We are glad to offers you the possibility to join our European Master Program of Computational Logic. This program is offered jointly at the Free-University of Bozen-Bolzano in Italy, the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany, the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid in Spain and the Technische Universität Wien in Austria. Within this program you have the choice to study at two of the five European universities. You will graduate with a MSc in Computer Science from each of the two universities you have selected. Information on the universities and the program including the application form are provided here:
Language of instruction is English. Tuition fees are 3.000 EUR per year.
We would like to draw your attention to the ERASMUS-MUNDUS scholarship program. The ERASMUS-MUNDUS consortium offers 2-year scholarships of 42.000 EUR for non-EU students in our European Master Program in Computational Logic. EU-students may apply for a three-month scholarship of 3100 EUR for doing their project at NICTA in Australia.
Application deadline is February 10, 2009. Online-applications (pdf-files, ONLY) are possible and must contain:
# Application form
# Curriculum Vitae
# Reports on university examinations (transcripts) and diploma (first degree or bachelor degree). If the bachelor degree will only be available after the deadline, students are required to send us a PRELIMINARY certificate.
# English language certificate (TOEFL and IELTS)
More information on the application procedure are available from:
Do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any further questions.
By the way, the European Parliament has approved Erasmus Mundus II. We
are currently preparing an application. If successful, we will be able
to offer a distributed PhD program in Computational Logic on top of our
European Master's Program in the future.
Many thanks -- Steffen
Kind regards -- Steffen Hölldobler
Prof. Dr. Steffen Hoelldobler
International Center for Computational Logic
Technische Universität Dresden
01062 Dresden, Germany
phone: [+49](351)46 33 83 40
fax: [+49](351)46 33 83 42
email: sh@iccl.tu-dresden.de
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The European Master's Scholarship Program in Computational Logic 2009-2010

Belgium Jobs: Faculty of Engineering of the Ghent University 2009-2010
Several fully funded Ph.D. positions in machine learning, speech recognition, handwriting recognition and robotics are available at the Reservoir Lab
(http://reslab.elis.ugent.be) and the Speech Lab (http://speech.elis.ugent.be), both part of the Electronics and Information Systems Department, faculty of Engineering of the Ghent University, Belgium (http://ugent.be).
Current state-of-the-art speech & handwriting recognition systems still perform much worse than human beings who can effortlessly decode the speech or
handwriting of most people, even in fairly adverse conditions (e.g. the presence of noise in case of speech recognition).
The fact that the human brain works so efficiently is owed to its self-organizing capacity, its deeply hierarchical approach, its adoption of unsupervised and supervised learning strategies, its capacity to adapt almost instantly to new circumstances, etc. Why not try to build an automatic speech recognizer and handwriting recognition engine that incorporates the same principles? This is exactly what we will do in two recently approved projects:
* ?Self-organized Recurrent Neural Learning for Language Processing?
(ORGANIC), funded by
the European Commission within the 7th Framework Program. Details
about the project can
be found at the preliminary reservoir computing website
* ?Reservoir Computing for auditory pattern recognition? (RECAP),
funded by the Research
Program of the Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO).
The research concerns the investigation of architectures and
algorithms for the efficient
learning of large recurrent neural networks based on the Reservoir
Computing concept
(where only a linear readout layer is learned in a supervised way
whereas the recurrent
connections are fixed or trained in an unsupervised way). Important
research topics are
the unsupervised learning of a large hierarchy of recurrent
sub-layers, and the
integration of various adaptation techniques. The application domains
are off-line
handwriting recognition, speech recognition and various aspects of
robotics (such as
robot localization, motion control, ...). So far we were able to
demonstrate that
reservoirs can give rise to the robust recognition of digits spoken or
written in
isolation, but now we want to demonstrate that they can also yield
robust recognition of
continuous speech and handwriting (large vocabulary).
Candidates should have a Masters degree in Electrical, Computer or
Physics Engineering;cor in Physics, Mathematics or Computer Science. A good knowledge of English is essential.
No professional background is required, but the ideal candidates have
some acquaintancecwith Machine Learning, programming (Python, Matlab, ...), statistics, signal processing, speech recognition, control engineering, or robotics.
What we offer
We offer an opportunity to perform at least three years of research in a new promising domain, and to get a doctoral degree in this domain. There will be
ample opportunities for establishing international contacts (stays at partner
universities, participation to international conferences). As an employee of the university you will receive a competitive salary (starting with a net monthly salary of approximately 1.600 Euro) as well as excellent secondary benefits (holiday allowance, etc.). Belgium was ranked first on the ?Best Countries for Academic Research? worldwide list (The Scientist, 2007), and Ghent University was appointed second place on the ?Best Places to Work in Academia?non-US list (The Scientist, 2006).
Application and timing
If you are interested in one of the Ph.D. vacancies, please send in
electronic format to
Benjamin Schrauwen (Benjamin ?dot? Schrauwen ?at? UGent ?dot? be): a
detailed curriculum
vitae, a motivation letter, your course program, your grades, two letters of
recommendation and, if applicable, a publication list and selected
publications. Do also mention your topics of preferences within the projects (e.g. robotics, speech, no preference, etc.).
Some positions start on April 1, 2009, others in September 2009, meaning that persons who expect to graduate in July 2009 are welcome to apply.
Applications which are received before February 1, 2009 get priority.
With kind regards,
Benjamin Schrauwen and Jean-Pierre Martens

Postdoc Positions in Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
We are interested in candidates with experience in experimental research on low temperature solid state nanocircuits, quantum optics or trapped atoms/ions, with an interest in nanofabrication. We may consider hiring a theory post-doc with strong interest in experimental manipulation and measurement, for a limited period. The main focus for a new post-doc will be defined in accordance with his/her interest and the needs of the project.
In Delft we have developed superconducting flux quantum bits. These nanofabricated qubits behave as quantum two-level systems, their coherence time can be microseconds while they can be operated in nanoseconds. Very recently we have developed dispersive readout that allows quantum non-demolition measurement. We also very recently have realized a controlled-NOT gate for two qubits. However, many fundamental questions remain to be answered and many practical aspects need improvement. In the near future we will improve control of the qubits and study entanglement and temporal correlations, back-action of the measurement process, interaction with a harmonic oscillator, the optimal lay-out for a practical multi-qubit quantum information processor. We also want to investigate new designs such as the phase-slip qubit.
Our team at present consists of three senior investigators Hans Mooij, Kees Harmans and Ad Verbruggen (materials aspects), two post-docs and four PhD students. We are part of the Quantum Transport Group where also quantum dot spin qubits and nanowires are investigated. We are members of the FOM concentration group Delft-Leiden on Solid State Quantum Information and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience. In the EU-supported integrated project EuroSQIP we collaborate intensively with European groups. Within EuroSQIP we have three post-doc positions available.
Information is available on the QT website http://kavli.nano.tudelft.nl, from Kees Harmans (c.j.p.m.harmans[ at ]tudelft.nl, tel. +31 15 2785195) and from Hans Mooij (j.e.mooij[ at ]tudelft.nl, tel. +31 15 2786153).
Applications should be addressed to
prof. J.E. Mooij
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience
DelftUniversityof Technology
2628 CJ Delft , The Netherlands
j.e.mooij[ at ]tudelft.nl

The Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund for Master Students, Imperial College London, UK
There are six scholarships available to prospective Masters Students of Imperial College London, intending to commence one of the specific eligible Masters courses in October 2009 - four Shell Centenary Chevening scholarships (jointly funded by TSCSF, Imperial College and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office) and two Shell Centenary scholarships (funded by TSCSF and Imperial College).
Candidates for these scholarships should normally be:
» aged 35 or under
» nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
» intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
» of outstanding academic ability e.g. have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British University
» fluent in spoken and written English
» neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
Please download the following document for further information and a list of the eligible courses:
Shell Scholarship Eligibility Information 2009. Please check you fulfil the necessary criteria before making an application!
In order to be eligible to apply for a Shell scholarship, you must meet the following deadlines:
» Apply for admission to Imperial College by 31 January 2009
» Submit your scholarship application by 1 March 2009
» Hold an offer of admission from Imperial College by 31 March 2009
Scholarship application forms are available to download here:
» Shell scholarship application form 2009 (doc format)
» Shell scholarship application form 2009 (pdf format)
Complete application forms should be returned by the deadline to:
Scholarships Registry: Student Financial Support Team
Level 3, Sherfield Building
Imperial College London
London. SW7 2AZ

CIMB Niaga Scholarship
As business entities responsible for the advancement of education in Indonesia, Bank CIMB Niaga and CIMB Group give Indonesian high-school students the opportunity to get scholarships for studying in Malaysia for a bachelor`s degree in:
1. Micro Financing
2. Economics & Administration
3. Business & Accountancy
4. Syariah Banking
5. Computer Science & Information Technology
The scholarship program will cover the following fees/costs:
1. Screening (TOEFL, psychological,etc) tests
2. University enrolment
3. Tuition
4. Living allowance
5. Health insurance
6. Course books/materials
7. Personal computer
8. Final-year research
9. Passport and exit permit applications at teh Immigration Office and Malaysian Embassy
Scholarship program requirements:
1. Candidates should be Indonesian citizens
2. Average grades should be higher than 8.00 for both the National and Local (School) Examinations
3. Candidates are not participating in any other scholarship
4. Candidates should submit:
- Completed application form
- National Examination and Local (School) Examination results (or legalized copies of school reports for the 5 last semesters)
- Letter of reference from the candidate`s school
- Color 3×4 photographs (2)
Registration procedure:
Interested students should fill in an application form and send it together with all required documents no later than 28 February 2009 to:
Bank CIMB Niaga, for the attention of Aan Haerani, Organization & Strategic Development Group (OSDG)-HR Development at Griya Niaga I, 3rd Floor, Jl. Wahid Hasyim Blok BIV No. 3, Bintaro Jaya Sektor 7, Tangerang,
or via email to: cimbniagascholarship@bniaga.co.id
Bank CIMB Niaga will only consider applications that meet the program requirements, and will not return documents submitted by applicants. Scholarship recipients will be determined by Bank CIMB Niaga and CIMB Group, and the decision will be final. Banki CIMB Niaga will post the names of succesful candidates on the bank`s website no later than 31 July 2009.
Universities and courses are to be determined by Bank CIMB Niaga.
Application deadline is 28 February 2009.
Apply now for CIMB Niaga Scholarship:
* Download the detail requirement
* Application form
Further information or application forms are available from Bank CIMB Niaga`s website at www.cimbniaga.com or CIMB Niaga Head Office.

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)
The Automatic Control Laboratory (Laboratoire d’Automatique, LA,
http://lawww.epfl.ch) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Lausanne (EPFL) is looking for a qualified candidate to undertake doctoral
work in the area of Real-time Optimization of Dynamical Systems.
The project will focus on the use of measurements for real-time
optimization. In particular, it is proposed to formalize some aspects of NCO
tracking, a methodology developed at LA, which turns a dynamic optimization
problem into a feedback control problem.
Applicants should have a strong background in dynamical systems, control,
and optimization and hold a master’s degree in Chemical, Mechanical, or
Electrical Engineering. EPFL offers highly competitive salaries. The
position is available right away, but a start within 3-6 months is possible.
For application, please use the form provided by the doctoral program in
Electrical Engineering
(http://phd.epfl.ch/page76428.html?matrix=1231145247418) and send the
complete application package, indicating your intention to be hired by LA
and including 3 reference letters, to Prof. Bonvin.
Your application will then be forwarded to the doctoral program directly by
LA. Please pay no attention to the deadlines mentioned on the doctoral
school’s webpage, for this position is a specific opening at LA.
For inquiry, please contact:
Prof. Dominique Bonvin
Voice: +41 21 693 3843
Dr. Grégory François
E-mail: gregory.francois@epfl.ch
Voice: +41 21 693 3844
Fax: +41 21 693 2574
Address: Laboratoire d’Automatique
EPFL - Station 9
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Molecular Biology, Yale University
We are inviting applications for two post-doctoral positions from highly enthusiastic molecular biologists with a desire to explore the cellular trafficking of a mutant receptor that causes metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis and to investigate the molecular biology of the pathways that link this mutation to human disease in vitro and in animal models.The available projects are highly important and extremely promising. Our laboratory is at the peak of discovery and productivity.
Prior experience in metabolic pulse-chase labeling, mouse phenotyping formetabolic derangements or atherosclerosis is desirable.
Please E-MAIL a curriculum vitae, statement of interest and the names and contact information of three referees to Dr. Arya Mani: arya.mani[ at ]yale.edu
Yale University School of Medicine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

The 2009/2010 Swiss Government Scholarships for Foreign Students
Through the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), the Swiss Government grants foreign students university scholarships (Swiss universities, Federal Institutes of Technology). These scholarships are offered on the basis of reciprocity (fixed number of scholarships for each country) or within the frame of a scholarship pool (scholarships without fixed distribution by country). They are intended for students who have graduated from university (postgraduates) and who, by staying in Switzerland, will be able to further their education and to undertake research work in the fields in which the Swiss universities are particularly active.
To a limited extent, scholarships are also offered for postgraduate studies at the Universities of Applied Sciences. This applies to the group of Western (AP-1) and Central and Eastern European countries (AP-2) included in the scholarship pool. Students must have graduated from a university or university of applied sciences with at least a Bachelor Degree and enrol in Switzerland for studies at post-graduate level. This offer applies for the seven universities of applied sciences, not including teaching colleges. In the field of the arts (design/music), the conditions for arts students relating to the country offer apply (see below).
This program is valid only for studies in Switzerland. It is not valid for on-the-job studies, part-time studies or correspondence courses.
In the framework of a special allocation, scholarships for advanced arts students (without fixed distribution by country) are offered to the best applicants who are already at an advanced stage of their training. This offer is restricted to those countries which are listed under AR, AP-1 and BR-1 as well as to China and Russia.
The scholarships are offered in principle to foreign governments. The applications have to be submitted for a preliminary selection to the national institution in charge and the Swiss diplomatic representation in the student’s country of origin. The Swiss diplomatic representation will thereupon forward the pre-selected applications to the FCS for definitive selection. Finally the Federal Department of Home Affairs awards scholarships on the advice of the FCS.
As part of a special allocation, the Swiss Government provides a number of additional scholarships to postgraduates from Central and Eastern European countries (pool system, no fixed number of scholarships for each country).
For more information, please refer to the official announcement.

PhD Studentships in Statistics - University of Cambridge
PhD Studentships in Statistics
Vacancy Reference No: LF04227
Limit of tenure applies*
Applications are invited for PhD studentships in Statistics, to be
held in the Statistical Laboratory. The Studentships are associated
with the Cambridge Statistics Initiative which is targeted at the
development of novel statistical methodology, both generic and in
specific application areas. Information about the Laboratory can be
found at www.statslab.cam.ac.uk .
The studentships will provide funding to cover fees at the home/EU
rate. Additional funding for fees for those paying the overseas arts
rate could be available and will be assessed competitively. A stipend
will be paid of at least the equivalent to the national minimum
(£13290 for the academic year 2009/10) for a minimum period of 3 years.
Supervision, along with research training tailored to the needs of the
student, will be provided by the Laboratory. Research interests of
academic staff can be found here .
Applicants must qualify for admission to the PhD course at the
University of Cambridge. They should normally hold (or expect to be
awarded) a first class UK honours degree or equivalent and a
postgraduate qualification in Mathematics or Statistics.
Initial enquiries, which should include a curriculum vitae and an
indication of possible research topics, should be directed to
Professor A.P. Dawid.
* Limit of tenure: 3 years
Closing date: 31 January 2009.

Pre-Doctorate / PhD-level Fellowship in Any Discipline, Le Moyne College, USA
Le Moyne College invites applications for a year-long pre-doctorate Fellowship. The college is committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, and welcomes applications from members of underrepresented groups.
Candidates must be at the ABD stage and nearing the completion of their doctoral dissertation. Candidates from any discipline may apply, but we are especially interested in candidates working in Mathematics, Religious Studies, English, History or Philosophy. At the successful completion of the Fellowship, the Teaching Fellow will receive strong preference in the event that a tenure-track position is authorized.
» Salary and Benefits
» Library privileges, office space and computer
» Mentored by Senior Faculty
» Valuable classroom teaching experience (one course per semester)
» Program dates: August 15, 2009 to August 15, 2010
Candidates must forward a full curriculum vitae, copy of the dissertation proposal and description of teaching interests electronically to lemoynehr[ at ]lemoyne.edu with a subject line of Pre-Doc Fellowship.
Review of applications will begin on January 15, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. Please send Graduate School Transcripts and three letters of recommendation, including one from the dissertation advisor, to:
Le Moyne College
Human Resources Office
Attn: Search Committee Chair Pre-Doc Fellowship
1419 Salt Springs Road
Syracuse, NY 13214
All requested materials must be received in order to be considered for the position. Inquiries can be sent to lemoynehr[ at ]lemoyne.edu
Notification of Selection Committee’s decision will occur no later than April, 2009. Visit our webpage at http://www.lemoyne.edu

PhD Position in Modelling Ocean Circulation, the University of Kiel
The Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences at the University of Kiel (IFM-GEOMAR), is offering 1 PhD position or half Post-doc in the field of transport modelling in the research unit “Marine Meteorology” (working group: Ocean-Middle Atmosphere interaction) of the research division “Ocean Circu-lation and Climate Dynamics”.
Job Description/ Duties
The research is proposed within the WGL project TransBrom (”Very short lived bro-mine compounds in the ocean and their transport pathways into the stratosphere” (www.ifm-geomar.de/~transbrom).
The applicant will investigate the real contribution of marine emissions of very short lived substances on the stratospheric bromine content with the help of coupled chem-istry climate models (CCMs). A Lagrangian transport model will be used for the evaluation of future changes of transport pathways from short lived brominated source gases from the ocean and their entry points into the stratosphere. Different CCMs will be used and compared with each other (i.e. a multi-model mean ap-proach). The CCM simulations are carried out in the framework of CCMVal („CCM Validation“ an initiative of SPARC, www.pa.op.dlr.de/CCMVal). The main focus will be on the analysis of atmospheric dynamics e.g. on the tropical tropopause layer and on the convection.
She/ he will carry out the Lagrangian transport studies, joining a team of scientists in Kiel, collaborating with national and international partners. The successful applicant is expected to analyse the model data and participate in the writing of scientific articles.
» PhD applicants must have a Diplom or comparable degree in meteorology, mathematics, physics, computer science or from related scientific fields.
» Knowledge of transport processes in general, the atmospheric circulation (Hadley and Brewer-Dobson circulation) and of the Tropical Tropopause Layer would be of benefit.
» Experience in the handling of large data sets and a strong background in For-tran and shell programming are necessary. Other software programs of use are Matlab, IDL, grads, cdo, pingo.
» English is the main working language, and a fluent written and speaking ability is required.
» Attendance of yearly CCMVal meetings and international conferences are ex-pected.
The Leibniz institute of Marine Sciences is an equal opportunity employer and en-courages female scientists and scientists with disabilities to apply.
The position is open until it is filled in and it is available for up to 3 years. The salary is up to the class E 13 TV-L of the German tariffs for public employees, depending on qualifications. Please send your full application (including a CV, certificates and the names and addresses of two referees) for this post as soon as possible using the key word TransBrom to the following address:
Leibniz Institute für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
D-12148 Kiel
Please mention the keyword on the envelope and on the application. A re-addressed envelope is greatly appreciated.
For further information please contact Kirstin Krüger (kkrueger[ at ]ifm-geomar.de)
IFM-GEOMAR is a foundation by public law, jointly funded by the federal und state government. The institute is a member of the Leibniz Association (WGL) and the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM). For further information please visit www.ifm-geomar.de.

PhD Position in Chemistry-cloud-climate links in the Marine Boundary Layer, the University of East Anglia, UK
A PhD position for 3 years is available at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK to investigate the role of stratiform clouds for the chemistry and the role of chemistry for cloud properties and climate forcing (funding unfortunately only for UK/EU students).
Clouds have a profound effect on climate due to their ability to reflect sunlight back to space and thermal radiation back to the Earth. At the core of each cloud droplet there is a so-called cloud condensation nucleus (CCN) that determines the properties of the droplet. Many different types of particles act as CCN, each with different properties.
The goal of this project is to improve our quantitative understanding of the bi-directional links between chemistry, the CCN population and stratiform clouds as well as between these clouds and climate (via so-called indirect aerosol effects). Our main interests are stratiform clouds in the marine boundary layer (MBL), how their microphysical and optical properties are affected by chemistry including gas-to-particle formation of new CCN and growth of CCN as well as how the clouds affect the chemistry in the MBL. Furthermore we will examine crucial steps of a widely publicised hypothesis of natural climate regulation (the “CLAW-hypothesis”).
To this end the PhD student is supposed to use the Large Eddy Model, LEM, of the Met Office which will be extended as part of this project to include a simplified description of chemistry and the interaction with warm cloud microphysics. The use of the LEM will give us the opportunity to study whole cloud systems of scales of kilometres with high vertical and horizontal resolution. The results from these model runs will be compared with field data for example from the upcoming VOCALS-Rex campaign to be held in Oct/Nov 2008 in the southeast Pacific. The specific objectives of this studentship are: (1) To quantify the chemical processes that control new particle formation and particle growth in the marine boundary layer (MBL). (2) To quantify indirect radiative effects based on (1). (3) To quantify the impact of aerosol and cloud chemistry on the chemistry in the MBL.
Special issue on the CLAW hypothesis in Environmental Chemistry, December 2007; in this issue: on Glasow, R. von Glasow, R. and P. J. Crutzen, Model study of multiphase DMS oxidation with a focus on halogens,
Webpage of VOCALS project:
Research Areas
Atmospheric Sciences
Keywords: Environmental Chemistry; Atmospheric Physics; Meteorology; Environmental Sciences;
Funding Status: Directly Funded Project (EU) Pre-allocated studentship. School Funding
Suitable First Degree: Atmospheric sciences; Environmental sciences; Physics; Chemistry; Mathematics
Closing date: 30th January 2009

PhD Positions in Privacy, IT Security and in Computer Networking, Karlstad University, Sweden
Karlstad University invites applications for:
Two Ph.D. positions in Computer Science with specializations in Privacy & IT Security and in Computer Networking
1) PhD position in Privacy & IT Security, 100% , Reference FAK1 2008/176
The Ph.D. position is available within the Privacy & Security Group at the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University.The Privacy & Security Group is focusing on privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), network and operating system security, as well as usability of security & PETs.
Qualifications: Qualified for this position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master’s degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör Degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Knowledge or experience in some of the areas of IT security, wireless communication security, PETs or usability of security & PETs is desirable.
2) PhD position in Computer Networking, 100% , Reference FAK1 2008/175
The Ph.D. position is available within the Distributed Systems and Communications Research Group (DISCO) at the Department of Computer Science at Karlstad University. Research within DISCO is focused on development of transport and application layer protocols, cross-layer interactions and the design of future 4G wireless systems, including Wireless Mesh and AdHoc Networks.
Qualifications: Qualified for this position are candidates with a University degree of 240 ECTS, from which at least 60 ECTS were awarded for courses at advanced level and have a Master’s degree or the Swedish Magister or Civilingenjör Degrees in Computer Science or Computer Engineering, or equivalent. Qualified are also those candidates who have achieved corresponding degrees and/or knowledge in Sweden or abroad.
Some background in computer networking or telecommunication as well as good programming skills is required for the position. Knowledge or experience in some of the areas of transport or application layer protocols, wireless networks, cross layer interactions or performance evaluation of computer networks is desirable.
Admission (for both positions): On the basis of individual assessment of the candidates’ abilities to successfully pass the research education. The earliest date for filling the position is the 1st April 2009. The position is limited to 4 years, but can be prolonged for up to one more year, if the PhD student also takes on other research, teaching or administrative tasks besides his/her PhD research. Those tasks should not exceed 20% of the time of a full-time position.
Application: Your application should contain a cover letter motivating your reasons for applying, a CV, copies of your degrees, a list of attended courses with grades and dates, if applicable copies of publications or proofs of other achievements, and reference letters or contact addresses of reference persons. Please also refer to the position that you want to apply for.
More information:
Professor Simone Fischer Hübner: Simone.Fischer-Huebner[ at ]kau.se (for the PhD position in Privacy & IT Security)
Professor Anna Brunstrom: Anna.Brunstrom[ at ]kau.se (for the PhD position in Computer Networking).
Union representative for SACO Thomas Wennstam (Thomas.Wennstam[ at ]kau.se) and for OFR Barbro Berglund (Barbro.Berglund[ at ]kau.se).
All persons are available at +46 54-700 10 00.
Applications with Reference Numbers should be sent to:
Karlstad university
Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT
Closing date: 2009-02-08.

Durham University Doctoral Fellowship 2009/2010, UK
The University offers a generous package of support to outstanding doctoral research students through the Durham University Doctoral Fellowship scheme. The scheme provides:
» Full payment of tuition fees at home or overseas rate
» A maintenance stipend at the national rate (£13,290 in 2009/10)
» A research training support grant (£1,000 in 2009/10)
» An allowance to attend the North East local Grad School.
Applicants must meet the standard University and department admissions criteria and have applied to the University for admission in the session 2009/10, as a registered research student, to a course of full-time study for a PhD. Students who are already registered for a PhD course are not eligible to apply for an award.
Nature of Awards
Awards will normally be extended for another two years subject to progress being deemed satisfactory by the academic department and the Graduate School’s Postgraduate Awards Sub-Committee. If extended, the award would continue to provide a full waiver of fees, a maintenance award at the nationally agreed rate and a research training support grant.
Fellows will be required to participate in a programme of academic activities designed to further enhance their development as researchers. Details of this programme will be provided to Fellowship holders at the start of their programme of study.
Applications and Deadlines
Applicants should submit an application for postgraduate study using the standard on-line application procedure; there is no separate application form. In the standard on-line application form, in the section entitled “References, Finance and Funding”, you should state that you wish to be considered for a Durham University Doctoral Fellowship in response to the question concerning how you intend to finance your studies (you should also mention any other applications you intend to make for financial support or sources of income already obtained).
Only those on-line applications submitted by 03:00 GMT on Monday 16 February 2009will be considered for a Durham University Doctoral Fellowship. All additional documentation (references, transcripts etc) must have been received in the Student Financial Support Office by Friday 27 February 2009. Successful candidates will be notified of their award on Friday 3 April 2009; unfortunately, unsuccessful candidates will not be notified and so we would like to thank all applicants now for their interest in Durham University.
Please see the guidance below for further information on the Durham University Doctoral Fellowship Scheme, including how to apply.
Durham University Durham Doctoral Fellowship Guidance 2009/10.
Closing date: 16 February 2009