ENS Cachan International Scholarship Programme
1) The Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENS de Cachan) has implemented a ScholarshipProgramme aimed at foreign students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their latest diploma outside of France.
2) This programme is aimed at students wishing to apply for a second year Research Master (RM2) or for a PhD in order to follow or pursue their research training in one of the departments or laboratories of the ENS de Cachan. Priority is given to students who wish to undertake a complete second year of Research Master or a joint PhD (“cotutelle”).
3) The grant amounts to 1000 euros/month.
4) These grants are awarded for a minimum period of one semester (six months) and a maximum period of 12 months not renewable*.
Grants at the Master level:
· Grants are awarded for a period of 10 months to students applying for a whole academic year to
carry out a Research Master (RM2). All ENS de Cachan master programmes are concerned,
except the Design master programme and the Economics and Management master programme.
· Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester of study or
Grants at the PhD level:
· Grants are awarded for a period of 12 months to students applying for a whole academic year to carry out research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research laboratories are concerned.
· Grants are awarded for a period of 6 months to students applying for one semester to carry out research in one of the ENS de Cachan laboratories. All ENS de Cachan research laboratories are concerned.
· In some case, especially for joint PhDs, 12 month grants may be awarded, upon decision of the jury, for two 6 month periods running through two consecutive academic years.
Candidates are required to send by e-mail (preferably) or by regular mail their application file, composed of:
• a letter of intention, specifying at the RM2 level the choice of Master and/or research training in alaboratory, at the PhD level the choice of laboratory and research project
• a detailed CV retracing the academic career with the course programme followed and the results (rankand marks) since entry at university
Application deadline: January 31st, 2009
Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
Relations internationales
61, Avenue du Président Wilson
94235 Cachan cedex – France
E-mail: bourse.internationale@ens-cachan.fr
Click here for further Scholarship Information and Application form
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Masters PhD International Scholarship Programme
10:49 PM
