PT Sika Indonesia , a worldwide leader in processing materials used in sealing, bonding, damping, reinforcing and protecting load-bearing structures in construction and industry, is urgently looking for: SALES ENGINEER FOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL (Code: SCM) Successful candidate will receive attractive remuneration package and company car. Please send your complete CV including a recent photograph and the expected salary not later than 15 December 2009 to: Personnel Department or by email to
Qualification :
PT Sika Indonesia
Jl. Raya Cibinong-Bekasi Km. 20,
Limusnunggal Cileungsi, Bogor 16820
Put the code “SCM” on the envelop or email subject.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
PT Sika Indonesia - Sales Engineer for Construction Material
PhD Scholarships Study of Regional Powers 2010/ 2011
PhD Scholarships, GIGA, Univ of Hamburg, Study of Regional Powers PhD Scholarships (8: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, University of Hamburg, Regional Powers JOB GUIDE NO.: GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - 8 Ph.D. scholarships at the Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers Location: Germany GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Universit Hamburg, Regional Powers Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers Fundamental shifts within the global and regional architecture of power are expected in the coming decades. However, the new global and regional configurations of the twenty-first century are currently only partially understood. The newly established Hamburg International Graduate School for the Study of Regional Powers analyzes the emerging power shifts among non-European regions and states, related conflicts with respect to regional leadership within these regions as well as competition for spheres of influence, and the global formation of governance structures among new regional powers and the “old” powers of the OECD world. Within the school, applications are being invited for 8 Ph.D. scholarships starting 1 April 2010, for a duration of three years. The programme is open to young academics in the fields of international relations/international political economy and comparative area studies. Applicants must have an excellent M.A. or equivalent degree in hand by the time of appointment. We strongly encourage young candidates from abroad to apply. Interested persons should send a letter of interest, their CV, an abstract and the table of contents of their M.A. thesis or diploma, a longer (max. 10 pages) outline of their planned Ph.D. project, copies of all relevant academic certificates (M.A., B.A., etc.), and two letters of recommendation to the following address: Regional Powers, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21, 20354 Hamburg The GIGA promotes gender equality and actively encourages applications from women. Among equally qualified applicants, women will receive preferential consideration in those areas in which they are underrepresented. Further particulars can be found at For informal inquiries, please contact PD Dr. Dirk Nabers (, Head of Research Programme 4: Power, Norms and Governance in International Relations Screening of applications will begin on 03 January 2010. Contact Info:
Novembefr 18, 2009
Institution Type: Other
Position Type: Doctoral Fellow
Submitted: Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Main Category: Area Studies/Ethnic Studies
Secondary Categories: Political Science/International Relations
Regional Powers
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
Neuer Jungfernstieg 21
20354 Hamburg

Swiss PhD Positions in Soil Environmental Chemistry
2 PhD Positions in Soil Environmental Chemistry We are inviting applications for two PhD student positions in the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics at ETH Zurich. The successful candidates will investigate the physicochemical structure and biogeochemical reactivity of nano-crystalline Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides formed in the presence of natural organic matter. In natural environments, the precipitation of Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides is often influenced by dissolved or particulate organic matter such as humic substances or polysaccharides originating from microorganisms and plants. We are seeking highly motivated candidates with a strong interest in detailed laboratory research. Previous experience in the fields of mineralogy/crystallography, microbiology, and inorganic chemistry would be beneficial. Applicants should hold a MSc degree (or equivalent) in soil chemistry, environmental geochemistry, mineralogy, microbiology or a related basic science discipline. Good knowledge of spoken and written English is essential. Female and male candidates are equally invited to apply. Employment will be according to standard regulations of ETH Zurich (funding secured for 3 years). Start from March 2010 or upon mutual agreement. Applicants should submit a letter of application, CV, statement of research interests, copy of certificates, and addresses of 2-3 potential referees to Prof. Ruben Kretzschmar, ETH Zurich, CHN F23.1, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland (paper copy by mail or single pdf-file by e-mail to For further details on the project please contact Dr. Christian Mikutta. Evaluation of applications will start 15.01.2010 until the positions are filled. More information on our research group can be found at
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
The structure and reactivity of such Fe(III)-precipitates containing significant amounts of organic carbon are of fundamental importance for understanding many biogeochemical processes, including contaminant behavior, carbon sequestration, weathering and soil formation. One subproject will focus on the molecular and microscopic level characterization of such precipitates and their interactions with trace metals in abiotic systems. In the other subproject we will study their dissolution behavior in abiotic and biotic systems using Shewanella and Geobacter strains, and track speciation changes of trace metals associated with these solids. Both students will apply state-of-the-art analytical techniques, including synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The two sub-projects will be strongly linked and international collaborations are planned.

Beasiswa S2 di Eropa: Master on Software Engineering by Erasmus Mundus Programmes
European Master on Software Engineering (EMSE)
This is a two years Master Programme on software construction organized by a consortium of 4 leading universities. This Programme belongs to the European uni0n Erasmus Mundus Programme, and it is the sole Erasmus Mundus Programme onSoftware Engineering.
Programme Objectives:
The objective of our `European Masters Course in Software Engineering` (EMSE) is to train software engineers to meet the requirements of international software practice today, offering them an inter-European study programme based on the coordination of the strengths of each of the partner institutions. The partners` institutions have strong relationships with European software companies that guarantee that students of this programme will be able to deal with industry`s current problems.
The EMSE surpasses existing SE postgraduate educational offers in different ways.
From a strategic point of view:
Enabling students to train in SE with some of the most outstanding European researchers.
Enabling students to get a broad view of software development in different European countries (note that the EMSE consortium is composed of countries from northern and southern Europe with a view to encouraging the integration of and acquaintance with their different cultures).
From a tactical point of view:
Providing students with broader educational opportunities than are offered by national masters programmes in the field.
Allowing students to gather expertise on different working strategies, providing them with two tutors from two different institutions of the consortium.
Defining a coordinated SE programme agreed by all partners of the consortium that will contribute to defining a `de facto` standard for graduate SE education in Europe.
The EMSE will provide students with a thorough education comprising both theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them to tackle and develop software solutions to many problems that they will come up against in their professional career.
Studying at least two universities in Europe (with English as the language of instruction, accompanying language classes in another European language) in multi-national groups will contribute to the student`s preparation for the increasing globalisation of software commerce and industry. The course also prepares the students for follow-up PhD studies provided by the participating partners and others.
Application Procedures:
Deadline is November 30th, 2009
Applications will be received ONLY through official Online Application Tool (
Please DO NOT send your application or any other documents by email or post. They will not be taken into account in the selection process.
More information, visit:

Master Programme in Early Childhood Education and Care
IMEC Erasmus Mundus Master Programme
IMEC Erasmus Mundus IMEC is a two-year international Master Programme (120 ECTS) in Early Childhood Education and Care. All students will follow a given structure, spending at least one semester at all three partner institutions.
IMEC is offered in cooperation between Oslo University College (Norway), University of Malta (Malta), and Dublin Institute of Technology (Ireland).
Learning objectives
1. To integrate research, professional development and policy at an advanced level within the field of early childhood education and care.
2. To gain knowledge of the tension between general policy targets, the increasing diversity of family structures and the need to strengthen children`s right as citizens.
3. To bridge the gap between quality provision and the lack of higher education and research within the field of early childhood education and care.
4. To explore the increasing pressure on early education and care systems arising from socio-economic and socio-cultural transformations, to focus not only on educational institutions but on children`s early learning in a broad variety of formal and informal learning contexts.
5. To foster critical awareness of cultural and individual diversity from a political and professional perspective.
The students will acquire a joint Master Degree (120 ECTS), recognized by the Consortium partners.
All applicants can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship.
For the year 2010-2012, there are 10 scholarships available for third country students, 8 scholarships for students from the EU/EEA-EFTA states and 2 scholarships for students from the area of Western Balkans and Turkey.
It is not possible to apply for a scholarship without a place on IMEC. Once you have been accepted to as a student on IMEC, the IMEC consortia will apply for a scholarship on your behalf.
Definition of eligible third-country applicants:
Citizens coming from all countries other than:
a) The 27 EU Member States (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, The UK)
b) The EEA-EFTA states (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
c) The candidate countries for accession to the EU (presently Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Turkey)
Applicants cannot have been residents of, or carried out their main activities (studies, work, etc.) in, any of the above countries for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years.
Application deadline:
Deadline for application is 15th of December 2009.
More information visit:

Full Scholarships Available for Graduate Study at MASDAR Institute in Abu Dhabi
The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world for its Fall 2010 intake. The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first carbon neutral, zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy. The Institute offers Masters and (in 2011) PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified students and provides scholarships to talented students who meet its high admission standards. For Fall 2010, the MASDAR Institute will offer seven 24-month Master of Science programs (coursework and thesis). Details of faculty profiles, current research, programs offered, course description, scholarships, and other information is available on the website at, including an online application module. Any questions about the Institute and scholarships may be directed to