PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics
The Department of Economics invites applications for two vacant PhD scholarships within the following research areas:
1. Corporate governance/corporate finance (one scholarship)
2. Energy economics (one scholarship)
The scholarships within corporate governance/finance and energy economics are related to specific grants from the Danish Social Science Research Council. The scholarship on corporate governance/finance is embedded in a research project entitled “Families and Firms: The impact of family risk and organization on the governance of closely held corporations”, directed by Prof. Morten Bennedsen ( @
The scholarship on energy economics is embedded in a research project entitled “Risky Power: Choice of technology, security of supply, and market power in power markets”, directed by Prof. Peter Møllgaard ( @ Both projects are described in some detail at the department’s home page (“Research Projects”).
Application deadline: 12 October 2007 at 12:00 noon.
For further information please contact: Patrick S. Gram, tel.: +45 3815 2578, e-mail @ Information about the department may be found at
Salary and appointment as a PhD student will be in accordance with the Ministry of Finance’s agreement with the Central Academic Organisation.
Please find the full announcement on
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Application has to be received by 12. October 2007.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
PhD scholarships at the Department of Economics Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
1:40 PM
