Shell Centenary Scholarships and Shell Centenary Chevening Scholarships
Imperial College London
Scholarship Application Form
A scholarship application should accompany, or follow, a University Graduate Entry Application.
A scholarship application will not be considered unless and until the applicant has received an offer from Imperial College London to undertake an eligible programme of postgraduate study by 31st
March 2009 (an application for academic admission must have been made by 31st January 2009).
Applicants must personally complete this form by entering the information requested in the appropriate blocks.
A fully-completed scholarship application form must reach the University by 1 March 2009.
Applicants should normally be:
* aged 35 or under
* nationals of and resident in any country other than Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States and intending to return and take up permanent residence there after completion of the proposed programme of study
* intending to study a subject that will be of significant value in aiding the sustainable development of their home country
* of outstanding academic ability, e.g. have obtained a degree equivalent to a first class honours degree at a British university
* fluent in spoken and written English
* neither a current nor former employee of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of Companies
It is the intention that the scholarships be widely geographically distributed. In each year a large number of countries will be represented. Scholarships will be awarded to those academically qualified applicants thought best able to contribute to the development of their home country by becoming leaders, decision-makers or opinion-formers. Preference will be given to those who have not yet had the opportunity to study in the UK and NL.
Each scholarship will cover tuition, accommodation, maintenance cost and a return airfare for the scholarship holder only.
Please note that an applicant must have met all the conditions for academic entry, including the university’s English language requirements before they can compete for a scholarship.
A fully-completed Scholarship Application Form must reach the University by 1st March at
the latest.
Applications should be returned electronically to or sent to:
Scholarships Section, Registry
Imperial College London
Level 3 Sherfield Building
South Kensington Campus
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Shell Centenary Scholarship Fund 2009
10:52 PM
