th of March and emailed directly to:
Professor Richard Priestley
Department of Financial Economics
Norwegian School of Management
Nydalseveien 37 N 0484 Oslo
Email: richard.priestley[ at ]bi.no
Phone: +47 46410515

50 Master Scholarships in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics, Eni Corporate University, Italy
Competition announcement Academic Year 2008-2009
The call for application is published every year at the end of November. You can download the Brochure and the Pre-requisites for the admission here.
The Eni Corporate University announces a competition for an academic course that leads to a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA. The course is organized and managed by the Scuola Enrico Mattei.
The Master is offered to Italian and foreign university graduates that are interested in career paths within firms, authorities and other institutions operating in the energy and environmental sectors. For the Academic Year 2008-2009, the Scuola Enrico Mattei will assign a maximum of 50 scholarships.
Three programs of the MEDEA are offered:
* Energy Industry Economics
* Business Administration in Energy Industry
* Managing Technical Assets in Energy Industry
The program is articulated on three phases, with an increasing degree of specialisation. All profiles consist of preliminary courses, followed by fundamental courses and by specialisation classes.
The Academic Year runs for ten months, from September 3, 2008 through to June 30, 2009. Full-time attendance is required. Since courses are conducted in Italian and in English, an intensive Italian language course will be held during the summer of 2008. Those who have successfully completed the programme of study will be awarded a Master’s Degree in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics - MEDEA.
Admission is subject to the following requirements:
* university degree in Italy, or an equivalent academic qualification abroad, in departments of: Business Administration, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Geology, Industrial Chemistry, International Law, Physics and Statistics;
* Italian candidates must be under the age of 28 years and non-Italian candidates must be under the age of 32 at the beginning of the Master course;
* good knowledge of the English language.
The course, moreover, can be attended also by people autonomously chosen by the Eni Companies.
The deadline for application is March 31, 2008 for foreign citizens and April 30, 2008 for Italian citizens.
Italian candidates will attend the final selection in San Donato Milanese (MI); non-Italian candidates in Algeri, Almaty, Ankara, Beijing, Brussels, Budapest, Cairo, Lagos, London, Luanda, Madrid, Monaco, Moscow, New York, Sao Paulo, Tripoli, or in other offices of Eni, depending on their nationality.
Euros 25,000
For successful candidates, the admission to and the enrolment in the School carry no fees. The School offers students a financial contribution for the accommodation and living expenses. Moreover, students are given free training materials and the opportunity to avail themselves of Eni canteen facilities. Finally, scholarships are provided on the basis of examination results.
Applications must be sent online at:
For further information and leaflet please contact the School Secretary at:
Scuola Enrico Mattei, Eni Corporate University, Via S. Salvo, 120097 - San Donato Milanese (MI), Italy.
Tel. (0039) 02.520.57922 or (0039) 02.520.57907; fax (0039) 02.520.37067
e-mail: info.scuolamattei[ at ]eni.it

PhD Studentships in Applied Microeconomics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
This project analyses the impact of recent policy changes on various aspects relating to the agri-food sectors in Ireland and other EU countries focussing in particular on Denmark and the Netherlands. Using the Irish National Farm Survey a micro approach is taken that allows specific research questions relating to: 1) productivity and competitiveness; 2) the changing structure of production systems in terms of farm numbers, the role of economies of scale, specialisation and system switching; and 3) the wider rural community to be addressed.
The availability of a comparable survey for Denmark and the Netherlands presents a unique opportunity for the Irish experience to be compared to that of similar regions of Europe facing the same set of constraints but with significantly different sectors in terms of structure, organisation and the role of government supports This study will provide valuable lessons for policy by deepening our understanding of the important issues facing the agri-food sector in Ireland at the micro level and observing how the Irish experience compares to that of similar European regions. The project will also explore alternative uses for land post-decupling focussing in particular on opportunities in relation to organic farming and alternative energy sources drawing on the successes of the Danish experience.
The PhD student will be based at the Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin. The student will spend some time at the University of Kent in the UK and at the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands working with leading economists on farm survey data and project related modelling issues.
* MSc degree or equivalent in Economics
* An interest in applied microeconomics in particular agricultural or environmental economics
* Excellent quantitative skills (i.e. econometric modelling).
Conditions of employment
Stipend: €16,000 p.a. plus tuition fees
Duration of the contract: 3 years beginning April 1st, 2008
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
Dr. Carol Newman
Phone: +353 1 896 3709
Email: cnewman[ at ]tcd.ie
Interested candidates should either post or email their CVs before March 1st to Dr. Carol Newman, Department of Economics, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Email: cnewman[ at ]tcd.ie
Deadline: March 1st, 2008

IRCSET Scholarship for 165 Master and Doctorate
IRCSET’s Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme is designed for either Masters or Doctorate level researchers in the sciences, engineering or technology.
The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology invites applications for funding from intending postgraduate researchers under the Embark Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme.
The programme will fund up to 165 Masters or Doctorate level researchers in the sciences, engineering and technology.
The scheme is open to candidates worldwide with a number of scholarships also being available to exceptional candidates from non EU member states.
A number of additional scholarships will be jointly funded by industry as part of IRCSET Enterprise Partnership Scheme (see below for details). This scheme fosters mutually beneficial collaboration between the academic and commercial research sectors.
Enterprise Partnership Scheme
Within this call, a number of Enterprise Partnership Scheme Awards are also being offered in conjunction with participating industry partners. The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology gratefully acknowledges the valuable participation of these organisations.
Applicants can indicate on their application if in addition to consideration for an Embark Initiative award they also wish to be considered for an Enterprise Partnership Scheme scholarship.
Through the Enterprise Partnership Scheme scholars are co-funded by both IRCSET and an Enterprise Partner. Industry’s participation and co-funding role has enabled IRCSET to support many more young researchers in Irish research bodies.
The researcher receives the same financial support as a postgraduate scholar under the normal Embark Initiative Postgraduate Scholarship Scheme. However, they also benefit from expert industry supervision and gain experience of research in an industrial environment.
Under the Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme, funding of €24,003 is provided for each of three years for Doctorate level research (total funding of €72,009) and one year (€24,003) for Masters level research.
Of the €24,003 maximum per annum available to Masters and Doctorate students, €16,002 goes directly to the student with the remainder available to fund other forms of support such as fees, appropriate travel and other expenses
All applications must be made through the electronic Online Grants Applications System which is available below. The attention of applicants is drawn particularly to the Terms and Conditions & Assessment Procedures which appear below.
APPLICANTS:Click on this link to access the Online Applications System. See below for operating system information.
More info: http://www.ircset.ie/grant_schemes/postgrad.html

PhD Scholarship Asian Studies University Halle, Germany
Die Graduiertenschule „Asien und Afrika in globalen Bezugssystemen”
(GSAA), Halle, schreibt aus:
3 Doktoranden-Stipendien
Bewerbungsfrist: bis 1.4.2008
Antritt: zum 1.10.2008
Vollständige Unterlagen senden an: GSAA
Welche Unterlagen Sie benötigen, entnehmen Sie bitte folgender Website:
Senden Sie Ihre Unterlagen elektronisch an: verwaltung@gsaa.uni-halle.de
und/oder per Post an die Adresse der GSAA.
Unvollständige Bewerbungen bleiben unberücksichtigt.
The Graduate School „Asia and Africa in World Reference Systems”
(GSAA), Halle (Germany) announces the following openings:
3 grants for PhD students
Application deadline: April 1, 2008
Beginning: Oct 1, 2008
Please send complete applications as shown on the GSAA website at
per e-mail and/or per ordinary mail (address shown on website) to

PhD Studentship in Distributed Computing - University of Bristol UK
Social insect colonies face similar decision problems to those inherent in large-scale information processing systems such as the internet, grid computing and utility computing centres. These systems are too complex for classical control techniques to be applicable, as global information on the state of the system is impossible to obtain. However, we can draw inspiration from the algorithms employed by social insect colonies. These algorithms work robustly using simple rules of thumb, without centralised control, and achieve or approximate optimality. Hence these algorithms will prove ideal for decentralised optimal control problems such as those encountered in distributed computing.
Recently, a new social-insect behaviour has been examined experimentally, collective nest-site selection during colony emigration. This is a collective decision-making mechanism, that converges on a unique solution while exhibiting a tuneable compromise between the speed and the accuracy of decision-making. The successful applicant will investigate the application of this behaviour to distributed control problems in utility computing centres, with input from HP Labs. It is expected that the student’s research will also lead to developments in algorithm design and statistical decision theory.
The successful candidate will have a high quality first degree(s) in a numerate discipline such as mathematics, physics or computer science. The studentship will be based in the Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group, in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol. For more information on the Department and the Group visit www.cs.bris.ac.uk and www.cs.bris.ac.uk/Research/MachineLearning.
The studentship is expected to commence in early October 2008, but an immediate start may be possible by negotiation. The studentship will pay tuition fees and a stipend of 12,600 GBP per annum for 3 years. UK citizens and EU-citizens resident in the UK for at least 3 years previously are eligible to apply. Exceptional overseas applicants may also be considered.
Apply by email to Dr James Marshall, enclosing PDF copies of your CV and a covering letter outlining your interest in the project. It is anticipated that interviews with shortlisted candidates will be held within 2 weeks of the application deadline.
For informal discussions contact Dr James Marshall (www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~marshall)
The closing date for applications is 14th March 2008.