Applications are invited for a number of PhD studentships in the Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK. The Department of Mathematics covers a range of applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics research. It has an international reputation for excellence in each of these areas and in the 2001 Research Assessment Exercise it was awarded ratings of 5*A for Applied Mathematics, 5B for Pure Mathematics and 5*A for Statistics.
The department offers a number of studentships up to a maximum of 3.5 year studentships for UK and EU PhD students who have been residents in the UK for 3 years prior to application, and fees-only funding for other EU students. The studentships include a tax-free stipend of £12,600 per year. Other sources of funding including the Overseas Research Studentship and Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Award are available to non-EU students. In particular, the Statistics group offer 2 studentships with 4 years of funding provided by the SuSTaIN (Statistics underpinning Science, Technology and Industry) initiative, to cover a 1 year MRes course followed by a 3 year PhD degree with a supplement of £1500 per year.
The studentships will be restricted to students of a high quality - the normal entry requirement is the equivalent of a First Class or Upper Second Class Honours at undergraduate level.
Study is based around research themes within each group. The Applied Mathematics group covers research in dynamic systems, fluid dynamics, quantum chaos, quantum information and random matrix theory. The Pure Mathematics group contributes to research in analysis and partial differential equations, number theory, non-commutative geometry and topology, representation theory, set theory and logic. The research themes in the Statistics group include applied probability, Bayesian modelling and analysis, behavioural Biology, Monte Carlo, multiscale methods, nonparametric regression, optimisation under uncertainty, statistical bioinformatics, statistical signal processing, and time series.
Details of some possible PhD projects are available at the website along with more information concerning groups, including funding schemes. Applicants within the UK are encouraged to attend the Mathematics Postgraduate Open day on January 23rd, 2008, at the University of Bristol. Please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator, Ms Yelena Liskevich (y.liskevich[ at ] with any further questions that are not answered by the booklets available on the website, including qualifications and eligibility for funding.
Applications should be made on the official form, available from Candidates are encouraged to apply as early as possible, preferably by the end of March.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
PhD Studentships in Mathematics, University of Bristol, UK

PhD Student in Computational Fluid Dynamics, City University of New York (CUNY), USA
A PhD student is sought in computational fluid dynamics/computational engineering at City College, the City University of New York (CUNY). The successful candidate is expected to work on numerical simulation of flow problems, such as ocean/coastal flows, environmental flows.
The candidate must be highly motivated, goal-oriented and have:
* Master degrees (applied math, civil, oceanography, mechanical, etc.)
* Solid background in mathematics as well as engineering
* Good knowledge of Fortran, C/C++
Background in both math and engineering is especially welcome (e.g., BS in math, MS in eng, fluid related). Preference will be given to whom with previous experience in programming, flow modeling algorithm development, and MPI.
The City University of New York is the USs leading urban public university serving more than 400,000 students at 23 colleges in New York City. City College, the flagship campus of the university, is located in Manhattan and draws students from around the world. City College is ranked among the top US universities for producing engineers, business executives, scientists (including 8 Nobel prize winners, Fields medallists, and etc.).
Review of applications is under going. To apply, please send a CV, list of publications (if any), and names of 2 references to:
Prof. Hansong Tang
Dept. of Civil Eng., City College
The City University of New York
138th Street & Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031 , USA
htang[ at ]
Or, apply at the schools web at:

Research Studentships in Computing and Information Technology, University of Wolverhampton, UK
Research Studentships
School of Computing and Information Technology
Full-time University Research Studentships (£12,600 per annum bursary, fees waived) in Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Computer Mediated Learning, Wireless Sensor Networks, Games and Media Computing.
The School of Computing and IT is committed to extending its strength in established research areas by award of two fully-funded, three-year, full-time doctoral research studentships, available to both home and overseas students on a competitive basis.
The School has vibrant research programmes in pervasive and mobile computing, centred around location based services and wireless sensor networks, games and media computing and statistical cybermetrics. In addition to funded research projects in these areas, we also undertake a variety of technology transfer activities with regional companies.
Studentships may be awarded against research proposals in any of the following areas:
* Location based services, particularly applied to learning and culture.
* Mobile information systems.
* Pervasive sensing networks.
* Electronic, Mobile or Games Learning.
* Artificial intelligence in computer games.
* Home and health informatics.
Candidates should hold a good honours or masters degree from a recognised institution in a relevant subject (Candidates who expect to complete their studies for qualifying awards this academic year are welcome to apply).
Potential candidates should contact Helen Williams (h.williams[ at ] , +44 (0)1902 321421) for an Expression of Interest form, which should be returned by 31 March 2008. After an initial selection, continuing candidates will be contacted by a member of the school’s staff, who will support the development of a research proposal, to be presented as part of the final selection, which will occur on 16 April 2008. Candidates must be available at the University on that day to present their proposal in person.
Deadline: 31 March 2008

PhD Scholarship in Information Security, University College London, UK
Applications are invited for a PhD Scholarship from students interested in pursuing a PhD in Computer Science on a topic in Information Security. The PhD work can be on cryptography, network security or critical infrastructures etc.
We are seeking a talented graduate with at least an upper second class honours degree (first class honours preferred), or equivalent, in computer science, information security or similar. Students with a strong background in mathematics (in particular algebra, combinatorics, discrete mathematics and number theory) and/or algorithms are encouraged to apply.
University College London (UCL) is a leading UK research university. It is regularly ranked in the top five universities in the UK. The Department of Computer Science at UCL is one of the largest Computer Science departments in the UK, and UCL’s Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus has been established by UCL as an independent research and postgraduate teaching institute at Adastral Park, Ipswich.
The studentship is for three years and covers payment of tuition fees at either the UK/EU or overseas rate plus an annual stipend of £14,622.
In order to be considered for the above studentship, please complete an application form from where guidelines can also be found.
Candidates should indicate on the application form under ‘UCL Department’ - Adastral Park, and ‘Programme of Study’ - the name of the supervisor, Professor Y Desmedt.
Two complete sets of the application should be sent, one to UCL Registry in London (as indicated on the website) and the other to:
Mrs C Churcher, UCL Adastral Park Postgraduate Campus, Ross Building PP3, Adastral Park, Martlesham Heath, Suffolk, IP5 3RE, UK, or to c.churcher[ at ] (to whom informal enquiries may also be directed, telephone 01473-663723).
The closing date for applications is Thursday, 1st May 2008.

10 PhD positions in CS, University College Dublin, Ireland
PhD Positions in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
UCD School of Computer Science and Informatics
UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
The Systems Research Group is now seeking well-qualified, motivated
PhD researchers who want to be part of the second phase of our
development into a world-class research group in systems and software
technology. The SRG focuses on the systems aspects of computer
science: how individual components are created and composed to create
large-scale, highly functional adaptive systems.
To date the group has secured over €5m in funding from a variety of
sources in the areas of pervasive computing, visualisation, systems,
software verification, software engineering, digital radio hardware,
semantics and software tools. In addition the group works closely
with industry partners such as IBM, Intel, Microsoft Research,
Oracle, and Hewlett Packard.
About the SRG:
The SRG started in April of 2005 and has now grown to encompass five
faculty, five postdoctoral researchers and over 30 Ph.D. students.
The SRG is located in the School of Computer Science and Informatics,
University College Dublin (UCD) in Dublin, Ireland. UCD has over
22,000 students including 2,500 international students from over 80
countries and is situated on a large modern campus 4 km to the south
of the centre of Dublin.
The Irish Government (SFI/Forfas) Baseline Study that ranked Irish
research groups identified the School of Computer Science and
Informatics at University College Dublin as the best Computer Science
department in the country, having “a very strong impact
internationally in their research.”
Positions: (updated as positions are filled)
Title: Applied Formal Methods - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Dr.Joe Kiniry & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Further Details:
Title: Electronic Engineering Digital Signal Processing - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Dr.Chris Bleakley & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Title: Embedded Systems - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Dr.Simon Dobson, Dr.Chris Bleakley & Prof.Paddy Nixon.
Title: Evidence Based Tissue Micro Array (TMA) Image Classification -
1 Position.
Supervisor: Dr.Aaron Quigley
Further Details:
Title: Autonomic Configuration Manager (Oracle) - 1 Position.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon & Dr.Aaron Quigley.
Title: Pervasive Systems and Middleware - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon, Dr.Aaron Quigley & Dr.Simon Dobson.
Title: Pervasive and Personalisable Health Technology - 2 Positions.
Supervisors: Prof.Paddy Nixon, Dr. A. Quigley, Dr. S. Dobson, Dr. C.
Application Procedure:
Applicants for PhD Positions should have/expect to achieve at least a
2.1 in Computer Science, Electronic Engineering or a related
discipline with a keen interest in research. Informal enquiries to
Professor Paddy Nixon, School of Computer Science and Informatics,
All applicants should return a completed application form with
referee reports and CV to: with the the Title of
the PhD for which they are applying in the `subject line’.

Research Fellow Positions on Nanoelectronics and Micro/Nano Fluid Dynamics, Singapore
Two Research Fellow positions (postdoctoral position) are available in
the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, School of Physical and
Mathematical Sciences at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
The positions are in the interdisciplinary field of Nanoelectronics
and Micro/Nano Fluid Mechanics and are available for immediate
Position 1:
We are looking preferably for a researcher holding a PhD in
Electronics, Electrical Engineering, or Nanoelectronics. Her/His task
will be the development of thin-film resistance sensors using
lithographic techniques and the designing of fast constant current
feedback electronic circuitries. The Research Fellow will develop this
novel device for probing the fluid mechanics present in ultrasonic
cleaning. This position is initially available for 12 month and
renewal will be based mutual agreements. Good communication skills in
English, experiences in the clean-room/nanofabrication, and the design
of analog circuitry are required. Additional knowledge in the fields
of acoustics, fluid-mechanics, or physics is a plus. If interested,
please send your CV and names/contacts of two references to Dr. Tom Wu.
Position 2:
The second position should be filled with a Researcher holding a PhD
in Physics, Chemical or Mechanical Engineering. The candidate should
have experience in experimental research in fluid mechanics and
ideally in acoustics, too. In this 36 month research project she/he
will study the wall shear stress on a microscopic level with the help
of novel sensor developed in-house. For the calibration of the sensor
some experience in operating pulsed lasers and high-speed photography
equipment is desired. Although, the research project is focused on the
experimental side, candidates with a background in numerical
simulations (boundary element method or finite-element method) are
favorably considered. Good communication skill in English and a
curious character are necessary to successfully complete this
challenging interdisciplinary research project. If interested, please
send your CV and names/contacts of two references to Dr. Claus-Dieter Ohl.