The Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University advertises three Ph.D. student positions in ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY
*focusing on*
1. *Boundary layer meteorology* (ref. no. 617-2737-07)
2. *Integration of meteorologic/oceanographic models with economy models* (ref. no. 617-2738-07)
3. *Interaction between aerosols and large scale circulation systems in the atmosphere* (ref. no. 617-2739-07)
*Position no. 1:* The successful candidate will be working on parameterisations of boundary layer processes in regional and global climate models. The work may include analysis of observations but the main focus will be on model evaluation and development.
*Position no. 2:* The successful candidate’s thesis work will be directed towards en integration of meteorologic/oceanographic models with economy models. A close cooperation with a PhD student at the Institute of International Economic Studies, Stockholm University is foreseen.
*Position no. 3:* The successful candidate will study the interaction between aerosols and atmospheric large scale circulation systems and precipitation patterns.
The initial appointment is for one year and can be prolonged to a maximum of four years full-time studies. The selection of a successful candidate will be based on previous academic records and on the applicant’s ability to pursue research training. In addition to the PhD studies the student may also be asked to work with departmental duties such as teaching (max. 20%).
*Detailed information* can be obtained (position no. 1) from Gunilla Svensson, tel: +46 8 164337, e-mail:, and (positions no. 2 and 3) from Erland Källén, tel: +46 8 162396, e-mail:, Annica Ekman, tel: +46 8 162397, e-mail: and Kristofer Döös, tel: +46 8 161734, e-mail
Trade union representatives: Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (ST/ATF) and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO) telephone +46 8 162000.
Applications quoting the reference number (SU 617-2737-07 for position 1, SU 617-2738-07 for position 2, and SU 617-0739-07 for position 3) should be sent to
Stockholm University
*106 91 Stockholm
Applications should arrive no later than *31 January 2008*. Applications initially sent by fax (to Registrar, +46-8-16 38 66) or by e-mail ( must be followed by signed originals as soon as possible.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
3 PhD positions at Stockholm University, Swedia

PhD Studentship in Image Processing for Precision Farming Technology, Malaysia
The Vision & Robotics Research Group (VIROB) is the expertise centre - at the Faculty of Engineering, National University of Malaysia - for machine vision technology. VIROB possesses comprehensive knowledge in the area of system integration and technology development and has product- and process knowledge to implement innovations together with industries. In addition, it has good networking with universities, knowledge organizations and engineering companies within and outside Malaysia. VIROB therefore plays a pivoting role in the coordination of supply and demand of such knowledge and technology. Our research areas range from fundamental computer vision methodologies to machine vision applications.
PhD details
The candidate will be required to carry out international level research in image analysis, features extraction and classification. This will involve developing a novel and robust technique for automated vision recognition for data collection in precision farming technology. The candidate would be expected to have a higher honours degree in electrical or computer science discipline. Prior computer vision experience, programming in MATLAB & C would be advantageous. This research will be supervised by Prof. Dr. Mohd Marzuki Mustafa and Prof. Dr. Aini Hussain.
The studentship will be funded for up to 3 years (subject to satisfactory progresssion) at a level of RM1,800/month. University fee and living cost are not covered.
For application, please send CV, Certificate and Transcript of Bachelor & Master Degree to
Slamet Riyadi
Research Assistant
Vision & Robotics Research Group
Dept. of Electric, Electronics & System Eng.
Faculty of Engineering, National University of Malasyia
Bangi 43600 Selangor Malaysia

MSc & PhD, Computer & Information Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
It’s said that there are still several vacancies available. However, I got this information from a friend of a friend. I’m only forwarding, for anyone’s benefit.
College of Computer & Information Sciences (CCIS) has a number of positions for full-time researchers (Male/Female) in Computer Science, Information Systems and Computer Engineering to participate on scientific research projects in information, computer sciences and related areas.
Candidates from all areas of computer science, Information systems and computer engineering are welcome to apply. Areas of research interest in CCIS include:
1. Software Engineering
2. Database Systems
3. Distributed Systems
4. Image Processing
5. Simulation & Modeling
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Arabic Computational Linguistics
8. Object Oriented Technologies
9. Networks & Internet Technologies
10. Computer Architecture & VLSI
11. Computer Security
12. E-business / ERP Systems
The positions are available for juniors and seniors researches. Journal publications in computer science and/or related fields are required for senior researchers.
Eligible researchers will be awarded scholarships to enroll in the college graduate programs (MSc and PhD). All candidates will participate in teaching undergraduate courses. The candidate is expected to have a light teaching load (one or two courses, 15 hours per week), so that he/she can concentrate mostly on research activities.
Candidates are required to have a BSc or MSc in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related field. Fluency in English, an outstanding academic /research record and a very good potential to develop an outstanding research career is required.
A letter of application, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, resume and a list of three references should be sent by electronic submission to or send to:
Dean of College of Computer & Information Sciences
P. O. Box 51178, Riyadh 11543, Saudi Arabia
Or fax: +966-467-5630