The Chair of Modeling and Scientific Computing ( of the Ecole Polythecnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) seeks a PhD student. Fundings are provided for a three years project.
The candidate should be familiar with the Finite Element Method for the solution of PDEs and to have C/C++ programming skills. The area of research will be fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The PhD will be carried out under the supervision of Alfio Quarteroni in the framework of the Doctoral School in Mathematics ( The candidate will have to participate to the teaching activities of the group. The official language of the doctoral school is English, while teaching duties will be in French.
The position is expected to be filled before January 1st 2008.
Application (including curriculum vitae and a statement of interest) and inquiries should be directed to:
Simone Deparis (simone.deparis[ at ]
EPFL is committed to balance genders and most strongly encourages qualified women to apply.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
PhD Position in Scientific computing at EPFL, Switzerland
10:18 PM
