Postgraduate Studentships
Arts and Humanities
Faculty of Arts
The University of Glasgow will be offering postgraduate studentships in a wide range of subjects in the Arts and Humanities for studies at Masters and Doctoral level commencing in October 2009. These include Faculty Scholarships and Overseas Research Student (ORS) Awards. In some subject areas within the Arts Faculty (indicated below), ESRC quota studentships are also available.
We have submitted a proposal for a significant number of AHRC awards to be made through the new Block Grant Partnership scheme, and the results of this proposal will be announced in February. We have proposed awards at both Masters and Doctoral level in the following sixteen areas within the AHRC subject domain.
* Archaeology
* Celtic Studies
* Classics and Ancient History
* Creative Writing
* Cultural Studies (including Human and Cultural Geography, and subjects in Law, Social Science and Education which fall within the AHRC subject domain)
* Dance, Drama and Performing Arts
* English Language and Literature (including Scottish Literature; some topics in English Language and Linguistics also eligible for ESRC studentships)
* European Language and Culture (including German, Hispanic, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech)
* Film Studies and Television Studies
* French Language and Culture
* History (some topics in Economic and Social History also eligible for ESRC studentships)
* History of Art, Architecture and Design
* Librarianship, Archives, Record Management and Information Science
* Music
* Philosophy
* Religious Studies
Potential applicants are advised to consult the AHRC Guidelines on Postgraduate Funding Opportunities for information on the Block Grant Partnership Scheme, on the AHRC subject domains, and on academic and residency criteria:
Applicants are strongly advised to consult the appropriate Departmental pages on the Glasgow University website for information on the research and teaching strengths of Departments and Centres:
Where appropriate, interdisciplinary applications are encouraged. Applicants may also wish to consult the Arts and Humanities Graduate School website at
AHRC/ESRC Studentships are funded at the UK Research Council rate. A ‘full’ studentship is offered to those meeting UK residency criteria and covers all postgraduate fees and a maintenance allowance. Applications for part-time study will be considered. EU nationals resident in the EU/EEA may be eligible for a “fees-only” studentship. Applicants should complete the Graduate Admission application form which is available at
Applicants for studentship awards should tick the appropriate box on the front page of the application form. The applicant’s prospective department(s) will assess the application.
Current University of Glasgow Doctoral students applying for funding for 2nd/3rd year(s) of study should complete a Scholarship application form which is available at
The closing date for receipt of applications from overseas students for ORS awards is Friday 30 January 2009. The closing date for receipt of all other applications for 2009 studentships is Monday 16 February 2009. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Postgraduate Studentships in Arts and Humanities - University of Glasgow
6:31 AM
