The Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials at AIST, Japan invites highly-motivated applicants from various research backgrounds for post-doctoral positions to work on the development of nanotechnology, nanomaterials, and nanodevices. Led by Prof. Sumio Iijima, recognized as the discoverer of carbon nanotubes (CNT), we have established ourselves as one of the world leaders in the hot field of carbon nanotube synthesis and applications.
The candidates are expected to contribute to our ongoing efforts based on our original "Super Growth CVD" (Science 2004) to develop rational synthetic approaches to ultimately grow carbon nanotubes with completely defined structures and explore their unique properties to develop innovative applications. We are leading several large government projects (until 2011) whose generous funding allows us to further expand our future research as well as to aim for the next big breakthrough. Furthermore, through our close relationship with companies, we are involved in both fundamental as well as industrial research in hopes of establishing a carbon nanotube industry.
Our facilities include six lab rooms, of which three are clean rooms fully-equipped with microprocessing systems, 11 automated CVD systems, etc for micro-processing, chemical processing and characterization.
Our lab is set within AIST, Tsukuba the largest government-funded research facility in Japan. Tsukuba is located approximately 30 miles outside of Tokyo (45 minutes by train). We are an international group, composed of people from Japan, America, Canada, France, and China. Therefore, we have the experience of foreign researchers joining our lab, as well as the AIST International Center which assists foreign researchers in various aspects of life in Japan.
Requirements: The position is one year, renewable. Applicants must have received their Ph.D. within seven years prior to application. Experience in chemical vapor deposition, field emission, chemistry, material science, electrochemistry are preferred, but not required.
Applications, including resume, publication list, and summary of research experience should be sent to:
Post-doctoral Position
Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials
Central 5, 1-1-1 Higashi
Tsukuba, Ibaraki305-8565
Email: nanocarbon-apply[at]
We encourage potential applicants to visit our group website at
the AIST website at
Review of applicants will begin immediately and continue until positions are filled. Potential candidates attending the MRS Fall meeting, Boston (Nov. 26-30, 2007) can arrange for an informal meeting with Dr. Hata.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Postdoctoral Positions - Nanotechnology, Research Center for Advanced Carbon Materials, Japan
10:29 PM
