Nowadays, many people run e-commerce business, as their primary income or just their hobbies. Since there is 'unlimited' kind of hobbies, so there are many kind of e-commerce provide any kind of thngs.
To run their business, they need a tool, a reliable tool. Some people say this tool as shopping cart, other say as online store tool.
In 5-10 years ago, there is a few shopping cart software was available, both for free or paid. I remembered, some of my friend did some projects and developed this shopping cart as client's request.
But now, you can find e-commerce tools very easy. You can try by typing shopping cart on, and see the number 2, there is a best shopping cart ever made. By clicking the link you can find why this shopping cart software become one of best e-commerce tools.
Using this shopping cart, you can build your e-commerce business so easy, because:
- Web based, no installation required
- Affordable ecommerce software
- Accept credit cards online
- Thousands of features, easy to use
- Fully customisable design
With those facilities, I'm sure you can build your e-commerce business into a big company. Why? Since many features are provided and easy to use, maintain and manage your business is getting easy, no matters how big your company wannabe.
So, don't wait any longer! Register and buy this shopping cart. You will not regret this decision, because this shopping cart can make you a big boss.
Don't worry, this shopping cart gives you free trial for 10 days. If you think this shopping cart is not enough for you, you can cancel using this shopping cart.
But I'm sure, using this shopping cart will give you big profits than you ever imagine. ;-)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Increasing E-Commerce In Australia Using Shopping Cart

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Research Doctoral Scholarships in Entertainment Computing - University of Teesside
Research Doctoral Scholarships in Entertainment Computing - University of Teesside
beasiswa doktor s3 luar negri di inggris
Research Doctoral Scholarships
Entertainment Computing
Institute of Digital Innovation
The University of Teesside is offering 12 full-time Research Doctoral Scholarships across a broad range of subject areas including: computing, social science, health sciences, engineering and history. The scholarships are aligned to key areas of research strength within the Institute of Digital Innovation, the Institute for Health Sciences and Social Care, the Social Futures Institute, the Institute for Innovation & Development in Engineering and Applied Science and the Centre for Regional and Local Historical Research.
The awards will be for a period of three years and include fees (home/EU or international rate) and an annual stipend of £12,600. Successful applicants should be in a position to take up the scholarships in July 2008 or shortly thereafter.
1. A new development and deployment paradigm for pervasive multi-user games.
Informal enquiries to Professor Marc Cavazza, email:
Research Doctoral Scholarships applicants should have at least an upper second class honours degree or equivalent qualification and ideally a postgraduate qualification. The minimum English language entry level is IELTS 6.5 with no grade below 6.0 or equivalent.
To apply for a scholarship you must contact the Graduate Research School for an application form:
University of Teesside Research Doctoral Scholarships
Graduate Research School
University of Teesside
Tees Valley
E-mail: or tel: +44(0)1642 738033
Closing date: 25 April 2008

13 PhD Studentships in Business, Oxford Brookes Univ, UK
Oxford Brookes University
PhD Studentships in the Business School
-Internationalisation of hospitality and tourism firms
-Entrepreneurship in hospitality and tourism industries
-Environmental change in hospitality and tourism industries
-Employment relations implications of public sector reform
-Project-working and organisational learning
-Evaluation of leadership development programmes
-The diffusion of corporate governance mechanisms from the private to
both the public and the NFP sector
-An investigation of governance issues in the investment intermediary
-The evolution of the audit committee
-Climate Change and the Global Economy
-Models and patterns of development in emerging economies
-Consumer behaviour in the marketing of services
-Channel management
Completed applications forms should be sent directly to: Business
School HR Team, Oxford Brookes University, Business School, Wheatley
Campus, Wheatley, OX33 1HX or email
Closing date: 30th April 2008

PhD & Postdoctoral Fellowships United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies
The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies seeks PhD
The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies seeks PhD
& Postdoctoral Fellowships - Sustainable Development
Closing date: 25 April 2008
The United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS)
is now accepting applications for its three fellowship programmes:
UNU-IAS PhD Fellowships, UNU-IAS Postdoctoral Fellowships, and
JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships.
The closing date for applications is 25 April 2008.
Please see website for further details:
UNU-IAS is a multi-thematic, interdisciplinary, research and training
centre located in Yokohama, Japan. The Institute’s fellowship
programmes provide young scientists, policy makers, and developing
country scholars with the opportunity to expand their intellectual
vision beyond a single scientific field.
UNU-IAS PhD and Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered for a period of
10 months beginning in October 2008. JSPS-UNU Postdoctoral Fellowships
are offered for 12-24 months beginning in November 2008.
Postdoctoral candidates must have completed a PhD degree, and PhD
candidates must be at the advanced stage of their doctoral
dissertation. Candidates’ current research must be closely related to
one of the thematic areas of the Institute.

PhD Student Position in Computer Science, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
PhD student position in Computer Science - Intelligent Systems - Biologically motivated object recognition
Institute of Mathematics and Computing Science, University of Groningen
Topic of research
The objective of the project is to develop an object recognition technique that is motivated by the function of the visual cortex. Major aspects are representation and learning.
Type and level of the position
This is a temporary research position at the level of a PhD student for a period of maximum four years. The tuition fees will be waived and the student will receive a full scholarship. In this period the student will follow relevant courses and prepare and defend a PhD thesis. The position is embedded in the research group Intelligent Systems. The tradition of the group is that PhD theses are based on excellent papers in high imact journals so that our PhD graduates have a very strong competative position on the academic market. Thesis director and supervisor will be professor N. Petkov. The University of Groningen is a leading European research university.
Our requirements on your qualifications
You are a university graduate (at the level of diploma or master of science level) in one of the following disciplines: computer science, artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience, electrical engineering, biophysics, physics. You have a demonstrated interest in the neurosciences. You have an excellent academic record (GPA) and belong to the top 5% of the graduates of your year and preferrably have a graduation with a distinction such as honors or cum laude. You are fluent in English language and able to write scientific articles and reports (to be proven by your graduation thesis or another comparable report or co-authorship of published scientific articles).
How to apply
Send the following information:
1. an application letter with a CV,
2. a specification of GPA and transcript of records,
3. an indication of your position in the class and year (e.g. 1st in a class of 20),
4. evidence of excellence (e.g. graduation with honors) and a list of relevant awards,
5. proofs of involvement in research (e.g. co-authorship of scientific articles),
6. a description of your ideas for research in the specified area,
7. names and email addresses of three scientists (typically your former professors) who can give a reference for you.
to prof.dr. Nicolai Petkov (petkov[ at ] Applicants will be asked to do a short assignment in order to demonstrate their research abilities. The position will be open until a suitable candidate is found.
Via: official announcements

PhD Studentship in Computational Chemistry, Molecular Clusters and Climate, the University of Hong Kong
A fully funded PhD position is available immediately in the field of computational chemistry, more specifically in the field of atmospheric water clusters, here in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Hong Kong.
The work is in the field of computational chemistry and deals with cluster structure and stability as well as coupling between atmospheric cluster distribution and climatic impact.
The project will involve modeling energetic and spectroscopic properties of molecular clusters such as, for instance, neutral and ionic water clusters, as well as select metal/water clusters, at ambient and extreme conditions. Several different methodologies will be applied including 1) density functional theory, 2) ab initio methods and 3) time dependent density functional type calculations. All computations will be performed on HPC clusters at the University of Hong Kong.
Successful applicants will join a dynamic, research-oriented department with strong collaborative links to the Physics, Chemistry and other natural science departments as well as to high-performance supercomputing facilities on campus. Applicants should hold a B.Sc. degree (or equivalent) in Geochemistry, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or a related discipline and should be highly motivated to perform fundamental simulation and modeling studies.
Further details may be obtained from Dr. Kono Lemke, Department of Earth Sciences, Pokfulam Road, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, (Tel +852 2241 5474, Fax +852 2517 6912), email: kono[ at ] or kono[ at ] to whom a letter of application, a cv and details of three referees should be sent.

PhD Scholarships in Intelligent Supply Chains, Aalborg University, Denmark
The Center for Industrial Production at Aalborg University ( calls for applications for two vacant PhD scholarships within the area of business process innovation and supply chain management. The PhD scholarships will address the following areas:
1. New methodologies for IT based Innovations in Supply Chains.
2. Methods for developing and implementing intelligent supply chain concepts.
Potential applicants are encouraged to contact Professor Charles Møller, charles[at] for further details.
Application deadline is April, 2008.
The successful applicant must participate in an action research program at Danfoss ( and work with research issues relevant to the program. The Danish PhD stipends are quite generous. There is no tuition, and the salary will be approximately 3.100 Euro per month. Full description of the position is provided at:

MBA Scholarship at ESSEC Business School Paris-Singapore
ESSEC launches the 2008 Excellence Scholarship Program Don`t miss this unique opportunity.
ESSEC, one of the best Business Schools in Europe, will provide scholarships for at least 10 outstanding International ESSEC MBA candidates. On average, Excellence Scholarships will amount to €12 000 and will result in a fee-waiver for that amount.
To be considered for the Excellence Scholarship Program, applicants need to:
* Be non-European Uni Nationals (double nationalities with one European cannot be considered)
* Meet the regular standards for admission onto the ESSEC MBA Program
* Submit a personal essay of one page describing their outstanding qualities and achievements
* Have a GMAT score over 680, or a Tage Mage score over 380
In order to apply for the ESSEC Business School Scholarship Program, you should send your completed application for the ESSEC MBA Program with your personal essay.
Candidates who have already sent their application can send their essay by email to Elizabeth DEMARS.
The deadline for applications is April 30th, 2008.
For more information click here:

Scholarship for Master Students in Computer Science at Korea University
Korea University embraces the challenges of the 21st Century by building new bridges across old boundaries.
These bridges include new educational programs that stress multiple majors and interdisciplinary studies; strategic partnerships with private and public R&D centers that pool resources and promote innovative research; and new international relationships that bring Korea University students together with students, faculty and programs of other leading universities around the world.
Aggressive investments in new research facilities, information systems and infrastructure give these bridges the strength and flexibility to extend far into the next century. Today, Korea University is ranking top 150 in world, top 14 in Asia and 2nd best in South Korea. Our , Department of Computer Science and Engineering, which was founded in 1984, is now training high-quality human resources in computer research and industry field, furthermore leading domestic info-generation technologically, and studying world class of research in computer science.
We are now recruiting Master students (with IITA Korean Government scholarship) who will be active in research projects of both theoretical and practical character. The main focus will be on wireless sensor networks, Ubiquitous Computing Networks and s.
The main application areas are object tracking in wireless sensor networks, RFID middleware, and security issues in WSN, depending on the interest of the student. Students who have experience in programming and especially have hand on experience in simulation will be preferred.
Interested s-tudents , contact me with their CV as soon as possible. so we can send them applications form and futher documents. Scholarship:
1. 100% tuition fee discount for one year (Korea University scholarship)
2. 75% tuition fee discount for one year (Korea University scholarship)
3. IITA Korean Government scholarship ( 800,000 won , around 800 US $ per month) for two years
Ali Kashif Bashir. PhD.
Student / RA Internet Computing Lab
Asan-Science Building.
Room #221 Dept. Of Computer Science,
Korea University, 5ga,
Anam-Dong, Sungbuk-Gu, Seoul,
Korea 136-701
Office: 0082-02-3290- 3568
Fax: +82-02-927-3797
Cell: +82-10-3841- 0138

MSc Scholarships in Management and Information Systems
Two scholarships are being made available to developing country applicants wishing to study on either of the following University of Manchester one-year Masters degrees:
* MSc in ICTs for Development
* MSc in Management and Information Systems: Change & Development
One full (£21,000) scholarship is available on a competitive basis for applicants to any development- related Masters degrees. One partial fee-waiver (£5,500) scholarship is available exclusively for applicants to these two information systems and development- related Masters degrees.
Applicants must have applied, received and accepted a formal offer by 30 June 2008 to be considered.
Further details of these programmes can be found at:
Do please pass on details to any relevant final-year undergraduates.
Richard Heeks
E-mail :
Development Informatics Group, IDPM, SED,
University of Manchester, UK

International Business Master’s programs in Switzerland
The University of St.Gallen (HSG), Switzerland’s leading business schools, is doing A concerted effort to become a central meeting place for students of a variety of cultures from countries outside the European Union. HSG was founded as a business college in 1898 and continued with the aim of providing its more than 5000 students with a leader, internationally focused in practice-oriented education.
* HSG is constantly ranked amongst the top business schools in Europe
* Accreditations by EQUIS and AACSB
* Strong international orientation (34% of students from 79 nations worldwide)
* Scholarships available
Receive your business Master’s title in Switzerland and boost your career prospects. Inform yourself now about our international Master’s programs which are taught in English:
* Strategy and International Management (SIM)
* Quantitative Economics and Finance (MiQE/F)
* International Affairs and Governance (MIA)
* Banking and Finance (MBF)
Time window for enrollment for Master’s programs in the Fall Semester 2008: 1 February to 30 April 2008.
For more information contact:
University of St.Gallen
Dufourstrasse 50
CH-9000 St.Gallen
Phone+41 (0)71 224 2111
Fax +41 (0)71 224 2816

Scholarships in Physics, Astronomy, and Maths - UK
Faculty of Science and Technology University of Central Lancashire UK are able to offer a number of scholarships to help you through your studies and made duty-free. All scholarships are obviously subject to a student continues to study on a course qualify for University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).
Institute of Physics Bursary
The Institute of Physics (IoP - the world organization of professional physicists) has awarded a grant from the ministry, which must be given to a student on one of our courses accredited IoP. They are:
* MPhys / BSc Physics
* MPhys / BSc Applied Physics
* MPhys / BSc Astrophysics
* MPhys / BSc Physics with Astrophysics
* All physics courses via combined Awards
The IoP scholarship has a value for the student to € 1000 for each year of their study - in other words, the award of the student will receive this year for all three (BSc) or four (MPhys) years. If a student is eligible for a Ones to Watch scholarships, bursaries will be additional to these funds. The Department is to be awarded annually to a student of a school in the region around UCLan, who would otherwise find it difficult to attend the university. Contact the Department for details.
From University
In addition to the excellence awards and IoP departmental scholarships, students can apply for support UCLan with students from other departments. The schemes managed by the University include:
* Ones to Watch Awards
* Excellence Awards in sport
* Harris Bursary
Ones to Watch
UCLan’s Ones to Watch scholarships are very simple. Any UK or EU students pay the £ 3000 top-up fee full-time degree courses UCLan is eligible for a Ones to Watch scholarships, provided that the high income in the family has a gross salary less than £ 60000. Note this is the income of high-income, and not the total income for the family. Holders of excellence awards or awards for excellence in sport are not eligible to hold a Ones to Watch scholarships in the same year. However, they may require one in the second and subsequent years of their study.
Any student meeting this criterion will receive £ 1000 for each year of study at UCLan. More details on the Ones to Watch page Scholarships available shortly.
Awards for excellence in sport
UCLan offers up to 20 scholarships for students who demonstrate excellence in one of:
* Women’s Football.
* Cycling.
* Golf.
* Additional sports - any person who got the county / representative honours should contact sports @ uclan group for more details.
These are managed centrally. See excellence in sports pages for all the details available shortly. The winners of these scholarships will receive £ 2000 in their first year of study, are eligible to apply for the Ones to Watch Awards in their second and subsequent years of the study.
Harris Bursary
The Harris Fellowship is named after the patron of the Institute Harris, a first runner UCLan. The fund is financed by donations from students, alumni and staff of the University. These awards are managed centrally, and you should see the top of the award of Harris for details (available soon).
For more Information, Contact
School of Computing, Engineering & Physical Sciences,
University of Central Lancashire,
United Kingdom
Tel 01772 893540
Fax 01772 892996

11 MPhil/PhD Studentships in Humanities and Social Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Exeter
11 MPhil/PhD Studentships in Humanities and Social Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Exeter
Subjects: Arts and Humanities | Social Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences
11 MPhil/PhD Studentships
Join our internationally recognised research community and benefit
from cutting edge research facilities and great funding
opportunities. We are currently offering 11 MPhil/PhD studentships
worth £40,200 over three years across our humanities and social
sciences disciplines.
Available to students enrolled on our programmes beginning in
2008/09, the awards cover:
• Direct payment of tuition fees (at the standard UK/EU rate –
International students will have to the pay the difference between UK
and International fees)
• Maintenance allowance for accommodation and living expenses
• Payment for limited teaching and other duties carried out by the
student for their department
The awards will be made across our Humanities and Social Sciences
Departments as follows:
• 4 awards in History or Classics and/or Ancient History
• 3 awards in Politics and International Relations
• 1 award in Arab and Islamic Studies
• 3 awards in Sociology, Philosophy, Theology (including the Centre
for Genomics in Society)
Studentships are awarded on academic merit and are open to applicants
from the UK/EU and overseas. To be eligible you must have received an
offer from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences for full-time
study for MPhil/PhD by 13 June 2008.
If you’re an exceptional researcher looking for a rewarding
opportunity in a faculty with RAE 5 for all disciplines, £6 million
in research grants, good postgraduate facilities and high student
satisfaction, contact us.
Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019;
See more at
Funding information
Number of awards per year:
Funding applies to:
Open to applicants from a range of countries
Contacts and how to apply
Academic contact:
Tel: +44 (0)1392 264019;
See more at
Application deadline:
13 June 2008

PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - Netherlands
PhD Scholarships in Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics - ICS Netherlands PhS Scholarships Social Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics or Economics
The Interuniversity Center for Social Science Theory and Methodology (ICS) is an internationally renowned research and graduate training school, located in the Netherlands at the Universities of Groningen, Utrecht and Nijmegen.
The ICS offers fully funded Ph.D scholarships for a variety of projects to excellent candidates who recently graduated in one of the social sciences. Graduates in Mathematics, Statistics or Economics are also invited to apply.
The Ph.D students will be appointed for a full four-year period in which the graduates will work on an individual project, leading to a doctoral dissertation. The generous scholarships fully cover tuition, research and living expenses. The salary amounts to appr. €2000,- before taxes in the first year of the appointment, rising to appr. €2558,- before taxes in the fourth year. There are no tuition fees.
The programme (in English) begins September 1st, 2008 and applications should arrive at the ICS before May 1, 2008.
Extensive information on the ICS and the available Ph.D positions can be found on the ICS-homepage:
General information and applications: ms. M. Ristivojcevic-Lefering, Postbus 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, The Netherlands, tel. 00 31 24 361 30 13, E mail:

10 PhD Studentships School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham, School of Psychology: 10 PhD Studentships available for October 2008
The School of Psychology seeks excellent applicants for up to 10
University and Research Council funded research studentships for
students wishing to start a research degree in October.
These studentships are available in any of the areas covered by the
School of Psychology’s three major subject groupings:
(i) Behavioural Neuroscience
(neuroimaging, neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, cognitive
(ii) Developmental, Social and Applied Psychology
(developmental psychology, forensic, clinical, social cognition)
(iii) Language, Cognition and Perception.
(visual perception, reading, speech and gesture production)
Further details on the research groupings can be found here:
More detailed descriptions of the research interests of our staff can
be found here:
The studentships pay the tuition fee and a maintenance allowance
currently £12,600 per annum. Home and international students are
eligible to be considered for these studentships. Tuition fees for
non-EU overseas applicants will be paid at the home tuition fee rate.
Applications and further details can be obtained from:
Mrs Parveen Chahal, Course Administrator
Telephone: 0121 414 4906

PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk
With gross revenue of Rp1.117,7 Billion, PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk, is a public listed company serves approximately 3 Million subscribers in 2007. Under the brand of Fren, Mobile-8 is one of the largest telecommunication companies in Indonesia with CDMA technology and holds a nation-wide license using advanced technology of CDMA 2000 1X that enables us to continuously commit to provide better and innovative products and services to our customers. Fren are now in entire Java Island, Madura, Bali, North Sumatra, South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and South Sulawesi. As part of our commitment to widen the operational coverage and enhance services around Indonesia, we are now looking for self driven and dynamic professional to join our team as:
Operation & Maintenance STAFF
Reporting to Operation & Maintenance Supervisor
Major Duties:
* Support operational and maintenance network
The successful profile will be having:
* Male under 28 years old.
* Minimum S1 Degree from Telecommunication / Electrical Engineering, fresh graduate are welcome to apply.
* Having knowledge of telecommunication especially in cellular and CDMA.
* Having experience in telecommunication project is an advantage.
* Having strong integrity and loyalty.
* Team work player and service oriented.
* Willing to work hard and have a good stamina.
* Having driver license (SIM A).
* Enjoy work in tight schedule & under pressure.
* English ability both oral and writing.
* Willing to be placed out of Java.
Please send your comprehensive resume, not later than 2 weeks to:
Please indicate the position you apply for in the subject of your email.
Deadline : 28 April 2008