Wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterIn/Research Assistant
Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Department of Economics, Austria
Job advertisement for a scientific assistant at master-degree level at the Department of Economics at Johannes-Kepler University Linz, Austria.
The Department of Economics at the University of Linz announces the availability of one full time position as graduate scientific assistant from October, 15th 2007 for a period of about 2 years under the disposition of the Austrian Employee Act (’Angestelltengesetz’).
Job Description: In the course of your dissertation you work together in a team on a research project in the area of applied industrial organisation.
Requirements: Master Degree in Economics or a comparable degree. Applicants with research interests in industrial economics and econometrics are preferred. Computer knowledge in the handling of large scale data (MySQL, PHP) is of advantage.
More information can be requested from a. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Hackl, e-mail: franz.hackl @ jku.at, e-mail: franz.hackl @ jku.at, phone: ++43 70 2468-8333.
With regard to women’s advancement, we are an equal opportunity employer. We especially encourage applications from female candidates.
Applicants are asked to address their applications to franz.hackl @ jku.at or Franz Hackl, Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Universität Linz, 4040 Linz/Auhof, Austria.
Application has to be received by 15. October 2007.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Research Assistant , Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Department of Economics, Austria (Austria)
10:14 AM
