RMIT is a global university of technology based in Melbourne, with a commitment to and reputation for high quality professional and vocational education and research engaged with industry and community.
A three year scholarship is available for a person who has an Honours degree in Materials Science or Engineering Physics or related discipline in a project - developing advanced coatings for cutting tools.
Reference Number: 505333
Portfolio: Science, Engineering & Technology
School: Applied Sciences
Campus: Melbourne - CBD
This is an Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) that commences January 2009. This award is part of a recent successful Australian Research Council grant “Designing the Next Generation of High Performance Cutting Tools”. The project team includes Prof. Dougal McCulloch and Prof. Derry Doyle at RMIT University and Dr Steve Dowey from Sutton Tools (an Australian company which is the largest manufacturer of cutting tools in Australia).
The aim of this project is to develop new directions in the manufacture of cutting tools such as drills and taps by creating new engineered interfaces and coatings that maximise performance.
To apply please send a covering letter stating your reasons for wishing to take up this scholarship and curriculum vitae to:
Professor Dougal McCulloch,
Applied Physics, School of Applied Sciences,
RMIT University,
GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne,
Victoria 3001
by email to
Applications close: 5 December 2008.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
PhD Studentship in Materials Science / Engineering Physics, RMIT University, Australia

PhD Scholarships in Neuroengineering, Robotics and Navigation and Computing in Structural and Cell Biology, Luebeck University, Germany
The Graduate School of Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences (funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG, and the German Government within the German university excellence program) at Luebeck University is now offering Ph.D. scholarships for the following 13 projects: (after you click)
Branch I: Neuroengineering, Robotics and Navigation
* New Methods for Brain Mapping and Imaging
* Robotics and Neuro-Rehabilitation
* Brain Plasticity
* Navigation Methods in the Deep Brain
* Functional Neuroanatomy
* Human-Computer Interfacing
Branch II: Computing in Structural and Cell Biology
* Macromolecular Crystallography and Informatics
* Inhibitor design
* Algorithms in Molecular Biology
* Determination of patterns predictive for protein topogenesis
* Computational analysis of RNA structure
* Workflows for the analysis of whole genome SNP chips
* Adult stem cells
Please visit our website for more detailed descriptions of the projects. Ph.D. Scholarships amount between 1250 € and 1711 € per month.
Students with a master’s degree (or its equivalent) in science, mathematics or engineering are invited to apply for admission. Individuals holding an excellent bachelor’s degree in science, mathematics or engineering as well as those with an excellent medical doctor’s degree may also be eligible for application after consulting the school’s board of examiners. In certain cases, students must submit, as part of their application, the results of one of the acknowledged language tests to prove their English proficiency.
For further information, please visit our website at
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions via email: before sending your application.
Best wishes from Luebeck,
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard
University of Lübeck
Graduate School for Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences?
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Achim Schweikard?
Ratzeburger Allee 160?
23538 Lübeck

PhD and Postdoctoral Positions in Smart Optics Systems, Delft Center for Systems and Control, TU Delft, The Netherlands
The Delft Center for Systems and Control announces 5 PhD Positions in Smart Optics Systems and 1 Postdoctoral position, by Michel Verhaegen (Delft Center for Systems and Control)
The field of smart optics systems is characterized by the use of deformable mirrors, lenses and wavefront sensors and intelligent image processing to enhance the image quality in real-time of scientific observation equipment. The improvement of the resolution of images is crucial in all areas of image analysis, ranging from (biomedical) imaging, astronomy, lithography to optical communication and laser material processing.
The development of the next generation of smart optics systems in order to enhance the widescale industrial use of this technology, a new development strategy has been proposed by leading researchers from the TU Delft. This new strategy calls for the optimization of both smart optics components as well as their interaction, i.e. a global systems optimization view. Sponsored by the
Dutch National Science Foundation STW a program with 20 PhD students has been approved in November, 2008.
Within this program (, new microscopic instruments, active mirrors for lithography, integrated image processing and active optics and active laser technology will be developed. These new instrument developments will be done in multidisciplinary research projects bringing together the universities of Delft, Eindhoven, Twente, Utrecht and Rotterdam, the research laboratories TNO and FOM Institute for Plasma Physics and industrial partners, like ASML, Zeiss, Leica, Philips, Nikon.
In you have top qualifications and are interested in the innovative control engineering aspects (robust nonlinear, adaptive data driven control with 3D images) that need to be tackled in each of the 5 ambitious teams of PhD/postdoc’s developing these new instruments, please contact Prof. Michel Verhaegen of the Delft Center for Systems and Control, at
Brief summary of the 5 PhD projects:
1. Integrated High Resolution Observing through Turbulence (active partners in addition to the systems and control lab, TNO, Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University): Robust 2D-distributed image feedback control.
Application: diffraction limited observation with (solar) telescopes, longe-range cameras, surveillance camera’s and free optical communication.
2. Integrated Smart Microscopy (active partners in addition to the systems and control lab, TU Delft – Electronic Instrumentation lab, TU Delft – Dept. of imaging science & tech, Biomedical Imaging Group, Erasmus university, Rotterdam and Optical Imaging Centre, Erasmus university, Leica, Scientific Volume Imaging, Flexible Optical): Integrated optimization of adaptive optics control and adaptive post-processing of 3D image data.
Application: biomedical imaging with improved resolution optical (confocal) microscopes.
3. Smart Microscopy of Biological systems (active partners in addition to the systems and control lab, Molecular Biophysics group and Astronomical Institute of Utrecht University of the Utrecht University, Nikon, TNO, Philips and Flexible Optical): Improving convergence speed of adaptive optics correction taking nonlinear aberrations and measurements into account.
Application: Molecular biophysics.
4. Image Manipulation for Wafer Plane Conformity in Optical Lithography systems (active partners in addition to the systems and control lab, TU Delft – Mechatronic System Design group, TU Eindhoven – Control Systems Technology, ASML, TNO): Reducing static and dynamic aberrations in the optical path in a lithographic process using EUV.
5. Adaptive Optics: high resolution optics by adjustable component (active partners in addition to the systems and control lab, TU Delft – Mechatronic System Design group, TU Eindhoven – Control Systems Technology, ASML, TNO): Data driven control for Adaptive Optics and vibration reduction in lithographic processes.
The postdoctoral researchers has a focus on integral optimization of the overall smart optics system.

PhD Studentships in Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
A new National Graduate Dental Research School has been established at four Institutions in Sweden, funded by the Swedish Research Council, with approximately 2.5 MSEK per year for five years. Dental research will be supported within the Graduate School to create a network between the four Institutions, and research from medical and other faculties. A key aim is that graduate students will gain insight into both biomedical and clinical research, which will contribute to the establishment of a translational research environment.
Within this framework 2 PhD studentships are available at the Center for Oral Biology, to investigate;
Nerve-target interactions in teeth and bone. Neural growth factors and mineralization
Project 1: Nerve growth factors and mineralization
This project will test the hypothesis that neurotrophic factors, in addition to their roles in innervation, influence mineralization during dentinogenesis and osteogenesis. If so, malfunctions associated with these factors could cause disturbances both in sensory nerve functions and in hard tissue formation
Project 2: Cellular and biomolecular interactions of osteoadherin with neurotrophic factors
Mineralizing tissue cells are reported to synthesize and secrete neurotrophic factors, and it has been hypothesized that in addition to their role in neural development, these factors may influence hard tissue formation. Candidate molecules for such an interaction include the small leucine-rich family of proteoglycans (SLRPs), which are recognized as not only having a part to play in maintaining shape and providing biomechanical strength to organs and tissues, but also exhibit direct and indirect cell signaling properties. In turn this can affect cell recruitment, proliferation, migration and differentiation. This project will investigate in detail the cellular and biomolecular interactions of nerve growth factors with the only recognized hard tissue-specific SLRP reported to date, osteoadherin (OSAD).
For more detailed information on the projects
Professor Kaj Fried
+46 8 524 878 53
Kaj.Fried[ at ]
Dr Rachael Sugars
+ 46 8 746 02 35
Rachael.Sugars[ at ]
Last date of application: 15th December 2008
Applications to be sent to:
c/o Lena Jarsman
Karolinska Institutet
Institute of Odontology
Box 4064
14104 Huddinge, Sweden
Quote reference: 4117/2008 Project 1, 4119/2008 Project 2

PhD Studentship in The Impact of Sustainable Technology On Office Building Energy Use, Using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), University of Central Lancashire, UK
School of Built and Natural Environment, Reference No RS/08/14
Applications are invited for a full-time studentship available in the School of Built and Natural Environment in the Faculty of Science and Technology. The studentship is tenable for up to 3 years for the MPhil/PhD (subject to satisfactory progress). The studentship will cover the cost of tuition fees at UK/EU rates plus a stipend of £12,940 per annum. International applicants may apply but will be required to pay the difference between UK/EU and international fees. The successful applicant will start on 1st January 2009.
LCA is a tool for assessing sustainability by investigating the environmental impact of a product or service in quantitative way throughout its life cycle. The concept life cycle to be used in this research incorporates an expansion both temporal (from cradle to grave) and spatial compared to the product or services (ISO 14000 series). Initially, the LCA has been used extensively for short life cycle products such as packaging to assess the environmental impact of these products. However, recently its usefulness has been extended and successfully applied to long life products such as those in building materials (Erlandson, 1995; Jonsson, 1995). Existing research on LCA has been applied to assess the impact of eco building materials to the environment (Junnila & Horvard, 2003; Poulsen & Borg, 2000), however less research focus on the use of sustainable technology in buildings and its contribution for reducing energy demand and potential for cost saving in the long term. This is somewhat surprising given that the importance of sustainable technology in reducing environmental burden is undoubtedly well known.
The statistics indicates that in the EU, buildings contribute to over 40% of the total energy use (CIB, 1999). Furthermore the construction sector has been estimated to be responsible for roughly 40% of the overall environmental burden (U.S. DOE 2002, Sjöström 2000, UNEP 1999). This studentship proposal will focus on office buildings as there is some clear evidence that energy reduction attached to office buildings are already appearing. For example, in the UK, some 25% of the new office buildings acquire an environmental assessment and energy certificate (Hasegawa 2002). Similarly, many international companies have stated that the major parts of the environmental impact they generate are connected to the use of office buildings (Swiss Re 2002, Kesko 2002, and Royal & SunAlliance 2001).
Many studies have revealed that proper use of sustainable technology in office buildings such as passive design, heat loss reduction with different thermal admittance (U-Value) materials, day lighting harvesting technology and controls, energy efficient lamps in office; have a strong contribution to make in reducing energy demand, (Kim S.Y., Mistrick. R., 2001). The potential impact of BS products in the office in reducing the environmental burden and to cost saving is often substantial (Rosenblum et al. 2000; BSRIA, 1996). This studentship will use LCA to investigate the impact of Sustainable Technology on office building energy use using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
Applicants should have, or expect to receive, a second class (upper division) honours degree or above (or equivalent qualification) in a related discipline.
Informal queries about the project may be directed to Dr Rusdy Hartungi (+44 1772 893741, or email rhartungi[ at ]
Requests for an application pack (quoting the reference number RS/08/14) should be directed to the Graduate Research Office. Tel +44 (0)1772 895082 or e-mail researchdegrees[ at ]
Interviews will be held on 24th November 2008.
Closing Date: Friday 17th November 2008.

Open PhD Positions in Physics, International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), Germany
To apply for a place in the IMPRS Elementary Particle Physics Ph.D. program you need to have a Diploma Degree or a Master of Science Degree in Physics with excellent results, a written Diploma or Master of Science THESIS documenting at least about 6 months of research, very good English language skills. You have to fill out and to submit the electronic Application Form.
You will receive a confirmation email upon successful submission. Please contact us if this is NOT the case. Without this form, your application will NOT be considered.
Your application has to contain:
* your CV in pdf (preferred) or doc format,
* your certificates (such as the Diploma or the Master of Science Degree and your grades) as a zipped or a gzipped tar file (preferred) or as paper copies,
* two letters of recommendation.
Note that we will NOT approach your referees. YOU have to ask your referees to send to us these letters directly by email to: (preferred) or by postal mail so that they arrive before the deadline.
Incomplete Applications will not be considered!
The next deadline for applications is January 5th, 2009
Postal mail address:
Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
IMPRS EPP c/o F. Rudert
Föhringer Ring 6
80805 München

PhD Scholarship in Road-mapping for Design and Innovation, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Applicants are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Management Engineering, the Technical University of Denmark for appointment 1 January 2009.
The aim of the project is to analyse road-mapping methods, their contexts and their use as a strategy tool in industrial product development and in public governance of strategic research. A critical analysis of the assumptions and theoretical foundation of road-mapping methods will also be part of the research. Road-mapping is seen as a strategic management tool in strategic research, design and innovation activities.
Description of the project
Road-mapping has gained international recognition as part of a broader discussion of R&D management and governance of strategic research. Road-mapping has been developed as a management tool for aligning strategic research, product development and marketing activities. As such it can be used in different contexts for making decision about research strategies and putting priorities on product development, design ideas and investments in innovation.
Much of the scientific literature on road-mapping is rather descriptive and focused on practical use and experiences. There is a need for developing the theoretical foundations as well as the methodology used in road-mapping. Theoretical contributions can be found in the fields of strategic management (with emphasis on learning, decisions and strategising) and innovation economics (with emphasis on path dependencies, clustering of innovations, and trajectories). Also the field of sociology of knowledge and technology might offer relevant contributions with emphasis on the flexibility of interpretations, the building of semiotic networks, and the focus on co-production offers relevant insights into the innovation process.
Required skills
Successful candidates must hold an MSc degree in engineering or social sciences with a relevant specialisation.
We are looking for a colleague who possesses the following skills:
* Knowledge of technological foresight and innovation processes within the perspective of innovation economics and the sociology of technology and knowledge
* An interest in working scientifically with research planning, innovation management and the analysis and improvement of methods for road-mapping and related types of methods
* Proficiency in oral and written English is needed
* Experience with interdisciplinary research and project teams is valued
Conditions and terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The position is available for a period of three years.
The PhD project is part of the doctoral studies program in Design and Innovation hosted at the Department of Management Engineering and will be enrolled at the PhD school at this department.
For further information about the requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please visit:
Applications must include curriculum vitae, examination certificate, references (contact details for at least two reference persons that we may contact for further inquires) and a cover letter outlining the motivation for the PhD study and for this particular project as well as a possible starting date.
We need your online application no later than 17 November 2008 at 12.00 noon. Apply online at - open the link "apply online" fill out the form and attach the above mentioned documents. Material received after the deadline will not be taken into account.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Further information
For further information, please contact Professor Ulrik Jørgensen, phone +45 4525 6075, or Section Manager Per Dannemand Andersen, phone +45 4677 5108,
Deadline: 17 November 2008

Young Research Fellows in Computer Science, IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies invites strong candidates active on networking and software systems for global computing, including web data mining and mobile systems, with applications e.g. to service oriented computing, economics and embedded systems to apply for Faculty Positions at the Assistant Professor and Post-Doctoral Fellow level. Preference will be given to candidates combining in their research fundamental and application oriented aspects. Preference will be given to candidates who have completed or are near completion of their Ph.D. degrees.
IMT Institute for Advanced Studies is an Institute for Advanced Studies that aims to push the frontiers of knowledge and to contribute to the formation of international professional elites for business and institutions. Research and PhD programs focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering.
IMT attracts bright students, young researchers and professors through competitive, transparent procedures at an international level. IMT believes that faculty and staff diversity contributes to excellence and is an equal-opportunity employer.
Assistant Professors and Post-doctoral Fellows are appointed for a fixed term of up to three years. Contracts may be renewed once for an additional three years (i.e. six years in total). Assistant Professors differ from Post Doctoral Fellows on the basis of experience, scientific curriculum and remuneration. The remuneration package is competitive at the international level (30,000-45,000 EUR pre-tax for Post-doctoral Fellows and 45,000-60,000 EUR pre-tax for Assistant Professors) and includes generous research funds. Additional benefits may be negotiated with selected applicants.
Please note that the competition is for one vacancy at either level, depending on candidate experience. Successful candidates for either type of position will work closely with other young researchers, graduate students, and senior researchers, and will have a limited teaching load in the school’s graduate program (e.g. one class per year). IMT believes that faculty and staff diversity contributes to excellence and is an equal-opportunity employer. Additional information about IMT may be found at
Applicants are required to apply on line ( In addition, at least two letters of reference must be sent as e-mail attachments (preferably in PDF format) to: or by mail to the following address:
Job Openings 2009 – YRF-CSE.
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies
Piazza San Ponziano 6
55100 Lucca – Italy
Deadline: 1 December 2008

PhD Scholarship Engaging Users in Innovation and Communication of Textile Qualities, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet [Denmark]
Applicants are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Management Engineering, the Technical University of Denmark for appointment 1 January 2009.
The aim of the project is to develop knowledge and test methods for involving users and their insights in the production of new textile qualities and new types of products. This is expected to create new insights in the conception of and practices concerning textile materials, products, and processes based on user engagement and user oriented knowledge for innovation and design processes.
Description of the project
The research will be based on studies of users and use practices. Also the role of professional users mediating between producers and end users will be included. The outcomes not only aim at designers and product developers, but touch all phases of the product creating process. It is expected to engage users and knowledge of use practices as a resource for a renewal of products, design processes, procedures, and innovation strategies.
The activities will entail:
Identification of places where use practice and use can be made object of observation and dialogue by employing methods inspired by anthropology. These will create a basis for communication between users, designers, architects, engineers and others involved.
Establishing concepts and experience of textile qualities and products, which can support a professional effort when using the flexibility and ambiguity connected to the observation and communication of user practice and needs.
The innovative task in relation to user-driven processes demands new skills and responsibility in management of how product development and design is managed in the companies
One part of the project will be carried out in hospitals. Another part is related to the need for communicating textile qualities within a still more distributed chain of production of especially textiles. The separation of close contacts to users and related product development from the innovation of materials and processes produce challenges to the different units’ competences and the exchange of knowledge between them.
Required skills
Successful candidates must hold an MSc degree in engineering or social sciences with a relevant specialisation.
We are looking for a colleague who possesses the following skills:
Knowledge of ethnographic methods in the study of use and work practices, material flows and how institutions, situations and material contexts influence the role of actors. Additional experience with studies of health care institutions and/or textiles and other material technologies will be appreciated.
An interest in working scientifically with engaging users in design processes, and translating studies of institutional framing and practices into innovative ideas is valued.
Proficiency in oral and written English is needed, but much of the empirical work does require Danish.
Experience with interdisciplinary research and project teams is valued.
Conditions and terms
The salary and appointment terms are consistent with the current rules for PhD degree students. The position is available for a period of three years.
The PhD project is linked to the industry related project on ‘User driven innovation and communication of textile qualities’ involving cooperation with the companies Kvadrat and Trevira-Neckelmann as well as Designskolen Kolding and Danmarks Designskole. It is part of the doctoral studies programme in Design and Innovation ( hosted at the Department of Management Engineering, and the candidate will be enrolled at the PhD school at this department.
For further information about the requirements for enrolment and the general planning of the scholarship studies, please visit:
Applications must include curriculum vitae, examination certificate, references (contact details for at least two reference persons that we may contact for further inquires) and a cover letter outlining the motivation for the PhD study and for this particular project as well as a possible starting date.
We need your online application no later than 17 November 2008 at 12.00 noon. Apply online at - open the link “apply online” fill out the form and attach the above mentioned documents. Material received after the deadline will not be taken into account.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
Further information
For further information, please contact Professor Ulrik Jørgensen, phone +45 4525 6075, uj[ at ] or Associate Professor Hanne Lindegaard, phone +45 4525 6076 hl[ at ]

PhD Position at Instituto de Carboquímica (CSIC), Zaragoza [Spain]
The Institute of Carbochemistry (CSIC, Spanish Scientific Research Council) offers a contract to carry out PhD to work in the topic “structured reactors coated with carbon nanofibers supported catalysts for water treatment” under the supervision of Enrique García-Bordejé.
We are looking for one skilled and motivated student to develop a project within the framework of a European project in which participate seven countries. We will only evaluate candidates with European Union citizenship who can join the Institute within the first months of 2009 after the interview. The position will be filled through a 1 year contract (renewable). Salary according to Spanish rules and depending on the candidate’s qualifications.
It is required a chemical engineering degree with background in catalysis, fluent English and it will be valued some Spanish knowledge, although it is not indispensable.
Zaragoza is a quiet, beautiful town of 600,000 inhabitants, well communicated with Madrid and Barcelona via high speed train. In 2008 Zaragoza held and International Exposition (EXPO2008), which gave more splendour to the city and bestowed the city with all modern facilities.
Interested candidates should submit their CV (in PDF format) and the names and contact email addresses of two referees to Enrique Garcia ( by February 20th 2009.
Tentative starting date end of March.

300 Beasiswa S1 & 50 beasiswa S2 dari Tanoto Foundation 2009-2010
Perrsyaratan Program Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation S1&S2
TAHUN AKADEMIK 2009 / 2010
Tanoto Foundation, yayasan yang memiliki kepedulian pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia melalui bidang pendidikan, mengundang Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 yang berprestasi untuk bergabung dalam program beasiswa S1 dan S2. Program beasiswa diselenggarakan berlandaskan prinsip –
prinsip kecakapan masing – masing pelamar tanpa memandang suku, agama, ras, gender serta menjunjung tinggi kebijakan non-diskriminatif.
Saat ini Tanoto Foundation menyediakan beasiswa kepada 300 mahasiswa S1 dan 50 mahasiswa S2, dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang berasal dari enam Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation yaitu :
• Universitas Indonesia
• Universitas Gadjah Mada
• Institut Teknologi Bandung
• Institut Pertanian Bogor
• Universitas Sumatera Utara
• Universitas Riau
• Formulir Pendaftaran S1
• Formulir Pendaftaran S2
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation
3. Usia maksimum 21 tahun di bulan Juli 2009
4. Minimum IPK = 3,00 ( skala 4,00 )
5. Bagi mereka yang baru duduk di tahun pertama Perguruan Tinggi, minimum nilai rata – rata raport kelas 3 SMU = 8,0 ( skala 10 )
6. Membutuhkan dukungan financial
7. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Melengkapi formulir pendaftaran yang diperoleh melalui website Tanoto Foundation
9. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima Beasiswa dari institusi lain.
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation
3. Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada bulan Juli 2009
4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimum selama 2 tahun, setelah menyelesaikan program S1
5. Minimum IPK = 3,25 ( skala 4,00 )
6. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia.
7. Melengkapi formulir pendaftaran yang diperoleh melalui website Tanoto Foundation
8. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima Beasiswa dari institusi lain.
Best Regards,
Post-Graduate Student of Japanese Area Studies
University of Indonesia

Master Degree Scholarships Marywood University
2009-2010 Graduate Scholarship Application
Master’s Degree, Educational Specialist Degree, and Post-Baccalaureate Certification Students
(Not School of Social Work Students, Speech-Language Pathology Students, and
Physician Assistant Students)
All material must be submitted by February 14, 2009.
Awards will be made on the basis of three factors: academic promise, normally represented by a minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.00 or a graduate GPA of 3.50; professional focus and commitment; and financial need
(required for specific scholarships).
File a complete admissions application. It is fully expected that each prospective student who is a scholarship applicant will have a complete admissions application on file with the Office of Graduate Admissions by February 14, 2009. The admissions application provides the supporting documentation necessary to evaluate a scholarship application.
Complete the scholarship application electronically. The scholarship application itself is on a secure server. You must press “yes” if your browser asks you if you wish to display secure items, otherwise Marywood University will not receive any of the information you type on the application upon submission.
If you declare full-time status on the scholarship application, enrollment in nine or more credits in the Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 semesters or what your graduate department defines as full enrollment in structured programs, and are awarded a full-time status scholarship and enroll for less than full-time registration in either of these semesters your scholarship award will be reduced.
If you declare part-time status on your scholarship application, The Committee on Graduate Scholarships expects part-time status students who are scholarship recipients to enroll in and maintain at least six credits in the fall semester and at least six credits in the spring semester. Part-time status scholarship recipients who fail to meet this requirement in a semester will have their scholarships rescinded for that semester.
Email a scholarship essay as a Microsoft Word document. Please type an essay (300-500 words) clarifying the relationship between your life-goals and graduate education at Marywood. Your essay will also be judged on depth of expression and use of the English language. Your essay must clearly address the following areas:
1. Describe your professional work background and experience.
2. Describe your community leadership activities. Indicate if a volunteer activity.
3. Describe any commendations and appreciation awards as well as undergraduate and graduate academic awards and honors.
4. Describe any special projects, demonstrations, workshops, recitals, exhibits, or whatever may be appropriate to your area to indicate your abilities and interests.
5. What are your short and long range career goals and objectives?
6. What attracted you to your Marywood program as a vehicle for achieving your goals?
Email the essay in Microsoft Word to Your essay should contain your name, social security number, and field of study at the top of the page.
If you have any questions about completing these forms, please contact Mr. Frank Falcone at or (570) 348-6211 ext. 2356.
Scholarship selection results will be mailed in early April 2009. Scholarships are available for use beginning Fall 2009; they may only be used to defray tuition for Marywood courses.
Students awarded graduate assistantships for the 2009-2010 academic year who accept those positions are not eligible to receive scholarship awards as well.
Marywood University undergraduate students who are enrolled in formal five-year programs are automatically eligible for at least forty percent of their undergraduate merit award or higher for their fifth year of study at the graduate level provided they are admitted to the master’s level by their academic department.
Neither scholarship nor assistantship awards are renewed automatically each year. It is the responsibility of the student to reapply each academic year.

New Hall College, University of Cambridge Scholarship
New Hall College, University of Cambridge menyediakan bantuan dana beasiswa untuk kandidat siswa setiap tahunnya. Jika Anda telah memilih New Hall sebagai kampus pilihan pertama di formulir aplikasi, Anda berhak untuk mengikuti program beasiswa ini yang disediakan oleh The Korner studentship, New Hall Campus dan BP Centenary.
New Hall has generous funding available for graduates, especially in relation to the size of its graduate population. Gifts by BP enable us to offer support to a number of overseas candidates each year. The Körner studentship and the college’s own Overseas Bursaries provide further funding opportunities. For UK and EU students, we can fully support up to 2 PhD students through the University’s Domestic Research Studentship Schemes.
If you have selected New Hall as your College of first choice on your graduate application form and would like to apply for one of our BP Centenary Awards, a Stephan Körner Graduate Scholarship or an Overseas Bursary, please complete our online application form.
Further details of all these scholarship awards are given below.
1. BP Centenary Studentships
Duration: 3 years
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on a PhD course.
Subject: Any
Value: £8000 per year
Number: 2
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.
2. BP Centenary Bursaries (PhD)
Duration: 3 years (renewal subject to satisfactory progress)
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on a PhD course.
Subject: Any
Value: £2000 per year
Number: 6
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.
3. BP Centenary Bursaries (MPhil / LLM)
Duration: 1 years
Eligibility: Overseas students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on an MPhil or LLM course.
Subject: Any
Value: £2000
Number: 4
Notes: Preference will be given to students from Russia, Ukraine and countries of the former Soviet Union; China; the Middle East, particularly Egypt; Southern Africa and South Asia.
4. The Stephan Körner Graduate Scholarship
Duration: 1 or 3 years
Eligibility: Students who select Murray Edwards as their College of first choice and are embarking on an MPhil or a PhD course.
Subject: Philosophy, Classics and Law
Value: £3500 per year
Number: 1
Notes: The online application form (see above) should be submitted at the same time as the University GRADSAF, and should arrive no later than 1 April.
Each BP Centenary Award is matched by an equal grant from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust or Cambridge Overseas Trust, thus doubling the sums available. Please fill the online application form here.
Any queries about any of the above should be addressed to the Tutorial Administrator:

AIESEC Global Student Exchange Program
This is the second chance for you to apply for AIESEC Global Exchange Program. From the previous selection, we would like to congratulate 15 persons who meet the requirements and have passed the interview selections.
AIESEC Global Exchange Program is held by AIESEC (Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales), a global organization that exists in 106 countries over 1000 universities all over the world. Centered in Rotterdam, Netherlands, AIESEC is renowned of its exchange program, realizes around 5000 exchanges yearly.
AIESEC Local Committee University of Indonesia offers you a chance to do projects and internships during this December-February in those 105 countries, in which you will feel a life-changing experience as well as global working environment that you have never experienced before.
We have decided that, at present, AIESEC Local Committee University of Indonesia will aim China and India as our main destination, although other exchange destinations beside those two countries are still feasible.
The deadline for this AIESEC Global Exchange Program is 22 November 2008. This program is open for undergraduates and graduates, even those who have not completed their study can join this program.
You can email me to ask for the application form as well as questions or more details regarding the program.
Best regards,
Putera Satria
Staff of Outgoing Exchange 08/09
AIESEC University of Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
Phone : 0818 861 461 (mobile) - (021) 787 2256/57 (office)
E-mail :

Sweden PhD position Department of Medical
PhD position on isotopomer studies of plant-climate interactions, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Umeå University, Sweden
Little is known on interactions between plants and atmospheric and climate change on
time scales of centuries. The goal of the project is to deduce separate climate and
physiological signals from tree rings, to be able to detect these interactions. We have developed an approach to measure isotopomer abundances (i.e. the intramolecular
distributions of stable isotopes in metabolites), by NMR spectroscopy. Isotopomers turn isotope abundances into multiple information channels, as basis for parallel reconstruction of climate and physiological signals.
The PhD project will focus on the deuterium isotope,
applied to tree ring series and material from annual plants. The research environment
includes chemists, earth scientists, and forest ecology.
Qualifications: Applicants must have a master’s degree in chemistry, earth sciences or a
related field. We seek a person who is highly motivated to combine methodology from
several fields. Key qualifications for this position include experience in handling
environmental samples and familiarity with isotope concepts; experience in NMR
spectroscopy is a merit.
The PhD project can start immediately or upon agreement. Applications should include
CV, a short statement of motivation, copies of master’s degree and thesis, and names and
addresses of three persons willing to act as references.
For more information contact:
Prof. Jürgen Schleucher
Department of Medical Biochemistry & Biophysics
Umeå University, S-90187 Umeå, Sweden

Sweden PhD Studentships in Biology, Karolinska Institutet
Ada kesempatan PhD studentship dari salah satu sekolah kedokteran terbaik di Eropa untuk riset di bidang kedokteran gigi.
Dental research will be supported within the Graduate School to create
a network between the four Institutions, and research from medical and
other faculties. A key aim is that graduate students will gain insight
into both biomedical and clinical research, which will contribute to
the establishment of a translational research environment.
Within this framework 2 PhD studentships are available at the Center for Oral Biology, to investigate;
Nerve-target interactions in teeth and bone. Neural growth factors and mineralization.
Project 1: Nerve growth factors and mineralization
This project will test the hypothesis that neurotrophic factors, in
addition to their roles in innervation, influence mineralization during
dentinogenesis and osteogenesis. If so, malfunctions associated with
these factors could cause disturbances both in sensory nerve functions
and in hard tissue formation
Project 2: Cellular and biomolecular interactions of osteoadherin with neurotrophic factors
Mineralizing tissue cells are reported to synthesize and secrete
neurotrophic factors, and it has been hypothesized that in addition to
their role in neural development, these factors may influence hard
tissue formation. Candidate molecules for such an interaction include
the small leucine-rich family of proteoglycans (SLRPs), which are
recognized as not only having a part to play in maintaining shape and
providing biomechanical strength to organs and tissues, but also
exhibit direct and indirect cell signaling properties. In turn this can
affect cell recruitment, proliferation, migration and differentiation.
This project will investigate in detail the cellular and biomolecular
interactions of nerve growth factors with the only recognized hard
tissue-specific SLRP reported to date, osteoadherin (OSAD).
For more detailed information on the projects
Professor Kaj Fried
+46 8 524 878 53
Dr Rachael Sugars
+ 46 8 746 02 35
Last date of application: 15th December 2008

India Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science
Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science
Fresh applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the Award of six Fellowships for Doctoral Work in Criminology and Police Science.
Tenure: The fellowship is tenable for three years.
Value of fellowship:
Rs.8,000/- per month for the first two years and Rs.9,000/- per month in the third year plus contingency grant of Rs.10,000/- per annum and departmental assistance of Rs.3,000/- per year will be paid to the institution where the fellow is registered for Ph. D work.
1. The candidate should have 1st/ 2nd class Master’s Degree with not less than 55% marks or equivalent grade in Criminology/ Sociology/ Social Work/ Psychology/ Social Anthropology/ Public Administration/ Political Science Law.
2. NET/ SET qualified candidate will be given preference but it is not the criteria of selection.
3. The candidate should either be registered for Ph. D programme with any recognized Indian University or should be in the process of registration from the date of award of fellowship. Preference will be given to those who are completed one-year Ph. D programme and having some good work and assessment of research work.
4. Age: 30 years as on 30.06.2008
5. Reservation: Twenty percent reserved for SC/ST candidates and 30% reserved for women candidates of the total number of fellowships.
6. Application forms and rules: Copies of rules and prescribed application for fellowship scheme in Criminology and Police Sciences are available on request or can be downloaded from our website The request should be addressed to The Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Block No. 11, 4th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003. Applicants are required to send self addressed unstamped envelope (28 cm x 12 cm) attached with the request.
7. Method of Selection: All applications will be closely processed & scrutinized by the Bureau of Police Research and Development & then placed before the Fellowship awards committee constituted for the purpose by the DG, BPR & D.
The committee will comprise of experts/ specialists from relevant disciplines, DG, BPR&D will be its Chairman. In accordance with the committee’s remarks and evaluation of each candidate, a merit list will be prepared for selection with the approval of DG, BPR&D on behalf of Central Govt. The decision of the committee in regard to the selection or rejection of candidates will be final and binding in all respects.
8. Opening dare for receipt of applications: 1st week of May of every year. Advertisement will appear in leading national dailies (English/Hindi) in the first week of May of every year.
9. Closing date for receipt of applications: 30th June of every year. Application in prescribed form should be sent to, The Director General, Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Block NO. 11, 4th Floor, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110 003 superscribing on the cover ‘Application for Doctoral Fellowship in Criminology and Police Science’ so as to reach the aforementioned address.
10. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered. Any canvassing by or on behalf of the candidates by bringing political and other pressure and influence with regard to the selection, shall be considered as a disqualification.
11. Following Copies of certificate and testimonials are to be attached with the application form:
a) Certified copies of High School Certificate in the evidence of age.
b) Copies of all degree, diploma or certificate obtaining along with marks sheets duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of the Central or State Government or by the Head of the Institution.
c) Copies of published work if any, original should not be sent. Safe, return of any original document cannot be guaranteed. The original shall however be sent if specifically asked for by the Bureau of Police Research & Development and
d) If the candidate belongs to SC/ST, he/she should send a certificate in evidence of Caste.
It is preferable that the topic of research belongs to any of the following areas:
1) Transparency in Police Recruitment
2) Key Performance Indicators or measurably of police performance
3) Police Public Interface
4) Developing Models of specialised training and
5) Use of Information Technology in Police work
6) CPMFs as a preferred career among the youth of today
7) Tendency among CPMFs – personnel to get disinterested in their job after joining and to quit early
8) The number and types of diseases which CPMF personnel face due to adverse service conditions
9) The reasons for increasing stress on CPMF personnel and possible remedies therefore, if any or any other that the candidate may suggest and that the subject is considered for value.

Canada MSc and PhD Studentships, Evolutionary and Functional Genomics
MSc and PhD Studentships, Evolutionary and Functional Genomics
University of Ottawa, Canada
Multiple PhD and MSc student positions are available in Evolutionary and Functional Genomics at XiaLab in Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Canada. Minimum support is $18,500/year, but students with grade point average above A will get substantially more.
Deadline: as soon as filled
The research areas covered include, but not limited to:
Short-term and long-term changes of gene expression and gene regulation in response to envirornmental hormone-like chemicals. The student will focus on developing statistical methods for microarray data analysis, e.g., Xiong, H., Zhang D., Martyniuk, C.J., Trudeau, V.L. Xia, X.. 2008. Using Generalized Procrustes Analysis (GPA) for normalization of cDNA microarray data. BMC Bioinformatics, 9(2008) 25
Molecular evolution and phylogenetics (see relevant publications at You may participate in the devleopment of DAMBE software:
for building guide tree for mulptle alignment: I am currently replacing the pair-wise global alignment by a FASTA-like algorithm which appears to work faster and obtain better guide trees.
for estimating synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions: the conventional LPB (or PBL) method is not quite suitable for sliding window analysis because of the stochastic fluctuation of observed window-specific transitions and transversions. I am adding a simultaneous estimation method for all windows with a fixed substitution matrix for correcting multiple hits.
strand-biased substitution patterns and their impact on phylognetic reconstruction.
Evolutionary genomics of microbial pathogens, e.g., Xia, X. and G. Palidwor. 2005. Genomic Adaptation to Acidic Environment: Evidence from Helicobacter pylori. American Naturalist 166:776-784
Comparative genomics (see relevant publications at
Selection at the initiation, elongation and termination of transcription and translation (see relevant publications at
The positions are available immediately. The application procedures can be found by following the link at (or contact me directly if you found anything unclear).
Xuhua Xia
University of Ottawa

INPEX Scholarship Foundation was founded on March 26, 1981 supported by donated fund of Jp\500,000,000 by INPEX Corporation (which was named Indonesia Petroleum Co. at that time), a Tokyo based oil exploration company, to promote mutual understanding, friendship and goodwill by exchange of education, art and natural sciences through the scholarship program between Indonesia and Japan.
The main program is to offer scholarship awards to Indonesian youths, who have graduated from universities in Indonesia and live in Indonesia, and who wish to study the subjects in the fields of natural science in the Graduate School of Universities in Japan for Master’s Degree, and to offer scholarship awards to Japanese youths also who wish to study in Indonesia. The donated fund from INPEX Corporation has come up to Jp\860,120,000 as of August 1, 2008.
Deadline for INPEX SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM FOR 2009 : November 15, 2008
PDF Download
PDF Download
Website :

Vacancy at PT QES Indonesia
QES specializes in innovative engineering solutions, equipment, parts & materials and IT. We have established a regional network of offices in the high growth area of Asia Pacific. In line with our expansion plans, we seek highly motivated and committed individuals to join us for the following position:
Service Engineer
Support technical and application problems for the products handled in Indonesia region.
Maintain existing customer satisfaction and develop new relationships.
Set objectives & develop strategies for improving service performance.
Meet monthly, quarterly and yearly service income target.
Manage and deliver on customers’ requirements.
Prepare periodical reports to the Head Office.
Attend training, seminars, exhibitions in Indonesia or overseas as required by Company.
Positions Available:
Vacancy #1 : handling X-Ray and analytical instruments (hiring by January 1, 2009)
Vacancy #2 : handling metal analysis equipments (hiring by January 1, 2009)
Vacancy #3 : handling chemical analysis equipments (hiring by January 1, 2009)
Degree S1 / Diploma D3 in Instrumentation, Electronics, Physics, or other Engineering disciplines.
Minimum 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position. However, aspiring Fresh Graduates are also encouraged to apply.
Fluent in English. Other languages are an optional advantage.
Excellent in analytical skills, interpersonal skills, and business communication skills.
Possesses own transport. Ready to travel both locally and overseas.
Compensation Package:
Successful candidates will enjoy competitive remuneration package according to experience and qualification.
Employee benefits include comprehensive medical insurance coverage, expense allowance, long service awards and 5 working days per week.
Candidates are invited to send their resume by post or email to:
Recruitment Division
PT. QES Indonesia
Sentra Bisnis Artha Gading Blok A6B No. 6A
Jakarta 14240
Tel: +62 21 4587 3959
Fax: +62 21 4587 3960
Resume must be received by 17.00 WIB on Friday, November 28, 2008.
Vacancy at PT. Thiess Indonesia
Thiess is a multinational company with over 6000 employees in Indonesia. Our business provides integrated services in mining, civil construction, process engineering, and telecommunication throughout Indonesia.
Software Development Specialist II
Job No.:494284
Department:Functional support- Jakarta
Employment type:Permanent (Indonesia only)
With continued growth we are seeking additional resources that will be based in our Jakarta office as a Software Development Specialist II.
Reporting to Software Development Supervisor, you will responsible to assist in the development of software solutions for TPL; to develop applications to support the day to day operations of TCI; provide maintenance, technical support for users of the applications.
Requirements for this position, bachelor degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Physic, Math and/or related subject with minimum of 3 years working experience as Web Developer, Software, strong written and verbal communication skills in English is preferred; willing to travel to site if required.
Competitive salary and benefits will be offered to the right candidate
Please apply online through our web:
PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia
PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia (LT Indonesia) provides effective network infrastructure solutions to Indonesia telecommunication network providers, as well as providing round-the-clock technical support for Lucent products deployed throughout Indonesia. LT Indonesia carries on more than 10 years of successful Lucent Technologies presence in Indonesia. LT Indonesia was formed by the former management team of Lucent Technologies Indonesia, and currently employs over 80 experienced professionals, whom many of them have telecommunications experience more than 10 years, including assignments abroad. To support the increasing demands of the Indonesian telecommunication industry, we are looking for high caliber, energetic individuals to join our winning team
Essential function:
You are responsible for test and commissioning Optical SDH and DWDM equipment
General requirement:
Minimum 2 years experience in Optical SDH / DWDM product
Minimum Bachelor of Science’s degree in Telecommunication
Good Technical background especially in Test and Commissioning for SDH/DWDM product
Having a good customer relationships
Able to work well under pressure in a fast-paced changing environment
Able to work traveling allover Indonesia for long time
Willing to work with team or individually
Proficient in both written and spoken English is a must
Please send your resume to :
HRD Manager
PT. Lintas Teknologi Indonesia
TIFA Building 3rd floor
Jl. Kuningan Barat no. 26
Email to :
iTransact Technologies Sdn Bhd
iTransact Technologies Sdn Bhd (i-TransAct), an MSC-status company, was incorporated on 1st November 2002 with the aim to be a premier e-Payments and transaction security company through the deployment of world class ePayments infrastructure, technology and services. We are headquartered in Malaysia with local presence in India, Indonesia, Singapore and Thailand. While our product development, certification and Support center is in Malaysia, Singapore houses the product conceptualization and development center.
Software Developer - 2 positions
Responsibilities :
You will participate in one or more areas of the Software Development Life Cycle in an exciting, dynamic, challenging and open environment involving:
Assist in the collection and documentation of User Requirements
Participate in software Architecture and Design applying best practices
Design, Document, Develop software modules
Functional and Performance Test software modules
Requirements :
A Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in Computer Science or Electronics/Electrical Engineering (with Computer Studies as a main subject) from a recognized University
At least 1 year post-qualification experience in a commercial environment
Strong hands-on knowledge of Solaris/Unix environment & RDBMS (MySQL / Oracle / DB2) and able to write simple shell scripts
Programming background in Java and exposure in EJB, JMS will be an advantage
Preferably with exposure in Weblogic/ WebSphere/ JBOSS application server and able to perform accurate black-box application (J2EE), operating system (Solaris), database (Oracle) and network (TCP/IP, X.25) troubleshooting
Experience handling system integration tests and user acceptance tests will also be advantageous
Excellent communication (oral and written) and interpersonal skills
Ability to work under pressure
Experience in card-based payment systems, managing or dealing with a payment transaction switch will be a plus
Applicants must be willing to travel
For the above position, candidates must possess good communication skills, both written and oral, in the English language.
Those with direct experience in one or more of the following areas will be given preference - ISO8583 Messaging, Payment Gateways, Payment Switches, Payment Terminals, Processing Magnetic Stripe cards/Smartcards.
Preference will be given to citizens and PRs of Malaysia.
System Administrator - 1 position
Responsibilities :
For the installation, administration, support and management of the company’s UNIX, Solaris and LINUX server environment.
Maintaining backup and restore platform critical to supporting production operations.
Requirements :
A Diploma or Bachelor’s in Computer Science or Electronics/Electrical Engineering (with Computer Studies as a main subject).
At least 1 year post-qualification experience in a commercial environment
Knowledge of UNIX (SUN/AIX), Solaris and LINUX (Redhat/SUSE) Operating Systems.
Knowledge of TCP/IP networking and firewalls.
Ability to administer UNIX, Solaris and LINUX servers in a large environment.
Knowledge in all aspects of HP, SUN, IBM server technology, blade servers, and server support tools.
Knowledge in virtual server technology such as VMWare and SAN storage configurations.
Strong sense of accountability, taking ownership over projects and responsibilities and resolving issues proactively.
Please e-mail your latest CV including academic qualifications, details of work experience, contact numbers and current and expected salary to:
We value and reward our employees, knowing that your individual successes make our Company successful.
Only qualified candidates who meet minimum requirements need to apply.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.
Swiss 2009 2010 PhD Atomic and Molecular Calculations-EPF Lausanne
PhD positions@CECAM headquarters EPF-Lausanne
PhD positions at the Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire
Headquarters - Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Starting February 2009, a few positions will become available at the
European Center for Atomic and Molecular Calculations (CECAM)
headquarters (EPF-Lausanne) for PhD students to perform research in a
domain of computational sciences.
Main topics will be computational
materials science for alternative energies and environment,
methodologies for structure-based drug design, multi-scale
simulations. Close collaboration within EPFL as well
as with other academic institutions and industrial research groups in
Europe is envisaged.
CECAM ( organizes several tutorials in computational
methods every year, which the students will be encouraged to follow.
Moreover they will benefit from the stimulating environment provided
by CECAM, thanks to the numerous international workshops on
computational science topics, taking place at the headquarters and
attended by worldwide experts.
A master or equivalent diploma in either physics or chemistry or
applied mathematics is required. Applications must be sent to the
thesis advisor, Professor Wanda Andreoni ( and
should include a cover letter, a complete curriculum vitae, a copy of
the master (or equivalent diploma) thesis as well as the names of two
referees. Note that hiring is subject to admission of the candidate to
a doctoral programme at EPFL (

India Junior Research Fellow
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
Kashmere Gate, Delhi 110403
Contact: 011-23900225;
Accredited as ‘A’ Grade University by NAAC
University School of Biotechnology, GGSIP University invites applications for a temporary post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF), for the Ministry of Environment and Forests project, entitled Timber wood protection from wood decaying basidiomycetes using actinomycetes’. The position is purely on temporary basis for a period of three years or till the end of the project.
Qualification required: M.Sc. in Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Life Sciences/ Biochemistry/ Chemistry from a recognized university. Working knowledge of computers is desired.
Emoluments: Rs. 12,000 + 30% HRA per month
How to apply: Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications may submit their applications on plain paper giving their Bio-data by post or by hand, within 15 days from the date of this notification ( 4-10 Oct Employment News Paper 2008) to: Prof. Rajinder K. Gupta (Principle Investigator), University School of Biotechnology,’GGSIP.University, Kashmere Gate, Delhi-110403.

Master Erasmus Mundus en Cultures Littéraires Européennes
Le Master CLE est un
Programme Erasmus Mundus qui offre:
deux années de cursus d’excellence; dans deux ou trois
universités européennes;
en au moins trois domaines de la pensée européenne
* littérature,
* histoire culturelle,
* sciences du langage;
en au moins trois langues européennes:
* italien
* français
* grec
Bourses pour les étudiants internationaux
Le Master CLE dispose de bourses d’études pour une partie des
étudiants en provenance de Pays Tiers.
18 bourses Erasmus
Mundus sont disponibles pour les étudiants internationaux qui
repondent aux conditions générales requises, détaillées à
la page Admission .
Critères de candidature pour les étudiants
A. DOCUMENTS REQUIS (fournis en anglais ou dans une des langues du
consortium : italien, français ou grecque):
1. Formulaire de candidature préalablement complété et
signé; 2. CV préalablement téléchargé et complété
(CV Europass); 3. Copie de la première page du passeport ou copie
intégrale du document d’identité en cour de validité; 4.
Copie des diplômes originaux indiquant le niveau final obtenu; 5.
Copie de la liste des examens soutenus au cours du premier cycle (avec
les notes obtenues); 6. Lettre de motivation (expliquant les raisons
de la candidature à cette formation); 7. 2 Lettres de
recommandation de la part de l’Université d’origine; 8. Preuve
effective de la maîtrise des langues requises (par exemple,
diplôme, curriculum universitaire, certificats, attestation de la
part d’un professeur, …) 9. Photo récente collée au
formulaire de candidature
I. Première étape
(pour les étudiants des Pays tiers et
pour les étudiants européens)
Une version électronique de tous les documents requis (point A) doit
être envoyée aux deux adresses suivantes:
étudiants Pays tiers avant le 16 janvier 2009 étudiants
européens avant le 26 Juin 2009
Pour plus d’information, renseignez-vous à:

9 New Positions at IRAS, Utrecht University, NL
9 New Positions at IRAS, Utrecht University, NL. Please send
to possible interested candidates. Thanks for your help.
Dear Colleagues,
Recently, we have successfully obtained several grants to study
potential health effects of occupational, environmental and consumer
exposure to electro magnetic fields. These studies address the
exposure to stray fields from MR systems, RF-EMF from mobile phones,
base stations, WIFI and DECT phones and ELF-EMF exposure from power
lines and consumer products and will focus on several health outcomes
including cancer and neurological disorders. The research is being
funded by the ZonMw National Research Programme on Electromagnetic
Fields and Health and the 7th Research Framework Program of the
European Union. The ZonMw research programme has also funded a chair
in Epidemiology of Health Effects of Electro Magnetic Fields within
The aim of the ZonMw National Research Program is to keep track of new
and existing EMF applications, such as MRI, mobile phone and WIFI use
and to enhance the national knowledge infrastructure in the field of
electromagnetic fields and health. Research projects will be carried
out in extensive collaboration with several national and international
research institutions.
In order to be able to perform the studies within this new, ambitious
and unique research field we are seeking inspired candidates for 6 PhD
research positions, 2 Post Doc position, an assistant professorship
and a data managament position (see attached PDF and links).
We would appreciate if you would be so kind to pass this information
to any potential candidate that you might know that would be
interested in any of these positions.
Warm regards,
Roel Vermeulen
Hans Kromhout
Descriptions of the new positions can be found at the links below:
Assistant Professor (UD): Health effects of physical agents in
particular electromagnetic fields
Post doc: epidemiology of health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields
Post doc: exposure assessment for studies on health effects of
exposure to electromagnetic fields
PhD researcher: General population pooled cohort study of chronic
health effects of exposure to
electromagnetic fields
PhD researcher: case-control studies of neurodegenerative diseases and
exposure to
electromagnetic fields and pesticides
PhD researcher: MRI-related exposure to electromagnetic fields and
(semi-) acute health effects
in health care and research settings
PhD researcher: PhD neuropsychology for research of neuropsychological
effects of exposure to
MRI-related electromagnetic fields
PhD researcher: exposure assessment for epidemiological studies of
occupational and
activity-related exposures to electromagnetic fields
PhD researcher: exposure assessment for epidemiological studies of
environmental and
consumer exposures to electromagnetic fields
Data manager

Vacancy at PT ZTE
PT. ZTE Indonesia as subsidiary company of ZTE Corporation is one of the leading telecommunication solution suppliers based on China providing total solution to telecom carriers worldwide. ZTE’s over 26,000 employees are working in more than 70 countries and regions in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc. In coping with our expansion in local market depending on our Indonesian large project demand, ZTE is looking for outstanding employees in Indonesia to fill in the vacant position of :
Requirements for:
Degree in Telecommunications /Electronics Engineering
At least 2 years experience in managing key accounts and special projects from a telecommunication company
Strong telecommunication industry background
Good communication, presentation, negotiation and leadership skills
Action oriented, results driven, aggressive and persistent
Energetic & Team Player
Proficient in English
Manage and supervise overall delivery of the project
Establish project governance and its deliverables, including financials and objectives
Proactively interface with, and build relationships with the customer and supplier chain to ensure the needs and issues of the business are properly addressed
Provide continued overall strategy development and execution priorities, and end-to-end process management
Manage post-sales support & guidance, and customer relationship
Conduct presentation, continual communication with customers to obtain and comply to specific requirements
Focus on time for Project schedule and budget
Fulfill the project requirement and satisfy all project stakeholders
Assist PM to Manage and supervise overall delivery of the project
Assist PM to Establish project governance and its deliverables, including financials and objectives
Proactively interface with, and build relationships with the customer and supplier chain to ensure the needs and issues of the business are properly addressed
Provide continued overall strategy development and execution priorities, and end-to-end process management
Manage post-sales support & guidance, and customer relationship
Conduct presentation, continual communication with customers to obtain and comply to specific requirements
Degree in Electronics / Telecommunication / Project Management or equivalent
More than 3 years’ experience in telecom industry as Project Coordinator
PM or Project Coordinator experience in a turn-key project will be strongly preferred
Broad telecom industry background and experienced in technical service operations
Excellent customer relationship management
Well versed in project management tools application
Possess good communication and interpersonal skills
Proficient in English
Assign and manage SITAC engineer to perform monitoring Site Acquisition process for securing progress achievement purpose.
To ensure services delivered by SPs are following to Customer standard requirement.
As a team leader to manage sub project for SITAC & CME
Manage the SITAC/CME team to control the progress of SITAC & CME, fulfill customer’s implementation schedule.
Manage the SITAC/CME team to solve the problem in the project.
Support project manager to get to the milestone based on the schedule.
Requirement :
Graduate from Civil / Electrical Engineering
Having more than 4 years experience in Site Acquisition Activity
Familiar with GSM/CDMA environment is an advantage
Advanced understanding of Project Schedule, Project Budget , Project Quality, Project Risk and other project tools
Good knowledge in Ms Windows application software
Good knowledge using tools such as GPS and application software such as MapInfo, Photoshop, etc
Familiar to site documentation process including legal ownership documents verification process.
Have experience in ‘quality & acceptance’ for SITAC & CME
Willing to travel to all operational area
Strong commitment and team worker
Strong interpersonal and communication skill
Flexibility and ability to adapt to a changing environment and to approach challenges with creativity and resourcefulness
Assign and manage SITAC engineer to perform monitoring Site Acquisition process for securing progress achievement purpose.
To ensure services delivered by SPs are following to Customer standard requirement.
As a Coordinator to assist and manage sub project for SITAC & CME
Manage the SITAC/CME team to control the progress of SITAC & CME, fulfill customer’s implementation schedule.
Manage the SITAC/CME team to solve the problem in the project.
Support Sitac CME Manager to get to the milestone based on the schedule.
Requirement :
Graduate from Civil / Electrical Engineering
Having more than 2 years experience in Site Acquisition Activity
Familiar with GSM/CDMA environment is an advantage
Advanced understanding of Project Schedule, Project Budget , Project Quality, Project Risk and other project tools
Good knowledge in Ms Windows application software
Good knowledge using tools such as GPS and application software such as MapInfo, Photoshop, etc
Familiar to site documentation process including legal ownership documents verification process.
Have experience in ‘quality & acceptance’ for SITAC & CME
Willing to travel to all operational area
Strong commitment and team worker
Strong interpersonal and communication skill
Flexibility and ability to adapt to a changing environment and to approach challenges with creativity and resourcefulness
Commercial staff (Quantity surveyor/QS)
- Analysis and Report to National Outsourcing Manager regarding market issuance for SITAC, CME price.
- Always update and searching market price with per scale in 3 months, 6 months and 1 year according related with the task.
- Control, Compiling and collect the market data price in data bank..
- Teamwork and coordinating with related person in internal department.
- Skillful negotiation and verify contract.
- Experience min. 2 years as Quantity Surveyor/commercial staff in Telecomunication part/infrastructure contractor
- Minimum S1 (bachelor degree), graduate from technical (civil engineer / industrial (priority), or related with educational background)
- Excellent in Microsoft office 2003/2007/update (Excel intermediate level, words, power point and Visio) (have certificate)
- Autacad, basic level (have certificate)
- Able and must know to find and searching market price information as well according Telecomunication scope of work (SITAC, CME (material), installation, equipment))
- Able to Calculate Bill of Quantities very well with multi sheet,
- Able and Can analysis price according BOW analysis, INKINDO price update, market place and competitor market
- Able work to finish on dateline target with under pressure
PT. ZTE Indonesia
The East Building, 26th Floor
Lingkar Mega Kuningan, Kav. E3.2, No.1
South Jakarta 12950
Lowongan CPNS - Pemerintah Kota Surabaya
Berdasarkan surat Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara nomor : B/ 64.P/M.PAN/ 10/ 2008 tanggal 22 Oktober 2008 tentang Persetujuan Rincian Formasi CPNS Daerah Tahun 2008, dengan ini diberitahukan kepada seluruh Warga Negara Indonesia bahwa Pemerintah Kota Surabaya membuka pendaftaran Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri
Sipil (CPNS) dilingkungan Pemerintah Kota Surabaya dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 18 sampai dengan 28 November 2008 setiap hari kecuali hari Sabtu dan Minggu.
2. Tempat Pendaftaran :
a. Untuk Tenaga Guru
- Gedung Convention Hall Jl. Arif Rahman Hakim no.131 – 133 Surabaya.
b. Untuk Tenaga Kesehatan dan Tenaga Teknis lainnya
- Gedung Wanita Jl. Kalibokor Selatan Surabaya.
3. Waktu pendaftaran mulai pukul 08.30 WIB sampai dengan pukul 14.00 WIB.
Pengumuman Pendaftaran ini selengkapnya dapat dilihat di :
1. Kantor Pemerintah Kota Surabaya
Jl. Jimerto No. 25-27 Surabaya
2. Situs Internet
3. Media Cetak dan Media Elektronik.
Keterangan lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi :
- Badan Kepegawaian telepon 5312144 pesawat 348
Dikeluarkan di : SURABAYA
Pada tanggal : 7 November 2008
Lowongan CPNS - Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)
Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) membuka peluang karir dengan status Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Bila Saudara memiliki
idealisme untuk menerapkan kompetensi dengan mengembangkan kajian dan terapan IPTEK dapat bergabung bersama kami.
Persyaratan Administrasi Umum
1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Usia : DIII maks. 25 tahun, S1 maks. 28 tahun, S2 maks. 30 tahun
3. Berijasah sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang ditetapkan, dengan akreditasi BAN A atau BAN B bagi lulusan dalam negeri, dan telah memperoleh pengakuan ijasah dari Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi - Dep.
Pendidikan Nasional
4. IPK :
• DIII minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
• S1 minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
• S2 minimal 3,25 (skala 4)
5. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan keputusan pengadilan yang sudah mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap, karena melakukan
sesuatu tindakan pidana kejahatan.
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, atau tidak
hormat sebagai pegawai swasta
7. Tidak berkedudukansebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah negara Republik Indonesia atau negara lain yang ditentukan pemerintah.
9. Tidak menjadi pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik.
10. Berbadan sehat (jasmani dan rohani, serta tidak buta warna)
Dokumen-dokumen yang dipersyaratkan untuk Berkas Lamaran :
- Mencetak / print Form Registrasi dicetak langsung dari situs Lamaran BPPT (setelah selesai mengisi data lamaran)
- Pasfoto 3 x 4 = 2 lembar (ditulis nama)
- Fotokopi ijasah dan transkrip pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir.
Untuk proses penerimaan CPNS, dipersyaratkan Ijasah Pendidikan
terakhir, sedangkan Surat Keterangan Kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU.
- Fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku.
- Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir / tesis
- Fotokopi keterangan pengalaman kerja, bagi yang pernah/sedang bekerja.
- Berkas lamaran paling lambat diterima Tim Pengadaan CPNS BPPT TA 2008 tanggal 25 Nopember 2008.
Keterangan Selengkapnya
Vacancy at Berca Hardayaperkasa
Invites you to join with others succesful team.
If you're looking for a work environment
that challenges your mind,
rewards your accomplishments and
recognizes the value you can add to the team
then Berca Hardayaperkasa may be the company for you.
Desktop Support Engineer (Code : DSE)
Essential Function:
You are responsible to maintain the customer relationship, delivery the implementation and provide onsite troubleshooting. You are
expected to have some experience in PC server, desktop, network (LAN) and PABX troubleshooting / installation and willing to work overtime.
Required knowledge and skill:
University Degree ( D3 or S1)
Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
Having knowledge in Windows NT workstation, Windows NT Server, Microsoft desktop application, shrink-wrapped application, LAN and PABX (Preferably)
Having hands on experience in PC Server desktop and network (LAN) troubleshooting and installation
Having good analytical problem solving and customer interaction skill
Willing to be stationed in one of the following city: Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali, Padang, and Pekan Baru
Local candidates are welcome to apply
Ready to hire as contract employee
An attractive compensation and benefits, opportunity for career development awaits the successful candidate. Please submit your application together with a complete resume to :
Lowongan CPS - Badan Standardisasi Nasional
Badan Standardisasi Nasional sebagai Lembaga Pemerintah Non Departemen (LPND), yang mempunyai tugas di bidang Standardisasi pada Tahun 2008
memberi kesempatan kepada putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk menjadi pegawai BSN melalui Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan III dan II Tahun 2008
Vacancy at PT HM Sampoerna Tbk
PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.
We are looking for talented people with a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business as:
(Sales & Finance)
A development program to enable managerial and professional personnel to achieve required standards or performances for competencies
associated with jobs in cigarette business for a year.
* Fresh Graduates holding Bachelor Degree (S1) max 2 years ago or will be graduated this year with min GPA 3.00 or Master Degree (S2) with min GPA 3.3 from any educational background. Overseas educational background must have min score of “Highly Distinction”;
* Having strong analytical thinking, achievement orientations, integrity and team player;
* Having good level of English proficiency both oral and written;
* Willing to be relocated in any major cities in Indonesia;
* Have not joined the written test for this position within 1 year starting from the date of the last test taken
Please come to our Selection Days on:
Date : 10 November 2008
Registration Time : 08.30 a.m – 12.00 p.m
Venue : Gedung Engineering Center, Fakultas Teknik
R. 303 Lt. 2, Universitas Indonesia, Depok
Please bring your original identity card, academic transcript, 2B pencil & clipboard for registration & written test. The written test will be held on 10 -11 November 2008 at the same place.
Lowongan CPNS - PLN
Dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan pegawai baru, PT PLN (Persero) bermaksud melaksanakan rekrutmen pegawai baru bekerjasama dengan CDC FTUI. Adapun persyaratan pelamar/peserta rekrutmen sebagai berikut:
1. Lulus D3 dengan tahun kelahiran maksimum 1985 dan sesudahnya
Lulus S1 dengan tahun kelahiran maksimum 1982 dan sesudahnya
2. IPK minimal 2.6 skala 4
3. Mengisi pendaftaran melalui input data dibagian administrasi Universitas Indonesia pada tanggal 1-10 November 2008
4. Satu pelamar hanya diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi jabatan sesuai bidang studi dan tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki
5. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui website CDC FTUI atau di kampus UI tanggal 15 November 2008
6. Tes dilaksanakan di Jakarta
7. Tes berlaku sistem gugur dengan tahapan meliputi :
I. Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
II. Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok
III. Wawancara
IV. Tes Kesehatan
8. Posisi Jabatan yang dibuka untuk rekrutmen :
Tingkat S1
1. ED (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator dibidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Elektro Industri
· Teknik Elektro Kontrol
· Teknik Elektronika
· Teknik Elektronika Industri
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Listrik
· Teknik Listrik Industri
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. ES (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator dibidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Elektro Kontrol
· Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
· Teknik Listrik
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Listrik Industri
· Teknik Sistem Tenaga
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. EP (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator dibidang Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Fisika
· Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
· Teknik Konvensi Energi
· Teknik Mesin
· Teknik Nuklir
4. PE (Assistant Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan dibidang Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Elektro Kontrol
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Geodesi
· Teknik Geologi
· Teknik Listrik
· Teknik Sipil
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
Tingkat D3
1. TDT (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Elektronika
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Listrik
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. TSO (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Sistem Operasi Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
· Tekni Listrik
· Teknik Sistem Tenaga
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. TPL (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Pembangkit Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik)
· Analisa Kimia
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Fisika
· Teknik Kimia
· Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
· Teknik Konversi Energi
· Teknik Mesin
4. TPE (Junior Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
· Teknik Elektro
· Teknik Elektro Kontrol
· Teknik Energi Listrik
· Teknik Geodesi
· Teknik Geologi
· Teknik Listrik
· Teknik Sipil
· Teknik Tenaga Listrik
9. Prioritas penempatan sebagai pegawai diluar Jawa – Bali
10. Kelengkapan berkas lamaran diserahkan pada saat tahapan tes wawancara yang meliputi:
a) Surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Deputi Direktur Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta dengan melampirkan:
b) Riwayat Hidup (CV)
c) Copy ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir
d) Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir
e) Copy KTP dan akte kelahiran
f) Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum
g) Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 lembar
h) Pernyataan diri diatas materai Rp 6000,- yang menyatakan bahwa pelamar:
i. Tidak tersangkut dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
ii. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Indonesia bila diterima sebagai pegawai PLN
Submit your full resume attached with supporting document at the latest on 10 November 2008 to:
CDC FTUI, Gedung Engineering Center Lt. Dasar
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Lowongan CPNS - Pemda SIDOARJO
Nomor : 810/3726/404.4.5/2008
Berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Nrgara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara tanggal
31 Oktober 2008 Nomor : B/74.P/M.PAN/10/2008 tentang Persetujuan Rincian CPNS
Daerah Pemkab Sidoarjo dan Surat Gubernur Jawa Timur tanggal 22 September 2008
Nomor : 810/17624/042/2008 tentang Jadual Pelaksanaan Pengadaan CPNS TA 2008,
Pemkab Sidoarjo akan menerima Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah dari Pelamar Umum
sejumlah 368 orang dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
1. Guru Agama Islam SMK/SMP S1 Tarbiyah (Pendidikan Agama Islam) 11
2. Guru Bimbingan Penyuluhan SMA S1 Kependidikan BP/BK/Psikologi 5
3. Guru Bimbingan Penyuluhan SMP S1 Kependidikan BP/BK/Psikologi 15
4. Guru Bahasa Asing (Jerman) S1 Kependidikan Bahasa Jerman 2
5. Guru Bahasa Asing (Jepang) S1 Kependidikan Bahasa Jepang 2
6. Guru Teknologi Informasi SMK S1 KependidikanTelematika (Multimedia) 1
7. Guru Teknologi Informasi SMA S1 Kependidikan Informatika 13
8. Guru Teknologi Informasi SMP S1 Kependidikan Informatika 11
9. Guru Mulok Bahasa Jawa S1 Kependidikan Bahasa Jawa 5
10. Guru Mulok Tata Boga S1 Kependidikan Tata Boga 1
11. Guru Mulok Perhotelan S1 Kependidikan Perhotelan 1
12. Guru Mulok Tata Rias S1 Kependidikan Tata Rias (Kecantikan) 1
13. Guru Penjaskes SMK/SMA/SMP S1 Kependidikan Olahraga 12
14. Guru Penjaskes SD S1 Kependidikan Olahraga 76
15. Guru Seni Budaya SMK/SMA/SMP S1 Kependidikan Kesenian 18
16. Guru Teknik S1 Kependidikan Teknologi Pendingin
Udara dan Tata Udara 1
17. Guru PPKn SMK/SMA S1 Kependidikan PPKn 4
18. Guru Sejarah SMK/SMA S1 Kependidikan Sejarah 2
19. Guru Bahasa Inggris SMK S1 Kependidikan Bahasa Inggris +
Sertifikat Toefl 700 1
20. Guru Sosiologi SMA S1 Kependidikan Sosiologi 6
21. Guru Praktikum /Laboran SMA S1 Kimia/S1 Biologi/ S1 Fisika 12
22. Guru Praktikum / Laboran SMP D3 Kimia/D3 Biologi/ D3 Fisika 6
23. Guru Kelas SD S1 PGSD / D2 PGSD (yang sudah S-1
Keguruan / sedang kuliah S1 PGSD) 53
Jumlah Tenaga Kependidikan 259
1. Dokter Spesialis Dokter Spesialis Rehab Medik 1
2. Dokter Umum Dokter Umum 13
3. Apoteker S1-Farmasi + Profesi Apoteker 2
4. Asisten Apoteker D3-Farmasi 11
5. Analis Farmasi/ Pengawas Farmasi &
makanan D3 AKAFARMA 1
6. Pranata Laboratorium D3-Analis Kesehatan 4
7. Bidan D3-Kebidanan 3
8. Fisioterapis D3-Fisioterapi 2
9. Fisioterapis (Akupuntur) D3 Akupuntur 1
10. Nutrisionis D3-Gizi 3
11. Perawat D3-Keperawatan 26
12. Perawat Anestesi D3 Perawat Anestesi 2
13. Perekam Medik D3-Perekam Medik 1
14. Teknisi Elektro Medis D3 Elektro Medis 1
15. Radiografer D3-Radiografi 1
16. Sanitarian D3-Kesehatan Lingkungan 2
17. Pengimunisasi SMA IPA 5
Jumlah Tenaga Kesehatan 79
1. Arsitek S1 Arsitektur 1
2. Pengawas Bangunan (Ahli) S1-Teknik Sipil 1
3. Pengawas Bangunan (Terampil) D3 Teknik Sipil 1
4. Teknisi Listrik D3 Teknik Listrik 2
5. Programer Komputer S1 Informatika 2
6. Pranata Komputer D3-Komputer 3
7. Penata Laporan Keuangan S1 Akutansi 2
8. Verifikator Keuangan D3-Akuntansi 3
9. Analis Potensi Pengembangan
Kewirausahaan S1 Ekonomi Manajemen 2
10. Perencana S1 Planologi 1
11. Surveyor Pemetaan S1 Teknik Geologi 1
12. Pengatur Sistem Transportasi Darat D3 LLAJ 1
13. Penguji Kendaraan Bermotor D2 PKB 1
14. Mantri Pertanian D3 Pertanian 1
15. Mantri Perikanan D3 Perikanan 1
16. Mantri Peternakan D3 Kehewanan/Peternakan 1
17. Pengawas Teknis Laboratorium
Perikanan S1 Teknik Kimia 1
18. Instruktur / Pengawas Perusahaan
(Industri) S1 Teknik Industri 1
19. Instruktur/Pengawas Perusahaan
(Mesin) S1 Teknik Mesin 1
20. Perantara Hubungan Industrial S1 Hukum 1
21. Perancang Peraturan Perundangan S1-Hukum 1
22. Penera D3 Teknik Industri 1
Jumlah Tenaga Teknis 30
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia, bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa ,
setia dan taat kepada Pancasila, UUD 1945, dan memiliki integritas yang tinggi
terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia ;
2. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan
putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap;
3. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri sebagai
PNS atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri atau Pegawai Swasta ;
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Pegawai Negeri ;
5. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Kabupaten Sidoarjo yang ditentukan
oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten.
6. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai anggota dan/atau pengurus partai politik ;
7. Tidak sedang menjadi isteri kedua dan seterusnya dengan seorang laki-laki atau
tidak sedang mempunyai isteri kedua dan seterusnya dengan seorang wanita *)
8. Jika diangkat sebagai CPNS Pemkab Sidoarjo sanggup untuk tidak pindah keluar
daerah minimal 5 (lima) tahun sejak diangkat sebagai CPNS.
9. Sehat jasmani dan rokhani dan tidak mengkonsumsi narkoba
1. Memiliki kompetensi pendidikan yang sesuai dipersyaratkan (Surat Keterangan
Lulus/Ijazah Sementara tidak dapat diterima), dengan ketentuan :
a. Ijazah dari sekolah/perguruan tinggi luar negeri, harus telah mendapatkan
pengesahan atau penyetaraan dari Panitia Penilaian Ijazah Luar Negeri ;
b. Ijazah dari perguruan tinggi negeri dan swasta yang terakreditasi telah
mendapatkan pengesahan/dilegalisasi oleh universitas yang bersangkutan;
c. Untuk ijazah yang diperoleh dari perguruan tinggi swasta yang belum
terakreditasi harus menyertakan copy ijin penyelenggaraan dari Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional yang telah dilegalisir;
d. Khusus untuk PGSD sudah terakreditasi/mendapatkan ijin penyelenggaraan
dari Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
2. Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) untuk pendidikan tinggi minimal 2,5 sedangkan
untuk ijazah SMA nilai rata-rata minimal 7,5
3. Usia pada tanggal 1 Januari 2009 minimal adalah 18 tahun (lahir tanggal 1
Januari 1991 atau sebelumnya) dan usia maksimal sesuai ijazah dimiliki sebagai
berikut :
? Berijazah Spesialis : 40 tahun (lahir 1 Januari 1969 dan sesudahnya)
? Berijazah Sarjana : 35 tahun (lahir 1 Januari 1974 dan sesudahnya)
? Berijazah Diploma : 30 tahun (lahir 1 Januari 1979 dan sesudahnya)
? Berijazah SMA : 25 tahun (lahir 1 Januari 1984 dan sesudahnya)
Khusus untuk dokter spesialis yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun wajib
melampirkan bukti telah bekerja pada instansi pemerintah atau swasta berbadan
hukum yang menunjang kepentingan nasional minimal sejak tanggal 17 April
4. Khusus untuk guru mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris minimal harus memiliki TOEFL
700 (melampirkan sertifikat TOEFL)
5. Khusus untuk guru kelas (SD) yang berijazah D-2 PGSD harus melampirkan
surat keterangan sedang kuliah S-1 PGSD dari universitas yang bersangkutan
atau melampirkan ijazah S-1 Keguruan
I. Pendaftaran melalui Loket Kantor Pos dibuka tanggal 18 s.d. 28 Nopember
2008 (cap Pos)
? sebelum dan sesudah tanggal dimaksud dianggap tidak memenuhi syarat dan
tidak akan mendapatkan balasan dari Panitia
? Panitia tidak menerima pendaftaran secara langsung
II. Kelengkapan Administrasi
1. Pas foto terbaru berwarna ukuran 3 X 4 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar (belakang
foto ditulis nama, pendidikan, dan jabatan dilamar)
2. Foto copy KTP sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar
3. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri dengan tinta hitam di atas kertas folio
bergaris, ditujukan kepada Bupati Sidoarjo, dengan menyebutkan nama,
tempat/tanggal lahir, pendidikan, jabatan yang dilamar, serta alamat jelas yang
mudah dihubungi serta nomor telepon/HP (contoh terlampir)
4. Foto Copy Ijazah/STTB dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat yang
berwenang sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar .
5. Surat pernyataan memenuhi persyaratan umum dalam pelaksanaan penerimaan
CPNS Pemkab Sidoarjo Tahun 2008 bermaterai Rp. 6000,- sebanyak 1 (satu)
lembar diketik sesuai format (terlampir).
6. Amplop balasan (sampul standar ukuran 12 cm X 28 cm) ditempeli perangko
flate rate Rp. 4.000,- bertuliskan alamat panggilan pelamar dan nomor telepon
yang mudah dihubungi (bila ada). Bagi pelamar di luar Kabupaten Sidoarjo Untuk
kemudahan pengiriman balasan dapat menggunakan alamat korespendensi di
Wilayah Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Bila tidak ada perangko balasan dan alamat yang
ditulis pelamar pada sampul amplop balasan tidak jelas/susah dihubungi,
merupakan resiko pelamar.
Contoh amplop balasan
7. Semua persyaratan diklip, dimasukkan dalam Amplop Coklat besar (sampul
lamaran ukuran 24 cm X 35 cm) dikirim melalui loket Kantor Pos dengan
mengganti biaya pengiriman layanan Flate Rate pada pojok kiri atas ditulis
SIDOARJO, dengan alamat Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 1 Sidoarjo.
Contoh Amplop Lamaran
Perangko Rp. 4000
Flate rate
Jl. Dahlia No. 6 Sekardangan Sidoarjo
Telp. 8921308
Sidoarjo 61215
Pendidikan : DIII Rekam Medis
Jabatan : Perekam Medis
Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 1 Sidoarjo
Tanggal : 7-9 Desember 2008
Tempat :
a. Tenaga Kependidikan di Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Pahlawan No. 4 Sidoarjo
b. Tenaga Kesehatan di Dinas Kesehatan Jl. Mayjen Sungkono 46 Sidoarjo
c. Tenaga Teknis di Badan Kepegawaian Jl. Jakgung Suprapto 1 Sidoarjo
d. Kantor Pos Sidoarjo
1. Tanggal : 10 Desember 2008
2. Waktu : 07.00 WIB s.d selesai
3. Tempat : Sesuai tertera pada papan pengumuman
4. Materi Ujian Terdiri dari :
a. Test Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :
- Test Pengetahuan Umum (TPU),
- Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS)
- Test Skala Kematangan (TSK)
b. Test Kompetensi Bidang (TKB)
Disesuaikan dengan formasi jabatan atau pekerjaan
5. Kelengkapan yang dibawa :
a) Tanda peserta ujian
b) Pensil 2B
c) Karet Penghapus
d) Rautan Pensil
e) Alas untuk menulis
6. Pada saat pelaksanaan ujian tidak diperkenankan membawa alat komunikasi dalam
bentuk apapun.
Pengumuman hasil ujian tulis pada tanggal 15 s.d. 20 Desember 2008 dapat dilihat :
a. Tenaga Kependidikan : Dinas Pendidikan Jl. Pahlawan 4 Sidoarjo
b. Tenaga Kesehatan : Dinas Kesehatan Jl. Mayjen Sungkono 46 Sidoarjo
c. Tenaga Teknis : Badan Kepegawaian Jl. Jakgung Suprapto 1 Sidoarjo
d. Kantor Pos se-Kabupaten Sidoarjo
1. Panitia TIDAK MEMUNGUT BIAYA APAPUN dari peserta.
2. Pemkab Sidoarjo tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa
apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Pemkab Sidoarjo atau panitia,
sehingga pelamar diharapkan tidak melayani tawaran-tawaran untuk mempermudah
penerimaan sebagai CPNS Pemkab Sidoarjo.
3. Berkas lamaran yang sudah masuk menjadi milik Panitia ;
4. Pelamar yang telah dinyatakan lulus namun mengundurkan diri, tidak akan diterima
sebagai CPNS Pemkab Sidoarjo pada pengadaan pegawai baru pada tahun-tahun
5. Bagi pelamar yang terbukti memberi Keterangan PALSU dinyatakan TIDAK LULUS
6. Keputusan Panitia Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS tidak dapat diganggu gugat;
7. Informasi resmi mengenai penerimaan CPNS, diumumkan melalui Radio Siaran
Pemerintah Kabupaten (RSPK), situs Pemkab Sidoarjo dengan alamat Web Site atau
Contoh Surat Pernyataan dan Lampiran bisa dilihat attachment