PhD Studentship School of Human and Health Sciences, Department of Adult and Children’s Nursing Studies
Student Bursary: £12,600 (increasing for subsequent years in line with Research Council Stipend Level).
We are seeking to appoint a PhD student* who will be based partly in Leeds and partly in Huddersfield [local travel expenses between the two will be paid] for a three year jointly funded university and NHS project.
The successful candidate will work closely with NHS and University staff to develop structures/methodologies for the transition of real patient’s case notes to coded exemplars capable of supporting technologist developing key elements of the Electronic Patient Record; part of the NHS Documentation for Health initiative. Publication of agreed methodologies to the Messaging Infrastructure Manual is a key deliverable for the project that must be met to agreed deadlines.
The successful candidate with the support of a supervisory team will take the lead in exploring how need in the health care domain translates to a technological solution. In particular, how do health workers and technologists communicate? How can this process be enhanced? What are the barriers to communication? It is envisaged that the PhD will involve applying both quantitative and qualitative methodologies to the research problem.
Generally, applicants are expected to possess a good Honours degree (normally 2:1 or above) in computer science, computer engineering, informatics or other computer-related subjects from an approved degree-awarding body, or have a good Honours degree in any health related subject together with skills and relevant experience in a computer-related area such as computer programming or information systems.
Well developed verbal and written communication skills are a key requirement. International students whose first language or language of instruction is not English must have also passed an English Language qualification TOEFL – (550 score minimum) and IELTS (6 minimum), or 250 for the computer-based test or above will be considered acceptable
Informal enquires may be made to Keith Ward on 01484 47 or by email to
k.ward @
For further information and application form visit
Closing date for application *Friday 19th October 2007*
Interview: *Week commencing 19th November*
*subject to final approval of expected funding
Sunday, September 23, 2007
PhD Studentship in Health Informatics - University of Huddersfield
1:37 PM
